972 resultados para cell maturation


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O cérebro infantil humano submetido à hipóxia-isquemia (HI) apresenta perda de oligodendrócitos, hipomielinização, astrogliose, alterações no desenvolvimento cortical e no comportamento motor, incluindo a paralisia cerebral. O cerebelo desempenha um importante papel no controle motor e diversos danos vêm sendo observados em humanos e animais que sofreram HI. A excitotoxicidade glutamatérgica é frequentemente associada à HI e junções celulares podem ser responsáveis pela transferência de moléculas capazes de modular os danos decorrentes. Dados prévios de nosso grupo utilizando um modelo de HI pré-natal em ratos demonstraram danos permanentes na estrutura cerebelar, indicando que os efeitos deletérios da HI pré-natal podem ser mantidos até a vida adulta. O objetivo deste trabalho foi caracterizar os níveis de conexinas, receptores e transportadores de glutamato ao longo do desenvolvimento do cerebelo HI, e avaliar a configuração das junções celulares em culturas de astrócitos derivadas do cerebelo de ratos submetidos a esse modelo. Ratas no 18 dia de gestação, após anestesia, tiveram as quatro artérias uterinas obstruídas por 45 minutos (Grupo HI). Animais controle tiveram os úteros expostos sem sofrer a obstrução (Grupo SH). A gestação prosseguiu e apenas filhotes nascidos a termo foram utilizados. Os animais foram decapitados aos 2 (P2), 9 (P9), 16 (P16),23 (P23), 30 (P30), 45 (P45) e 90 (P90) dias pós-natal. Os cerebelos foram submetidos à técnica de Western blotting utilizando os anticorpos anti-NR2B, anti-GluR3, anti-EAAT1, anti-GFAP e anti-Cx43. Para a cultura de astrócitos foram utilizados cerebelos de animais P2. Após terem atingido confluência, as células foram fixadas e imunomarcadas com os anticorpos anti-Cx43, anti-GFAP, anti-nestina e anti-A2B5. Nossos resultados demonstram diferenças nos níveis de GluR3 durante o desenvolvimento do cerebelo SH e HI, havendo uma redução significativa da expressão desta subunidade no grupo HI em P9. Por outro lado, não foram verificadas alterações nos níveis de NR2B e de GFAP entre os grupos nas diferentes idades. Observou-se redução significativa de Cx43 em animais HI em P2 bem como nos astrócitos HI em cultura, os quais também apresentaram alterações morfológicas e diferenças na expressão do marcador A2B5. A alteração referente a GluR3 no grupo HI pode ser causada pela redução da arborização das células de Purkinje e pela redução no número de precursores de oligodendrócitos no cerebelo de animais HI em P9, já observadas em nosso laboratório. A diminuição de Cx43 indica que a passagem de substâncias por canais astrocitários pode estar reduzida e contribuir para a expansão dos danos persistentes descritos em HI. Alterações morfológicas e na expressão de marcadores da diferenciação de astrócitos podem refletir os potenciais efeitos de HI sobre a maturação destas células a longo-prazo. Nossos resultados apontam que a HI sistêmica pré-natal pode ser responsável por alterações que caracterizam a excitotoxicidade glutamatérgica. Ressaltamos também a importância da comunicação entre astrócitos como estratégia neuroprotetora nesta lesão.


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Innate immunity recognizes bacterial molecules bearing pathogen-associated molecular patterns to launch inflammatory responses leading to the activation of adaptive immunity. However, the lipopolysaccharide (LPS) of the gram-negative bacterium Brucella lacks a marked pathogen-associated molecular pattern, and it has been postulated that this delays the development of immunity, creating a gap that is critical for the bacterium to reach the intracellular replicative niche. We found that a B. abortus mutant in the wadC gene displayed a disrupted LPS core while keeping both the LPS O-polysaccharide and lipid A. In mice, the wadC mutant induced proinflammatory responses and was attenuated. In addition, it was sensitive to killing by non-immune serum and bactericidal peptides and did not multiply in dendritic cells being targeted to lysosomal compartments. In contrast to wild type B. abortus, the wadC mutant induced dendritic cell maturation and secretion of pro-inflammatory cytokines. All these properties were reproduced by the wadC mutant purified LPS in a TLR4-dependent manner. Moreover, the core-mutated LPS displayed an increased binding to MD-2, the TLR4 co-receptor leading to subsequent increase in intracellular signaling. Here we show that Brucella escapes recognition in early stages of infection by expressing a shield against recognition by innate immunity in its LPS core and identify a novel virulence mechanism in intracellular pathogenic gram-negative bacteria. These results also encourage for an improvement in the generation of novel bacterial vaccines.


