60 resultados para chlorpromazine


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Hydroquinone (HQ) is the main oxidative substance in cigarette smoke and a toxic product of benzene biotransformation. Although the respiratory tract is an inlet pathway of HQ exposure, its effect on airway muscle responsiveness has not been assessed. We thus investigated the effects of low dose in vivo HQ-exposure on tracheal responsiveness to a muscarinic receptor agonist. Male Swiss mice were exposed to aerosolised 5% ethanol/saline solution (HQ vehicle; control) or 0.04 ppm HQ (1 h/day for 5 days) and tracheal rings were collected 1 h after the last exposure. HQ exposure caused tracheal hyper-responsiveness to methacholine (MCh), which was abolished by mechanical removal of the epithelium. This hyperresponsiveness was not dependent on neutrophil infiltration, but on tumour necrosis factor (TNF) secretion by epithelial cells. This conclusion was based on the following data: (1) trachea from HQ-exposed mice presented a higher amount of TNF, which was abrogated following removal of the epithelium; (2) the trachea hyperresponsiveness and TNF levels were attenuated by in vivo chlorpromazine (CPZ) treatment, an inhibitor of TNF synthesis. The involvement of HQ-induced TNF secretion in trachea mast cell degranulation was also demonstrated by the partial reversion of tracheal hyperresponsiveness in sodium cromoglicate-treated animals, and the in vivo HQ-exposure-induced degranulation of trachea connective tissue and mucosal mast cells, which was reversed by CPZ treatment. Our data show that in vivo HQ exposure indirectly exacerbates the parasympathetic-induced contraction of airway smooth muscle cells, mediated by TNF secreted by tracheal epithelial cells, clearly showing the link between environmental HQ exposure and the reactivity of airways. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Great strides have been made in the last few years in the pharmacological treatment of neuropsychiatric disorders, with the introduction into the therapy of several new and more efficient agents, which have improved the quality of life of many patients. Despite these advances, a large percentage of patients is still considered “non-responder” to the therapy, not drawing any benefits from it. Moreover, these patients have a peculiar therapeutic profile, due to the very frequent application of polypharmacy, attempting to obtain satisfactory remission of the multiple aspects of psychiatric syndromes. Therapy is heavily individualised and switching from one therapeutic agent to another is quite frequent. One of the main problems of this situation is the possibility of unwanted or unexpected pharmacological interactions, which can occur both during polypharmacy and during switching. Simultaneous administration of psychiatric drugs can easily lead to interactions if one of the administered compounds influences the metabolism of the others. Impaired CYP450 function due to inhibition of the enzyme is frequent. Other metabolic pathways, such as glucuronidation, can also be influenced. The Therapeutic Drug Monitoring (TDM) of psychotropic drugs is an important tool for treatment personalisation and optimisation. It deals with the determination of parent drugs and metabolites plasma levels, in order to monitor them over time and to compare these findings with clinical data. This allows establishing chemical-clinical correlations (such as those between administered dose and therapeutic and side effects), which are essential to obtain the maximum therapeutic efficacy, while minimising side and toxic effects. It is evident the importance of developing sensitive and selective analytical methods for the determination of the administered drugs and their main metabolites, in order to obtain reliable data that can correctly support clinical decisions. During the three years of Ph.D. program, some analytical methods based on HPLC have been developed, validated and successfully applied to the TDM of psychiatric patients undergoing treatment with drugs belonging to following classes: antipsychotics, antidepressants and anxiolytic-hypnotics. The biological matrices which have been processed were: blood, plasma, serum, saliva, urine, hair and rat brain. Among antipsychotics, both atypical and classical agents have been considered, such as haloperidol, chlorpromazine, clotiapine, loxapine, risperidone (and 9-hydroxyrisperidone), clozapine (as well as N-desmethylclozapine and clozapine N-oxide) and quetiapine. While the need for an accurate TDM of schizophrenic patients is being increasingly recognized by psychiatrists, only in the last few years the same attention is being paid to the TDM of depressed patients. This is leading to the acknowledgment that depression pharmacotherapy can greatly benefit from the accurate application of TDM. For this reason, the research activity has also been focused on first and second-generation antidepressant agents, like triciclic antidepressants, trazodone and m-chlorophenylpiperazine (m-cpp), paroxetine and its three main metabolites, venlafaxine and its active metabolite, and the most recent antidepressant introduced into the market, duloxetine. Among anxiolytics-hypnotics, benzodiazepines are very often involved in the pharmacotherapy of depression for the relief of anxious components; for this reason, it is useful to monitor these drugs, especially in cases of polypharmacy. The results obtained during these three years of Ph.D. program are reliable and the developed HPLC methods are suitable for the qualitative and quantitative determination of CNS drugs in biological fluids for TDM purposes.


