52 resultados para biopower


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Este trabajo investiga el aporte de Gilles Deleuze al debate contemporáneo en torno al biopoder. En primer lugar, analizamos su interpretación de la concepción foucaulteana de la biopolítica, en particular la matriz vitalista de su lectura, y examinamos su impacto en la distinción entre "biopoder" y "biopolítica" de ciertos autores (Lazzarato, Negri, Revel). Luego, relevamos la presencia de nociones deleuzeanas en otras perspectivas (lo "impersonal" en Esposito, la "sociedad de control" en Negri). Finalmente, proponemos renovar las tensiones fundamentales del debate acerca de la vida, la política, el lenguaje y la condición del hombre, sirviéndonos de conceptos elaborados por Deleuze


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En las últimas fechas, los estudios de biopolítica y biopoder se han elevado significativamente. Es un asunto antiguo, presente en la filosofía griega y en su realidad. Es la vieja discusión de la relación y la intromisión de la política en la vida y la superación del Estado de naturaleza. La actualidad de la biopolítica se refleja en las dimensiones que adquiere la tecnología y en el asedio de los poderes globales contra la democracia. El cuerpo humano, entidad visible y externa, resiente toda clase de intervenciones y sujeciones encaminadas a la individualización y al establecimiento de una realidad totalitaria. La Biopolítica y la Tanatopolítica se entrelazan al administrar la vida y la muerte en una realidad escalofriante donde la técnica introduce el artificio más allá de lo natural. El cuerpo humano como zona fronteriza de lo natural y lo artificial expresa los alcances del post-humanismo. Una cultura física más equilibrada ayudaría a contener la deshumanización tan extendida, que reduce y degrada lo corporal a la vez, mientras los poderes someten, discriminan, intervienen a través de cuerpos cada vez más dóciles


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Este trabajo investiga el aporte de Gilles Deleuze al debate contemporáneo en torno al biopoder. En primer lugar, analizamos su interpretación de la concepción foucaulteana de la biopolítica, en particular la matriz vitalista de su lectura, y examinamos su impacto en la distinción entre "biopoder" y "biopolítica" de ciertos autores (Lazzarato, Negri, Revel). Luego, relevamos la presencia de nociones deleuzeanas en otras perspectivas (lo "impersonal" en Esposito, la "sociedad de control" en Negri). Finalmente, proponemos renovar las tensiones fundamentales del debate acerca de la vida, la política, el lenguaje y la condición del hombre, sirviéndonos de conceptos elaborados por Deleuze


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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Ciências da Saúde, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Bioética, 2015.


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This project proposes a feminist intervention in how affect and publics are theorized in public relations research. Drawing from extant literature, I argue that public relations theories of affect and publics have been apolitical and lack depth and context (Leitch & Motion, 2010a). Using the context of the online childhood vaccine debate, I illustrate several theories and concepts of the new feminist affective turn, as well as postmodern theories of affect, relevant to public relations research: (a) Public Feelings, “ugly” feelings, agency, and community (Cvetkovich, 2012; Ngai, 2007); (b) passionate politics (Mouffe, 2014); (c) postmodern assemblages, biopower, and body politics (Deleuze & Guattari, 1988; Foucault, 1984); (d) affective facts and logics of future threats (Massumi, 2010); and (e) affective ethics (Bertleson & Murphie, 2010). Scholarship in the areas of public relations, risk, feminist and postmodern affect theory, and the vaccine debate provided theoretical grounding for this project. My research questions asked: How is feminist affect theory embodied by mothers in the vaccine debate? How do mothers understand risks as affective facts in the vaccine debate (if at all)? What affective logics are used by mothers in the vaccine debate (if any)? And, What are sources of knowledge for mothers in the vaccine debate? Multi-sited online ethnographic methods were used to explore how feminist affect theory contributes to public relations research, including 29 one-on-one in-depth interviews with mothers of young children and participant observation of 15 online discussions about vaccines on parenting websites BabyCenter.com, TheBump.com, and WhatToExpect.com. I used snowball sampling to recruit interview participants and grounded theory (Glaser & Strauss, 1967) to analyze interview and online data. Results show that feminist affect theory contributes to theoretical and practical knowledge in public relations by politicizing and contextualizing understandings of publics and elucidating how affective facts and logics inform publics’ knowledge and choices, specifically in the context of risk. I also found evidence of suppression of dissent (Martin, 2015) and academic bias in vaccine debate research, which resulted in cultures of silence. Further areas of study included how specific contexts such as motherhood and issues of privilege and access affect publics’ experiences, knowledges, and choices.


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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Letras, Departamento de Teoria Literária e Literatura, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Literatura, 2016.


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The United States of America is making great efforts to transform the renewable and abundant biomass resources into cost-competitive, high-performance biofuels, bioproducts, and biopower. This is the key to increase domestic production of transportation fuels and renewable energy, and reduce greenhouse gas and other pollutant emissions. This dissertation focuses specifically on assessing the life cycle environmental impacts of biofuels and bioenergy produced from renewable feedstocks, such as lignocellulosic biomass, renewable oils and fats. The first part of the dissertation presents the life cycle greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and energy demands of renewable diesel (RD) and hydroprocessed jet fuels (HRJ). The feedstocks include soybean, camelina, field pennycress, jatropha, algae, tallow and etc. Results show that RD and HRJ produced from these feedstocks reduce GHG emissions by over 50% compared to comparably performing petroleum fuels. Fossil energy requirements are also significantly reduced. The second part of this dissertation discusses the life cycle GHG emissions, energy demands and other environmental aspects of pyrolysis oil as well as pyrolysis oil derived biofuels and bioenergy. The feedstocks include waste materials such as sawmill residues, logging residues, sugarcane bagasse and corn stover, and short rotation forestry feedstocks such as hybrid poplar and willow. These LCA results show that as much as 98% GHG emission savings is possible relative to a petroleum heavy fuel oil. Life cycle GHG savings of 77 to 99% were estimated for power generation from pyrolysis oil combustion relative to fossil fuels combustion for electricity, depending on the biomass feedstock and combustion technologies used. Transportation fuels hydroprocessed from pyrolysis oil show over 60% of GHG reductions compared to petroleum gasoline and diesel. The energy required to produce pyrolysis oil and pyrolysis oil derived biofuels and bioelectricity are mainly from renewable biomass, as opposed to fossil energy. Other environmental benefits include human health, ecosystem quality and fossil resources. The third part of the dissertation addresses the direct land use change (dLUC) impact of forest based biofuels and bioenergy. An intensive harvest of aspen in Michigan is investigated to understand the GHG mitigation with biofuels and bioenergy production. The study shows that the intensive harvest of aspen in MI compared to business as usual (BAU) harvesting can produce 18.5 billion gallons of ethanol to blend with gasoline for the transport sector over the next 250 years, or 32.2 billion gallons of bio-oil by the fast pyrolysis process, which can be combusted to generate electricity or upgraded to gasoline and diesel. Intensive harvesting of these forests can result in carbon loss initially in the aspen forest, but eventually accumulates more carbon in the ecosystem, which translates to a CO2 credit from the dLUC impact. Time required for the forest-based biofuels to reach carbon neutrality is approximately 60 years. The last part of the dissertation describes the use of depolymerization model as a tool to understand the kinetic behavior of hemicellulose hydrolysis under dilute acid conditions. Experiments are carried out to measure the concentrations of xylose and xylooligomers during dilute acid hydrolysis of aspen. The experiment data are used to fine tune the parameters of the depolymerization model. The results show that the depolymerization model successfully predicts the xylose monomer profile in the reaction, however, it overestimates the concentrations of xylooligomers.