993 resultados para barometer


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Substantial collective flow is observed in collisions between lead nuclei at Large Hadron Collider (LHC) as evidenced by the azimuthal correlations in the transverse momentum distributions of the produced particles. Our calculations indicate that the global v1-flow, which at RHIC peaked at negative rapidities (named third flow component or antiflow), now at LHC is going to turn toward forward rapidities (to the same side and direction as the projectile residue). Potentially this can provide a sensitive barometer to estimate the pressure and transport properties of the quark-gluon plasma. Our calculations also take into account the initial state center-of-mass rapidity fluctuations, and demonstrate that these are crucial for v1 simulations. In order to better study the transverse momentum flow dependence we suggest a new"symmetrized" vS1(pt) function, and we also propose a new method to disentangle global v1 flow from the contribution generated by the random fluctuations in the initial state. This will enhance the possibilities of studying the collective Global v1 flow both at the STAR Beam Energy Scan program and at LHC.


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Shortsea Promotion Centre (SPC) Finland som främjar närsjofart publicerar den sjätte rederibarometern i samarbete med den finländska rederinäringen. Utöver hela den finländska rederinäringen finns även de andra transportformerna och parterna i transportkedjan från både den privata och offentliga sektorn representerade i SPC Finland. SPC Finland hör till Sjöfartbranschens utbildnings- och forskningscentral vid Åbo universitet och fungerar i centralens enhet i Björneborg. SPC Finlands verksamhet omfattar utöver närsjöfartsfrämjandet intermodala transporter som binder ihop järn-vägs-, landvägs- och insjötransporter med närsjöfarten. Barometern producerar information om sjöfartens verksamhetsområde för rederibranschen, dess intressentgrupper och de politiska beslutsfattarna. Barometern är framför allt avsedd som ett arbetsredskap för dem som arbetar med sjötransporter. Barometern utvecklades på våren 2006. Då gjordes förfrågan för första gången men den publicerades inte. För att konkretisera nyttan av barometern upprepas den regelbundet med ett halvårs mellanrum. Långa tidsserier möjliggör en mångsidig analysering av resultaten. Nästa förfråga genomförs i november 2009. Resultaten av föreliggande barometer skall publiceras den 17 juli 2009 i samband med Suomi Areena -evenemanget i Björneborg. SPC Finland riktar ett tack till alla rederier som deltagit i förfrågan och hoppas på respons för att kunna vidareutveckla barometern. Mer information om barometern fås av forskaren Pekka Sundberg, tfn. (02) 333 8104 eller e-post pekka.sundberg@shortsea.fi.


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Fa uns dies es va presentar a Barcelona la desena edició del Trust Barometer, que mesura la confiança social en empreses, mèdia, institucions polítiques i ONG. S'hi fa palès que la confiança social és, de manera recurrent, alarmantment baixa en molts ítems inferior al 50% [...].


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The overall purpose of this master's thesis is to investigate the existence of business-IT alignment trap in Finnish IT organizations. The alignment trap refers to the inability of IT investments to deliver the expected business benefits. The basis for this investigation is due to the previous knowledge that high level of IT alignment practice with very low efficacy in an organization can lead to alignment trap. The theory which was established on the dimensions of IT-alignment and efficacy of IT as a whole with considerations for cost reduction and revenue growth benefits. This study explored the same dimensions with the previous study but identified additional benefit (profitability). The study was conducted using the Finnish IT barometer data from different IT organizations. A quantitative research method was used in conducting this study which was built on positivist philosophical stance. The empirical data is based on survey data, an excerpt from the Finnish IT barometer data that captured the annual survey results of IT significance to Finnish organizations as evaluated by business and IT professionals. The survey data comprised of 249 respondents and their responses were categorized into high and low IT intensive which form the basis of the statistical analysis conducted. Overall, five analyses were conducted using the variables of cost reductions, revenue growth and profitability in the 2x2 matrix dimensions of IT alignment and efficacy of IT, grouped into alignment trap, maintenance zone, well-oiled IT and IT-enabled growth. The empirical results, revealed a partial existence of alignment trap in Finnish IT organizations. This is due to a very minute number of organizations that were ensnared in the alignment trap zone on the analyses conducted. Although they recorded considerable high performances in terms of revenue growth rate with IT spending below the average companies, their profitability was considered very low. Generally it was observed that Finnish IT organizations with high efficacy of IT practices had good performances, while those with low efficacy of IT experienced low performances, especially in the aspect of profitability, regardless of the degree of IT alignment. The study proposes that organizations should improve on practices that enhance effectiveness of IT more in order for them to realize the full benefits of IT and to avoid alignment trap.


