95 resultados para clopidogrel
Ticagrelor is an orally active ADP P2Y12 receptor antagonist in development by AstraZeneca plc for the reduction of recurrent ischemic events in patients with acute coronary syndromes (ACS). Prior to the development of ticagrelor, thienopyridine compounds, such as clopidogrel, were the focus of research into therapies for ACS. Although the thienopyridines are effective platelet aggregation inhibitors, they are prodrugs and, consequently, exert a slow onset of action. In addition, the variability in inter-individual metabolism of thienopyridine prodrugs has been associated with reduced efficacy in some patients. Ticagrelor is not a prodrug and exhibits a more rapid onset of action than the thienopyridine prodrugs. In clinical trials conducted to date, ticagrelor was a potent inhibitor of ADP-induced platelet aggregation and demonstrated effects that were comparable to clopidogrel. In a phase II, short-term trial, the bleeding profile of participants treated with ticagrelor was similar to that obtained with clopidogrel; however, an increased incidence of dyspnea was observed - an effect that has not been reported with the thienopyridines. Considering the occurrence of dyspnea, and the apparent non-superiority of ticagrelor to clopidogrel, it is difficult to justify a clear benefit to the continued development of ticagrelor. Outcomes from an ongoing phase III trial comparing ticagrelor with clopidogrel in 18,000 patients with ACS are likely to impact on the future development of ticagrelor.
Background: Acute coronary syndromes are a major cause of mortality and morbidity. Objectives/Methods: The objective of this evaluation is to review the clinical trials of two new drugs being developed for the treatment of acute coronary syndromes. The first drug is the anti-coagulant otamixaban, and the trial compared otamixaban with unfractionated heparin and eptifibatide in acute coronary syndromes. The second drug is the anti-platelet ticagrelor, and the trial compared ticagrelor with clopidogrel in acute coronary syndromes. Results: In the SEPIA-ACS1 TIMI 42 trial, the primary efficacy endpoint occurred in 6.2% of subjects treated with unfractionated heparin and eptifibatide, and to a significantly lesser extent with otamixaban. In the PLATO trial, the primary efficacy endpoint had occurred less in the ticagrelor group (9.8%) than in the clopidogrel group (11.7%) at 12 months. Conclusions: Two new drugs for acute coronary syndromes, otamixaban and ticagrelor, have recently been shown to have benefits in subjects undergoing percutaneous interventions compared to the present standard regimens for this condition.
In-hospital mortality rates after a cemented femoral component for displaced neck of femur fractures
Aim This prospective cohort study investigated whether the use of preoperative anticoagulants is an independent risk factor for the outcomes of surgical treatment of patients with a neck of femur fracture. Methods Data was obtained from a prospectively collected database. All patients admitted for a neck of femur fracture between Nov 2010 and Oct 2011 were included. This resulted in three hundred twenty-eight patients with 330 neck of femur fractures. Four groups were defined; patients preoperatively (i) on aspirin (n = 105); (ii) on clopidogrel (n = 28); (iii) on warfarin (n = 30), and; (iv) without any anticoagulation history (n = 167, the control group). The non-warfarin group included the aspirin group, clopidogrel group and the control group. Primary outcome was the in-hospital mortality. Secondary outcomes were the postoperative complications, return to theatre and length of stay. Results Thirteen in-hospital deaths were identified, 4 deaths in the aspirin group, 1 death in the clopidogrel group, 2 deaths in the warfarin group and 6 deaths in the control group. No significant difference in the mortality rates was found between the different groups. Also in the secondary outcomes, no significant difference was found between the four groups. A trend to a higher wound complication rate for the warfarin group was detected. Conclusion The use of clopidrogel or aspirin pre operatively is not an influence on short term patient outcome for patients with a neck of femur fracture. Surgical procedures should not be delayed to reverse their influence.
