973 resultados para constitutive model
This thesis reports a study on the seismic response of two-dimensional squat elements and their effect on the behavior of building structures. Part A is devoted to the study of unreinforced masonry infills, while part B is focused on reinforced concrete sandwich walls. Part A begins with a comprehensive review of modelling techniques and code provisions for infilled frame structures. Then state-of-the practice techniques are applied for a real case to test the ability of actual modeling techniques to reproduce observed behaviors. The first developments towards a seismic-resistant masonry infill system are presented. Preliminary design recommendations for the seismic design of the seismic-resistant masonry infill are finally provided. Part B is focused on the seismic behavior of a specific reinforced concrete sandwich panel system. First, the results of in-plane psuudostatic cyclic tests are described. Refinements to the conventional modified compression field theory are introduced in order to better simulate the monotonic envelope of the cyclic response. The refinements deal with the constitutive model for the shotcrete in tension and the embedded bars. Then the hysteretic response of the panels is studied according to a continuum damage model. Damage state limits are identified. Design recommendations for the seismic design of the studied reinforced concrete sandwich walls are finally provided.
This work illustrates a soil-tunnel-structure interaction study performed by an integrated,geotechnical and structural,approach based on 3D finite element analyses and validated against experimental observations.The study aims at analysing the response of reinforced concrete framed buildings on discrete foundations in interaction with metro lines.It refers to the case of the twin tunnels of the Milan (Italy) metro line 5,recently built in coarse grained materials using EPB machines,for which subsidence measurements collected along ground and building sections during tunnelling were available.Settlements measured under freefield conditions are firstly back interpreted using Gaussian empirical predictions. Then,the in situ measurements’ analysis is extended to include the evolving response of a 9 storey reinforced concrete building while being undercrossed by the metro line.In the finite element study,the soil mechanical behaviour is described using an advanced constitutive model. This latter,when combined with a proper simulation of the excavation process, proves to realistically reproduce the subsidence profiles under free field conditions and to capture the interaction phenomena occurring between the twin tunnels during the excavation. Furthermore, when the numerical model is extended to include the building, schematised in a detailed manner, the results are in good agreement with the monitoring data for different stages of the twin tunnelling. Thus, they indirectly confirm the satisfactory performance of the adopted numerical approach which also allows a direct evaluation of the structural response as an outcome of the analysis. Further analyses are also carried out modelling the building with different levels of detail. The results highlight that, in this case, the simplified approach based on the equivalent plate schematisation is inadequate to capture the real tunnelling induced displacement field. The overall behaviour of the system proves to be mainly influenced by the buried portion of the building which plays an essential role in the interaction mechanism, due to its high stiffness.
Osteoporosis-related vertebral fractures represent a major health problem in elderly populations. Such fractures can often only be diagnosed after a substantial deformation history of the vertebral body. Therefore, it remains a challenge for clinicians to distinguish between stable and progressive potentially harmful fractures. Accordingly, novel criteria for selection of the appropriate conservative or surgical treatment are urgently needed. Computer tomography-based finite element analysis is an increasingly accepted method to predict the quasi-static vertebral strength and to follow up this small strain property longitudinally in time. A recent development in constitutive modeling allows us to simulate strain localization and densification in trabecular bone under large compressive strains without mesh dependence. The aim of this work was to validate this recently developed constitutive model of trabecular bone for the prediction of strain localization and densification in the human vertebral body subjected to large compressive deformation. A custom-made stepwise loading device mounted in a high resolution peripheral computer tomography system was used to describe the progressive collapse of 13 human vertebrae under axial compression. Continuum finite element analyses of the 13 compression tests were realized and the zones of high volumetric strain were compared with the experiments. A fair qualitative correspondence of the strain localization zone between the experiment and finite element analysis was achieved in 9 out of 13 tests and significant correlations of the volumetric strains were obtained throughout the range of applied axial compression. Interestingly, the stepwise propagating localization zones in trabecular bone converged to the buckling locations in the cortical shell. While the adopted continuum finite element approach still suffers from several limitations, these encouraging preliminary results towardsthe prediction of extended vertebral collapse may help in assessing fracture stability in future work.