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Einige Arzneistoffe verursachen unter dem Einfluss von Sonnenlichtstrahlung folgenschwere Hautveränderungen. In der Arbeit wurden für sechs Photosensibilisatoren erstmals „Fingerabdrücke“ des zellfreien und zellulären photoinduzierten DNA Schadens in Form von Schadensprofilen erstellt. Untersucht wurden das Phenothiazin Chlorpromazin, sowie dessen Derivate 2-Hydroxypromazin, Chlorpromazinsulfoxid und Promazin; die Fluorchinolone Ciprofloxacin und Lomefloxacin; sowie Doxycyclin und Methylenblau unter Bestrahlung mit künstlich erzeugtem Sonnenlicht. Neben Strangbrüchen in der DNA konnten durch den Einsatz von spezifischen DNA-Reparaturendonukleasen als Sonden die Mengen an oxidativen Purinmodifikationen, oxidative Pyrimidinmodifikationen und abasische Stellen bestimmt werden. Durch Verwendung von modulierenden Zusätzen wurde die Beteiligung von reaktiven Sauerstoffspezies überprüft. Besonders bei den Phenothiazinen zeigten sich Besonderheiten hinsichtlich der DNA-Schädigung. Promazin induziert unter Photoaktivierung, vermutlich über einen reduktiven Angriff an der DNA, eine hohe Anzahl sonst selten beobachteter Läsionen, nämlich abasischen Stellen und Dihydropyrimidine. Photoaktiviertes Chlorpromazin konnte in Zellen unerwarteterweise wahrscheinlich über die Reaktion von Photolyseprodukten mit einem endogenen Chromophor sonnenlichtinduzierte oxidative DNA-Modifikationen verhindern. Eine Schädigung zellfreier DNA fand nur statt, wenn der Photosensibilisator im Überschuss gegenüber den DNA-Basenpaaren vorlag, vermutlich weil ansonsten die Photolyse des Chlorpromazins durch Interkalation in die DNA verhindert wurde. Fluorchinolone zeigten eine starke Generierung von DNA-Strangbrüchen in Zellen, welche möglicherweise auf photoinduzierte Reaktionen der Arzneistoffe mit der eukaryotischen Topoisomerase zurückzuführen ist. Die Korrelation der gemessenen DNA-Schäden mit der Mikrokerninduktion führte zu der Annahme, dass besonders abasische Stellen bei der Entstehung von Mikrokernen eine Rolle spielen könnten.


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RATIONALE: Both psychotropic drugs and mental disorders have typical signatures in quantitative electroencephalography (EEG). Previous studies found that some psychotropic drugs had EEG effects opposite to the EEG effects of the mental disorders treated with these drugs (key-lock principle). OBJECTIVES: We performed a placebo-controlled pharmaco-EEG study on two conventional antipsychotics (chlorpromazine and haloperidol) and four atypical antipsychotics (olanzapine, perospirone, quetiapine, and risperidone) in healthy volunteers. We investigated differences between conventional and atypical drug effects and whether the drug effects were compatible with the key-lock principle. METHODS: Fourteen subjects underwent seven EEG recording sessions, one for each drug (dosage equivalent of 1 mg haloperidol). In a time-domain analysis, we quantified the EEG by identifying clusters of transiently stable EEG topographies (microstates). Frequency-domain analysis used absolute power across electrodes and the location of the center of gravity (centroid) of the spatial distribution of power in different frequency bands. RESULTS: Perospirone increased duration of a microstate class typically shortened in schizophrenics. Haloperidol increased mean microstate duration of all classes, increased alpha 1 and beta 1 power, and tended to shift the beta 1 centroid posterior. Quetiapine decreased alpha 1 power and shifted the centroid anterior in both alpha bands. Olanzapine shifted the centroid anterior in alpha 2 and beta 1. CONCLUSIONS: The increased microstate duration under perospirone and haloperidol was opposite to effects previously reported in schizophrenic patients, suggesting a key-lock mechanism. The opposite centroid changes induced by olanzapine and quetiapine compared to haloperidol might characterize the difference between conventional and atypical antipsychotics.


