952 resultados para bacterial outer membrane


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The permeability parameter (C) for the movement of cephalosporin C across the outer membrane of Pseudomonas aeruginosa was measured using the widely accepted method of Zimmermann & Rosselet. In one experiment, the value of C varied continuously from 4·2 to 10·8 cm3 min-1 (mg dry wt cells)-1 over a range of concentrations of the test substrate, cephalosporin C, from 50 to 5 μm. Dependence of C on the concentration of test substrate was still observed when the effect of a possible electric potential difference across the outer membrane was corrected for. In quantitative studies of β-lactam permeation the dependence of C on the concentration of β-lactam should be taken into account.


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A large majority of the 1000-1500 proteins in the mitochondria are encoded by the nuclear genome, and therefore, they are translated in the cytosol in the form and contain signals to enable the import of proteins into the organelle. The TOM complex is the major translocase of the outer membrane responsible for preprotein translocation. It consists of a general import pore complex and two membrane import receptors, Tom20 and Tom70. Tom70 contains a characteristic TPR domain, which is a docking site for the Hsp70 and Hsp90 chaperones. These chaperones are involved in protecting cytosolic preproteins from aggregation and then in delivering them to the TOM complex. Although highly significant, many aspects of the interaction between Tom70 and Hsp90 are still uncertain. Thus, we used biophysical tools to study the interaction between the C-terminal domain of Hsp90 (C-Hsp90), which contains the EEVD motif that binds to TPR domains, and the cytosolic fragment of Tom70. The results indicate a stoichiometry of binding of one monomer of Tom70 per dimer of C-Hsp90 with a K(D) of 360 30 nM, and the stoichiometry and thermodynamic parameters obtained suggested that Tom70 presents a different mechanism of interaction with Hsp90 when compared with other TPR proteins investigated. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Integral proteins in the outer membrane of mitochondria control all aspects of organelle biogenesis, being required for protein import, mitochondrial fission, and, in metazoans, mitochondrial aspects of programmed cell death. How these integral proteins are assembled in the outer membrane had been unclear. In bacteria, Omp85 is an essential component of the protein insertion machinery, and we show that members of the Omp85 protein family are also found in eukaryotes ranging from plants to humans. In eukaryotes, Omp85 is present in the mitochondrial outer membrane. The gene encoding Omp85 is essential for cell viability in yeast, and conditional omp85 mutants have defects that arise from compromised insertion of integral proteins like voltage-dependent anion channel (VDAC) and components of the translocase in the outer membrane of mitochondria (TOM) complex into the mitochondrial outer membrane.


