62 resultados para biocatalysis


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Enzyme stabilization is one critic point in basic and applied enzymology. The increasing interest in applying enzymes in industrial processes has fostered the search for biocatalysts with new properties or extreme stability. Enzyme stabilization can be achieved by different methods: isolating enzyme variants from organisms living in appropriate extreme environments (extremozymes), by protein engineering, chemical modification, use of additives, immobilization. This brief review aims to give a better understanding of those methods employed for enzyme stabilization.


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Pós-graduação em Química - IQ


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Whole cells of the marine fungi Aspergillus sydowii Gc12, Penicillium raistrickii Ce16, P. miczynskii Gc5, and Trichoderma sp. Gc1, isolated from marine sponges of the South Atlantic Ocean (Brazil), have been screened for the enzymatic resolution of (+/-)-2-(benzyloxymethyl)oxirane (benzyl glycidyl ether; 1). Whole cells of A. sydowii Gc12 catalyzed the enzymatic hydrolysis of (R,S)-1 to yield (R)-1 with an enantiomeric excess (ee) of 24-46% and 3-(benzyloxy)propane-1,2-diol (2) with ee values < 10%. In contrast, whole cells of Trichoderma sp. Gc1 afforded (S)-1 with ee values up to 60% and yields up to 39%, together with (R)-2 in 25% yield and an ee of 32%. This is the first published example of the hydrolysis of 1 by whole cells of marine fungi isolated from the South Atlantic Ocean. The hydrolases from the two studied fungi exhibited complementary regioselectivity in opening the epoxide ring of racemic 1, with those of A. sydowii Gc12 showing an (S) preference and those of Trichoderma sp. Gc1 presenting an (R) preference for the substrate.


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The scanning electron microscopy (SEM) analysis showed that whole living hyphal of marine fungi Aspergillus sclerotiorum CBMAI 849 and Penicillium citrinum CBMAI 1186 were immobilized on support matrices of silica gel, silica xerogel and/or chitosan. P. citrinum immobilized on chitosan catalyzed the quantitative reduction of 1-(4-methoxyphenyl)-ethanone (1) to the enantiomer (S)-1-(4-methoxyphenyl)-ethanol (3b), with excellent enantioselectivity (ee > 99%, yield = 95%). Interestingly, ketone 1 was reduced with moderate selectivity and conversion to alcohol 3b (ee = 69%, c 40%) by the free mycelium of P. citrinum. This free mycelium of P. citrinum catalyzed the production of the (R)-alcohol 3a, the antipode of the alcohol produced by the immobilized cells. P. citrinum immobilized on chitosan also catalyzed the bioreduction of 2-chloro-1-phenylethanone (2) to 2-chloro-1-phenylethanol (4a,b), but in this case without optical selectivity. These results showed that biocatalytic reduction of ketones by immobilization hyphal of marine fungi depends on the xenobiotic substrate and the support matrix used. (c) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Nine strains of marine-derived fungi (Aspergillus sydowii Ce15, A. sydowii Ce19, Aspergillus sclerotiorum CBMAI 849, Bionectria sp. Ce5, Beauveria felina CBMAI 738, Cladosporium cladosporioides CBMAI 857, Mucor racemosus CBMAI 847, Penicillium citrinum CBMAI 1186, and Penicillium miczynskii Gc5) were screened, catalyzing the asymmetric bioreduction of 1-(4-methoxyphenyl) ethanone 1 to its corresponding 1-(4-methoxyphenyl) ethanol 2. A. sydowii Ce15 and Bionectria sp. Ce5 produced the enantiopure (R)-alcohol 2 (>99% ee) in accordance with the anti-Prelog rule and, the fungi B. felina CBMAI 738 (>99% ee) and P. citrinum CBMAI 1186 (69% ee) in accordance with the Prelog rule. Stereoselective bioreduction by whole cells of marine-derived fungi described by us is important for the production of new reductases from marine-derived fungi.


