997 resultados para block building


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The maintenance or even replacement of cracked pavements requires considerable financial resources and puts a large burden on the budgets of local councils. In addition to these costs, local councils also face liability claims arising from uneven or cracked pedestrian pavements. These currently cost the Manchester City Council and Preston City Council around £6 million a year each. Design procedures are empirical. A better understanding of the interaction between paving blocks, bedding sand and subbase was necessary in order to determine the mode of failure of pavements under load. Increasing applied stress was found to mobilise ‘‘rotational interlock’’, providing increased pavement stiffness and thus increased load dissipation resulting in lower transmitted stress on the subgrade. The indications from the literature
review were that pavements are designed to fail by excessive deformation and that paving blocks remained uncracked at failure. This was confirmed with experimental data which was obtained from tests on segments of pavements that were laid/constructed in a purpose built test frame in the laboratory.


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A study undertaken at the University of Liverpool has investigated the potential for using recycled demolition aggregate in the manufacture of precast concrete building blocks. Recycled aggregates derived from construction and demolition waste (C&DW) can be used to replace quarried limestone aggregate, usually used in coarse (6 mm) and fine (4 mm-to-dust) gradings. The manufacturing process used in factories, for large-scale production, involves a “vibro-compaction” casting procedure, using a relatively dry concrete mix with low cement content (˜100 kg/m3). Trials in the laboratory successfully replicated the manufacturing process using a specially modified electric hammer drill to compact the concrete mix into oversize steel moulds to produce blocks of the same physical and mechanical properties as the commercial blocks. This enabled investigations of the effect of partially replacing newly quarried with recycled demolition aggregate on the compressive strength of building blocks to be carried out in the laboratory. Levels of replacement of newly quarried with recycled demolition aggregate have been determined that will not have significant detrimental effect on the mechanical properties. Factory trials showed that there were no practical problems with the use of recycled demolition aggregate in the manufacture of building blocks. The factory strengths obtained confirmed that the replacement levels selected, based on the laboratory work, did not cause any significant strength reduction, i.e. there was no requirement to increase the cement content to maintain the required strength, and therefore there would be no additional cost to the manufacturers if they were to use recycled demolition aggregate for their routine concrete building block production.


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The monitoring of temperature and moisture changes in response to different micro-environment of building stones is essential to understand the material behaviour and the degradation mechanisms. From a practical point of view, having a continuous and detailed understanding of micro-environmental changes in building stones helps to assist in their maintenance and repair strategies. Temperature within the stone is usually monitored by means of thermistors, whereas wide ranges of techniques are available for monitoring the moisture. In the case of concrete an electrical resistance method has previously been used as an inexpensive tool for monitoring moisture changes. This paper describes the adaptation of this technique and describes its further development for monitoring moisture movement in building stones.
In this study a block of limestone was subjected to intermittent infrared radiation with programmed cycles of ambient temperature, rainfall and wind conditions in an automated climatic chamber. The temperature and moisture changes at different depths within the stone were monitored by means of bead thermistors and electrical resistance sensors. This experiment has helped to understand the thermal conductivity and moisture transport from surface into deeper parts of the stone at different simulated extreme climatic conditions. Results indicated that variations in external ambient conditions could substantially affect the moisture transport and temperature profile within the micro-environment of building stones and hence they could have a significant impact on stone decay.