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The tumour necrosis factor (TNF) family members B cell activating factor (BAFF) and APRIL (a proliferation-inducing ligand) are crucial survival factors for peripheral B cells. An excess of BAFF leads to the development of autoimmune disorders in animal models, and high levels of BAFF have been detected in the serum of patients with various autoimmune conditions. In this Review, we consider the possibility that in mice autoimmunity induced by BAFF is linked to T cell-independent B cell activation rather than to a severe breakdown of B cell tolerance. We also outline the mechanisms of BAFF signalling, the impact of ligand oligomerization on receptor activation and the progress of BAFF-depleting agents in the clinical setting.


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TLR are evolutionarily conserved molecules that play a key role in the initiation of innate antimicrobial immune responses. Through their influence on dendritic cell maturation, these receptors are also thought to indirectly shape the adaptive immune response. However, no data are currently available regarding both TLR expression and function in human CD8+ T cell subsets. We report that a subpopulation of CD8+ T cells, i.e., effector, but neither naive nor central memory cells, constitutively expresses TLR3. Moreover, the ligation of the receptor by a specific agonist in TLR3-expressing CD8+ T cells increased IFN-gamma secretion induced by TCR-dependent and -independent stimulation, without affecting proliferation or specific cytolytic activity. These results thereby suggest that TLR3 ligands can not only indirectly influence the adaptive immune response through modulation of dendritic cell activation, but also directly increase IFN-gamma production by Ag-specific CD8+ T cells. Altogether, the present work might open new perspectives for the use of TLR ligands as adjuvants for immunotherapy.


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The closely related TNF family ligands B cell activation factor (BAFF) and a proliferation-inducing ligand (APRIL) serve in the generation and maintenance of mature B-lymphocytes. Both BAFF and APRIL assemble as homotrimers that bind and activate several receptors that they partially share. However, heteromers of BAFF and APRIL that occur in patients with autoimmune diseases are incompletely characterized. The N and C termini of adjacent BAFF or APRIL monomers are spatially close and can be linked to create single-chain homo- or hetero-ligands of defined stoichiometry. Similar to APRIL, heteromers consisting of one BAFF and two APRILs (BAA) bind to the receptors B cell maturation antigen (BCMA), transmembrane activator and CAML interactor (TACI) but not to the BAFF receptor (BAFFR). Heteromers consisting of one APRIL and two BAFF (ABB) bind to TACI and BCMA and weakly to BAFFR in accordance with the analysis of the receptor interaction sites in the crystallographic structure of ABB. Receptor binding correlated with activity in reporter cell line assays specific for BAFFR, TACI, or BCMA. Single-chain BAFF (BBB) and to a lesser extent single-chain ABB, but not APRIL or single-chain BAA, rescued BAFFR-dependent B cell maturation in BAFF-deficient mice. In conclusion, BAFF-APRIL heteromers of different stoichiometries have distinct receptor-binding properties and activities. Based on the observation that heteromers are less active than BAFF, we speculate that their physiological role might be to down-regulate BAFF activity.


