993 resultados para cell sorting
Introduction: Glioblastoma (WHO Grade IV glioma) is the most frequent and most¦malignant primary tumor of the brain. With a mean survival of 15 months despite¦multidisciplinary management combining surgery, chemo- and radiotherapy, the prognosis¦is poor. Different studies measured a down-regulation of Wnt Inhibitory Factor 1 (WIF1)¦expression in a majority of gliobastoma due to genetic and epigenetic regulation. Recently,¦a focus on chromosome 12 identified WIF1 as a potential tumor suppressor gene. In¦previous results, transfected glioblastoma cells with ectopic expression of WIF1 had a¦decreased growth rate and adopted a senescence-like phenotype. In this report, we first¦investigated the effect of WIF1 re-expression in glioblastoma cell lines to see if Wnt¦inhibition by WIF1 can lead to senescence. To look further, we assessed p21 and c-Myc¦expression. p21 has a key role in senescence onset and is directly inhibited by c-Myc,¦itself a target of Wnt-pathway. We thus looked if a variation of expression of these genes is¦triggered by WIF1 activity. Finally, as autophagy is thought to play a role in senescence¦onset, we analyzed the expression of different autophagy genes. We therefore looked for¦an association between autophagy activity and senescent phenotype in WIF1-¦overexpressing cell lines.¦Methods: WIF1-overexpressing clones were selected after transfection of stable¦glioblastoma cell lines. Analysis were made through quantitative Polymerase Chain¦Reaction (qPCR), Fluorescence-activated Cell Sorting (FACS) and histochemistry.¦IGFBP7 and ALDH1A3 have been selected to reflect senescence. ATG5, ATG7 and ULK3¦have been selected to reflect autophagy activity.¦Results: Using FACS analysis, we found a higher percentage of large cells with increased¦granularity amongst WIF1-overexpressing cell lines, which are characteristics of¦senescence. In addition, histochemistry showed a higher percentage of multi-nucleated,¦beta-galactosidase positive cells in the same cell lines. An increased expression of genes¦associated with senescence was found as well. All characteristics were correlated with¦levels of WIF1 expression. We did not find any association between p21 and WIF1¦expression. No correlation between WIF1 and c-Myc expression was noticed either. In one¦of the two cell lines analyzed, the expression of autophagy genes showed some¦correlation with expression of WIF1 and expression of genes associated with senescence.¦Discussion: After investigations and characterizations on multiple levels, we have¦evidence for a senescence phenotype upon WIF1-overexpressing cell lines. This gives a¦role to Wnt pathway in the tumorigenicity of glioblastoma. Further experiments are¦required to investigate how Wnt inhibition leads to senescence. The role of autophagy in¦our senescent cells is here still unclear. Some correlations can be found, letting us think¦that there is indeed some involvement of autophagy. However, it is yet to soon to explain¦this relationship. Further experiments are required again to confirm the preliminary results¦and analyze the variations of autophagy activity within time.
Telomerase is a ribonucleoprotein complex responsible for the maintenance of the length of the telomeres during cell division, which is active in germ-line cells as well as in the vast majority of tumors but not in most normal tissues. The wide expression of the human telomerase catalytic subunit (hTERT) in tumors makes it an interesting candidate vaccine for cancer. hTERT-derived peptide 540-548 (hTERT(540)) has been recently shown to be recognized in an HLA-A*0201-restricted fashion by T cell lines derived from peptide-stimulated peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) from healthy donors. As a first step to the inclusion of this peptide in immunotherapy clinical trials, it is crucial to assess hTERT(540)-specific T cell reactivity in cancer patients as well as the ability of hTERT-specific CD8(+) T lymphocytes to recognize and lyse hTERT-expressing target cells. Here, we have analyzed the CD8(+) T cell response to peptide hTERT(540) in HLA-A*0201 melanoma patients by using fluorescent HLA-A*0201/hTERT(540) peptide tetramers. HLA-A*0201/hTERT(540) tetramer(+) CD8(+) T cells were readily detected in peptide-stimulated PBMC from a significant proportion of patients and could be isolated by tetramer-guided cell sorting. hTERT(540)-specific CD8(+) T cells were able to specifically recognize HLA-A*0201 cells either pulsed with peptide or transiently transfected with a minigene encoding the minimal epitope. In contrast, they failed to recognize hTERT-expressing HLA-A*0201(+) target cells. Furthermore, in vitro proteasome digestion studies revealed inadequate hTERT processing. Altogether, these results raise questions on the use of hTERT(540) peptide for cancer immunotherapy.
