997 resultados para biochemical tests


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OBJECTIVE: To evaluate nutritional status and dietary habits after implementation of a nutritional education program in professional handball players. RESEARCH METHODS AND PROCEDURES: Longitudinal study of 14 handball players evaluated with 72-h recall, a questionnaire on food consumption and anthropometric measures during 4 months. The intervention consisted of a nutrition education program. RESULTS: Energy intake was consistently below the recommended allowances. Macronutrient intakes as a percentage of total energy intake were below the recommended allowances for carbohydrates, and above recommended allowances for fats. Nutritional education was followed by a significant increase (p < 0.01) in total energy and macronutrient intakes, with no significant changes in macronutrient or micronutrient intakes after adjustment for energy intake. DISCUSSION: The imbalance in nutrient intake in handball players suggests that detailed re-analysis is needed to determine specific recommendations for this population. Nutritional education with continuous follow-up to monitor athletes' dietary habits may lead them to adopt appropriate nutritional habits to optimize dietary intakes. The lack of specific recommendations for micronutrient intakes in athletes leads to confusion regarding appropriate intakes; biochemical tests that yield normal values (albeit approaching cut-off values for deficiency) may disguise deficient status for some nutrients when strenuous exercise is involved. CONCLUSION: In-depth studies with nutrition education programs that include long-term follow-up are advisable to avoid deficiencies that can lead to irreversible damage in competitive athletes.


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Hirsutism is a relatively frequent condition in an ambulatory setting affecting about 4% of women. A rational clinical and biochemical diagnostic approach assures an optimal treatment directed at etiologic and pathogenetic factors. The diagnosis of hyperandrogenism is evaluated considering the pathophysiologic mechanisms responsible for excessive growth of hair. Ovarian and adrenal tumors are the most serious diseases that have to be excluded by clinical and biochemical tests. The other causes for hirsutism are treatable by a great variety of modalities, available drugs can inhibit pituitary gonadotropins, the hypothalamo-pituitary axis and the conversion of testosterone into biologically active substrate. Finally the binding of androgens to its receptor can be blocked. These possibilities for treatment and their indications for the different etiologies of hirsutism are discussed.


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AIMS: To investigate the relationship of alcohol consumption with the metabolic syndrome and diabetes in a population-based study with high mean alcohol consumption. Few data exist on these conditions in high-risk drinkers. METHODS: In 6172 adults aged 35-75 years, alcohol consumption was categorized as 0, 1-6, 7-13, 14-20, 21-27, 28-34 and ≥ 35 drinks/week or as non-drinkers (0), low-risk (1-13), medium-to-high-risk (14-34) and very-high-risk (≥ 35) drinkers. Alcohol consumption was objectively confirmed by biochemical tests. In multivariate analysis, we assessed the relationship of alcohol consumption with adjusted prevalence of the metabolic syndrome, diabetes and insulin resistance, determined with the homeostasis model assessment of insulin resistance (HOMA-IR). RESULTS: Seventy-three per cent of participants consumed alcohol, 16% were medium-to-high-risk drinkers and 2% very-high-risk drinkers. In multivariate analysis, the prevalence of the metabolic syndrome, diabetes and mean HOMA-IR decreased with low-risk drinking and increased with high-risk drinking. Adjusted prevalence of the metabolic syndrome was 24% in non-drinkers, 19% in low-risk (P<0.001 vs. non-drinkers), 20% in medium-to-high-risk and 29% in very-high-risk drinkers (P=0.005 vs. low-risk). Adjusted prevalence of diabetes was 6.0% in non-drinkers, 3.6% in low-risk (P<0.001 vs. non-drinkers), 3.8% in medium-to-high-risk and 6.7% in very-high-risk drinkers (P=0.046 vs. low-risk). Adjusted HOMA-IR was 2.47 in non-drinkers, 2.14 in low-risk (P<0.001 vs. non-drinkers), 2.27 in medium-to-high-risk and 2.53 in very-high-risk drinkers (P=0.04 vs. low-risk). These relationships did not differ according to beverage types. CONCLUSIONS: Alcohol has a U-shaped relationship with the metabolic syndrome, diabetes and HOMA-IR, without differences between beverage types.


