979 resultados para central sequence algebra
Résumé Le « terrane » d'Anarak-Jandak occupe une position géologique clé au nord-ouest du Microcontinent Centre-East Iranien (CE1M), connecté avec le Bloc du Grand Kavir et la ceinture métamorphique de Sanandaj-Sirjan. Nous discutons ici l'origine de ces différentes unités, reliées jusqu'à présent à des épisodes orogéniques d'âge Précambrien à Paléozoïque inférieur, pour conclure finalement de leur affinité paléotéthysienne. Leur histoire commence par un épisode de rifting d'âge Ordovicien supérieur-Dévonien inférieur, pour se terminer au Trias par la collision des blocs Cimmériens dérivé du Gondwana avec le Bloc du Turan d'affinité asiatique (événement Eocimmérien). La plus importante unité métamorphique affleurant au sud-ouest de la région de Jandak-Anarak-Kaboudan est une épaisse séquence silicoclastique à grains fins contenant des blocs ophiolitiques (marginal-sea-type), et des associations basalte-gabbro à signatures géochimiques de type supra-subduction. Dans la région de Nakhlak, nous avons daté ces gabbros par la méthode U-Pb à 387f0.11 Ma ; les roches métamorphiques pélitiques ont donné des âges de refroidissement Ar-Ar pour la muscovite de 320 à 333 Ma. Ce complexe d'accrétion "varisque" a été métamorphisé dans le faciès schiste vert-amphibolite au cours de l'accrétion de la ceinture granitique d'Airekan, d'âge Cambrien inférieur (549±15 Ma par la méthode U/Pb), qui affleure aujourd'hui à l'extrémité nord-ouest du terrane d'Anarak-Jandak . La subduction vers le nord de l'océan Paléotéthys depuis le Paléazoïque supérieur jusqu'au Trias, a permis l'accumulation de grandes quantités de matériel océanique dans la zone de subduction. Par exemple, une succession de guyots (Anarak, Kaboudan, et Meraji Seamounts) et de hauts sous-marins, entrés en collision oblique avec le prisme d'accrétion, est à l'origine d'un léger métamorphisme de type HP qui affecte ces séries {âges Ar-Ar de 280 à 230 Ma). De plus, le magmatisme bimodal de Chah Gorbeh est caractérisé d'une part par des roches de type trondjémite-gabbros (262 Ma), d'autre part par des laves en coussin de type basaltes alcalins-rhyolites; ces roches magmatiques ont recoupé l'ophiolite d'Anarak lors de la mise en place de cette dernière dans la fosse interne de subduction. Quant au prisme d'accrétion de Doshakh, d'âge essentiellement Permien supérieur, i1 a été accrété le long de la marge continentale et métamorphisé dans le faciès schiste vert. La fermeture de la Paléotéthys s'enregistre finalement par la sédimentation dans le bassin d'avant pays du flysch de Bayazeh, d'âge probable Triasique. Le matériel issu de l'arc magmatique de la Paléotéthys est très bien préservé dans les dépôts infra-arc Dévonien supérieur-Carbonifère de Godar-e-Siah, ainsi que dans la succession d'avant-arc de Nakhlak. Pendant l'intervalle Paléozoïque supérieur-Trias, la région de Jandak a été soumise à un régime extensif de type bassin d'arrière-arc, dont un témoin pourrait être la ceinture ophiolitique d'Arusan, elle-même comparable aux écailles ophiolitiques d'Aghdarband au nord-est de l'Iran. Cet ensemble métamorphique est recoupé par des granites d'arc à collisionnel datés à 215±15 Ma. Dans la région de Yazd, témoin de la marge passive Cimmérienne, la sédimentation syn-rift Silurienne à Dévonienne inférieure a été interrompue pendant l'intervalle Trias moyen-Trias supérieur; il en a été de même pour les dépôts de plate-forme Paléozoïque supérieur. L'érosion, qui dans ce dernier cas a atteint le Permien, pourrait être liée au bombement flexural de la marge passive. La collision finale n'a pas induit de déformations trop importantes, et se caractérise par la mise en place de nappes sur la marge passive. Cet événement est scellé par des dépôts molassique du Lias. D'un point de vue régional, la zone s'étendant actuellement de la Mer Noire au Pamir a été soumise à six épisodes d'extension-compression du Jurassique inférieur (début du l'ouverture en position arrière-arc de la Néotéthys) à l'Eocène moyen. Par exemple, le terrane d'AnarakJandak, probablement situé entre le Kopeh Dagh et la plate-forme nord Afghane, s'est complètement détaché de sa patrie d'origine au début du Crétacé supérieur. Des preuves de cet événement se retrouvent dans les séries de plate-forme de Khur (préservation de séries syn-rift puis de marge passive). Les ophiolites de Nain et de Sabzevar sont de plus interprétée comme un témoin de l'existence de ce bassin d'arrière-arc. Dans l'intervalle Eocène-Oligocène, l'indentation par la plaque indienne de l'Eurasie a été contemporaine de la rotation horaire de fragments de l'ancien microcontinent Iranien et de la formation du CEIM. Cette rotation est responsable du transport du terrane d'Anarak-Jandak vers sa position actuelle en Iran Central, et de la dislocation de Terranes de moindre importance, comme le bloc de Posht-e Badam. Depuis le Miocène supérieur, et à la suite de