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Bacterial cellulose (BC) membranes produced by gram-negative, acetic acid bacteria (Gluconacetobacter xylinus), were used as flexible substrates for the fabrication of Organic Light Emitting Diodes (OLED). In order to achieve the necessary conductive properties indium tin oxide (ITO) thin films were deposited onto the membrane at room temperature using radio frequency (r.f) magnetron sputtering with an r.f. power of 30 W, at pressure of 8 mPa in Ar atmosphere without any subsequent thermal treatment. Visible light transmittance of about 40% was observed. Resistivity, mobility and carrier concentration of deposited ITO films were 4.90 x 10(-4) Ohm cm, 8.08 cm(2)/V-s and -1.5 x 10(21) cm(-3), respectively, comparable with commercial ITO substrates. In order to demonstrate the feasibility of devices based on BC membranes three OLEDs with different substrates were produced: a reference one with commercial ITO on glass, a second one with a SiO(2) thin film interlayer between the BC membrane and the ITO layer and a third one just with ITO deposited directly on the BC membrane. The observed OLED luminance ratio was: 1; 0.5; 0.25 respectively, with 2400 cd/m(2) as the value for the reference OLED. These preliminary results show clearly that the functionalized biopolymer, biodegradable, biocompatible bacterial cellulose membranes can be successfully used as substrate in flexible organic optoelectronic devices. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Outer mitochondrial membrane (OMM) rupture was first noted in isolated mitochondria in which the inner mitochondrial membrane (IMM) had lost its selective permeability. This phenomenon referred to as mitochondrial permeability transition (MPT) refers to a permeabilized inner membrane that originates a large swelling in the mitochondrial matrix, which distends the outer membrane until it ruptures. Here, we have expanded previous electron microscopic observations that in apoptotic cells, OMM rupture is not caused by a membrane stretching promoted by a markedly swollen matrix. It is shown that the widths of the ruptured regions of the OMM vary from 6 to 250 nm. Independent of the perforation size, herniation of the mitochondrial matrix appeared to have resulted in pushing the IMM through the perforation. A large, long focal herniation of the mitochondrial matrix, covered with the IMM, was associated with a rupture of the OMM that was as small as 6 nm. Contextually, the collapse of the selective permeability of the IMM may precede or follow the release of the mitochondrial proteins of the intermembrane space into the cytoplasm. When the MPT is a late event, exit of the intermembrane space proteins to the cytoplasm is unimpeded and occurs through channels that transverse the outer membrane, because so far, the inner membrane is impermeable. No channel within the outer membrane can expose to the cytoplasm a permeable inner membrane, because it would serve as a conduit for local herniation of the mitochondrial matrix. Anat Rec, 2012. (c) 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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Carbapenem resistance amongst Acinetobacter spp. has been increasing in the last decade. This study evaluated the outer membrane protein (OMP) profile and production of carbapenemases in 50 carbapenem-resistant Acinetobacter spp. isolates from bloodstream infections. Isolates were identified by API20NE. Minimum inhibitory concentrations (MICs) for carbapenems were determined by broth microdilution. Carbapenemases were studied by phenotypic tests, detection of their encoding gene by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification, and imipenem hydrolysis. Nucleotide sequencing confirming the enzyme gene type was performed using MegaBACE 1000. The presence of OMPs was studied by sodium dodecyl sulphate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) and PCR. Molecular typing was performed using pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE). All isolates were resistant to carbapenems. Moreover, 98% of the isolates were positive for the gene encoding the enzyme OXA-51-like, 18% were positive for OXA-23-like (only one isolate did not show the presence of the insertion sequence ISAba1 adjacent to this gene) and 76% were positive for OXA-143 enzyme. Five isolates (10%) showed the presence of the IMP-1 gene. Imipenem hydrolysing activity was detected in only three strains containing carbapenemase genes, comprising two isolates containing the bla(IMP) gene and one containing the bla(OXA-51/OXA-23-like) gene. The OMP of 43 kDa was altered in 17 of 25 strains studied, and this alteration was associated with a high meropenem MIC (256 mu g/mL) in 5 of 7 strains without 43 kDa OMP. On the other hand, decreased OMP 33-36 kDa was found in five strains. The high prevalence of OXA-143 and alteration of OMPs might have been associated with a high level of carbapenem resistance. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. and the International Society of Chemotherapy. All rights reserved.


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LipL32 is the most abundant outer membrane protein from pathogenic Leptospira and has been shown to bind extracellular matrix (ECM) proteins as well as Ca2+. Recent crystal structures have been obtained for the protein in the apo-and Ca2+-bound forms. In this work, we produced three LipL32 mutants (D163-168A, Q67A, and S247A) and evaluated their ability to interact with Ca2+ and with ECM glycoproteins and human plasminogen. The D163-168A mutant modifies aspartate residues involved in Ca2+ binding, whereas the other two modify residues in a cavity on the other side of the protein structure. Loss of calcium binding in the D163-D168A mutant was confirmed using intrinsic tryptophan fluorescence, circular dichroism, and thermal denaturation whereas the Q67A and S247A mutants presented the same Ca2+ affinity as the wild-type protein. We then evaluated if Ca2+ binding to LipL32 would be crucial for its interaction with collagen type IV and plasma proteins fibronectin and plasminogen. Surprisingly, the wild-type protein and all three mutants, including the D163-168A variant, bound to these ECM proteins with very similar affinities, both in the presence and absence of Ca2+ ions. In conclusion, calcium binding to LipL32 may be important to stabilize the protein, but is not necessary to mediate interaction with host extracellular matrix proteins.


