975 resultados para contaminated water


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Leptospirosis is a globally important zoonotic infection caused by spirochaetes of the genus Leptospira. It is transmitted to humans by direct contact with infected animals or indirectly via contaminated water. It is mainly a problem of the resource-poor developing countries of the tropical and sub-tropical regions of the world but outbreaks due to an increase in travel and recreational activities have been reported in developed and more industrialized areas of the world. Current methods of diagnosis are costly, time-consuming and require the use of specialized laboratory equipment and personnel. The purpose of this paper is to report the validation of the 'Leptorapide®' test (Linnodee Ltd, Northern Ireland) for the diagnosis of human leptospirosis. It is a simple one-step latex agglutination assay performed using equal volumes of serum sample and antigen-bound latex beads. Evidence of leptospiral antibodies is determined within minutes. Agglutination is scored on a scale of 1-5 and the results interpreted using a score card provided with the kit. Validation has been performed with a large sample size obtained from individuals originating from various parts of the world including Brazil and India. The test has shown sensitivity and specificity values of 97·1% and 94·0%, respectively, relative to the microscopic agglutination test. The results demonstrate that Leptorapide offers a cost-effective and accurate alternative to the more historical methods of antibody detection.


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A ilha de Santiago é a maior do arquipélago de Cabo Verde, apresenta uma área de 991 km2, com um comprimento e largura máximos de 54,9 km e 29 km, respectivamente, e 1392 m de maior altitude. As condições climáticas e a erosão são alguns dos problemas naturais do arquipélago de Cabo Verde. Além disso, a intervenção humana no ambiente superficial revela-se muitas vezes inadequada e com forte impacto. A construção em solos com aptidão agrícola ou florestal, as actividades industriais, a deposição de materiais sólidos ou líquidos de forma inadequada, as práticas agrícolas incorrectas e intensivas, o uso abusivo de pesticidas e fertilizantes, a rega com água contaminada, a sobreexploração de aquíferos que levam muitas vezes à salinização, etc. têm enorme impacto em termos de contaminação de solos, águas superficiais e subterrâneas nas áreas envolventes. Por conseguinte, o conhecimento da variabilidade geoquímica natural é fundamental para a resolução de questões de índole económica, ambiental e de ordenamento do território, médica, e jurídica. A necessidade de construir uma base de dados de geoquímica georeferenciada que caracterize o ambiente superficial da ilha de Santiago foi a principal motivação para a realização deste estudo. Realizou-se um levantamento geoquímico de 337 amostras de sedimentos de corrente e 249 amostras de solos na ilha de Santiago, tendo sido seguidas as recomendações do Projecto Internacional IGCP 259 não só na fase de amostragem, mas também nas fases seguintes de preparação, análise, tratamento dos dados e elaboração de mapas. Determinaram-se os teores, na fracção < 2 mm, para 36 elementos – 9 elementos maiores (Al, Ca, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, Na, P, Ti) e 27 elementos vestigiais (Ag, As, Au, B, Ba, Bi, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Ga, Hg, La, Mo, Ni, Pb, S, Sb, Sc, Se, Sr, Th, Tl, U, V, W, Zn). Efectuou-se ainda a análise textural e estudou-se a composição mineralógica de cerca de 25% das amostras. Analisaram-se, também, 103 amostras de rochas, colhidas nas várias formações da ilha de Santiago, tendo sido determinados os teores de K2O, Na2O, Fe2O3(T), MnO, Sc, Cr, Co, Zn, Ga, As, Br, Rb, Zr, Sb, Cs, Ba, Hf, Ta, W, Th e U e REE, a fim de se fazer uma comparação com os teores destes elementos encontrados nos solos e sedimentos de corrente, averiguando se a sua variação é ou não essencialmente condicionada pela geoquímica da rocha-mãe. Os padrões geoquímicos obtidos através dos mapas de distribuição espacial foram correlacionados com a natureza da rocha mãe, o tipo de solo, e ainda com algumas fontes de contaminação. A interpretação dos resultados foi realizada não só pela observação dos mapas geoquímicos, mas também após análise estatística dos conjuntos de dados obtidos, e apoiada em informação diversa disponível. A utilização da Análise de Componentes Principais permitiu distinguir associações entre elementos químicos, quer de origem geogénica quer antropogénica. Foram ainda elaborados mapas de distribuição espacial de vários índices multielementares de importância ambiental, como o Índice de Acidificação Al/(Ca+Mg+K), Índice de Combi, Índice de Avaliação de Risco Ambiental e Índices de Enriquecimento/Contaminação para vários grupos de elementos considerados como “primary pollutant metals”.