Aging societies suffer from an increasing incidence of bone fractures. Bone strength depends on the amount of mineral measured by clinical densitometry, but also on the micromechanical properties of the bone hierarchical organization. A good understanding has been reached for elastic properties on several length scales, but up to now there is a lack of reliable postyield data on the lower length scales. In order to be able to describe the behavior of bone at the microscale, an anisotropic elastic-viscoplastic damage model was developed using an eccentric generalized Hill criterion and nonlinear isotropic hardening. The model was implemented as a user subroutine in Abaqus and verified using single element tests. A FE simulation of microindentation in lamellar bone was finally performed show-ing that the new constitutive model can capture the main characteristics of the indentation response of bone. As the generalized Hill criterion is limited to elliptical and cylindrical yield surfaces and the correct shape for bone is not known, a new yield surface was developed that takes any convex quadratic shape. The main advantage is that in the case of material identification the shape of the yield surface does not have to be anticipated but a minimization results in the optimal shape among all convex quadrics. The generality of the formulation was demonstrated by showing its degeneration to classical yield surfaces. Also, existing yield criteria for bone at multiple length scales were converted to the quadric formulation. Then, a computational study to determine the influence of yield surface shape and damage on the in-dentation response of bone using spherical and conical tips was performed. The constitutive model was adapted to the quadric criterion and yield surface shape and critical damage were varied. They were shown to have a major impact on the indentation curves. Their influence on indentation modulus, hardness, their ratio as well as the elastic to total work ratio were found to be very well described by multilinear regressions for both tip shapes. For conical tips, indentation depth was not a significant fac-tor, while for spherical tips damage was insignificant. All inverse methods based on microindentation suffer from a lack of uniqueness of the found material properties in the case of nonlinear material behavior. Therefore, monotonic and cyclic micropillar com-pression tests in a scanning electron microscope allowing a straightforward interpretation comple-mented by microindentation and macroscopic uniaxial compression tests were performed on dry ovine bone to identify modulus, yield stress, plastic deformation, damage accumulation and failure mecha-nisms. While the elastic properties were highly consistent, the postyield deformation and failure mech-anisms differed between the two length scales. A majority of the micropillars showed a ductile behavior with strain hardening until failure by localization in a slip plane, while the macroscopic samples failed in a quasi-brittle fashion with microcracks coalescing into macroscopic failure surfaces. In agreement with a proposed rheological model, these experiments illustrate a transition from a ductile mechanical behavior of bone at the microscale to a quasi-brittle response driven by the growth of preexisting cracks along interfaces or in the vicinity of pores at the macroscale. Subsequently, a study was undertaken to quantify the topological variability of indentations in bone and examine its relationship with mechanical properties. Indentations were performed in dry human and ovine bone in axial and transverse directions and their topography measured by AFM. Statistical shape modeling of the residual imprint allowed to define a mean shape and describe the variability with 21 principal components related to imprint depth, surface curvature and roughness. The indentation profile of bone was highly consistent and free of any pile up. A few of the topological parameters, in particular depth, showed significant correlations to variations in mechanical properties, but the cor-relations were not very strong or consistent. We could thus verify that bone is rather homogeneous in its micromechanical properties and that indentation results are not strongly influenced by small de-viations from the ideal case. As the uniaxial properties measured by micropillar compression are in conflict with the current literature on bone indentation, another dissipative mechanism has to be present. The elastic-viscoplastic damage model was therefore extended to viscoelasticity. The viscoelastic properties were identified from macroscopic experiments, while the quasistatic postelastic properties were extracted from micropillar data. It was found that viscoelasticity governed by macroscale properties has very little influence on the indentation curve and results in a clear underestimation of the creep deformation. Adding viscoplasticity leads to increased creep, but hardness is still highly overestimated. It was possible to obtain a reasonable fit with experimental indentation curves for both Berkovich and spherical indenta-tion when abandoning the assumption of shear strength being governed by an isotropy condition. These results remain to be verified by independent tests probing the micromechanical strength prop-erties in tension and shear. In conclusion, in this thesis several tools were developed to describe the complex behavior of bone on the microscale and experiments were performed to identify its material properties. Micropillar com-pression highlighted a size effect in bone due to the presence of preexisting cracks and pores or inter-faces like cement lines. It was possible to get a reasonable fit between experimental indentation curves using different tips and simulations using the constitutive model and uniaxial properties measured by micropillar compression. Additional experimental work is necessary to identify the exact nature of the size effect and the mechanical role of interfaces in bone. Deciphering the micromechanical behavior of lamellar bone and its evolution with age, disease and treatment and its failure mechanisms on several length scales will help preventing fractures in the elderly in the future.
