58 resultados para clorita


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The study area is includes in the geological context of Arenópolis Magmatic Arc, a region where there are neoproterozoic associations of granodioritic and tonalitic composiotion. (Ortogneisses of the western Goiás) and sequences metavolcanic-sedimentary (Jaupaci Metavolcanic-sedimentary Sequence ). In the mapped area, both units are covered by a cover-laterite. The Ortogneisses from Goiás West consist of a source granodioritic gneisses, corresponding to the Biotite granodiorite gneisse, and also by tonalitic gneiss composition corresponding to Metatonalit. The Jaupaci Metavolcanic-sedimentary Sequence is formed by Chlorite Schist (Metabasalt), Biotite Schist (Metadacite) and Sericite Schist (Metarhyolite), and even intrusions Sin/Tardi e Post Tectonic, granite to diorite composition (Diorites), and alson tonalitic (Bacilandia Tonalite). Post tectonic intrusions are observed, wich were Hornblend Diorite Porphyry and Lamprophyres, Structural analysis allowed the identification of three deformational events, Dn-1, Dn and Post-Dn. The first event is associated with a bygone foliation, lineation which generates an intersectional event, generating the foliation Sn, this being the most important structure in the study area, generating even the type mineral lineation and stretch. The last deformational event is characterized by folds on different scales, affecting the Sn foliation. The rocks of the region have features s active hydrothermal and regional metamorphism, and are composed os assembly indicative of mineralogical facies metamorphism Green Schist, in chlotite zone, with evidence of retro metamorphism. Locally there are sulfides as pyrite, arsenopyrit and pyrhotite, and te mineralization is associated with the arsenopyrite


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Pós-graduação em Geociências e Meio Ambiente - IGCE


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This paper presents the classification of 110 copper ore samples from Sossego Mine, based on X-ray diffraction and cluster analysis. The comparison based on the position and the intensity of the diffracted peaks allowed the distinction of seven ore types, whose differences refer to the proportion of major minerals: quartz, feldspar, actinolite, iron oxides, mica and chlorite. There was a strong correlation between the grouping and the location of the samples in Sequeirinho and Sossego orebodies. This relationship is due to different types and intensities of hydrothermal alteration prevailing in each body, which reflect the mineralogical composition and thus the X-ray diffractograms of samples.


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Los terrenos intervenidos por compañías mineras resultan alterados en mayor o menor grado según las actividades propias de cada una de ellas. Esta investigación hace referencia a la minera Alumbrera Ltda., que extrae el yacimiento de cobre, oro y molibdeno Bajo de la Alumbrera ubicado al noroeste de la Provincia de Catamarca. Este tipo de actividades genera grandes volúmenes de desechos de materiales rocosos extraídos de los “open pits", muchos de los cuáles pueden constituir sustratos adecuados para la revegetación de los sitios alterados por las mismas. Frente a los costos elevados de traer suelos desde sitios alejados para su uso en revegetación con especies de zonas áridas en sitios alterados por la actividad minera, se plantea el uso de los materiales rocosos inertes de desecho minero denominado Barren Core (BC) y Epidoto Clorita (ECl). Se investigan las causas del mayor éxito del ECI respecto a BC, en el establecimiento y crecimiento de las plantas, a partir del estudio de algunas propiedades hídricas (retención de agua e infiltración) y la obtención de un sustrato edáfico a partir de dichos materiales, Lombricompuesto (L) y suelo Aluvial (SAI)


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El objetivo de este trabajo es la caracterización mineralógica y geoquímica de las arcillas de la denominada «Formación Arcillas Rojas de La Sagra», localizada en el sector sur de la Cuenca del Tajo. Se han estudiado muestras de esta formación en superficie y en sondeos, así como de los materiales que, aparentemente, constituyen cambios laterales de la misma. Los resultados obtenidos muestran una composición mineralógica caracterizada· por la predominancia de ilita, con esmectita, clorita y paligorskita como minerales acompañantes. Tanto mineralógica como químicamente, las arcillas de La Sagra son muy diferentes en composición a las formaciones más detríticas, con las que presenta aparente continuidad lateral. Las principales conclusiones del estudio se refieren a la existencia de procesos de transformación en la diagénesis temprana, así como a probables variaciones del área fuente, relacionadas con la actividad tectónica, como causas de las diferencias mencionadas.