la collision entre l'Arabie et l'Iran, le ternane d'Anarak-Jandak a subi des déformations liées à l'activité d'une zone de cisaillement dextre parallèle à la suture du Zagros, à l'arrière de l'arc magmatique d'Uromieh-Dokhtar. Résumé large public Le Microcontinent Centre-Est Iranien occupe une position géologique clé au centre de l'Iran. Les différentes unités qui le composent, reliées jusqu'à présent à des épisodes orogéniques d'âge Précambrien à Paléozoïque inférieur, sont maintenant rajeunies et liés à la fermeture de l'océean Paléotéthys. Leur histoire commence par un épisode de rifting d'âge Ordovicien supérieur à Dévonien inférieur, pour se terminer au Trias par la collision des- blocs Cimmériens, dérivés du Gondwana, avec le Bloc du Turan d'affinité asiatique. Dans la marge active asiatique de la Paléotéthys, nous avons daté les restes d'un océan marginal à 387±0.11 Ma. Ce complexe d'accrétion a été métamorphisé au cours de la réaccrétion de la ceinture granitique d'Airekan, d'âge Cambrien inférieur (549±15 Ma), qui affleure aujourd'hui à l'extrémité nord-ouest du « terrane » d'Anarak-Jandak correspondant à la plus grande partie de la région étudiée. Le matériel issu de l'arc magmatique de la Paléotéthys est très bien préservé et daté du Dévonien supérieur-Carbonifère. Pendant l'intervalle Paléozoïque supérieur-Trias, la région a été soumise à un régime extensif de type bassin d'arrière-arc, dont un témoin pourrait être la ceinture ophiolitique d'Arusan, comparable aux écailles ophiolitiques d'Aghdarband au nord-est de l'Iran. Cet ensemble métamorphique est recoupé par des granites datés à 215±15 Ma. La subduction vers le nord de l'océan Paléotéthys depuis le Paléozoïque supérieur jusqu'au Trias, a permis l'accumulation de grandes quantités de matériel océanique dans la zone de subduction. Par exemple, une succession de volcans sous-marins, entrés en collision avec le prisme d'accrétion, est à l'origine d'un léger métamorphisme de type HP qui affecte ces séries (280 à 230 Ma). Quant au prisme d'accrétion de Doshakh, d'âge essentiellement Permien supérieur, il a été mis en place le long de la marge continentale et métamorphisé dans le faciès schiste vert. La fermeture de la Paléotéthys s'enregistre finalement par la sédimentation dans le bassin d'avant pays du flysch de Bayazeh, d'âge Triasique. Dans la région de Yazd, on trouve les témoins de la marge passive Cimmérienne, la sédimentation syn-rift Silurienne à Dévonienne inférieure a été interrompue pendant l'intervalle Trias moyen-Trias supérieur, marqué par la flexuration de la marge passive lorsqu'elle rentra en collision avec la marge active asiatique. Cet événement est scellé par des dépôts molassique à charbon du Lias. Le «terrane» d'Anarak-Jandak, probablement situé à l'origine entre le Kopeh Dagh et la plate-forme nord Afghane, s'est complètement détaché de cette région au début du Crétacé supérieur lors de l'ouverture d'un bassin d'arrière-arc, engendré, cette fois, par la subduction de l'océan Néotéthys situé au sud des blocs cimmériens. Des preuves de cet événement se retrouvent dans les séries syn-rift, puis de marge passive de Khour. Les ophiolites de Nain et de Sabzevar sont interprétées comme un témoin de l'existence de ce bassin d'arrière-arc. Dans l'intervalle Eocène-Oligocène, l'indentation de l'Eurasie par la plaque indienne a été contemporaine de la rotation horaire de fragments de l'ancien microcontinent centre-Iranien. Cette rotation de près de 90° est responsable du transport du « terrane » d'Anarak-Jandak vers sa position actuelle. Abstract The Anarak-Jandaq terrane occupies a strategic geological situation at the north-western part of the Central-East Iranian Microcontinent (CEIM) and in connection with the Great Kavir Block and Sanandaj-Sirjan metamorphic belt. Our recent findings redefine the origin of these mentioned areas so far attributed to the Precambrian-Early Palaeozoic orogenic episodes, to be now directly related to the tectonic evolution of the Palaeo-Tethys Ocean, commenced by Late Ordovician-Early Devonian rifting events and terminated in the Triassic by the Eocimmerian tectonic event due to the collision of the Cimmerian blocks with the Asiatic Turan block. The most distributed metamorphic unit that is exposed from the south-west of Jandaq to the Anarak and Kaboudan areas is a thick and fine grain siliciclastic sequence accompanied by marginal-sea-basin ophiolitic blocks including basalt-gabbro association with supra-subduction-geochemical signature. These gabbros in the Nakhlak area were dated by U/Pb method at 387.6 ± 0.11 Ma and the metamorphic pelitic rocks yielded a range of 320 to 333 Ma muscovite-cooling ages based on 40Ar/39 Ar method. This "Variscan" accretionary complex was metamorphosed in greenschist-amphibolite facies during accretion to the Lower Cambrian Airekan granitic belt (549 ± 15 Ma by U/Pb method) that crops out at the northwestern edge of the Anarak-Jandaq