995 resultados para coding complexity


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A parallel interference cancellation (PIC) detection scheme is proposed to suppress the impact of imperfect synchronisation. By treating as interference the extra components in the received signal caused by timing misalignment, the PIC detector not only offers much improved performance but also retains a low structural and computational complexity.


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This paper addresses the impact of imperfect synchronisation on D-STBC when combined with incremental relay. To suppress such an impact, a novel detection scheme is proposed, which retains the two key features of the STBC principle: simplicity (i.e. linear computational complexity), and optimality (i.e. maximum likelihood). These two features make the new detector very suitable for low power wireless networks (e.g. sensor networks).


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Most research on distributed space time block coding (STBC) has so far focused on the case of 2 relay nodes and assumed that the relay nodes are perfectly synchronised at the symbol level. By applying STBC to 3-or 4-relay node systems, this paper shows that imperfect synchronisation causes significant performance degradation to the conventional detector. To this end, we propose a new STBC detection solution based on the principle of parallel interference cancellation (PIC). The PIC detector is moderate in computational complexity but is very effective in suppressing the impact of imperfect synchronisation.


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A parallel interference cancellation (PIC) detection scheme is proposed to suppress the impact of imperfect synchronisation. By treating as interference the extra components in the received signal caused by timing misalignment, the PIC detector not only offers much improved performance but also retains a low structural and computational complexity.


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One major assumption in all orthogonal space-time block coding (O-STBC) schemes is that the channel remains static over the length of the code word. However, time-selective fading channels do exist, and in such case conventional O-STBC detectors can suffer from a large error floor in the high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) cases. As a sequel to the authors' previous papers on this subject, this paper aims to eliminate the error floor of the H(i)-coded O-STBC system (i = 3 and 4) by employing the techniques of: 1) zero forcing (ZF) and 2) parallel interference cancellation (PIC). It is. shown that for an H(i)-coded system the PIC is a much better choice than the ZF in terms of both performance and computational complexity. Compared with the, conventional H(i) detector, the PIC detector incurs a moderately higher computational complexity, but this can well be justified by the enormous improvement.


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This paper proposes a novel interference cancellation algorithm for the two-path successive relay system using network coding. The two-path successive relay scheme was proposed recently to achieve full date rate transmission with half-duplex relays. Due to the simultaneous data transmission at the relay and source nodes, the two-path relay suffers from the so-called inter-relay interference (IRI) which may significantly degrade the system performance. In this paper, we propose to use the network coding to remove the IRI such that the interference is first encoded with the network coding at the relay nodes and later removed at the destination. The network coding has low complexity and can well suppress the IRI. Numerical simulations show that the proposed algorithm has better performance than existing approaches.


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The discrete Fourier transmission spread OFDM DFTS-OFDM) based single-carrier frequency division multiple access (SC-FDMA) has been widely adopted due to its lower peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR) of transmit signals compared with OFDM. However, the offset modulation, which has lower PAPR than general modulation, cannot be directly applied into the existing SC-FDMA. When pulse-shaping filters are employed to further reduce the envelope fluctuation of transmit signals of SC-FDMA, the spectral efficiency degrades as well. In order to overcome such limitations of conventional SC-FDMA, this paper for the first time investigated cyclic prefixed OQAMOFDM (CP-OQAM-OFDM) based SC-FDMA transmission with adjustable user bandwidth and space-time coding. Firstly, we propose CP-OQAM-OFDM transmission with unequally-spaced subbands. We then apply it to SC-FDMA transmission and propose a SC-FDMA scheme with the following features: a) the transmit signal of each user is offset modulated single-carrier with frequency-domain pulse-shaping; b) the bandwidth of each user is adjustable; c) the spectral efficiency does not decrease with increasing roll-off factors. To combat both inter-symbolinterference and multiple access interference in frequencyselective fading channels, a joint linear minimum mean square error frequency domain equalization using a prior information with low complexity is developed. Subsequently, we construct space-time codes for the proposed SC-FDMA. Simulation results confirm the powerfulness of the proposed CP-OQAM-OFDM scheme (i.e., effective yet with low complexity).