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INTRODUÇÃO: A histopatologia convencional continua sendo o padrão-ouro no diagnóstico dos melanomas cutâneos, apesar do progresso da imuno-histoquímica e da biologia molecular. Os critérios microscópicos existentes para esse diagnóstico são numerosos, porém nenhum deles é específico para se afirmar que uma determinada lesão é maligna quando ele está presente, ou é benigna na sua ausência. Alguns critérios têm uma relevância maior para o diagnóstico em relação a outros. OBJETIVO: Este estudo propõe uma análise daqueles critérios considerados mais importantes, comparando sua presença em lesões melanocíticas benignas e melanomas. MATERIAL E MÉTODOS: Foram estudadas 33 lesões melanocíticas benignas (nevo de Spitz: 13; nevo de Reed: 6; nevo displásico: 6; nevo congênito: 3; nevo adquirido: 3; nevo combinado: 1; nevo recorrente: 1), bem como 101 casos de melanomas extensivo/superficiais: 25 intra-epidérmicos e 76 invasivos de pequena espessura (< 2 mm). RESULTADOS: Alguns critérios mostraram alta freqüência em lesões benignas, apresentando pouca especificidade, enquanto outros tiveram menor positividade nas benignas, e alta freqüência nas malignas, mostrando sua maior especificidade e importância no diagnóstico dos melanomas. CONCLUSÃO: Os cinco critérios que mostraram diferenças estatisticamente significativas na comparação com as lesões benignas foram (em ordem decrescente de freqüência): 1. proliferação linear de células isoladas na camada basal; 2. início e fim da lesão com células isoladas; 3. melanócitos na camada granular; 4. disseminação pagetóide extensa; 5. nucléolos grandes, irregulares ou múltiplos. Os melanomas de pequena espessura não apresentam parte dos critérios considerados mais importantes, como falta de maturação, necrose e mitoses profundas.


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Realizou-se uma investigação das mudanças histológicas e ultra-estruturais das células de Sertoli durante o ciclo reprodutivo de machos de Piaractus mesopotamicus. Os resultados mostraram que o desenvolvimento das células de Sertoli está estritamente relacionado à maturação das células gaméticas. Portanto, as células de Sertoli têm algum papel na maturação das células germinativas durante o ciclo reprodutivo dessa espécie, talvez formando um tecido de sustentação para os cistos espermatogênicos em desenvolvimento, ajudando a reorganização testicular para um novo ciclo reprodutivo, além de outras possíveis funções discutidas no texto.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The localization of peroxidase activity in different cell regions is used as a criterion for classifying the stage of maturity of mammalian mononuclear phagocytes, with a positive peroxidase reaction indicating the presence of monoblasts, promonocytes, monocytes, and macrophages. Peroxidase activity was observed ultrastructurally in the circulating blood of pacu fish (Piaractus mesopotamicus), identifying monoblasts, promonocytes, monocytes, and macrophages. These observations suggest that differentiation of mononuclear phagocytes occurs in the blood circulation of fish, whereas in mammals, monoblasts and promonocytes are detected in bone marrow, with only monocytes detected in circulating blood and differentiation into macrophages occurring in other body compartments.


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Objective: To analyze cytologically the buccal mucosa of smoking and nonsmoking volunteers to determine what cellular changes are induced by cigarettes and alcohol consumption. Study Design: In order to evaluate cellular changes induced by smoking and alcohol consumption, exfoliative cytology was used for the analysis of mucosal smears obtained from the buccal mucosa of 25 smokers and 25 nonsmokers. The number of cigarettes consumed, duration of smoking, presence or absence of alcohol ingestion, ingested alcohol dose and frequency of consumption, and most frequently used type of alcoholic beverage were determined using a questionnaire. Three smears from each individual stained by the Papanicolaou method were analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively under a light microscope by 2 experienced examiners in terms of inflammatory and dysplastic alterations and of the degree of epithelial maturation. Results: Although numerous alterations were observed in smokers they corresponded up to only Papanicolaou class II and were not significantly different from nonsmokers (Mann-Whitney and χ 2 tests, p < 0.05). A higher proportion of inflammatory cells (polymorphonuclear and mononuclear cells) were obtained from smokers as compared to nonsmokers, while the proportion of bacteria was similar in the 2 groups. Conclusion: The findings indicate that even after a short period of cigarette use and alcohol consumption, inflammatory alterations were detectable on exfoliative cytology of the buccal mucosa in a young group, demonstrating the usefulness of cytology for early detection in smokers. © The International Academy of Cytology.