terrane. Continued northward subduction of the Palaeo-Tethys Ocean during the entire Late Palaeozoic-Middle Triassic brought huge amount of oceanic material to the subduction zone. One chain of Carboniferous-Triassic oceanic rises and seamounts (the Anarak, Kaboudan, and Meraji Seamounts) obliquely collided with the accretionary wedge and created a mild HP metamorphic event (280-230 Ma based on 40Ar/39Ar results). Bimodal magmatism of the Chah Gorbeh area is characterized by a 262 Ma trondjemite-gabbro as well as pillow alkalibasalts-rhyolites which intruded the Anarak ophiolite when it was being emplaced within the inner-wall trench. The mainly Late Permian-Triassic Doshakh wedge was accreted along the continent and metamorphosed under lower greenschist facies and the probable Triassic Bayazeh flysch filled the foreland basin during the final closure. The Palaeo-Tethys magmatic arc products have been well preserved in the Late Devonian-Carboniferous Godar-e-Siah intra-arc deposits and the Triassic Nakhlak fore-arc succession. During the Late Palaeozoic-Triassic times, the Jandaq area has been affected by back-arc extension and probably the Arusan ophiolitic belt is the remnant of this narrow basin comparable to the Aqdarband ophiolitic remnant in north-east Iran. This metamorphic belt was intruded by 215 ± 15 Ma arc to collisional granites. In the passive margin of the Cimmerian block, on the Yazd region, the Silurian-Early Devonian syn-rift succession as well as the nearly continuous Upper Palaeozoic platform-type deposition was interrupted during the Middle to Late Triassic time, local erosion down to Devonian levels may be related to flexural bulge erosion. The collision event was not so strong to generate intensive deformation but was accompanied by some nappe thrusting onto the passive margin. It is finally unconformably covered by Liassic continental molassic deposits. Related to the onset of Neo-Tethyan back-arc opening in Early Jurassic to Mid-Eocene times, six periods of extensional-compressional events have differently influenced an elongated area, extending from the West Black Sea to Pamir. The Anarak-Jandaq terrane which was situated somewhere in this affected area, probably between the Kopeh Dagh and North Afghan platform, was completely detached from its source at the beginning of the Late Cretaceous
The Anarak, Jandaq and Posht-e-Badam metamorphic complexes occupy the NW part of the Central-East Iranian Microcontinent and are juxtaposed with the Great Kavir block and Sanandaj-Sirjan zone. Our recent findings redefine the origin of these complexes, so far attributed to the Precambrian-Early Paleozoic orogenic episodes, and now directly related to the tectonic evolution of the Paleo-Tethys Ocean. This tectonic evolution was initiated by Late Ordovician-Early Devonian rifting events and terminated in the Triassic by the Eocimmerian collision event due to the docking of the Cimmerian blocks with the Asiatic Turan block. The ``Variscan accretionary complex'' is a new name we proposed for the most widely distributed metamorphic rocks connected to the Anarak and Jandaq complexes. This accretionary complex exposed from SW of Jandaq to the Anarak and Kabudan areas is a thick and fine grain siliciclastic sequence accompanied by marginal-sea ophiolitic remnants, including gabbro-basalts with a supra-subduction-geochemical signature. New Ar-40/Ar-39 ages are obtained as 333-320 Ma for the metamorphism of this sequence under greenschist to amphibolite facies. Moreover, the limy intercalations in the volcano-sedimentary part of this complex in Godar-e-Siah yielded Upper Devonian-Tournaisian conodonts. The northeastern part of this complex in the Jandaq area was intruded by 215 +/- 15 Ma arc to collisional granite and pegmatites dated by ID-TIMS and its metamorphic rocks are characterized by Some Ar-40/Ar-39 radiometric ages of 163-156 Ma. The ``Variscan'' accretionary complex was northwardly accreted to the Airekan granitic terrane dated at 549 +/- 15 Ma. Later, from the Late Carboniferous to Triassic, huge amounts of oceanic material were accreted to its southern side and penetrated by several seamounts such as the Anarak and Kabudan. This new period of accretion is supported by the 280-230 Ma Ar-40/Ar-39 ages for the Anarak mild high-pressure metamorphic rocks and a 262 Ma U-Pb age for the trondhjemite-rhyolite association of that area. The Triassic Bayazeh flysch filled the foreland basin during the final closure of the Paleo-Tethys Ocean and was partly deposited and/or thrusted onto the Cimmerian Yazd block. The Paleo-Tethys magmatic arc products have been well-preserved in the Late Devonian-Carboniferous Godar-e-Siah intra-arc deposits and the Triassic Nakhlak fore-arc succession. On the passive margin of the Cimmerian block, in the Yazd region, the nearly continuous Upper Paleozoic platform-type deposition was totally interrupted during the Middle to Late