981 resultados para conserved epitopes


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This study investigates the hierarchy of cytotoxic T cell (CTL) responses to twelve HLA A2-restricted epitopes from the latent, lytic and structural proteins of Epstein–Barr virus (EBV) in acute infectious mononucleosis and in healthy seropositive donors and the relative immunogenecity of these epitopes in transgenic mice. Responses to the lytic epitope were uniformly strong in all healthy seropositive individuals and acute infectious mononucleosis donors while moderate or low responses were observed to the latent and structural epitopes, respectively in both groups studied. In contrast, when HLA A2/Kb transgenic mice were immunised with these peptide epitopes, CTL responses were observed to all epitopes with a maximal response to the epitopes within the structural proteins and low to moderate responses to the latent epitopes. This hierarchy of CTL responses in mice was also reflected in an MHC stabilisation analysis. These contrasting CTL responses in humans following natural infection compared to the immunogenicity of these epitopes and their ability to stabilise MHC may need to be considered when designing an EBV vaccine.


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The small envelope protein of hepatitis B virus (HBsAg-S) can self-assemble into highly organized virus like particles (VLPs) and induce an effective immune response. In this study, a restriction enzyme site was engineered into the cDNA of HBsAg-S at a position corresponding to the exposed site within the hydrophilic a determinant region (amino acid [aa] 127-128) to create a novel HBsAg vaccine vector allowing surface orientation of the inserted sequence. We inserted sequences of various lengths from hypervariable region 1 (HVR1) of the hepatitis C virus (HCV) E2 protein containing immunodominant epitopes and demonstrated secretion of the recombinant HBsAg VLPs from transfected mammalian cells. A number of different recombinant proteins were synthesized, and HBsAg VLPs containing inserts up to 36 aa were secreted with an efficiency similar to that of wild-type HBsAg. The HVR1 region exposed on the particles retained an antigenic structure similar to that recognized immunologically during natural infection. VLPs containing epitopes from either HCV-1a or -1b strains were produced that induced strain-specific antibody responses in immunized mice. Injection of a combination of these VLPs induced antibodies against both HVR1 epitopes that resulted in higher titers than were achieved by vaccination with the individual VLPs, suggesting a synergistic effect. This may lead to the development of recombinant particles which are able to induce a broad anti-HCV immune response against the HCV quasispecies or other quasispecies-like infectious agents.


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Proteolipid protein (PLP) is the most abundant protein of CNS myelin, and is posttranslationally acylated by covalent attachment of long chain fatty acids to cysteine residues via a thioester linkage. Two of the acylation sites are within epitopes of PLP that are encephalitogenic in SJL/J mice (PLP104-117 and PLP139-151) and against which increased immune responses have been detected in some multiple sclerosis patients. It is known that attachment of certain types of lipid side chains to peptides can result in their enhanced immunogenicity. The aim of this study was to determine whether thioacylated PLP peptides, as occur in the native protein, are more immunogenic than their nonacylated counterparts, and whether thioacylation influences the development of autoreactivity and experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis. The results show that in comparison with nonacylated peptides, thioacylated PLP lipopeptides can induce greater T cell and Ab responses to both the acylated and nonacylated peptides. They also enhanced the development and chronicity of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis. Synthetic peptides in which the fatty acid was attached via an amide linkage at the N terminus were not encephalitogenic, and they induced greater proportions of CD8(+) cells in initial in vitro stimulation. Therefore, the lability and the site of the linkage between the peptide and fatty acid may be important for induction of encephalitogenic CD4(+) T cells. These results suggest that immune responses induced by endogenous thioacylated lipopeptides may contribute to the immunopathogenesis of chronic experimental demyelinating diseases and multiple sclerosis.


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Rheumatic fever (RF)/rheumatic heart disease (RHD) and post-streptococcal glomerulonephritis are thought to be autoimmune diseases, and follow group A streptococcal (GAS) infection. Different GAS M types have been associated with rheumatogenicity or nephritogenicity and categorized into either of two distinct classes (I or II) based on amino acid sequences present within the repeat region ('C' repeats) of the M protein. Sera from ARF patients have previously been shown to contain elevated levels of antibodies to the class I-specific epitope and myosin with the class I-specific antibodies also being cross-reactive to myosin, suggesting a disease association. This study shows that immunoreactivity of the class I-specific peptide and myosin does not differ between controls and acute RF (ARF)/RHD in populations that are highly endemic for GAS, raising the possibility that the association is related to GAS exposure, not the presence of ARF/RHD. Peptide inhibition studies suggest that the class I epitope may be conformational and residue 10 of the peptide is critical for antibody binding. We demonstrate that correlation of antibody levels between the class I and II epitope is due to class II-specific antibodies recognizing a common epitope with class I which is contained within the sequence RDL-ASRE. Our results suggest that antibody prevalence to class I and II epitopes and myosin is associated with GAS exposure, and that antibodies to these epitopes are not an indicator of disease nor a pathogenic factor in endemic populations.