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Os riscos dos resíduos provenientes da extração do urânio estão associados ao seu conteúdo em metais e radionuclídeos, o que levanta preocupações às autoridades governamentais e à população em geral. As populações humanas e outras espécies animais que vivem em zonas de exploração de urânio poderão estar expostas à radiação através de resíduos e poeiras radioactivase também através de água e alimentos contaminados. A determinação dos riscos deste tipo de contaminantes é feita, principalmente, através da análise química de amostras ambientais, dando-se menos importância à determinação de efeitos biológicos. A determinação de efeitos biológicos causados pela exposição a poluentes, tem-se revelado muito importante para uma avaliação da qualidade ambiental, de modo a providenciar indicações acerca dos efeitos negativos nos seres vivos e também para complementar a informação dada pelas análises químicas de amostras ambientais. Este facto levou ao estabelecimento de biomarcadores, que consistem em respostas biológicas adversas que são específicas de uma exposição a toxinas ambientais, para serem usadas como ferramentas de avaliação da qualidade ambiental. Neste trabalho foram analisadas respostas a nível molecular e celular, em minhocas, ratinhos do campo e humanos, a fim de determinar o risco químico e radiológico dos resíduos provenientes da mina de urânio da Cunha Baixa. Este trabalho teve também como objectivo a clarificação das respostas subjacentes à exposição a metais e radionuclídeos, a fim de permitir o desenvolvimento de potenciais novos biomarcadores moleculares. Durante este trabalho foram efectuados ensaios com minhocas, em que estas foram expostas durante 56 dias a solo contaminado proveniente da mina de urânio da Cunha Baixa, em laboratório e in situ. Durante a exposição foram analisados vários parâmetros, como o crescimento, reprodução, bioacumulação de metais e radionuclídeos, histopatologia, danos no DNA, citotoxicidade e perfil de expressão genética. Para além disso, foram amostrados ratinhos do campo na mina de urânio da Cunha Baixa e numa área de referência para determinação de danos no DNA, níveis de expressão e mutações em genes supressores de tumores e também bioacumulação de metais. Por fim, foram recolhidas amostras de sangue em voluntários saudáveis pertencentes à população da aldeia da Cunha Baixa, para determinação de danos no DNA, imunofenotipagem e quantificação de metais no sangue. Os resultados revelaram que as minhocas assim como os ratinhos do campo foram negativamente afetados pela exposição aos resíduos mineiros em todos os níveis de organização biológica aqui analisados, o que faz destes organismos bons indicadores para a determinação do risco destas áreas contaminadas, evidenciando o potencial risco da exposição a estes contaminantes. Para além disso, o estudo feito à população da Cunha Baixa revelou danos no ADN e diminuição de populações importantes de células imunitárias (nomeadamente linfócitos T e NK), o que poderá resultar da exposição aos resíduos da mina, tornando as pessoas mais susceptíveis ao desenvolvimento de processos de carcinogénese. O presente estudo contribuiu significativamente para a caracterização dos riscos da exposição a resíduos provenientes de minas de urânio abandonadas, evidenciando os seus efeitos negativos a nível molecular e celular, que potencialmente poderão causar instabilidade genómica e aumentar o risco de desenvolvimento de doenças genéticas.