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Frustration – the inability to simultaneously satisfy all interactions – occurs in a wide range of systems including neural networks, water ice and magnetic systems. An example of the latter is the so called spin-ice in pyrochlore materials [1] which have attracted a lot of interest not least due to the emergence of magnetic monopole defects when the ‘ice rules’ governing the local ordering breaks down [2]. However it is not possible to directly measure the frustrated property – the direction of the magnetic moments – in such spin ice systems with current experimental techniques. This problem can be solved by instead studying artificial spin-ice systems where the molecular magnetic moments are replaced by nanoscale ferromagnetic islands [3-8]. Two different arrangements of the ferromagnetic islands have been shown to exhibit spin ice behaviour: a square lattice maintaining four moments at each vertex [3,8] and the Kagome lattice which has only three moments per vertex but equivalent interactions between them [4-7]. Magnetic monopole defects have been observed in both types of lattices [7-8]. One of the challenges when studying these artificial spin-ice systems is that it is difficult to arrive at the fully demagnetised ground-state [6-8].
Here we present a study of the switching behaviour of building blocks of the Kagome lattice influenced by the termination of the lattice. Ferromagnetic islands of nominal size 1000 nm by 100 nm were fabricated in five island blocks using electron-beam lithography and lift-off techniques of evaporated 18 nm Permalloy (Ni80Fe20) films. Each block consists of a central island with four arms terminated by a different number and placement of ‘injection pads’, see Figure 1. The islands are single domain and magnetised along their long axis. The structures were grown on a 50 nm thick electron transparent silicon nitride membrane to allow TEM observation, which was back-coated with a 5 nm film of Au to prevent charge build-up during the TEM experiments.
To study the switching behaviour the sample was subjected to a magnetic field strong enough to magnetise all the blocks in one direction, see Figure 1. Each block obeys the Kagome lattice ‘ice-rules’ of “2-in, 1-out” or “1-in, 2-out” in this fully magnetised state. Fresnel mode Lorentz TEM images of the sample were then recorded as a magnetic field of increasing magnitude was applied in the opposite direction. While the Fresnel mode is normally used to image magnetic domain structures [9] for these types of samples it is possible to deduce the direction of the magnetisation from the Lorentz contrast [5]. All images were recorded at the same over-focus judged to give good Lorentz contrast.
The magnetisation was found to switch at different magnitudes of the applied field for nominally identical blocks. However, trends could still be identified: all the blocks with any injection pads, regardless of placement and number, switched the direction of the magnetisation of their central island at significantly smaller magnitudes of the applied magnetic field than the blocks without injection pads. It can therefore be concluded that the addition of an injection pad lowers the energy barrier to switching the connected island, acting as a nucleation site for monopole defects. In these five island blocks the defects immediately propagate through to the other side, but in a larger lattice the monopoles could potentially become trapped at a vertex and observed [10].

[1] M J Harris et al, Phys Rev Lett 79 (1997) p.2554.
[2] C Castelnovo, R Moessner and S L Sondhi, Nature 451 (2008) p. 42.
[3] R F Wang et al, Nature 439 (2006) 303.
[4] M Tanaka et al, Phys Rev B 73 (2006) 052411.
[5] Y Qi, T Brintlinger and J Cumings, Phys Rev B 77 (2008) 094418.
[6] E Mengotti et al, Phys Rev B 78 (2008) 144402.
[7] S Ladak et al, Nature Phys 6 (2010) 359.
[8] C Phatak et al, Phys Rev B 83 (2011) 174431.
[9] J N Chapman, J Phys D 17 (1984) 623.
[10] The authors gratefully acknowledge funding from the EPSRC under grant number EP/D063329/1.


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This paper investigates a series of dendrons based on the Newkome dendritic scaffold that displays a naturally occurring polyamine (spermine) on their surface. These dendrons have previously been shown to interact with DNA in a generation dependent manner with the more highly branched dendrons exhibiting a strong multivalency effect for the spermine surface groups. In this paper, we investigate the ability of these dendrons to transfect DNA into cells (human breast carcinoma cells, MDA-MB-231, and murine myoblast cells, C2C12) as determined by the luciferase assay. Although the dendrons are unable to transfect DNA in their own right, they are capable of delivering DNA in vitro when administered with chloroquine, which assists with escape from endocytic vesicles. The cytotoxicity of the dendrons was determined using the XTT assay, and it was shown that the dendrons were nontoxic either alone or in the presence of DNA. However, when administered with DNA and chloroquine, the most highly branched dendron did exhibit some cytotoxicity. This paper elucidates the relationship between in vitro transfection efficiency and toxicity. While transfection efficiencies are modest, the low toxicity of the dendrons, both in their own right, and in the presence of DNA, provides encouragement that this type of building block, which has a relatively high affinity for DNA, will provide a useful starting point for the further synthetic development of more effective gene transfection agents.


