991 resultados para comparative medicine


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Objective. The present study evaluated the dynamics of the development of periapical lesions.Study design. Root canals from dogs' teeth were exposed to the oral environment, and then sealed for 7 days (Group A), 15 days (Group B), 30 days (Group C), and 60 days (Group D). After each experimental period, radiographs were taken to detect periapical bone resorption. In addition, histological sections from the periapical region were prepared. The radiographic and histological results were analyzed by ANOVA and Tukey's, Wilcoxon, and Pearson's tests. Significance level was set at 5%.Results. Lesions were radiographically visible at 15 and 30 days, and had similar size at these periods (P > .05). At 60 days, lesions were larger than in the other periods (P < .05). Bone resorption was detected histologically at 7 days. The greatest values of bone resorption were observed at the 30- and 60-day periods (P < .05). The results of the methods of evaluation were similar only at the 30-day period. There was no correlation between the radiographic and histological results.Conclusions. Periapical radiography did not provide detection of periapical lesion in its initial stages. The periapical lesions became more evident radiographically when the bone resorption area increased. (Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 2009;107:442-447)


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In recent years, many researchers in the field of biomedical sciences have made successful use of mathematical models to study, in a quantitative way, a multitude of phenomena such as those found in disease dynamics, control of physiological systems, optimization of drug therapy, economics of the preventive medicine and many other applications. The availability of good dynamic models have been providing means for simulation and design of novel control strategies in the context of biological events. This work concerns a particular model related to HIV infection dynamics which is used to allow a comparative evaluation of schemes for treatment of AIDS patients. The mathematical model adopted in this work was proposed by Nowak & Bangham, 1996 and describes the dynamics of viral concentration in terms of interaction with CD4 cells and the cytotoxic T lymphocytes, which are responsible for the defense of the organism. Two conceptually distinct techniques for drug therapy are analyzed: Open Loop Treatment, where a priori fixed dosage is prescribed and Closed Loop Treatment, where the doses are adjusted according to results obtained by laboratory analysis. Simulation results show that the Closed Loop Scheme can achieve improved quality of the treatment in terms of reduction in the viral load and quantity of administered drugs, but with the inconvenience related to the necessity of frequent and periodic laboratory analysis.


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Osteoporosis, a disease characterized by progressive bone loss, has been the target of several studies in the past few years. It results in a much higher risk for fractures and might cause slower bone lesion healing. The aim of this work was to study the effects of Risedronate (allopathic medicine) and Calcarea phosphorica 6CH (homeopathic medicine) on the repair of bone lesions in male rats with osteoporosis induced by castration. Eighty-four three-month-old rats were used divided into four groups of twenty-one animals each. Three groups where castrated and one group was submitted to Sham surgery. One month later, cortical lesions were made in all animals' tibiae and, after one day, the different experimental treatments began according to the following groups: CR - castrated/Risedronate (1 mg/kg/day); CCp - castrated/ Calcarea phosphorica 6CH (3 drops/day); CP - castrated/placebo and SP - Sham/placebo. The animals were sacrificed at seven, fourteen and twenty-eight days after the beginning of the treatments and had their tibiae removed. Digital radiographs of the tibiae were taken and analyzed in order to evaluate the optical density of the defect area. Then, they were decalcified and processed for histological and histomorphometrical analysis. The data were submitted to ANOVA, and to the Tukey and Dunnett tests (5%). The allopathic and homeopathic treatments led to different bone formation as regards remodeling and maturation aspects. Further research is necessary to access the resistance and quality of the newly formed bone.