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Silver nanoparticles (AgNP) have been produced and applied in a variety of products ranging from personal care products to food package containers, clothing and medicine utilities. The antimicrobial function of AgNP makes it very useful to be applied for such purposes. Silver (Ag) is a non-essential metal for organisms, and it has been historically present in the environment at low concentrations. Those concentrations of silver increased in the last century due to the use of Ag in the photographic industry and lately are expected to increase due to the use of AgNPs in consumer products. The presence of AgNP in the aquatic environment may pose a risk for aquatic species, and the effects can vary from lethal to sublethal effects. Moreover, the contact of aquatic organisms with AgNP may not cause immediately the death of individuals but it can be accumulated inside the animals and consequently transferred within the food chain. Considering this, the objective of this work was to study the transfer of silver nanoparticles in comparison to silver ions, which was used as silver nitrate, within an aquatic food chain model. To achieve this goal, this study was divided into four steps: the toxicity assessment of AgNP and AgNO3 to aquatic test-species, the bioaccumulation assessment of AgNP and AgNO3 by Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata and Daphnia magna under different exposure scenarios, and finally the evaluation of the trophic transfer of Ag through an experimental design that included the goldfish Carassius auratus in a model trophic chain in which all the species were exposed to the worse-case scenario. We observed that the bioconcentration of Ag by P. subcapitata is mainly driven by ionic silver, and that algae cannot internalize these AgNPs, but it does internalizes dissolved Ag. Daphnia magna was exposed to AgNP and AgNO3 through different exposure routes: water, food and both water and food. The worse-case scenario for Daphnia Ag bioaccumulation was by the joint exposure of contaminated water and food, showing that Ag body burdens were higher for AgNPs than for AgNO3. Finally, by exposing C. auratus for 10 days through contaminated water and food (supplied as D. magna), with another 7 days of depuration phase, it was concluded that the 10 days of exposure were not enough for fish to reach a plateau on Ag internal concentration, and neither the 7 days of elimination were sufficient to cause total depuration of the accumulated Ag. Moreover, a higher concentration of Ag was found in the intestine of fish when compared with other organs, and the elimination rate constant of AgNP in the intestine was very low. Although a potential for trophic transfer of AgNP cannot be suggested based in the data acquired in this study, there is still a potential environmental risk for aquatic species.


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This work describes the synthesis of nanosized metal sulfides and respective SiO2 and/or TiO2 composites in high yield via a straightforward process, under ambient conditions (temperature and pressure), by adding to aqueous metals a nutrient solution containing biologically generated sulfide from sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB). The nanoparticles‘ (NPs) morphological properties were shown not to be markedly altered by the SRB growth media composition neither by the presence of bacterial cells. We further extended the work carried out, using the effluent of a bioremediation system previously established. The process results in the synthesis of added value products obtained from metal rich effluents, such as Acid Mine Drainage (AMD), when associated with the bioremediation process. Precipitation of metals using sulfide allows for the possibility of selective recovery, as different metal sulfides possess different solubilities. We have evaluated the selective precipitation of CuS, ZnS and FeS as nanosized metal sulfides. Again, we have also tested the precipitation of these metal sulfides in the presence of support structures, such as SiO2. Studies were carried out using both artificial and real solutions in a continuous bioremediation system. We found that this method allowed for a highly selective precipitation of copper and a lower selectivity in the precipitation of zinc and iron, though all metals were efficiently removed (>93% removal). This research has also demonstrated the potential of ZnS-TiO2 nanocomposites as catalysts in the photodegradation of organic pollutants using the cationic dye, Safranin-T, as a model contaminant. The influence of the catalyst amount, initial pH and dye concentration were also evaluated. Finally, the efficiency of the precipitates as catalysts in sunlight mediated photodegradation was investigated, using different volumes of dye-contaminated water (150 mL and 10 L). This work demonstrates that all tested composites have the potential to be used as photocatalysts for the degradation of Safranin-T.


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Water is a limited resource for which demand is growing. Contaminated water from inadequate wastewater treatment provides one of the greatest health challenges as it restricts development and increases poverty in emerging and developing countries. Therefore, the connection between wastewater and human health is linked to access to sanitation and to human waste disposal. Adequate sanitation is expected to create a barrier between disposed human excreta and sources of drinking water. Different approaches to wastewater management are required for different geographical regions and different stages of economic governance depending on the capacity to manage wastewater. Effective wastewater management can contribute to overcome the challenges of water scarcity. Separate collection of human urine at its source is one promising approach that strongly reduces the economic and load demands on wastewater treatment plants (WWTP). Treatment of source-separated urine appears as a sanitation system that is affordable, produces a valuable fertiliser, reduces pollution of water resources and promotes health. However, the technical realisation of urine separation still faces challenges. Biological hydrolysis of urea causes a strong increase of ammonia and pH. Under these conditions ammonia volatilises which can cause odour problems and significant nitrogen losses. The above problems can be avoided by urine stabilisation. Biological nitrification is a suitable process for stabilisation of urine. Urine is a highly concentrated nutrient solution which can lead to strong inhibition effects during bacterial nitrification. This can further lead to process instabilities. The major cause of instability is accumulation of the inhibitory intermediate compound nitrite, which could lead to process breakdown. Enhanced on-line nitrite monitoring can be applied in biological source-separated urine nitrification reactors as a sustainable and efficient way to improve the reactor performance, avoiding reactor failures and eventual loss of biological activity. Spectrophotometry appears as a promising candidate for the development and application of on-line nitrite monitoring. Spectroscopic methods together with chemometrics are presented in this work as a powerful tool for estimation of nitrite concentrations. Principal component regression (PCR) is applied for the estimation of nitrite concentrations using an immersible UV sensor and off-line spectra acquisition. The effect of particles and the effect of saturation, respectively, on the UV absorbance spectra are investigated. The analysis allows to conclude that (i) saturation has a substantial effect on nitrite estimation; (ii) particles appear to have less impact on nitrite estimation. In addition, improper mixing together with instabilities in the urine nitrification process appears to significantly reduce the performance of the estimation model.


