870 resultados para collaborative knowledge construction


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This research project has as main objective the design of a project to raise awareness and environmental education in the area of prevention of the urban waste production by focusing on the presentation of a methodological proposal to incorporate this theme in the Course Curriculum of the Basic Education in Cape Verde. The study aimed beyond the project design, the preparation of a guide and a set of activities, instruments to be used by the educational community and more directly by the teachers of the Basic Education (EB) of Cape Verde for knowledge construction in study area and promove the development of skills of those teachers in terms of planning activities for waste prevention. The realized work included visits to various sources of information considered relevant, the application and validation of some activities in the population testing process using the technique of participant observation. This research involved the collaboration of the educational community of Praia namely the BE teachers, Pedagogical team teaching and Promoters of the new BE Curriculum. The study made a contribution in the view of the definition of the methodology of the work project and the assessment tool in order to reflect on the work process and its subsequent correction / improvement of future operations. We also present a proposal of monitoring and evaluation instrument of the project which will be applied during the implementation phase. Its use will enable the school community to improve their practices and will facilitate the involvement of the educational community taking into consideration an environmental sustainability


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O presente trabalho de projecto tem como principal objectivo a concepção de um projecto de sensibilização e educação ambiental na área da prevenção da produção dos resíduos urbanos com enfoque na apresentação de uma proposta metodológica de integração desta temática nos Currícula do Ensino Básico de Cabo Verde. Do estudo desenvolvido resultou, além da concepção do projecto, a elaboração de um guia, bem como um caderno de actividades, instrumentos a serem utilizados pela comunidade educativa e mais directamente pelos professores do Ensino Básico (EB) de Cabo Verde visando o reforço de conhecimentos na área de estudo identificada e o desenvolvimento de competências juntos dos referidos professores, para a planificação de actividades de prevenção da produção dos resíduos urbanos. O trabalho realizado compreendeu visitas a várias fontes de informação consideradas pertinentes assim como a aplicação e validação de algumas actividades numa população-teste com utilização da técnica de observação participante. Deste modo, o estudo contou com a colaboração da comunidade educativa da Cidade da Praia nomeadamente professores do EB, Equipa pedagógica e Promotores do novo Currículo do EB. O estudo permitiu dar um contributo na perspectiva da definição da metodologia do trabalho do projecto e instrumento de avaliação, visando uma reflexão sobre o trabalho desenvolvido e sua consequente correcção/melhoria de futuras acções. Apresentamos ainda uma proposta de instrumentos de acompanhamento e avaliação do projecto cuja aplicação se propõe no decorrer da implementação do mesmo. A sua utilização permitirá à comunidade escolar melhorar as suas práticas e facilitará o envolvimento da comunidade educativa tendo em vista a sustentabilidade ambiental.


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This research project has as main objective the design of a project to raise awareness and environmental education in the area of prevention of the urban waste production by focusing on the presentation of a methodological proposal to incorporate this theme in the Course Curriculum of the Basic Education in Cape Verde. The study aimed beyond the project design, the preparation of a guide and a set of activities, instruments to be used by the educational community and more directly by the teachers of the Basic Education (EB) of Cape Verde for knowledge construction in study area and promove the development of skills of those teachers in terms of planning activities for waste prevention. The realized work included visits to various sources of information considered relevant, the application and validation of some activities in the population testing process using the technique of participant observation. This research involved the collaboration of the educational community of Praia namely the BE teachers, Pedagogical team teaching and Promoters of the new BE Curriculum. The study made a contribution in the view of the definition of the methodology of the work project and the assessment tool in order to reflect on the work process and its subsequent correction / improvement of future operations. We also present a proposal of monitoring and evaluation instrument of the project which will be applied during the implementation phase. Its use will enable the school community to improve their practices and will facilitate the involvement of the educational community taking into consideration an environmental sustainability


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[spa] Esta publicación recoge los trabajos presentados en las III Jornadas de Historias de Vida en Educación – La construcción del conocimiento a partir de las historias de vida, celebradas en la Facultad de Psicología y Ciencias de la Educación de la Universidad de Porto en los días 8 y 9 de noviembre 2012, y organizadas por el Centro de Investigación e Intervención Educativas.En las diferentes contribuciones se profundiza la reflexión sobre el uso de las historias de vida en educación como proceso de investigación y de construcción de conocimiento insustituible, específico y pertinente para la formación y mejora de los docentes y los investigadores y para explorar relaciones y procedimientos particulares derivados de cada ejemplo presentadoEsta publicación ofrece un retrato del debate que tuvo lugar en la Universidad de Porto y da muestras de la vitalidad de esa comunidad que integra docentes e investigadores universitarios y estudiantes de master y doctorado de España, Portugal, México, Chile, Suiza, Argentina y Brasil.