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Objectives: Describe a new case of keratocyst of the buccal mucosa and compare its immunohistochemical features with 13 sporadic intraosseous keratocystic odontogenic tumors (KOT). Case Report and Study Design: A male complaining about an enlargement on the left buccal mucosa was referred to the Stomatology Clinic. Clinical examination revealed a solitary nodule posterior to the parotid papilla. An excisional biopsy was performed following clinical diagnosis of epidermoid cyst. Microscopically, the lesion was characterized by a lining of five cell layers, with columnar basal cells and a corrugated parakeratinized surface. Immunohistochemical reactions for PTCH-1, Smo, Shh, mTOR, bcl-2, Ck17, and Ck19 were performed. PTCH-1 was not expressed in the keratocyst of the buccal mucosa, but was observed in suprabasal layers of eight (61.5%) cases of sporadic intraosseous KOT. Shh, mTOR, bcl-2, Ck17, and Ck19 expression was observed in all the cases investigated. Conclusions: The morphology and immunoprofile of this lesion are similar to sporadic intraosseous KOT. © 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Objectives. To verify the hypothesis that crack analysis and a mechanical test would rank a series of composites in a similar order with respect to polymerization stress. Also, both tests would show similar relationships between stress and composite elastic modulus and/or shrinkage. Methods. Soda-lime glass discs (2-mm thick) with a central perforation (3.5-mm diameter) received four Vickers indentations 500 mu m from the cavity margin. The indent cracks were measured (500x) prior and 10 min after the cavity was restored with one of six materials (Kalore/KL, Gradia/GR, Ice/IC, Wave/WV, Majesty Flow/MF, and Majesty Posterior/MP). Stresses at the indent site were calculated based on glass fracture toughness and increase in crack length. Stress at the bonded interface was calculated using the equation for an internally pressurized cylinder. The mechanical test used a universal testing machine and glass rods (5-mm diameter) as substrate. An extensometer monitored specimen height (2 mm). Nominal stress was calculated dividing the maximum shrinkage force by the specimen cross-sectional area. Composite elastic modulus was determined by nanoindentation and post-gel shrinkage was measured using strain gages. Data were subjected to one-way ANOVA/Tukey or Kruskal-Wallis/Mann-Whitney tests (alpha: 5%). Results. Both tests grouped the composites in three statistical subsets, with small differences in overlapping between the intermediate subset (MF, WV) and the highest (MP, IC) or the lowest stress materials (KL, GR). Higher stresses were developed by composites with high modulus and/or high shrinkage. Significance. Crack analysis demonstrated to be as effective as the mechanical test to rank composites regarding polymerization stress. (c) 2012 Academy of Dental Materials. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Objectives. The null hypothesis was that mechanical testing systems used to determine polymerization stress (sigma(pol)) would rank a series of composites similarly. Methods. Two series of composites were tested in the following systems: universal testing machine (UTM) using glass rods as bonding substrate, UTM/acrylic rods, "low compliance device", and single cantilever device ("Bioman"). One series had five experimental composites containing BisGMA:TEGDMA in equimolar concentrations and 60, 65, 70, 75 or 80 wt% of filler. The other series had five commercial composites: Filtek Z250 (3M ESPE), Filtek A110 (3M ESPE), Tetric Ceram (Ivoclar), Heliomolar (Ivoclar) and Point 4 (Kerr). Specimen geometry, dimensions and curing conditions were similar in all systems. sigma(pol) was monitored for 10 min. Volumetric shrinkage (VS) was measured in a mercury dilatometer and elastic modulus (E) was determined by three-point bending. Shrinkage rate was used as a measure of reaction kinetics. ANOVA/Tukey test was performed for each variable, separately for each series. Results. For the experimental composites, sigma(pol) decreased with filler content in all systems, following the variation in VS. For commercial materials, sigma(pol) did not vary in the UTM/acrylic system and showed very few similarities in rankings in the others tests system. Also, no clear relationships were observed between sigma(pol) and VS or E. Significance. The testing systems showed a good agreement for the experimental composites, but very few similarities for the commercial composites. Therefore, comparison of polymerization stress results from different devices must be done carefully. (c) 2012 Academy of Dental Materials. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This study evaluated color change, stability, and tooth sensitivity in patients submitted to different bleaching techniques. Material and methods: In this study, 48 patients were divided into five groups. A half-mouth design was conducted to compare two in-office bleaching bleaching techniques (with and without light activation): G1: 35% hydrogen peroxide (HP) (Lase Peroxide - DMC Equipments, Sao Carlos, SP, Brazil) + hybrid light (HL) (LED/Diode Laser, Whitening Lase II DMC Equipments, Sao Carlos, SP, Brazil); G2: 35% HP; G3: 38% HP (X-traBoost - Ultradent, South Jordan UT, USA) + HL; G4: 38% HP; and G5: 15% carbamide peroxide (CP) (Opalescence PF - Ultradent, South Jordan UT, USA). For G1 and G3, HP was applied on the enamel surface for 3 consecutive applications activated by HL. Each application included 3x3' HL activations with 1' between each interval; for G2 and G4, HP was applied 3x15' with 15' between intervals; and for G5, 15% CP was applied for 120'/10 days at home. A spectrophotometer was used to measure color change before the treatment and after 24 h, 1 week, 1, 6, 12, 18 and 24 months. A VAS questionnaire was used to evaluate tooth sensitivity before the treatment, immediately following treatment, 24 h after and finally 1 week after. Results: Statistical analysis did not reveal any significant differences between in-office bleaching with or without HL activation related to effectiveness; nevertheless the time required was less with HL. Statistical differences were observed between the result after 24 h, 1 week and 1, 6, 12, 18 and 24 months (integroup). Immediately, in-office bleaching increased tooth sensitivity. The groups activated with HL required less application time with gel. Conclusion: All techniques and bleaching agents used were effective and demonstrated similar behaviors.