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Aim: We examined cellular uptake mechanisms of fluorescently labeled polymer-coated gold nanoparticles (NPs) under different biological conditions by two quantitative, microscopic approaches. Materials & methods: Uptake mechanisms were evaluated using endocytotic inhibitors that were tested for specificity and cytotoxicity. Cellular uptake of gold NPs was analyzed either by laser scanning microscopy or transmission electron microscopy, and quantified by means of stereology using cells from the same experiment. Results: Optimal inhibitor conditions were only achieved with chlorpromazine (clathrin-mediated endocytosis) and methyl-β-cyclodextrin (caveolin-mediated endocytosis). A significant methyl-β-cyclodextrin-mediated inhibition (63-69%) and chlorpromazine-mediated increase (43-98%) of intracellular NPs was demonstrated with both imaging techniques, suggesting a predominant uptake via caveolin-medicated endocytois. Transmission electron microscopy imaging revealed more than 95% of NPs localized in intracellular vesicles and approximately 150-times more NP events/cell were detected than by laser scanning microscopy. Conclusion: We emphasize the importance of studying NP-cell interactions under controlled experimental conditions and at adequate microscopic resolution in combination with stereology. Original submitted 10 July 2012; Revised submitted 23 January 2013.


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The cytochromes P450 (P450) comprise a superfamily of hemoproteins that function in concert with NADPH-cytochrome P450 reductase (P450-reductase) to metabolize both endogenous and exogenous compounds. Many pharmacological agents undergo phase I metabolism by this P450 and P450-reductase monooxygenase system. Phase I metabolism ensures that these highly hydrophobic xenobiotics are made more hydrophilic, and hence easier to extrude from the body. While the majority of phase I metabolism occurs in the liver, metabolism in extrahepatic organ-systems like the intestine, kidney, and brain can have important roles in drug metabolism and/or efficacy. ^ While P450-mediated phase I metabolism has been well studied, investigators have only recently begun to elucidate what physiological roles P450 may have. One way to approach this question is to study P450s that are highly or specifically expressed in extrahepatic tissues. In this project I have studied the role of a recently cloned P450 family member, P450 2D18, that was previously shown to be expressed in the rat brain and kidney, but not in the liver. To this end, I have used the baculovirus expression system to over-express recombinant P450 2D18 and purified the functional enzyme using nickel and hydroxylapatite chromatography. SDS-PAGE analysis indicated that the enzyme was purified to electrophoretic homogeneity and Western analysis showed cross-reactivity with rabbit anti-human P450 2D6. Carbon monoxide difference spectra indicated that the purified protein contained no denatured P450 enzyme; this allowed for further characterization of the substrates and metabolites formed by P450 2D18-mediated metabolism. ^ Because P450 2D18 is expressed in brain, we characterized the activity toward several psychoactive drugs including the antidepressants imipramine and desipramine, and the anti-psychotic drugs chlorpromazine and haloperidol. P450 2D18 preferentially catalyzed the N-demethylation of imipramine, desipramine, and chlorpromazine. This is interesting given the fact that other P450 isoforms form multiple metabolites from such compounds. This limited metabolic profile might suggest that P450 2D18 has some unique function, or perhaps a role in endobiotic metabolism. ^ Further analysis of possible endogenous substrates for P450 2D18 led to the identification of dopamine and arachidonic acid as substrates. It was shown that P450 2D18 catalyzes the oxidation of dopamine to aminochrome, and that the enzyme binds dopamine with an apparent KS value of 678 μM, a value well within reported dopamine concentration in brain dopaminergic systems. Further, it was shown that P450 2D18 binds arachidonic acid with an apparent KS value of 148 μM, and catalyzes both the ω-hydroxylation and epoxygenation of arachidonic acid to metabolites that have been shown to have vasoactive properties in brain, kidney, and heart tissues. These data provide clues for endogenous roles of P450 within the brain, and possible involvement in the pathogenesis of Parkinson's disease. ^