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Résumé Contexte: Bon nombre d'études épidémiologiques concernant les premières crises comitiales ont été effectuées principalement sur des populations générales. Cependant, les patients admis dans un hôpital peuvent présenter des éléments cliniques différents. Nous avons donc mené une étude prospective auprès de sujets dans une population hospitalière ayant subi une première crise d'épilepsie, afin d'étudier leur pronostic et le rôle des examens complémentaires (examen neurologique, imagerie cérébrale, examens sanguins, EEG) dans le choix de l'administration d'une médication antiépileptique. Méthodes : Sur une période d'une année, nous avons suivi 177 patients adultes, admis consécutivement, ayant présenté une crise d'épilepsie dont l'évaluation aiguë a été effectuée dans notre hôpital. Pendant 6 mois, nous avons pratiqué pour chaque patient un suivi du traitement antiépileptique, des récidives de crises et d'un éventuel décès. Résultats : L'examen neurologique était anormal dans 72.3% des cas, l'imagerie cérébrale dans 54.8% et les examens sanguins dans 57.1%. L'EEG a montré des éléments épileptiformes dans 33.9% des cas. L'étiologie la plus fréquemment représentée était constituée par des intoxications. Un traitement antiépileptique a été prescrit chez 51% des patients. 31.6% des sujets suivis à six mois ont subi une récidive ; la mortalité s'est élevée à 17.8%. Statistiquement, l'imagerie cérébrale, l'EEG et l'examen neurologique étaient des facteurs prédictifs indépendants pour l'administration d'antiépileptiques, et l'imagerie cérébrale le seul facteur associé au pronostic. Conclusions : Les patients évalués en aigu dans un hôpital pour une première crise comitiale présentent un profil médical sous-jacent, qui explique probablement leur mauvais pronostic. L'imagerie cérébrale s'est avérée être le test paraclinique le plus important dans la prévention du traitement et du pronostic. Mots-clés : première crise d'épilepsie, étiologie, pronostic, récidive, médication antiépileptique, population hospitalière Summary Background: Epidemiological studies focusing on first-ever seizures have been carried out mainly on community based populations. However, since hospital populations may display varying clinical features, we prospectively analysed patients with first-ever seizure in a hospital based community to evaluate prognosis and the role of complementary investigations in the decision to administer antiepileptic drugs (AED). Methods: Over one year, we recruited 177 consecutive adult patients with a first seizure acutely evaluated in our hospital. During six months' follow-up data relating to AED treatment, recurrence of seizures and death were collected for each patient. Results:. Neurological examination was abnormal in 72.3%, neuroimaging in 54.8% and biochemical tests in 57.1%. Electroencephalogram (EEG) showed epileptiform features in 33.9%. Toxicity represented the most common aetiology. AED was prescribed in 51% of patients. Seizure recurrence at six months involved 31.6% of patients completing the follow-up; mortality was 17.8%. Statistical analysis showed that brain CT, EEG and neurological examination are independent predictive factors for AED administration, but only CT scan is associated with outcome. Conclusions: Patients evaluated acutely for first- ever seizure in a hospital setting have severe underlying clinical conditions apparently related to their relatively poor prognosis. Neuroimaging represents the most important paraclinical test in predicting both treatment administration and outcome.