Skeletal diseases such as osteoporosis impose a severe socio-economic burden to ageing societies. Decreasing mechanical competence causes a rise in bone fracture incidence and mortality especially after the age of 65 y. The mechanisms of how bone damage is accumulated under different loading modes and its impact on bone strength are unclear. We hypothesise that damage accumulated in one loading mode increases the fracture risk in another. This study aimed at identifying continuum damage interactions between tensile and compressive loading modes. We propose and identify the material constants of a novel piecewise 1D constitutive model capable of describing the mechanical response of bone in combined tensile and compressive loading histories. We performed several sets of loading–reloading experiments to compute stiffness, plastic strains, and stress-strain curves. For tensile overloading, a stiffness reduction (damage) of 60% at 0.65% accumulated plastic strain was detectable as stiffness reduction of 20% under compression. For compressive overloading, 60% damage at 0.75% plastic strain was detectable as a stiffness reduction of 50% in tension. Plastic strain at ultimate stress was the same in tension and compression. Compression showed softening and tension exponential hardening in the post-yield regime. The hardening behaviour in compression is unaffected by a previous overload in tension but the hardening behaviour in tension is affected by a previous overload in compression as tensile reloading strength is significantly reduced. This paper demonstrates how damage accumulated under one loading mode affects the mechanical behaviour in another loading mode. To explain this and to illustrate a possible implementation we proposed a theoretical model. Including such loading mode dependent damage and plasticity behaviour in finite element models will help to improve fracture risk analysis of whole bones and bone implant structures.
The shape and morphology of the northern Barbados Ridge complex is largely controlled by the sediment yield and failure behavior in response to high lateral loads imposed by convergence. Loads in excess of sediment yield strength result in nonrecoverable deformations within the wedge, and failure strength acts as an upper limit beyond which stresses are released through thrust faults. Relatively high loading rates lead to delayed consolidation and in-situ pore pressures greater than hydrostatic. The sediment yield and failure behavior is described for any stress path by a generalized constitutive model. A yield locus delineates the onset of plastic (non-recoverable) deformation, as defined from the isotropic and anisotropic consolidation responses of high-quality 38-mm triaxial specimens; a failure envelope was obtained by shearing the same specimens in both triaxial compression and extension. The yield locus is shown to be rotated into extension space and is centered about a K-line greater than unity, suggesting that the in-situ major principal stress has rotated into the horizontal plane, and that the sediment wedge is being subjected to extensional effective stress paths.
A mathematical model for finite strain elastoplastic consolidation of fully saturated soil media is implemented into a finite element program. The algorithmic treatment of finite strain elastoplasticity for the solid phase is based on multiplicative decomposition and is coupled with the algorithm for fluid flow via the Kirchhoff pore water pressure. A two-field mixed finite element formulation is employed in which the nodal solid displacements and the nodal pore water pressures are coupled via the linear momentum and mass balance equations. The constitutive model for the solid phase is represented by modified Cam—Clay theory formulated in the Kirchhoff principal stress space, and return mapping is carried out in the strain space defined by the invariants of the elastic logarithmic principal stretches. The constitutive model for fluid flow is represented by a generalized Darcy's law formulated with respect to the current configuration. The finite element model is fully amenable to exact linearization. Numerical examples with and without finite deformation effects are presented to demonstrate the impact of geometric nonlinearity on the predicted responses. The paper concludes with an assessment of the performance of the finite element consolidation model with respect to accuracy and numerical stability.