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El concepto web 2.0 se utiliza para denominar a un conjunto de aplicaciones que están siempre en evolución de acuerdo a los requerimientos que los usuarios van realizando. En la red podemos encontrar muchas herramientas desarrolladas en la línea de la web 2.0: blogs, wikis, herramientas para compartir marcadores, para compartir archivos, etc. Consideramos que el sistema educativo no puede estar al margen de esta evolución tecnológica y necesita adaptarse a todos los niveles. Las universidades también se encuentran en la necesidad de adecuarse a estos nuevos tiempos, y cada vez encontramos más experiencias formativas de trabajo colaborativo en red para favorecer el aprendizaje de los estudiantes. El trabajo que presentamos es un análisis de herramientas web 2.0 y de una recopilación de buenas prácticas docentes universitarias de desarrollo de metodologías colaborativas utilizando las TIC. Además, ofrecemos recomendaciones del uso de estas herramientas en los procesos de enseñanza y aprendizaje universitario.


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During the recent years, collaboration with Chinese universities has aroused growing interest among multinational companies (MNCs). Cross-cultural university-industry (U-I) collaboration creates various challenges in collaborative knowledge creation and innovation due to the differences e.g. between university and company motivation, objectives and activities. Also different values, norms, and means of actions result often in collisions and misunderstandings. This thesis examines the establishment of the relationships and the evolution of the collaboration between MNCs and Chinese universities. Empirical findings underscore that the partners in collaboration are required to possess research interest as well as capability to acquire, assimilate and exploit new external knowledge. Time and communication have a critical role in the evolution of the collaboration. In China the personal relationships, guanxi, play an important role. Collaborative knowledge creation requires a platform, Ba, which enables the creation of common understanding, commitment, trust and mutual respect. Empirical data has been collected through interviewing company experts and academe of Chinese universities from ICT and forest industries as well as attending panel discussions and meetings with the experts from the field of study.


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Thir paper presents the results of a pedagogical experiment conducted with chemistry students of the mechanical engineering curriculum. The aim of the experiment was to study the development of the a general ability for the study program as a process of knowledge construction based on the theory of assimilation of P. Ya. Galperin.


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Forming (Arts and crafts) and children’s creative action with materials and tools are less in use in the kindergarten than before. Political focus on children’s early learning has led to shifts in kindergartens toward other specific disciplines, and requirements for individual testing also of the smallest children’s competencies within these. Kindergarten teachers, educators, researchers and participants in social debate have pointed out that there are epistemological contradictions in descriptions of kindergarten quality as well as between current kindergarten policy documents and requirements for the kindergartens’ staff. Meanwhile, the content and methods in many kindergartens are inspired by practice and philosophy in the municipal kindergartens in Reggio Emilia, Italy. Correlation between kindergartens’ formingprojects and experiences from Reggio Emilia is actualized in particular through the workshop and the studio’s role in children’s learning processes. One starting point for the thesis’ problem area is a documented need for more knowledge about kindergarten’s educational content. The overarching goal of the thesis is to develop new knowledge about how learning takes place in kindergarten through examining the field of forming in kindergartens inspired by Reggio Emilia’s atelier culture. The thesis is theoretically anchored within pragmatism, and ties kindergarten’s aesthetic operations with materials and tools to socio-cultural perspective, social constructivism and post humanistic theory. The empirical material is obtained through a qualitative study with ethnography as methodological approach. The fieldwork is conducted in kindergarten, with two leading research questions: 1) How is atelierism perceived and unfolded in Norwegian Reggio Emilia-inspired kindergartens, and 2) how is forming perceived and unfolded in Norwegian Reggio Emilia-inspired kindergartens. A comprehensive and multifaceted material is analyzed, and the results are presented in the form of three themes: The physical environment, Relations and actions in interplay, and Expression forms and forms of expression. Each of these topics are supported by examples from kindergartens’ adult voices and the constructed empirical material. Insights into how learning takes place in the kindergarten subject of forming with inspiration from the Reggio Emilia atelier culture is discussed in the tension between educational philosophy, Nordic kindergarten tradition and neoliberal trends that kindergarten teachers must adhere to. Learning potentials in children’s opportunities for action in forming in light of the atelier appears in the results of the empirical study. The educational context described is characterized by experimental and playful actions where children’s sensations, curiosity and resistance are interacting with the identity of materials and tools. The results imply aesthetic, ethical, democratic and ecological reflections, which are also valid on a practical action level. The thesis contributes to description and understanding of kindergarten’ content and young children’s learning, the importance of atelier culture as inspiration for the kindergarten, and the further development of methodology and documentation of knowledge expressions.


