987 resultados para baryon resonances


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This thesis is in two parts. In the first section, the operator structure of the singular terms in the equal-time commutator of space and time components of the electromagnetic current is investigated in perturbation theory by establishing a connection with Feynman diagrams. It is made very plausible that the singular term is a c number. Some remarks are made about the same problem in the electrodynamics of a spinless particle.

In the second part, an SU(3) symmetric multi-channel calculation of the electromagnetic mass differences in the pseudoscalar meson and baryon octets is carried out with an attempt to include some of the physics of the crossed (pair annihilation) channel along the lines of the recent work by Ball and Zachariasen. The importance of the tensor meson Regge trajectories is emphasized. The agreement with experiment is poor for the isospin one mass differences, but excellent for those with isospin two.


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Part I

Present experimental data on nucleon-antinucleon scattering allow a study of the possibility of a phase transition in a nucleon-antinucleon gas at high temperature. Estimates can be made of the general behavior of the elastic phase shifts without resorting to theoretical derivation. A phase transition which separates nucleons from antinucleons is found at about 280 MeV in the approximation of the second virial coefficient to the free energy of the gas.

Part II

The parton model is used to derive scaling laws for the hadrons observed in deep inelastic electron-nucleon scattering which lie in the fragmentation region of the virtual photon. Scaling relations are obtained in the Bjorken and Regge regions. It is proposed that the distribution functions become independent of both q2 and ν where the Bjorken and Regge regions overlap. The quark density functions are discussed in the limit x→1 for the nucleon octet and the pseudoscalar mesons. Under certain plausible assumptions it is found that only one or two quarks of the six types of quarks and antiquarks have an appreciable density function in the limit x→1. This has implications for the quark fragmentation functions near the large momentum boundary of their fragmentation region. These results are used to propose a method of measuring the proton and neutron quark density functions for all x by making measurements on inclusively produced hadrons in electroproduction only. Implications are also discussed for the hadrons produced in electron-positron annihilation.


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We deliver the general conditions on the synthetic proportions for a homogeneous mixture of ferro- and nonmagnetic substances to become left-handed. As an alternative for left-handed metamaterials, we consider mixing ferromagnetic materials with nonmagnetic microscopic particles. In the mixture, the ferromagnetic material provides the needed permeability via domain wall resonances at high frequencies, whereas the nonmagnetic material gives the required permittivity. Using the effective medium theory, we have found that when the concentration of the nonmagnetic particles falls into a certain range, the refractive index of the mixture is negative, n < 0, which includes the double negative ( epsilon < 0 and mu < 0) and other cases ( e. g. epsilon < 0 and mu > 0). We finally give the requirements on the microscopic material properties for the ferromagnetic materials to reach the domain wall resonances at high frequencies.


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We perform polarization-resolved Raman spectroscopy on graphene in magnetic fields up to 45 T. This reveals a filling-factor-dependent, multicomponent anticrossing structure of the Raman G peak, resulting from magnetophonon resonances between magnetoexcitons and E2g phonons. This is explained with a model of Raman scattering taking into account the effects of spatially inhomogeneous carrier densities and strain. Random fluctuations of strain-induced pseudomagnetic fields lead to increased scattering intensity inside the anticrossing gap, consistent with the experiments. © 2013 American Physical Society.


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Directional emission InP/AlGaInAs square-resonator microlasers with a side length of 20 mu m are fabricated by standard photolithography and inductively coupled-plasma etching technique. Multimode resonances with about seven distinct mode peaks in a free-spectral range are observed from 1460 to 1560 nm with the free-spectral range of 12.1 nm near the wavelength of 1510 nm, and the mode refractive index versus the photon energy E (eV) as 3.07152+0.18304E are obtained by fitting the laser spectra with an analytical mode wavelength formula derived by light ray method. In addition, mode field pattern is simulated for cold cavity by two dimensional finite-difference time-domain technique.


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The currents of de and ac components and their phase-angle cosines for a superlattice under a direct bias and alternating field are calculated with the balance equations. It is found that the de currents as functions of the direct field show resonance peaks at the fields corresponding to the Bloch frequency equal to n omega. With increasing alternating field intensity the resonance peaks of higher harmonic increase, and simultaneously the first peak caused by the de field decreases. The results are in good agreement with the experimental results, indicating that this resonance can be understood in terms of electron acceleration within the miniband, i.e., it is a bulk superlattice effect, rather than caused by the electric-field localization mechanism (Wannier Stark ladder). The phase-angle cosine for the first harmonic cos phi(1) becomes negative when the Bloch frequency increases to be larger than the frequency of the ac field omega, and it also shows resonance peaks at the resonance frequencies n omega. The negative cos phi(1) may cause the energy transferred to the alternating field, i.e., oscillation of the system.


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We propose a hybrid waveguide-plasmon system consisting of gold pillar arrays on top of a dielectric waveguide. The formation of extraordinary transmissions induced by the hybrid waveguide-plasmon resonances is investigated by rigorous coupled-wave analysis. The characteristics of the hybrid resonances can be predicted by introducing the photonic crystal slab theory. Extremely narrow absorption peaks and the electromagnetically induced transparency-like optical property are demonstrated in our hybrid system. (C) 2010 Optical Society of America


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Surface plasmon resonances of arrays of parallel copper nanowires, embedded in ion track-etched polycarbonate membranes, were investigated by systematic changes of nanowires’ topology and arrays area density. The extinction spectra exhibit two peaks which are attributed to interband transitions of Cu bulk metal and to a dipolar surface plasmon resonance, respectively. The resonances were investigated as a function of wire diameter and length, mean distance between adjacent wires, and angle of incidence of the light field with respect to the long wire axis. The dipolar peak shifts to larger wavelengths with increasing diameter and length, and diminishing mean distance between adjacent wires. Additionally, the shape effect on the dipolar peak is investigated.