Soluble MHC-peptide (pMHC) complexes, commonly referred to as tetramers, are widely used to enumerate and to isolate Ag-specific CD8(+) CTL. It has been noted that such complexes, as well as microsphere- or cell-associated pMHC molecules compromise the functional integrity of CTL, e.g., by inducing apoptosis of CTL, which limits their usefulness for T cell sorting or cloning. By testing well-defined soluble pMHC complexes containing linkers of different length and valence, we find that complexes comprising short linkers (i.e., short pMHC-pMHC distances), but not those containing long linkers, induce rapid death of CTL. This cell death relies on CTL activation, the coreceptor CD8 and cytoskeleton integrity, but is not dependent on death receptors (i.e., Fas, TNFR1, and TRAILR2) or caspases. Within minutes of CTL exposure to pMHC complexes, reactive oxygen species emerged and mitochondrial membrane depolarized, which is reminiscent of caspase-independent T cell death. The morphological changes induced during this rapid CTL death are characteristic of programmed necrosis and not apoptosis. Thus, soluble pMHC complexes containing long linkers are recommended to prevent T cell death, whereas those containing short linkers can be used to eliminate Ag-specific CTL.
STUDY OBJECTIVES: There is growing evidence indicating that in order to meet the neuronal energy demands, astrocytes provide lactate as an energy substrate for neurons through a mechanism called "astrocyte-neuron lactate shuttle" (ANLS). Since neuronal activity changes dramatically during vigilance states, we hypothesized that the ANLS may be regulated during the sleep-wake cycle. To test this hypothesis we investigated the expression of genes associated with the ANLS specifically in astrocytes following sleep deprivation. Astrocytes were purified by fluorescence-activated cell sorting from transgenic mice expressing the green fluorescent protein (GFP) under the control of the human astrocytic GFAP-promoter. DESIGN: 6-hour instrumental sleep deprivation (TSD). SETTING: Animal sleep research laboratory. PARTICIPANTS: Young (P23-P27) FVB/N-Tg (GFAP-GFP) 14Mes/J (Tg) mice of both sexes and 7-8 week male Tg and FVB/Nj mice. INTERVENTIONS: Basal sleep recordings and sleep deprivation achieved using a modified cage where animals were gently forced to move. MEASUREMENTS AND RESULTS: Since Tg and FVB/Nj mice displayed a similar sleep-wake pattern, we performed a TSD in young Tg mice. Total RNA was extracted from the GFP-positive and GFP-negative cells sorted from cerebral cortex. Quantitative RT-PCR analysis showed that levels of Glut1, α-2-Na/K pump, Glt1, and Ldha mRNAs were significantly increased following TSD in GFP-positive cells. In GFP-negative cells, a tendency to increase, although not significant, was observed for Ldha, Mct2, and α-3-Na/K pump mRNAs. CONCLUSIONS: This study shows that TSD induces the expression of genes associated with ANLS specifically in astrocytes, underlying the important role of astrocytes in the maintenance of the neuro-metabolic coupling across the sleep-wake cycle.
MHC class II-peptide multimers are important tools for the detection, enumeration and isolation of antigen-specific CD4+ Τ cells. However, their erratic and often poor performance impeded their broad application and thus in-depth analysis of key aspects of antigen-specific CD4+ Τ cell responses. In the first part of this thesis we demonstrate that a major cause for poor MHC class II tetramer staining performance is incomplete peptide loading on MHC molecules. We observed that peptide binding affinity for "empty" MHC class II molecules poorly correlates with peptide loading efficacy. Addition of a His-tag or desthiobiotin (DTB) at the peptide N-terminus allowed us to isolate "immunopure" MHC class II-peptide monomers by affinity chromatography; this significantly, often dramatically, improved tetramer staining of antigen-specific CD4+ Τ cells. Insertion of a photosensitive amino acid between the tag and the peptide, permitted removal of the tag from "immunopure" MHC class II-peptide complex by UV irradiation, and hence elimination of its potential interference with TCR and/or MHC binding. Moreover, to improve loading of self and tumor antigen- derived peptides onto "empty" MHC II molecules, we first loaded these with a photocleavable variant of the influenza A hemagglutinin peptide HA306-318 and subsequently exchanged it with a poorly loading peptide (e.g. NY-ESO-1119-143) upon photolysis of the conditional ligand. Finally, we established a novel type of MHC class II multimers built on reversible chelate formation between 2xHis-tagged MHC molecules and a fluorescent nitrilotriacetic acid (NTA)-containing scaffold. Staining of antigen-specific CD4+ Τ cells with "NTAmers" is fully reversible and allows gentle cell sorting. In the second part of the thesis we investigated the role of the CD8α transmembrane domain (TMD) for CD8 coreceptor function. The sequence of the CD8α TMD, but not the CD8β TMD, is highly conserved and homodimerizes efficiently. We replaced the CD8α TMD with the one of the interleukin-2 receptor a chain (CD8αTac) and thus ablated CD8α TMD interactions. We observed that ΤΙ Τ cell hybridomas expressing CD8αTacβ exhibited severely impaired intracellular calcium flux, IL-2 responses and Kd/PbCS(ABA) P255A tetramer binding. By means of fluorescence resonance energy transfer experiments (FRET) we established that CD8αTacβ associated with TCR:CD3 considerably less efficiently than CD8αβ, both in the presence and the absence of Kd/PbCS(ABA) complexes. Moreover, we observed that CD8αTacβ partitioned substantially less in lipid rafts, and related to this, associated less efficiently with p56Lck (Lck), a Src kinase that plays key roles in TCR proximal signaling. Our results support the view that the CD8α TMD promotes the formation of CD8αβP-CD8αβ dimers on cell surfaces. Because these contain two CD8β chains and that CD8β, unlike CD8α, mediates association of CD8 with TCR:CD3 as well as with lipid rafts and hence with Lck, we propose that the CD8αTMD plays an important and hitherto unrecognized role for CD8 coreceptor function, namely by promoting CD8αβ dimer formation. We discuss what implications this might have on TCR oligomerization and TCR signaling. - Les multimères de complexes MHC classe II-peptide sont des outils importants pour la détection, le dénombrement et l'isolation des cellules Τ CD4+ spécifiques pour un antigène d'intérêt. Cependant, leur performance erratique et souvent inadéquate a empêché leur utilisation généralisée, limitant ainsi l'analyse des aspects clés des réponses des lymphocytes Τ CD4+. Dans la première partie de cette thèse, nous montrons que la cause principale de la faible efficacité des multimères de complexes MHC classe II-peptide est le chargement incomplet des molécules MHC par des peptides. Nous montrons également que l'affinité du peptide pour la molécule MHC classe II "vide" n'est pas nécessairement liée au degré du chargement. Grâce à l'introduction d'une étiquette d'histidines (His-tag) ou d'une molécule de desthiobiotine à l'extrémité N-terminale du peptide, des monomères MHC classe II- peptide dits "immunopures" ont pu être isolés par chromatographic d'affinité. Ceci a permis d'améliorer significativement et souvent de façon spectaculaire, le marquage des cellules Τ CD4+ spécifiques pour un antigène d'intérêt. L'insertion d'un acide aminé photosensible entre l'étiquette et le peptide a permis la suppression de l'étiquette du complexe MHC classe- Il peptide "immunopure" par irradiation aux UV, éliminant ainsi de potentielles interférences de liaison au TCR et/ou au MHC. De plus, afin d'améliorer le chargement des molécules MHC classe II "vides" avec des peptides dérivés d'auto-antigènes ou d'antigènes tumoraux, nous avons tout d'abord chargé les molécules MHC "vides" avec un analogue peptidique photoclivable issu du peptide HA306-318 de l'hémagglutinine de la grippe de type A, puis, sous condition de photolyse, nous l'avons échangé avec de peptides à chargement faible (p.ex. NY-ESO-1119-143). Finalement, nous avons construit un nouveau type de multimère réversible, appelé "NTAmère", basé sur la formation chélatante reversible entre les molécules MHC-peptide étiquettés par 2xHis et un support fluorescent contenant des acides nitrilotriacetiques (NTA). Le marquage des cellules Τ CD4+ spécifiques pour un antigène d'intérêt avec les "NTAmères" est pleinement réversible et permet également un tri cellulaire plus doux. Dans la deuxième partie de cette thèse nous avons étudié le rôle du domaine transmembranaire (TMD) du CD8α pour la fonction coréceptrice du CD8. La séquence du TMD du CD8α, mais pas celle du TMD du CD8β, est hautement conservée et permet une homodimérisation efficace. Nous avons remplacé le TMD du CD8α avec celui de la chaîne α du récepteur à l'IL-2 (CD8αTac), éliminant ainsi les interactions du TMD du CD8α. Nous avons montré que les cellules des hybridomes Τ T1 exprimant le CD8αTacβ présentaient une atteinte sévère du flux du calcium intracellulaire, des réponses d'IL-2 et de la liaison des tétramères Kd/PbCS(ABA) P255A. Grâce aux expériences de transfert d'énergie entre molécules fluorescentes (FRET), nous avons montré que l'association du CD8αTacβ avec le TCR:CD3 est considérablement moins efficace qu'avec le CD8αβ, et ceci aussi bien en présence qu'en absence de complexes Kd/PbCS(ABA). De plus, nous avons observé que le CD8αTacβ se distribuait beaucoup moins bien dans les radeaux lipidiques, engendrant ainsi, une association moins efficace avec p56Lck (Lck), une kinase de la famille Src qui joue un rôle clé dans la signalisation proximale du TCR. Nos résultats soutiennent l'hypothèse que le TMD du CD8αβ favorise la formation des dimères de CD8αβ à la surface des cellules. Parce que ces derniers contiennent deux chaînes CD8β et que CD8β, contrairement à CD8α, favorise l'association du CD8 au TCR:CD3 aussi bien qu'aux radeaux lipidiques et par conséquent à Lck, nous proposons que le TMD du CD8α joue un rôle important, jusqu'alors inconnu, pour la fonction coreceptrice du CD8, en encourageant la formation des dimères CD8αβ. Nous discutons des implications possibles sur l'oligomerisation du TCR et la signalisation du TCR.
