991 resultados para basic block reduce
This data set contains soil carbon measurements (Organic carbon, inorganic carbon, and total carbon; all measured in dried soil samples) from the main experiment plots of a large grassland biodiversity experiment (the Jena Experiment; see further details below). In the main experiment, 82 grassland plots of 20 x 20 m were established from a pool of 60 species belonging to four functional groups (grasses, legumes, tall and small herbs). In May 2002, varying numbers of plant species from this species pool were sown into the plots to create a gradient of plant species richness (1, 2, 4, 8, 16 and 60 species) and functional richness (1, 2, 3, 4 functional groups). Plots were maintained by bi-annual weeding and mowing. Stratified soil sampling to a depth of 1 m was performed before sowing in April 2002. Three independent samples per plot were taken of all plots in block 2 using a motor-driven soil column cylinder (Cobra, Eijkelkamp, 8.3 cm in diameter). Soil samples were dried at 40°C and segmented to a depth resolution of 5 cm giving 20 depth subsamples per core. All samples were analyzed independently. All soil samples were passed through a sieve with a mesh size of 2 mm. Rarely present visible plant remains were removed using tweezers. Total carbon concentration was analyzed on ball-milled subsamples (time 4 min, frequency 30 s**-1) by an elemental analyzer at 1150°C (Elementaranalysator vario Max CN; Elementar Analysensysteme GmbH, Hanau, Germany). We measured inorganic carbon concentration by elemental analysis at 1150°C after removal of organic carbon for 16 h at 450°C in a muffle furnace. Organic carbon concentration was calculated as the difference between both measurements of total and inorganic carbon.
This data set contains measurements of total nitrogen from the main experiment plots of a large grassland biodiversity experiment (the Jena Experiment; see further details below). In the main experiment, 82 grassland plots of 20 x 20 m were established from a pool of 60 species belonging to four functional groups (grasses, legumes, tall and small herbs). In May 2002, varying numbers of plant species from this species pool were sown into the plots to create a gradient of plant species richness (1, 2, 4, 8, 16 and 60 species) and functional richness (1, 2, 3, 4 functional groups). Plots were maintained by bi-annual weeding and mowing. Stratified soil sampling to a depth of 1m was repeated in April 2007 (as had been done before sowing in April 2002). Three independent samples per plot were taken of all plots in block 2 using a motor-driven soil column cylinder (Cobra, Eijkelkamp, 8.3 cm in diameter). Soil samples were dried at 40°C and segmented to a depth resolution of 5 cm giving 20 depth subsamples per core. All samples were analyzed independently. All soil samples were passed through a sieve with a mesh size of 2 mm. Because of much higher proportions of roots in the soil, the samples in 2007 were further sieved to 1 mm according to common root removal methods. No additional mineral particles were removed by this procedure. Total nitrogen concentration was analyzed on ball-milled subsamples (time 4 min, frequency 30 s-1) by an elemental analyzer at 1150°C (Elementaranalysator vario Max CN; Elementar Analysensysteme GmbH, Hanau, Germany).
