947 resultados para clinical protocol


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O uso de plantas medicinais no Munic ípio de Benevides: Elaboração do Memento Fitoterápico e Introdução da Política de Plantas Medicinais no Município de Benevides é um trabalho, desenvolvido com o objetivo de levantar as espécies vegetais utilizadas por usuários do SUS e profissionais de saú de, integrados na Estratégia Saúde da Família do município de Benevides, com vistas à elaboração do Memento Fitoterápico do município, como primeiro passo para a institucionalização da Política Municipal de Plantas Medicinais. Para o levantamento dos dados, utilizou-se a tecnologia social Etnofarmácia, desenvolvida e aplicada em parceria com a comunidade, envolvendo a aplicação do formulário etnofarmacêutico aos usuários do SUS e profissionais de saúde, o que permitiu uma análise quanti - qualitativa dos dados. Os resultados indicaram que a utilização de plantas medicinais pela população entrevistada é uma prática intensa e se deve, em parte, à dificuldade que os usuários do sistema têm em acessar os medicamentos sintéticos prescritos nas Unidades Saúde da Família (USF) do município e ao baixo padrão de renda das famílias entrevistadas. Quanto aos profissionais de saúde, os resultados indicam sensibilidade dos mesmos ao tema e disposição para prescrição, desde que se tenha disponível capacitação, protocolo clín ico e plantas medicinais nas USF. Para compor o Memento Fitoterapêutico, foram selecionadas as espécies: Chenopodium ambrosioides, Linn. (mastruz); Eleutherine plicata, Herb (marupazinho); Mentha pulegium, Linn. (hortelãzinho); Coleus amboinicus, Lour. (boldo) e Arrabidaea chica, Velrt. (parirí), segundo os critérios de frequência de citação, perfil epidemiológico do município, interesse do Ministério da Saúde e manejo da espécie.


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O tratamento endodôntico é uma etapa importante do protocolo de atendimento do reimplante dentário e tem uma relação direta com o aparecimento das reabsorções radiculares, maior causa de perda dos dentes reimplantados. O objetivo do trabalho foi analisar o processo de reparo no reimplante tardio de dente de macaco, utilizando o hidróxido de cálcio (Ca(OH)2) e o MTA como materiais obturadores de canal. Cinco macacos Cebus apella adultos tiveram seus incisivos laterais superiores e inferiores, direito e esquerdo, extraídos e deixados em meio ambiente por 60 minutos. Decorrido esse período, foi realizado o preparo biomecânico dos canais e os dentes foram divididos em dois grupos experimentais: grupo I - canal preenchido com pasta de Ca(OH)2 e grupo II - canal preenchido com MTA (Angelus®). Após o selamento da abertura coronária com ionômero de vidro, o ligamento periodontal foi removido e os dentes imersos em solução de fluoreto de sódio 2%, pH 5,5, por 10 minutos. Em seguida, os alvéolos foram irrigados com soro fisiológico e os dentes reimplantados e contidos por 30 dias com fio de aço e resina composta. A eutanásia dos animais foi realizada 60 dias após o reimplante. Os espécimes de ambos os grupos apresentaram reabsorção por substituição e pontos de anquilose ao longo dos três terços radiculares e ausência de reabsorção inflamatória. Não houve diferença significante entre os dois grupos com relação à reabsorção por substituição, porém a quantidade de anquilose foi significativamente maior no grupo do Ca(OH)2. Baseado nesses resultados conclui-se que o MTA pode ser uma opção clínica viável para a obturação de dentes tardiamente reimplantados que necessitam de um longo período de curativo com hidróxido de cálcio.