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This case study examines the impact of a computer information system as it was being implemented in one Ontario hospital. The attitudes of a cross section of the hospital staff acted as a barometer to measure their perceptions of the implementation process. With The Mississauga Hospital in the early stages of an extensive computer implementation project, the opportunity existed to identify staff attitudes about the computer system, overall knowledge and compare the findings with the literature. The goal of the study was to develop a greater base about the affective domain in the relationship between people and the computer system. Eight exploratory questions shaped the focus of the investigation. Data were collected from three sources: a survey questionnaire, focused interviews, and internal hospital documents. Both quantitative and qualitative data were analyzed. Instrumentation in the study consisted of a survey distributed at two points in time to randomly selected hospital employees who represented all staff levels.Other sources of data included hospital documents, and twenty-five focused interviews with staff who replied to both surveys. Leavitt's socio-technical system, with its four subsystems: task, structure, technology, and people was used to classify staff responses to the research questions. The study findings revealed that the majority of respondents felt positive about using the computer as part of their jobs. No apparent correlations were found between sex, age, or staff group and feelings about using the computer. Differences in attitudes, and attitude changes were found in potential relationship to the element of time. Another difference was found in staff group and perception of being involved in the decision making process. These findings and other evidence about the role of change agents in this change process help to emphasize that planning change is one thing, managing the transition is another.


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This thesis examines the impact of the Soviet Union's collapse on the Russian Symbolic as represented through popular cinema of the post-Soviet period. The disintegration of the USSR in 1991 became one of the most traumatic experiences for many Russian people. The trauma of the collapse of the Soviet Union penetrated the everyday reality of the Russian Symbolic, leaving the traces-symptoms in different cultural fonns like literature, arts, television and cinema. Because popular culture usually reacts very quickly to any social, political and economical shifts in society, it is an excellent barometer for deeper changes in society. Focusing on postSoviet popular cinema, this thesis analyzes the symptoms of cultural and individual trauma occasioned by the momentous changes of the 1990's. This study is grounded in post-analytic theory of Jacques Lacan and its interpretation by Slavoj Zizek, which emphases the traumatic encounter with the Real as a "hard core" of our reality. According to this paradigm, a new chain of signifiers is structured around the traumatic breach in the Symbolic, initiating a process of fantasy construction to deal with consequences of trauma and, thus, to support our Symbolic order. This thesis examines three major fantasy constructions - drinking, traveling to a "happy land" and family reunion and money - in popular films by Alexander Rogozhkin, Yurij Mamin, Georgij Shengelia, Dmitrij Astrakhan, Valerij Todorovskij, Alexej Balabanov, Sergej Bodrov Jr. and Petr Buslov. According to Zizek, enjoyment underlies any fantasy constructions, and that is why after the intrusion of the Real every individual and culture should go through the process of fantasizing about some substitutes which can help to minimize the traumatic effect and which can lead to a partial enjoyment. By analyzing the fantasies about drinking, "happy land", reconstruction of the family bonds and money in Russian popular cinema since 1991, this thesis demonstrates how the traumatic engagement with the Real affected the everyday lives of Russian people, and how individuals tried to fill the gap, the lack, in the post-Soviet Symbolic and "return" the lost feeling of unity and plenitude.


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La présente recherche décrit et examine le cheminement émotionnel d’ex-contrevenants engagés dans un processus de justice réparatrice. Le cheminement émotionnel est appréhendé sous l’angle de l’analyse des « trajectoires de vie ». Nous avons rencontré quatre anciens contrevenants condamnés à une peine d’incarcération, et vivant dans la communauté au moment de nos entretiens. Afin d’établir leur trajectoire de vie émotionnelle, les entretiens ont été menés en profondeur et selon une approche non-directive. Les participants ont réalisé soit une expérience de Rencontre-Détenus-Victimes (RDV), soit une expérience de face-à-face avec une victime, ou une réparation directe avec leur victime. L’analyse de nos données empiriques met en évidence deux périodes émotionnelles distinctes chez les ex-contrevenants. Leur cheminement est d’abord caractérisé par un état de fermeture puis d’ouverture émotionnelle. Pour chaque état émotionnel, nous présentons les différentes composantes émotionnelles qui les constituent ainsi que les changements émotionnels qui en résultent. La transition entre le passage d’un état de fermeture à un état d’ouverture émotionnelle, ainsi que l’expérience de justice réparatrice, ont été minutieusement étudiées. De ces analyses a émergé le concept de « point tournant émotionnel », apparaissant comme la clé de voûte du cheminement réparateur des anciens contrevenants. Il ressort en effet qu’un point tournant émotionnel est considéré comme un préalable nécessaire à la participation à un programme réparateur, mais aussi comme le baromètre de l’effet réparateur des expériences.


