974 resultados para bat parasites
Five commonly imported freshwater ornamental fish: Poecilia reticulata (guppy); Xiphophorus maculatus (platy); Paracheirodon innesi (neon tetra); Paracheirodon axelrodi (cardinal tetra); and Gyrinocheilus aymonieri (sucking catfish), 361 individuals in total, were examined for parasites immediately after being released from quarantine in Australia. Ten parasites species were found: Camallanus cotti; Centrocestus formosanus; Bothriocephalus acheilognathi; Urocleidoides reticulatus; Tetrahymena corlissi; Chilodonella piscicola; Hexamita sp.; Cryptobia sp.; Chloromyxum sp.; and an unidentified larval nematode. Though shipments had come from up to five different exporting companies, parasite prevalence was uniformly high. We suggest that prior to release, fish transported internationally should be checked for high risk pathogens such as Camallanus cotti, B. acheilognathi and Centrocestus formosanus, and treated for common infections such as Hexamita sp., Cryptobia sp. T. corlissi and Chilodonella piscicola to inhibit the spread of disease and enhance the survival of the fish.
Data from permanent parasites (juvenile trypanorhynchs and anisakids) indicated that Spanish mackerel Scomberomorus commerson from four sites on the west coast of Australia, Abrolhos, Shark Bay, Exmouth and Onslow, intermingled and were probably all drawn from the same stock. Fish from Broome, Kupang (Indonesia), Groote Eylandt-Torres Strait and the cast coast of Australia had distinct faunas of permanent parasites and probably each belonged to a different stock. There was evidence of movement of fish between Broome and the west coast. Abundances of temporary parasites (gill copepods and monogeneans) suggested that males and females on the west coast migrated separately because in several cases the parasite fauna of one sex was more similar to that of fish in an adjacent area than to the opposite sex in the same area. (C) 2001 The Fisheries Society of the British Isles.
Farming yellowtail in Japan is big business and cultivation of the closely related kingfish in South Australia is rapidly emerging as a local industry. But when it comes to parasites, farming the sea is no different from farming on land. Parasites can affect productivity, and solving parasite problems is important in this rapidly growing industry.
Blood-feeding parasites, including schistosomes, hookworms, and malaria parasites, employ aspartic proteases to make initial or early cleavages in ingested host hemoglobin. To better understand the substrate affinity of these aspartic proteases, sequences were aligned with and/or three-dimensional, molecular models were constructed of the cathepsin D-like aspartic proteases of schistosomes and hookworms and of plasmepsins of Plasmodium falciparum and Plasmodium vivax, using the structure of human cathepsin D bound to the inhibitor pepstatin as the template. The catalytic subsites S5 through S4' were determined for the modeled parasite proteases. Subsequently, the crystal structure of mouse renin complexed with the nonapeptidyl inhibitor t-butyl-CO-His-Pro-Phe-His-Leu [CHOHCH2]Leu-Tyr-Tyr-Ser-NH2 (CH-66) was used to build homology models of the hemoglobin-degrading peptidases docked with a series of octapeptide substrates. The modeled octapeptides included representative sites in hemoglobin known to be cleaved by both Schistosoma japonicum cathepsin D and human cathepsin D, as well as sites cleaved by one but not the other of these enzymes. The peptidase-octapeptide substrate models revealed that differences in cleavage sites were generally attributable to the influence of a single amino acid change among the P5 to P4' residues that would either enhance or diminish the enzymatic affinity. The difference in cleavage sites appeared to be more profound than might be expected from sequence differences in the enzymes and hemoglobins. The findings support the notion that selective inhibitors of the hemoglobin-degrading peptidases of blood-feeding parasites at large could be developed as novel anti-parasitic agents.
