252 resultados para brucelose ovina


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Tuberculosis and brucellosis are important diseases in national scenario, as they affect national cattle and can be transmitted to human, as they are zoonosis. The transmission risk increases mostly for those who have strict contact with animals, as is this case of slaughterhouse workers. This paper presents a bibliographic review of data referent to both diseases occurring in bovine slaughterhouse workers in Brazil, characterizing as occupational zoonosis diseases. We still have few data available of this subject, what raise difficulties to know the real incidence of both diseases in national cattle and in people who work in contact with animals, and most of the time are not instructed to the risk that they are exposed and how to prevent it. It’s important to know which is the situation of both diseases so that prevention and even eradication measures can be taken, as we know the Veterinary has an essential function in this matter, protecting animal health as much as protecting national public health


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Proteins of animal origin are among the most consumed foods in the world, this scenario highlights the pig production, providing much of the daily protein intake worldwide. Brazil has significant numbers in the production and export of pork to stand among the first in the world marker. Several diseases such as brucellosis, can configure a threat to this sector. Brucellosis in pigs is an important disease and zoonosis once it is the cause of great economic losses by making the species vulnerable to sanitary barriers as well as putting at risk the health of attendants of farms, slaughterhouses employees and consumers. Pigs slaughtered in slaughterhouses approved by competent organs guarentee the safety of employees, in the flowchart of slaughter, and consumers, but illegal slaughterhouses pose risk to public health


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A utilização de novas tecnologias empregando a biologia molecular busca superar os principais problemas encontrados nas vacinas atualmente comercializadas no combate à brucelose bovina. Desta forma, a identificação de proteínas imunogênicas e a posterior transformação dos genes correspondentes em micro-organismos competentes tem sido um dos principais alvos para o desenvolvimento de novas formas de controle da infecção. O presente trabalho tem como objetivo propor, em base teórica, uma vacina de eficácia e segurança superiores às encontradas atualmente no mercado contra a brucelose bovina, antropozoonose contagiosa provocada principalmente pela espécie Brucella abortus. Essa enfermidade produz infecção característica em bovinos e bubalinos e é infecciosa ao homem, causando doença crônica que leva à incapacidade parcial ou total para o trabalho. Por ter distribuição universal, acarreta problemas sanitário e de saúde pública importantes e grandes prejuízos econômicos. A vacina proposta visa o desenvolvimento de microorganismos transformados contendo genes de proteínas de potencial imunológico que, após purificação, são usadas para o combate da doença. As proteínas recombinantes abordadas no presente estudo são as proteína ribossomal L7/L12 e a lumazina sintetase que, ao serem utilizadas em uma vacina subcelular, diferente das comercializadas atualmente, induzem resposta de longa duração, não induzem a produção de anticorpos que interfiram no diagnóstico e não são patogênicas ao homem.


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This work provides a systematic and critical review of part of the scientific production of its author. It includes three research topics, namely salmonellosis, brucellosis, and leishmaniasis. Each one of these topics is discussed in individual chapters. Most of the data discussed here refers to pathology, pathogenesis, hostpathogen interactions, innate immunity, and diagnosis of these diseases. Instead of being organized as a traditional literature reviews, the chapters actually emphasize the scientific contribution of the author’s publications in each of these fields.


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Pós-graduação em Medicina Veterinária - FCAV


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Pós-graduação em Ciência Animal - FMVA


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Pós-graduação em Medicina Veterinária - FMVZ


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The sheep industry has become increasingly prominent in agribusiness, transforming the stage production of Brazil, and thus contributes more to the socio-economic development of the country. The work aimed to verify the occurrence of brucellosis and leptospirosis in sheep from northwestern São Paulo state. In addition to determining the prevalence of major Leptospira in the region and to trace the diagnosis of sheep breeding in this part of the country. All the 1222 sheep serum samples from 49 properties did not react serologically to evidentiary testing for brucellosis, compared to antigens of B. abortus and B. ovis used in the testing of 2-ME and IDGA, respectively. The Microscopic Agglutination Test (MAT) test revealed that 19.14% (232/1212) of samples were positive for one or more serovars, with titles ranging from 100 to 800. The most frequent serovar was hebdomadis in the region, with Sentot and Sherman (18.10%, 11.64% and 8.62%, respectively). By profiling the system of sheep farming in the region, we found that most herds are composed of more than one race being the main purpose is for the court. According to the scheme adopted immunoprophylactics there is a homogeneous set schedule. It adopts the use of anti-helminth, non-prescription veterinary antibiotic. There is also the presence of diarrhea and abortions and the lack of criteria for los ovinos on management, making it the need for emergency development of programs for disease control, schema immunoprophylactics adequate sanitation and hygienic measures in sheep breeding.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Mastitis is an acute or a chronic inflammation of the udder, represented for physical, chemical and bacteriological milk alterations. It is notable that ovine milk represents high economic importance, and it can be used in the production of cheeses and other derivates, contributing for the farmer’s recipe enlargement. However, the mastitis in animals can determine the reduction of milk quantity and quality in infected animals. This may determine lambs’ weight loss and increase animal’s mortality. By the other hand, considering Public Health issues, mastitis can cause milk nutrients losses and promote the microorganisms’ multiplication that may lead to diarrheas and to other zoonosis in humans. This study aimed to evaluate 159 sheep mastitis status in 20 small farms located in Bauru (SP) region. Of the 309 colected samples, in 97 (31.4%) were isolated microorganisms of the genus Staphylococcus sp., which them 27.5% being coagulase negative Staphylococcus and 3.9% coagulase positive Staphylococcus. Of 177 isolates, 97 (54.8%) were represented by the genus Staphylococcus sp., which them 57 (58.8%) from pure culture and 40 (41.2%) in association. Most agents isolated were sensitive to antibiotics used in the test. Thus, we could verify the isolation of infectious microorganisms such as coagulase positive and negative Staphylococcus and, as well in dairy cattle, preventive measures to obtain hygienic milk are extremely important in order to get a final product with quality and safe in food and microbiological point of view.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)