Triassic. Local erosion, down to Lower Paleozoic levels, may be related to flexural bulge erosion. The platform was finally unconformably covered by Liassic continental molassic deposits of the Shemshak. One of the extensional periods related to Neo-Tethyan back-arc rifting in Late Cretaceous time finally separated parts of the Eocimmerian collisional domain from the Eurasian Turan domain. The opening and closing of this new ocean, characterized by the Nain and Sabzevar ophiolitic melanges, finally transported the Anarak-Jandaq composite terrane to Central Iran, accompanied by large scale rotation of the Central-East Iranian Microcontinent (CEIM). Due to many similarities between the Posht-e-Badam metamorphic complex and the Anarak-Jandaq composite terrane, the former could be part of the latter, if it was transported further south during Tertiary time. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Variation in protein sequence and gene expression each contribute to phenotypic diversity, and may be subject to similar selective pressures. Eusocial insects are particularly useful for investigating the evolutionary link between protein sequence and condition-dependent patterns of gene expression because gene expression plays a central role in determining differences between eusocial insect sexes and castes. We investigated the relationship between protein coding sequence evolution and gene expression patterns in the fire ants Solenopsis invicta, S. richteri, and their hybrids to gain greater insight into how selection jointly operates on gene expression and coding sequence. We found that genes with high expression variability within castes and sexes were frequently differentially expressed between castes and sexes, as well as between species and hybrids. These results indicate that genes showing high variation in expression in one context also tend to show high variation in expression in other contexts. Our analyses further revealed that variation in both intra- and interspecific gene expression was positively associated with rate of protein sequence evolution in Solenopsis. This suggests that selective constraints on a gene operate both at the level of protein sequence and at the level of gene expression regulation. Overall, our study provides one of the strongest demonstrations that selective constraints mediate both protein sequence evolution and gene expression variability across different biological contexts and timescales.
A detailed magnetostratigraphic study has been carried out in the early to middle Miocene distal alluvial and lacustrine sediments of the Montes de Castejón (central Ebro Basin). The study was based on the analysis of 196 magnetostratigraphic sites sampled along a stratigraphic interval of about 240 meters. Local magnetostratigraphy yielded a sequence of 12 magnetozones (6 normal and 6 reverse) which could be correlated with the Geomagnetic Polarity Time Scale (GPTS) interval C5Cr to C5AD (between 17 and 14.3 Ma.). The sampled sedimentary sequences include the boundary between two tectosedimentary units (TSU, T5 and T6) already defined in the Ebro Basin. The magnetostratigraphy of the Montes de Castejón allows to date the T5/T6 TSU boundary at 16.14 Ma, within chron C5Cn.1n. This magnetostratigraphy also allows us to analyse in detail as well as to discuss the variations in sedimentation rates through space and time between different lacustrine environments: Outer carbonate lacustrine fringes and distal alluvial plains (Montes de Castejón sections) show higher sedimentation rates than offshore lacustrine areas (San Caprasio section, 50 km east of Montes de Castejón).
Naturally acquired immune responses against human cancers often include CD8(+) T cells specific for the cancer testis antigen NY-ESO-1. Here, we studied T cell receptor (TCR) primary structure and function of 605 HLA-A*0201/NY-ESO-1(157-165)-specific CD8 T cell clones derived from five melanoma patients. We show that an important proportion of tumor-reactive T cells preferentially use TCR AV3S1/BV8S2 chains, with remarkably conserved CDR3 amino acid motifs and lengths in both chains. All remaining T cell clones belong to two additional sets expressing BV1 or BV13 TCRs, associated with alpha-chains with highly diverse VJ usage, CDR3 amino acid sequence, and length. Yet, all T cell clonotypes recognize tumor antigen with similar functional avidity. Two residues, Met-160 and Trp-161, located in the middle region of the NY-ESO-1(157-165) peptide, are critical for recognition by most of the T cell clonotypes. Collectively, our data show that a large number of alphabeta TCRs, belonging to three distinct sets (AVx/BV1, AV3/BV8, AVx/BV13) bind pMHC with equal antigen sensitivity and recognize the same peptide motif. Finally, this in-depth study of recognition of a self-antigen suggests that in part similar biophysical mechanisms shape TCR repertoires toward foreign and self-antigens.