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Twenty-four bitches which had been in labour for less than 12 hours were randomly divided into four groups of six. They all received 0(.)5 mg/kg of chlorpromazine intravenously as premedication, followed 15 minutes later by either 8 mg/kg of thiopentone intravenously (group 1), 2 mg/kg of ketamine and 0-5 mg/kg of midazolam intravenously (group 2), 5 mg/kg of propofol intravenously (group 3), or 2(.)5 mg/kg of 2 per cent lidocaine with adrenaline and 0(.)625 mg/kg of 0(.)5 per cent bupivacaine with adrenaline epidurally (group 4). Except for group 4, the bitches were intubated and anaesthesia was maintained with enflurane. The puppies' heart and respiratory rates and their pain, sucking, anogenital, magnum and flexion reflexes were measured as they were removed from the uterus. The puppies' respiratory rate was higher after epidural anaesthesia. in general the puppies' neurological reflexes were most depressed after midazolam/ketamine, followed by thiopentone, propofol and epidural anaesthesia.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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OBJECTIVE: To assess the presence of metabolic disorders in elderly men with urolithiasis. METHODS: We performed a case-control study. The inclusion criteria were as follows: (1) men older than 60 years of age and either (2) antecedent renal colic or an incidental diagnosis of urinary lithiasis after age 60 (case arm) or (3) no antecedent renal colic or incidental diagnosis of urolithiasis (control arm). Each individual underwent an interview, and those who were selected underwent all clinical protocol examinations: serum levels of total and ionized calcium, uric acid, phosphorus, glucose, urea, creatinine and parathyroid hormone, urine culture, and analysis of 24-hour urine samples (levels of calcium, citrate, creatinine, uric acid and sodium, pH and urine volume). Each case arm patient underwent two complete metabolic urinary investigations, whereas each control arm individual underwent one examination. ClinicalTrials.gov: NCT01246531. RESULTS: A total of 51 subjects completed the clinical investigation: 25 in the case arm and 26 in the control arm. In total, 56% of the case arm patients had hypocitraturia (vs. 15.4% in the control arm; p = 0.002). Hypernatriuria was detected in 64% of the case arm patients and in 30.8% of the controls (p = 0.017). CONCLUSION: Hypocitraturia and hypernatriuria are the main metabolic disorders in elderly men with urolithiasis.


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Objective. The aim of this study was to investigate the orofacial complaints and characteristics of patients with fibromyalgia syndrome (FS) compared with controls. Study Design. We evaluated 25 patients diagnosed with FS compared with 25 gender-and age-matched controls by using a detailed clinical protocol for orofacial pain diagnosis and dental examination. Results. FS patients had a higher frequency of temporomandibular disorders (TMD), masticatory complaints, pain with mandibular movements, and pain upon palpation of the head and neck area. There were no significant differences related to the dental exam. Conclusions. Orofacial complaints including TMD may be present either as symptoms of FS or as a comorbidity associated with this condition. A comprehensive evaluation of patients with FS is necessary to identify the need for specific treatments for orofacial complaints. Future studies, especially those with longitudinal design, should clarify whether a cause-effect relationship exists between orofacial complaints and fibromyalgia. (Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol 2012;114:e29-e34)


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Introduction: Video-assisted thoracic sympathectomy provides excellent resolution of palmar and axillary hyperhidrosis but is associated with compensatory hyperhidrosis. Low doses of oxybutynin, an anticholinergic medication that competitively antagonizes the muscarinic acetylcholine receptor, can be used to treat palmar hyperhidrosis with fewer side effects. Objective: This study evaluated the effectiveness and patient satisfaction of oral oxybutynin at low doses (5 mg twice daily) compared with placebo for treating palmar hyperhidrosis. Methods: This was prospective, randomized, and controlled study. From December 2010 to February 2011, 50 consecutive patients with palmar hyperhidrosis were treated with oxybutynin or placebo. Data were collected from 50 patients, but 5 (10.0%) were lost to follow-up. During the first week, patients received 2.5 mg of oxybutynin once daily in the evening. From days 8 to 21, they received 2.5 mg twice daily, and from day 22 to the end of week 6, they received 5 mg twice daily. All patients underwent two evaluations, before and after (6 weeks) the oxybutynin treatment, using a clinical questionnaire and a clinical protocol for quality of life. Results: Palmar and axillary hyperhidrosis improved in >70% of the patients, and 47.8% of those presented great improvement. Plantar hyperhidrosis improved in >90% of the patients. Most patients (65.2%) showed improvements in their quality of life. The side effects were minor, with dry mouth being the most frequent (47.8%). Conclusions: Treatment of palmar and axillary hyperhidrosis with oxybutynin is a good initial alternative for treatment given that it presents good results and improves quality of life. (J Vasc Surg 2012;55:1696-700.)