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In 1974, pursuing his interest in the infra-ordinary – ‘the banal, the quotidian, the obvious, the common, the ordinary, the back-ground noise, the habitual’ – Georges Perec wrote about an idea for a novel:

‘I imagine a Parisian apartment building whose façade has been removed … so that all the rooms in the front, from the ground floor up to the attics, are instantly and simultaneously visible’.

In Life A User’s Manual (1978) the consummation of this precis, patterns of existence are measured within architectural space with an archaeological sensibility that sifts through narrative and décor, structure and history, services and emotion, the personal and the system, ascribing commensurate value to each. Borrowing methods from Perec, to move somewhere between conjecture, analysis and other documentation and tracing relationships between form, structure, materiality, technology, organisation, tenure and narrative use, this paper interrogates the late twentieth-century speculative apartment block in Britain and Ireland arguing that its speculative and commodified purpose often allows a series of lives that are less than ordinary to inhabit its spaces.


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Ancient columns, made with a variety of materials such as marble, granite, stone or masonry are an important part of the
European cultural heritage. In particular columns of ancient temples in Greece and Sicily which support only the architrave are
characterized by small axial load values. This feature together with the slenderness typical of these structural members clearly
highlights as the evaluation of the rocking behaviour is a key aspect of their safety assessment and maintenance. It has to be noted
that the rocking response of rectangular cross-sectional columns modelled as monolithic rigid elements, has been widely investigated
since the first theoretical study carried out by Housner (1963). However, the assumption of monolithic member, although being
widely used and accepted for practical engineering applications, is not valid for more complex systems such as multi-block columns
made of stacked stone blocks, with or without mortar beds. In these cases, in fact, a correct analysis of the system should consider
rocking and sliding phenomena between the individual blocks of the structure. Due to the high non-linearity of the problem, the
evaluation of the dynamic behaviour of multi-block columns has been mostly studied in the literature using a numerical approach
such as the Discrete Element Method (DEM). This paper presents an introductory study about a proposed analytical-numerical
approach for analysing the rocking behaviour of multi-block columns subjected to a sine-pulse type ground motion. Based on the
approach proposed by Spanos (2001) for a system made of two rigid blocks, the Eulero-Lagrange method to obtain the motion
equations of the system is discussed and numerical applications are performed with case studies reported in the literature and with a
real acceleration record. The rocking response of single block and multi-block columns is compared and considerations are made
about the overturning conditions and on the effect of forcing function’s frequency.