Actualmente se está empezando a consolidar una nueva forma de gestionar la conservación y mantenimiento de la red viaria de las Administraciones Públicas, basándose en contratos de colaboración público-privadas (PPP). Las motivaciones que están provocando este movimiento son de diversa índole. Por un lado, en el seno de la Unión Europea, existen serias restricciones presupuestarias debido al alto endeudamiento del sector público, lo que está llevando a buscar la forma óptima de disminuir el endeudamiento público, sin dejar de prestar servicios a la sociedad como la conservación y mantenimiento de las redes viarias. Por esta vertiente, se trata de convertir contratos convencionales de conservación viaria a esquemas de colaboración público-privada, donde se transferiría al sector privado el riesgo de disponibilidad de la vía mediante el uso de indicadores de calidad y servicio. Con esta transferencia de riesgo, junto con la transferencia del riesgo de demanda/construcción, no consolidaría la deuda de la sociedad de propósito específico constituida para la gestión del contrato de colaboración público-privada dentro de las cuentas públicas, con lo que se conseguiría no aumentar el déficit público, permitiendo continuar ofreciendo el servicio demandado por la sociedad. Por otro lado, la segunda motivación del desarrollo de este tipo de contratos, no tan economicista como la anterior y más enfocada a la gestión, se trata de utilizar los contratos de gestión basados en el uso de indicadores de calidad de servicio para mejorar las prestaciones de la red viaria competencia de una Administración. Con el uso de estos indicadores, el gestor tiene una herramienta muy útil para controlar la actividad del sector privado y asegurar que se ofrece un buen servicio. En la presente tesis, la investigación se ha centrado más en la vertiente de los indicadores de calidad relacionados con la gestión eficiente de las vías objeto de conservación y mantenimiento mediante el empleo de contratos de gestión privada que utilicen este tipo de herramientas de control, monitorización y gestión. En una primera parte, la presente tesis estudia el estado de la red de carreteras, referido principalmente a España, comparando su estado con el resto de redes de carreteras de Europa, detectando las principales carencias de la misma, sobre todo en cuanto a la gestión y conservación de firmes. En un segundo bloque, la tesis analiza el estado del arte de los nuevos procedimientos de gestión de la conservación y mantenimiento basados en indicadores de calidad del servicio en el mundo, destacándose que se trata de un tema relativamente reciente, con gran interés para el sector de la gestión y financiación de infraestructuras viarias. Al ser tan novedoso, por la falta de experiencias previas, las distintas Administración, tanto propias como foráneas, han pecado de un exceso de celo a la hora de establecer los umbrales sobre los que giran los distintos indicadores de calidad de servicio que permiten controlar la gestión de la conservación y mantenimiento de la vía. Partiendo de la labor de análisis descrita, la tesis realiza una investigación más detallada de los indicadores de calidad de servicio correspondientes a firmes bituminosos, debido a que estos indicadores son los más delicados y decisivos a la hora de realizar una correcta gestión de la vía a largo plazo. Dentro de los indicadores de firmes bituminosos, se ha realizado un modelo específico de evolución de comportamiento a lo largo del tiempo de la regularidad superficial, parámetro básico para numerosas Administraciones y organismos investigadores para poder conocer la evolución de un firme a lo largo del tiempo. A esta metodología se le ha dado el nombre de Modelo JRB para evaluar la racionalidad económica de indicadores de calidad asociados a parámetros de firmes. El modelo propuesto básicamente evalúa el valor óptimo desde la perspectiva económica que ha de tener el parámetro técnico que defina alguna propiedad del firme, aplicado a la definición de los indicadores de calidad de servicio. Esta visión del valor umbral del indicador deja a un lado consideraciones de equidad o de cualquier otra índole, basándose más en una visión económica. La metodología del Modelo JRB se puede aplicar a cualquier indicador de calidad relacionado con firmes, ya que lo que se obtiene es el valor óptimo económico que debería tener el umbral del indicador de calidad. El Modelo JRB consta de varias fases. En las primeras etapas el Modelo realiza el cálculo de los costes totales de transporte utilizando como herramienta el software HDM-IV desarrollado por el Banco Mundial. En etapas posteriores, el Modelo realiza análisis de sensibilidad para distintas propuestas de sección de firme, intensidades de tráfico y restricciones al parámetro técnico que define el indicador de calidad de servicio. Como ejercicio práctico de cara a contrastar la metodología del Modelo JRB se ha realizado un Caso de Estudio. Se ha tomado un tramo teórico, con características similares a la red de carreteras española, y con una flota vehicular similar a la española, donde se ha elegido como indicador de calidad la regularidad superficial (IRI). Con las sensibilidades realizadas con el Modelo JRB, se ha determinado el rango de valores que