926 resultados para competência comunicativa


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This article brings a discussion of the implications of religious diversity on science education as well as on teacher education. To orientate our discussion, we adopt as framework the ideas of German philosopher Jürgen Habermas on the political relationship that should govern relations between a naturalistic culture and different religious cultures. We also present a research with future teachers of physics, which aimed at investigating the positions taken by the future teachers towards non scientific models presented by students about the origins of the universe. We tried to identify, especially, the expectation of these future teachers would demonstrated about the contributing of the lifting of such models in class by students. We were able to find that most of them believe that the manifestation of these ideas could bring contributions to the discussion in the classroom. We also found that teaching practices based on communication, questioning and dialogue of the undergraduate course done by the prospective teachers has generated an ownership by the undergraduates of these practices and their potential application in other situations and other discussions, including inter-religious.


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Pós-graduação em Estudos Linguísticos - IBILCE


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Tese de doutoramento, Linguística (Linguística Aplicada), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Letras, 2016


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As we are aware, the classroom is emerging as a continuous build learning experiences and environment, however, for students also it functions as a place also to be due to socializing with friends. However, not always these elements complement each other, so as harmoniously as we are aware that there are many difficulties, both in the act of learning as in interpersonal relations between them. From this, we understand that it is for the school to seek ways to contemplate such issues so that they feel inserted both with regard to this learning as well as being able to interact with themselves and with others, in a participatory manner, to live well socially. Thus, we find ourselves facing a similar situation with a 9th grade class where the students had certain limitations to have a good relationship with one another, causing thus problems in learning. On the other hand, this difficulty as affectively interact with each other, also, was increased by the difficulty that some students had to speak for themselves and to show their feelings and emotions, getting even more difficult this interaction at school. Thus, we found ourselves obliged to act immediately and need to bring about change in this picture. So it came out the idea of the application of an intervening action which started taking shapefrom a pedagogical project that we developed in other classes in previous years, this time adapted to the situation experienced by the group. The project, framed in the qualitative research and characterized from the action research approach took shape, and elected as its main objective to seek possible alternatives to develop the communicative competence of students, which is why we invest in exercise oral communication (speaking and listening) in order to promote the use of language, the interpersonal involvement facilitating thus their participation both in the classroom and in social life. To fulfill this goal, we set out to develop a didactic book whose support materialized through the autobiographical narrative (molded in writing production) and worked along a structured instructional sequence in three distinctstages that dialogued with each other. Therefore, we base our study from the socio-historical conception and dialogue proposed by Bakhtin in line with the sociodiscursivo interactionism of Bronckart and resort to other scholars as Dolz and Schneuwly, Marcuschi among others. The development of all stages of the project not only has had an immediate effect on what we proposed ourselves as also yielded us very gratifying moments reinforcing to us that the classroom environment goes far beyond the fact ministering content. And that work with orality, with views on affective interaction of these students resulted in a project, so to speak, exciting.


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La educación intercultural y el tratamiento de la diversidad en la escuela son sin duda algunos de los aspectos de la educación sobre los que más se ha escrito en las últimas décadas. Con el presente trabajo pretendemos hacer un recorrido por los planteamientos más actuales en la educación intercultural, así como la profundización en la idea de creatividad y en el trabajo colaborativo como formas eficaces de afrontar el reto que nos plantea la diferencia. Finalmente, propondremos literatura, concretamente el teatro de títeres, como herramienta didáctica óptima para el trabajo intercultural en todos los niveles educativos, partiendo de la valoración positiva de la diversidad en sus múltiples significados.


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The purpose of this study is to understand, impact and evaluate the development of intercultural communicative competencies among European credit-seeking exchange students and other sojourners through purposeful intercultural pedagogy. This pedagogy encompasses intentional intercultural- educational approaches which aim to support and enhance sojourners’ intercultural learning throughout the study abroad cycle (pre-departure, in-country and reentry phases). To test and validate these pedagogies a 20-hour intervention was designed and implemented among two cohorts of 31 sojourners during the in-country phase of their sojourn in Portugal. The process to develop and validate the intercultural intervention was driven by a mixed-methods methodology which combined quantitative and qualitative data to triangulate, complement and expand research results from a pragmatic stance. The mixed methods research design adopted is multi-phased and encompasses a multi-case study and an evaluative component. The multi-case component is embodied by sojourner cohorts: (1) the primary case study involves 19 incoming students at the University of Aveiro (Portugal) as participants in the European exchange program Campus Europae; (2) the second case study comprises three incoming Erasmus students and nine highly skilled immigrants at the same university. All 31 sojourners attended two intermediate Portuguese as Foreign Language classrooms where the intervention was employed. Data collection was extensive and involved collecting, analyzing and mixing quantitative and qualitative strands across four research phases. These phases refer to the: (1) development, (2) implementation and (3) evaluation of the intervention, as well as to (4) a stakeholder analysis of the external value of the intervention and of the Campus Europae program. Data collection instruments included pre and posttest questionnaires and semi-structured interviews. Results confirm the intercultural effectiveness of the intervention and the positive impact upon research participants’ intercultural gains. This impact was, however, greater in case study 2. Among explanatory variables, three stand out: (1) participant meaning-making abilities, (2) host language proficiency and related variables, and (3) type of sojourn or exchange programs. Implications for further research highlight the need to systematize purposeful intercultural pedagogy in sojourner populations in general, and in European credit student mobility in particular. In the latter case, these pedagogies should be part of the design and delivery of credit-bearing exchange programs in pre- departure, in-country and re-entry phases. Implications for practice point to the urge to improve intercultural practices in: macro (higher education institutions), mezzo (exchange programs) and micro (sojourner language classrooms) contexts where this research took place, and wider social scenarios they represent.