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Schizophrenia is frequently associated with abnormal motor behavior, particularly hypokinesia. The course of the illness tends to deteriorate in the first years. We aimed to assess gross motor activity in patients with a first episode (n = 33) and multiple episodes (n = 115) of schizophrenia spectrum disorders using wrist actigraphy. First episode patients were younger, had higher motor activity and reduced negative symptom severity. Covarying for age, chlorpromazine equivalents, and negative symptoms, first episode patients still had higher motor activity. This was also true after excluding patients with schizophreniform disorder from the analyses. In first episode patients, but not in patients with multiple episodes, motor activity was correlated with antipsychotic dosage. In conclusion, after controlling for variables related to disorder chronicity, patients with first episodes were still more active than patients with multiple episodes. Thus, reduced motor activity is a marker of deterioration in the course of schizophrenia spectrum disorders.


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The cytochrome P450 4F subfamily comprises a group of enzymes that metabolize derivatives of arachidonic acid such as prostaglandins, lipoxins leukotrienes and hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acids, which are important mediators involved in the inflammatory response. Therefore, we speculate that CYP4Fs might be able to modulate the extent of the inflammation by controlling of the tissue levels of these inflammatory mediators, especially, leukotriene B4. One way to provide support for this hypothesis is to test whether the expression of CYP4Fs changes under inflammatory conditions, since these changes are required to adjust the levels of inflammatory mediators. ^ A lipopolysacchride (LPS) induced rat inflammation model was used to analyze the expressions of rat CYP4F4 and CYP4F5 in liver and kidney. LPS administration did not change the constitutive expression level of CYP4F4 and CYP4F5. In liver, the expressions of CYP4F4 and CYP4F5 decreased to 50–60% of the untreated level. The same effect of LPS on CYP4F4 and CYP4F5 expression can be mimicked in hepatocyte primary cultures treated with LPS, indicating a direct of effect of LPS on hepatocytes. LPS treatment also decreased the activity of liver microsomes towards chlorpromazine, however, antibody inhibition study revealed that liver CYP4Fs are not the only players in metabolizing chlorpromazine. To study further the underlying mechanism, CYP4F5 gene was isolated, characterized, and the promoter region was defined. ^ Accumulating evidence showed that peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPARs) play an active role in inflammation. To investigate the possible role of PPARα in regulating CYP4F expression by inflammation or by clofibrate treatment, the expressions of two new mouse 4F isoforms were analyzed in PPARα knockout mice upon LPS or clofibrate challenge. A novel induction of CYP4F15 by LPS and clofibrate was observed in kidney, and this effect is totally dependent on the presence of PPARα. Renal CYP4F16 expression was not affected by LPS or clofibrate in both (+/+) and (−/−) mice. In contrast, hepatic expressions of CYP4F15 and CYP4F16 were reduced significantly in (+/+) mice, but much less in (−/−) mice, suggesting that PPARα is partially responsible for this down-regulation. Clofibrate treatment reduced the expression of CYP4F16 in liver, but has no effect on CYP4F15 and PPARα does not have a role in hepatic CYP4F expression regulated by clofibrate. In general, CYP4Fs are regulated in an isoform-, tissue- and species-specific manner. ^ A human CYP4F isoform, CYP4F11, was isolated. The genomic structure was also solved by using database mining and bioinformatics tools. Localization of CYP4F11 to chromosome 19, 16 kb upstream of CYP4F2, suggests that human CYP4F genes may form a cluster on chromosome 19. This novel human 4F is highly expressed in liver, as well as in kidney, heart and skeletal muscle. Further study of the activity and gene regulation on CYP4F11 will provide us more insights into the physiological functions of CYP4F subfamily. ^


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Background. The rate of binocular rivalry has been reported to be slower in subjects with bipolar disorder than in controls when tested with drifting, vertical and horizontal gratings of high spatial frequency. Method. Here we assess the rate of binocular rivalry with stationary, vertical and horizontal gratings of low spatial frequency in 30 subjects with bipolar disorder, 30 age- and sex-matched controls, 18 subjects with schizophrenia and 18 subjects with major depression. Along with rivalry rate, the predominance of each of the rivaling images was assessed, as was the distribution of normalized rivalry intervals. Results. The bipolar group demonstrated significantly slower rivalry than the control, schizophrenia and major depression groups. The schizophrenia and major depression groups did not differ significantly from the control group. Predominance values did not differ according to diagnosis and the distribution of normalized rivalry intervals was well described by a gamma function in all groups. Conclusions. The results provide further evidence that binocular rivalry is slow in bipolar disorder and demonstrate that rivalry predominance and the distribution of normalized rivalry intervals are not abnormal in bipolar disorder. It is also shown by comparison with previous work, that high strength stimuli more effectively distinguish bipolar from control subjects than low strength stimuli. The data on schizophrenia and major depression suggest the need for large-scale specificity trials. Further study is also required to assess genetic and pathophysiological factors as well as the potential effects of state, medication, and clinical and biological subtypes.