Esta tesis está enmarcada en el estudio de diferentes procedimientos numéricos para resolver la dinámica de un sistema multicuerpo sometido a restricciones e impacto, que puede estar compuesto por sólidos rígidos y deformables conectados entre sí por diversos tipos de uniones. Dentro de los métodos numéricos analizados se presta un especial interés a los métodos consistentes, los cuales tienen por objetivo que la energía calculada en cada paso de tiempo, para un sistema mecánico, tenga una evolución coherente con el comportamiento teórico de la energía. En otras palabras, un método consistente mantiene constante la energía total en un problema conservativo, y en presencia de fuerzas disipativas proporciona un decremento positivo de la energía total. En esta línea se desarrolla un algoritmo numérico consistente con la energía total para resolver las ecuaciones de la dinámica de un sistema multicuerpo. Como parte de este algoritmo se formulan energéticamente consistentes las restricciones y el contacto empleando multiplicadores de Lagrange, penalización y Lagrange aumentado. Se propone también un método para el contacto con sólidos rígidos representados mediante superficies implícitas, basado en una restricción regularizada que se adaptada adecuadamente para el cumplimiento exacto de la restricción de contacto y para ser consistente con la conservación de la energía total. En este contexto se estudian dos enfoques: uno para el contacto elástico puro (sin deformación) formulado con penalización y Lagrange aumentado; y otro basado en un modelo constitutivo para el contacto con penetración. En el segundo enfoque se usa un potencial de penalización que, en ausencia de componentes disipativas, restaura la energía almacenada en el contacto y disipa energía de forma consistente con el modelo continuo cuando las componentes de amortiguamiento y fricción son consideradas. This thesis focuses on the study of several numerical procedures used to solve the dynamics of a multibody system subjected to constraints and impact. The system may be composed by rigid and deformable bodies connected by different types of joints. Within this framework, special attention is paid to consistent methods, which preserve the theoretical behavior of the energy at each time step. In other words, a consistent method keeps the total energy constant in a conservative problem, and provides a positive decrease in the total energy when dissipative forces are present. A numerical algorithm has been developed for solving the dynamical equations of multibody systems, which is energetically consistent. Energetic consistency in contacts and constraints is formulated using Lagrange multipliers, penalty and augmented Lagrange methods. A contact methodology is proposed for rigid bodies with a boundary represented by implicit surfaces. The method is based on a suitable regularized constraint formulation, adapted both to fulfill exactly the contact constraint, and to be consistent with the conservation of the total energy. In this context two different approaches are studied: the first applied to pure elastic contact (without deformation), formulated with penalty and augmented Lagrange; and a second one based on a constitutive model for contact with penetration. In this second approach, a penalty potential is used in the constitutive model, that restores the energy stored in the contact when no dissipative effects are present. On the other hand, the energy is dissipated consistently with the continuous model when friction and damping are considered.
El hormigón es uno de los materiales de construcción más empleados en la actualidad debido a sus buenas prestaciones mecánicas, moldeabilidad y economía de obtención, entre otras ventajas. Es bien sabido que tiene una buena resistencia a compresión y una baja resistencia a tracción, por lo que se arma con barras de acero para formar el hormigón armado, material que se ha convertido por méritos propios en la solución constructiva más importante de nuestra época. A pesar de ser un material profusamente utilizado, hay aspectos del comportamiento del hormigón que todavía no son completamente conocidos, como es el caso de su respuesta ante los efectos de una explosión. Este es un campo de especial relevancia, debido a que los eventos, tanto intencionados como accidentales, en los que una estructura se ve sometida a una explosión son, por desgracia, relativamente frecuentes. La solicitación de una estructura ante una explosión se produce por el impacto sobre la misma de la onda de presión generada en la detonación. La aplicación de esta carga sobre la estructura es muy rápida y de muy corta duración. Este tipo de acciones se denominan cargas impulsivas, y pueden ser hasta cuatro órdenes de magnitud más rápidas que las cargas dinámicas impuestas por un terremoto. En consecuencia, no es de extrañar que sus efectos sobre las estructuras y sus materiales sean muy distintos que las que producen las cargas habitualmente consideradas en ingeniería. En la presente tesis doctoral se profundiza en el conocimiento del comportamiento material del hormigón sometido a explosiones. Para ello, es crucial contar con resultados experimentales de estructuras de hormigón sometidas a explosiones. Este tipo de resultados es difícil de encontrar en la literatura científica, ya que estos ensayos han sido tradicionalmente llevados a cabo en el ámbito militar y los resultados obtenidos no son de dominio público. Por otra parte, en las campañas experimentales con explosiones llevadas a cabo por instituciones civiles el elevado coste de acceso a explosivos y a campos de prueba adecuados no permite la realización de ensayos con un elevado número de muestras. Por