debería tener un indicador de calidad basado en el IRI para que dichos valores fueran óptimos desde la perspectiva económica Nowadays is becoming a new way to manage O&M (operation and maintenance) in public road networks, based on PPP contracts (public-private partnership). There are several issues which are driving this trend. On the one hand, EU (European Union) has serious budgetary constraints due to the high public sector borrowing. EU politicians are looking for the best way to reduce public debt, keeping services to society such as O&M of road networks. For this aspect, conventional O&M contracts are switching to PPP scenarios, where availability risk would be transfer to private sector using PI (performance indicators), along with demand risk transfer With this risk transference, along with the transfer of demand/construction risk, SPV (specific purpose vehicle) debt doesn’t consolidate in public accounts, so deficit wouldn’t increase, allowing the continuation of services demanded by society. On the other hand, the second motivation for developing this kind of contracts, not so economist as above and more focused to management, it is about using O&M contracts based on the use of PI to improve road network maintenance. Using these indicators, manager has a very useful tool to monitor private sector activity and ensure that it is provided a good service. In this thesis, the research has been focused on PI quality aspect, related with efficient management of PPP contracts for roads, which use these tools for control, monitoring and management. In the first part, this thesis examines the state of road network, based mainly in Spain, comparing with other road networks in Europe, identifying the main gaps in it, especially with regard to the management and maintenance of pavements. In a second block, the thesis analyzes the state of art of new O&M contracts based on PI in the world, emphasizing that they are relatively recent. These kinds of contracts have a great interest in road management and financing sector. Administrations all around the world have launch tenders with very exigent PI thresholds due to several factors: this knowledge is a new area, the lack of previous experiences and the variety of Administrations which have bid these contracts. Building on the described analysis, thesis develops a more detailed research about PI for bituminous pavements, because these PI are the most delicate and decisive in making a proper long term road management. Among bituminous pavements PI, IRI (International Roughness Index) has been analyzed with more detail and has been developed a specific model of behaviour evolution over time for evenness (IRI), basic parameter for many administrations and research departments in order to know the evolution of a pavement over time. This methodology has been given the name of JRB Model to evaluate the economic rationality of performance indicators associated with pavements parameters. The proposed model basically evaluates the optimal value from an economic perspective it must have the technical parameter which defines some pavement characteristic applied to the definition of performance indicators. This point of view of indicator value threshold sets aside justice considerations or otherwise, based more on an economic perspective. JRB Model methodology can be applied to any performance indicator associated to pavements, because what you get is the economic optimum threshold should have the performance indicator. JRB Model consists of several phases. In the early stages, the Model calculates transport total cost using HDM-IV software, developed by the World Bank, as a tool. In later stages, the Model performs sensitivity analyzes for different pavement section, AADT and restrictions to the technical parameter which defines the performance indicator. As a practical exercise to test JRB Model methodology, it has done a Case Study. It has taken a theoretical section, with similar characteristics to Spanish road network, and a vehicles fleet similar to Spanish. Evenness (IRI) was chosen as a performance indicator. JRB Model calculated some sensitivities, which were useful to determined thresholds range for pavement performance indicators based on IRI to be optimal from an economic perspective.
La seguridad y fiabilidad de los procesos industriales son la principal preocupación de los ingenieros encargados de las plantas industriales. Por lo tanto, desde un punto de vista económico, el objetivo principal es reducir el costo del mantenimiento, el tiempo de inactividad y las pérdidas causadas por los fallos. Por otra parte, la seguridad de los operadores, que afecta a los aspectos sociales y económicos, es el factor más relevante a considerar en cualquier sistema Debido a esto, el diagnóstico de fallos se ha convertido en un foco importante de interés para los investigadores de todo el mundo e ingenieros en la industria. Los principales trabajos enfocados en detección de fallos se basan en modelos de los procesos. Existen diferentes técnicas para el modelado de procesos industriales tales como máquinas de estado, árboles de decisión y Redes de Petri (RdP). Por lo tanto, esta tesis se centra en el modelado de procesos utilizando redes de petri interpretadas. Redes de Petri