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The c fins gene encodes the receptor for macrophage colony-stimulating factor-1. This gene is expressed selectively in the macrophage cell lineage. Previous studies have implicated sequences in intron 2 that control transcript elongation in tissue-specific and regulated expression of c -fms. Four macrophage-specific deoxyribonuclease I (DNase I)-hypersensitive sites (DHSS) were identified within mouse intron 2. Sequences of these DHSS were found to be highly conserved compared with those in the human gene. A 250-bp region we refer to as the fins intronic regulatory element (FIRE), which is even more highly conserved than the c-fins proximal promoter, contains many consensus binding sites for macrophage-expressed transcription factors including Spl, PU.1, and C/EBP. FIRE was found to act as a macrophage-specific enhancer and as a promoter with an antisense orientation preference in transient transfections. In stable transfections of the macrophage line RAW264, as well as in clones selected for high and low-level c -fms mRNA expression, the presence of intron 2 increased the frequency and level of expression of reporter genes compared with those attained using the promoter alone. Removal of FIRE abolished reporter gene expression, revealing a suppressive activity in the remaining intronic sequences. Hence, FIRE is shown to be a key regulatory element in the fins gene.


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We investigated the use of mice transgenic for human leucocyte antigen (HLA) A*0201 antigen-binding domains to test vaccines composed of defined HLA A*0201-restricted cytotoxic T-lymphocyte (CTL) epitopes of human papillomavirus (HPV) type 16 E7 oncoprotein. HPV is detected in >90% of cervical carcinomas. HPV16 E7 oncoprotein transforms cells of the uterine cervix and functions as a tumour-associated antigen to which immunotherapeutic strategies may be directed. We report that although the HLA A*0201 E7 epitope peptides function both to prime for E7 CTL responses, and to sensitize target cells for E7-directed CTL killing in situations where antigen processing is not required, the epitopes are not processed out of either endogenously expressed or immunization-introduced E7, by the mouse antigen-processing and presentation machinery. Thus (1) CTL induced by HLA A*0201 peptide immunization killed E7 peptide-pulsed target cells, but did not kill target cells expressing whole E7; (2) immunization with whole E7 protein did not elicit CTL directed to HLA A*0201-restricted E7 CTL epitopes; (3) HLA A*0201-restricted CTL epitopes expressed in the context of a DNA polytope vaccine did not activate E7-specific T cells either in 'conventional' HLA A*0201 transgenic (A2.1K(b) ) mice, or in HHD transgenic mice in which expression of endogenous H-2 class 1 is precluded; and (4) HLA A*0201 E7 peptide epitope immunization was incapable of preventing the growth of an HLA A*0201- and E7-expressing tumour. There are generic implications for the universal applicability of HLA-class 1 transgenic mice for studies of human CTL epitope presentation in murine models of human infectious disease where recognition of endogenously processed antigen is necessary. There are also specific implications for the use of HLA A2 transgenic mice for the development of E7-based therapeutic vaccines for cervical cancer.


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POU-IV genes regulate neuronal development in a number of deuterostomes (chordates) and ecdysozoans (arthropods and nematodes). Currently their function and expression in the third bilaterian clade, the Lophotrochozoa, comprising molluscs, annelids and. their affiliates, is unclear. Herein we characterise the developmental expression of HasPOU-IV in the gastropod mollusc, Haliotis asinina. The POU-IV gene is transiently expressed in I I distinct larval territories during the first 3 days of development. HasPOU-IV is first expressed in sets of ventral epidermal cells in the newly hatched trochophore larvae. As larval morphogenesis proceeds, we observe HasPOU-IV transcripts in cells that putatively form a range of sensory systems including chemo- and mechanosensory cells in the foot, cephalic tentacles, the ctenidia. the geosensory statocyst and the eyes. By comparing HasPOU-IV expression with POU-IV genes in other bilaterians we infer that this class of POU-domain genes had an ancestral role in regulating sensory cell development.