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L'objectif de ce mémoire est de jeter les bases d'un nouveau récit historique portant sur les relations internationales du Québec, en rupture partielle avec le récit traditionnel, essentiellement issu des écrits provenant de la science politique, qui décrit l'activité internationale du gouvernement québécois en cherchant dans les particularités de l'histoire québécoise elle-même les forces de changement. Ce faisant, nous tentons plutôt de montrer que l'histoire des relations internationales du Québec est inexorablement enchâssée dans l'histoire canadienne, dans l'histoire nord-américaine et surtout dans l'histoire du capitalisme et du néolibéralisme. Depuis le début de son existence en tant qu'entité politique moderne, le gouvernement québécois entretient des liens avec des gouvernements étrangers, l'intensité de ceux-ci étant function des grandes transformations affectant le système capitaliste international au grand complet. Vers la fin de la période 1867-1973, la politique internationale du gouvernement québécois est institutionnalisée politiquement et juridiquement grâce à la formulation de la doctrine Gérin-Lajoie, qui s'appuie sur les dispositions constitutionnelles propres au Canada pour élaborer la politique internationale québécoise. Dans la période 1973-1981, les relations internationales du Québec se focalisent davantage sur des questions économiques, telles que la quête de capitaux étrangers et la projection d'une image de marque positive sur les marchés étrangers. Puis, dans la période 1981-1994, l'activité internationale du Québec est marquée par le virage néolibéral qui affecte tous les gouvernements capitalistes dans le monde. Ainsi, l'appareil diplomatique du Québec est de plus en plus perçu comme un outil de promotion des exportations des entreprises québécoises et d'adaptation à l'augmentation de l'interdépendance économique, et de moins en moins comme un réseau de contacts politiques et culturels. Afin de faire cette démonstration, nous puisons essentiellement dans deux types de sources primaires : d'une part, des sources gouvernementales, dont les rapports annuels des différents ministères associés aux relations internationales du Québec et du Canada au fil de la période et les livres blancs de politique internationale qu'ils ont publié, et d'autre part, des publications issues du milieu des affaires, dont la revue Les Affaires, excellent baromètre de la mentalité dominante de la classe entrepreneuriale du Québec et du Canada francophone.


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The present work is focused on the organelle and biochemical responses to heavy metal exposure in the fish Oreochromis mossambicus giving particular importance to the metal detoxifying machinery of the organism. The thesis is an outcome of the effort aimed at developing practicable monitoring techniques to deliver guidelines for biological effect monitoring and the need for specific biochemical methods to detect biological effects of heavy metals that can be interpreted in terms of the health status of the individual organism and eventually alterations in vital processes as growth and reproduction. The efficiency of the metal detoxifying metallothioneins which is an attractive tool for biological monitoring, their role as scavengers of trace metal ions and thus in relieving the biological machinery from their toxicity effects are important themes of this study. Efforts have also been made to test the reliability of the spill over hypothesis of the action of metallothioneins (Winge et a1.,1973) and their use as a biological barometer of heavy metal stress.


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La presente investigación tiene por objeto considerar los cluster en la industria farmacéutica Colombiana, como un mecanismo para la disminución de los sobrecostos de los medicamentos, que han impactado de forma importante, entre otras causas, al sistema de salud, con unos recobros (por concepto de medicamentos No POS) que superan el billón de pesos, situación que dada la crisis que enfrenta al respecto, el Estado Colombiano, ha propuesto una quinta reforma que cursa actualmente en el Congreso de la República. Se trata de una investigación cualitativa tipo estudio de caso, en la que se presenta el modelo Colombiano de Salud y las cifras de recobros de las Empresas Prestadoras de Servicios de Salud (EPS), cantidad que representó el 0.4% del PIB (Producto Interno Bruto) en el 2009. Para tal fin se analizará el comportamiento de los recobros durante el año 2012, en cuarenta y una (41) EPS reconocidas del sector. Subsecuentemente se estudian las diferentes estrategias para la generación de economías de escala y dentro de ellas, los clusters como un posible modelo a seguir hacia la disminución de estos costos en salud, se analizan sus componentes y su posible constitución dentro del entorno Colombiano. Al final del estudio se establece como conclusión, que existen suficiente evidencia para apoyar la implementación de un cluster farmacéutico dentro del territorio Colombiano.