Since European settlement in Australia, the geographical range of ghost bats (Macroderma gigas) has contracted northwards. Ghost bats are thought to occur in disjunct populations with little interpopulation migration, raising concerns over the current status and future viability of the southernmost colony, which has also been threatened by mining activity. To address these concerns, demographic parameters of the southernmost colony were estimated from a mark-recapture study conducted during 1975-1981. Female bats gave birth to a single young in late spring, but only 40% (22-70%, 95% CI) of females bred in their second year, increasing to 93% (87-97%, 95% CI) for females greater than or equal to 2 years old. Sixty-five percent of juveniles caught were female. Annual adult survival ranged between 0.57-0.77 for females and 0.43-0.66 for males, and was lowest over winter-spring and greatest in autumn-winter. Juvenile survival for the first year ranged between 0.35-0.46 for females and 0.29-0.42 for males. Adult survival varied among seasons, was negatively associated with rainfall, but was not associated with temperature beyond being lower in late winter. Poor survival may result from the inferior daytime roosts that bats must use if water seepage forces them to leave their normal roosts. Although these age-specific rates of fecundity and survival suggested a declining population, mark-recapture estimates of the population trend indicated stability over the study period. Counts at daytime roosts also suggested a population decline, but were considered unreliable because of an increasing tendency of bats to avoid detection. It is therefore likely that some assumptions in estimating survival were violated. These results provide a caution against the uncritical use of population projections derived from mark-recapture estimates of demographic parameters, and the use of untested indices as the basis for conservation decisions.
A deterministic mathematical model which predicts the probability of developing a new drug-resistant parasite population within the human host is reported, The model incorporates the host's specific antibody response to PfEMP1, and also investigates the influence of chemotherapy on the probability of developing a viable drug-resistant parasite population within the host. Results indicate that early, treatment, and a high antibody threshold coupled with a long lag time between antibody stimulation and activity, are risk factors which increase the likelihood of developing a viable drug-resistant parasite population. High parasite mutation rates and fast PfEMP1 var gene switching are also identified as risk factors. The model output allows the relative importance of the various risk factors as well as the relationships between them to be established, thereby increasing the understanding of the conditions which favour the development of a new drug-resistant parasite population.
Cleaning behaviour has generally been viewed from the cleaner or client's point of view. Few studies, however, have examined cleaning behaviour from the parasites' perspective, yet they are the equally-important third players in such associations. All three players are likely to have had their evolution affected by the association. As cleaner organisms are important predators of parasites, cleaners are likely to have an important effect on their prey. Little, however, is known of how parasites are affected by cleaning associations and the strategies that parasites use in response to cleaners. I examine here what parasites are involved in cleaning interactions, the effect cleaners have on parasites, the potential counter-adaptations that parasites have evolved against the predatory activities of cleaner organisms, the potential influence of cleaners on the life history traits of parasites, and other factors affected by cleaners. I have found that a wide range of ectoparasites from diverse habitats have been reported to interact with a wide range of cleaner organisms. Some of the life history traits of parasites are consistent with the idea that they are in response to cleaner predation. It is clear, however, that although many cleaning systems exist their ecological role is largely unexplored. This has likely been hindered by our lack of information on the parasites involved in cleaning interactions.
Secreted anterior adhesives, used for temporary attachment to epithelial surfaces of fishes (skin and gills) by some monogenean (platyhelminth) parasites have been partially characterised. Adhesive is composed of protein. Amino acid composition has been determined for seven monopisthocotylean monogeneans. Six of these belong to the Monocotylidae and one species, Entobdella soleae (van Beneden et Hesse, 1864) Johnston, 1929, is a member of the Capsalidae. Histochemistry shows that the adhesive does not contain polysaccharides, including acid mucins, or lipids. The adhesive before secretion and in its secreted form contains no dihydroxyphenylalanine (dopa). Secreted adhesive is highly insoluble, but has a soft consistency and is mechanically removable from glass surfaces. Generally there are high levels of glycine and alanine, low levels of tyrosine and methionine, and histidine is often absent. However, amino acid content varies between species, the biggest differences evident when the monocotylid monogeneans were compared with E. soleae. Monogenean adhesive shows similarity in amino acid profile with adhesives from starfish, limpets and barnacles. However, there are some differences in individual amino acids in the temporary adhesive secretions of, on the one hand, the monogeneans and, on the other hand, the starfish and limpets. These differences may reflect the fact that monogeneans, unlike starfish and barnacles, attach to living tissue (tissue adhesion). A method of extracting unsecreted adhesive was investigated for use in further characterisation studies on monogenean glues.