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This qualitative study addresses the question of how teachers negotiate meaning of new curriculum to better understand how curriculum is transformed from a theoretical construct to a practical one. Through interviews with 5 teachers, their experiences were examined as they negotiated the process of implementing new curriculum. Three theoretical constructs provided the entry point into the study: epistemology, teacher knowledge, and teacher learning. Using inductive analysis, 4 points or attributes of negotiation emerged: reference, growth, autonomy, and reconciliation. These attributes provided a theoretical framework from which a constructivist conceptualization of teacher learning and teacher knowledge could serve to understand the process of how teachers negotiate meaning of curriculum. Studied and theorized in this way, teacher knowledge and teacher learning are seen to be inextricably linked in a relationship that is dynamically changed by forces of stability and instability. Theorizing the negotiation of meaning from a constructivist epistemology also strengthened the assertion that negotiating meaning is a unique structural process, and that knowledge construction is therefore unique to each knower and subject to experience in a particular time and place. The implications for such a theory are, first, that it questions the legitimacy of privatized teacher practice and, second, that it calls for a renewed conceptualization of collegial network and relationship to strengthen the capacity for negotiating meaning of curricular initiatives. Understanding the relationship of curricular theory and negotiating meaning also has implications for curriculum development. In particular, the study highlights the necessity of professional discretion and the generative process of negotiating meaning.


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Un fichier intitulé Charbonneau_Nathalie_2008_AnimationAnnexeT accompagne la thèse. Il contient une séquence animée démontrant le type de parcours pouvant être effectué au sein des environnements numériques développés. Il s'agit d'un fichier .wmv qui a été compressé.


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Notre recherche s’intéresse à la transformation des rapports aux nombres rationnels d’élèves de 1re secondaire présentant des difficultés d’apprentissage. Comme le montrent plusieurs recherches, le défi majeur auquel sont confrontés les enseignants, ainsi que les chercheurs, est de ne pas s’enliser dans le cercle vicieux d’une réduction des enjeux de l’apprentissage des nombres rationnels et des possibilités d’apprentissage de l’élève en difficultés d’apprentissage, cet élève n’ayant pas ainsi la chance de mettre à l’épreuve ses connaissances, d’oser s’engager dans une démarche de construction de connaissances et d’apprécier les effets de son engagement cognitif. Afin de relever ce défi, nous avons misé sur l’intégration harmonieuse de situations problèmes. Il nous a semblé que, dans une démarche d’acculturation, l’approche écologique soit tout indiquée pour penser une «dé-transposition/re-transposition didactique» (Antibi et Brousseau, 2000) et reconstruire une mémoire porteuse d’espoirs (Brousseau et Centeno, 1998). Notre recherche vise à: 1) caractériser la progression des démarches d’acculturation institutionnelle de l’enseignant, du chercheur et des élèves et leurs effets sur les processus d’élaboration et de gestion des situations d’enseignement; 2) préciser l’évolution des connaissances, des habitus et des rapports des élèves aux nombres rationnels. Notre intégration en classe, d’une durée de 6 mois, nous a permis d’apprécier les effets du processus d’acculturation. Nous avons noté des changements importants dans la topogénèse et la chronogénèse des savoirs (Mercier, 1995); alors qu’à notre entrée, l’enseignante adoptait la démarche suivante, soit effectuer un exposé des savoirs et des démarches que les élèves devaient consigner dans leurs notes de cours, afin de pouvoir par la suite s’y référer pour effectuer des exercices et résoudre des problèmes, elle modifiait progressivement cette démarche en proposant des problèmes qui pouvaient permettre aux élèves de coordonner diverses connaissances et de construire ainsi des savoirs auxquels ils pouvaient faire référence dans la construction de leurs notes de cours qu’ils pouvaient par la suite consulter pour effectuer divers exercices. Nous avons également pu apprécier les effets de l’intégration de diverses représentations des nombres rationnels sur l’avancée du temps didactique (Mercier, 1995) et la transformation des rapports et habitus des élèves aux nombres rationnels (Bourdieu, 1980). Ces changements se sont manifestés, entre autres, par : a) un investissement important lors de situations complexes; b) l’adoption de pratiques mathématiques plus attentives aux données numériques et aux relations entre ces données; c) l’apparition de conduites « inusitées » [ex. coordination de divers registres sémiotiques,exploitation de compositions additives/multiplicatives et d’écritures non conventionnelles]. De telles conduites sont similaires à celles observées dans plusieurs recherches effectuées auprès d’une population d’élèves qui ne présentent pas de difficultés d’apprentissage (Moss et Case, 1999). Les résultats de notre recherche soutiennent donc l’importance indéniable de considérer les élèves en difficultés comme étant mathématiquement compétents, comme le soulignent Empson (2003) et Houssart (2002). Il nous semble enfin important de souligner que le travail sur la représentation des nombres rationnels a constitué une niche particulièrement fertile, pour un travail fondamental sur les nombres rationnels, travail qui puisse permettre aux élèves de poursuivre plus harmonieusement leurs apprentissages, les nombres rationnels étant des objets de savoir incontournables.


