775 resultados para community support for youth


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Mode of access: Internet.


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National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Washington, D.C.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Washington, D.C.


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National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Washington, D.C.


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Australian Aborigines are experiencing an epidemic of renal and cardiovascular disease. In late 1995 we introduced a treatment program into the Tiwi community, which has a three- to fivefold increase in death rates and a recent annual incidence of treated ESRD of 2760 per million. Eligible for treatment were people with hypertension, diabetics with micro or overt albuminuria, and all people with overt albuminuria. Treatment centered around use of perindopril (Coversyl, Servier), with other agents added to reach BP goals; attempts to control glucose and lipid levels; and health education. Thirty percent of the adult population, or 267 people, were enrolled, with a mean follow up of 3.39 yr. Clinical parameters were followed every 6 mo, and rates of terminal endpoints were compared with those of 327 historical controls matched for baseline disease severity, followed in the pretreatment program era. There was a dramatic reduction in BP in the treatment group, which was sustained through 3 yr of treatment. Albuminuria and GFR stabilized or improved. Rates of natural deaths were reduced by an estimated 50% (P = 0.012); renal deaths were reduced by 57% (P = 0.038); and nonrenal deaths by 46% (P = 0.085). Survival benefit was suggested at all levels of overt albuminuria, and regardless of diabetes status, baseline BP, or prior administration of angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors (ACEI). No significant benefit was apparent among people without overt albuminuria, nor among those with GFR less than 60 ml/min. An estimated 13 renal deaths and 10 nonrenal deaths were prevented, with the number-needed-to-treat to avoid one terminal event of only 11.6. Falling deaths and renal failure in the whole community support these estimates. The program was extremely cost-effective. Programs like this should be introduced to all high-risk communities as a matter of urgency.


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Over forty million foreign-born residents currently live in the United States. Latinos make up the largest population of immigrants living in the U.S. Previous research suggests that Latino immigrants often experience pre-migration stressors, such as traumatic experiences, political upheaval, and unplanned migration. These stressors may have a negative impact on immigrants’ post-migration mental health. Research also suggests that the post-migration climate of the receiving community may inform the connection between pre-migration experiences and post-migration mental health. The current study examined the relationship between Latino immigrants’ reasons for migration, migration planning, and pre-migration experience of political and/or interpersonal violence, and post-migration symptoms of psychological distress. In addition to examining the effect of these pre-migration factors, the current study also examined the community “climate” experienced by Latino immigrants post-migration by assessing the influence of three post-migration factors: 1) community support and engagement, 2) discrimination, and 3) employment. The study was a secondary analysis of data collected for the National Latino and Asian American Study, which focused on the mental health and service utilization of Latinos and Asian Americans. Participants included 1,629 Latino immigrants from across the United States. Results indicated that pre-migration experience of political and/or interpersonal trauma, post-migration experience of discrimination, and female sex were positively associated with psychological distress. Post-migration employment was negatively associated with psychological distress. In addition, discrimination modified the association between unplanned migration and psychological distress; the relationship between unplanned migration and psychological distress decreased for participants who reported more discrimination. Furthermore, employment modified the association between political and/or interpersonal trauma and psychological distress; the connection between trauma and psychological distress increased among those who reported having less employment. Recommendations for further research were presented. Policy and clinical practice implications were discussed, particularly given the current climate of high anti-immigrant sentiment and hostility in the U.S.


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The South Carolina General Assembly created the South Carolina Community Block Grant for Education Pilot Program by Proviso 1.94 in the 2014-15 General Appropriation Act. The purpose of the proviso was to encourage and sustain partnerships between a community and its public school district for the implementation of innovative, state-of-the-art education initiatives and models to improve learning. Any public school, including a charter school, was eligible to submit a grant application. The proviso asserts that the success of the grant program is best served when there is vigorous community support, which is integral to the development and implementation on innovative initiatives for young people. Through this proviso, one million dollars was allocated for the block grants with direct allocations to school districts. Grants awarded were to be implemented for a period of one year beginning July 1, 2015 until June 30, 2016.


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Anxiety disorders are among the most common forms of psychopathology reported by children and adolescents. Anxiety disorders in children have debilitating consequences, both for the child and his/her family. In addition, research indicates that, in many cases, these disorders follow a chronic and persistent course. The efficacy of child-focused cognitive-behavioural interventions in the treatment of childhood anxiety disorders has been well demonstrated by recent, well-controlled research. This treatment outcome literature is briefly reviewed. Most recently, however, interventions used in the treatment of childhood anxiety disorders have taken the form of combined interventions aimed both at the anxious child and his or her family. This paper reviews two related bodies of research in presenting a case for the involvement of families in the treatment of childhood anxiety. First, the etiological evidence implicating the families of anxious children in the development and/or maintenance of childhood anxiety is presented. Second, the treatment outcome studies that have empirically evaluated this type of combined intervention are reviewed.


