923 resultados para birthing mother
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Brief synopsis of life of Toni Ringel by Robert Ringel; translated diary of Toni Ringel during hiding in Amsterdam, September 1942 - April 1945: struggles to survive; diet; observance of Passover and other Jewish holidays; sickness of husband; death of husband.
Obverse: 50 Lirot silver coin, emblem of the State of Israel. Reverse: Stylized designs of mother and two children.
Obverse: 50 Lirot silver coin. Reverse: Stylized design of mother and two children.
Discursive Matrixes of Motherhood examines women's discourse on their experiences of new motherhood in Finland and France. It sets out from two culturally prevalent turns of speech observed in different social forums: in conversations amongst mothers with tertiary education and in the print media. The pool of data includes: 30 interviews, 8 autobiographically inspired novels and 80 items from women's magazines. With instruments loaned from the toolbox of rhetorical analysis, the recurrence of certain expressions or clichés is analyzed with regard to the national, cultural, biographical, political and daily contexts and settings in which the speaking subjects are immersed. "Staying at home is such a short and special time", the first expression under scrutiny, caught the sociological eye because of its salience in Finland and because it appeared as contradictory with a core characteristic of the Finnish context:long family leave. The cliché was found to function as a discursive micromechanism which swept mothers' 'complaints' under the proverbial carpet. Proper emotions and decency in mother-talk thereby appear as collective achievements. An opposite phenomenon - that of the scaling up of rewards procured by children - was also discerned in the data. Indeed, the French expression "Profiter de mon enfant" ["making the most of my child"/"enjoying my child"] is interpreted as a crystallization of a hedonist ethos of motherhood in everyday language. Secondly, the recurrence of this utterance is analyzed in the light of a requisite located in child-rearing expert literature: that of pleasure that women should take in mothering. Hence, one of the rules found to structure the discursive matrixes of motherhood is the laudability and audibility of enjoyment and conversely the discretion and discouragement of 'complaints'. The cultivation of decent matches between certain categories of emotions and certain categories of individuals also appears as a characteristic of discursive matrixes. One of the methodological findings relates to the fact that such matches may be constituted as sociological objects through the identification of recurrent discursive crystallizations in a given culture. Ideal matches may crystallize in turns of speech and mismatches can be managed through clichés. Becoming a mother entails an immersion in such a particular economy of speech. Key words: mothers, motherhood, transition to parenthood, family, emotions, morality, bonds, rhetorical analysis, discourse analysis, media analysis, France, Finland, comparative sociology
Polyembryony, referring here to situations where a nucellar embryo is formed along with the zygotic embryo, has different consequences for the fitness of the maternal parent and offspring. We have developed genetic and inclusive fitness models to derive the conditions that permit the evolution of polyembryony under maternal and offspring control. We have also derived expressions for the optimal allocation (evolutionarily stable strategy, ESS) of resources between zygotic and nucellar embryos. It is seen that (i) Polyembryony can evolve more easily under maternal control than under that of either the offspring or the ‘selfish’ endosperm. Under maternal regulation, evolution of polyembryony can occur for any clutch size. Under offspring control polyembryony is more likely to evolve for high clutch sizes, and is unlikely for low clutch sizes (<3). This conflict between mother and offspring decreases with increase in clutch size and favours the evolution of polyembryony at high clutch sizes, (ii) Polyembryony can evolve for values of “x” (the power of the function relating fitness to seed resource) greater than 0.5758; the possibility of its occurrence increases with “x”, indicating that a more efficient conversion of resource into fitness favours polyembryony. (iii) Under both maternal parent and offspring control, the evolution of polyembryony becomes increasingly unlikely as the level of inbreeding increases, (iv) The proportion of resources allocated to the nucellar embryo at ESS is always higher than that which maximizes the rate of spread of the allele against a non-polyembryonic allele.Finally we argue that polyembryony is a maternal counter strategy to compensate for the loss in her fitness due to brood reduction caused by sibling rivalry. We support this assertion by two empirical evidences: (a) the extent of polyembryony is positively correlated with brood reduction inCitrus, and (b) species exhibiting polyembryony are more often those that frequently exhibit brood reduction.
Symptomless nasopharyngeal carriage of Streptococcus pneumoniae (pneumococcus) is very common in young children. Occasionally the carriage proceeds into mild mucosal diseases, such as sinusitis or acute otitis media, or into serious life-threatening diseases, such as pneumonia, sepsis or meningitis. Each year, up to one million children less than five years of age worldwide die of invasive pneumococcal diseases (IPD). Especially in the low-income countries IPD is a leading health problem in infants; 75% of all IPD cases occur before one year of age. This stresses the need of increased protection against pneumococcus in infancy. Anti-pneumococcal antibodies form an important component in the defence against pneumococcal infection. Maternal immunisation and early infant immunisation are two possible ways by which potentially protective antibody concentrations against pneumococci could be achieved in early infancy. The aim of this thesis is to increase the knowledge of antibody mediated protection against pneumococcal disease in infants and young children. We investigated the transfer of maternal anti-pneumococcal antibodies from Filipino mothers to their infants, the persistence of the transferred antibodies in the infants, the immunogenicity of the 23-valent pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine (PPV) in infants and the response of the children to a second dose of PPV at three years of age. We also investigated the development of antibodies to pneumococcal protein antigens in relation to culture-confirmed pneumococcal carriage in infants. Serum samples were collected from the mothers, the umbilical cords and from the infants at young age as well as at three years of age. The samples were used to determine the antibody concentrations to pneumococcal serotypes 1, 5, 6B, 14, 18C and 19F, as well as to the pneumococcal proteins PspA, PsaA, Ply, PspC, PhtD, PhtDC and LytC by the enzyme immunoassay. The findings of the present study confirm previously obtained results and add to the global knowledge of responses to PPV in young children. Immunising pregnant women with PPV provides the infants with increased concentrations of pneumococcal polysaccharide antibodies. Of the six serotypes examined, serotypes 1 and 5 were immunogenic already in infants. At three years of age, the children responded well to the second dose of PPV suggesting that maternal and early infant immunisations might not induce hyporesponsiveness to polysaccharide antigens after subsequent immunisations. The anti-protein antibody findings provide useful information for the development of pneumococcal protein vaccines. All six proteins studied were immunogenic in infancy and the development of anti-protein antibodies started early in life in relation to pneumococcal carriage.