este motivo, la dispersión experimental no es habitualmente controlada. Sin embargo, en elementos de hormigón armado sometidos a explosiones, la dispersión experimental es muy acusada, en primer lugar, por la propia heterogeneidad del hormigón, y en segundo, por la dificultad inherente a la realización de ensayos con explosiones, por motivos tales como dificultades en las condiciones de contorno, variabilidad del explosivo, o incluso cambios en las condiciones atmosféricas. Para paliar estos inconvenientes, en esta tesis doctoral se ha diseñado un novedoso dispositivo que permite ensayar hasta cuatro losas de hormigón bajo la misma detonación, lo que además de proporcionar un número de muestras estadísticamente representativo, supone un importante ahorro de costes. Con este dispositivo se han ensayado 28 losas de hormigón, tanto armadas como en masa, de dos dosificaciones distintas. Pero además de contar con datos experimentales, también es importante disponer de herramientas de cálculo para el análisis y diseño de estructuras sometidas a explosiones. Aunque existen diversos métodos analíticos, hoy por hoy las técnicas de simulación numérica suponen la alternativa más avanzada y versátil para el cálculo de elementos estructurales sometidos a cargas impulsivas. Sin embargo, para obtener resultados fiables es crucial contar con modelos constitutivos de material que tengan en cuenta los parámetros que gobiernan el comportamiento para el caso de carga en estudio. En este sentido, cabe destacar que la mayoría de los modelos constitutivos desarrollados para el hormigón a altas velocidades de deformación proceden del ámbito balístico, donde dominan las grandes tensiones de compresión en el entorno local de la zona afectada por el impacto. En el caso de los elementos de hormigón sometidos a explosiones, las tensiones de compresión son mucho más moderadas, siendo las tensiones de tracción generalmente las causantes de la rotura del material. En esta tesis doctoral se analiza la validez de algunos de los modelos disponibles, confirmando que los parámetros que gobiernan el fallo de las losas de hormigón armado ante explosiones son la resistencia a tracción y su ablandamiento tras rotura. En base a los resultados anteriores se ha desarrollado un modelo constitutivo para el hormigón ante altas velocidades de deformación, que sólo tiene en cuenta la rotura por tracción. Este modelo parte del de fisura cohesiva embebida con discontinuidad fuerte, desarrollado por Planas y Sancho, que ha demostrado su capacidad en la predicción de la rotura a tracción de elementos de hormigón en masa. El modelo ha sido modificado para su implementación en el programa comercial de integración explícita LS-DYNA, utilizando elementos finitos hexaédricos e incorporando la dependencia de la velocidad de deformación para permitir su utilización en el ámbito dinámico. El modelo es estrictamente local y no requiere de remallado ni conocer previamente la trayectoria de la fisura. Este modelo constitutivo ha sido utilizado para simular dos campañas experimentales, probando la hipótesis de que el fallo de elementos de hormigón ante explosiones está gobernado por el comportamiento a tracción, siendo de especial relevancia el ablandamiento del hormigón. Concrete is nowadays one of the most widely used building materials because of its good mechanical properties, moldability and production economy, among other advantages. As it is known, it has high compressive and low tensile strengths and for this reason it is reinforced with steel bars to form reinforced concrete, a material that has become the most important constructive solution of our time. Despite being such a widely used material, there are some aspects of concrete performance that are not yet fully understood, as it is the case of its response to the effects of an explosion. This is a topic of particular relevance because the events, both intentional and accidental, in which a structure is subjected to an explosion are, unfortunately, relatively common. The loading of a structure due to an explosive event occurs due to the impact of the pressure shock wave generated in the detonation. The application of this load on the structure is very fast and of very short duration. Such actions are called impulsive loads, and can be up to four orders of magnitude faster than the dynamic loads imposed by an earthquake. Consequently, it is not surprising that their effects on structures and materials are very different than those that cause the loads usually considered in engineering. This thesis broadens the knowledge about the material behavior of concrete subjected to explosions. To that end, it is crucial to have experimental results of concrete structures subjected to explosions. These types of results are difficult to find in the scientific literature, as these tests have traditionally been carried out by armies of different countries and the results obtained are classified. Moreover, in experimental campaigns with explosives conducted by civil institutions the high cost of accessing explosives and the lack of proper test fields does not allow for the testing of a large number of samples. For this reason, the experimental scatter is usually not controlled. However, in reinforced concrete elements subjected to explosions the experimental dispersion is very pronounced. First, due to the heterogeneity of concrete, and secondly, because of the difficulty inherent to testing with explosions, for reasons such as difficulties in the boundary conditions, variability of the explosive, or even atmospheric changes. To overcome these drawbacks, in this thesis we have designed a novel device that allows for testing up to four concrete