Aphids are important agricultural pests and also biological models for studies of insect-plant interactions, symbiosis, virus vectoring, and the developmental causes of extreme phenotypic plasticity. Here we present the 464 Mb draft genome assembly of the pea aphid Acyrthosiphon pisum. This first published whole genome sequence of a basal hemimetabolous insect provides an outgroup to the multiple published genomes of holometabolous insects. Pea aphids are host-plant specialists, they can reproduce both sexually and asexually, and they have coevolved with an obligate bacterial symbiont. Here we highlight findings from whole genome analysis that may be related to these unusual biological features. These findings include discovery of extensive gene duplication in more than 2000 gene families as well as loss of evolutionarily conserved genes. Gene family expansions relative to other published genomes include genes involved in chromatin modification, miRNA synthesis, and sugar transport. Gene losses include genes central to the IMD immune pathway, selenoprotein utilization, purine salvage, and the entire urea cycle. The pea aphid genome reveals that only a limited number of genes have been acquired from bacteria; thus the reduced gene count of Buchnera does not reflect gene transfer to the host genome. The inventory of metabolic genes in the pea aphid genome suggests that there is extensive metabolite exchange between the aphid and Buchnera, including sharing of amino acid biosynthesis between the aphid and Buchnera. The pea aphid genome provides a foundation for post-genomic studies of fundamental biological questions and applied agricultural problems.
Previous studies in the lab of Dr. Liliane Michalik, have shown thai the nuclear hormone receptor Peroxisome Proliferator Activated Receptor beta/delta (PPARß/ö) is an important regulator of skin homeostasis, being involved in the regulation of keratinocyte differentiation, inflammation, apoptosis, arid mouse skin wound healing. Studies of PPARß/ö knock out mice have suggested a possible role for this receptor in cancer. However, contradictory observations of the role for PPARß/ö on tumor growth have been published, depending on cellular contexts and biological models. Given the controversial role of PPARß/ö in skin carcinoma development, the main aim of this PhD work has been to further explore the implication of PPARß/ö in skin response to UV and skin tumor growth. This PhD dissertation is divided in four chapters. The first chapter describes the core part of the project, where I explored the changes in miRNA expression in the skin upon chronic UV irradiation of PPARß/ö wild type and knock-out mice. This analysis shed light on a miRNA- PPARß/ö signature and also predicted thai miR-21-3p (previously named miR-21*) is a key regulator of the PPARß/ö-dependent UV response in the pre-lesiona! skin. Using mice acutely UV-irradiated, ! further demonstrated that miR-21-3p is indirectly regulated by PPARß/ö through activation of Transforming Growth Factor (TGFß)-1 under UV exposure. I also show that miR-21-3p is deregulated in human cutaneous squamous celi carcinoma. In cultured keratinocytes, application of a miR-21 -3p mimic oligonucleotide sequence leads to the regulation of lipid metabolism-related pathway. In the second chapter, I demonstrate that the usage of an mRNA/miRNA combined bioinformatics analysis leads to the discovery of important pathways involved in the PPARß/ö-miRNA response of the skin to chronic UV irradiation, indeed, I validated angiogenesis and lipid metabolism as important functions regulated by PPARß/ö in this context. In the third chapter, we demonstrate that PPARß/5 knockout mice have decreased cutaneous squamous cell carcinomas incidence compared to wild type mice and that PPARß/5 directly activates the cSrc kinase gene. In the last chapter, we review novel insights into PPAR functions in keratinocytes and liver, with emphasis on PPARß/ö but also on PPARa. In summary, this PhD study shows that i) PPARß/5 is able to regulate biological function through regulation of miRNAs, and specifically through miR-21-3p, the passenger miRNA of the oncomiR miR-21, and that ii) the PPARß/5-dependent skin response to UV involves the regulation of angiogenesis and lipid metabolism. Furthermore, the bioinformatics study highlights the relevance of performing integrated mRNA and miRNA genome-wide studies in order to better screen mRNAs and/or miRNAs of interest in the biological context of diseases. - Des études préalables dans le laboratoire du Dr. Liliane Michalik ont démontré que le récepteur nucléaire PPARß/5 est un régulateur important de l'homéostasie de la peau, étant impliqué dans la régulation de la différenciation des keratinocytes, dans l'inflammation, dans l'apoptose et dans la cicatrisation de la peau chez !a souris. L'étude de souris knock-out pour le gène PPARß/5, ont suggérées un rôle possible de ce récepteur dans le cancer. Cependant, des observations opposées ont été publiées suggérant un rôle pro- ou anti- cancer selon le tissue impliqué et le type- cellulaire. En considérant cette controverse autour du rôle de PPARß/5 dans le développement des cancers de la peau, le but principal de mon projet de recherche aura été d'approfondir l'exploration du rôle de PPARß/5 dans la réponse de la peau aux UVs et dans le développement du cancer. Cette dissertation de thèse est divisée en quatre parties. Une première partie, représentant le coeur de mon travail de recherche, décrit la découverte de l'implication des microRNAs (rniRNAs) dans la réponse aux UVs de PPARß/ö et plus spécifiquement l'implication du miRNA miR- 