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Avec la hausse mondiale de la fréquence des floraisons de cyanobactéries (CB), dont certaines produisent des cyanotoxines (CT), le développement d’une méthode de détection/quantification rapide d’un maximum de CT s’impose. Cette méthode permettrait de faire un suivi quotidien de la toxicité de plans d’eau contaminés par des CB et ainsi d’émettre rapidement des avis d’alerte appropriés afin de protéger la santé publique. Une nouvelle technologie utilisant la désorption thermique induite par diode laser (LDTD) couplée à l’ionisation chimique sous pression atmosphérique (APCI) et reliée à la spectrométrie de masse en tandem (MS/MS) a déjà fait ses preuves avec des temps d'analyse de l’ordre de quelques secondes. Les analytes sont désorbés par la LDTD, ionisés en phase gazeuse par APCI et détectés par la MS/MS. Il n’y a donc pas de séparation chromatographique, et la préparation de l’échantillon avant l’analyse est minimale selon la complexité de la matrice contenant les analytes. Parmi les quatre CT testées (microcystine-LR, cylindrospermopsine, saxitoxine et anatoxine-a (ANA-a)), seule l’ANA-a a généré une désorption significative nécessaire au développement d’une méthode analytique avec l’interface LDTD-APCI. La forte polarité ou le poids moléculaire élevé des autres CT empêche probablement leur désorption. L’optimisation des paramètres instrumentaux, tout en tenant compte de l’interférence isobarique de l’acide aminé phénylalanine (PHE) lors de la détection de l’ANA-a par MS/MS, a généré une limite de détection d’ANA-a de l’ordre de 1 ug/L. Celle-ci a été évaluée à partir d’une matrice apparentée à une matrice réelle, démontrant qu’il serait possible d’utiliser la LDTD pour effectuer le suivi de l’ANA-a dans les eaux naturelles selon les normes environnementales applicables (1 à 12 ug/L). Il a été possible d’éviter l’interférence isobarique de la PHE en raison de sa très faible désorption avec l’interface LDTD-APCI. En effet, il a été démontré qu’une concentration aussi élevée que 500 ug/L de PHE ne causait aucune interférence sur le signal de l’ANA-a.


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On s’intéresse aux impacts des pesticides sur la microflore des plantes surtout dans le contexte des légumes contaminés par des agents pathogènes. Le but de cette étude est d'évaluer l'impact de certains pesticides sur la persistance de micro-organismes indicateurs et pathogènes. En laboratoire, la persistance d’E. coli et de Salmonella en présence de quatre pesticides (Ripcord 400EC, Copper 53W, Bioprotec CAF, Serenade MAX) a été étudiée. Les plaques de Pétrifilm et le milieu sélectif XLD sont utilisés pour énumérer les populations d’E. coli et de Salmonella. Il a été démontré que le Serenade MAX favorisait la croissance microbienne, le Bioprotec CAF et le Ripcord 400EC soutenaient la survie microbienne et le Copper 53W inhibait la croissance, à la fois d’E. coli et de Salmonella. En conditions terrain, Ripcord 400EC, Copper 53W, Bioprotec CAF ont été étudiés sur une culture de brocoli irriguée avec de l'eau expérimentalement contaminée par E. coli. Dans tous les traitements, un impact de l’irrigation a été observé sur les populations de levures et de moisissures (diminution) et les bactéries aérobies totales (augmentation). Une prévalence supérieure d’E. coli a été observée dans les parcelles traitées avec le Bioprotec CAF comparativement aux traitements au Copper 53W, ce qui est en accord avec les résultats observés lors de l'essai en laboratoire. Cependant, l'analyse statistique n'a montré aucune différence significative entre les traitements appliqués. Les effets directs des pesticides sur les micro-organismes sont confirmés dans des conditions de laboratoire mais demeurent méconnus dans les conditions expérimentales au champ.