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Let λ1,…,λn be real numbers in (0,1) and p1,…,pn be points in Rd. Consider the collection of maps fj:Rd→Rd given by fj(x)=λjx+(1−λj)pj. It is a well known result that there exists a unique nonempty compact set Λ⊂Rd satisfying Λ=∪nj=1fj(Λ). Each x∈Λ has at least one coding, that is a sequence (ϵi)∞i=1 ∈{1,…,n}N that satisfies limN→∞fϵ1…fϵN(0)=x. We study the size and complexity of the set of codings of a generic x∈Λ when Λ has positive Lebesgue measure. In particular, we show that under certain natural conditions almost every x∈Λ has a continuum of codings. We also show that almost every x∈Λ has a universal coding. Our work makes no assumptions on the existence of holes in Λ and improves upon existing results when it is assumed Λ contains no holes.


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Subspace clustering groups a set of samples from a union of several linear subspaces into clusters, so that the samples in the same cluster are drawn from the same linear subspace. In the majority of the existing work on subspace clustering, clusters are built based on feature information, while sample correlations in their original spatial structure are simply ignored. Besides, original high-dimensional feature vector contains noisy/redundant information, and the time complexity grows exponentially with the number of dimensions. To address these issues, we propose a tensor low-rank representation (TLRR) and sparse coding-based (TLRRSC) subspace clustering method by simultaneously considering feature information and spatial structures. TLRR seeks the lowest rank representation over original spatial structures along all spatial directions. Sparse coding learns a dictionary along feature spaces, so that each sample can be represented by a few atoms of the learned dictionary. The affinity matrix used for spectral clustering is built from the joint similarities in both spatial and feature spaces. TLRRSC can well capture the global structure and inherent feature information of data, and provide a robust subspace segmentation from corrupted data. Experimental results on both synthetic and real-world data sets show that TLRRSC outperforms several established state-of-the-art methods.


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The thesis deals with channel coding theory applied to upper layers in the protocol stack of a communication link and it is the outcome of four year research activity. A specific aspect of this activity has been the continuous interaction between the natural curiosity related to the academic blue-sky research and the system oriented design deriving from the collaboration with European industry in the framework of European funded research projects. In this dissertation, the classical channel coding techniques, that are traditionally applied at physical layer, find their application at upper layers where the encoding units (symbols) are packets of bits and not just single bits, thus explaining why such upper layer coding techniques are usually referred to as packet layer coding. The rationale behind the adoption of packet layer techniques is in that physical layer channel coding is a suitable countermeasure to cope with small-scale fading, while it is less efficient against large-scale fading. This is mainly due to the limitation of the time diversity inherent in the necessity of adopting a physical layer interleaver of a reasonable size so as to avoid increasing the modem complexity and the latency of all services. Packet layer techniques, thanks to the longer codeword duration (each codeword is composed of several packets of bits), have an intrinsic longer protection against long fading events. Furthermore, being they are implemented at upper layer, Packet layer techniques have the indisputable advantages of simpler implementations (very close to software implementation) and of a selective applicability to different services, thus enabling a better matching with the service requirements (e.g. latency constraints). Packet coding technique improvement has been largely recognized in the recent communication standards as a viable and efficient coding solution: Digital Video Broadcasting standards, like DVB-H, DVB-SH, and DVB-RCS mobile, and 3GPP standards (MBMS) employ packet coding techniques working at layers higher than the physical one. In this framework, the aim of the research work has been the study of the state-of-the-art coding techniques working at upper layer, the performance evaluation of these techniques in realistic propagation scenario, and the design of new coding schemes for upper layer applications. After a review of the most important packet layer codes, i.e. Reed Solomon, LDPC and Fountain codes, in the thesis focus our attention on the performance evaluation of ideal codes (i.e. Maximum Distance Separable codes) working at UL. In particular, we analyze the performance of UL-FEC techniques in Land Mobile Satellite channels. We derive an analytical framework which is a useful tool for system design allowing to foresee the performance of the upper layer decoder. We also analyze a system in which upper layer and physical layer codes work together, and we derive the optimal splitting of redundancy when a frequency non-selective slowly varying fading channel is taken into account. The whole analysis is supported and validated through computer simulation. In the last part of the dissertation, we propose LDPC Convolutional Codes (LDPCCC) as possible coding scheme for future UL-FEC application. Since one of the main drawbacks related to the adoption of packet layer codes is the large decoding latency, we introduce a latency-constrained decoder for LDPCCC (called windowed erasure decoder). We analyze the performance of the state-of-the-art LDPCCC when our decoder is adopted. Finally, we propose a design rule which allows to trade-off performance and latency.


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A new idea for waveform coding using vector quantisation (VQ) is introduced. This idea makes it possible to deal with codevectors much larger than before for a fixed bit per sample rate. Also a solution to the matching problem (inherent in the present context) in the &-norm describing a measure of neamess is presented. The overall computational complexity of this solution is O(n3 log, n). Sample results are presented to demonstrate the advantage of using this technique in the context of coding of speech waveforms.