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The Bologna Process defends the adoption of a higher education in teaching-learning methodologies that – in contraposition to the previous model based on the transmission of knowledge, which for being essentially theoretical, gives the student a passive role in the knowledge construction process – allows a (pro) active, autonomous and practical learning, where the student acquires and develops his competences. The personal tutorial guidance sessions are included in the teaching contact hours. This abstract presents a study about the University of Minho (first cycle) Courses Students’ perceptions of the personal tutorial guidance sessions’ relevance in the scope of the learning-teaching process, so as to confirm if the implementation/implantation of the commonly called tutorial (type) education, as an approach to an active, autonomous and practical learning, is sensed by the learners themselves


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Search engines - such as Google - have been characterized as "Databases of intentions". This class will focus on different aspects of intentionality on the web, including goal mining, goal modeling and goal-oriented search. Readings: M. Strohmaier, M. Lux, M. Granitzer, P. Scheir, S. Liaskos, E. Yu, How Do Users Express Goals on the Web? - An Exploration of Intentional Structures in Web Search, We Know'07 International Workshop on Collaborative Knowledge Management for Web Information Systems in conjunction with WISE'07, Nancy, France, 2007. [Web link] Readings: Automatic identification of user goals in web search, U. Lee and Z. Liu and J. Cho WWW '05: Proceedings of the 14th International World Wide Web Conference 391--400 (2005) [Web link]


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Since 2003 the School of Medicine at the Universidad del Rosario in Bogotá, Colombia, offers to the students a program named Peer Tutors. The program’s objectives are: to generate a social interaction mechanism that favors knowledge construction side by side with advanced peers; to promote the development of ethical, moral and coexistence oriented values through an academic experience, and to generate a space to explore specific academic interests and teacher´s potential. This article presents the theoretic frame that supports the importance of social interaction in knowledge construction, as well as some indicators that allow a first appraisal of the program. Several achievements that account for the synergic value of an experience that not only fulfills the function of initiating a process of teaching formation and academic support, but that also builds a proactive attitude before learning, are highlighted.


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A enfermagem se destaca como consumidora de tecnologia em diversos contextos: ensino, pesquisa e assistência. Como os alunos do curso de Enfermagem utilizam a internet para o processo de produção de Trabalhos de Conclusão de Curso (TCC)? Com o intuito de responder a essa questão e compreender melhor como a internet vem sendo utilizada na construção dos TCC dos alunos de Enfermagem, este trabalho tem os seguintes objetivos: avaliar a utilização da internet na elaboração de TCC; investigar o uso da internet por esses; identificar as bases de dados utilizadas; levantar as principais dificuldades e/ou facilidades; e descrever como a internet é usada para buscar a literatura produzida. Trata-se de um estudo descritivo, seccional, com abordagem quantitativa, desenvolvido em duas instituições de ensino superior em Teresina – Piauí, sendo uma de caráter privado e outra de caráter público. A pesquisa teve como amostragem os alunos de Enfermagem do 8º período das duas instituições. É relevante considerar que o acesso democrático e a falta de conhecimento frente à internet ainda são realidade em nossa sociedade, o que nos remete à necessidade de implementar estratégias de educação relacionadas à utilização da internet como ferramenta para a construção do conhecimento em saúde e enfermagem.