21 -3p (précédemment nommé miR-21*). En étudiant un modèle de souris irradiées de manière aigüe aux UVs, nous montrons que ia régulation de miR-21-3p est PPARß/ö-däpenaante et que cette régulation à lieu par l'intermédiaire du facteur de transcription TGFß-1. Dans des cultures de keratinocytes Humains, la transfecticn d'une séquence oligonucléotidique similaire à celle de miR-21-3p (mimic), montre l'implication de rniR-21-3p dans des fonctions importantes pour le développement des cancers telles que le métabolisme des lipides. Dans un second chapitre, nous montrons que l'usage d'une méthode bioinformatique combinant l'expression des ARN messagers et des miRNAs permet de mettre en évidence des fonctions biologiques importantes lors de ia réponse de PPARß/ö à l'irradiation chronique. L'angiogenèse, le stress oxydatif et le métabolisme des lipides font partie de ces fonctions régulées par PPARß/5 dans la peau irradiée aux UVs. Nous mettons également en évidence la régulation du gène LpcatS par PPARß/5 dans la peau irradiée aux UV ainsi que dans des keratinocytes humains suggérant un rôle pour PPARß/5 dans le remodelage des lipides membranaires. Dans une troisième partie, nous établissons un lien entre la régulation de l'oncogène Src et l'activation de PPARß/5 dans les carcinomes spinocellulaires de la peau. Finalement dans un quatrième chapitre, nous faisons une revue des dernières recherches portées sur le rôle de PPARß/5 et de PPARa dans le foie et ia peau. En résumé ce projet de thèse représente un avancement pour la recherche sur rimplication de PPARß/5 dans la réponse aux UVs de la peau. Pour la première fois, un lien est établi entre ce facteur de transcription et la régulation de microRNAs dans le cadre du carcinome spinocellulare. Jusqu'alors resté dans l'ombre de rniR-21-5p, miR-21-3p est en fait fortement augmenté à la fois dans un modèle de souris d'irradiation aux UVs ainsi que dans ie carcinome spinocellulare chez i'humain. De nouvelles fonctions biologiques pour PPARß/5 ont été également mises en évidence dans ce travail, comme la régulation de l'angiogenèse ou du métabolisme des lipides dans Sa peau. De plus cette dissertation valorise l'intérêt d'une association entre le travail de laboratoire et celui de la bioinformatique.
The Paleozoic stratigraphic succession in the Catalonian Coastal Ranges spans the interval from Cambrian(?) to Carboniferous, with only one break, separating the pre-Carboniferous part of the sequence from the Carboniferous. The oldest rocks exposed form a sequence of schists, fine grained sandstones, gneisses (laminar pre-Hercynian intrusions), marbles, orto- and para-amphibolites and calcsilicate rocks. comparison with other localities iuggests an Early Cambrian age (or perhaps in part older). Upwards the sequence becomes more monotonous andconsists only of schists (or slates where themetamorphic grade is lower) and thin fine-grained sandstone layers (Cambrian-Ordovician). Still higher in the sequence, an altemation of greywackes and slates is found, with interlayered mud-supported conglomerates at its lower part and acid volcanic rocks which occur throughout the whole sequence. This part of the sequence has provided the oldest faunas known in the Catalonian Coastal Ranges, which indicate the Caradoc. Finally, in its uppermost part, the Ordovician sequence contains some thin limestone layers that contain Ashgill faunas. The Silurian, from Llandovery to Lower Ludlow, consists of black graptolitic shales with dolerite sills, whilst the upper Ludlow, Pridolian and Devonian consist of nodular limestones and marls withpelagic and hemipelagic faunas. The youngest Devonian faunas found correspond in general to the Emsian. The existence of a gap at this point of the sequence suggests the possibility that part of the Devonian could have been eroded. The Carboniferous is characterized by a thick culm sequence (Visean to Westphalian?), resting on thin chert and limestone layers (Tournaisian and Visean). A comparison with neighbouring areas shows a similarity regarding succession and facies with other Paleozoic massifs around the Western Mediterranean.
Genetic variation at the melanocortin-1 receptor (MC1R) gene is correlated with melanin color variation in many birds. Feral pigeons (Columba livia) show two major melanin-based colorations: a red coloration due to pheomelanic pigment and a black coloration due to eumelanic pigment. Furthermore, within each color type, feral pigeons display continuous variation in the amount of melanin pigment present in the feathers, with individuals varying from pure white to a full dark melanic color. Coloration is highly heritable and it has been suggested that it is under natural or sexual selection, or both. Our objective was to investigate whether MC1R allelic variants are associated with plumage color in feral pigeons.We sequenced 888 bp of the coding sequence of MC1R among pigeons varying both in the type, eumelanin or pheomelanin, and the amount of melanin in their feathers. We detected 10 non-synonymous substitutions and 2 synonymous substitution but none of them were associated with a plumage type. It remains possible that non-synonymous substitutions that influence coloration are present in the short MC1R fragment that we did not sequence but this seems unlikely because we analyzed the entire functionally important region of the gene.Our results show that color differences among feral pigeons are probably not attributable to amino acid variation at the MC1R locus. Therefore, variation in regulatory regions of MC1R or variation in other genes may be responsible for the color polymorphism of feral pigeons.
