52 resultados para borboletas


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O trabalho aqui apresentado insere-se no âmbito do relatório de estágio do Mestrado em Educação Pré-Escolar e Ensino do 1º ciclo do Ensino Básico da Universidade da Madeira, para a aquisição do grau de mestre em Educação Básica. Este procurou apresentar a prática desenvolvida no contexto de Educação Pré-Escolar, nomeadamente na Escola Básica do 1º Ciclo com Pré-Escolar da Nazaré, no anexo da Azinhaga. O relatório está estruturado em duas partes distintas. A primeira parte do referese às considerações teóricas que se debruçam sobre a edificação da identidade profissional docente, o conceito da Educação Pré-Escolar (EPE), os objetivos e finalidades, o primeiro espaço educativo – a família, a investigação-ação como construtora do papel docente, e os pressupostos teóricos que sustentaram toda a prática. Na segunda parte do relatório pretendo espelhar todo o desenvolvimento da ação na “Sala das Borboletas”. No contexto da intervenção pedagógica, todas as atividades desenvolvidas tiveram por base uma aprendizagem ativa, de modo a compreender a importância do papel ativo da criança na construção do seu próprio conhecimento, bem como, a importância da diferenciação pedagógica e a aprendizagem cooperativa. Sendo que a criança constrói e manipula os materiais que lhe permitem conhecer o mundo que a rodeia, apresentado assim, efeitos positivos no seu desenvolvimento. Durante o levantamento de dados relativos ao contexto educativo e às caraterísticas das crianças foram utilizados diversos instrumentos, sendo estes, a observação direta, as notas de campo, os registos fotográficos e a análise documental. O relatório aborda também as estratégias da pedagogia participativa adotadas durante a intervenção pedagógica e expõe os efeitos positivos da mesma no desenvolvimento das crianças e no sucesso das suas aprendizagens. Nas considerações finais estão patentes as situações com maior relevância para a prática profissional futura.


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Butterflies are insects known, in a variety of environments and for easy visual identification. The adult form may be frequently found in flowers looking for nectar. However, for many species of Heliconius (Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae) to visit the flower also represents the collecting of pollen, an important source of protein for adults. The protein obtained from the pollen allows the maintenance of physiological processes that increase the performance of the individual, promoting greater longevity and egg production. For males, proteins can also be part in your investment in reproductive success and fitness of offspring through a nutritional contribution that is transferred to the female in the act of mating as a nuptial present. It is known that this protein contains essential to the performance of the female oviposition, however the proportion of content and specific importance to the monogamous and polygamous species is not known yet. Whereas the species studied in this work have different patterns of mating in the strategy was to verify a significant difference in the quality of the spermatophore, and H. erato and H. melpomene, on the amount of protein present in this structure, indicating a difference in investment between the male reproductive strategies


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Extensive studies using molecular markers on butterflies have shown how a highly fragmented landscape may result in the reduction of gene flow among patches of habitat and, consequently, increase genetic differentiation among populations. However, little is known about Heliconius geographical structure and the effects of fragmentation on the connectivity of populations. Furthermore, findings on the effects of the population structure on the dynamics of mimicry evolution in Heliconius butterflies need to be tested in H. erato and H. melpomene specimens found in other locations other than Central and northern South Americas. For the present study, we had two motivations: (1) compare the population structure of H. erato and H. melpomene given the highly fragmented Brazil s Atlantic Forest habitat; and (2) studying population structure of co-mimics could give us insights into the dynamics of mimicry evolution. For this, we analysed the spatial structure and connectivity of eight populations of Heliconius butterflies, in a total of 137 H. erato specimens and 145 H. melpomene specimens, using nine microsatellites loci, 1144 AFLPs markers and 282 mitochondrial DNA sequences. In general, both species exhibited evidence of population subdivision but no isolation by distance indicating some extent of genetic differentiation among populations. Contrary to Kronforst & Gilbert s (2008) Costa Rican Heliconius, H. melpomene exhibited more genetic differentiation than H. erato based on nuclear markers. However, for mitochondrial DNA, H. erato populations showed more genetic differentiation than H. melpomene. Our results corroborate to other studies on Heliconius butterflies concerning the pronounced population subdivision and local genetic drift found in this genus. Nevertheless, the pattern of this differentiation varies significantly from the pattern found in studies conducted in Central America, where H. erato is generally more differentiated and structured than H. melpomene, based on nuclear markers. This different pattern may reflect different evolutionary histories of Heliconius species in Northeastern Brazil s Atlantic Forest


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The health transition experienced in Brazilian health care model requires a metamorphosis in human and society, placing new demands on health and education. The Faculty of Science, Culture and Extension of Rio Grande do Norte (Facex), aware of their responsibilities to the Health System, which brings the principle of comprehensiveness as its structural axis, dared to implement a course of nursing in complex thinking and Experiential Pedagogy Humanescente with curriculum inter / transdisciplinary. For deployment of proprosta was not enough to reform thinking of educators, there was a need corporalizar new teaching practices that are aimed at the integral formation of human beings. In this context, emerged the workshop on Human Education autopoietic, self-forming area of the educator, where he developed an Action Research Existential (PA-E) which enabled experience, describe and analyze how the human autopoietic educators could contribute to the practice educational humanescente transdisciplinary curriculum project. Were worked out in meetings, knowledge necessary to practice the transdisciplinary 1st Meeting - learn to create; 2nd Meeting - learn to recognize the laws of nature with emphasis on complexity theory, 3rd Meeting - learn to organize, 4th meeting - namely autoestruturar themselves; 5th Meeting - know how to choose, 6th Meeting - knowing innovate 7th Meeting - namely exchange. Next an autobiographical perspective, we chose the metaphorical possibility to narrate the ways and strategies covered by the author and apprentice in the company of the Little Prince de Saint-Exupery, in search of a sensible pedagogical practice complex, which promotes re-enchant transdisicplinar education. The route involved five methodological connections: a literature review which relate to training for care in undergraduate nursing: the study of learning processes that drive the formation humanopoiética, emphasizing the relationship that involves the complexity and embodiment in the educational process transdisciplinary, highlighting the analysis of what is to learn from the findings of biosciences and recent cognitive theories of Maturana and Varela, the description of the interdisciplinary curriculum of the nursing course of Facex and Training Workshop, Human autopoietic, with emphasis on Experiential Education Humanescente; the report of seven meetings of the Workshops (cocoon), recording the experiences and listening to educators (luminescent butterflies), the final reflections with learning opportunized. Experientiality lived through, the expressions and words, educators say the influence of workshops for their teaching practices, highlighting it as a space for selforganizing, creating, learning and enchantment, and can identify the workshop as a place of transformation necessary for deployment an interdisciplinary curriculum. The knowledge emerging from the study indicate the need for permanent spaces of self, in which the educator learns from its body, between cognitive processes and vital, and in the experiences of their formative process the opportunity to act on the dimensions of knowing and being