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This thesis introduces new processing techniques for computer-aided interpretation of ultrasound images with the purpose of supporting medical diagnostic. In terms of practical application, the goal of this work is the improvement of current prostate biopsy protocols by providing physicians with a visual map overlaid over ultrasound images marking regions potentially affected by disease. As far as analysis techniques are concerned, the main contributions of this work to the state-of-the-art is the introduction of deconvolution as a pre-processing step in the standard ultrasonic tissue characterization procedure to improve the diagnostic significance of ultrasonic features. This thesis also includes some innovations in ultrasound modeling, in particular the employment of a continuous-time autoregressive moving-average (CARMA) model for ultrasound signals, a new maximum-likelihood CARMA estimator based on exponential splines and the definition of CARMA parameters as new ultrasonic features able to capture scatterers concentration. Finally, concerning the clinical usefulness of the developed techniques, the main contribution of this research is showing, through a study based on medical ground truth, that a reduction in the number of sampled cores in standard prostate biopsy is possible, preserving the same diagnostic power of the current clinical protocol.


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La Diabetes Mellitus se define como el trastorno del metabolismo de los carbohidratos, resultante de una producción insuficiente o nula de insulina en las células beta del páncreas, o la manifestación de una sensibilidad reducida a la insulina por parte del sistema metabólico. La diabetes tipo 1 se caracteriza por la nula producción de insulina por la destrucción de las células beta del páncreas. Si no hay insulina en el torrente sanguíneo, la glucosa no puede ser absorbida por las células, produciéndose un estado de hiperglucemia en el paciente, que a medio y largo plazo si no es tratado puede ocasionar severas enfermedades, conocidos como síndromes de la diabetes. La diabetes tipo 1 es una enfermedad incurable pero controlable. La terapia para esta enfermedad consiste en la aplicación exógena de insulina con el objetivo de mantener el nivel de glucosa en sangre dentro de los límites normales. Dentro de las múltiples formas de aplicación de la insulina, en este proyecto se usará una bomba de infusión, que unida a un sensor subcutáneo de glucosa permitirá crear un lazo de control autónomo que regule la cantidad optima de insulina aplicada en cada momento. Cuando el algoritmo de control se utiliza en un sistema digital, junto con el sensor subcutáneo y bomba de infusión subcutánea, se conoce como páncreas artificial endocrino (PAE) de uso ambulatorio, hoy día todavía en fase de investigación. Estos algoritmos de control metabólico deben de ser evaluados en simulación para asegurar la integridad física de los pacientes, por lo que es necesario diseñar un sistema de simulación mediante el cual asegure la fiabilidad del PAE. Este sistema de simulación conecta los algoritmos con modelos metabólicos matemáticos para obtener una visión previa de su funcionamiento. En este escenario se diseñó DIABSIM, una herramienta desarrollada en LabViewTM, que posteriormente se trasladó a MATLABTM, y basada en el modelo matemático compartimental propuesto por Hovorka, con la que poder simular y evaluar distintos tipos de terapias y reguladores en lazo cerrado. Para comprobar que estas terapias y reguladores funcionan, una vez simulados y evaluados, se tiene que pasar a la experimentación real a través de un protocolo de ensayo clínico real, como paso previo al PEA ambulatorio. Para poder gestionar este protocolo de ensayo clínico real para la verificación de los algoritmos de control, se creó una interfaz de usuario a través de una serie de funciones de simulación y evaluación de terapias con insulina realizadas con MATLABTM (GUI: Graphics User Interface), conocido como Entorno de Páncreas artificial con Interfaz Clínica (EPIC). EPIC ha sido ya utilizada en 10 ensayos clínicos de los que se han ido proponiendo posibles mejoras, ampliaciones y/o cambios. Este proyecto propone una versión mejorada de la interfaz de usuario EPIC propuesta en un proyecto anterior para gestionar un protocolo de ensayo clínico real para la verificación de algoritmos de control en un ambiente hospitalario muy controlado, además de estudiar la viabilidad de conectar el GUI con SimulinkTM (entorno gráfico de Matlab de simulación de sistemas) para su conexión con un nuevo simulador de pacientes aprobado por la JDRF (Juvenil Diabetes Research Foundation). SUMMARY The diabetes mellitus is a metabolic disorder of carbohydrates, as result of an insufficient or null production of insulin in the beta cellules of pancreas, or the manifestation of a reduced sensibility to the insulin from the metabolic system. The type 1 diabetes is characterized for a null production of insulin due to destruction of the beta cellules. Without insulin in the bloodstream, glucose can’t be absorbed by the cellules, producing a hyperglycemia state in the patient and if pass a medium or long time and is not treated can cause severe disease like diabetes syndrome. The type 1 diabetes is an incurable disease but controllable one. The therapy for this disease consists on the exogenous insulin administration with the objective to maintain the glucose level in blood within the normal limits. For the insulin administration, in this project is used an infusion pump, that permit with a subcutaneous glucose sensor, create an autonomous control loop that regulate the optimal insulin amount apply in each moment. When the control algorithm is used in a digital system, with the subcutaneous senor and infusion subcutaneous pump, is named as “Artificial Endocrine Pancreas” for ambulatory use, currently under investigate. These metabolic control algorithms should be evaluates in simulation for assure patients’ physical integrity, for this reason is necessary to design a simulation system that assure the reliability of PAE. This simulation system connects algorithms with metabolic mathematics models for get a previous vision of its performance. In this scenario was created DIABSIMTM, a tool developed in LabView, that later was converted to MATLABTM, and based in the compartmental mathematic model proposed by Hovorka that could simulate and evaluate several different types of therapy and regulators in closed loop. To check the performance of these therapies and regulators, when have been simulated and evaluated, will be necessary to pass to real experimentation through a protocol of real clinical test like previous step to ambulatory PEA. To manage this protocol was created an user interface through the simulation and evaluation functions od therapies with insulin realized with MATLABTM (GUI: Graphics User Interface), known as “Entorno de Páncreas artificial con Interfaz Clínica” (EPIC).EPIC have been used in 10 clinical tests which have been proposed improvements, adds and changes. This project proposes a best version of user interface EPIC proposed in another project for manage a real test clinical protocol for checking control algorithms in a controlled hospital environment and besides studying viability to connect the GUI with SimulinkTM (Matlab graphical environment in systems simulation) for its connection with a new patients simulator approved for the JDRF (Juvenil Diabetes Research Foundation).