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A região de Caçapava do Sul, no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, compreende, principalmente, a quadrícula de mesmo nome e abrange cerca de 11.000 Km². A referida região é caracterizada pela ocorrência de um batólito granítico (Granito Caçapava) com afloramento de 25 x 10 Km, orientado no sentido N-S, e sobre o qual assenta-se a cidade supracitada. O Granito Caçapava é circundado por um cinturão de metamorfitos pertencentes à Formação Vacacaí, Grupo Porongos (Pré-Cambriano Superior) (RIBEIRO et alii, 1966). Dentre os metamorfitos situa-se um corpo de rochas carbonatadas de aspecto lenticular, com contatos nítidos, interprenetrado po apófises graníticas e com afloramento de aproximadamente 17 Km². Foram estudadas amostras deste corpo de rochas por meio de microscopia, microssonda eletrônica, difratometria e espectometria de raios X e análise química por via úmida, com o objetivo de identificar e caracterizar os minerais carbonáticos e silicáticos. Por meio de técnicas de coloração, foi possível a distinção de dolomita (Do), calcita (Cc) e calcita ferrífera (Ccf). As análises modal e química indicaram predominância de carbonatos sobre silicatos, estando estes últimos relacionados mais às bandas da rocha. Os minerais silicáticos detectados foram: talco, tremolita, diopsídio, forsterita, clorita e flogopita. Em menores quantidades aparecem titanita, apatita e quartzo, sendo comum, também, a serpentina oriunda de alteração da forsterita. Lançados em mapa, os minerais índices mostraram a existência de um zoneamento metamórfico com rochas pertencentes à Fácies Piroxênio Hornfels, próximo ao contato, e de rochas da Fácies Albita-Epídoto Hornfels, em porções mais distantes, evidenciando assim, metamorfismo térmico. Com base em diagramas T-\'X GRAUS\'C \'O IND.2\' para o sistema CaO-MgO-Si \'O IND.2\'-\'CO IND.2\'-\'H IND. 2\'O, foi analisado o metamorfismo destas rochas e estimadas as temperaturas máximas da ordem de \'560 GRAUS\'C, compatíveis com as temperaturas magmáticas do Granito Caçapava. A conclusão final advinda com os estudos ora realizados, sobre essas rochas carbonáticas, aponta no sentido de se tratarem de MÁRMORES DOLOMÍTICOS IMPUROS DE CONTATO, gerados durante o Ciclo Brasiliano (680 a 500 m.a.).


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The present study aims the characterization of thermally affected carbonate rocks from Jandaíra Formation in contact with Paleogene and Neogene basic intrusions in the region of the Pedro Avelino and Jandaíra municipalities (RN), northeastern Brazil. For this study, field, petrographic, x-ray diffraction, electron microprobe, and whole rock litogeochemistry data of carbonates were undertaken. The thermally unaffected limestones are classified like wackstones, grainstones and packstones. They may constitute carbonates grains of benthic foraminifera, echinoderm spines, ostracods, algae, corals, bivalves, gastropods, peloids and intraclasts. The porosities are classified like vug, intraparticle, interparticle, intercrystal and moldic types. The major minerals are calcite, ankerite and dolomite; the detrital are montmorillonite, pyrite, limonite, quartz and microcline. The thermally affected limestones are very coarse to very fine-grained and light to dark gray color. The fossiliferous components totally disappear, and the porosity tends to disappear. With the data obtained, it can be inferred that the carbonate protoliths would be calciferous to dolomitic limestones, both with small amount of clay minerals. Crystalline carbonates from dolomitic protolith have rhombohedral calcite and iron oxides / hydroxides, making the rocks much darker. The carbonates from calciferous protolith have a wide variation of grain size according to the recrystallization degree, increasing toward contact with the basic bodies. In this group, it was identified the minerals lizardite and spinel in weakly to moderately affected samples, and spinel and spurrite in strongly affected rocks, as well as calcite, that occur everywhere. The geological context (shallow level diabase intrusions), the crystallization of the pyrometamorphic minerals spurrite and olivine, and comparison with diagrams from the literature allow estimating temperatures and pressures around 1050-1200 °C and 0.5-1.0 kbar, respectively, for PTOTAL=PCO2. The post-intrusion cooling would have afforded the releasing of metasomatic / hydrothermal fluids, allowing the opening of the metamorphic system, with possible contribution of chemical elements from host units (sandstones, shales) and from basic intrusions. This would induce hydration of previous phases, allowing the formation of serpentine, chlorite and brucite. The results discussed here reveal the strong influence of the heat from basic intrusions within the sedimentary pile. Whereas in the offshore portion of the basin occur sills with up to 1000 m thickness, the understanding of pyrometamorphism might be useful for understanding and measuring the thermally affected rocks.