The IncP alpha promiscuous plasmid (R18, R68, RK2, RP1 and RP4) comprises 60,099 bp of nucleotide sequence, encoding at least 74 genes. About 40 kb of the genome, designated the IncP core and including all essential replication and transfer functions, can be aligned with equivalent sequences in the IncP beta plasmid R751. The compiled IncP alpha sequence revealed several previously unidentified reading frames that are potential genes. IncP alpha plasmids carry genetic information very efficiently: the coding sequences of the genes are closely packed but rarely overlap, and occupy almost 86% of the genome's nucleotide sequence. All of the 74 genes should be expressed, although there is as yet experimental evidence for expression of only 60 of them. Six examples of tandem-in-frame initiation sites specifying two gene products each are known. Two overlapping gene arrangements occupy different reading frames of the same region. Intergenic regions include most of the 25 promoters; transcripts are usually polycistronic. Translation of most of the open reading frames seems to be initiated independently, each from its own ribosomal binding and initiation site, although, a few cases of coupled translation have been reported. The most frequently used initiation codon is AUG but translation for a few open reading frames begins at GUG or UUG. The most common stop-codon is UGA followed by UAA and then UAG. Regulatory circuits are complex and largely dependent on two components of the central control operon. KorA and KorB are transcriptional repressors controlling at least seven operons. KorA and KorB act synergistically in several cases by recognizing and binding to conserved nucleotide sequences. Twelve KorB binding sites were found around the IncP alpha sequence and these are conserved in R751 (IncP beta) with respect to both sequence and location. Replication of IncP alpha plasmids requires oriV and the plasmid-encoded initiator protein TrfA in combination with the host-encoded replication machinery. Conjugative plasmid transfer depends on two separate regions occupying about half of the genome. The primary segregational stability system designated Par/Mrs consists of a putative site-specific recombinase, a possible partitioning apparatus and a post-segregational lethality mechanism, all encoded in two divergent operons. Proteins related to the products of F sop and P1 par partitioning genes are separately encoded in the central control operon.
A central question in developmental biology is how multicellular organisms coordinate cell division and differentiation to determine organ size. In Arabidopsis roots, this balance is controlled by cytokinin-induced expression of SHORT HYPOCOTYL 2 (SHY2) in the so-called transition zone of the meristem, where SHY2 negatively regulates auxin response factors (ARFs) by protein-protein interaction. The resulting down-regulation of PIN-FORMED (PIN) auxin efflux carriers is considered the key event in promoting differentiation of meristematic cells. Here we show that this regulation involves additional, intermediary factors and is spatio-temporally constrained. We found that the described cytokinin-auxin crosstalk antagonizes BREVIS RADIX (BRX) activity in the developing protophloem. BRX is an auxin-responsive target of the prototypical ARF MONOPTEROS (MP), a key promoter of vascular development, and transiently enhances PIN3 expression to promote meristem growth in young roots. At later stages, cytokinin induction of SHY2 in the vascular transition zone restricts BRX expression to down-regulate PIN3 and thus limit meristem growth. Interestingly, proper SHY2 expression requires BRX, which could reflect feedback on the auxin responsiveness of SHY2 because BRX protein can directly interact with MP, likely acting as a cofactor. Thus, cross-regulatory antagonism between BRX and SHY2 could determine ARF activity in the protophloem. Our data suggest a model in which the regulatory interactions favor BRX expression in the early proximal meristem and SHY2 prevails because of supplementary cytokinin induction in the later distal meristem. The complex equilibrium of this regulatory module might represent a universal switch in the transition toward differentiation in various developmental contexts.
Background: It has been suggested that chromosomal rearrangements harbor the molecular footprint of the biological phenomena which they induce, in the form, for instance, of changes in the sequence divergence rates of linked genes. So far, all the studies of these potential associations have focused on the relationship between structural changes and the rates of evolution of single-copy DNA and have tried to exclude segmental duplications (SDs). This is paradoxical, since SDs are one of the primary forces driving the evolution of structure and function in our genomes and have been linked not only with novel genes acquiring new functions, but also with overall higher DNA sequence divergence and major chromosomal rearrangements.Results: Here we take the opposite view and focus on SDs. We analyze several of the features of SDs, including the rates of intraspecific divergence between paralogous copies of human SDs and of interspecific divergence between human SDs and chimpanzee DNA. We study how divergence measures relate to chromosomal rearrangements, while considering other factors that affect evolutionary rates in single copy DNA. Conclusion: We find that interspecific SD divergence behaves similarly to divergence of single-copy DNA. In contrast, old and recent paralogous copies of SDs do present different patterns of intraspecific divergence. Also, we show that some relatively recent SDs accumulate in regions that carry inversions in sister lineages.
BACKGROUND: Combined simultaneous occlusion of the central retinal artery and central retinal vein occurs very rarely and has been observed in patients with systemic disorders such as leukaemia. CASE REPORT: We report a case of a young man who suffered a combined retinal vascular occlusion with occlusion of the posterior ciliary arteries following blunt trauma to the face with massive haematoma of the lids. To our knowledge, this is the first time that such a sequence of events has been recorded.