slabs under the same detonation, which apart from providing a statistically representative number of samples, represents a significant saving in costs. A number of 28 slabs were tested using this device. The slabs were both reinforced and plain concrete, and two different concrete mixes were used. Besides having experimental data, it is also important to have computational tools for the analysis and design of structures subjected to explosions. Despite the existence of several analytical methods, numerical simulation techniques nowadays represent the most advanced and versatile alternative for the assessment of structural elements subjected to impulsive loading. However, to obtain reliable results it is crucial to have material constitutive models that take into account the parameters that govern the behavior for the load case under study. In this regard it is noteworthy that most of the developed constitutive models for concrete at high strain rates arise from the ballistic field, dominated by large compressive stresses in the local environment of the area affected by the impact. In the case of concrete elements subjected to an explosion, the compressive stresses are much more moderate, while tensile stresses usually cause material failure. This thesis discusses the validity of some of the available models, confirming that the parameters governing the failure of reinforced concrete slabs subjected to blast are the tensile strength and softening behaviour after failure. Based on these results we have developed a constitutive model for concrete at high strain rates, which only takes into account the ultimate tensile strength. This model is based on the embedded Cohesive Crack Model with Strong Discontinuity Approach developed by Planas and Sancho, which has proved its ability in predicting the tensile fracture of plain concrete elements. The model has been modified for its implementation in the commercial explicit integration program LS-DYNA, using hexahedral finite elements and incorporating the dependence of the strain rate, to allow for its use in dynamic domain. The model is strictly local and does not require remeshing nor prior knowledge of the crack path. This constitutive model has been used to simulate two experimental campaigns, confirming the hypothesis that the failure of concrete elements subjected to explosions is governed by their tensile response, being of particular relevance the softening behavior of concrete.
In the present work a constitutive model is developed which permits the simulation of the low cycle fatigue behaviour in steel framed structures. In the elaboration of this model, the concepts of the mechanics of continuum medium are applied on lumped dissipative models. In this type of formulation an explicit coupling between the damage and the structural mechanical behaviour is employed, allowing the possibility of considering as a whole different coupled phenomena. A damage index is defined in order to model elastoplasticity coupled with damage and fatigue damage.
Gran parte del patrimonio construido cuenta con edificios cuya estructura está compuesta por elementos de madera. El volumen económico que supone el mantenimiento y renovación de dicho patrimonio es considerable, por ello, es de especial interés el estudio de las diferentes técnicas de refuerzo aplicables a este tipo de estructuras. Las estructuras de madera han sido tradicionalmente reforzadas con piezas del mismo material, aumentando la sección de los elementos dañados, o con acero. La aparición de los materiales compuestos de polímeros reforzados con fibras, y su progresiva aplicación en obras de construcción, hizo que a principios de la década de los noventa se comenzara a aplicar este material en refuerzos de estructuras de madera (Puente de Sins, 1992). La madera es un material natural con una excelente relación entre sus características mecánicas y su peso. Con el uso de materiales compuestos como refuerzo ésta característica se mantiene. En cuanto a su modelo constitutivo, se admite un comportamiento elástico lineal a tracción paralela a la fibra hasta la rotura, mientras que a compresión, se considera un comportamiento lineal elástico inicial, seguido de un tramo plástico. En vigas de madera aserrada sometidas a flexión predomina el modo de fallo por tracción localizándose la fractura frecuentemente en el canto inferior. Los FRP tienen un comportamiento elástico lineal a tracción hasta la rotura y cuentan con excelentes propiedades mecánicas en relación a su peso y volumen. Si se refuerza la viga por el canto inferior se aumentará su capacidad de absorber tracciones y por tanto, es previsible que se produzca un incremento en la capacidad de carga, así como un aumento de ductilidad. En este trabajo se analizan los beneficios que aportan distintos sistemas de refuerzos de materiales compuestos. El objetivo es contribuir al conocimiento de esta técnica para la recuperación o aumento de las propiedades resistentes de elementos de madera sometidos a flexión. Se ha llevado a cabo un estudio basado en datos obtenidos experimentalmente mediante el ensayo a flexión de vigas de madera de pino silvestre reforzadas con materiales compuestos. Las fibras que componen los tejidos utilizados para la ejecución de los refuerzos son de basalto y de carbono. En el caso de los compuestos de fibra de basalto se aplican en distintos gramajes, y los de carbono en tejido unidireccional y bidireccional. Se analiza el comportamiento de las vigas según las variables de refuerzo aplicadas y se comparan con los resultados de vigas ensayadas sin reforzar. Además se comprueba el ajuste del modelo de cálculo no lineal aplicado para predecir la carga de rotura