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Les cyanobactéries ont une place très importante dans les écosystèmes aquatiques et un nombre important d’espèces considéré comme nuisible de par leur production de métabolites toxiques. Ces cyanotoxines possèdent des propriétés très variées et ont souvent été associées à des épisodes d’empoisonnement. L’augmentation des épisodes d’efflorescence d’origine cyanobactériennes et le potentiel qu’ils augmentent avec les changements climatiques a renchéri l’intérêt de l’étude des cyanobactéries et de leurs toxines. Considérant la complexité chimique des cyanotoxines, le développement de méthodes de détection simples, sensibles et rapides est toujours considéré comme étant un défi analytique. Considérant ces défis, le développement de nouvelles approches analytiques pour la détection de cyanotoxines dans l’eau et les poissons ayant été contaminés par des efflorescences cyanobactériennes nuisibles a été proposé. Une première approche consiste en l’utilisation d’une extraction sur phase solide en ligne couplée à une chromatographie liquide et à une détection en spectrométrie de masse en tandem (SPE-LC-MS/MS) permettant l’analyse de six analogues de microcystines (MC), de l’anatoxine (ANA-a) et de la cylindrospermopsine (CYN). La méthode permet une analyse simple et rapide et ainsi que la séparation chromatographique d’ANA-a et de son interférence isobare, la phénylalanine. Les limites de détection obtenues se trouvaient entre 0,01 et 0,02 μg L-1 et des concentrations retrouvées dans des eaux de lacs du Québec se trouvaient entre 0,024 et 36 μg L-1. Une deuxième méthode a permis l’analyse du b-N-méthylamino-L-alanine (BMAA), d’ANA-a, de CYN et de la saxitoxine (STX) dans les eaux de lac contaminés. L’analyse de deux isomères de conformation du BMAA a été effectuée afin d’améliorer la sélectivité de la détection. L’utilisation d’une SPE manuelle permet la purification et préconcentration des échantillons et une dérivatisation à base de chlorure de dansyle permet une chromatographie simplifiée. L’analyse effectuée par LC couplée à la spectrométrie de masse à haute résolution (HRMS) et des limites de détections ont été obtenues entre 0,007 et 0,01 µg L-1. Des échantillons réels ont été analysés avec des concentrations entre 0,01 et 0,3 µg L-1 permettant ainsi la confirmation de la présence du BMAA dans les efflorescences de cyanobactéries au Québec. Un deuxième volet du projet consiste en l’utilisation d’une technologie d’introduction d’échantillon permettant des analyses ultra-rapides (< 15 secondes/échantillons) sans étape chromatographique, la désorption thermique à diode laser (LDTD) couplée à l’ionisation chimique à pression atmosphérique (APCI) et à la spectrométrie de masse (MS). Un premier projet consiste en l’analyse des MC totales par l’intermédiaire d’une oxydation de Lemieux permettant un bris de la molécule et obtenant une fraction commune aux multiples congénères existants des MC. Cette fraction, le MMPB, est analysée, après une extraction liquide-liquide, par LDTD-APCI-MS/MS. Une limite de détection de 0,2 µg L-1 a été obtenue et des concentrations entre 1 et 425 µg L-1 ont été trouvées dans des échantillons d’eau de lac contaminés du Québec. De plus, une analyse en parallèle avec des étalons pour divers congénères des MC a permis de suggérer la possible présence de congénères ou d’isomères non détectés. Un deuxième projet consiste en l’analyse directe d’ANA-a par LDTD-APCI-HRMS pour résoudre son interférence isobare, la phénylalanine, grâce à la détection à haute résolution. La LDTD n’offre pas de séparation chromatographique et l’utilisation de la HRMS permet de distinguer les signaux d’ANA-a de ceux de la phénylalanine. Une limite de détection de 0,2 µg L-1 a été obtenue et la méthode a été appliquée sur des échantillons réels d’eau avec un échantillon positif en ANA-a avec une concentration de 0,21 µg L-1. Finalement, à l’aide de la LDTD-APCI-HRMS, l’analyse des MC totales a été adaptée pour la chair de poisson afin de déterminer la fraction libre et liée des MC et comparer les résultats avec des analyses conventionnelles. L’utilisation d’une digestion par hydroxyde de sodium précédant l’oxydation de Lemieux suivi d’une purification par SPE a permis d’obtenir une limite de détection de 2,7 µg kg-1. Des échantillons de poissons contaminés ont été analysés, on a retrouvé des concentrations en MC totales de 2,9 et 13,2 µg kg-1 comparativement aux analyses usuelles qui avaient démontré un seul échantillon positif à 2 µg kg-1, indiquant la possible présence de MC non détectés en utilisant les méthodes conventionnelles.