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The pathway of copper entry into Escherichia coli is still unknown. In an attempt to shed light on this process, a lux-based biosensor was utilized to monitor intracellular copper levels in situ. From a transposon-mutagenized library, strains were selected in which copper entry into cells was reduced, apparent as clones with reduced luminescence when grown in the presence of copper (low-glowers). One low-glower had a transposon insertion in the comR gene, which encodes a TetR-like transcriptional regulator. The mutant strain could be complemented by the comR gene on a plasmid, restoring luminescence to wild-type levels. ComR did not regulate its own expression, but was required for copper-induction of the neighboring, divergently transcribed comC gene, as shown by real-time quantitative PCR and with a promoter-lux fusion. The purified ComR regulator bound to the promoter region of the comC gene in vitro and was released by copper. By membrane fractionation, ComC was shown to be localized in the outer membrane. When grown in the presence of copper, ∆comC cells had higher periplasmic and cytoplasmic copper levels, compared to the wild-type, as assessed by the activation of the periplasmic CusRS sensor and the cytoplasmic CueR sensor, respectively. Thus, ComC is an outer membrane protein which lowers the permeability of the outer membrane to copper. The expression of ComC is controlled by ComR, a novel, TetR-like copper-responsive repressor.


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In this chapter the methodological bases are provided to achieve subnanometer resolution on two-dimensional (2D) membrane protein crystals by atomic force microscopy (AFM). This is outlined in detail with the example of AFM studies of the outer membrane protein F (OmpF) from the bacterium Escherichia coli (E. coli). We describe in detail the high-resolution imaging of 2D OmpF crystals in aqueous solution and under near-physiological conditions. The topographs of OmpF, and stylus effects and artifacts encountered when imaging by AFM are discussed.


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Mitochondria are found in all eukaryotic cells and derive from a bacterial endosymbiont [1, 2]. The evolution of a protein import system was a prerequisite for the conversion of the endosymbiont into a true organelle. Tom40, the essential component of the protein translocase of the outer membrane, is conserved in mitochondria of almost all eukaryotes but lacks bacterial orthologs [3-6]. It serves as the gateway through which all mitochondrial proteins are imported. The parasitic protozoa Trypanosoma brucei and its relatives do not have a Tom40-like protein, which raises the question of how proteins are imported by their mitochondria [7, 8]. Using a combination of bioinformatics and in vivo and in vitro studies, we have discovered that T. brucei likely employs a different import channel, termed ATOM (archaic translocase of the outer mitochondria! membrane). ATOM mediates the import of nuclear-encoded proteins into mitochondria and is essential for viability of trypanosomes. It is not related to Tom40 but is instead an ortholog of a subgroup of the 0mp85 protein superfamily that is involved in membrane translocation and insertion of bacterial outer membrane proteins [9]. This suggests that the protein import channel in trypanosomes is a relic of an archaic protein transport system that was operational in the ancestor of all eukaryotes.


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Moraxella catarrhalis is a major mucosal pathogen of the human respiratory tract both in children and in adults. Two subpopulations of this organism have been described that differ in 16S rRNA gene sequence and virulence traits. Three 16S rRNA types have been defined. 2-DE followed by protein identification by MS revealed significant differences in the outer membrane protein (OMP) patterns of each M. catarrhalis 16S rRNA type. Approximately 130 features were detected on the 2-DE map of each M. catarrhalis 16S rRNA type. However, only 50 features were expressed by all strains. Furthermore, direct profiling of isolated OMP using MALDI-TOF MS resulted in a characteristic spectral fingerprint for each 16S rRNA type. Fingerprints remained identical when intact cells instead of isolated OMP were analyzed. This finding suggests that the source of desorbed ions is the outer membrane. Based on the fingerprint we were able to assign 18 well-characterized clinical M. catarrhalis isolates to the correct subpopulation. Therefore, MALDI-TOF of intact M. catarrhalis provides a rapid and robust tool for M. catarrhalis strain typing that could be applied in epidemiological studies.