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Pheochromocytoma (PHEO) and paraganglioma (PGL) are catecholamine-producing neuroendocrine tumors that arise respectively inside or outside the adrenal medulla. Several reports have shown that adrenal glucocorticoids (GC) play an important regulatory role on the genes encoding the main enzymes involved in catecholamine (CAT) synthesis i.e. tyrosine hydroxylase (TH), dopamine β-hydroxylase (DBH) and phenylethanolamine N-methyltransferase (PNMT). To assess the influence of tumor location on CAT metabolism, 66 tissue samples (53 PHEO, 13 PGL) and 73 plasma samples (50 PHEO, 23 PGL) were studied. Western blot and qPCR were performed for TH, DBH and PNMT expression. We found a significantly lower intra-tumoral concentration of CAT and metanephrines (MNs) in PGL along with a downregulation of TH and PNMT at both mRNA and protein level compared with PHEO. However, when PHEO were partitioned into noradrenergic (NorAd) and mixed tumors based on an intra-tumoral CAT ratio (NE/E >90%), PGL and NorAd PHEO sustained similar TH, DBH and PNMT gene and protein expression. CAT concentration and composition were also similar between NorAd PHEO and PGL, excluding the use of CAT or MNs to discriminate between PGL and PHEO on the basis of biochemical tests. We observed an increase of TH mRNA concentration without correlation with TH protein expression in primary cell culture of PHEO and PGL incubated with dexamethasone during 24 hours; no changes were monitored for PNMT and DBH at both mRNA and protein level in PHEO and PGL. Altogether, these results indicate that long term CAT synthesis is not driven by the close environment where the tumor develops and suggest that GC alone is not sufficient to regulate CAT synthesis pathway in PHEO/PGL.


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A bacterium isolated from soil contaminated by hydrocarbon was studied and, by biochemical tests and analysis of PCR, the presence of Bacillus pumilus was identified. The production of biosurfactant was optimized, test of oil degradation and antimicrobial activity determination. The results showed that pH 5.0 and 7.0, 72 h of fermentation, sucrose and sugar cane juice (2%) had best yields. The bacterium is able to degrade crude oil and displays bacteriostatic and fungistatic activity. From the analysis of proximate composition of biosurfactant found the presence of biopolymer formed by a lipopolysaccharide-protein complex.


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In the literature there are a considerable number of chemical and biochemical tests for evaluation of in vitro antioxidant activities of pure compounds or fractions and organic extracts. These tests are important tools for screening of synthetic and natural bioactive compound as well as they can be employed in food chemistry. This work is a critical review of the main methods employed for in vitro antioxidant determination.


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Pheochromocytomas are rare chromaffin cell tumors that nevertheless must be excluded in large numbers of patients who develop sustained or episodic hypertension as well as in many others with suggestive symptoms or with a familial history of pheochromocytoma. Diagnosis of pheochromocytoma depends importantly on biochemical evidence of excess catecholamine production by a tumor. Imperfect sensitivity and specificity of commonly available biochemical tests and the low incidence of the tumor among the tested population mean that considerable time and effort can be expended in confirming or ruling out pheochromocytoma in patients where the tumor is suspected. Measurements of plasma free metanephrines provide a superior test compared to other available tests for diagnosis of pheochromocytoma. In particular, the high sensitivity of plasma free metanephrines means that a normal test result reliably excludes all but the smallest of pheochromocytomas so that no other tests are necessary. Measurements of plasma free metanephrines, when systematically combined with other diagnostic procedures outlined in this review, provide a more efficient, reliable and cost-effective approach for diagnosis of pheochromocytoma than offered by previously available approaches.


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The purpose of research was to investigate the bacterial ecology of tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) fresh fillets and some factors that can influence its microbial quality. Samples of fish cultivation water (n = 20), tilapia tegument and gut (n = 20) and fresh fillets (n = 20) were collected in an experimental tilapia aquaculture located in the city of Lavras, Minas Gerais, Brazil. Staphylococcus spp., Aeromonas spp., Enterococcus spp. and Enterobacteriaceae were quantified using selective plating. For the enumeration of Pseudomonas spp., the most probable number technique (MPN) was utilized. Bacterial colonies (n = 198) were identified by Gram strain and biochemical tests. Aeromonas spp., Pseudomonas spp., Enterococcus spp. and Enterobacteriaceae were found in the cultivation water (water from a fishpond cultivation), tegument, gut, and fresh fillets. Staphylococcus spp. was not isolated in the cultivation water. Salmonella spp. was not detected. The count variable of 10 to 10³ CFU or MPN.(g or mL)-1. Associated to freshwater tilapia fillet processing, there is a large variety of microorganisms related to foodborne illnesses and fish products deterioration.