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Background: Clinicians frequently use lithium to augment antipsychotic medication in schizophrenia. Therefore, we undertook a systematic review and meta-analysis of the use of lithium in the treatment of schizophrenia. Data sources and study selection: Randomized controlled trials examining lithium (as a sole or an adjunctive compound) in participants with schizophrenia or related disorders were searched in the register of the Cochrane Schizophrenia Group. No language restrictions were applied. The Boolean phrase [lithium* or lithicarb or eskalith or lithobid or lithane or cibalith-s or quilonum or hypnorex] was used to locate articles. The search strategy initially identified 90 references. The authors of the included studies were contacted to obtain original patient data. The data were combined in a meta-analysis. The main outcome parameters were the number of patients with a clinically significant response and the number of patients leaving the studies early. Results: The meta-analysis includes 20 studies (N = 611). The evidence shows that lithium as a sole agent is ineffective in the treatment of schizophrenia. Eleven trials examined the augmentation of antipsychotics with lithium. More patients who received lithium augmentation than those who received antipsychotics alone were classified as responders. However, the superiority was not consistent across different response thresholds, and when patients with prominent affective symptoms were excluded from the analysis, the advantage of lithium augmentation was not significant (p = .07). Significantly more patients taking lithium left the trials early, suggesting a lower acceptability of lithium augmentation compared with that of taking antipsychotics alone. Conclusion: Despite some evidence in favor of lithium augmentation, the overall results are inconclusive. A large trial of lithium augmentation of antipsychotic medications will be required in order to detect a benefit of small effect size in patients with schizophrenia who lack affective symptoms.


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Objective: To identify utilisation rates of prn (pro re nata) sedation in children and adolescents receiving inpatient psychiatric treatment, and to compare correlates of prn prescribing and administration. Method A retrospective chart review examined 122 medical charts from a child and youth mental health inpatient service. Results 71.3% of patients were prescribed prn sedation and 50.8% were administered prn sedation. Patients received an average of 8.0 doses of prn sedation, with 9.8% receiving 10 or more doses. Chlorpromazine and diazepam were the most commonly utilised agents. Prescribing of prn sedation was only related to use of regular medications (p < 0.01), and non-parent carers (p < 0.01). In contrast, administration of prn sedation was associated with multiple diagnoses (p < 0.01), pervasive development disorder (p < 0.01), mental retardation (p < 0.01) ADHD (p < 0.01), longer hospital admission (p < 0.01), use of atypical antipsychotics (p < 0.01) and polypharmacy (p < 0.01). Conclusions Despite lack of data to inform practice, prn sedation is widely utilised, especially in complex patients. Future research in this area needs to incorporate nurses and examine whether patients benefit from prn sedation, which drugs and dosing patterns optimise safety and efficacy, and what is the role of prn sedation in the context of other medication.


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Smoking rate is disproportionately high among patients with schizophrenia, resulting in significant morbidity and mortality. However, cigarette smoking has been reported to have beneficial effects on negative symptoms, extrapyramidal symptoms, cognitive functioning and mood symptoms. Therefore, smoking cessation may worsen disability in schizophrenia. The association between smoking and these key clinical parameters was examined. Additionally, severity of smoking across four different antipsychotic treatment groups was explored. One hundred and forty-six patients with schizophrenia were assessed for smoking using expired carbon monoxide and smoking history. They were administered the Positive and Negative Symptom Scale, The Extrapyramidal Symptom Rating Scale, the Barnes Akathisia Rating Scale, Reitans Trail-making Test (A and B) and General Health Questionnaire-28. There was no difference in the chlorpromazine equivalent dose of any of the medications studied. Atypical agents were associated with significantly lower levels of smoking when compared with typical medications. There was no difference in smoking severity between the individual atypical medications examined. Similarly, there were no significant differences between smoking and non-smoking groups with regard to Positive and Negative Symptom Scale, Extrapyramidal Symptom Rating Scale, Trail-making Test and General Health Questionnaire-28. However, there was a significant difference between these groups with the smoking group demonstrating less akathisia. Smoking is not associated with positive, negative cognitive and mood symptoms in schizophrenia. Smoking is associated with lower levels of antipsychotic induced akathisia. Clinicians should not be discouraged from helping patients stop smoking for fear of worsening symptoms. However, akathisia may emerge upon cessation of smoking. Switching patients from typical to atypical antipsychotics may assist patients with schizophrenia to give up smoking.