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Beaucoup d'efforts dans le domaine des matériaux polymères sont déployés pour développer de nouveaux matériaux fonctionnels pour des applications spécifiques, souvent très sophistiquées, en employant des méthodes simplifiées de synthèse et de préparation. Cette thèse porte sur les polymères photosensibles – i.e. des matériaux fonctionnels qui répondent de diverses manières à la lumière – qui sont préparés à l'aide de la chimie supramoléculaire – i.e. une méthode de préparation qui repose sur l'auto-assemblage spontané de motifs moléculaires plus simples via des interactions non covalentes pour former le matériau final désiré. Deux types de matériaux photosensibles ont été ciblés, à savoir les élastomères thermoplastiques à base de copolymères à blocs (TPE) et les complexes d'homopolymères photosensibles. Les TPEs sont des matériaux bien connus, et même commercialisés, qui sont généralement composés d’un copolymère tribloc, avec un bloc central très flexible et des blocs terminaux rigides qui présentent une séparation de phase menant à des domaines durs isolés, composés des blocs terminaux rigides, dans une matrice molle formée du bloc central flexible, et ils ont l'avantage d'être recyclable. Pour la première fois, au meilleur de notre connaissance, nous avons préparé ces matériaux avec des propriétés photosensibles, basé sur la complexation supramoléculaire entre un copolymère tribloc simple parent et une petite molécule possédant une fonctionnalité photosensible via un groupe azobenzène. Plus précisément, il s’agit de la complexation ionique entre la forme quaternisée d'un copolymère à blocs, le poly(méthacrylate de diméthylaminoéthyle)-poly(acrylate de n-butyle)-poly(méthacrylate de diméthylaminoéthyle) (PDM-PnBA-PDM), synthétisé par polymérisation radicalaire par transfert d’atomes (ATRP), et l'orange de méthyle (MO), un composé azo disponible commercialement comportant un groupement SO3 -. Le PnBA possède une température de transition vitreuse en dessous de la température ambiante (-46 °C) et les blocs terminaux de PDM complexés avec le MO ont une température de transition vitreuse élevée (140-180 °C, en fonction de la masse molaire). Des tests simples d'élasticité montrent que les copolymères à blocs complexés avec des fractions massiques allant de 20 à 30% présentent un caractère élastomère. Des mesures d’AFM et de TEM (microscopie à force atomique et électronique à ii transmission) de films préparés à l’aide de la méthode de la tournette, montrent une corrélation entre le caractère élastomère et les morphologies où les blocs rigides forment une phase minoritaire dispersée (domaines sphériques ou cylindriques courts). Une phase dure continue (morphologie inversée) est observée pour une fraction massique en blocs rigides d'environ 37%, ce qui est beaucoup plus faible que celle observée pour les copolymères à blocs neutres, dû aux interactions ioniques. La réversibilité de la photoisomérisation a été démontrée pour ces matériaux, à la fois en solution et sous forme de film. La synthèse du copolymère à blocs PDM-PnBA-PDM a ensuite été optimisée en utilisant la technique d'échange d'halogène en ATRP, ainsi qu’en apportant d'autres modifications à la recette de polymérisation. Des produits monodisperses ont été obtenus à la fois pour la macroamorceur et le copolymère à blocs. À partir d'un seul copolymère à blocs parent, une série de copolymères à blocs partiellement/complètement quaternisés et complexés ont été préparés. Des tests préliminaires de traction sur les copolymères à blocs complexés avec le MO ont montré que leur élasticité est corrélée avec la fraction massique du bloc dur, qui peut être ajustée par le degré de quaternisation et de complexation. Finalement, une série de complexes d'homopolymères auto-assemblés à partir du PDM et de trois dérivés azobenzènes portant des groupes (OH, COOH et SO3) capables d'interactions directionnelles avec le groupement amino du PDM ont été préparés, où les dérivés azo sont associés avec le PDM, respectivement, via des interactions hydrogène, des liaisons ioniques combinées à une liaison hydrogène à travers un transfert de proton (acidebase), et des interactions purement ioniques. L'influence de la teneur en azo et du type de liaison sur la facilité d’inscription des réseaux de diffraction (SRG) a été étudiée. L’efficacité de diffraction des SRGs et la profondeur des réseaux inscrits à partir de films préparés à la méthode de la tournette montrent que la liaison ionique et une teneur élevée en azo conduit à une formation plus efficace des SRGs.


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The fact that the hybrid building is an extremely condensed urban block which increases the city’s density and contributes to the public realm of the city – horizontally as well vertically - forms one of the key interests of this documentation, research and master studio work. The “ground scraper” is not only public because of the character of its plinth facing surrounding streets, but also in regard to its interior space that is partly accessible to public. As such the European hybrid building potentially extends the city’s public domain horizontally and vertically into the building’s interior and links the public domain inside and outside. Notwithstanding, the hybrid building due to its specific and unconventional character represents a truly urban architecture that was unfortunately often rejected in the name of ‘purity’ of form and function during the twentieth century. Or with other words, its rejection demonstrates the domination of the building’s plan opposed to the section. Today, new frameworks for the city, like the “compact city,” ask for innovative interpretations and designs of building types, worthy to be investigated and proposed. The architectural type of the hybrid building, (re)defines and expresses the relation between architecture and the city in a specific manner. To begin with, the city of Rotterdam forms the first test-case of the Hybrid’s project to document and discuss statements, such as “the hybrid building has a long- standing tradition within this ‘modern city”, “it is a machine for urbanity,” “it enlarges the city,” “it innovates because of its ambitiousness but also because of necessity,” “it combines to activate,” “it asks for extraordinary design intelligence and craftsmanship.” A special way of drawing is developed to document, analyse and compare historical and contemporary representatives of the species. The method includes panoply of scales ranging from the morphological arrangement on the scale of the city, the typologies of stacking diverse programs to the architectural features that establish the mutual relationship between the public space of the city and the interior of the building. Basically the features analysed within the series of drawings are also constitutional for (the success of) every future hybrid building.