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INTRODUCTION: Malnutrition is multifactorial and may be modified by nutritional intervention. We aimed to assess the impact of an intervention on the nutritional status of malnourished hemodialysis patients and their acceptance of a non-industrialized nutritional supplement. METHODS: 18 patients were studied, they were selected from a previous nutritional assessment where nutritional risk was defined as: subjective global assessment > 15 plus one criterion for malnutrition. The following variables were assessed: anthropometric parameters, subjective global assessment, dietary intake, six-minute walking test, quality of life (SF-36), and biochemical tests. Patients were randomized to either Control or Intervention Groups. The Intervention Group received a dietetic supplement during dialysis containing 355 kcal, prepared from simple ingredients. After three months, subjects from the Control Group and other patients also considered at nutritional risk underwent the same intervention. The study groups were compared after three months, and all patients were analyzed before and after the intervention. RESULTS: Fifteen men and three women, aged 56.4 ± 15.6 years-old, nine in each group, were studied. The Intervention Group showed an improvement in the subjective global assessment (p = 0.04). There were differences in role physical and bodily pain domains of SF-36, with improvement in the Intervention Group and worsening in the Control Group (p = 0.034 and p = 0.021). Comparisons before and after intervention for all patients showed improvement in the subjective global assessment (16.18 ± 4.27 versus 14.37 ± 4.20, p = 0.04), and in the six-minute walking test (496.60 ± 132.59 versus 547.80 ± 132.48 m; p = 0.036). The nutritional supplement was well tolerated by all patients, and it did not cause side effects. CONCLUSIONS: The nutritional intervention improved the subjective global assessment and quality of life of hemodialysis patients at short-term. A global intervention by a dietitian produced specific and nonspecific positive effects in the whole group. Nutritional supplementation was feasible, palatable, and had low cost. Its clinical impact and effectiveness need to be further assessed in a larger group of patients at long-term.


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A total of 251 bacterial isolates were isolated from blotched mushroom samples obtained from various mushroom farms in Canada. Out of 251 stored isolates, 170 isolates were tested for pathogenicity on Agaricus bisporus through mushroom rapid pitting test with three distinct pathotypes observed: dark brown, brovm and yellow/yellow-brown blotch. Phenotypic analysis of 83 isolates showed two distinct proteinase K resistant peptide profiles. Profile group A isolates exhibited peptides with masses of 45, 18, 16 and 14 kDa and fiirther biochemical tests identified them as Pseudomonasfluorescens III and V. Profile group B isolates lacked the 16-kDa peptide and the blotch causing bacterial isolates of this group was identified as Serratia liquefaciens and Cedecea davisae. Comparative genetic analysis using Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism (AFLP) on 50 Pseudomonas sp. isolates (Group A) showed that various blotch symptoms were caused by isolates distributed throughout the Pseudomonas sp. clusters with the exception of the Pseudomonas tolaasii group and one non-pathogenic Pseudomonas fluorescens cluster. These results show that seven distinct Pseudomonas sp. genotypes (genetic clusters) have the ability to cause various symptoms of blotch and that AFLP can discriminate blotch causing from non-blotch causing Pseudomonasfluorescens. Therefore, a complex of diverse bacterial organisms causes bacterial blotch disease