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The present article describes a standard instrument for the continuous online determination of retinal vessel diameters, the commercially available retinal vessel analyzer. This report is intended to provide informed guidelines for measuring ocular blood flow with this system. The report describes the principles underlying the method and the instruments currently available, and discusses clinical protocol and the specific parameters measured by the system. Unresolved questions and the possible limitations of the technique are also discussed. © 2009 Acta Ophthalmol.


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Although photodynamic therapy have been used as a useful tool over the past 30 years in oncology, few clinical trials have been conducted in dentistry. Photodynamic therapy (PDT) uses non - toxic photosensitizers and selective which are administered in target cells followed by local application of visible light, producing reactive oxygen species capable of causing cell death by apoptosis or necrosis, injured the local vasculature, and exert important effects on the im mune system. New generations of photosensitizing agents, such as nanoparticulate phthalocyanines, has shown excellent results in antitumor and antibacterial activity . In this context, the present work constitutes the first clinical protocol of local appli cation of nanoemulsion chloro - aluminum phthalocyanine (AlClFc) followed by irradiation in human gingiva, and analyzed descriptively and comparatively , by means of immunohistochemistry , the expression of RANK , RANKL , OPG and VEGF in a split - mouth model . Eight healthy volunteers with clinical indication for extraction were included in the study . Seven days before the extraction, was injected in the gingiva of participants, 5 μ M of nanoemulsion AlClFc followed by irra diation with diode laser (660nm , 7 J/cm2 ), the contralateral side was used as control. Tissue specimens were removed seven days after the TFD is performed. Tissues sample were divided into two groups (test and con trol groups) for histological and immunohistochemical analysis. Patients were monitored at days, 0, 7, 14 and 30 to assess adverse effects of the therapy. Vascular alterations were seen in gingival samples that received PDT. Areas of edema and vascular con gestion, and intense vascularization were viewed . Additionally, dystrophic calcification in subepithelial region were observed in the test group. The results showed a similar pattern of immunostaining scores of RANK, RANKL and VEGF between the test and co ntrol groups, with no statistically significant difference (p = 0.317, p = 0.777, p = 0 .814, respectively). RANK and RANKL exhibited weak or absent immunostaining in most specimens analyzed. There was n o immunostaining for OPG. VEGF showed moderate to stro ng immunostaining in specimens from the test group. In addition, the clinical study showed that therapy was well tolerated by all patients. Adverse effects were short - time and completely reversible. Taken together, the results presented in this study showe d that PDT mediated by nanoemulsion containing AlClPc is safe for clinical application in gingival tissue and suggests that a strong immunostaining for VEGF after therapy .