de cada viga reforzada. Con este trabajo queda demostrado el buen funcionamiento del FRP de fibra de basalto aplicado en el refuerzo de vigas de madera y de los tejidos de carbono bidireccionales con respecto a los unidireccionales. ABSTRACT Many of the buildings of the built heritage include a structure composed by timber elements. The economic volume involved in the maintenance and renewal of this built heritage is considerable, therefore, the study of the different reinforcement techniques applicable to this type of structure is of special interest. The wooden structures have traditionally been reinforced either with steel or with pieces of the same material, increasing the section of the damaged parts. The emergence of polymer composites reinforced with fibers, and their progressive use in construction, started to be applied as reinforcement in timber structures at the beginning of the nineties decade in the 20th century (Sins Bridge, 1992). Wood is a natural material with an excellent ratio between its mechanic characteristics and its weight. This feature is maintained with the use of composites as reinforcement. In terms of its constitutive model, linear elastic behavior parallel to the fiber up to fracture is admitted when subjected to tensile stress, while under compression, an initial linear elastic behavior, followed by a section plasticizing, is considered. In sawn timber beams subjected to bending, the predominant failure is mainly due to tensile stress; and frequently the fracture is located at the beam lower face. The FRP have a linear elastic behavior until fracture occurs, and have excellent mechanical properties in relation to their weight and volume. If the beam is reinforced by its lower face, its capacity to absorb tensile stresses will increase, and therefore, an increase in its carrying capacity is likely to be produced, as well as an increase in ductility. This work analyzes the benefits different reinforcement systems of composite materials provide, with the aim of contributing to the knowledge of this technique for recovering or increasing the strength properties of timber elements subjected to bending loads. It is a study based on data obtained experimentally using bending tests of pine timber beams reinforced with composite materials. Fibers used for the execution of the reinforcement are basalt and carbon. Basalt fiber composites are applied in different grammages, whereas with carbon composites, unidirectional and bidirectional fabrics are used. The behavior of the beams was analyzed regarding the reinforcement variables applied, and the results are compared with those of the tested beams without reinforcement. Furthermore it has been proved adjunting the nonlinear calculation model applied to predict the failure load of each reinforced beam. This work proves the good behavior of fiber reinforce plastic (FRP) with basalt fiber when applied to timber beams, and that of bidirectional carbon fabrics as opposed to the unidirectional ones.
Recent developments in the area of multiscale modeling of fiber-reinforced polymers are presented. The overall strategy takes advantage of the separa-tion of length scales between different entities (ply, laminate, and component) found in composite structures. This allows us to carry out multiscale modeling by computing the properties of one entity (e.g., individual plies) at the relevant length scale, homogenizing the results into a constitutive model, and passing this information to the next length scale to determine the mechanical behavior of the larger entity (e.g., laminate). As a result, high-fidelity numerical sim-ulations of the mechanical behavior of composite coupons and small compo-nents are nowadays feasible starting from the matrix, fiber, and interface properties and spatial distribution. Finally, the roadmap is outlined for extending the current strategy to include functional properties and processing into the simulation scheme.
If reinforced concrete structures are to be safe under extreme impulsive loadings such as explosions, a broad understanding of the fracture mechanics of concrete under such events is needed. Most buildings and infrastructures which are likely to be subjected to terrorist attacks are borne by a reinforced concrete (RC) structure. Up to some years ago, the traditional method used to study the ability of RC structures to withstand explosions consisted on a choice between handmade calculations, affordable but inaccurate and unreliable, and full scale experimental tests involving explosions, expensive and not available for many civil institutions. In this context, during the last years numerical simulations have arisen as the most effective method to analyze structures under such events. However, for accurate numerical simulations, reliable constitutive models are needed. Assuming that failure of concrete elements subjected to blast is primarily governed by the tensile behavior, a constitutive model has been built that accounts only for failure under tension while it behaves as elastic without failure under compression. Failure under tension is based on the Cohesive Crack Model. Moreover, the constitutive model has been used to simulate the experimental structural response of reinforced concrete slabs subjected to blast. The results of the numerical simulations with the aforementioned constitutive model show its ability of representing accurately the structural response of the RC elements under study. The simplicity of the model, which does not account for failure under compression, as already mentioned, confirms that the ability of reinforced concrete structures to withstand blast loads is primarily governed by tensile strength.
