984 resultados para cerrado region from Maranhão
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Ciência do Solo) - FCAV
The Cerrado and Amazon regions of Brazil are probably the largest agricultural frontier of the world, and Could be a sink or source for C depending on the net effect of land use change and subsequent management on soil organic C pools. We evaluated the effects of agricultural management systems on soil organic C (SOC) stocks in the Brazilian states of Rondonia and Mato Grosso, and derived regional specific factors for soil C stock change associated with different management systems. We used 50 observations (data points) in this study, including 42 dealing with annual cropping practices and 8 dealing with perennial cropping, and analyzed the data in linear mixed-effect models. No tillage (NT) systems in Cerrado areas increased SOC Storage by 1.08 +/- 0.06 relative to SOC stocks under native conditions, while SOC storage increased by a modest factor of 1.01 +/- 0.17 in Cerradao and Amazon Forest conditions. Full tillage (FT) had negative effect on SOC storage relative to NT, decreasing SOC stocks by a factor of 0.94 +/- 0.04. but did not significantly reduce SOC stocks relative to native levels when adopted in the Cerrado region. Perennial cropping had a minimal impact on SOC stocks, estimated at a factor Value of 0.98 +/- 0.14, suggesting these systems maintain about 98% of the SOC stock found under native vegetation. The results Suggest that NT adoption may be increasing SOC with land use change from native vegetation to cropland management in the Cerrado region of Brazil. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Lauromacromia bedei is described and illustrated from a single male specimen collected in a river at the "cerrado" region of the State of Minas Gerais, Brazil.
Phosphogysum (PG) or agricultural gypsum, a solid waste from the phosphate fertilizer industry, is used as soil amendment, especially on soils in the Cerrado region, in Brazil. This material may however contain natural radionuclides and metals which can be transferred to soils, plants and water sources. This paper presents and discusses the results of physical and chemical analyses that characterized samples of PG and compares them to the results found in two typical soils of the Cerrado, a clayey and sandy one. These analyses included: solid waste classification, evaluation of organic matter content and of P, K, Ca, Mg, and Al concentrations and of the mineralogical composition. Natural radionuclides and metal concentrations in PG and soil samples were also measured. Phosphogypsum was classified as Class II A - Not Dangerous, Not Inert, Not Corrosive and Not Reactive. The organic matter content in the soil samples was low and potential acidity high. In the mean, the specific 226Ra activity in the phosphogypsum samples (252 Bq kg-1) was below the maximum level recommended by USEPA, which is 370 Bq kg-1 for agricultural use. In addition, this study verified that natural radionuclides and metals concentrations in PG were lower than in the clayey Oxisol of Sete Lagoas, Minas Gerais, Brazil. These results indicated that the application of phosphogypsum as soil amendment in agriculture would not cause a significant impact on the environment.
Pinus caribaea var. hondurensis (Sénécl) Barr. & Golf. is a tropical pine that naturally occurs in lowland areas of Belize, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, and eastern Mexico. It has been one of the most studied tropical pines and the one with the most commercial importance in Brazil. The objective of this work was to select the best provenances for plantations and best trees in families for the establishment of seed orchards. For that a trial with five provenances and 47 open-pollinated families was planted near Planaltina, Federal District, in the Cerrado Region of Brazil. The provenances tested were Poptun (Guatemala), Gualjoco, Los Limones, El Porvenir and Santa Cruz de Yojoa (Honduras) and assessed at 12 years of age. Poptun and Gualjoco had larger volume, and Los Limones and El Porvenir the lowest incidence of forks and foxtails. Individual tree heritabilities for volume, stem form and branch diameter were 0.34, 0.06, and 0.26 respectively. More than 90% of the trees had defects, common in unimproved P. caribaea. Selection criteria for quality traits need to be relaxed in the first generation of breeding to allow for larger genetic gains in productivity. Results from this test compared with P. caribaea var. hondurensis trials in other Brazilian, Colombian and Venezuelan sites suggest that provenance x site and family x site interactions are not as strong as in other pine species.