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The present study aims the characterization of thermally affected carbonate rocks from Jandaíra Formation in contact with Paleogene and Neogene basic intrusions in the region of the Pedro Avelino and Jandaíra municipalities (RN), northeastern Brazil. For this study, field, petrographic, x-ray diffraction, electron microprobe, and whole rock litogeochemistry data of carbonates were undertaken. The thermally unaffected limestones are classified like wackstones, grainstones and packstones. They may constitute carbonates grains of benthic foraminifera, echinoderm spines, ostracods, algae, corals, bivalves, gastropods, peloids and intraclasts. The porosities are classified like vug, intraparticle, interparticle, intercrystal and moldic types. The major minerals are calcite, ankerite and dolomite; the detrital are montmorillonite, pyrite, limonite, quartz and microcline. The thermally affected limestones are very coarse to very fine-grained and light to dark gray color. The fossiliferous components totally disappear, and the porosity tends to disappear. With the data obtained, it can be inferred that the carbonate protoliths would be calciferous to dolomitic limestones, both with small amount of clay minerals. Crystalline carbonates from dolomitic protolith have rhombohedral calcite and iron oxides / hydroxides, making the rocks much darker. The carbonates from calciferous protolith have a wide variation of grain size according to the recrystallization degree, increasing toward contact with the basic bodies. In this group, it was identified the minerals lizardite and spinel in weakly to moderately affected samples, and spinel and spurrite in strongly affected rocks, as well as calcite, that occur everywhere. The geological context (shallow level diabase intrusions), the crystallization of the pyrometamorphic minerals spurrite and olivine, and comparison with diagrams from the literature allow estimating temperatures and pressures around 1050-1200 °C and 0.5-1.0 kbar, respectively, for PTOTAL=PCO2. The post-intrusion cooling would have afforded the releasing of metasomatic / hydrothermal fluids, allowing the opening of the metamorphic system, with possible contribution of chemical elements from host units (sandstones, shales) and from basic intrusions. This would induce hydration of previous phases, allowing the formation of serpentine, chlorite and brucite. The results discussed here reveal the strong influence of the heat from basic intrusions within the sedimentary pile. Whereas in the offshore portion of the basin occur sills with up to 1000 m thickness, the understanding of pyrometamorphism might be useful for understanding and measuring the thermally affected rocks.