es una herramienta usada en el modelado gráfico y matemático con la habilidad para describir información de los sistemas de una manera concurrente, paralela, asincrona, distribuida y no determinística o estocástica. RdP son también una herramienta de comunicación visual gráfica útil como lo son las cartas de flujo o diagramas de bloques. Adicionalmente, las marcas de las RdP simulan la dinámica y concurrencia de los sistemas. Finalmente, ellas tienen la capacidad de definir ecuaciones de estado específicas, ecuaciones algebraicas y otros modelos que representan el comportamiento común de los sistemas. Entre los diferentes tipos de redes de petri (Interpretadas, Coloreadas, etc.), este trabajo de investigación trata con redes de petri interpretadas principalmente debido a características tales como sincronización, lugares temporizados, aparte de su capacidad para procesamiento de datos. Esta investigación comienza con el proceso para diseñar y construir el modelo y diagnosticador para detectar fallos definitivos, posteriormente, la dinámica temporal fue adicionada para detectar fallos intermitentes. Dos procesos industriales, concretamente un HVAC (Calefacción, Ventilación y Aire Acondicionado) y un Proceso de Envasado de Líquidos fueron usados como banco de pruebas para implementar la herramienta de diagnóstico de fallos (FD) creada. Finalmente, su capacidad de diagnóstico fue ampliada en orden a detectar fallos en sistemas híbridos. Finalmente, un pequeño helicóptero no tripulado fue elegido como ejemplo de sistema donde la seguridad es un desafío, y las técnicas de detección de fallos desarrolladas en esta tesis llevan a ser una herramienta valorada, desde que los accidentes de las aeronaves no tripuladas (UAVs) envuelven un alto costo económico y son la principal razón para introducir restricciones de volar sobre áreas pobladas. Así, este trabajo introduce un proceso sistemático para construir un Diagnosticador de Fallos del sistema mencionado basado en RdR Esta novedosa herramienta es capaz de detectar fallos definitivos e intermitentes. El trabajo realizado es discutido desde un punto de vista teórico y práctico. El procedimiento comienza con la división del sistema en subsistemas para seguido integrar en una RdP diagnosticadora global que es capaz de monitorear el sistema completo y mostrar las variables críticas al operador en orden a determinar la salud del UAV, para de esta manera prevenir accidentes. Un Sistema de Adquisición de Datos (DAQ) ha sido también diseñado para recoger datos durante los vuelos y alimentar la RdP diagnosticadora. Vuelos reales realizados bajo condiciones normales y de fallo han sido requeridos para llevar a cabo la configuración del diagnosticador y verificar su comportamiento. Vale la pena señalar que un alto riesgo fue asumido en la generación de fallos durante los vuelos, a pesar de eso esto permitió recoger datos básicos para desarrollar el diagnóstico de fallos, técnicas de aislamiento, protocolos de mantenimiento, modelos de comportamiento, etc. Finalmente, un resumen de la validación de resultados obtenidos durante las pruebas de vuelo es también incluido. Un extensivo uso de esta herramienta mejorará los protocolos de mantenimiento para UAVs (especialmente helicópteros) y permite establecer recomendaciones en regulaciones. El uso del diagnosticador usando redes de petri es considerado un novedoso enfoque. ABSTRACT Safety and reliability of industrial processes are the main concern of the engineers in charge of industrial plants. Thus, from an economic point of view, the main goal is to reduce the maintenance downtime cost and the losses caused by failures. Moreover, the safety of the operators, which affects to social and economic aspects, is the most relevant factor to consider in any system. Due to this, fault diagnosis has become a relevant focus of interest for worldwide researchers and engineers in the industry. The main works focused on failure detection are based on models of the processes. There are different techniques for modelling industrial processes such as state machines, decision trees and Petri Nets (PN). Thus, this Thesis is focused on modelling processes by using Interpreted Petri Nets. Petri Nets is a tool used in the graphic and mathematical modelling with ability to describe information of the systems in a concurrent, parallel, asynchronous, distributed and not deterministic or stochastic manner. PNs are also useful graphical visual communication tools as flow chart or block diagram. Additionally, the marks of the PN simulate the dynamics and concurrence of the systems. Finally, they are able to define specific state equations, algebraic equations and other models that represent the common behaviour of systems. Among the different types of PN (Interpreted, Coloured, etc.), this research work deals with the interpreted Petri Nets mainly due to features such as synchronization capabilities, timed places, apart from their capability for processing data. This Research begins with the process for designing and building the model and diagnoser to detect permanent faults, subsequently, the temporal dynamic was added for detecting intermittent faults. Two industrial processes, namely HVAC (Heating, Ventilation and Air Condition) and Liquids Packaging