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Using data from a larger study investigating the effectiveness of a structured clinical protocol to manage individuals in residential facilities who experience behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia (BPSD), the current study investigated whether external clinical support in using the protocol with specific residents increased compliance in its use, over and above only providing a generic workshop about the protocol and management of BPSD. Results indicated that provision of the workshop, in addition to clinical support, was associated with significantly higher compliance. However, compliance was only found to be related to positive outcomes when staff received the generic workshop and not clinical support. When clinical support was provided, compliance was not related to outcomes or worse outcomes. These findings, when considered in the context of the results of the larger trial, suggest that the relationship among clinical support, compliance with BPSD protocols, and clinical outcomes for residents and staff is complex and needs further investigation.


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BACKGROUND: Despite advancements in our understanding of the importance of stress reduction in achieving good health, we still only have limited insight into the impact of stress on cellular function. Recent studies have suggested that exposure to prolonged psychological stress may alter an individual's physiological responses, and contribute to morbidity and mortality. This paper presents an overview of the study protocol we are using to examine the impact of life stressors on lifestyle factors, health-related quality of life and novel and established biomarkers of stress in midlife and older Australian women.The primary aim of this study is to explore the links between chronic psychological stress on both subjective and objective health markers in midlife and older Australian women. The study examines the extent to which exposure frightening, upsetting or stressful events such as natural disasters, illness or death of a relative, miscarriage and relationship conflict is correlated with a variety of objective and subjective health markers.Methods/design: This study is embedded within the longitudinal Healthy Aging of Women's study which has collected data from midlife and older Australian women at 5 yearly intervals since 2001, and uses the Allostastic model of women's health by Groer and colleagues in 2010. The current study expands the focus of the HOW study and will assess the impact of life stressors on quality of life and clinical biomarkers in midlife and older Australian women to explain the impact of chronic psychological stress in women. DISCUSSION: The proposed study hypothesizes that women are at increased risk of exposure to multiple or repeated stressors, some being unique to women, and the frequency and chronicity of stressors increases women's risk of adverse health outcomes. This study aims to further our understanding of the relationships between stressful life experiences, perceived quality of life, stress biomarkers, chronic illness, and health status in women.


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Background Family caregivers provide invaluable support to stroke survivors during their recovery, rehabilitation, and community re-integration. Unfortunately, it is not standard clinical practice to prepare and support caregivers in this role and, as a result, many experience stress and poor health that can compromise stroke survivor recovery and threaten the sustainability of keeping the stroke survivor at home. We developed the Timing it Right Stroke Family Support Program (TIRSFSP) to guide the timing of delivering specific types of education and support to meet caregivers' evolving needs. The objective of this multi-site randomized controlled trial is to determine if delivering the TIRSFSP across the stroke care continuum improves caregivers' sense of being supported and emotional well-being. Methods/design Our multi-site single-blinded randomized controlled trial will recruit 300 family caregivers of stroke survivors from urban and rural acute care hospitals. After completing a baseline assessment, participants will be randomly allocated to one of three groups: 1) TIRSFSP guided by a stroke support person (health care professional with stroke care experience), delivered in-person during acute care and by telephone for approximately the first six to 12 months post-stroke; 2) caregiver self-directed TIRSFSP with an initial introduction to the program by a stroke support person, or; 3) standard care receiving the educational resource "Let's Talk about Stroke" prepared by the Heart and Stroke Foundation. Participants will complete three follow-up quantitative assessments 3, 6, and 12-months post-stroke. These include assessments of depression, social support, psychological well-being, stroke knowledge, mastery (sense of control over life), caregiving assistance provided, caregiving impact on everyday life, and indicators of stroke severity and disability. Qualitative methods will also be used to obtain information about caregivers' experiences with the education and support received and the impact on caregivers' perception of being supported and emotional well-being. Discussion This research will determine if the TIRSFSP benefits family caregivers by improving their perception of being supported and emotional well-being. If proven effective, it could be recommended as a model of stroke family education and support that meets the Canadian Stroke Best Practice Guideline recommendation for providing timely education and support to families through transitions.