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The saliva of blood-sucking arthropods contains powerful pharmacologically active substances and may be a vaccine target against some vector-borne diseases. Subtractive cloning combined with biochemical approaches was used to discover activities in the salivary glands of the hematophagous fly Lutzomyia longipalpis. Sequences of nine full-length cDNA clones were obtained, five of which are possibly associated with blood-meal acquisition, each having cDNA similarity to: (i) the bed bug Cimex lectularius apyrase, (ii) a 5′-nucleotidase/phosphodiesterase, (iii) a hyaluronidase, (iv) a protein containing a carbohydrate-recognition domain (CRD), and (v) a RGD-containing peptide with no significant matches to known proteins in the blast databases. Following these findings, we observed that the salivary apyrase activity of L. longipalpis is indeed similar to that of Cimex apyrase in its metal requirements. The predicted isoelectric point of the putative apyrase matches the value found for Lutzomyia salivary apyrase. A 5′-nucleotidase, as well as hyaluronidase activity, was found in the salivary glands, and the CRD-containing cDNA matches the N-terminal sequence of the HPLC-purified salivary anticlotting protein. A cDNA similar to α-amylase was discovered and salivary enzymatic activity demonstrated for the first time in a blood-sucking arthropod. Full-length clones were also found coding for three proteins of unknown function matching, respectively, the N-terminal sequence of an abundant salivary protein, having similarity to the CAP superfamily of proteins and the Drosophila yellow protein. Finally, two partial sequences are reported that match possible housekeeping genes. Subtractive cloning will considerably enhance efforts to unravel the salivary pharmacopeia of blood-sucking arthropods.


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The central dogma of biology holds that genetic information normally flows from DNA to RNA to protein. As a consequence it has been generally assumed that genes generally code for proteins, and that proteins fulfil not only most structural and catalytic but also most regulatory functions, in all cells, from microbes to mammals. However, the latter may not be the case in complex organisms. A number of startling observations about the extent of non-protein-coding RNA (ncRNA) transcription in the higher eukaryotes and the range of genetic and epigenetic phenomena that are RNA-directed suggests that the traditional view of the structure of genetic regulatory systems in animals and plants may be incorrect. ncRNA dominates the genomic output of the higher organisms and has been shown to control chromosome architecture, mRNA turnover and the developmental timing of protein expression, and may also regulate transcription and alternative splicing. This paper re-examines the available evidence and suggests a new framework for considering and understanding the genomic programming of biological complexity, autopoletic development and phenotypic variation. BioEssays 25:930-939,2003. (C) 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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The performance of wireless networks is limited by multiple access interference (MAI) in the traditional communication approach where the interfered signals of the concurrent transmissions are treated as noise. In this paper, we treat the interfered signals from a new perspective on the basis of additive electromagnetic (EM) waves and propose a network coding based interference cancelation (NCIC) scheme. In the proposed scheme, adjacent nodes can transmit simultaneously with careful scheduling; therefore, network performance will not be limited by the MAI. Additionally we design a space segmentation method for general wireless ad hoc networks, which organizes network into clusters with regular shapes (e.g., square and hexagon) to reduce the number of relay nodes. The segmentation methodworks with the scheduling scheme and can help achieve better scalability and reduced complexity. We derive accurate analytic models for the probability of connectivity between two adjacent cluster heads which is important for successful information relay. We proved that with the proposed NCIC scheme, the transmission efficiency can be improved by at least 50% for general wireless networks as compared to the traditional interference avoidance schemes. Numeric results also show the space segmentation is feasible and effective. Finally we propose and discuss a method to implement the NCIC scheme in a practical orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) communications networks. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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This thesis considers sparse approximation of still images as the basis of a lossy compression system. The Matching Pursuit (MP) algorithm is presented as a method particularly suited for application in lossy scalable image coding. Its multichannel extension, capable of exploiting inter-channel correlations, is found to be an efficient way to represent colour data in RGB colour space. Known problems with MP, high computational complexity of encoding and dictionary design, are tackled by finding an appropriate partitioning of an image. The idea of performing MP in the spatio-frequency domain after transform such as Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) is explored. The main challenge, though, is to encode the image representation obtained after MP into a bit-stream. Novel approaches for encoding the atomic decomposition of a signal and colour amplitudes quantisation are proposed and evaluated. The image codec that has been built is capable of competing with scalable coders such as JPEG 2000 and SPIHT in terms of compression ratio.