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The work present in this thesis was aimed at assessing the efficacy of lithium in the acute treatment of mania and for the prophylaxis of bipolar disorder, and investigating the value of plasma haloperidol concentration for predicting response to treatment in schizophrenia. The pharmacogenetics of psychotropic drugs is critically appraised to provide insights into interindividual variability in response to pharmacotherapy, In clinical trials of acute mania, a number of measures have been used to assess the severity of illness and its response to treatment. Rating instruments need to be validated in order for a clinical study to provide reliable and meaningful estimates of treatment effects, Eight symptom-rating scales were identified and critically assessed, The Mania Rating Scale (MRS) was the most commonly used for assessing treatment response, The advantage of the MRS is that there is a relatively extensive database of studies based on it and this will no doubt ensure that it remains a gold standard for the foreseeable future. Other useful rating scales are available for measuring mania but further cross-validation and validation against clinically meaningful global changes are required. A total of 658 patients from 12 trials were included in an evaluation of the efficacy of lithium in the treatment of acute mania. Treatment periods ranged from 3 to 4 weeks. Efficacy was estimated using (i) the differences in the reduction in mania severity scores, and (ii) the ratio and difference in improvement response rates. The response rate ratio for lithium against placebo was 1.95 (95% CI 1.17 to 3.23). The mean number needed to treat was 5 (95% CI 3 to 20). Patients were twice as likely to obtain remission with lithium than with chlorpromazine (rate ratio = 1.96, 95% CI 1.02 to 3.77). The mean number needed to treat (NNT) was 4 (95% CI 3 to 9). Neither carbamazepine nor valproate was more effective than lithium. The response rate ratios were 1.01 (95% CI 0.54 to 1.88) for lithium compared to carbarnazepine and 1.22 (95% CI 0.91 to 1.64) for lithium against valproate. Haloperidol was no better than lithium on the basis of improvement based on assessment of global severity. The differences in effects between lithium and risperidone were -2.79 (95% CI -4.22 to -1.36) in favour of risperidone with respect to symptom severity improvement and -0.76 (95% CI -1.11 to -0,41) on the basis of reduction in global severity of disease. Symptom and global severity was at least as well controlIed with lithium as with verapamil. Lithium caused more side-effects than placebo and verapamil, but no more than carbamazepine or valproate. A total of 554 patients from 13 trials were included in the statistical analysis of lithium's efficacy in the prophylaxis of bipolar disorder. The mean follow-up period was 5-34 months. The relapse risk ratio for lithium versus placebo was 0.47 (95% CI 0.26 to 0.86) and the NNT was 3 (95% CI 2 to 7). The relapse risk ratio for lithium versus imipramine was 0.62 (95% CI 0.46 to 0.84) and the NNT was 4 (951% Cl 3 to 7), The combination of lithium and imipramine was no more effective than lithium alone. The risk of relapse was greater with lithium alone than with the lithium-divalproate combination. A risk difference of 0.60 (95% CI 0.21 to 0.99) and an NNT of 2 (95% CI 1 to 5) were obtained. Lithium was as effective as carbamazepine. Based on individual data concerning plasma haloperidol concentration and percent improvement in psychotic symptoms, our results suggest an acceptable concentration range of 11.20-30.30 ng/mL A minimum of 2 weeks should be allowed before evaluating therapeutic response. Monitoring of drug plasma levels seems not to be necessary unless behavioural toxicity or noncompliance is suspected. Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics, which are mainly determined by genetic factors, contribute to interindividual and interethnic variations in clinical response to drugs. These variations are primarily due to differences in drug metabolism. Variability in pharmacokinetics of a number of drugs is associated with oxidation polymorphism. Debrisoquine/sparteine hydroxylase (CYP2D6) and the S-mephenytoin hydroxylase (CYP2C19) are polymorphic P450 enzymes with particular importance in psychopharmacotherapy. The enzymes are responsible for the metabolism of many commonly used antipsychotic and antidepressant drugs. The incidence of poor metabolisers of debrisoquine and S-mephenytoin varies widely among populations. Ethnic variations in polymorphic isoenzymes may, at least in part, explain ethnic differences in response to pharmacotherapy of antipsychotics and antidepressant drugs.