Process were used as testbed for implementing the Fault Diagnosis (FD) tool created. Finally, its diagnostic capability was enhanced in order to detect faults in hybrid systems. Finally, a small unmanned helicopter was chosen as example of system where safety is a challenge and fault detection techniques developed in this Thesis turn out to be a valuable tool since UAVs accidents involve high economic cost and are the main reason for setting restrictions to fly over populated areas. Thus, this work introduces a systematic process for building a Fault Diagnoser of the mentioned system based on Petri Nets. This novel tool is able to detect both intermittent and permanent faults. The work carried out is discussed from theoretical and practical point of view. The procedure begins with a division of the system into subsystems for further integration into a global PN diagnoser that is able to monitor the whole system and show critical variables to the operator in order to determine the UAV health, preventing accidents in this manner. A Data Acquisition System (DAQ) has been also designed for collecting data during the flights and feed PN Diagnoser. Real flights carried out under nominal and failure conditions have been required to perform the diagnoser setup and verify its performance. It is worth noting that a high risk was assumed in the generation of faults during the flights, nevertheless this allowed collecting basic data so as to develop fault diagnosis, isolations techniques, maintenance protocols, behaviour models, etc. Finally, a summary of the validation results obtained during real flight tests is also included. An extensive use of this tool will improve preventive maintenance protocols for UAVs (especially helicopters) and allow establishing recommendations in regulations. The use of the diagnoser by using Petri Nets is considered as novel approach.
X-linked hypohidrotic ectodermal dysplasia (XLHED) is a heritable disorder of the ED-1 gene disrupting the morphogenesis of ectodermal structures. The ED-1 gene product, ectodysplasin-A (EDA), is a tumor necrosis factor (TNF) family member and is synthesized as a membrane-anchored precursor protein with the TNF core motif located in the C-terminal domain. The stalk region of EDA contains the sequence -Arg-Val-Arg-Arg156-Asn-Lys-Arg159-, representing overlapping consensus cleavage sites (Arg-X-Lys/Arg-Arg↓) for the proprotein convertase furin. Missense mutations in four of the five basic residues within this sequence account for ≈20% of all known XLHED cases, with mutations occurring most frequently at Arg156, which is shared by the two consensus furin sites. These analyses suggest that cleavage at the furin site(s) in the stalk region is required for the EDA-mediated cell-to-cell signaling that regulates the morphogenesis of ectodermal appendages. Here we show that the 50-kDa EDA parent molecule is cleaved at -Arg156Asn-Lys-Arg159↓- to release the soluble C-terminal fragment containing the TNF core domain. This cleavage appears to be catalyzed by furin, as release of the TNF domain was blocked either by expression of the furin inhibitor α1-PDX or by expression of EDA in furin-deficient LoVo cells. These results demonstrate that mutation of a functional furin cleavage site in a developmental signaling molecule is a basis for human disease (XLHED) and raise the possibility that furin cleavage may regulate the ability of EDA to act as a juxtacrine or paracrine factor.
Voltage-gated Na+ channels are the molecular targets of local anesthetics, class I antiarrhythmic drugs, and some anticonvulsants. These chemically diverse drugs inhibit Na+ channels with complex voltage- and frequency-dependent properties that reflect preferential drug binding to open and inactivated channel states. The site-directed mutations F1764A and Y1771A in transmembrane segment IVS6 of type IIA Na+ channel alpha subunits dramatically reduce the affinity of inactivated channels for the local anesthetic etidocaine. In this study, we show that these mutations also greatly reduce the sensitivity of Na+ channels to state-dependent block by the class Ib antiarrhythmic drug lidocaine and the anticonvulsant phenytoin and, to a lesser extent, reduce the sensitivity to block by the class Ia and Ic antiarrhythmic drugs quinidine and flecainide. For lidocaine and phenytoin, which bind preferentially to inactivated Na+ channels, the mutation F1764A reduced the affinity for binding to the inactivated state 24.5-fold and 8.3-fold, respectively, while Y1771A had smaller effects. For quinidine and flecainide, which bind preferentially to the open Na+ channels, the mutations F1764A and Y1771A reduced the affinity for binding to the open state 2- to 3-fold. Thus, F1764 and Y1771 are common molecular determinants of state-dependent binding of diverse drugs including lidocaine, phenytoin, flecainide, and quinidine, suggesting that these drugs interact with a common receptor site. However, the different magnitude of the effects of these mutations on binding of the individual drugs indicates that they interact in an overlapping, but nonidentical, manner with a common receptor site. These results further define the contributions of F1764 and Y1771 to a complex drug receptor site in the pore of Na+ channels.