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Infection with group A streptococci (GAS) can lead to rheumatic fever (RF) and rheumatic heart disease (RHD) which are a major health concern particularly in indigenous populations worldwide, and especially in Australian Aboriginals. A primary route of GAS infection is via the upper respiratory tract, and therefore, a major goal of research is the development of a mucosal-based GAS vaccine, The majority of the research to date has focused on the GAS M protein since immunity to GAS is mediated by M protein type-specific opsonic antibodies. There are two major impediments to the development of a vaccine-the variability in M proteins and the potential for the induction of an autoimmune response. To develop a safe and broad-based vaccine, we have therefore focused on the GAS M protein conserved C-region, and have identified peptides, J8 and the closely related J8 peptide (J14), which may be important in protective immunity to GAS infection. Using a mucosal animal model system, our data have shown a high degree of throat GAS colonisation in B10.BR mice 24 h following intranasal immunisation with the mucosal adjuvant, cholera toxin B subunit (CTB), and/or diptheria toxoid (dT) carrier, or PBS alone, and challenge with the M1 GAS strain. However, GAS colonisation of the throat was significantly reduced following intranasal immunisation of mice with the vaccine candidate J8 conjugated to dT or J14-dT when administered with CTB. Moreover, J8-dT/CTB and J14-dT/CTB-immunised mice had a significantly higher survival when compared to CTB and PBS-immunised control mice. These data indicate that immunity to GAS infection can be evoked by intranasal immunisation with a GAS M protein C-region peptide vaccine that contains a protective B cell epitope and lacks a T cell autoepitope. (C) 2002 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd.


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Primary vaccine strategies against group A streptococci (GAS) have focused on the M protein-the target of opsonic antibodies important for protective immunity. We have previously reported protection of mice against GAS infection following parenteral delivery of a multi-epitope vaccine construct, referred to as a heteropolymer. This current report has assessed mucosal (intranasal (i.n.) and oral) delivery of the heteropolymer in mice with regard to the induction and specificity of mucosal and systemic antibody responses, and compared this to parenteral delivery. GAS-specific IgA responses were detected in saliva and gut upon i.n. and oral delivery of the heteropolymer co-administered with cholera toxin B subunit, respectively. High titre serum IgG responses were elicited to the heteropolymer following all routes of delivery when administered with adjuvant. Moreover, as with parenteral delivery, serum IgG antibodies were detected to the individual heteropolymer peptides following i.n. but not oral delivery. These data support the potential of the i.n. route in the mucosal delivery of a GAS vaccine. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A conserved helical peptide vaccine candidate from the M protein of group A streptococci, p145, has been described. Minimal epitopes within p145 have been defined and an epitope recognized by protective antibodies, but not by autoreactive T cells, has been identified. When administered to mice, p145 has low immunogenicity. Many boosts of peptide are required to achieve a high antibody titre (> 12 800). To attempt to overcome this low immunogenicity, lipid-core peptide technology was employed. Lipid-core peptides (LCP) consist of an oligomeric polylysine core, with multiple copies of the peptide of choice, conjugated to a series of lipoamino acids, which acts as an anchor for the antigen. Seven different LCP constructs based on the p145 peptide sequence were synthesized (LCP1-->LCP7) and the immunogenicity of the compounds examined. The most immunogenic constructs contained the longest alkyl side-chains. The number of lipoamino acids in the constructs affected the immunogenicity and spacing between the alkyl side-chains increased immunogenicity. An increase in immunogenicity (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) titres) of up to 100-fold was demonstrated using this technology and some constructs without adjuvant were more immunogenic than p145 administered with complete Freund's adjuvant (CFA). The fine specificity of the induced antibody response differed for the different constructs but one construct, LCP4, induced antibodies of identical fine specificity to those found in endemic human serum. Opsonic activity of LCP4 antisera was more than double that of p145 antisera. These data show the potential for LCP technology to both enhance immunogenicity of complex peptides and to focus the immune response towards or away from critical epitopes.


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The vertebrate Slit gene family currently consists of three members;Slit1,Slit2 and Slit3. Each gene encodes a protein containing multiple epidermal growth factor and leucine rich repeat motifs, which are likely to have importance in cell-cell interactions. In this study, we sought to fully define and characterise the vertebrate Slit gene family. Using long distance PCR coupled with in silico mapping, we determined the genomic structure of all three Slit genes in mouse and man. Analysis of EST and genomic databases revealed no evidence of further Slit family members in either organism. All three Slit genes were encoded by 36 (Slit3) or 37 (Slit1 and Slit2) exons covering at least 143 kb or 183 kb of mouse or human genomic DNA respectively. Two additional potential leucine-rich repeat encoding exons were identified within intron 12 of Slit2. These could be inserted in frame, suggesting that alternate splicing may occur in Slit2 A search for STS sequences within human Slit3 anchored this gene to D5S2075 at the 5' end (exon 4) and SGC32449 within the 3' UTR, suggesting that Slit3 may cover greater than 693 kb. The genomic structure of all Slit genes demonstrated considerable modularity in the placement of exon-intron boundaries such that individual leucine-rich repeat motifs were encoded by individual 72 by exons. This further implies the potential generation of multiple Slit protein isoforms varying in their number of repeat units. cDNA library screening and EST database searching verified that such alternate splicing does occur.