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Au niveau clinique, il a été observé que de 15 à 30 % des patients qui ont subi un infarctus du myocarde développent une dépression majeure. De plus, la population atteinte de dépression post-infarctus présente un risque de mortalité de trois à quatre fois plus élevé, et ce, en comparaison avec la population non dépressive post-infarctus. Dans un modèle de rat développé pour étudier la dépression post-infarctus, des cellules apoptotiques ont été retrouvées au niveau du système limbique. Il apparaît que les cytokines seraient en partie responsables de cette mort cellulaire qui relie le cœur en ischémie et le système nerveux central. Donc, les objectifs de cette thèse sont : 1) de caractériser spatialement et temporellement la survenue de la mort cellulaire par apoptose dans les structures du système limbique du rat, à la suite d’un infarctus du myocarde ; 2) de déterminer l’effet de l’anti-inflammatoire celecoxib sur cette apoptose observée au niveau de l’amygdale et de déterminer l’implication de l’enzyme COX-2 ; 3) de déterminer l’implication de la cytokine pro-inflammatoire TNF-α dans l’apoptose observée au niveau des structures du système limbique du rat, à la suite d’un infarctus du myocarde. Afin d’atteindre ces objectifs, les rats ont subi une ischémie de 40 minutes, suivi d’une période de reperfusion qui varie d’un protocole à l’autre (15 minutes, 24, 48, 72 heures ou 7 jours). De plus, en fonction du protocole, ces rats ont été traités avec soit du célécoxib (inhibiteur sélectif de la COX-2), soit avec du PEG sTNF-R1 (inhibiteur du TNF-α). À la suite de ces protocoles, les rats ont été sacrifiés, la taille de l’infarctus a été déterminée et les différentes structures cérébrales du système limbique prélevées. Des tests biochimiques propres à chaque protocole ont été réalisés afin de documenter l'apoptose. Il a alors été observé qu’aucun des deux traitements ne présentait d’effet sur la taille de l’infarctus. L’étude de l’apoptose dans le système limbique a révélé que : 1) le processus apoptotique se mettait en place dans l’hippocampe dès les 15 premières minutes de reperfusion suivant l’infarctus du myocarde et que ce processus était spatialement dynamique dans le système limbique jusqu’au septième jour postreperfusion ; 2) il est apparu que la COX-2 était impliquée dans l'apoptose du système limbique ; 3) il a été observé que le TNF-α périphérique était impliqué dans ce processus apoptotique après 72 heures de reperfusion en activant la voie extrinsèque de l'apoptose. Ces résultats ont permis de caractériser la survenue de l’apoptose au niveau du système limbique chez le rat à la suite d’un infarctus du myocarde et de documenter l'implication de la COX-2 et du TNF-α dans ce processus. Bien que ces résultats n’apportent pas de schémas thérapeutiques clairs ou de mécanismes physiopathologiques globaux ces derniers permettent une meilleure compréhension de la relation existante entre le cœur et le système nerveux central dans le cadre de l’infarctus du myocarde. De manière moins spécifique ils précisent la relation entre le système inflammatoire et le système nerveux central.


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La mise en banque d’échantillons humains et de données connexes n’est pas une pratique récente. Toutefois, dans les dernières décennies, ce phénomène a pris une ampleur sans précédent avec la création des biobanques populationnelles. Défini comme étant des infrastructures de recherche conçues pour durer plusieurs décennies, ce type de biobanques invite des milliers et, dans certains cas, des centaines de milliers de personnes à y participer en fournissant des échantillons, en se soumettant à des tests physiques et biochimiques, et en répondant à diverses questions sur leur santé et leur environnement sociodémographique. Mais quelles sont les obligations des biobanques et de leurs chercheurs face aux participants? Considérant leur longue durée, quel est l’encadrement juridique de ces biobanques populationnelles au Québec? Ce sont les deux questions que pose ce mémoire. Quant à l’encadrement, nous utilisons trois axes d’analyse : i) les lois, les règlements, la déontologie professionnelle et les normes applicables; ii) la qualification juridique de l’acte de mise en banque d’échantillons et de données; et iii) les obligations découlant de la nature même de l’objet de la relation juridique. Notre analyse révèle que cet encadrement est une mosaïque législative, contractuelle, déontologique et normative qui, malgré ses complexités et ses défis d’accessibilité pour les participants, assure une certaine protection pour ces derniers. Quant aux obligations incombant à la biobanque et à ses chercheurs, elles sont pour la majorité teintées par des caractéristiques particulières aux biobanques populationnelles. Ainsi, il existe des défis particuliers en ce qui concerne notamment le consentement, le devoir d’information, le retour de résultats et la sécurité des échantillons et des données. Étant donné la nature évolutive de ces obligations, nous proposons une approche basée sur le meilleur intérêt du participant pour déterminer la nature et l’intensité des obligations incombant à une biobanque et à ses chercheurs.