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Purine and pyrimidine triplex-forming oligonucleotides (TFOs), as potential antibacterial agents, were designed to bind by Hoogsteen and reverse Hoogsteen hydrogen bonds in a sequence specific manner in the major groove of genomic DNA at specific polypurine sites within the gyrA gene of E. coli and S. pneumoniae. Sequences were prepared by automated synthesis, with purification and characterisation determined by high performance liquid chromatograpy, capillary electrophoresis and mass spectrometry. Triplex stability was assessed using melting curves where the binding of the third strand to the duplex target, was assessed over a temperature range of 0-80°C, and at pH 6.4 and 7.2. The most successful of the unmodified TFOs (6) showed a Tm value of 26 °C at both pH values with binding via reverse Hoogsteen bonds. Binding to genomic DNA was also demonstrated by spectrofluorimetry, using fluorescein-labelled TFOs, from which dissociation constants were determined. Modifications in the form of 5mC, 5' acridine attachment, phosphorothioation, 2'-0-methylation and phosphoramidation, were made in order to. increase Tm values. Phosphoramidate modification was the most with increased Tm values of 42°C. However, the final purity of these sequences was poor due to their difficult syntheses. FACS (fluorescent activated cell sorting) analysis was used to determine the potential uptake of a fluorescently labelled analogue of 6 via passive, coJd shock mediated, and anionic liposome aided, uptake. This was established at 20°C and 37°C. At both temperatures anionic lipid-mediated uptake produced unrivalled fluorescence, equivalent to 20 and 43% at 20 and 37°C respectively. Antibacterial activity of each oligonucleotide was assessed by viable count anaJysis relying on passive uptake, cold shocking techniques, chlorpromazine-mediated uptake, and, cationic and anionic lipid-aided uptake. All oligonucleotides were assessed for their ability to enhance uptake, which is a major barrier to the effectiveness of these agents. Compound 6 under cold shocking conditions produced the greatest consistent decline in colony forming units per ml. Results for this compound were sometimes variable indicating inconsistent uptake by this particular assay method.


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The pharmacological effects of a number of centrally acting drugs have been compared in euthyroid mice and mice made hyperthyroid by pretreatment with sodium-1-thyroxine. The potencies of two barbiturates, pentobarbitone and thiopentone - as indicated by the duration of their hypnotic actions and their acute toxicities - are increased in hyperthyroid mice. An acutely active uncoupler of phosphorylative oxidation is 2, 4-dinitrophenol, an agent which proved to be a potent hypnotic when administered intracerebrally. An attempt has been made to relate the mechanism of action of the barbiturates to the uncoupling effects of thyroxine and 2, 4-dinitrophenol. The pharmacological effects of chlorpromazine, reserpine and amphetamine-like drugs have also been studied in hyperthyroid mice. After pretreatment with thyroxine, mice show a reduced tendency to become hypothermic after chlorpromazine or reserpine; in fact, under suitable laboratory conditions these agents produce a hyperthermic effect. Yet their known depressant effects upon locomotor activity were not substantially altered. Thus it appeared that depression of locomotor activity and hypothermia are not necessarily correlated, an observation at variance with previously held opinion. These results have been discussed in the light of our knowledge of the role of the thyroid gland in thermoregulation. The actions of tremorine and its metabolite, oxotremorine, have also been examined. Hyperthyroid animals are less susceptible to both the hypothermia and tremor produced by these agents. An attempt is made to explain these observations, in view of the known mechanism of action of oxotremorine and the tremorgenic actions that thyroxine may have. A number of experimental methods have been used to study the anti-nociceptive (analgesic) effects of drugs in euthyroid and hyperthyroid mice. The sites and mechanisms of action of these drugs and the known actions of thyroxine have been discussed.