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O presente trabalho propõe-se descrever e refletir sobre os diferentes passos levados a cabo na elaboração de um projeto de investigação-ação relativo a uma abordagem comunicativa do desenvolvimento da produção oral na aula de Espanhol Língua Estrangeira. Neste estudo, pretende-se, como ponto de partida, evidenciar e contextualizar a importância dada à oralidade no ensino-aprendizagem de línguas, sobretudo à luz do Quadro Europeu Comum de Referência para as Línguas. Por outro lado, através da implementação deste projeto numa turma de 9ºano, almeja-se evidenciar boas práticas que conduzem ao desenvolvimento da produção oral dos alunos em língua espanhola e, consequentemente, melhoram o seu desempenho escolar no âmbito das aulas de língua estrangeira. A análise dos resultados obtidos através do recurso a diversos instrumentos de recolha de dados mostra que práticas, materiais, atividades e estratégias de índole comunicativo-funcional, favorecem as aprendizagens dos alunos e fomentam o desenvolvimento da produção oral de cidadãos ativos numa sociedade cada vez mais intercultural e plurilingue.


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Trabalho de Projeto apresentado para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciências da Educação: área de especialização em Animação da Leitura.


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Desde os anos 90 do século XX que o conceito de intercompreensão tem sido alvo de uma atenção marcante no campo da educação em línguas, em geral, e da Didática de Línguas, em particular (Alarcão, Andrade, Araújo e Sá, Santos & Melo, 2009), em contexto europeu e além deste. Tratando-se de um conceito multidimensional e complexo na sua definição (Degache & Melo, 2008; Melo & Santos, 2008), a intercompreensão tem-se assumido como um conceito heurístico e tem mobilizado diversos atores numa esfera internacional em torno da sua compreensão, numa dupla vertente: na delimitação de nexos conceptuais e no posicionamento do conceito numa rede semântica dinâmica que caracteriza uma comunidade discursiva preocupada com a educação plurilingue e suas concretizações; na identificação das suas possibilidades e potencialidades educativas, em prol do desenvolvimento de uma competência comunicativa, de natureza plurilingue e intercultural, em contexto escolar e não escolar (Araújo e Sá et al. 2014; Coste, 2010; Degache & Tavares, 2011; Tavares & Ollivier, 2010). (...)


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This study discusses the aspects related to linguistics variation from the perspective of Educational Sociolinguistics. It has as main purpose to comprehend the relation between elements resulting from Sociolinguistic and the education of Native Language, as well as to motivate a reflection about the process of teaching-learning to make a profound study of the discussion of questions related to linguistic variation in the scholar context, looking for an improvement of teaching methodology. This study makes use of a methodological approach of qualitative and bibliographic character, since it aims to develop theoretical knowledge about Educational Sociolinguistics articulating these aspects with practical elements of teaching languages. For so, it was tried to develop an education intervention proposal, in order to motivate the teachers to develop their educational practices, based on language use, communicative situations, for the purpose of improving the students communicative competence. It refers to a proposal that has not been applied yet and that should be adapted according to the extra linguistic context, in which learning community is inserted, becoming then a real intervention. For now the aim is to encourage thoughts about its viability. 