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El interés de esta investigación se centra en analizar el rol protagónico que han adquirido las acciones constitucionales en la participación política de la comunidad LGTBI, encaminada a la aprobación del matrimonio igualitario en Colombia, a partir de la promulgación de la Constitución Política de 1991. Para este propósito, el estudio presenta un diagnóstico sobre las falencias y limitaciones que ha presentado la representación política y de los mecanismos de participación ciudadana para solventar las reivindicaciones de las parejas del mismo sexo. En consecuencia, la investigación evidencia de qué manera la sub-representación de los intereses de esta comunidad en el Congreso de la República y la sub-utilización de los mecanismos de participación política causadas por las deficiencias en su diseño e implementación, impulsaron a la población LGTBI y los defensores de sus derechos a canalizar su participación política a través de la presentación de acciones constitucionales.


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The theme of family in literature and in popular discourse occurs at times when the family as an institution is under attack. Attacks against the family coupled with defence of the family are viewed as the barometer of people’s satisfaction with the society in which they live. This outpouring of emotion, whether it is in defence of or attacking the family, is the result of the family’s position on the bridge between nature and society – a fortunate (or a detrimental) link between an individual and the units that make up a society. Across the United States and much of the western world, the battle for gay marriage and inclusive civil unions has revealed the fissures in our collective moral view of the family. The conservative concern about the absence of ‘family values’ is magnified by our situation in a world of flux. Inflation, war, terrorist threats, and the depletion of natural resources are but a few examples. When so much is unknown, how do we position ourselves? What anchors us to the past, gives us comfort in the present, and supports us in the future if not the family? Alternatively, what coddles us more in the past, shackles us more to the present, and lulls us more into a fixed conception of the future than the family? My research is not a sociological survey into the family nor does it stake any claims to understanding the present state of the family in society. The study seeks, however, to shed light on the rhetorical uses of the family by analysing two novels that are inextricably concerned with the theory of the family in times of heightened social change. In particular, my research focuses upon the social role and political meaning of the family in Anna Karenina and Jia.


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This paper performs a thorough statistical examination of the time-series properties of the daily market volatility index (VIX) from the Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE). The motivation lies not only on the widespread consensus that the VIX is a barometer of the overall market sentiment as to what concerns investors' risk appetite, but also on the fact that there are many trading strategies that rely on the VIX index for hedging and speculative purposes. Preliminary analysis suggests that the VIX index displays long-range dependence. This is well in line with the strong empirical evidence in the literature supporting long memory in both options-implied and realized variances. We thus resort to both parametric and semiparametric heterogeneous autoregressive (HAR) processes for modeling and forecasting purposes. Our main ndings are as follows. First, we con rm the evidence in the literature that there is a negative relationship between the VIX index and the S&P 500 index return as well as a positive contemporaneous link with the volume of the S&P 500 index. Second, the term spread has a slightly negative long-run impact in the VIX index, when possible multicollinearity and endogeneity are controlled for. Finally, we cannot reject the linearity of the above relationships, neither in sample nor out of sample. As for the latter, we actually show that it is pretty hard to beat the pure HAR process because of the very persistent nature of the VIX index.


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This paper aims to investigate the factors that influence the satisfaction and fidelity of tennis´s users with the region southern city of Natal, capital of Rio Grande do Norte as the area of analyzing , using the national satisfaction index models as a tool to study. In this study was used the questionnaire as a tool for collecting data based on the new Norwegian customer satisfaction barometer model proposed by Johnson et. al. (2001). The data collection took place during the months of May and June 2008, when 450 tennis´s users were interviewed. The main results obtained by multiple regression analysis and logistic regression showed that the users' satisfaction with the tennis´s brand is influenced by the quality, comfort, material used in the manufacture and price, while fidelity is potentized by the image of the brand and the satisfaction degree with the user's tennis and with the brand of tennis. In relation to user satisfaction with the tennis, that satisfaction is influenced by the quality, comfort, weight and the material used, while fidelity is potentized by the satisfaction with the tennis´s brand, with the possibility of paying the same amount again and the emotional commitment. As the processing of claims there was no direct influence on satisfaction and consumers fidelity due to the low number complaints


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This Thesis presents a contribution to the study of models of customer satisfaction, analyzing the relationship between construct satisfaction and its antecedents and consequences, carrying through a survey with tourists who live in states of northeast region, had used to travel by bus or their own car and used hotel of Natal in the period from march to june at 2004. The theory research is focused in concepts of customer satisfaction and loyalty, quality management system models and customer satisfaction measurement index models. For the field survey was applied a model with questions based on the norwegian customer satisfaction barometer - NCSB considered for Johnson et al., 2001 with 92 tourists. The results gotten for the multiple regression evidence that tourist satisfaction with respect to the hotel suffer fort influences of six drivers of quality and complaints management. However the factors that influencing tourist loyalty with hotel are affective commitment, satisfaction with the hotel and the complaints management