Some root-associated pseudomonads sustain plant growth by suppressing root diseases caused by pathogenic fungi. We investigated to which extent select cereal cultivars influence expression of relevant biocontrol traits (i.e., root colonization efficacy and antifungal activity) in Pseudomonas fluorescens CHA0. In this representative plant-beneficial bacterium, the antifungal metabolites 2,4-diacetylphloroglucinol (DAPG), pyrrolnitrin (PRN), pyoluteorin (PLT), and hydrogen cyanide (HCN) are required for biocontrol. To monitor host plant effects on the expression of biosynthetic genes for these compounds on roots, we developed fluorescent dual-color reporters suited for flow cytometric analysis using fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS). In the dual-label strains, the constitutively expressed red fluorescent protein mCherry served as a cell tag and marker for root colonization, whereas reporter fusions based on the green fluorescent protein allowed simultaneous recording of antifungal gene expression within the same cell. FACS analysis revealed that expression of DAPG and PRN biosynthetic genes was promoted in a cereal rhizosphere, whereas expression of PLT and HCN biosynthetic genes was markedly less sustained. When analyzing the response of the bacterial reporters on roots of a selection of wheat, spelt, and triticale cultivars, we were able to detect subtle species- and cultivar-dependent differences in colonization and DAPG and HCN gene expression levels. The expression of these biocontrol traits was particularly favored on roots of one spelt cultivar, suggesting that a careful choice of pseudomonad-cereal combinations might be beneficial to biocontrol. Our approach may be useful for selective single-cell level analysis of plant effects in other bacteria-root interactions.
A procedure is described that allows the simple identification and sorting of live human cells that transcribe actively the HIV virus, based on the detection of GFP fluorescence in cells. Using adenoviral vectors for gene transfer, an expression cassette including the HIV-1 LTR driving the reporter gene GFP was introduced into cells that expressed stably either the Tat transcriptional activator, or an inactive mutant of Tat. Both northern and fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS) analysis indicate that cells containing the functional Tat protein presented levels of GFP mRNA and GFP fluorescence several orders of magnitude higher than control cells. Correspondingly, cells infected with HIV-1 showed similar enhanced reporter gene activation. HIV-1-infected cells of the lymphocytic line Jurkat were easily identified by fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS) as they displayed a much higher green fluorescence after transduction with the reporter adenoviral vector. This procedure could also be applied on primary human cells as blood monocyte-derived macrophages exposed to the adenoviral LTR-GFP reporter presented a much higher fluorescence when infected with HIV-1 compared with HIV-uninfected cells. The vector described has the advantages of labelling cells independently of their proliferation status and that analysis can be carried on intact cells which can be isolated subsequently by fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS) for further culture. This work suggests that adenoviral vectors carrying a virus-specific transcriptional control element controlling the expressions of a fluorescent protein will be useful in the identification and isolation of cells transcribing actively the viral template, and to be of use for drug screening and susceptibility assays.