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The ediacaran plutonic activity related to the Brasilian/Pan-African orogeny is one of the most important geological features in the Borborema Province, represented along its extension by numerous batholiths, stocks, and dikes.The object of this study, the Serra Rajada Granitic Pluton (SRGP), located in the central portion of the Piranhas-Seridó River Domain is an example of this activity. This pluton has been the subject of cartographic, petrographic, geochronological and lithogeochemical studies and its rocks were characterized by two facies. First, the granitic facies were described as monzogranites consisting of K-feldspar, plagioclase (oligoclase - An23-24%), quartz and biotite (main mafic) and opaque minerals such as titanite, allanite, apatite, and zircon as accessories. Alteration minerals are chlorite, white mica and carbonate. Second, the dioritic facies consist of rocks formed by quartz diorite containing plagioclase (dominant mineral phase), quartz and K-feldspar. Biotite and amphibole are the dominant mafic minerals; and titanite, opaque minerals, allanite, zircon and apatite are the accessories. However, previous geological mapping work in the region also identified the presence of other lithostratigraphic units. These were described as gneisses and migmatites with undifferentiated amphibolite lenses related to the Caicó Complex (Paleoproterozoic) and metasedimentary rocks of the Seridó Group (Neoproterozoic) composed of paragneiss with calc-silicate lenses, muscovite quartzite and biotite schist (respectively, the Jucurutu formations, Equador and Seridó), the host rocks for the SRGP rocks. Leucomicrogranite and pegmatite dikes have also been identified, both related to the end of the Ediacaran magmatism and colluvial- eluvial and alluvial deposits related to Neogene and Quaternary, respectively. Lithogeochemical data on the SRGP granite facies, highlighted quite evolved rocks (SiO2 69% to 75%), rich in alkalis (Na2O+K2O ≥ 8.0%), depleted of MgO (≤ 0.45%), CaO (≤ 1.42%) and TiO2 (≤ 0.36%) and moderate levels of Fe2O3t (2.16 to 3.53%). They display transitional nature between metaluminous and peraluminous (predominance of the latter) with sub-alkaline/monzonitic (High K calcium-alkali) affinity. Harker diagrams show negative correlations for Fe2O3t, MgO, and CaO, indicating mafic and plagioclase fractionation. REE spectrum shows enrichment of LREE relative to heavy REE (LaN/YbN = 23.70 to 10.13), with negative anomaly in the Eu (Eu/Eu* = 0.70 to 0.23), suggesting fractionation or accumulation in the feldspars source (plagioclase). Data integration allows to correlate the SRGP rocks with those described as Calcium-Alkaline Suite of equigranular High K. The crystallization conditions of the SRGP rocks were determined from the integration of petrographic and lithogeochemical data. These data indicated intermediate to high conditions of ƒO2 (mineral paragenesis titanite + magnetite + quartz), parent magma saturated in H2O (early biotite crystallization), tardi-magmatic processes of fluids rich in ƒCO2, H2O and O2 causing part of the mineral assembly to change (plagioclase carbonation and saussuritization, biotite chloritization and opaques Sphenitization). Thermobarometrical conditions were estimated based on geochemical parameters (Zr and P2O5) and CIPW normative minerals, with results showing the liquidus minimum temperature of about800°C and the solidus temperature of approximately 700°C. The final/minimum crystallization pressure are suggested to be between 3 and 5 Kbar. The presence of zoned minerals (plagioclase and allanite) associated with lithogeochemical data in bi-log diagrams for Rb vs. Ba and Rb vs. Sr suggest the role of fractional crystallization as the dominant process in the magmatic evolution of SRGP. U-Pb Geochronological and Sm-Nd isotope studies indicated, respectively, the crystallization age of biotite monzogranite as 557 ± 13 Ma, with TDM model age of 2.36 Ga, and εNd value of -20.10 to the crystallization age, allowing to infer paleoproterozoic crustal source for the magma.