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Increasingly, social areas traditionally reserved for only a portion of the population have been open to participation by a variety of subjects. The political domain is exemplary in this regard. For a variety of reasons, positions of both the legislature as the Executive have been busy not only for individuals from urban cultures where there is a predominance of practices and literacy events, but also of rural cultures where these practices and events are not so frequent - or even that between. Using theoretical and methodological assumptions of Sociolinguistics, specifically the so-called Ethnography of Communication approach, is analyzed in this article, the communicative competence of the heterogeneous group of councilors of the Municipality of São Domingos - BA, focusing on their varying skills stylistic. It also notes it is the relationship between the socio-cultural characteristics of political leaders and their linguistic performance in the Ordinary Session, a communication event that requires a high degree of stylistic monitoring.


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International mobility programs and curriculum restructuration stand out as the most common practice to develop intercultural communicative competence of students, in quest of respect for diversity in its otherness. For the teacher in initial and continuing training, the aim is to train in order to deal with children, adolescents and young adults, forming the growing migration around the world. Interested in the profile of Portuguese-speaking teachers for intercultural education, we address the professionals of Angolan nationality who were present at the Fórum Juventude Europa – Lusofonia, in its issue of Coimbra 2014. With methods in line with the proposal of Schaefer (2014), we assess the ability of Knowledge Discovery, Empathy, Respect for Otherness, Tolerance for Ambiguity, Behavioral Flexibility and Communicative Awareness. In this article, we present and discuss the findings of the group of teachers from Angola based on the literature of cultural studies and emphasis on intercultural communicative competence. The considerations which allow us to analyze are around the actual limits of the subjects - in this case pre-service and in-service teachers - to signify the symbiotic nature of the relationship among themselves, the others and the world.


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Este artigo analisa a expressão da modalidade sob a perspectiva da Gramática Funcional. Esta teoria está assentada sobre os pressupostos da competência comunicativa dos indivíduos que além de codificarem e decodificarem as expressões lingüísticas usam e interpretam-nas de uma maneira interacionalmente satisfatória. Por meio da modalidade epistêmica, o enunciador expressa com maior ou menor grau de adesão seu ponto de vista em relação à verdade do conteúdo proposicional. A modalidade assume a função de direcionar para o interlocutor o ponto de vista do locutor. Este pode, por exemplo, marcar seu discurso como incontestável ou duvidoso, depende da expressão modalizadora utilizada e do nível da camada do enunciado em que a expressão está. Em uma investigação de base funcionalista a modalização epistêmica pode atuar nas diferentes camadas de constituição da frase (HENGEVELD, 1989). No nível da predicação o falante descreve para o ouvinte o estado de coisas sem manifestar a sua posição, já no nível da proposição, ao qualificar epistemicamente seu enunciado, o falante não somente avalia como certo ou possível, mas também se posiciona, ou seja, expressa seu ponto de vista. Para a realização desta análise utilizamos como corpus o texto, A Lição de Willie Sutton ao PT, de autoria do colunista José Alexandre Scheinkman, veiculado no jornal Folha de São Paulo em 24/09/2006. Por meio da organização lingüística do texto, temos como pressuposto e posteriormente concluímos que o locutor utiliza-se da modalidade subjetiva e evidencial para dar sustentação e credibilidade a seus argumentos, uma vez que essas marcas veiculadoras de modalização representam o comprometimento pessoal do falante em relação à verdade da proposição.


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A presente dissertação tem como propósito, a partir do estudo e apropriação reflexiva da Teoria do Agir Comunicativo de Jürgen Habermas, identificar espaços alternativos no ambiente escolar através dos quais possamos implementar ações didático-pedagógicas e administrativas que oportunizem o aprendizado da razão comunicativa, bem como favoreçam o desenvolvimento de competências alicerçadas na interatividade. Para tanto, partimos de uma abordagem sobre a modernidade, enquanto contextualização geral, enfatizando os movimentos filosóficos através dos quais se criaram as condições que permitiram a formulação do paradigma da subjetividade. Visando desocultar a gênese da alienação nossa reflexão esteve atenta aos elementos que oportunizaram a transformação da razão emancipatória em razão instrumental, ou seja, os motivos circunstanciais que tornaram possível a geração de patologias e a obstrução dos canais da comunicação na sociedade capitalista ocidental. A racionalidade comunicativa, como resultado da reviravolta lingüística, representa uma formulação reflexiva e crítica da razão capaz de oferecer alternativas de ação que possibilitem o resgate, a renovação e a promoção da racionalidade na sua multiplicidade de formas e vozes. Constitui-se num novo paradigma através do qual torna-se viável a análise crítica das patologias sociais e escolares oriundas do processo de racionalização das relações sociais e produtivas, assim como das imagens religiosas e metafísicas do mundo. A racionalidade comunicativa, pelo fato de privilegiar a dialogicidade intersubjetivo-argumentativa, fecunda o mundo escolar com múltiplas possibilidades de ação calcadas no desenvolvimento de competências interativas via aprendizado da racionalidade.