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Objective: To investigate the relation between irrational schematic beliefs and psychological distress in caregivers of persons with traumatic brain injury (TBI). Design: Cross-sectional mail survey. Participants: One hundred sixteen caregivers of persons with TBI living in the Australian states of Victoria and Queensland who were members of community support groups and brain injury associations. Measures: The Irrational Beliefs Inventory, Brief Symptom Inventory, income satisfaction, degree of personality and behavior change in the TBI individual, and injury severity. Results: Hierarchical regression analyses showed that after controlling for the effects of characteristics of the caregiving situation and the individual with TBI, greater adherence to irrational beliefs was related to higher levels of global psychological distress. Specifically, irrational beliefs related to Worrying were associated with all areas of psychological distress. Conclusion: Results support the cognitive theory proposal that irrational beliefs play an important role in the adaptation to TBI caregiving. Findings suggest the inclusion of cognitive therapy strategies in interventions for caregivers.


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Uma cidade amiga das pessoas idosas é um meio urbano onde são proporcionadas condições de saúde, segurança e participação que permitem às pessoas mais velhas envelhecerem activamente e viverem com dignidade. A nossa investigação, de natureza qualitativa e exploratória, teve como objectivo verificar se a cidade do Porto possui características de uma cidade amiga das pessoas idosas, na perspectiva de idosos residentes neste meio urbano. Para tal, realizamos dois focus groups com idosos habitantes nas Freguesias de S. Nicolau e Sé, seleccionados a partir de uma amostragem por conveniência, tendo sido utilizado um guião de entrevista constituído pelas categorias: espaços exteriores e edifícios; transportes; habitação; respeito e inclusão social; participação social; participação cívica e emprego; comunicação e informação; apoio comunitário e serviços de saúde. No nosso estudo, foi possível constatar que os participantes, apesar de se manifestarem genericamente satisfeitos com a sua vida na cidade do Porto e identificarem algumas características desse meio urbano que podem ser consideradas como amigas das pessoas idosas, descreveram um vasto conjunto de condições da cidade que limitam o seu quotidiano. Neste sentido, relativamente aos espaços exteriores, para além de os caracterizarem como inseguros quanto ao crime, reconheceram essencialmente limitações à sua mobilidade e segurança física, tais como os declives acentuados e as irregularidades do terreno de certos passeios, o curto período de tempo proporcionado para que sejam atravessadas algumas passadeiras e o aglomerar de lixo e estacionamento de veículos em locais destinados a peões. Adicionalmente, os participantes manifestaram-se insatisfeitos com o número de autocarros e paragens disponíveis na sua freguesia e identificaram nas habitações existentes na cidade do Porto um elevado nível de degradação estrutural e uma falta generalizada de condições de conforto, acessibilidade e protecção face a condições atmosféricas. Em oposição, foi possível verificar que a maior parte dos participantes se sente respeitado e incluído nas actividades e eventos realizados na sua comunidade. Da mesma forma, mostraram-se satisfeitos com a variedade de actividades em que têm oportunidade de participar, incluindo actividades de voluntariado e trabalho não remunerado. Aspectos característicos de uma cidade amiga do idoso, tais como a aglomeração geográfica dos edifícios públicos e lojas e a existência de serviços de apoio comunitário foram também identificados.


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O presente estudo, de natureza qualitativa e exploratório, teve como objectivo verificar se a cidade do Porto possui características de uma cidade amiga das pessoas idosas, na perspectiva de idosos residentes neste meio urbano. Uma cidade amiga das pessoas idosas estimula um envelhecimento activo e com dignidade ao optimizar oportunidades para a saúde, participação e segurança. Foram realizados dois focus groups com pessoas idosas habitantes das Freguesias da Vitória e Miragaia, seleccionados a partir de uma amostragem por conveniência, recorrendo-se a um guião de entrevista constituído pelas seguintes categorias: espaços exteriores e edifícios; transportes; habitação; respeito e inclusão social; participação social; participação cívica e emprego; comunicação e informação; apoio comunitário e serviços de saúde. Desta forma, foi possível verificar que, apesar dos participantes identificarem um conjunto de condições que podem ser consideradas amigas das pessoas idosas, a maior parte das características referidas foram encaradas como negativas e com um impacto considerável no seu quotidiano. A participação social, os meios de informação disponíveis e os serviços comunitários são as condições perante as quais os participantes demonstram maior satisfação. Pelo contrário, em relação aos espaços exteriores, referem aspectos, como os grandes declives, as más condições dos pavimentos, os obstáculos nos passeios e a acumulação de lixo, que contribuem para um ambiente desagradável e inseguro. Quanto aos transportes, as modificações na identificação dos veículos, as alterações nos percursos, a pouca consciencialização dos motoristas em relação às necessidades dos mais velhos e as condições das paragens são os principais factores destacados, enquanto as habitações são consideradas antigas e com más condições estruturais e de acesso. De uma forma geral, estes idosos consideram-se pouco reconhecidos e desrespeitados pelos mais jovens e deparam-se com grandes dificuldades no acesso a actividades laborais e de voluntariado.