114 resultados para barcode


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Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) is a technological revolution that is expected to soon replace barcode systems. One of the important features of an RFID system is its ability to search for a particular tag among a group of tags. This task is quite common where RFID systems play a vital role. To our knowledge not much work has been done in this secure search area of RFID. Also, most of the existing work do not comply with the C1G2 standards. Our work aims to fill that gap by proposing a protocol based on Quadratic Residues property that does not use the expensive hash functions or any complex encryption schemes but achieves total compliance with industry standards while meeting the security requirements.


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We present a comprehensive protocol for extracting DNA from egg membranes and other internal debris recovered from the interior of blown museum bird eggs. A variety of commercially available DNA extraction methods were found to be applicable. DNA sequencing of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) products for a 176-bp fragment of mitochondrial DNA was successful for most egg samples (> 78%) even though the amount of DNA extracted (mean = 14.71 ± 4.55 ng/µL) was significantly less than that obtained for bird skin samples (mean = 67.88 ± 4.77 ng/µL). For PCR and sequencing of snipe (Gallinago) DNA, we provide eight new primers for the ‘DNA barcode’ region of COI mtDNA. In various combinations, the primers target a range of PCR products sized from 72 bp to the full ‘barcode’ of 751 bp. Not all possible combinations were tested with archive snipe DNA, but we found a significantly better success rate of PCR amplification for a shorter 176-bp target compared with a larger 288-bp fragment (67% vs. 39%). Finally, we explored the feasibility of whole genome amplification (WGA) for extending the use of archive DNA in PCR and sequencing applications. Of two WGA approaches, a PCR-based method was found to be able to amplify whole genomic DNA from archive skins and eggs from museum bird collections. After WGA, significantly more archive egg samples produced visible PCR products on agarose (56.9% before WGA vs. 79.0% after WGA). However, overall sequencing success did not improve significantly (78.8% compared with 83.0%).


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Sixty-five accessions of the species-rich freshwater red algal order Batrachospermales were characterized through DNA sequencing of two regions: the mitochondrial cox1 gene (664 bp), which is proposed as the DNA barcode for red algae, and the UPA (universal plastid amplicon) marker (370 bp), which has been recently identified as a universally amplifying region of the plastid genome. upgma phenograms of both markers were consistent in their species-level relationships, although levels of sequence divergence were very different. Intraspecific variation of morphologically identified accessions for the cox1 gene ranged from 0 to 67 bp (divergences were highest for the two taxa with the greatest number of accessions; Batrachospermum helminthosum and Batrachospermum macrosporum); while in contrast, the more conserved universal plastid amplicon exhibited much lower intraspecific variation (generally 0-3 bp). Comparisons to previously published mitochondrial cox2-3 spacer sequences for B. helminthosum indicated that the cox1 gene and cox2-3 spacer were characterized by similar levels of sequence divergence, and phylogeographic patterns based on these two markers were consistent. The two taxa represented by the largest numbers of specimens (B. helminthosum and B. macrosporum) have cox1 intraspecific divergence values that are substantially higher than previously reported, but no morphological differences can be discerned at this time among the intraspecific groups revealed in the analyses. DNA barcode data, which are based on a short fragment of an organellar genome, need to be interpreted in conjunction with other taxonomic characters, and additional batrachospermalean taxa need to be analyzed in detail to be able to draw generalities regarding intraspecific variation in this order. Nevertheless, these analyses reveal a number of batrachospermalean taxa worthy of more detailed DNA barcode study, and it is predicted that such research will have a substantial effect on the taxonomy of species within the Batrachospermales in the future.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Background: The megadiverse Neotropical freshwater ichthyofauna is the richest in the world with approximately 6,000 recognized species. Interestingly, they are distributed among only 17 orders, and almost 80% of them belong to only three orders: Characiformes, Siluriformes and Perciformes. Moreover, evidence based on molecular data has shown that most of the diversification of the Neotropical ichthyofauna occurred recently. These characteristics make the taxonomy and identification of this fauna a great challenge, even when using molecular approaches. In this context, the present study aimed to test the effectiveness of the barcoding methodology (COI gene) to identify the mega diverse freshwater fish fauna from the Neotropical region. For this purpose, 254 species of fishes were analyzed from the Upper Parana River basin, an area representative of the larger Neotropical region.Results: Of the 254 species analyzed, 252 were correctly identified by their barcode sequences (99.2%). The main K2P intra- and inter-specific genetic divergence values (0.3% and 6.8%, respectively) were relatively low compared with similar values reported in the literature, reflecting the higher number of closely related species belonging to a few higher taxa and their recent radiation. Moreover, for 84 pairs of species that showed low levels of genetic divergence (<2%), application of a complementary character-based nucleotide diagnostic approach proved useful in discriminating them. Additionally, 14 species displayed high intra-specific genetic divergence (>2%), pointing to at least 23 strong candidates for new species.Conclusions: Our study is the first to examine a large number of freshwater fish species from the Neotropical area, including a large number of closely related species. The results confirmed the efficacy of the barcoding methodology to identify a recently radiated, megadiverse fauna, discriminating 99.2% of the analyzed species. The power of the barcode sequences to identify species, even with low interspecific divergence, gives us an idea of the distribution of inter-specific genetic divergence in these megadiverse fauna. The results also revealed hidden genetic divergences suggestive of reproductive isolation and putative cryptic speciation in some species (23 candidates for new species). Finally, our study constituted an important contribution to the international Barcoding of Life (iBOL.org) project, providing barcode sequences for use in identification of these species by experts and non-experts, and allowing them to be available for use in other applications. © 2013 Pereira et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.