PURPOSE To review records of 330 patients who underwent surgery for femoral neck fractures with or without preoperative anticoagulation therapy. METHODS Medical records of 235 women and 95 men aged 48 to 103 years (mean, 81.6; standard deviation [SD], 13.1) who underwent surgery for femoral neck fractures with or without preoperative anticoagulation therapy were reviewed. 30 patients were on warfarin, 105 on aspirin, 28 on clopidogrel, and 167 were controls. The latter 3 groups were combined as the non-warfarin group and compared with the warfarin group. Hospital mortality, time from admission to surgery, length of hospital stay, return to theatre, and postoperative complications (wound infection, deep vein thrombosis, and pulmonary embolism) were assessed. RESULTS The warfarin and control groups were significantly younger than the clopidogrel and aspirin groups (80.8 vs. 80.0 vs. 84.2 vs. 83.7 years, respectively, p<0.05). 81% of the patients underwent surgery within 48 hours of admission. The overall mean time from admission to surgery was 1.8 days; it was longer in the warfarin than the aspirin, clopidogrel, and control groups (3.3 vs. 1.8 vs. 1.6 vs. 1.6 days, respectively, p<0.001). The mean length of hospital stay was 17.5 (SD, 9.6; range, 3-54) days. The overall hospital mortality was 3.9%; it was 6.7% in the warfarin group, 3.8% in the aspirin group, 3.6% in the clopidogrel group, and 3.6% in the control group (p=0.80). Four patients returned to theatre for surgery: one in the warfarin group for washout of a haematoma, 2 in the aspirin group for repositioning of a mal-fixation and for debridement of wound infection, and one in the control group for debridement of wound infection. The warfarin group did not differ significantly from non-warfarin group in terms of postoperative complication rate (6.7% vs. 2.7%, p=0.228) and the rate of return to theatre (3.3% vs. 1%, p=0.318). CONCLUSION It is safe to continue aspirin and clopidogrel prior to surgical treatment for femoral neck fracture. The risk of delaying surgery outweighs the peri-operative bleeding risk.
Mr C, a 68-year-old Chinese male with diabetes mellitus, previous stroke and ischaemic cardiomyopathy on clopidogrel, presented with haematochezia. Colonoscopy showed a sigmoid ulcer, which was treated endoscopically. Histology of the biopsy from the ulcer revealed non-specific changes. However, he presented with recurrent bleeding from this non-healing sigmoid ulcer. A review of the histologic specimen revealed CMV intranuclear inclusion bodies. He was treated with intravenous ganciclovir, with no further hematochezia.
Keywords Hematochezia, cytomegalovirus, ulcer
INTRODUCTION AND OBJECTIVES: To estimate the cost-effectiveness and cost-utility of ticagrelor in the treatment of patients with acute coronary syndromes (unstable angina or myocardial infarction with or without ST-segment elevation), including patients treated medically and those undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention or coronary artery bypass grafting. METHODS: A short-term decision tree and a long-term Markov model were used to simulate the evolution of patients' life-cycles. Clinical effectiveness data were collected from the PLATO trial and resource use data were obtained from the Hospital de Santa Marta database, disease-related group legislation and the literature. RESULTS: Ticagrelor provides increases of 0.1276 life years and 0.1106 quality-adjusted life years (QALYs) per patient. From a societal perspective these clinical gains entail an increase in expenditure of €610. Thus the incremental cost per life year saved is €4780 and the incremental cost per QALY is €5517. CONCLUSIONS: The simulation results show that ticagrelor reduces events compared to clopidogrel. The costs of ticagrelor are partially offset by lower costs arising from events prevented. The use of ticagrelor in clinical practice is therefore cost-effective compared to generic clopidogrel.
Aspirin is recommended as a lifelong therapy that should never be interrupted for patients with cardiovascular dis- ease. Clopidogrel therapy is mandatory for six weeks after placement of bare-metal stents, three to six months after myocardial infarction, and at least 12 months after placement of drug-eluting stents. Because of the hypercoagulable state induced by surgery, early withdrawal of antiplatelet therapy for secondary prevention of cardiovascular disease increases the risk of postoperative myocardial infarction and death five- to 10-fold in stented patients who are on continuous dual antiplatelet therapy. The shorter the time between revascularization and surgery, the higher the risk of adverse cardiac events. Elective surgery should be postponed beyond these periods, whereas vital, semiurgent, or urgent operations should be performed under continued dual antiplatelet therapy. The risk of surgical hemorrhage is increased approximately 20 percent by aspirin or clopidogrel alone, and 50 percent by dual antiplatelet therapy. The present clinical data suggest that the risk of a cardiovascular event when stopping antiplatelet agents preoperatively is higher than the risk of surgical bleeding when continuing these drugs, except during surgery in a closed space (e.g., intracranial, posterior eye chamber) or surgeries associated with massive bleeding and difficult hemostasis.