Phytochemical investigations on three Brazilian Lauraceae species from the Cerrado region of São Paulo State, Ocotea corymbosa (Meins) Mez., O. elegans Mez. and Persea pyrifolia Nees & Mart. ex Nees resulted in the isolation of flavonoids, an ester of the 4-O-E-caffeoylquinic acid, an aromatic sesquiterpene besides furofuran lignans. This is the first chemical study on the leaves of Ocotea elegans and O. corymbosa as well as the first report of non-volatile compounds from Persea pyrifolia.
The objective of this study was to evaluate the performance of two genotypes of elephant grass, fertilized with and without N, for biomass production for energy use under the edaphoclimatic conditions of the Cerrado. The genotypes Roxo and Paraíso, grown in a field experiment in a Latosol in the Cerrado region were evaluated for biomass yield, nitrogen accumulation, C:N and stem:leaf ratios, fibre, ash and P and K contents and calorific value. The accumulated dry biomass ranged from 30 to 42 Mg ha-1 and showed no response to nitrogen fertilization with the lowest biomass obtained by the genotype Paraíso and the highest by Roxo. The total N accumulation followed the same pattern as for dry matter, ranging from 347 to 539 kg N ha-1. C:N and stem:leaf ratio of the biomass produced did not vary with treatments. The fibre contents were higher in genotype Paraíso and the highest levels of ash in the genotype Roxo. The K content in the biomass was higher in genotype Roxo and P did not vary between genotypes. The calorific value averaged 18 MJ kg-1 of dry matter and did not vary with the levels of N in leaves and stems of the plant. Both genotypes, independent of N fertilization, produced over 30 Mg ha-1 of biomass under Cerrado conditions.
We present a new climatology of atmospheric aerosols (primarily pyrogenic and biogenic) for the Brazilian tropics on the basis of a high-quality data set of spectral aerosol optical depth and directional sky radiance measurements from Aerosol Robotic Network (AERONET) Cimel Sun-sky radiometers at more than 15 sites distributed across the Amazon basin and adjacent Cerrado region. This network is the only long-term project (with a record including observations from more than 11 years at some locations) ever to have provided ground-based remotely-sensed column aerosol properties for this critical region. Distinctive features of the Amazonian area aerosol are presented by partitioning the region into three aerosol regimes: southern Amazonian forest, Cerrado, and northern Amazonian forest. The monitoring sites generally include measurements from the interval 1999-2006, but some sites have measurement records that date back to the initial days of the AERONET program in 1993. Seasonal time series of aerosol optical depth (AOD), angstrom ngstrom exponent, and columnar-averaged microphysical properties of the aerosol derived from sky radiance inversion techniques (single-scattering albedo, volume size distribution, fine mode fraction of AOD, etc.) are described and contrasted for the defined regions. During the wet season, occurrences of mineral dust penetrating deep into the interior were observed.