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Paisagens naturais tem sido afetadas dramaticamente pela perda de habitat e fragmentação, os quais transformam paisagens contínuas em manchas de habitat circundadas por áreas de não-habitat (matrizes). Essas matrizes, inóspitas ou não, afetam incontáveis processos ecológicos, como a dispersão. Uma das formas de compreender o efeito da matriz no processo de dispersão é estudando o alcance da percepção do habitat dos animais, o qual é definido como o alcance (distância) em que um animal pode perceber elementos da paisagem. Essa percepção está diretamente relacionada ao sucesso de chegada à um novo habitat, enquanto o animal navega por uma matriz. Nós avaliamos a percepção do habitat em Heliconius erato, uma borboleta tropical. Entretanto nós também estávamos interessados em avaliar o efeito da idade das borboletas e do tipo de matriz na percepção do habitat. Consequentemente, nós criamos borboletas em laboratório e pareamos com borboletas coletadas na floresta durante um experimento de soltura. Para determinar o alcance da percepção, nós realizamos solturas em duas diferentes matrizes (coqueiral e campo em regeneração) à três distâncias da floresta (0,30 e 100 metros) e medimos o ângulo final alcançado pelas borboletas. Nós encontramos que (I) borboletas soltas na borda se orientaram fortemente para a floresta; (II) quanto maior a distância de soltura, menor a habilidade de perceber o habitat e (III) há interação entre matriz e idade da borboleta. Borboletas inexperientes se orientaram melhor no campo aberto (alcance da percepção: 30-100 metros) e experientes se orientaram melhor no coqueiral (alcance da percepção entre 30-100 metros).


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Butterflies are insects known, in a variety of environments and for easy visual identification. The adult form may be frequently found in flowers looking for nectar. However, for many species of Heliconius (Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae) to visit the flower also represents the collecting of pollen, an important source of protein for adults. The protein obtained from the pollen allows the maintenance of physiological processes that increase the performance of the individual, promoting greater longevity and egg production. For males, proteins can also be part in your investment in reproductive success and fitness of offspring through a nutritional contribution that is transferred to the female in the act of mating as a nuptial present. It is known that this protein contains essential to the performance of the female oviposition, however the proportion of content and specific importance to the monogamous and polygamous species is not known yet. Whereas the species studied in this work have different patterns of mating in the strategy was to verify a significant difference in the quality of the spermatophore, and H. erato and H. melpomene, on the amount of protein present in this structure, indicating a difference in investment between the male reproductive strategies


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Os gradientes altitudinais são importantes modelos em ecologia pois permitem, numa escala reduzida, estudar a influência da variação de diversas variáveis ambientais nos padrões de biodiversidade existentes. Estes padrões são influenciados por diversos factores, desde variáveis climáticas às relacionadas com a perturbação humana. Nesta tese é estudada a variação na composição das comunidades de borboletas ao longo do gradiente altitudinal na Serra da Estrela e são testadas duas hipóteses sobre os padrões de riqueza específica ao longo do gradiente altitudinal: a regra de Rapoport e o “Mid Domain Effect” (MDE). Foram assinaladas 70 espécies de borboletas neste estudo e constatou-se que a variação na riqueza de espécies de borboletas apresenta um padrão “mid peak” apoiando o MDE. Verificou-se também que as comunidades de borboletas do mesmo nível altitudinal são mais semelhantes entre si independentemente da vertente em que se encontram e são também mais semelhantes com as comunidades dos níveis altitudinais adjacentes. Finalmente, a análise da distribuição de algumas espécies ameaçadas de borboletas torna evidente a necessidade de realização de mais estudos sobre a biologia da conservação deste grupo de animais em Portugal; Abstract: Altitudinal gradients are important ecological models because they allow us to study the influence of diverse environmental variables in the existing biodiversity patterns. These patterns are influenced by various factors, from climatic variables to variables related to human disturbance. In this thesis we studied the variations in the composition of the butterfly assemblages along the altitudinal gradient of Serra da Estrela and we tested two hypotheses regarding the species richness patterns along the altitudinal gradient: Rapoport’s rule and the Mid Domain Effect (MDE). In this study 70 butterfly species were marked recorded and it was observed that the butterfly species richness presents a mid-peak pattern supporting the MDE. It was also noted that the butterfly assemblages in the same altitudinal level show more similarity within themselves regardless of the slope they are found in, and are also more similar to the assemblages present in the adjacent altitudinal levels. Finally, the distribution of some threatened butterfly species was analyzed and it became evident the need to do more studies regarding the conservation biology of this animal group in Portugal.