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MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are small non-coding RNAs that regulate target gene expression and hence play important roles in metabolic pathways. Recent studies have evidenced the interrelation of miRNAs with cell proliferation, differentiation, development, and diseases. Since they are involved in gene regulation, they are intrinsically related to metabolic pathways. This leads to questions that are particularly interesting for investigating medical and laboratorial applications. We developed an miRNApath online database that uses miRNA target genes to link miRNAs to metabolic pathways. Currently, databases about miRNA target genes (DIANA miRGen), genomic maps (miRNAMap) and sequences (miRBase) do not provide such correlations. Additionally, miRNApath offers five search services and a download area. For each search, there is a specific type of input, which can be a list of target genes, miRNAs, or metabolic pathways, which results in different views, depending upon the input data, concerning relationships between the target genes, miRNAs and metabolic pathways. There are also internal links that lead to a deeper analysis and cross-links to other databases with more detailed information. miRNApath is being continually updated and is available at http://lgmb.fmrp.usp.br/mirnapath. ©FUNPEC-RP.


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Acid phosphatases (AcPs) are known to provide phosphate to tissues that have high energy requirements, especially during development, growth and maturation. During spermatogenesis AcP activity is manifested in heterophagous lysosomes of Sertoli cells. This phagocytic function appears to be hormone-independent. We examined the expression pattern of AcP during the reproductive period of four species belonging to different vertebrate groups: Tilapia rendalli (Teleostei, Cichlidae), Dendropsophus minutus (Amphibia, Anura), Meriones unguiculatus (Mammalia, Rodentia), and Oryctolagus cuniculus (Mammalia, Lagomorpha). To demonstrate AcP activity, cryosections were processed for enzyme histochemistry by a modification of the method of Gömöri. AcP activity was similar in the testes of these four species. Testes of T. rendalli, D. minutus and M. unguiculatus showed an intense reaction in the Sertoli cell region. AcP activity was detected in the testes of D. minutus and O. cuniculus in seminiferous epithelium regions, where cells are found in more advanced stages of development. The seminiferous epithelium of all four species exhibited AcP activity, mainly in the cytoplasm of either Sertoli cells or germ cells. These findings reinforce the importance of AcP activity during the spermatogenesis process in vertebrates. © FUNPEC-RP.


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In pre-implantation embryos, lipids play key roles in determining viability, cryopreservation and implantation properties, but often their analysis is analytically challenging because of the few picograms of analytes present in each of them. Matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry (MALDI-MS) allows obtaining individual phospholipid profiles of these microscopic organisms. This technique is sensitive enough to enable analysis of individual intact embryos and monitoring the changes in membrane lipid composition in the early stages of development serving as screening method for studies of biology and biotechnologies of reproduction. This article introduces an improved, more comprehensive MALDI-MS lipid fingerprinting approach that considerably increases the lipid information obtained from a single embryo. Using bovine embryos as a biological model, we have also tested optimal sample storage and handling conditions before the MALDI-MS analysis. Improved information at the molecular level is provided by the use of a binary matrix that enables phosphatidylcholines, sphingomyelins, phosphatidylserines, phosphatidylinositols and phosphoethanolamines to be detected via MALDI(±)-MS in both the positive and negative ion modes. An optimal MALDI-MS protocol for lipidomic monitoring of a single intact embryo is therefore reported with potential applications in human and animal reproduction, cell development and stem cell research. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Background: Essential Thrombocythemia (ET) and Primary Myelofibrosis (PMF) are Chronic Myeloproliferative Neoplasms (MPN) characterized by clonal myeloproliferation/myeloaccumulation without cell maturation impairment. The JAK2 V617F mutation and PRV1 gene overexpression may contribute to MPN physiopathology. We hypothesized that deregulation of the apoptotic machinery may also play a role in the pathogenesis of ET and PMF. In this study we evaluated the apoptosis-related gene and protein expression of BCL2 family members in bone marrow CD34(+) hematopoietic stem cells (HSC) and peripheral blood leukocytes from ET and PMF patients. We also tested whether the gene expression results were correlated with JAK2 V617F allele burden percentage, PRV1 overexpression, and clinical and laboratory parameters. Results: By real time PCR assay, we observed that A1, MCL1, BIK and BID, as well as A1, BCLW and BAK gene expression were increased in ET and PMF CD34(+) cells respectively, while pro-apoptotic BAX and anti-apoptotic BCL2 mRNA levels were found to be lower in ET and PMF CD34(+) cells respectively, in relation to controls. In patients' leukocytes, we detected an upregulation of anti-apoptotic genes A1, BCL2, BCL-XL and BCLW. In contrast, pro-apoptotic BID and BIMEL expression were downregulated in ET leukocytes. Increased BCL-XL protein expression in PMF leukocytes and decreased BID protein expression in ET leukocytes were observed by Western Blot. In ET leukocytes, we found a correlation between JAK2 V617F allele burden and BAX, BIK and BAD gene expression and between A1, BAX and BIK and PRV1 gene expression. A negative correlation between PRV1 gene expression and platelet count was observed, as well as a positive correlation between PRV1 gene expression and splenomegaly. Conclusions: Our results suggest the participation of intrinsic apoptosis pathway in the MPN physiopathology. In addition, PRV1 and JAK2 V617F allele burden were linked to deregulation of the apoptotic machinery.