Effect of green manure and sowing date on the productivity of bean no-tillage in the Cerrado region. Green manure and sowing date are two important factors that influence the productivity of cultivars. The objective of this study was to evaluate the production of biomass from different vegetation covers (millet, sorghum and Brachiaria brizantha) and the accumulation of nutrients and their effects on the bean cultivars (Pearl, IAC Tuna and Carioca Precoce) at different sowing dates (6/22 and 7/6). The experiment was conducted at the experimental area of the Universidade Estadual Paulista - Unesp, located in Selviria, Mato Grosso do Sul State, in the 2006/2007 agricultural year. The randomized blocks design was used with four replications, and the evaluations of the coverage were: the biomass of fresh and dry matter and nutrients accumulated in plants; for the beans: cycle, final stand, number of pods/plant, number of seeds per pod, mass of 100 seeds, and productivity. It was observed that millet and sorghum showed higher productivity of fresh and dry mass, and accumulate greater quantity of nutrients in straw; the time most suitable for sowing was in June, and the late sowing of cv. Carioca Precoce did not affect their productivity, the use of Brachiaria brizantha straw in coverage provided better conditions for productivity in the bean no-tillage system.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Nesta tese é realizada a análise dos discursos da mídia face às políticas e ações orientadas pela ideologia desenvolvimentista, além da análise de documentos particulares relativos ao processo de implantação da ALCOA MINERAÇÃO S.A. A pesquisa teve como objetivos: descrever os percursos e discursos sobre o processo de industrialização e desenvolvimento do Brasil a partir dos anos 1950, examinando os impactos à luz do contexto da Região Amazônica; relacionar o quadro da economia maranhense em 1980 com o projeto de implantação da ALCOA MINERAÇÃO S.A.; examinar os discursos veiculados pela mídia impressa maranhense no sentido de informar a população de São Luís sobre os impactos ambientais quando da implantação da ALCOA MINERAÇÃO S.A; identificar as ações e reações da ALCOA MINERAÇÃO S.A. em resposta ao discurso da mídia impressa durante a implantação da fábrica de alumina/alumínio. Resumo: Para atingir tal fim, apresenta-se um conjunto histórico-teórico sobre a ideologia desenvolvimentista via processo de industrialização dos Governos Getúlio Vargas, Juscelino Kubitschek, e a estratégia de ocupação da Amazônia durante o regime militar. O Governo Getúlio Vargas defendia um projeto de desenvolvimento nacional autônomo. A retórica governista era a de construção de uma nação desenvolvida. O Governo Juscelino Kubitschek buscava o desenvolvimento pela atração e estímulo aos investimentos estrangeiros em setores produtivos. Já o Governo Militar intensificou a ocupação da Amazônia com a implantação de planos de desenvolvimento regional. Mostra-se que a implantação do projeto ALCOA MINERAÇÃO S.A. desencadeou impactos na economia, no âmbito social e ambiental maranhense O modelo de pesquisa usado é o qualitativo/interpretativo, passando também pela pesquisa exploratória, descritiva, bibliográfica e documental. O suporte documental está respaldado na mídia impressa local, no período da implantação da ALCOA MINERAÇÃO S.A. nos anos 1980 a 1984. A técnica adotada para análise e interpretação dos resultados é a análise do discurso, tendo como suporte a escola francesa. Na análise do discurso da mídia impressa foi possível verificar que ela age em nível da ideologia e que seus discursos têm origem em vários lugares de enunciação: governo, políticos e atores sociais diversos.
O efeito dos diferentes níveis de preservação ambiental de córregos de 1ª a 4ª ordens sobre a riqueza, abundância, similaridade na composição de Baetidae (Ephemeroptera) e o potencial das espécies como bioindicadoras foram investigados em uma região de cerrado matogrossense. Um total de vinte espécies/morfoespécies foi catalogado dentre as 1752 ninfas amostradas, sendo reportado dois novos registros de espécies para o país. Os valores do Índice de Integridade de Hábitat (HII) obtidos foram categorizados para ambientes degradados, alterados e conservados. A riqueza de espécies foi diferente entre os locais, sendo maior em ambientes alterados. A abundância foi maior entre ambientes conservados e alterados, sendo significantemente diferente dos locais degradados. A análise NMDS indicou que locais conservados e alterados apresentam similaridade de composição de espécies, diferindo dos locais degradados. Quatro espécies demonstraram relação positiva com o aumento dos valores do HII. Baetidae apresentou espécies indicadoras de ambientes com diferentes níveis de preservação, sendo Zelusia principalis Lugo-Ortiz & McCafferty, 1998 e Baetodes sp. indicadoras de ambientes conservados e Aturbina nigra Salles, Boldrini & Shimano, 2011, Callibaetis sp. 2, Camelobaetidius aff. janae Dominique & Thomas, 2000, Paracloeodes binodulus Lugo-Ortiz & McCafferty, 1996, Waltzoyphius roberti Thomas & Peru, 2002 como indicadoras de ambientes alterados. O conhecimento da ecologia das espécies avança no sentido de fornecer subsídios ao biomonitoramento da bacia e uso de espécies indicadoras.