PURPOSE: Small intestinal submucosa is a xenogenic, acellular, collagen rich membrane with inherent growth factors that has previously been shown to promote in vivo bladder regeneration. We evaluate in vitro use of small intestinal submucosa to support the individual and combined growth of bladder urothelial cells and smooth muscle cells for potential use in tissue engineering techniques, and in vitro study of the cellular mechanisms involved in bladder regeneration. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Primary cultures of human bladder urothelial cells and smooth muscle cells were established using standard enzymatic digestion or explant techniques. Cultured cells were then seeded on small intestinal submucosa at a density of 1 x 105 cells per cm.2, incubated and harvested at 3, 7, 14 and 28 days. The 5 separate culture methods evaluated were urothelial cells seeded alone on the mucosal surface of small intestinal submucosa, smooth muscle cells seeded alone on the mucosal surface, layered coculture of smooth muscle cells seeded on the mucosal surface followed by urothelial cells 1 hour later, sandwich coculture of smooth muscle cells seeded on the serosal surface followed by seeding of urothelial cells on the mucosal surface 24 hours later, and mixed coculture of urothelial cells and smooth muscle cells mixed and seeded together on the mucosal surface. Following harvesting at the designated time points small intestinal submucosa cell constructs were formalin fixed and processed for routine histology including Masson trichrome staining. Specific cell growth characteristics were studied with particular attention to cell morphology, cell proliferation and layering, cell sorting, presence of a pseudostratified urothelium and matrix penetrance. To aid in the identification of smooth muscle cells and urothelial cells in the coculture groups, immunohistochemical analysis was performed with antibodies to alpha-smooth muscle actin and cytokeratins AE1/AE3. RESULTS: Progressive 3-dimensional growth of urothelial cells and smooth muscle cells occurred in vitro on small intestinal submucosa. When seeded alone urothelial cells and smooth muscle cells grew in several layers with minimal to no matrix penetration. In contrast, layered, mixed and sandwich coculture methods demonstrated significant enhancement of smooth muscle cell penetration of the membrane. The layered and sandwich coculture techniques resulted in organized cell sorting, formation of a well-defined pseudostratified urothelium and multilayered smooth muscle cells with enhanced matrix penetration. With the mixed coculture technique there was no evidence of cell sorting although matrix penetrance by the smooth muscle cells was evident. Immunohistochemical studies demonstrated that urothelial cells and smooth muscle cells maintain the expression of the phenotypic markers of differentiation alpha-smooth muscle actin and cytokeratins AE1/AE3. CONCLUSIONS: Small intestinal submucosa supports the 3-dimensional growth of human bladder cells in vitro. Successful combined growth of bladder cells on small intestinal submucosa with different seeding techniques has important future clinical implications with respect to tissue engineering technology. The results of our study demonstrate that there are important smooth muscle cell-epithelial cell interactions involved in determining the type of in vitro cell growth that occurs on small intestinal submucosa. Small intestinal submucosa is a valuable tool for in vitro study of the cell-cell and cell-matrix interactions that are involved in regeneration and various disease processes of the bladder.
ÁBSTRACT : Mammary gland is composed of two main epithelial cell types, myoepithelial and luminal. The mechanisms involved in determination and maintenance of them remain poorly understood. Notch signaling is known to regulate cell fate determination in other tissues like skin and nervous system. It was also shown that it can act as tumor suppressor or oncogene depending on the tissue type. The mouse models overexpressing active Notch receptors indicated that Notch signaling is oncogenic in the mammary gland. This observation was followed by some descriptive and functional studies in human breast cancer and it was reported that Notch signaling activity or expression of its components are increased in some of the breast tumor samples compared to normal tissue. However, the physiological role of the Notch signaling and its downstream mechanisms in mammary gland is poorly defined. p63, a member of p53 family, has been implicated in the cell fate determination of keratinocytes. Knockout mouse models revealed that p63 is required for the formation of the mammary anlagen in embryo and its ΔN isoform is expressed exclusively in the myoepithelial layer of the adult breast. In order to understand its function in normal breast epithelial cells, I activated Notch signaling by expression of Notch1 intracellular domain (NICD) in normal primary human breast epithelial cells (HBECs). In this context, NICD reduced growth of HBECs