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The t(8;21) (q22;q22) translocation fusing the ETO (also known as MTG8) gene on human chromosome 8 with the AML1 (also called Runx1 or CBFα) gene on chromosome 21 is one of the most common genetic aberrations found in acute myeloid leukemia (AML). This chromosomal translocation occurs in 12 % of de novo AML cases and in up to 40 % of the AML-M2 subtype of the French-American-British classification. To date, the in vivo function of aberrant AML1-ETO fusion protein expression has been investigated by several groups. However, in these studies, controversial results were reported and some key issues remain unknown. Importantly, the consequences of aberrant AML1-ETO expression for self-renewing hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs), multipotent hematopoietic progenitors (MPPs) and lineage-restricted precursors are not known. rn The aim of this thesis was to develop a novel experimental AML1-ETO in vivo model that (i) overcomes the current lack of insight into the pre-leukemic condition of t(8;21)-associated AML, (ii) clarifies the in vivo consequences of AML1-ETO for HSCs, MPPs, progenitors and more mature blood cells and (iii) generates an improved mouse model suitable for mirroring the human condition. For this purpose, a conditional tet on/off mouse model expressing the AML1-ETO fusion protein from the ROSA26 (R26) locus was generated. rn Aberrant AML1-ETO activation in compound ROSA26/tetOAML1-ETO (R26/AE) mice caused high rates of mortality, an overall disruption of hematopoietic organs and a profound alteration of hematopoiesis. However, since the generalized activity of the R26 locus did not recapitulate the leukemic condition found in human patients, it was important to restrict AML1-ETO expression to blood cell lineages. Therefore, bone marrow cells from non-induced R26/AE mice were adoptively transplanted into sublethal irradiated RAG2-/- recipient mice. First signs of phenotypical differences between AML1-ETO-expressing and control mice were observed after eight to nine months of transgene induction. AML1-ETO-expressing mice showed profound changes in hematopoietic organs accompanied by manifest extramedullary hematopoiesis. In addition, a block in early erythropoiesis, B- and T-cell maturation was observed and granulopoiesis was significantly enhanced. Most interestingly, conditional activation of AML1-ETO in chimeric mice did not increase HSCs, MPPs, common lymphoid precursors (CLPs), common myeloid progenitors (CMPs) and megakaryocyte-erythrocyte progenitors (MEPs) but promoted the selective amplification of granulocyte-macrophage progenitors (GMPs). rn The results of this thesis provide clear experimental evidence how aberrant AML1-ETO modulates the developmental properties of normal hematopoiesis and establishes for the first time that AML1-ETO does not increase HSCs, MPPs and common lineage-restricted progenitor pools but specifically amplifies GMPs. The here presented mouse model not only clarifies the role of aberrant AML1-ETO for shaping hematopoietic development but in addition has strong implications for future therapeutic strategies and will be an excellent pre-clinical tool for developing and testing new approaches to treat and eventually cure AML.rn