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Twenty-five specimens of the freshwater red alga Compsopogon were collected from locations in North America, South America, Europe, Asia, Australasia and Oceania, and from an aquarium, with the goal of determining genetic diversity among specimens and ascertaining the number of phylogenetic species. Specimens were morphologically identified as having either the 'caeruleus' morphology, with regular polyhedral cortical cells, or the 'leptoclados' morphology, with irregular cortical cells with rhizoidal outgrowths. The 'leptoclados' morphology has been used by some researchers to distinguish the genus Compsopogonopsis from Compsopogon, or at least to distinguish C. leptoclados from other Compsopogon species. Sequence data for the rbcL gene and cox1 barcoding region were obtained for most specimens. In addition, SSU and partial LSU (barcode) rDNA were explored for a few specimens, but all sequences were identical. For the 25 newly generated and eight previously published rbcL gene data, there were seven unique haplotypes, but the sequence divergence was very low (≤7 bp, ≤ 0.7%). One haplotype was widespread, represented by 21 specimens from diverse locations in all regions sampled. Likewise, the 22 new and one previously published cox1 barcode region sequences yielded seven unique haplotypes with little sequence divergence (≤13 bp, ≤ 2.0%). One haplotype was widespread, being shared among 16 specimens from all regions. The combined molecular and morphological data showed no genetic differentiation between the 'caeruleus' and 'leptoclados' morphologies. The ubiquitous distribution of Compsopogon in tropical/subtropical regions and its low genetic variation are probably facilitated by the alga's ability to tolerate a wide range of stream conditions and its propagation via asexual spores. Given the findings of previous culture-based studies, morphometric research and field observations, coupled with the results of our study, we conclude there is only a single monospecific genus worldwide and that the species is correctly called C. caeruleus, since this is the oldest validly published name; all other previously described species of Compsopogon and Compsopogonopsis are synonyms. © 2013 British Phycological Society.


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The combination of morphological and molecular data of Tetragonopterus species collected in the Rio Araguaia basin allows the recognition of two undescribed species that are presented in this article. These species are distinguished from their congeners (Tetragonopterus anostomus, Tetragonopterus argenteus, Tetragonopterus carvalhoi, Tetragonopterus chalceus and Tetragonopterus rarus) by characters related to the number and morphology of the teeth, the numbers of gill rakers on the upper and lower limbs of the first gill arch, the number of predorsal scales and the overall colour pattern. In addition, the analysis of mitochondrial DNA sequences identified an accentuated genetic distance between these two new species and their congeners. A discussion of the phylogenetic relationships within Tetragonopterus is provided. © 2013 The Authors. Journal of Fish Biology © 2013 The Fisheries Society of the British Isles.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Pós-graduação em Microbiologia - IBILCE