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The ediacaran plutonic activity related to the Brasilian/Pan-African orogeny is one of the most important geological features in the Borborema Province, represented along its extension by numerous batholiths, stocks, and dikes.The object of this study, the Serra Rajada Granitic Pluton (SRGP), located in the central portion of the Piranhas-Seridó River Domain is an example of this activity. This pluton has been the subject of cartographic, petrographic, geochronological and lithogeochemical studies and its rocks were characterized by two facies. First, the granitic facies were described as monzogranites consisting of K-feldspar, plagioclase (oligoclase - An23-24%), quartz and biotite (main mafic) and opaque minerals such as titanite, allanite, apatite, and zircon as accessories. Alteration minerals are chlorite, white mica and carbonate. Second, the dioritic facies consist of rocks formed by quartz diorite containing plagioclase (dominant mineral phase), quartz and K-feldspar. Biotite and amphibole are the dominant mafic minerals; and titanite, opaque minerals, allanite, zircon and apatite are the accessories. However, previous geological mapping work in the region also identified the presence of other lithostratigraphic units. These were described as gneisses and migmatites with undifferentiated amphibolite lenses related to the Caicó Complex (Paleoproterozoic) and metasedimentary rocks of the Seridó Group (Neoproterozoic) composed of paragneiss with calc-silicate lenses, muscovite quartzite and biotite schist (respectively, the Jucurutu formations, Equador and Seridó), the host rocks for the SRGP rocks. Leucomicrogranite and pegmatite dikes have also been identified, both related to the end of the Ediacaran magmatism and colluvial- eluvial and alluvial deposits related to Neogene and Quaternary, respectively. Lithogeochemical data on the SRGP granite facies, highlighted quite evolved rocks (SiO2 69% to 75%), rich in alkalis (Na2O+K2O ≥ 8.0%), depleted of MgO (≤ 0.45%), CaO (≤ 1.42%) and TiO2 (≤ 0.36%) and moderate levels of Fe2O3t (2.16 to 3.53%). They display transitional nature between metaluminous and peraluminous (predominance of the latter) with sub-alkaline/monzonitic (High K calcium-alkali) affinity. Harker diagrams show negative correlations for Fe2O3t, MgO, and CaO, indicating mafic and plagioclase fractionation. REE spectrum shows enrichment of LREE relative to heavy REE (LaN/YbN = 23.70 to 10.13), with negative anomaly in the Eu (Eu/Eu* = 0.70 to 0.23), suggesting fractionation or accumulation in the feldspars source (plagioclase). Data integration allows to correlate the SRGP rocks with those described as Calcium-Alkaline Suite of equigranular High K. The crystallization conditions of the SRGP rocks were determined from the integration of petrographic and lithogeochemical data. These data indicated intermediate to high conditions of ƒO2 (mineral paragenesis titanite + magnetite + quartz), parent magma saturated in H2O (early biotite crystallization), tardi-magmatic processes of fluids rich in ƒCO2, H2O and O2 causing part of the mineral assembly to change (plagioclase carbonation and saussuritization, biotite chloritization and opaques Sphenitization). Thermobarometrical conditions were estimated based on geochemical parameters (Zr and P2O5) and CIPW normative minerals, with results showing the liquidus minimum temperature of about800°C and the solidus temperature of approximately 700°C. The final/minimum crystallization pressure are suggested to be between 3 and 5 Kbar. The presence of zoned minerals (plagioclase and allanite) associated with lithogeochemical data in bi-log diagrams for Rb vs. Ba and Rb vs. Sr suggest the role of fractional crystallization as the dominant process in the magmatic evolution of SRGP. U-Pb Geochronological and Sm-Nd isotope studies indicated, respectively, the crystallization age of biotite monzogranite as 557 ± 13 Ma, with TDM model age of 2.36 Ga, and εNd value of -20.10 to the crystallization age, allowing to infer paleoproterozoic crustal source for the magma.


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Dataciones geocronológicas U-Pb en circones detríticos, edades 40Ar/ 39Ar en mica blanca, análisis estructurales, texturales, la composición química de elementos mayores, traza y tierras raras (REE) así como la composición química mineral de las rocas metamáficas, metultramáficas y metasedimentarias, fueron determinadas con el fin de determinar las condiciones metamórficas, el ambiente tectónico y la procedencia del Esquisto Granjeno en el noreste de México (Nuevo León y Tamaulipas). En el país existen rocas metamórficas paleozoicas que están relacionados con los procesos que dieron lugar a la colisión entre Laurentia y Gondwana durante la formación Pangea. Vestigios de la configuración continental paleozoica de México se encuentran en el Esquisto Granjeno, que forma parte del basamento metamórfico de la Sierra Madre Oriental. Relaciones de campo y análisis petrográficos indican que el Esquisto Granjeno consiste de rocas metamórficas con protolitos sedimentarios (psamita, pelita, turbidita, conglomerado, lutita negra) e ígneos (toba, flujos de lava, lava meta-almohadillada y cuerpos ultramáficos). El geotermómetro de clorita, el geobarómetro de fengita y la edad 40Ar/ 39Ar calculada indican que el Esquisto Granjeno fue afectado por metamorfismo en facies de sub-esquistos verdes a facies de esquistos verdes-anfibolita, (165-410°C y 2.5-4 kbar ) durante el Carbonífero (330±30 Ma). Las rocas metamáficas del Esquisto Granjeno tienen una afinidad sub-alcalina a alcalina y se caracterizan por un bajo contenido de SiO2 (40-50 wt%), alto contenido de Al2O3 (19 wt%) y #MgO de 48-67. La abundancia de tierras raras (∑REE) varía de 51-167 ppm. Estas rocas presentan patrones de REE normalizados a condrita moderadamente fraccionados, con valores de LaN/YbN 0.74-8.88. La anomalía de europio es variable (Eu/Eu* 0.80- 1.09) y presenta una tendencia ligeramente negativa (Eu/Eu* 0.96). Las rocas metamáficas tienen composiciones correspondientes a basaltos de cresta (MORB) e isla oceánica (OIB), de acuerdo a los valores en las relaciones Zr/Y=6-8 y Zr/Nb=4-9 para OIB y 0.9-3; 14-53 para MORB. Los protolitos de la serpentinita y el metacumulato corresponden a dunita y harzburgita. La serpentina y el metacumulato tienen un contenido de MgO (16-39 wt%), SiO2 (36-45 wt%), FeO (2-11 wt%), Al2O3 (0.76-13 wt%), CaO (< 22wt%) y #MgO (85-98, 69). Las rocas de talco presentan contenido de MgO (26-33wt%), SiO2 (31- 61wt%), FeO (3.7-9.8wt%), Al2O3 (1.2-19wt%), CaO (0.25-2.0wt%), y #Mg (83-93). Los patrones de tierras raras casi horizontals (LaN/YbN=0.51-19.95 y la relación LaN/SmN=0.72-9.08 sugieren un origen vinculado a un ambiente de dorsal oceánica y de suprasubducción para las rocas ultramáficas. Las serpentinitas contienen cromita rica en Al, ferrit-cromita y magnetita. La cromita rica en Al tiene #Cr 0.48-0.55 que indica que este mineral fue formado a partir de una fuente tipo MORB y que fue afectada hasta un 18% fusión parcial durante su formación. La ferritchromita tiene #Cr 0.93-1.00 que indica un origen metamórfico. La composición química de roca total indica que los protolitos de las rocas metasedimentarias consisten de lutita, grauvaca y arenita. La metapelita y metapsamita tienen un contenido de SiO2 (69-78% y 80-96% ) y de Al2O3 (9-13% y 1-8%). La abundancia de ∑REE son variables en los metasedimentos (9-178 ppm). Presentan patrones de REE normalizados a condrita con una tendencia más fraccionada que los de las rocas metamáficas, con valores en las relaciones LaN/YbN de 3-16. Las rocas metasedimentarias tienen anomalías de europio negativa (Eu/Eu* 0.67). Los datos obtenidos sugieren que los protolitos de las rocas metasedimentarias derivan de fuentes mixtas con una composición ígnea félsica-básica. (Ti/Nb 200-400). Según los valores de las relaciones de los elementos traza Th/Sc y Zr/Sc de 0.2-3.6 y 0.2-220, respectivamente se sugiere un ambiente de depósito para los protolitos de margen continental activo.