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Merozoite surface protein 1 (MSP1) of malaria parasites undergoes proteolytic processing at least twice before invasion into a new RBC. The 42-kDa fragment, a product of primary processing, is cleaved by proteolytic enzymes giving rise to MSP1(33), which is shed from the merozoite surface, and MSP1(19), which is the only fragment carried into a new RBC. In this study, we have identified T cell epitopes on MSP1(33) of Plasmodium yoelii and have examined their function in immunity to blood stage malaria. Peptides 20 aa in length, spanning the length of MSP1(33) and overlapping each other by 10 aa, were analyzed for their ability to induce T cell proliferation in immunized BALB/c and C57BL/6 mice. Multiple epitopes were recognized by these two strains of mice. Effector functions of the dominant epitopes were then investigated. Peptides Cm15 and Cm21 were of particular interest as they were able to induce effector T cells capable of delaying growth of lethal P. yoelii YM following adoptive transfer into immuno-deficient mice without inducing detectable Ab responses. Homologs of these epitopes could be candidates for inclusion in a subunit vaccine.


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The aim of the study was to investigate the role of glutamate residue 113 in transmembrane domain 2 of the human noradrenaline transporter in determining cell surface expression and functional activity. This residue is absolutely conserved in all members of the Na+- and Cl--dependent transporter family. Mutations to alanine (hE113A), aspartate (hE113D) and glutamine (hE113Q) were achieved by site-directed mutagenesis and the mutants were expressed in transfected COS-7 or HEK-293 cells. Cell surface expression of IIE113A and hE113D, but not hE113Q, was markedly reduced compared with wild type, and functional noradrenaline uptake was detected only for the hE113Q mutant. The pharmacological properties of the hE113Q mutant showed very little change compared with wild type, except for a decrease in V-max values for noradrenaline and dopamine uptake of 2-3-fold. However, the hE113D mutant showed very marked changes in its properties, compared with wild type, with 82-260-fold decreases in the affinities of the substrates, noradrenaline, dopamine and MPP+, and increased Na+ affinity for stimulation of nisoxetine binding. The results of the study show that the size and not the charge of the 113 glutamate residue of the noradrenaline transporter seems to be the most critical factor for maintenance of transporter function and surface expression.


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Highly conserved motifs in the monoamine transporters, e.g. the human norepinephrine transporter (hNET) GXXXRXG motif which was the focus of the present study, are likely to be important structural features in determining function. This motif was investigated by mutating the glycines to glutamate (causing loss of function) and alanine, and the arginine to glycine. The effects of hG117A, hR121G and hG123A mutations on function were examined in COS-7 cells and compared to hNET. Substrate K-m values were decreased for hG117A and hG123A, and their K values for inhibition of [3 H]nisoxetine binding were decreased 3-4-fold and 4-6-fold, respectively. Transporter turnover was reduced to 65% of hNET for hG117A and hR121G and to 28% for hG123A, suggesting that substrate translocation is impaired. K values of nisoxetine and desipramine for inhibition of [H-3]norepinephrine uptake were increased by 5-fold for hG117A, with no change for cocaine. The K-i value of cocaine was increased by 3-fold for hG123A, with no change for nisoxetine and desipramine. However, there were no effects of the mutations on the K-d of [H-3]nisoxetine binding or K-i values of desipramine or cocaine for inhibition of [H-3]nisoxetine binding. Hence, glycine residues of the GXXXRXG motif are important determinants of NET expression and function, while the arginine residue does not have a major role. This study also showed that antidepressants and psychostimulants have different NET binding sites and provided the first evidence that different sites on the NET are involved in the binding of inhibitors and their competitive inhibition of substrate uptake. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Ten microsatellite loci are described in Araucaria cunninghamii, the first reported in the Araucariaceae. Eight were tested in sections Eutacta and Bunya, which diverged more than 200 MYA, and to the sister genus Agathis. Specific amplification products within the expected size range were obtained for six to eight loci in section Eutacta (depending on species), five loci in section Bunya and three. loci in Agathis. Two of the loci (CRCAc1 and CRCAc2, both GA repeats) produced specific amplification products in all taxa, with orthology confirmed by sequence analysis. The repeats were perfect in all taxa. The flanking sequences were extremely conserved, with sequence divergence of 0% to 2.0% within Araucaria species and 2.9% to 7.5% between Araucaria and Agathis. These microsatellites represent some of the most conserved microsatellite loci reported in plants. This may be due to a low evolutionary rate in Araucariaceae genome or the loci may be closely associated with highly conserved, unreported genes.