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The term ‘water pollution’ broadly refers to the contamination of water and water bodies (e.g. lakes, rivers, oceans, groundwater etc). Water pollution occurs when pollutants are discharged directly or indirectly into water bodies without adequate treatment to remove the harmful contaminants. This affects not only the plants and organisms living in these bodies of water but also the entire natural biological communities and the biodiversity.Advanced Oxidation Processes (AOPs) have been tested as environment-friendly techniques for the treatment of contaminated water, in view of their ability to convert pollutants into harmless end products. These techniques refer to a set of treatment procedures designed to remove organic or inorganic contaminants in wastewater by oxidation. The contaminants are oxidized by different reagents such as air, oxygen, ozone, and hydrogen peroxide which are introduced in precise, preprogrammed dosages, sequences and combinations under appropriate conditions. The procedure when combined with light in presence of catalyst is known as photocatalysis. When ultrasound (US) is used as the energy source, the process is referred as sonication. Sonication in presence of catalyst is referred as sonocatalysis. Of late, combination of light and sound as energy sources has been tested for the decontamination of wastewater in the presence of suitable catalyst. In this case, the process is referred as sonophotocatalysis. These AOPs are specially advantageous in pollution control and waste water treatment because unlike many other technologies, they do not just transfer the pollutant from one phase to another but completely degrade them into innocuous substances such as CO2 and H2O.


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The University of Reading has conducted some preliminary work on the prevalence of Campylobacter spp., Salmonella spp. and Arenavirus in Norway rats trapped from farms and semi-urban areas in central southern England. Campylobacter is the cause of a notificable disease in the UK, with 57,772 cases reported for England and Wales in 2009. Transmission to humans is believed to be primarily through undercooked meat, from contaminated water, and through contact with pets; and symptoms include a high temperature, severe diarrhoea, vomiting and abdominal pain. Ninety-seven per-cent of sporadic cases have been attributed to farm animals, and in particular the meat and poultry industry. There are eighteen species of Campylobacter, eleven of which can be pathogenic to humans; although the principal species that cause gastrointestinal disease in humans are C. jejuni and C. coli; although C. lari, C. helveticus and C. upsaliensis are also involved. Salmonella species also causes a gastrointestinal disease, and in the UK, is common in chicken and has been linked to egg production. Species are typed using antigen specific agglutination tests, or by their susceptibility to specific bacteriophage. Some strains are known to be linked with human disease (eg. S. enteritidis PT4).


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Arsenic contaminated water from tube wells has become the major health problem threatening millions of people in Bangladesh. However, the arsenic (As) contaminated water is not just used for drinking, it is used to irrigate crops, and to wash and prepare food. Contamination of agricultural soils by long-term irrigation with As contaminated water can lead to contamination and phyto-accumulation of the food crops with As and other toxic metals. As a consequence, dietary exposure to As and other toxic metals may contribute substantially to the adverse health effects caused by the contaminated tube wells in Bangladesh. Various vegetables, rice, pulses and the grass pea were sampled in Samta village in the Jessore district of Bangladesh and screened for As, Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn by inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. These local food crops provide the majority of the nutritional intake of the people in this area and are of great importance to their overall health. In general, our data show the potential for some vegetables to accumulate heavy metals with concentrations of Pb greater than Cd. The concentrations of As and Cd were higher in vegetables than in rice and pulses. The concentration of Pb was generally higher in rice than in pulses and vegetables. However, some vegetables such as bottle ground leaf, ghotkol, taro, eddoe and elephant foot had much higher concentrations of Pb. Other leafy and root vegetables contained higher concentrations oJ2n and Cu. Rice grown at Samta had increased Pb and As, but, considering an average daily intake of only 260 g rice per person per day, only the Pb is at concentrations which would be a health hazard/or human consumption.