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Planning is highly conditioned by the relationships between the market, state and politics. This becomes particularly clear in looking at the changes taking place in the countries of the former Communist block as they attempt to establish a new set of relationships. The old power structures have been dislodged and old laws discarded. This paper examines the situation in Bulgaria and explores the preconditions for setting up a new planning system there. The first section outlines the political changes since 1989 and shows how political instability has effected the pace of change. The establishment of a market in land and property is a second precondition for the planning system there and moves in this direction are presented, including restitution policies. Finally the issues raised by the early attempts towards a new planning system are discussed. This paper is the first of a series looking at the countries of Eastern Europe and the author would welcome comments from others working in this field.


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This work demonstrates that the interfacial properties in a natural fiber reinforced polylactide biocomposite can be tailored through surface adsorption of amphiphilic and biodegradable poly (ethylene glycol)-b-poly-(L-lactide) (PEG-PLLA) block copolymers. The deposition from solvent solution of PEG-PLLA copolymers onto the fibrous substrate induced distinct mechanisms of molecular organization at the cellulosic interface, which are correlated to the hydrophobic/hydrophilic ratios and the type of solvent used. The findings of the study evidenced that the performance of the corresponding biocomposites with polylactide were effectively enhanced by using these copolymers as interfacial coupling agents. During the fabrication stage, diffusion of the polylactide in the melt induced a change in the environment surrounding block copolymers which became hydrophobic. It is proposed that molecular reorganization of the block copolymers at the interface occurred, which favored the interactions with both the hydrophilic fibers and hydrophobic polylactide matrix. The strong interactions such as intra- and intermolecular hydrogen bonds formed across the fiber−matrix interface can be accounted for the enhancement in properties displayed by the biocomposites. Although the results reported here are confined, this concept is unique as it shows that by tuning the amphiphilicity and the type of building blocks, it is possible to control the surface properties of the substrate by self-assembly and disassembly of the amphiphiles for functional materials.


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The texture of concrete blocks is very important and is often the decisive factor when choosing a product, particularly if the building specifications call for high-strength blocks allied to low-cost finish, in which case exposed blocks with a closer texture are often preferred. Furthermore, a closer texture, especially for exteriors, may be a vital factor in ensuring the building's durability. At present, however, there is no standard to quantify the texture of a structural block. Further, when studying masonry blocks compressive strength should never be overlooked. This article discusses a procedure to produce concrete block textures with and without the addition of lime, but still to achieve the required compressive strength. The method used in this study, to evaluate texture, proved to be simpler and cheaper than methods reported by other authors in the literature. The addition of small quantities of lime proved beneficial for both texture and compressive strength. Increasing the amount of lime further, however, only improved texture.