and led to downmodulation of extracellular matrix-receptor interaction network (ECM) components as well as ΔNp63. Expression of ΔNp63 together with NICD partially rescued Notch induced growth reduction, which was correlated with an increase in ECM components. Moreover, silencing ΔNp63 in myoepithelial HBECs reduced growth similar to Notch activation and it led to downregulation of myoepithelial and upregulation of luminal markers. Complementing this observation, forced expression of ONp63 in luminal HBECs induced myoepithelial phenotype and decreased luminal markers. In vivo, by the analysis of a Notch reporter mouse strain, I showed that Notch is activated during puberty specifically at the sites of ductal morphogenesis, terminal end buds. FAGS analysis revealed that it can be detected in two different populations based on CD24 expression (low (lo) or high (high)): at lower levels in CD24lo, which includes stem/progenitor and myoepithelial cells and higher levels in CD24hi, which contains luminal cells. In parallel with in vitro results, the CD24lo mouse mammary epithelial cells displaying Notch activity have lower levels of p63 expression. Furthermore, deletion of RBPjk, the main mediator of Notch signaling, or the overexpression of ΔNp63 inhibited luminal cell lineage in vivo. Another important point revealed by Notch reporter mouse strain is the simultaneous activation of Notch with estrogen signaling during pubertal development. The expression of FOXA1, the mediator of estrogen receptor (ER) transcriptional activity, is correlated with Notch activation in vivo that it is lower in CD24lo than in CD24hi cells. Moreover, FOXA1 is regulated by NICD in vitro supporting the presence of a link between Notch and ER signaling. Taken together, I report that Notch signaling is involved in luminal cell fate determination and its effects are partially mediated through inhibition of ONp63. Besides, ΔNp63 is required for the maintenance and sufficient for the induction of myoepithelial phenotype in HBECs in vitro and is not compatible with luminal lineage in vivo. Based on these results, I propose a model for epithelial cell hierarchy in mammary gland, whereby there are two different types of luminal progenitors, early and late, displaying different levels of Notch activity. Notch signaling contributes to the determination of luminal cell lineage in these two progenitor steps: In "Early Luminal Progenitor" stage, it inhibits myoepithelial fate by decreasing p63 expression, and in "Late Luminal Progenitor" stage, Notch signaling is involved in induction of luminal lineage by acting on ER-FOXA1 axis. It has to be investigated further whether Notch signaling might behave as an oncogene or tumor suppressor depending on which cell type in the epithelial hierarchy it is modulated and which one is more likely to occur in different human breast cancer types. RÉSUMÉ : La glande mammaire est composée de deux types principaux de cellules: les cellules luminales, qui bordent le lumen et les cellules myoépithéliales, qui se trouvent entre la lame basale et les cellules luminales. Les mécanismes intervenant dans leur différenciation et leur maintenance demeurent encore mal compris. La protéine transmembranaire Notch est connue pour déterminer le destin des cellules dans plusieurs types de tissus comme la peau ou le système nerveux. Selon le type de tissu dans lequel se trouve Notch, il agira soit comme un suppresseur de tumeur soit comme un oncogène. A l'aide de modèles de souris surexprimant les récepteurs actifs de Notch, il a été démontré que la voie de signalisation de Notch est oncogénique au niveau de la glande mammaire. Des études descriptives et fonctionnelles dans le cadre du cancer du sein ont permis de mettre en évidence une augmentation de l'activité de Notch ou de l'expression de ces composants dans certains tissus cancéreux. Toutefois, le rôle physiologique de Notch et des mécanismes qu'il active restent méconnus. P63, une protéine membre de la famille p53, est impliquée dans la différenciation des kératinocytes. Le modèle issu de l'étude des souris p63 knockout a révélé que cette protéine est requise pour la formation des primordia mammaires chez l'embryon et que son isoforme ΔNp63 est exclusivement exprimée dans la couche myoépithéliale de la glande mammaire adulte. Dans le but de comprendre les fonctions physiologiques de Notch, je l'ai activé en exprimant le domaine intracellulaire de Notch 1 (NICD) dans des cellules épithéliales primaires de glande mammaire humaine (HBECs). Le NICD a alors réduit la croissance des HBECs et conduit à la régulation négative non seulement de p63 mais également des composants du réseau d'interaction des récepteurs de la matrice extracellulaire (ECM). En exprimant conjointement ΔNp63 et NICD, il est apparu que la réduction de croissance induite par Notch était partiellement compensée, et qu'il y avait également une augmentation des composants ECM. De plus, lorsque ΔNp63 a été inactivé dans les cellules HBECs myoépithéliales, une réduction de croissance cellulaire identique à celle