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Aim This randomized, controlled, clinical study compared two surgical techniques for root coverage with the acellular dermal matrix graft (ADMG) to evaluate which procedure could provide better root coverage and greater amounts of keratinized tissue. Materials and Methods Fifteen pairs of bilateral Miller Class I or II gingival recessions were treated and assigned randomly to the test group, and the contra-lateral recessions were assigned to the control group. The ADMG was used in both groups. In the control group, the graft and flap were positioned at the level of the cemento-enamel junction (CEJ), and in the test group, the graft was positioned 1 mm apical to the CEJ and the flap 1 mm coronal to the CEJ. The clinical parameters were taken before the surgeries and after 6 months. The gingival recession area, a new parameter, was measured in standardized photographs through a special device and software. Results There were statistically significant differences favouring the proposed technique for all parameters except for the amount of keratinized tissue at 6 months. Conclusions The proposed test technique is more suitable for root coverage procedures with ADMG, and the new parameter evaluated appears valuable for root coverage analysis. (Clinicaltrials.gov Identifier: NCT01175720).


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The objective was to conduct a retrospective and comparative study of the requests for consultation-liaison (RCLs), during a period of six years, sent to the Occupational Therapy (OT) team that acts as the Consultation-liaison Service in Mental Health. During the studied period 709 RCLs were made and 633 patients received OT consultations. The comparison group was extended to 1 129 consecutive referrals to the psychiatric CL service, within the same period and that were also retrospectively reviewed. Regarding to RCLs to the OT team, most of the subjects were women with incomplete elementary schooling, with a mean age of 39.2 years, and were self-employed or retired. Internal Medicine was responsible for most of the RCLs. The mean length of hospitalization was 51 days and the mean rate of referral was 0.5%, with the most frequent reason for the request being related to the emotional aspects and the most frequent psychiatric diagnosis was mood disorder. It is concluded that there is a clear demand for the development of consultation-liaison in OT, particularly with regard to the promotion of mental health in general hospitals.


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Background: Proteinaceous toxins are observed across all levels of inter-organismal and intra-genomic conflicts. These include recently discovered prokaryotic polymorphic toxin systems implicated in intra-specific conflicts. They are characterized by a remarkable diversity of C-terminal toxin domains generated by recombination with standalone toxin-coding cassettes. Prior analysis revealed a striking diversity of nuclease and deaminase domains among the toxin modules. We systematically investigated polymorphic toxin systems using comparative genomics, sequence and structure analysis. Results: Polymorphic toxin systems are distributed across all major bacterial lineages and are delivered by at least eight distinct secretory systems. In addition to type-II, these include type-V, VI, VII (ESX), and the poorly characterized "Photorhabdus virulence cassettes (PVC)", PrsW-dependent and MuF phage-capsid-like systems. We present evidence that trafficking of these toxins is often accompanied by autoproteolytic processing catalyzed by HINT, ZU5, PrsW, caspase-like, papain-like, and a novel metallopeptidase associated with the PVC system. We identified over 150 distinct toxin domains in these systems. These span an extraordinary catalytic spectrum to include 23 distinct clades of peptidases, numerous previously unrecognized versions of nucleases and deaminases, ADP-ribosyltransferases, ADP ribosyl cyclases, RelA/SpoT-like nucleotidyltransferases, glycosyltranferases and other enzymes predicted to modify lipids and carbohydrates, and a pore-forming toxin domain. Several of these toxin domains are shared with host-directed effectors of pathogenic bacteria. Over 90 families of immunity proteins might neutralize anywhere between a single to at least 27 distinct types of toxin domains. In some organisms multiple tandem immunity genes or immunity protein domains are organized into polyimmunity loci or polyimmunity proteins. Gene-neighborhood-analysis of polymorphic toxin systems predicts the presence of novel trafficking-related components, and also the organizational logic that allows toxin diversification through recombination. Domain architecture and protein-length analysis revealed that these toxins might be deployed as secreted factors, through directed injection, or via inter-cellular contact facilitated by filamentous structures formed by RHS/YD, filamentous hemagglutinin and other repeats. Phyletic pattern and life-style analysis indicate that polymorphic toxins and polyimmunity loci participate in cooperative behavior and facultative 'cheating' in several ecosystems such as the human oral cavity and soil. Multiple domains from these systems have also been repeatedly transferred to eukaryotes and their viruses, such as the nucleo-cytoplasmic large DNA viruses. Conclusions: Along with a comprehensive inventory of toxins and immunity proteins, we present several testable predictions regarding active sites and catalytic mechanisms of toxins, their processing and trafficking and their role in intra-specific and inter-specific interactions between bacteria. These systems provide insights regarding the emergence of key systems at different points in eukaryotic evolution, such as ADP ribosylation, interaction of myosin VI with cargo proteins, mediation of apoptosis, hyphal heteroincompatibility, hedgehog signaling, arthropod toxins, cell-cell interaction molecules like teneurins and different signaling messengers.