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Myths about invasive species are widespread in the general community, even when contrary to scientific evidence. Public revulsion against invasive cane toads (Bufo marinus) in Australia has encouraged the belief that toads pose a significant risk to domestic poultry, by poisoning fowls that eat toads or that drink water contaminated by toads. Although discredited by scientists in 1938, within 2 years of the toads’ introduction to Australia, the myth continues to flourish. We conducted experimental trials to evaluate the vulnerability of chickens to toad-contaminated water, and to toad ingestion. No ill effects were seen, with one chicken consuming 45 small toads without falling ill. Thus, available evidence suggests that cane toads do not imperil domestic poultry.


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Leptospirosis is a worldwide zoonosis of considerable medical and economical importance that affects humans in both urban and rural contexts, as well as domestic animals and wild fauna. Leptospira interrogans is the causative agent and is transmitted to humans by indirect contact with contaminated soil or water. The clinical syndromes include sub clinical infection, self-limited anicteric febrile illness, and severe and potentially fatal illness, known as Weil´s syndrome. In developed countries, leptospirosis is related to occupational or recreational activities while in developing countries, outbreaks occur during floods. In those regions, traditional strategies to prevent the transmission are difficulties to be implemented because of costs and lack of community acceptance. In addition, no efficient vaccine is available for human use. Several studies have suggested that chemoprophylaxis with doxycycline pre and post-exposure may be effective to prevent leptospirosis. Leptospirosis has been reported in rural areas of the State of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil since 1985 in rice farmers who present the anicteric illness. The disease cause great social and economics impact. The study was conducted in São Miguel where an epidemic of leptospirosis in rice farmers was reported. The main objective was to determine the efficacy of doxycycline in preventing Leptospira exposure. A taxa de soroprevalência de leptospirose na população estudada antes e após a colheita foi de 14,2% (n=22) e de 16.6% (n=27) respectivamente. Anti-Leptospira serology was determined for 61 subjects in two instances, pre and post-exposure to potential contaminated water. There was an increased risk of 29.0 per cent in acquiring infection for individuals that did not use doxycycline. In addition, an increased risk of 30.0 % observed in farmers who did not use protection when exposed to Leptospira. The adhesion to preventive chemoprophylaxis was 55.7%. Therefore doxycycline, under specific circunstances appears to be an effective alternative to protect against leptosprirosis infection. A large sample composed of individuals to adhere to preventive therapy is needed to define time, dosage and length of use of doxycycline in this area


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In the oil industry the mixture oil/water occurs in the operations of production, transportation and refining, as well as during the use of its derivatives. The amount of water produced associated with the oil varies and can reach values of 90% in volume in the case of mature phase of the production fields. The present work deals with the development of new design of the Mixer Settler based on Phase Inversion (MDIF) in a laboratory scale. We envisage this application in industrial scale so the phases of project, construction and operation are considered. The modifications most significant, in comparison with the original prototype, include the materials of construction and the substitution of the equipment used in the mixing stage of the process. It was tested the viability of substitution of the original system of mechanical mixing by a static mixer. A statistical treatment by means of an experimental design of composed central type was used in order to evaluate the behavior of the main variables of the separation process as function of the efficiency of separation for the new device. This procedure is useful to delimit an optimal region of operation with the equipment. The variables of process considered on the experimental design were: oil concentration in the feeding water (mg/L); Total volumetric flow rate (L/h); Ratio organic/water on volumetric basis (O/A). The separation efficiency is calculated by comparison of the content of oil and greases in the inlet and outlet of the equipment. For determination of TOG (Total Oil and Grease), the method used was based in the absorption of radiation in the infra-red region. The equipment used for these determinations was InfraCal® TOG/TPH Model HATR-T2 of the Wilks Enterprise, Incorporation. It´s important to stand out that this method of measure has being used by PETROBRAS S.A. Results of global efficiency of separation oil/water varied from 75.3 to 97.7% for contaminated waters containing up to 1664,1 mg/L of oil. By means of tests carried out with a real sample of contaminated water supplied by PETROBRAS we have got an effluent specified in terms of the legal standards required for discharging. Thus, the new design of equipment constitutes a real alternative for the conventional systems of treatment of produced water in the oil industry