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The present Thesis studies three alternative solvent groups as sustainable replacement of traditional organic solvents. Some aspects of fluorinated solvents, supercritical fluids and ionic liquids, have been analysed with a critical approach and their effective “greenness” has been evaluated from the points of view of the synthesis, the properties and the applications. In particular, the attention has been put on the environmental and human health issues, evaluating the eco-toxicity, the toxicity and the persistence, to underline that applicability and sustainability are subjects with equal importance. The “green” features of fluorous solvents and supercritical fluids are almost well-established; in particular supercritical carbon dioxide (scCO2) is probably the “greenest” solvent among the alternative solvent systems developed in the last years, enabling to combine numerous advantages both from the point of view of industrial/technological applications and eco-compatibility. In the Thesis the analysis of these two classes of alternative solvents has been mainly focused on their applicability, rather than the evaluation of their environmental impact. Specifically they have been evaluated as alternative media for non-aqueous biocatalysis. For this purpose, the hydrophobic ion pairing (HIP), which allows solubilising enzymes in apolar solvents by an ion pairing between the protein and a surfactant, has been investigated as effective enzymatic derivatisation technique to improve the catalytic activity under homogeneous conditions in non conventional media. The results showed that the complex enzyme-surfactant was much more active both in fluorous solvents and in supercritical carbon dioxide than the native form of the enzyme. Ionic liquids, especially imidazolium salts, have been proposed some years ago as “fully green” alternative solvents; however this epithet does not take into account several “brown” aspects such as their synthesis from petro-chemical starting materials, their considerable eco-toxicity, toxicity and resistance to biodegradation, and the difficulty of clearly outline applications in which ionic liquids are really more advantageous than traditional solvents. For all of these reasons in this Thesis a critical analysis of ionic liquids has been focused on three main topics: i) alternative synthesis by introducing structural moieties which could reduce the toxicity of the most known liquid salts, and by using starting materials from renewable resources; ii) on the evaluation of their environmental impact through eco-toxicological tests (Daphnia magna and Vibrio fischeri acute toxicity tests, and algal growth inhibition), toxicity tests (MTT test, AChE inhibition and LDH release tests) and fate and rate of aerobic biodegradation in soil and water; iii) and on the demonstration of their effectiveness as reaction media in organo-catalysis and as extractive solvents in the recovery of vegetable oil from terrestrial and aquatic biomass. The results about eco-toxicity tests with Daphnia magna, Vibrio fischeri and algae, and toxicity assay using cultured cell lines, clearly indicate that the difference in toxicity between alkyl and oxygenated cations relies in differences of polarity, according to the general trend of decreasing toxicity by decreasing the lipophilicity. Independently by the biological approach in fact, all the results are in agreement, showing a lower toxicity for compounds with oxygenated lateral chains than for those having purely alkyl lateral chains. These findings indicate that an appropriate choice of cation and anion structures is important not only to design the IL with improved and suitable chemico-physical properties but also to obtain safer and eco-friendly ILs. Moreover there is a clear indication that the composition of the abiotic environment has to be taken into account when the toxicity of ILs in various biological test systems is analysed, because, for example, the data reported in the Thesis indicate a significant influence of salinity variations on algal toxicity. Aerobic biodegradation of four imidazolium ionic liquids, two alkylated and two oxygenated, in soil was evaluated for the first time. Alkyl ionic liquids were shown to be biodegradable over the 6 months test period, and in contrast no significant mineralisation was observed with oxygenated derivatives. A different result was observed in the aerobic biodegradation of alkylated and oxygenated pyridinium ionic liquids in water because all the ionic liquids were almost completely degraded after 10 days, independently by the number of oxygen in the lateral chain of the cation. The synthesis of new ionic liquids by using renewable feedstock as starting materials, has been developed through the synthesis of furan-based ion pairs from furfural. The new ammonium salts were synthesised in very good yields, good purity of the products and wide versatility, combining low melting points with high decomposition temperatures and reduced viscosities. Regarding the possible applications as surfactants and biocides, furan-based salts could be a valuable alternative to benzyltributylammonium salts and benzalkonium chloride that are produced from non-renewable resources. A new procedure for the allylation of ketones and aldehydes with tetraallyltin in ionic liquids was developed. The reaction afforded high yields both in sulfonate-containing ILs and in ILs without sulfonate upon addition of a small amount of sulfonic acid. The checked reaction resulted in peculiar chemoselectivity favouring aliphatic substrates towards aromatic ketones and good stereoselectivity in the allylation of levoglucosenone. Finally ILs-based systems could be easily and successfully recycled, making the described procedure environmentally benign. The potential role of switchable polarity solvents as a green technology for the extraction of vegetable oil from terrestrial and aquatic biomass has been investigated. The extraction efficiency of terrestrial biomass rich in triacylglycerols, as soy bean flakes and sunflower seeds, was comparable to those of traditional organic solvents, being the yield of vegetable oils recovery very similar. Switchable polarity solvents as been also exploited for the first time in the extraction of hydrocarbons from the microalga Botryococcus braunii, demonstrating the efficiency of the process for the extraction of both dried microalgal biomass and directly of the aqueous growth medium. The switchable polarity solvents exhibited better extraction efficiency than conventional solvents, both with dried and liquid samples. This is an important issue considering that the harvest and the dewatering of algal biomass have a large impact on overall costs and energy balance.


