998 resultados para attachment systems


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Despite the paradigm that carbohydrates are T cell-independent antigens, isotype-switched glycan-specific immunoglobulin G (IgG) antibodies and polysaccharide-specific T cells are found in humans. We used a systems-level approach combined with glycan array technology to decipher the repertoire of carbohydrate-specific IgG antibodies in intravenous and subcutaneous immunoglobulin preparations. A strikingly universal architecture of this repertoire with modular organization among different donor populations revealed an association between immunogenicity or tolerance and particular structural features of glycans. Antibodies were identified with specificity not only for microbial antigens but also for a broad spectrum of host glycans that serve as attachment sites for viral and bacterial pathogens and/or exotoxins. Tumor-associated carbohydrate antigens were differentially detected by IgG antibodies, whereas non-IgG2 reactivity was predominantly absent. Our study highlights the power of systems biology approaches to analyze immune responses and reveals potential glycan antigen determinants that are relevant to vaccine design, diagnostic assays, and antibody-based therapies.


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Aggregation of algae, mainly diatoms, is an important process in marine systems leading to the settling of particulate organic carbon predominantly in the form of marine snow. Exudation products of phytoplankton form transparent exopolymer particles (TEP), which acts as the glue for particle aggregation. Heterotrophic bacteria interacting with phytoplankton may influence TEP formation and phytoplankton aggregation. This bacterial impact has not been explored in detail. We hypothesized that bacteria attaching to Thalassiosira weissflogii might interact in a yet-to-be determined manner, which could impact TEP formation and aggregate abundance. The role of individual T. weissflogii-attaching and free-living new bacterial isolates for TEP production and diatom aggregation was investigated in vitro. T. weissflogii did not aggregate in axenic culture, and striking differences in aggregation dynamics and TEP abundance were observed when diatom cultures were inoculated with either diatom-attaching or free-living bacteria. The data indicated that free-living bacteria might not influence aggregation whereas bacteria attaching to diatom cells may increase aggregate formation. Interestingly, photosynthetically inactivated T. weissflogii cells did not aggregate regardless of the presence of bacteria. Comparison of aggregate formation, TEP production, aggregate sinking velocity and solid hydrated density revealed remarkable differences. Both, photosynthetically active T. weissflogii and specific diatom-attaching bacteria were required for aggregation. It was concluded that interactions between heterotrophic bacteria and diatoms increased aggregate formation and particle sinking and thus may enhance the efficiency of the biological pump.


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Metaphase checkpoint controls sense abnormalities of chromosome alignment during mitosis and prevent progression to anaphase until proper alignment has been attained. A number of proteins, including mad2, bub1, and bubR1, have been implicated in the metaphase checkpoint control in mammalian cells. Metaphase checkpoints have been shown, in various systems, to read loss of either spindle tension or microtubule attachment at the kinetochore. Characteristically, HeLa cells arrest in metaphase in response to low levels of microtubule inhibitors that leave an intact spindle and a metaphase plate. Here we show that the arrest induced by nanomolar vinblastine correlates with loss of tension at the kinetochore, and that in response the checkpoint proteins bub1 and bubR1 are recruited to the kinetochore but mad2 is not. mad2 remains competent to respond and is recruited at higher drug doses that disrupt spindle association with the kinetochores. Further, although mad2 forms a complex with cdc20, it does not associate with bub1 or bubR1. We conclude that mammalian bub1/bubR1 and mad2 operate as elements of distinct pathways sensing tension and attachment, respectively.


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Line managers increasingly play a key role in organizational career development systems, yet few studies have examined the nature of this role or its implications for employee career attitudes and behaviors. In two studies, we used attachment theory to explore this issue. In Study 1, in-depth interviews (N = 20) showed that employees viewed career management as a relational process in which line managers are expected to act as ‘caregiver’ to support individualized career development. Study 2 was a large-scale international survey (N = 891). Participants scoring higher on attachment avoidance in their line manager relationships reported more negative perceptions of career growth opportunities, lower participation in organizational career development activities and higher turnover intentions. Trust in the organization partially mediated the relationship. Theoretical and practical implications for HRM are discussed.


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Light is the main information about the interstellar medium accessible on Earth. Based on this information one can conclude on the composition of the region where the light originates from, as well as on its history. The requirement for this is that it is possible to identify the different absorption and emission features in the spectrum and assign them to certain molecules, atoms or ions. To enable the identification of the different species, precise spectroscopic investigations of the species in the laboratory are necessary. In this work a new spectroscopic method is presented, which can be used to record pure rotational spectra of mass selected, cold, stored molecular ions. It is based on the idea of state specific attachment of helium atoms to the stored molecular ions. The new technique has been made possible through the development and recent completion of two new 22-pole ion trap instruments in the work group of Laboratory Astrophysics at the University of Cologne. These new instruments have the advantage to reach temperatures as low as 4K compared to the 10K of the predecessor instrument. These low temperatures enable the ternary attachment of helium atoms to the stored molecular ions and by this make it possible to develop this new method for pure rotational spectroscopy. According to this, this work is divided into two parts. The first part deals with the new FELion experiment that was build and characterized in the first part of the thesis. FELion is a cryogenic 22-pole ion trap apparatus, allowing to generate, mass select, store and cool down, and analyze molecular ions. The different components of the instrument, e.g. the Storage Ion Source for generating the ions or the first quadrupole mass filter, are described and characterized in this part. Besides this also the newly developed control and data acquisitions system is introduced. With this instrument the measurements presented in the second part of the work were performed. The second part deals with the new action spectroscopic method of state-selective helium attachment to the stored molecular ions. For a deeper analysis of the new technique the systems of CD+ and helium and HCO+ and helium are investigated in detail. Analytical and numerical models of the process are presented and compared to experimental results. The results of these investigations point to a seemingly very general applicability of the new method to a wide class of molecular ions. In the final part of the thesis measurements of the rotational spectrum of l-C3H+ are presented. These measurements have to be high-lighted, since it was possible for the first time in the laboratory to unambiguously measure four low-lying rotational transitions of l-C3H+. These measurements (Brünken et al. ApJL 783, L4 (2014)) enabled the reliable identification of so far unidentified emision lines observed in several regions of the interstellar medium (Pety et al. Astron. Astrophys. 548, A68 (2012), McGuire et al. The Astrophysical Journal 774, 56 (2013) and McGuire et al. The Astrophysical Journal 783, 36 (2014)).


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A planar polynomial differential system has a finite number of limit cycles. However, finding the upper bound of the number of limit cycles is an open problem for the general nonlinear dynamical systems. In this paper, we investigated a class of Liénard systems of the form x'=y, y'=f(x)+y g(x) with deg f=5 and deg g=4. We proved that the related elliptic integrals of the Liénard systems have at most three zeros including multiple zeros, which implies that the number of limit cycles bifurcated from the periodic orbits of the unperturbed system is less than or equal to 3.