We described the effects of haemogregarine-like parasites on the blood chemistry and health of brown tree snakes (Boiga irregularis) and slatey-grey snakes (Stegonotus cucullatus) to evaluate the potential for these parasites to be used as a form of biological wildlife control for introduced brown tree snakes on Guam. We quantified the level of parasitic infection and found no significant correlation between parasitic infection and blood chemistry (P-values ranged from 0.94 to 0.13) or snake condition (P = 0.65 and 0.40 in brown tree snakes and slatey-grey snakes, respectively). These findings indicate that haemogregarines may not be a good candidate to control brown tree snakes. However, parasitic infection in our specimens was low ( < 10%) and higher infection rates may yield significant effect on the health of these snakes. Further research should be conducted on the effects of haemogregarines to host species, the life histories of these parasites, and the potential negative effects to other fauna before blood parasites are employed as a viable biological control technique. (C) 2002 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd.
The Trypanosomatidae comprise a large group of parasitic protozoa, some of which cause important diseases in humans. These include Tryanosoma brucei (the causative agent of African sleeping sickness and nagana in cattle), Trypanosoma cruzi (the causative agent of Chagas' disease in Central and South America), and Leishmania spp. (the causative agent of visceral and [muco]cutaneous leishmaniasis throughout the tropics and subtropics). The cell surfaces of these parasites are covered in complex protein- or carbohydrate-rich coats that are required for parasite survival and infectivity in their respective insect vectors and mammalian hosts. These molecules are assembled in the secretory pathway. Recent advances in the genetic manipulation of these parasites as well as progress with the parasite genome projects has greatly advanced our understanding of processes that underlie secretory transport in trypanosomatids. This article provides an overview of the organization of the trypanosomatid secretory pathway and connections that exist with endocytic organelles and multiple lytic and storage vacuoles. A number of the molecular components that are required for vesicular transport have been identified, as have some of the sorting signals that direct proteins to the cell surface or organelles it? the endosome-vacuole system. Finally, the subcellular organization of the major glycosylation pathways in these parasites is reviewed. Studies on these highly divergent eukaryotes provide important insights into the molecular processes underlying secretory transport that arose very early in eukaryotic evolution. They also reveal unusual or novel aspects of secretory), transport and protein glycosylation that may be exploited in developing new antiparasite drugs.
The parasite fauna of Spanish mackerel Scomberomorus commerson from 10 sites across northern Australia and one site in Indonesia, was examined to evaluate the degree of movement and subsequent stock structure of the fish. Kupang fish (Indonesia) had very few Terranova spp.. Grillotia branchi, Otobothrium cysticum or Pterobothrium sp. compared to Australian fish, indicating that no Australian fish enter the Kupang fishery. Univariate and discriminant function analysis of four 'temporary' parasite species, the copepod Pseudocyenoides armatus and the monogeneans Gotocotyla bivaginalis, Pricea multae and Pseudothoracocotyla ovalis, demonstrated little similarity between areas of northern Australia, indicating minimal short-term exchange between neighbouring groups of S. commerson. Analyses of five 'permanent' parasite species, the larval helminths G. branchi, O. cysticum, Pterobothrium sp., Callitetrarhynchus gracilis and Paranybelinia balli, also revealed large differences between areas thus indicating long-term separation. There are at least six parasitological stocks across northern Australia: Fog Bay/Bathurst Island, Cape Wessel. Groote/Sir Edward Pellew. Mornington Island, Weipa. and the Torres Strait. The occurrence of a few irregular fish in the samples suggested that LIP to 5% of fish moved between stocks during their lifetime. The similarity of within-school variability to that between schools showed that the fish do not form long-term school associations. (C) 2003 The Fisheries Society of the British Isles.
During the second half of 1986 the impact of the improvement of water supply and excreta disposal facilities on diarrheal diseases and intestinal parasitosis was studied in 254 children up to six years of age from two favelas (shanty towns) of Belo Horizonte, Brazil. The estimated incidence of diarrhea was 6.2 episodes/child year and the estimated period prevalence reached 31.0 episode days/ child/ year. The point prevalence of parasitosis was 70.7% (Ascaris lumbricoides: 55.4%, Trichuris trichiura: 19.6%, Giardia lamblia: 17.9%). The estimated prevalence of diarrhea decreased with improvement of water supply and sanitation facilities to 45% and 44% respectively, but no statistically significant impact was observed in the case of parasitosis. School education and weaning practice were found to be other important determinants of diarrhea.