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The main objective of the work undertaken here was to develop an appropriate microbial technology to protect the larvae of M.rosenbergii in hatchery from vibriosis. This technology precisely is consisted of a rapid detection system of vibrios and effective antagonistic probiotics for the management of vibrios. The present work was undertaken with the realizations that to stabilize the production process of commercial hatcheries an appropriate, comprehensive and fool proof technology is required primarily for the rapid detection of Vibrio and subsequently for its management. Nine species of Vibrio have been found to be associated with larvae of M. rosenbergii in hatchery. Haemolytic assay of the Vibrio and Aeromonas on prawn blood agar showed that all isolates of V. alginolyticus and Aeromonas sp., from moribund, necrotized larve were haemolytic and the isolates of V.cholerae, V.splendidus II, V.proteolyticus and V.fluvialis from the larvae obtained from apparently healthy larval rearing systems were non-haemolytic. Hydrolytic enzymes such as lipase, chitinase and gelatinase were widespread amongst the Vibrio and Aeromonas isolates. Dominance of V.alginolyticus among the isolates from necrotic larvae and the failure in isolating them from rearing water strongly suggest that they infect larvae and multiply in the larval body and cause mortality in the hatchery. The observation suggested that the isolate V. alginolyticus was a pathogen to the larvae of M.rosenbergii. To sum up, through this work, nine species of Vibrio and genus Aeromonas associated with M.rosenbergii larval rearing systems could be isolated and segregated based on the haemolytic activity and the antibodies (PA bs) for use in diagnosis or epidemiological studies could be produced, based on a virulent culture of V.alginolyticus. This could possibly replace the conventional biochemical tests for identification. As prophylaxis to vibriosis, four isolates of Micrococcus spp. and an isolate of Pseudomonas sp. could be obtained which could possibly be used as antagonistic probiotics in the larval rearing system of M.rosenbergii.


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Emergence of drug resistance among pathogenic bacteria to currently available antibiotics has intensified the search for novel bioactive compounds from unexplored habitats. In the present study actinomycetes were isolated from two relatively unexplored and widely differing habitats such as mountain and wetlands and their ability to produce antibacterial substances were analyzed. Pure cultures of actinomycetes were identified by morphological and biochemical tests. Various genera of actinomycetes encountered included Nocardia, Pseudonocardia, Streptomyces, Nocardiopsis, Streptosporangium, Micromonospora, Rhodococcus, Actinosynnema, Nocardiodes, Kitasatosporia, Gordona, Intrasporangium and Streptoalloteichus. The frequency of occurrence of each genus was found to vary with sample. About 47% of wetland isolates and 33% of mountain isolates were identified as various species of Nocardia. The isolated strains differed among themselves in their ability to decompose proteins and amino acids and also in enzyme production potential. Antibiotic activities of these actinomycetes were evaluated against 12 test pathogenic bacteria by well diffusion method using agar wells in glycerol-yeast extract agar. About 95% of actinomycete isolates from wetland ecosystem and 75% of highland isolates suppressed in different degrees the growth of test pathogens. Relatively high antibacterial activity among these isolates underlined their potential as a source of novel antibiotics.