provoquée par l'activation de Notch a pu être mise en évidence, de même qu'une régulation négative des marqueurs myoépithéliaux ainsi qu'une augmentation des marqueurs luminaux. Afin de compléter ces informations, l'expression de ΔNp63 a été forcée dans les HBECs luminales, ce qui a induit un phénotype myoépithélial et une diminution des marqueurs lumineux. In vivo, par l'analyse de souris ayant un gène rapporteur de l'activité de Notch, j'ai démontré que Notch est activé pendant la puberté au niveau des sites de la morphogenèse canalaire, à savoir les bourgeons terminaux. Les analyses par FACS (Fluorescence-activated cell sorting) basées sur l'expression de l'antigène CD24 ont révélé qu'il peut tre détecté dans deux populations différentes : une population qui l'exprime faiblement, qui regroupe les cellules souches/progéniteurs et les cellules myoépithéliales, et une population qui l'exprime fortement qui est composé des cellules luminales. Parallèlement aux résultats in vitro, j'ai mis en évidence un faible niveau d'expression de p63 dans les cellules épithéliales de la glande mammaire de souris, exprimant faiblement l'antigène CD24 et présentant une activité de Notch. De plus, la délétion de RBPjr~, médiateur principal de la signalisation de Notch, ainsi que la surexpression de ΔNp63 in vivo ont inhibé la lignée des cellules luminales. Un autre point important révélé par les souris rapporteur de l'activité de Notch a été l'activation simultanée de Notch et de la signalisation de l'oestrogène pendant le développement pubertaire. L'expression de FOXA1, médiateur de l'activité transcriptionnelle des récepteurs aux oestrogènes (ER), est en corrélation avec l'activation de Notch in vivo, plus basse dans les cellules avec une faible expression de l'antigène CD24 que dans celles avec une forte expression. De plus, FOXA1 est régulé par NICD in vitro confirmant la présence d'un lien entre Notch et la signalisation des ER. En résumé, la signalisation de Notch est impliquée dans la détermination du destin cellulaire des cellules luminales et ses effets sont partiellement modifiés par l'inhibition de ΔNp63. ΔNp63 est requis pour la maintenance et est suffisant pour l'induction du phénotype myoépithéliale dans les HBECs in vitro et ne peut donc pas se trouver dans les cellules luminales in vivo. Basé sur ces résultats, je propose un modèle de hiérarchisation des cellules épithéliales de la glande mammaire, dans lequel sont présents deux types de progéniteurs des cellules luminales exprimant des niveaux différents d'activité de Notch, les progéniteurs lumineux précoces et tardifs. La signalisation de Notch contribue à la différenciation de la lignée cellulaire luminale au niveau de ces deux progéniteurs : dans la forme précoce, il inhibe la différenciation des cellules myoépithéliales en réduisant l'expression de p63 et dans la forme tardive, Notch est impliqué dans l'induction de la lignée luminale en agissant sur l'axe ER-FOXA1. Il serait nécessaire d'investiguer plus loin si le fait que Notch agisse comme oncogène ou suppresseur de tumeur dépend du stade de différenciation de la cellule dans laquelle il est modulé et laquelle de ces deux fonctions il est le plus probable de rencontrer dans les différents types de cancer du sein.
Flow cytometry has become a valuable tool in cell biology. By analyzing large number of cells individually using light-scatter and fluorescence measurements, this technique reveals both cellular characteristics and the levels of cellular components. Flow cytometry has been developed to rapidly enumerate cells and to distinguish among different cell stages and structures using multiple staining. In addition to high-speed multiparametric data acquisition, analysis and cell sorting, which allow other characteristics of individual cells to be studied, have increased the interest of researchers in this technique. This chapter gives an overview of the principles of flow cytometry and examples of the application ofthe technique.
The tumor Ag SSX-2 (HOM-MEL-40) was found by serological identification of Ags by recombinant expression cloning and was shown to be a cancer/testis Ag expressed in a wide variety of tumors. It may therefore represent a source of CD8(+) T cell epitopes useful for specific immunotherapy of cancer. To identify potential SSX-2-derived epitopes that can be recognized by CD8(+) T cells, we used an approach that combined: 1) the in vitro proteasomal digestion of precursor peptides overlapping the complete SSX-2 sequence; 2) the prediction of SSX-2-derived peptides with an appropriate HLA-A2 binding score; and 3) the analysis of a tumor-infiltrated lymph node cell population from an HLA-A2(+) melanoma patient with detectable anti-SSX-2 serum Abs. This strategy allowed us to identify peptide SSX-2(41-49) as an HLA-A2-restricted epitope. SSX2(41-49)-specific CD8(+) T cells were readily detectable in the tumor-infiltrated lymph node population by multimer staining, and CTL clones isolated by multimer-guided cell sorting were able to lyse HLA-A2(+) tumor cells expressing SSX-2.