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Masonry spandrels together with shear walls are structural components of a masonry building subjected to lateral loads. Shear walls are the main components of this structural system, even if masonry spandrels are the elements that ensure the connection of shear wall panels and the distribution of stresses through the masonry piers. The use of prefabricated truss type bars in the transversal and longitudinal directions is usually considered a challenge, even if the simplicity of the applications suggested here alleviate some of the possible difficulties. This paper focus on the experimental behavior of masonry spandrels reinforced with prefabricated trusses, considering different possibilities for the arrangement of reinforcement and blocks. Reinforced spandrels with three and two hollow cell concrete blocks and with different reinforcement ratios have been built and tested using a four and three point loading test configuration. Horizontal bed joint reinforcement increased the capacity of deformation as well as the ultimate load, leading to ductile responses. Vertical reinforcement increased the shear strength of the masonry spandrels and its distribution play a central role on the shear behavior. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Discotic hexa-peri-hexabenzocoronene (HBC) derivatives have attracted intensive scientific interest due to their unique optoelectronic properties, which depends, to a large extend, upon the attached functional groups. The presented work covers the synthesis of novel HBC building blocks and new HBC derivatives as functional materials. The traditional preparation of HBC derivatives requires elaborate synthetic techniques and tremendous effort. Especially, more than 10 synthetic steps are usually necessary to approach HBCs with lower symmetries. In order to simplify the synthetic work and reduce the high costs, a novel synthetic strategy involving only four steps was developed based on 2,3,5,6-tetraphenyl-1,4-diiodobenzene intermediates and palladium catalyzed Suzuki cross coupling reactions. In order to introduce various functionalities and expand the diversity of multi-functionalizations, a novel C2v-symmetric dihalo HBC building block 2-47, which contains one iodine and one bromine in para positions, was prepared following the traditional intermolecular [4+2] Diels-Alder reaction route. The outstanding chemical selectivity between iodo and bromo groups in this compound consequently leads to lots of HBC derivatives bearing different functionalities. Directly attached heteroatoms will improve the material properties. According to the application of intramolecular Scholl reaction to a para-dimethoxy HPB, which leads to a meta-dimethoxy HBC, a phenomenon of phenyl group migration was discovered. Thereby, several interesting mechanistic details involving arenium cation intermediates were discussed. With a series of dipole functionalized HBCs, the molecular dynamics of this kind of materials was studied in different phases by DSC, 2D WAXD, solid state NMR and dielectric spectroscopies. High charge carrier mobility is an important parameter for a semiconductive material and depends on the degree of intramolecular order of the discotic molecules in thin films for HBC derivatives. Dipole – dipole interaction and hydrogen bonds were respectively introduced in order to achieve highly ordered supramolecular structure. The self-assembly behavior of these materials were investigated both in solution and solid state. Depending upon the different functionalities, these novel materials show either gelating or non-linear optical properties, which consequently broaden their applications as functional materials. In the field of conceivable electronic devices at a molecular level, HBCs hold high promise. Differently functionalized HBCs have been used as active component in the studies of single-molecular CFET and metal-SAMs-metal junctions. The outstanding properties shown in these materials promise their exciting potential applications in molecular devices.


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Synthesis and characterization of monodisperse oligonucleotide-polypeptide di- and triblock copolymers are described. These block copolymers are promising building blocks for the formation of defined structures by sequential DNA self-assembly. The oligonucleotide sequences (ODN, 46 bases) obtained from standard solid phase synthesis were designed to form four-arm DNA junctions. The hybridization of the four single stranded oligonucleotides at room temperature to a stable four-arm junction is selective and quantitative. The junctions exhibit good thermal stability as proven by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) and UV analysis. The second block consists of monodisperse elastin-like polypeptides (ELPs) with a pentapeptide repeat unit of (Val-Pro-Gly-Val-Gly) synthesized by genetic engineering. ODN-ELP diblock copolymers were obtained either by thiol coupling or by activated ester chemistry. Taking advantage of the endgroup control of both components (ODN, ELP), combination of the two different synthetic approaches leads to the synthesis of ODN-ELP-ODN triblock copolymers. Dynamic light scattering measurements of the single components and the synthesized diblock copolymers reveal their monodispersity. Hybridization of four ODN-ELP diblock copolymers carrying the four junction sequences shows quantitative self-assembly. In conclusion, this work provides the first example of the synthesis of perfectly defined ODN-ELP block copolymers and their potential use in DNA self-assembly.