La région du Zanskar, étudiée dans le cadre de ce travail, se situe au passage entre deux domaines himalayens fortement contrastés, la Séquence Cristalline du Haut Himalaya (HHCS), composée de roches métamorphiques et l'Himalaya Tethysien (TH), composé de séries sédimentaires. La transition entre ces deux domaines est marquée par une structure tectonique majeure, la Zone de Cisaillement du Zanskar (ZSZ), au sein de laquelle on observe une augmentation extrêmement rapide, mais néanmoins graduelle, du degré du métamorphisme entre le TH et le HHCS. Il a été établi que le HHCS n'est autre que l'équivalent métamorphique des séries sédimentaires de la base du TH. C'est principalement lors d'un épisode de mise en place de nappes à vergence sudouest, entre l'Eocène moyen et l'Oligocène, que les séries sédimentaires de la base du TH ont été entraînées en profondeur où elles ont subi un métamorphisme de type barrovien. Au début du Miocène, le HHCS à été exhumé en direction du sud-ouest sous forme d'une grande nappe, délimitée a sa base par le MCT (principal chevauchement central) et à son sommet par la Zone de Cisaillement du Zanskar. L'ensemble des zones barroviennes, de la zone à biotite jusqu'à la zone à disthène, a été cisaillée par les mouvements en faille normale au sommet du HHCS et se retrouve actuellement sur une épaisseur d'environ 1 kilomètre au sein de la ZSZ. La décompression associée à l'exhumation du HHCS a provoqué la fusion partielle d'une partie du HHCS et a donné naissance à des magmas de composition leucogranitiques. Grâce à la géothermobarometrie, et connaissant la géométrie de la ZSZ, il nous a été possible de déterminer que le rejet le long de cette structure d'extension est d'au moins 35?9 kilomètres. Une série d'arguments nous permet cependant de suggérer que ce rejet aurait pu être encore bien plus important (~100km). Les données géochronologiques nous permettent de contraindre la durée des mouvements d'extension le long de la ZSZ à 2.4?0.2 Ma entre 22.2?0.2 Ma et 19.8?0.1 Ma. Ce travail apporte de nouvelles données sur les processus métamorphiques, magmatiques et tectoniques liés aux phénomènes d'extension syn-orogeniques.<br/><br/>The southeastern part of Zanskar is located at the transition between two major Himalayan domains of contrasting metamorphic grade, the High Himalayan Crystalline Sequence (HHCS) and the Tethyan Himalaya (TH). The transition between the TH and the HHCS is marked by a very rapid, although perfectly gradual, decrease in metamorphic grade, which coincides with a major tectonic structure, the Zanskar Shear Zone (ZSZ). It is now an established fact that the relation between the HHCS and the TH is not one of basement-cover type, but that the metasedimentary series of the HHCS represent the metamorphic equivalent of the lowermost sedimentary series of the TH. This transformation of sedimentary series into metamorphic rocks, and hence the differentiation between the TH and the HHCS, is the consequence of crustal thickening associated to the formation of large scale southwest vergent nappes within the Tethyan Himalaya sedimentary series. This, Middle Eocene to Oligocene, episode of crustal thickening and associated Barrovian metamorphism is followed, shortly after, by the exhumation of the HHCS as a, large scale, south-west vergent, nappe. Foreword The exhumation of the HHCS nappe is marked by the activation of two contemporaneous structures, the Main Central Thrust at its base and the Zanskar Shear Zone at its top. Extensional movements along the ZSZ, caused the Barrovian biotite to the kyanite zones to be sheared and constricted within the ~1 km thick shear zone. Decompression associated with the exhumation of the HHCS induced the formation of leucogranitic magmas through vapour-absent partial melting of the highest-grade rocks. The combination of geothermobarometric data with a geometric model of the ZSZ allowed us to constrain the net slip at the top of the HHCS to be at least 35?9 kilometres. A set of arguments however suggests that these movements might have been much more important (~ 100 km). Geochronological data coupled with structural observations constrain the duration of ductile shearing along the ZSZ to 2.4?0.2 Ma between 22.2?0.2 Ma and 19.8?0.1 Ma. This study also addresses the consequences of synorogenic extension on the metamorphic, tectonic and magmatic evolution of the upper parts of the High Himalayan Crystalline Sequence.
Garlic viruses often occur in complex infections in nature. In this study, a garlic virus complex, collected in fields in Brazil, was purified. RT-PCR was performed using specific primers designed from the consensus regions of the coat protein genes of Onion yellow dwarf virus, a garlic strain (OYDV-G) and Leek yellow stripe virus (LYSV). cDNA of Garlic common latent virus (GCLV) was synthesized using oligo-dT and random primers. By these procedures individual garlic virus genomes were isolated and sequenced. The nucleotide sequence analysis associated with serological data reveals the presence of two Potyvirus OYDV-G and LYSV, and GCLV, a Carlavirus, simultaneously infecting garlic plants. Deduced amino acid sequences of the Brazilian isolates were compared with related viruses reported in different geographical regions of the world. The analysis showed closed relations considering the Brazilian isolates of OYDV-G and GCLV, and large divergence considering LYSV isolate. The detection of these virus species was confirmed by specific reactions observed when coat protein genes of the Brazilian isolates were used as probes in dot-blot and Southern blot hybridization assays. In field natural viral re-infection of virus-free garlic was evaluated.