The original motivation for this paper was to provide an efficient quantitative analysis of convex infinite (or semi-infinite) inequality systems whose decision variables run over general infinite-dimensional (resp. finite-dimensional) Banach spaces and that are indexed by an arbitrary fixed set J. Parameter perturbations on the right-hand side of the inequalities are required to be merely bounded, and thus the natural parameter space is l ∞(J). Our basic strategy consists of linearizing the parameterized convex system via splitting convex inequalities into linear ones by using the Fenchel–Legendre conjugate. This approach yields that arbitrary bounded right-hand side perturbations of the convex system turn on constant-by-blocks perturbations in the linearized system. Based on advanced variational analysis, we derive a precise formula for computing the exact Lipschitzian bound of the feasible solution map of block-perturbed linear systems, which involves only the system’s data, and then show that this exact bound agrees with the coderivative norm of the aforementioned mapping. In this way we extend to the convex setting the results of Cánovas et al. (SIAM J. Optim. 20, 1504–1526, 2009) developed for arbitrary perturbations with no block structure in the linear framework under the boundedness assumption on the system’s coefficients. The latter boundedness assumption is removed in this paper when the decision space is reflexive. The last section provides the aimed application to the convex case.
Background and purpose: Voltage-dependent block by Mg2+ is a cardinal feature of NMDA receptors which acts as a coincidence detector to prevent the receptor from over-activation. Inhibition of NMDA receptor currents by 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) indicated that 5-HT, similar to Mg2+, binds within the membrane electric field. In the present study, we assessed whether point mutations of critical asparagine residues located within the selectivity filter of NR1 and NR2A subunits of NMDA receptor-channel affect voltage-dependent block by 5-HT. Experimental approach: The mode of action of 5-HT and Mg2+ on wild-type and mutated NMDA receptor-channels expressed in Xenopus oocytes was investigated using the two-electrode voltage clamp recording technique. Key results: The mutation within the NR1 subunit NR1(N0S or N0Q) strongly reduced the voltage dependent block by 5-HT and increased the IC50. The corresponding mutations within the NR2 subunits NR2A(N0Q or N + 1Q) reduced the block by 5-HT to a lesser extent. This is in contrast to the block produced by external Mg2+ where a substitution at the NR2A(N0) and NR2A(N + 1) sites but not at the NR1(N0) site significantly reduced Mg2+ block. Conclusion and implications: The block of NMDA receptor-channels by 5-HT depends on the NR1-subunit asparagine residue and to a lesser extent on the NR2A-subunit asparagine residues. These data suggest that the interaction of 5-HT with functionally important residues in a narrow constriction of the pore of the NMDA receptor-channel provides a significant barrier to ionic fluxes through the open channel due to energetic factors governed by chemical properties of the binding site and the electric field.
The magnetic field of the Earth has for long been known to influence the behaviour and orientation of a variety of living organisms. Experimental studies of the magnetic sense have, however, been impaired by the lack of a plausible cellular and/or molecular mechanism providing meaningful explanation for detection of magnetic fields by these organisms. Recently, mechanosensitive (MS) ion channels have been implied to play a role in magnetoreception. In this study we have investigated the effect of static magnetic fields (SMFs) of moderate intensity on the activity and gadolinium block of MscL, the bacterial MS channel of large conductance, which has served as a model channel to study the basic physical principles of mechanosensory transduction in living cells. In addition to showing that direct application of the magnetic field decreased the activity of the MscL channel, our study demonstrates for the first time that SMFs can reverse the effect of gadolinium, a well-known blocker of MS channels. The results of our study are consistent with a notion that (1) the effects of SMFs on the MscL channels may result from changes in physical properties of the lipid bilayer due to diamagnetic anisotropy of phospholipid molecules and consequently (2) cooperative superdiamagnetism of phospholipid molecules under influence of SMFs could cause displacement of Gd3+ stop ions from the membrane bilayer and thus remove the MscL channel block.