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Propionyl-coenzyme A carboxylase (PCC), a mitochondrial biotin-dependent enzyme, is essential for the catabolism of the amino acids Thr, Val, Ile and Met, cholesterol and fatty acids with an odd number of carbon atoms. Deficiencies in PCC activity in humans are linked to the disease propionic acidaemia, an autosomal recessive disorder that can be fatal in infants. The holoenzyme of PCC is an alpha(6)beta(6) dodecamer, with a molecular mass of 750 kDa. The alpha-subunit contains the biotin carboxylase (BC) and biotin carboxyl carrier protein (BCCP) domains, whereas the beta-subunit supplies the carboxyltransferase (CT) activity. Here we report the crystal structure at 3.2-A resolution of a bacterial PCC alpha(6)beta(6) holoenzyme as well as cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM) reconstruction at 15-A resolution demonstrating a similar structure for human PCC. The structure defines the overall architecture of PCC and reveals unexpectedly that the alpha-subunits are arranged as monomers in the holoenzyme, decorating a central beta(6) hexamer. A hitherto unrecognized domain in the alpha-subunit, formed by residues between the BC and BCCP domains, is crucial for interactions with the beta-subunit. We have named it the BT domain. The structure reveals for the first time the relative positions of the BC and CT active sites in the holoenzyme. They are separated by approximately 55 A, indicating that the entire BCCP domain must translocate during catalysis. The BCCP domain is located in the active site of the beta-subunit in the current structure, providing insight for its involvement in the CT reaction. The structural information establishes a molecular basis for understanding the large collection of disease-causing mutations in PCC and is relevant for the holoenzymes of other biotin-dependent carboxylases, including 3-methylcrotonyl-CoA carboxylase (MCC) and eukaryotic acetyl-CoA carboxylase (ACC).


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Although bacterial strain able to grow in the presence of organic solvents have been isolated, little is known about the mechanism of their resistance. In the present study, 1,2,3,4-tetrahydronaphthalene (tetralin), a solvent with potential applications in industrial biocatalysis, was used to select a resistant mutant of Escherichia coli. The resultant mutant strain was tested for resistance to a wide range of solvents of varying hydrophobicities and was found to be resistant not only to tetralin itself but also to cyclohexane, propylbenzene, and 1,2-dihydronaphthalene. A recombinant library from mutant DNA was used to clone the resistance gene. The sequence of the cloned locus was determined and found to match the sequence of the previously described alkylhydroperoxide reductase operon ahpCF. The mutation was localized to a substitution of valine for glycine at position 142 in the coding region of ahpC, which is the gene encoding the catalytic subunit of the enzyme. The ahpC mutant was found to have an activity that was three times that of the wild type in reducing tetralin hydroperoxide to 1,2,3,4-tetrahydro-1-naphthol. We conclude that the toxicity of such solvents as tetralin is caused by the formation of toxic hydroperoxides in the cell. The ahpC mutation increases the activity of the enzyme toward hydrophobic hydroperoxides, thereby conferring resistance. The ahpC mutant was sensitive to the more hydrophilic solvents xylene and toluene, suggesting that there are additional mechanisms of solvent toxicity. Mutants resistant to a mixture of xylene and tetralin were isolated from the ahpC mutant but not from the wild-type strain.