Les plaquettes sanguines sont les principaux acteurs de l’hémostase primaire et de la thrombose, deux éléments majeurs de la physiopathologie vasculaire. Plusieurs médicaments régulent les fonctions plaquettaires mais peu de tests sont validés pour suivre leur efficacité en fonction de l’évolution clinique des patients. Mon doctorat a eu pour but de développer de nouvelles approches d’évaluation de la fonction plaquettaire. Deux essais cliniques réalisés sur des patients atteints de syndrome coronarien stable ont constitué la première partie de mon doctorat. La première étude met en évidence la nécessité d'une standardisation des tests biologiques pour la détection de patients répondant moins au clopidogrel, un inhibiteur du récepteur plaquettaire de l'ADP P2Y12. L’étude suivante montre le potentiel thérapeutique, chez ces patients, de l’inhibition conjointe de P2Y12 et du second récepteur plaquettaire de l'ADP P2Y1, sur la fonction plaquettaire. De plus, le suivi en temps réel par vidéomiscroscopie a permis de distinguer des effets précoces et tardifs des antiplaquettaires sur la formation du thrombus en chambre de perfusion. La seconde partie de mon doctorat concerne les microdomaines membranaires de type « lipid rafts » qui tiennent une place fondamentale dans les fonctions cellulaires et plaquettaires. Ainsi plusieurs récepteurs dépendent de ces microdomaines, régulant la fonction plaquettaire et les effets des médicaments antiplaquettaires. Cependant, les techniques d’étude de ces microdomaines sont complexes et peu adaptées aux études cliniques. Profitant de nouvelles sondes fluorescentes sensibles au niveau d’ordre liquide membranaire (OLM), nous avons développé une méthode de mesure de l’OLM par cytométrie de flux spectrale. Grâce à cette approche, nous avons montré que l’activation plaquettaire diminue l’OLM alors qu’il est augmenté chez des patients traités par un inhibiteur de la synthèse du cholestérol ou par le clopidogrel. Nous avons également mis en évidence, en condition de forces de cisaillement élevées correspondant à celles retrouvées au niveau de sténoses artérielles, une sous-population plaquettaire présentant un OLM plus bas. Le passage dans le domaine clinique de ces approches fondamentales qui privilégient l’étude dynamique des plaquettes pourrait permettre d’améliorer le diagnostique et le suivi de traitement de pathologies cardiovasculaires.
En inhibant la formation de caillots dans le sang, les médicaments antiplaquettaires diminuent de façon importante le risque d’événements ischémiques aigus. Cependant, une sous-population de patients souffrant de maladie coronarienne présente une inhibition inadéquate de la fonction plaquettaire malgré la prise quotidienne d’acide acétylsalicylique (AAS). Le premier volet de cette thèse démontre qu’une régénération plaquettaire accélérée pourrait expliquer en partie la variabilité dans la persistance de l’effet antiplaquettaire de l’AAS chez certains sujets souffrant de maladie coronarienne. Ces données suggèrent qu’une augmentation de la fréquence d’administration d’AAS d’une à deux fois par jour pourrait être bénéfique chez ces sujets. Des méta-analyses ont suggéré qu’une réponse plaquettaire inadéquate à l’AAS pourrait augmenter le risque d’événements ischémiques récurrents. La nature rétrospective de ces analyses ne permet pas d’établir la causalité. Dans le deuxième volet de cette thèse, les résultats d’une étude prospective visant à comparer la pertinence clinique de 6 tests de fonction plaquettaire fréquemment utilisés pour évaluer la réponse plaquettaire à l’AAS est présentée. Les résultats démontrent qu’aucun des tests de fonction plaquettaire couramment employés ne prédit la survenue d’événements ischémiques aigus chez des patients souffrant de maladie coronarienne stable. Toutefois, la cessation de la prise d’AAS est un prédicteur important d’événements thrombotiques. La cessation de médicaments antiplaquettaires a souvent été associée à la survenue d’événements thrombotiques dans les jours suivant l’interruption. À savoir si la survenue de ces événements est attribuable uniquement au retrait d’un médicament protecteur ou plutôt à une sensibilisation plaquettaire, constitue un débat d’actualité. Dans le troisième volet de cette thèse, des données sont présentées démontrant que la cessation de clopidogrel après la période recommandée par les lignes directrices actuelles provoque une sensibilisation des plaquettes nouvellement formées aux stimuli plaquettaires physiologiques. Ces résultats encouragent la recherche sur différentes modalités pour atténuer le risque thrombotique accru chez ces patients souffrant de maladie coronarienne. En conclusion, cet ouvrage présente des études visant à identifier les sous-populations de patients qui sont plus à risque de complications cardiovasculaires récurrentes. Dans ce contexte, la personnalisation de traitement est une avenue thérapeutique prometteuse, où chaque patient pourra recevoir un traitement ciblé en fonction de ses besoins et de ses contre-indications. Ce changement de paradigme d’une thérapie empirique issue d’études de grande envergure sur des données populationnelles à une thérapie ajustée aux besoins individuels représente un vaste champ de recherche, où la majorité des découvertes sont à faire.
