534 resultados para causation


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The study of phenotypic evolution should be an integrative endeavor that combines different approaches and crosses disciplinary and phylogenetic boundaries to consider complex traits and organisms that historically have been studied in isolation from each other. Analyses of individual variation within populations can act to bridge studies focused at the levels of morphology, physiology, biochemistry, organismal performance, behavior, and life history. For example, the study of individual variation recently facilitated the integration of behavior into the concept of a pace-of-life syndrome and effectively linked the field of energetics with research on animal personality. Here, we illustrate how studies on the pace-of-life syndrome and the energetics of personality can be integrated within a physiology-performance-behavior-fitness paradigm that includes consideration of ecological context. We first introduce key concepts and definitions and then review the rapidly expanding literature on the links between energy metabolism and personality traits commonly studied in nonhuman animals (activity, exploration, boldness, aggressiveness, sociability). We highlight some empirical literature involving mammals and squamates that demonstrates how emerging fields can develop in rather disparate ways because of historical accidents and/or particularities of different kinds of organisms. We then briefly discuss potentially interesting avenues for future conceptual and empirical research in relation to motivation, intraindividual variation, and mechanisms underlying trait correlations. The integration of performance traits within the pace-of-life-syndrome concept has the potential to fill a logical gap between the context dependency of selection and how energetics and personality are expected to interrelate. Studies of how performance abilities and/or aspects of Darwinian fitness relate to both metabolic rate and personality traits are particularly lacking.


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 OBJECTIVE: Evidence indicates an increased risk of certain cancers among people with type 2 diabetes. Evidence for rarer cancers and for type 1 diabetes is limited. We explored the excess risk of site-specific cancer incidence and mortality among people with type 1 and type 2 diabetes, compared with the general Australian population. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS: Registrants of a national diabetes registry (953,382) between 1997 and 2008 were linked to national death and cancer registries. Standardized incidence and mortality ratios (SIRs/SMRs) are reported. RESULTS: For type 1 diabetes, significant elevated SIRs were observed for pancreas, liver, esophagus, colon and rectum (females only [F]), stomach (F), thyroid (F), brain (F), lung (F), endometrium, and ovary, and decreased SIRs were observed for prostate in males. Significantly increased SMRs were observed for pancreas, liver, and kidney (males only), non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, brain (F), and endometrium. For type 2 diabetes, significant SIRs were observed for almost all site-specific cancers, with highest SIRs observed for liver and pancreas, and decreased risks for prostate and melanoma. Significant SMRs were observed for liver, pancreas, kidney, Hodgkin's lymphoma, gallbladder (F), stomach (F), and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (F). Cancer risk was significantly elevated throughout follow-up time but was higher in the first 3 months postregistration, suggesting the presence of detection bias and/or reverse causation. CONCLUSIONS: Type 1 and type 2 diabetes are associated with an excess risk of incidence and mortality for overall and a number of site-specific cancers, and this is only partially explained by bias. We suggest that screening for cancers in diabetic patients is important.


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Este estudo analisa a contribuição da centralidade em redes de negócios, na elevação da complexidade da estrutura organizacional de supermercados e os possíveis efeitos dessa mudança no processo decisório empreendedor. Causation e Effectuation são processos decisórios distintos que possuem sua hora adequada de utilização. Porém, faltam estudos sobre quando os empreendedores utilizam tais processos em ambientes de redes interorganizacionais. Para preencher esse gap, a pesquisa centra-se na tipologia de rede de cooperação associativa (BALESTRIN; VARGAS, 2004; BALESTRIN; VERSCHOORE, 2008). O referencial teórico foi construído a partir dos conceitos de centralidade (FREEMAN, 1979; WASSERMAN; FAUST, 1994), laços relacionais (BURT, 1992; GRANOVETTER, 1973), complexidade da estrutura organizacional (HALL, 2004), e dos processos decisórios de Causation e Effectuation (SARASVATHY, 2001a). Inicialmente, os dados foram coletados de forma indutiva em seis casos de micros e pequenos supermercados em redes de negócios no estado do Ceará. Após analisar o conteúdo de cada caso, o pesquisador procedeu uma Análise Qualitativa Comparativa (Qualitative Comparative Analysis – QCA). As condições necessárias à adoção dos processos decisórios foram: a) a centralidade contribui para elevar a complexidade da estrutura organizacional e/ou adoção de mecanismos de controle gerencial, quando as relações são conduzidas mais por laços sociais do que por laços estratégicos; b) empreendedores adotam Effectuation e Causation independentemente da complexidade da estrutura organizacional dos supermercados. Um novo achado foi que, além dos empreendedores novatos, os experientes também variam o uso de Effectuation e Causation no início dos novos empreendimentos. Mas ao longo do tempo, ao implementarem mecanismos de controle gerencial, eles tendem a reduzir a utilização de algumas práticas efetuais, como as capacidades de experimentar e aceitar riscos e perdas. Dados complementares foram coletados e testes foram realizados por meio de Modelagem de Equações Estruturais (MEE) baseada em partial least squares (PLS). Os resultados confirmaram que: c) os laços sociais exercem mais influência que os estratégicos, na transformação da estrutura organizacional dos supermercados; d) essa transformação influencia positivamente na implantação de mecanismos de controle gerencial; e) supermercados com mecanismos de controle gerencial terão empreendedores mais propensos a adotarem o processo de Causation, e menos propensos a experimentar e aceitar riscos e perdas. Os resultados contribuem para entender quando as relações geradas em redes de cooperação, afetam a fundação e o crescimento de pequenas empresas, e onde ocorre a evolução do comportamento decisório empreendedor no tempo. De forma prática, a pesquisa demonstra aos micros e pequenos empreendedores que eles não precisam gerar muitas relações para desenvolverem seus negócios, ou seja, a posição relativa do supermercado na rede não é importante, desde que os laços sociais estejam ativos e haja engajamento nas atividades das associações. Também ensina que os empreendedores tendem a desenvolver o raciocínio causal em redes de negócios.


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Due to its scope and depth, Moore’s Causation and Responsibility is probably the most important publication in the philosophy of law since the publication of Hart’s and Honoré’s Causation in the Law in 1959. This volume offers, for the first time, a detailed exchange between legal and philosophical scholars over Moore’s most recent work. In particular, it pioneers the dialogue between English-speaking and German philosophy of law on a broad range of pressing foundational questions concerning causation in the law. It thereby fulfills the need for a comprehensive, international and critical discussion of Moore’s influential arguments. The 15 contributors to the proposed volume span the whole interdisciplinary field from law and morals to metaphysics, and the authors include distinguished criminal and tort lawyers, as well as prominent theoretical and practical philosophers from four nations. In addition, young researchers take brand-new approaches in the field. The collection is essential reading for anyone interested in legal and moral theory.


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Common sense supposes thoughts can cause bodily movements and thereby cause changes in where the agent is or how his surroundings are. Many philosophers suppose that any such outcome is realized in a complex state of affairs involving only microparticles; that previous microphysical developments were sufficient to cause that state of affairs; hence that, barring overdetermination, causation by the mental is excluded. This paper argues that the microphysical swarm that realizes the outcome is an accident (Aristotle) or a coincidence (David Owens) and has no cause, though each component movement in it has one. Mental causation faces no competition "from below".