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Diversos biomateriais podem ser aplicados como suportes na imobilização de células totais de fungos filamentosos ou enzimas isoladas, visando a manutenção e o prolongamento da atividade enzimática em processos biocatalíticos. Exemplos promissores de biomateriais são a fibroína da seda e o alginato de sódio. A fibroína é um material protéico com alta estabilidade térmica, elasticidade, resistência à tensão, não sofre ataque microbiano, baixo custo de purificação e alta tenacidade, o alginato é um biopolímero versátil, devido a suas propriedades gelificantes em soluções aquosas. Assim, neste trabalho empregou-se micélios do fungo derivado de ambiente marinho, Penicillium citrinum CBMAI 1186, livres e imobilizados em biopolímeros (fibra de algodão, fibra de fibroína da seda e fibra de paina) na biorredução quimiosseletiva, regiosseletiva e enantiosseletiva da ligação α,β-C=C de enonas α,β-, α,β,γ,δ- e di-α,β-insaturadas previamente sintetizados pela a reação de condensação aldólica. Foi possível a utilização do fungo P. citrinum CBMAI 1186 na redução quimiosseletiva, regiosseletiva e enantiosseletiva da ligação dupla carbono-carbono de sistemas α,β-insaturados. A imobilização do fungo P. citrinum CBMAI 1186 em biopolímeros (algodão, fibroína da seda, paina e quitosana) permitiu a prolongamento da atividade celular do fungo. O protocolo desenvolvido foi capaz de obter compostos até então descritos apenas por síntese clássica. Também foi realizado reações de resolução enzimática de derivados de haloidrinas por diferentes lipases microbianas de: Pseudomonas fluorescens, Candida cylindracea, Rhizopus niveus e Aspergillus niger. A lipase de P. fluorescens foi imobilizada em esferas de fibroína do bicho da seda (método 1, via adsorção) e em blenda com alginato de cálcio (método 2, via encapsulação) em diferentes condições, tais como, variação de solvente, variação da quantidade de enzima imobilizada e tempo de reação. As condições otimizadas foram empregadas em diferentes haloidrinas, rendendo elevados excessos enantioméricos (ee > 99%) e alta razão enanantiomérica (E > 200) para os produtos acetilados. Foi possível desenvolver um protocolo simples, barato e prático para a síntese enantiosseletiva de haloidrina reforçando a versatilidade da fibroína e do alginato como suportes de imobilização para catalisadores heterogêneos. Também foi possível utilizar a lipase imobilizada (método 2) na reação de transesterificação para obtenção do biodiesel etílico. As melhores condições para o bom funcionamento do biocatalisador foram: 30% do biocatalisador, 20% de n-hexano, relação óleo e etanol de 1:4 a 32 ºC por 48 h em agitação magnética (400 rpm). Essas condições permitiram a formação de 42% de rendimento do biodiesel etílico. O biocatalisador apresentou algumas limitações reacionais, tais como, fragilidade frente a elevadas temperaturas (> 32 ºC) e prolongado tempo de agitação magnética. Porém, permaneceu apto no meio por 4 ciclos consecutivas. Conclui-se que os biomateriais (fibroína, alginato e quitosana) podem ser utilizados como alternativas versáteis na imobilização de micélios de fungos filamentoso e de enzimas isoladas para aplicações em biocatalíticas.


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Improvement of the features of an enzyme is in many instances a pre-requisite for the industrial implementation of these exceedingly interesting biocatalysts. To reach this goal, the researcher may utilize different tools. For example, amination of the enzyme surface produces an alteration of the isoelectric point of the protein along with its chemical reactivity (primary amino groups are the most widely used to obtain the reaction of the enzyme with surfaces, chemical modifiers, etc.) and even its “in vivo” behavior. This review will show some examples of chemical (mainly modifying the carboxylic groups using the carbodiimide route), physical (using polycationic polymers like polyethyleneimine) and genetic amination of the enzyme surface. Special emphasis will be put on cases where the amination is performed to improve subsequent protein modifications. Thus, amination has been used to increase the intensity of the enzyme/support multipoint covalent attachment, to improve the interaction with cation exchanger supports or polymers, or to promote the formation of crosslinkings (both intra-molecular and in the production of crosslinked enzyme aggregates). In other cases, amination has been used to directly modulate the enzyme properties (both in immobilized or free form). Amination of the enzyme surface may also pursue other goals not related to biocatalysis. For example, it has been used to improve the raising of antibodies against different compounds (both increasing the number of haptamers per enzyme and the immunogenicity of the composite) or the ability to penetrate cell membranes. Thus, amination may be a very powerful tool to improve the use of enzymes and proteins in many different areas and a great expansion of its usage may be expected in the near future.