To defend the host from malignancies, the immune system can spontaneously raise CD8(+) T-cell responses against tumor antigens. Investigating the functional state of tumor-reactive cytolytic T cells in cancer patients is a key step for understanding the role of these cells in tumor immunosurveillance and for evaluating the potential of immunotherapeutic approaches of vaccination against cancer. In this study we identified a subset of circulating tumor-reactive CD8(+) T lymphocytes, which specifically secreted IFN-gamma after exposition to autologous tumor cell lines in stage IV metastatic melanoma patients. Additional phenotypic characterization using multicolor flow cytometry revealed that a significant fraction of these cells were CD45RA(+)CCR7(-), a phenotype that has been proposed recently to characterize cytolytic effectors potentially able to home into inflamed tissues. In the case of an HLA-A2-expressing patient, the antigen specificity of this population was identified by using HLA-A2/peptide multimers incorporating a tyrosinase-derived peptide. Consistently with their phenotypic characteristics, A2/tyrosinase peptide multimer(+) CD8(+) T cells, isolated by cell sorting, were directly lytic ex vivo and able to specifically recognize tyrosinase-expressing tumor cells. Overall, these results provide the first evidence that a proportion of melanoma patients have circulating tumor-reactive T cells, which are lytic effectors cells.
Indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase 1 (IDO1) is an immunosuppressive molecule expressed in some subsets of normal and neoplastic cells. Mature human dendritic cells (DCs) have been shown to express IDO1, but little is known about its expression and function during DC differentiation from bone marrow hematopoietic stem/progenitor cells (HSPCs). Here, we show that during in vitro differentiation along the myeloid DC lineage, CD34(+) HSPCs acquire IDO1 expression, which acts in a tolerogenic manner by inducing a population of fully functional CD4(+)CD25(+) FOXP3(+) T-regulatory cells. Phenotypically, CD1a(+)CD14(-) HPSC-derived DCs expressed IDO1, langerin, CD11b, and CD1c. Cell-sorting experiments demonstrated that IDO1 expression is found in a subset of CD1a(+)CD14(-)langerin(+) cells, expressing CD103, which is capable of inducing T-regulatory cells in an IDO1-dependent manner. In conclusion, DC differentiation from CD34(+) HSPCs results in the expression of a functionally active IDO1 protein in CD1a(+)langerin(+), CD103-expressing DCs. These data point toward IDO1 expression as part of a tolerogenic signature during DC development.
Metastatic melanomas are frequently refractory to most adjuvant therapies such as chemotherapies and radiotherapies. Recently, immunotherapies have shown good results in the treatment of some metastatic melanomas. Immune cell infiltration in the tumor has been associated with successful immunotherapy. More generally, tumor infiltrating lymphocytes (TILs) in the primary tumor and in metastases of melanoma patients have been demonstrated to correlate positively with favorable clinical outcomes. Altogether, these findings suggest the importance of being able to identify, quantify and characterize immune infiltration at the tumor site for a better diagnostic and treatment choice. In this paper, we used Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) imaging to identify and quantify different subpopulations of T cells: the cytotoxic T cells (CD8+), the helper T cells (CD4+) and the regulatory T cells (T reg). As a proof of concept, we investigated pure populations isolated from human peripheral blood from 6 healthy donors. These subpopulations were isolated from blood samples by magnetic labeling and purities were assessed by Fluorescence Activated Cell Sorting (FACS). The results presented here show that Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) imaging followed by supervised Partial Least Square Discriminant Analysis (PLS-DA) allows an accurate identification of CD4+ T cells and CD8+ T cells (>86%). We then developed a PLS regression allowing the quantification of T reg in a different mix of immune cells (e.g. Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells (PBMCs)). Altogether, these results demonstrate the sensitivity of infrared imaging to detect the low biological variability observed in T cell subpopulations.
Monitoring of cytomegalovirus cell-mediated immunity is a promising tool for the refinement of preventative and therapeutic strategies posttransplantation. Typically, the interferon-γ response to T cell stimulation is measured. We evaluated a broad range of cytokine and chemokines to better characterize the ex vivo host-response to CMV peptide stimulation. In a cohort of CMV viremic organ transplant recipients, chemokine expression-specifically CCL8 (AUC 0.849 95% CI 0.721-0.978; p = 0.003) and CXCL10 (AUC 0.841, 95% CI 0.707-0.974; p = 0.004)-was associated with control of viral replication. In a second cohort of transplant recipients at high-risk for CMV, the presence of a polymorphism in the CCL8 promoter conferred an increased risk of viral replication after discontinuation of antiviral prophylaxis (logrank hazard ratio 3.6; 95% CI 2.077-51.88). Using cell-sorting experiments, we determined that the primary cell type producing CCL8 in response to CMV peptide stimulation was the monocyte fraction. Finally, in vitro experiments using standard immunosuppressive agents demonstrated a dose-dependent reduction in CCL8 production. Chemokines appear to be important elements of the cell-mediated response to CMV infection posttransplant, as here suggested for CCL8, and translation of this knowledge may allow for the tailoring and improvement of preventative strategies.