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Intensity of the 150 degrees C thermoluminescence peak of beta-irradiated carbonated synthetic A-type hydroxyapatite is approximately 12 times higher than that of the noncarbonated material. Deconvolution of the glow curve showed that this peak is a result of a trap distribution. An attempt was made to relate this thermoluminescence peak enhanced by carbonation with the ESR signal of the CO2- radical in natural or synthetic hydroxyapatite. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Background: Owing to a lack of symptoms and difficult visualization in routine intraoral radiographs, diagnosis of external root resorptions can be challenging. Aim: The goal of this study was to compare two image acquisition methods, intraoral radiographs and cone beam computed tomography (CBCT), in the diagnosis of external resorption. Material and Methods: Thirty-four maxillary and mandibular bicuspids were divided into three groups. Perforations measuring 0.3 and 0.6 mm in diameter and 0.15 and 0.3 mm in depth, respectively, were made on the lingual root surfaces in thirty teeth, and four were used as controls. Next, teeth were mounted on an apparatus and radiographed at mesial, distal, and orthoradial angulations. CBCT images were also taken. The analysis of the intraoral radiographic and tomographic images was carried out by two experts using standardized scores. Data were then compared statistically. Results: A strong agreement between the examiners was observed in both diagnosis methods, the intraoral radiographic (r = 0.93) and the tomographic analysis (r = 1.0). Tomography had higher statistically significant detection values than intraoral radiography (P < 0.05). In intraoral radiographs, the detection was significantly greater (P < 0.05) in the mandibular bicuspids, compared with their maxillary counterparts. The ability to detect 0.6-mm perforations by intraoral radiography was significantly higher than that of 0.3-mm perforations (P < 0.05). Conclusion: Cone beam computed tomography showed better diagnostic ability compared with intraoral radiography, regardless of the tooth or the dimensions of the resorption evaluated.


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The objective of this study was to compare the bone repair along a mandibular body osteotomy stabilized with 2.0 mm absorbable and metallic systems. 12 male, adult mongrel dogs were divided into two groups (metallic and absorbable) and subjected to unilateral osteotomy between the mandibular third and fourth premolars, which was stabilized by applying two 4-hole plates. At 2 and 18 weeks, three dogs from each group were killed and the osteotomy sites were removed and divided equally into three parts: the upper part was labelled the tension third (TT), the lower part the compression third (CT), and the part between the TT and CT the intermediary third (IT). Regardless of the treatment system, union between the fragments was observed at 18 weeks and the CT showed more advanced stages of bone repair than the TT. Histometric analysis did not reveal any significant differences among the 3 parts or systems in the distance between bone fragments at 2 weeks. Although at 18 weeks the proportions of newly formed bone did not differ among TT, IT and CT, significantly enhanced bone formation was observed in all sections for the metallic group. The patterns of repair were distinct between treatments.