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The Rio do Peixe Basin represents a main basin of northeastern Brazil and pioneering work positioned the rocks of this basin in the Early Cretaceous. However, a recent study, based on integrated pollen analysis from three wells, found an unprecedented siliciclastic sedimentary section, in the region, of early Devonian age. Therefore, the present study aims a detailed petrographic and petrological analysis of this devonian section, in the Rio do Peixe Basin and proposes a diagenetic evolution, to understand the characteristics of the porous system, identify the main reservoir petrofacies with the main factors impacting on the quality of these rocks as reservoirs and a quick study on the provenance of this section. The petrographic study was based on samples obtained from subsurface and surface. The diagenetic evolution of petrofacies and its identification were based only on subsurface samples and the study of provenance was based on surface samples. The thin sections were prepared from sandstones, pelites and sandstones intercalated with pelites. The original detrital composition for this section is arcosean and the main diagenetic processes that affected these rocks occur in various depths and different conditions, which resulted in extensive diagenetic variety. The following processes were identified: early fracture and healing of grains; albitization of K-feldspar and plagioclase; siderite; precipitation of silica and feldspar; mechanical infiltration of clay and its transformation to illite/esmectite and illite; autigenesis of analcime; dissolution; autigenesis of chlorite; dolomite/ferrous dolomite/anquerite; apatite; calcite; pyrite; titanium minerals and iron oxide-hidroxide. The occurrence of a recently discovered volcanism, in the Rio do Peixe Basin, may have influenced the diagenetic evolution of this section. Three diagenetic stages affected the Devonian section: eo, meso and telodiagenesis. This section is compositionally quite feldspathic, indicating provenance from continental blocks, between transitional continental and uplift of the basement. From this study, we observed a wide heterogeneity in the role of the studied sandstones as reservoirs. Seven petrofacies were identified, taking into account the main diagenetic constituent responsible for the reduction of porosity. It is possible that the loss of original porosity was influenced by intense diagenesis in these rocks, where the main constituent for the loss of porosity are clays minerals, oxides and carbonate cement (calcite and dolomite)