Drs Dandachli and Arzamendi contributed equally to this work.
Two major pathways contribute to Ras-proximate-1-mediated integrin activation in stimulated platelets. Calcium and diacyglycerol-regulated guanine nucleotide exchange factor I (CalDAG-GEFI, RasGRP2) mediates the rapid but reversible activation of integrin αIIbβ3, while the adenosine diphosphate receptor P2Y12, the target for antiplatelet drugs like clopidogrel, facilitates delayed but sustained integrin activation. To establish CalDAG-GEFI as a target for antiplatelet therapy, we compared how each pathway contributes to thrombosis and hemostasis in mice. Ex vivo, thrombus formation at arterial or venous shear rates was markedly reduced in CalDAG-GEFI(-/-) blood, even in the presence of exogenous adenosine diphosphate and thromboxane A(2). In vivo, thrombosis was virtually abolished in arterioles and arteries of CalDAG-GEFI(-/-) mice, while small, hemostatically active thrombi formed in venules. Specific deletion of the C1-like domain of CalDAG-GEFI in circulating platelets also led to protection from thrombus formation at arterial flow conditions, while it only marginally increased blood loss in mice. In comparison, thrombi in the micro- and macrovasculature of clopidogrel-treated wild-type mice grew rapidly and frequently embolized but were hemostatically inactive. Together, these data suggest that inhibition of the catalytic or the C1 regulatory domain in CalDAG-GEFI will provide strong protection from athero-thrombotic complications while maintaining a better safety profile than P2Y12 inhibitors like clopidogrel.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The importance of thrombosis and anticoagulation in clinical practice is rooted firmly in several fundamental constructs that can be applied both broadly and globally. Awareness and the appropriate use of anticoagulant therapy remain the keys to prevention and treatment. However, to assure maximal efficacy and safety, the clinician must, according to the available evidence, choose the right drug, at the right dose, for the right patient, under the right indication, and for the right duration of time. The first International Symposium of Thrombosis and Anticoagulation in Internal Medicine was a scientific program developed by clinicians for clinicians. The primary objective of the meeting was to educate, motivate and inspire internists, cardiologists and hematologists by convening national and international visionaries, thought-leaders and dedicated clinician-scientists in Sao Paulo, Brazil. This article is a focused summary of the symposium proceedings. © Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2009.
Introduction: 5-Fluorouracil (5-FU) is considered to be the backbone of colorectal cancer (CRC) systemic therapy since the great majority of recommended regimens include its administration. A clinical picture consisting of chest pain, sometimes cardiac enzyme elevation, electrocardiogram abnormalities consistent with myocardial ischemia, and normal coronary angiogram associated with 5-FU administration have been infrequently reported. The clinical dilemma is: Which chemotherapy regimen should we use in CRC patients with a previous acute coronary syndrome (ACS) associated with 5-FU? Case Report: We describe the case of a 55-year-old otherwise healthy woman with metastatic colon adenocarcinoma who presented an ACS probably secondary to arterial vasospasm while receiving continuous intravenous 5-FU infusion (mFOLFOX6 regimen). After the ACS, the patient was treated with raltitrexate plus oxaliplatin (TOMOX) and subsequently with irinotecan plus cetuximab with no other cardiac event. Conclusion: The risk of cardiotoxicity associated with 5-FU is low but real. The probable mechanism is arterial vasospasm, as suggested by our case report. Both the use of the TOMOX regimen and irinotecan plus cetuximab seems to be safe regimens to be considered in this clinical scenario. © 2009 Humana Press Inc.
The objective of this study was to estimate the prevalence of adverse drug reactions (ADR) related to hospital admission of elderly people, identifying the use of potentially inappropriate medication (PIM), the ADR and the risk factors associated with the hospitalization. A cross-sectional study was conducted in a private hospital of São Paulo State, Brazil. All patients aged ≥ 60 years, admitted in the general practice ward in May 2006 were interviewed about the drugs used and the symptoms/complaints that resulted in hospitalization. More than a half (54.5 %) of elderly hospitalizations were related with ADR. The therapeutic classes involved with ADR were: cardiovascular (37.7 %), central nervous (34.6 %) and respiratory (5.7 %). The ADR observed were disorders in circulatory (28.4 %), digestive (20.0 %) and respiratory (18.9 %) tracts. 27 elderly had made PIM and in 20 of them this was the cause of hospitalization. Polypharmacy was an ADR risk factor (p = 0.021).These data allows the healthcare professionals upgrade, qualifying them in pharmcovigilance.