A numerical and experimental study of ballistic impacts at various temperatures on precipitation hardened Inconel 718 nickel-base superalloy plates has been performed. A coupled elastoplastic-damage constitutive model with Lode angle dependent failure criterion has been implemented in LS-DYNA non-linear finite element code to model the mechanical behaviour of such an alloy. The ballistic impact tests have been carried out at three temperatures: room temperature (25 °C), 400 °C and 700 °C. The numerical study showed that the mesh size is crucial to predict correctly the shear bands detected in the tested plates. Moreover, the mesh size convergence has been achieved for element sizes on the same order that the shear bands. The residual velocity as well as the ballistic limit prediction has been considered excellent for high temperature ballistic tests. Nevertheless, the model has been less accurate for the numerical simulations performed at room temperature, being though in reasonable agreement with the experimental data. Additionally, the influence that the Lode angle had on quasi-static failure patterns such as cup-cone and slanted failure has been studied numerically. The study has revealed that the combined action of weakened constitutive equations and Lode angle dependent failure criterion has been necessary to predict the previously-mentioned failure patterns
La mecanización de las labores del suelo es la causa, por su consumo energético e impacto directo sobre el medio ambiente, que más afecta a la degradación y pérdida de productividad de los suelos. Entre los factores de disminución de la productividad se deben considerar la compactación, la erosión, el encostramiento y la pérdida de estructura. Todo esto obliga a cuidar el manejo agrícola de los suelos tratando de mejorar las condiciones del suelo y elevar sus rendimientos sin comprometer aspectos económicos, ecológicos y ambientales. En el presente trabajo se adecuan los parámetros constitutivos del modelo de Drucker Prager Extendido (DPE) que definen la fricción y la dilatancia del suelo en la fase de deformación plástica, para minimizar los errores en las predicciones durante la simulación de la respuesta mecánica de un Vertisol mediante el Método de Elementos Finitos. Para lo cual inicialmente se analizaron las bases teóricas que soportan este modelo, se determinaron las propiedades y parámetros físico-mecánicos del suelo requeridos como datos de entrada por el modelo, se determinó la exactitud de este modelo en las predicciones de la respuesta mecánica del suelo, se estimaron mediante el método de aproximación de funciones de Levenberg-Marquardt los parámetros constitutivos que definen la trayectoria de la curva esfuerzo-deformación plástica. Finalmente se comprobó la exactitud de las predicciones a partir de las adecuaciones realizadas al modelo. Los resultados permitieron determinar las propiedades y parámetros del suelo, requeridos como datos de entrada por el modelo, mostrando que su magnitud está en función su estado de humedad y densidad, además se obtuvieron los modelos empíricos de estas relaciones exhibiendo un R2>94%. Se definieron las variables que provocan las inexactitudes del modelo constitutivo (ángulo de fricción y dilatancia), mostrando que las mismas están relacionadas con la etapa de falla y deformación plástica. Finalmente se estimaron los valores óptimos de estos ángulos, disminuyendo los errores en las predicciones del modelo DPE por debajo del 4,35% haciéndelo adecuado para la simulación de la respuesta mecánica del suelo investigado. ABSTRACT The mechanization using farming techniques is one of the main factors that affects the most the soil, causing its degradation and loss of productivity, because of its energy consumption and direct impact on the environment. Compaction, erosion, crusting and loss of structure should be considered among the factors that decrease productivity. All this forces the necessity to take care of the agricultural-land management trying to improve soil conditions and increase yields without compromising economic, ecological and environmental aspects. The present study was aimed to adjust the parameters of the Drucker-Prager Extended Model (DPE), defining friction and dilation of soil in plastic deformation phase, in order to minimize the error of prediction when simulating the mechanical response of a Vertisol through the fine element method. First of all the theoretic fundamentals that withstand the model were analyzed. The properties and physical-mechanical parameters of the soil needed as input data to initialize the model, were established. And the precision of the predictions for the mechanical response of the soil was assessed. Then the constitutive parameters which define the path of the plastic stress-strain curve were estimated through Levenberg-Marquardt method of function approximations. Lastly the accuracy of the predictions from the adequacies made to the model was tested. The results permitted to determine those properties and parameters of the soil, needed in order to initialize the model. It showed that their magnitude is in function of density and humidity. Moreover, the empirical models from these relations were obtained: R2>94%. The variables producing inaccuracies in the constitutive model (angle of repose and dilation) were defined, and there was showed that they are linked with the plastic deformation and rupture point. Finally the optimal values of these angles were established, obtaining thereafter error values for the DPE model under 4, 35%, and making it suitable for the simulation of the mechanical response of the soil under study.