Caudal block results in a motor blockade that can reduce abdominal wall tension. This could interact with the balance between chest wall and lung recoil pressure and tension of the diaphragm, which determines the static resting volume of the lung. On this rationale, we hypothesised that caudal block causes an increase in functional residual capacity and ventilation distribution in anaesthetised children. Fifty-two healthy children (15-30 kg, 3-8 years of age) undergoing elective surgery with general anaesthesia and caudal block were studied and randomly allocated to two groups: caudal block or control. Following induction of anaesthesia, the first measurement was obtained in the supine position (baseline). All children were then turned to the left lateral position and patients in the caudal block group received a caudal block with bupivacaine. No intervention took place in the control group. After 15 nun in the supine position, the second assessment was performed. Functional residual capacity and parameters of ventilation distribution were calculated by a blinded reviewer. Functional residual capacity was similar at baseline in both groups. In the caudal block group, the capacity increased significantly (p < 0.0001) following caudal block, while in the control group, it remained unchanged. In both groups, parameters of ventilation distribution were consistent with the changes in functional residual capacity. Caudal block resulted in a significant increase in functional residual capacity and improvement in ventilation homogeneity in comparison with the control group. This indicates that caudal block might have a beneficial effect on gas exchange in anaesthetised, spontaneously breathing preschool-aged children with healthy lungs.
The devising of a general engineering theory of multifunctional diagnostic systems for non-invasive medical spectrophotometry is an important and promising direction of modern biomedical engineering. We aim in this study to formalize in scientific engineering terms objectives for multifunctional laser non-invasive diagnostic system (MLNDS). The structure-functional model as well as a task-function of generalized MLNDS was formulated and developed. The key role of the system software for MLNDS general architecture at steps of ideological-technical designing has been proved. The basic principles of block-modules composition of MLNDS hardware are suggested as well. © 2011 Copyright Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE).
This paper describes the basic tools for a real-time decision support system of a semiotic type on the example of the prototype for management and monitoring of a nuclear power block implemented on the basis of the tool complex G2+GDA using cognitive graphics and parallel processing. This work was supported by RFBR (project 02-07-90042).
The purpose of this project is to develop a three-dimensional block model for a garnet deposit in the Alder Gulch, Madison County, Montana. Garnets occur in pre-Cambrian metamorphic Red Wash gneiss and similar rocks in the vicinity. This project seeks to model the percentage of garnet in a deposit called the Section 25 deposit using the Surpac software. Data available for this work are drillhole, trench and grab sample data obtained from previous exploration of the deposit. The creation of the block model involves validating the data, creating composites of assayed garnet percentages and conducting basic statistics on composites using Surpac statistical tools. Variogram analysis will be conducted on composites to quantify the continuity of the garnet mineralization. A three-dimensional block model will be created and filled with estimates of garnet percentage using different methods of reserve estimation and the results compared.
The tridecameric Al-polymer [AlO4Al12(OH)24(H2O)12]7+ was prepared by forced hydrolysis of Al3+ up to an OH/Al molar ratio of 2.2. Under slow evaporation crystals were formed of Al13-nitrate. Upon addition of sulfate the tridecamer crystallised as the monoclinic Al13-sulfate. These crystals have been studied using near-infrared spectroscopy and compared to Al2(SO4)3.16H2O. Although the near-infrared spectra of the Al13-sulfate and nitrate are very similar indicating similar crystal structures, there are minor differences related to the strength with which the crystal water molecules are bonded to the salt groups. The interaction between crystal water and nitrate is stronger than with the sulfate as reflected by the shift of the crystal water band positions from 6213, 4874 and 4553 cm–1 for the Al13 sulfate towards 5925, 4848 and 4532 cm–1 for the nitrate. A reversed shift from 5079 and 5037 cm–1 for the sulfate towards 5238 and 5040 cm–1 for the nitrate for the water molecules in the Al13 indicate that the nitrate-Al13 bond is weakened due to the influence of the crystal water on the nitrate. The Al-OH bond in the Al13 complex is not influenced by changing the salt group due to the shielding by the water molecules of the Al13 complex.