Eguíluz, Federico; Merino, Raquel; Olsen, Vickie; Pajares, Eterio; Santamaría, José Miguel (eds.)
Este estudo buscou identificar os critérios utilizados pelas enfermeiras obstétricas para empregar as tecnologias não-invasivas de cuidado no suporte físico à parturiente e quais são seus efeitos esperados. Para tanto, se realizou uma pesquisa quantitativa exploratória do tipo survey, que abordou as práticas/cuidados fornecidas pelas enfermeiras obstétrica durante a assistência ás parturientes que tinham relação com o suporte físico. Estas foram agrupadas em: suporte relacionado ao ambiente; suporte ao posicionamento (livre movimentação e adoção de posturas verticais, deambulação, movimentos pélvicos, posição de cócoras, e posição de quatro apoios); suporte aos estímulos táteis (massagens, compressas frias/mornas, banho morno de aspersão e imersão); e suporte energético (oferta de alimento). Para tanto, utilizou-se um questionário, que foi disponibilizado via internet, após a criação de um domínio e web site próprio para tal finalidade. A população-alvo constituiu-se de enfermeiras obstétricas que atuam no cuidado da parturiente em território nacional, sendo que estas foram convidadas a participar, entre os meses de julho e setembro de 2009, através de e-mails survey individuais ou coletivos. Participaram do estudo120 profissionais, sendo que 45,8% foram excluídos automaticamente pelo sistema, pois não possuíam os critérios de inclusão. Dos participantes elegíveis (65), 33,8% responderam somente o teste de elegibilidade, 4,6% responderam parcialmente e 61,6% responderam completamente o questionário. Os resultados demonstraram que alguns aspectos relacionados ao conceito ainda encontram-se pouco compreendidos pelas profissionais da área, entretanto este não é um entrave para que práticas/cuidados relacionados a esta nova terminologia sejam utilizadas durante a assistência à parturiente. De acordo com os objetivos propostos, conseguiu-se determinar os critérios e efeitos esperados pelas enfermeiras obstétricas ao utilizarem as tecnologias não-invasivas de cuidado estudadas, entretanto também se evidenciou brechas no conhecimento científico. Assim conclui-se que as enfermeiras obstétricas utilizam práticas/cuidados relacionadas as tecnologias não-invasivas de cuidado de enfermagem obstétrica no suporte físico à parturiente, pautadas em critérios e efeitos esperados que em sua maioria possuem bases científicas que os comprove. Considera-se que a utilização destas são uma ferramenta importante para a desmedicalização do processo de parto e consequentemente, para a diminuição dos índices de morbimortalidade materna e neonatall. Portanto, é necessário estimular à assistência ao parto por enfermeiras obstétricas, de modo a suplantar o modelo de assistência tecnocrático, ainda hegemônico no país.
Artículo científico CrystEngComm
Size-related differences in power production and swim speed duration may contribute to the observed deficit of nursing calves in relation to lactating females killed in sets by tuna purse-seiners in the eastern tropical Pacific Ocean (ETP). Power production and swim-speed duration were estimated for northeastern spotted dolphins (Stenella attenuata), the species (neonate through adult) most often captured by the fishery. Power required by neonates to swim unassisted was 3.6 times that required of an adult to swim the same speed. Estimated unassisted burst speed for neonates is only about 3 m/s compared to about 6 m/s for adults. Estimated long-term sustainable speed is about 1 m/s for neonates compared to about 2.5 m/s for adults. Weight-specific power requirements decrease as dolphin calves increase in size, but power estimates for 2-year-old spotted dolphin calves are still about 40% higher than power estimates for adults, to maintain the same speed. These estimated differences between calves and adults are conservative because the calculations do not include accommodation for reduced aerobic capacity in dolphin calves compared to adults. Discrepancies in power production are probably ameliorated under normal circumstances by calves drafting next to their mothers, and by employing burst-coast or leap-burst-coast swimming, but the relatively high speeds associated with evasion behaviors during and after tuna sets likely diminish use of these energy-saving strategies by calves.
The book is written by Mariarosa Dalla Costa and Monica Chilese; translated by Silvia Federici; Common Notions; NY.2014. It is a vigorous critique of where globalization and industrialization in fishing have led global water resources to, and the direct role that humankind has played in this destructive relationship.