132 resultados para atropine
We investigated the effects of bilateral injections of the GABA receptor agonists muscimol (GABA A) and baclofen (GABA B) into the nucleus tractus solitarius (NTS) on the bradycardia and hypotension induced by iv serotonin injections (5-HT, 2 µg/rat) in awake male Holtzman rats. 5-HT was injected in rats with stainless steel cannulas implanted bilaterally in the NTS, before and 5, 15, and 60 min after bilateral injections of muscimol or baclofen into the NTS. The responses to 5-HT were tested before and after the injection of atropine methyl bromide. Muscimol (50 pmol/50 nl, N = 8) into the NTS increased basal mean arterial pressure (MAP) from 115 ± 4 to 144 ± 6 mmHg, did not change basal heart rate (HR) and reduced the bradycardia (-40 ± 14 and -73 ± 26 bpm at 5 and 15 min, respectively, vs -180 ± 20 bpm for the control) and hypotension (-11 ± 4 and -14 ± 4 mmHg, vs -40 ± 9 mmHg for the control) elicited by 5-HT. Baclofen (12.5 pmol/50 nl, N = 7) into the NTS also increased basal MAP, but did not change basal HR, bradycardia or hypotension in response to 5-HT injections. Atropine methyl bromide (1 mg/kg body weight) injected iv reduced the bradycardic and hypotensive responses to 5-HT injections. The stimulation of GABA A receptors in the NTS of awake rats elicits a significant increase in basal MAP and decreases the cardiac Bezold-Jarisch reflex responses to iv 5-HT injections.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Reptiles, particularly snakes, exhibit large and quantitatively similar increments in metabolic rate during muscular exercise and following a meal, when they are apparently inactive. The cardiovascular responses are similar during these two states, but the underlying autonomic control of the heart remains unknown. We describe both adrenergic and cholinergic tonus on the heart during rest, during enforced activity and during digestion (24-36h after ingestion of 30% of their body mass) in the snake Boa constrictor. The snakes were equipped with an arterial catheter for measurements of blood pressure and heart rate, and autonomic tonus was determined following infusion of the beta -adrenergic antagonist propranolol (3mg kg(-1)) and the muscarinic cholinoceptor antagonist atropine (3 mg kg-1).The mean heart rate of fasting animals at rest was 26.4 +/- 1.4 min(-1), and this increased to 36.1 +/- 1.4 min(-1) (means +/- S.E.M.; N=8) following double autonomic block (atropine and propranolol). The calculated cholinergic and adrenergic tones were 60.1 +/- 0.3% and 19.8 +/- 2.2%, respectively. Heart rate increased to 61.4 +/- 1.5 min(-1) during enforced activity, and this response was significantly reduced by propranolol (maximum values of 35.8 +/-1.6 min(-1)), but unaffected by atropine. The cholinergic and adrenergic tones were 2.6 +/- 2.2 and 41.3 +/- 1.9 % during activity, respectively. Double autonomic block virtually abolished tachycardia associated with enforced activity (heart rate increased significantly from 36.1 +/- 1.4 to 37.6 +/- 1.3 min(-1)), indicating that non-adrenergic, non-cholinergic effectors are not involved in regulating heart rate during activity. Blood pressure also increased during activity.Digestion was accompanied by an increase in heart rate from 25.6 +/- 1.3 to 47.7 +/- 2.2 min(-1) (N=8). In these animals, heart rate decreased to 44.2 +/- 2.7 min-1 following propranolol infusion and increased to 53.9 +/- 1.8 min-1 after infusion of atropine, resulting in small cholinergic and adrenergic tones (6.0 +/- 3.5 and 11.1 +/- 1.1 %, respectively). The heart rate of digesting snakes was 47.0 +/- 1.0 min(-1) after double autonomic blockade, which is significantly higher than the value of 36.1 1.4 min-1 in double-blocked fasting animals at rest. Therefore, it appears that some other factor exerts a positive chronotropic effect during digestion, and we propose that this factor may be a circulating regulatory peptide, possibly liberated from the gastrointestinal system in response to the presence of food.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
The influence of afterload on the rate of force generation by the myocardium was investigated using two types of preparations: the in situ dog heart (dP/dt) and isolated papillary muscle of rats (dT/dt). Thirteen anesthetized, mechanically ventilated and thoracotomized dogs were submitted to pharmacological autonomic blockade (3.0 mg/kg oxprenolol plus 0.5 mg/kg atropine). A reservoir connected to the left atrium permitted the control of left ventricular end-diastolic pressure (LVEDP). A mechanical constriction of the descending thoracic aorta allowed to increase the systolic pressure in two steps of 20 mmHg (conditions H1 and H2) above control values (condition C). After arterial pressure elevations (systolic pressure C: 119 ± 8.1; H1: 142 ± 7.9; H2 166 ± 7.7 mmHg; P<0.01), there were no significant differences in heart rate (C: 125 ± 13.9; H1: 125 ± 13.5; H2: 123 ± 14.1 bpm; P>0.05) or LVEDP (C: 6.2 ± 2.48; H1: 6.3 ± 2.43; H2: 6.1 ± 2.51 mmHg; P>0.05). The values of dP/dt did not change after each elevation of arterial pressure (C: 3,068 ± 1,057; H1: 3,112 ± 996; H2: 3,086 ± 980 mmHg/s; P>0.05). In isolated rat papillary muscle, an afterload corresponding to 50% and 75% of the maximal developed tension did not alter the values of the maximum rate of tension development (100%: 78 ± 13; 75%: 80 ± 13; 50%: 79 ± 11 g mm-2 s-1, P>0.05). The results show that the rise in afterload per se does not cause changes in dP/dt or dT/dt
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Este trabalho teve o objetivo de avaliar as possíveis alterações eletrocardiográficas de cães submetidos a duas condutas anestésicas, indicando aquela que produz menores alterações no eletrocardiograma (ECG). Foram utilizados 40 cães com idade igual ou superior a cinco anos, 24 machos e 16 fêmeas, com peso entre 5 e 42kg, oriundos de clínicas particulares da cidade de São Paulo e do canil da Polícia Militar do Estado de São Paulo, sem sintomas cardiovasculares e triados para tartarectomia. Todos os cães foram submetidos a dois ECG: um antes da anestesia e outro imediatamente antes de se iniciar o procedimento cirúrgico. As características eletrocardiográficas avaliadas foram: ritmo, duração da onda P, do complexo QRS e dos intervalos PR e QT, amplitude das ondas P e R e alterações do segmento ST e da onda T; avaliou-se também o índice de tono vagal (ITV). Os cães foram divididos em: grupo 1, que recebeu atropina, levomepromazina, tiopental e halotano (ALTH) e grupo 2, que recebeu atropina, tiletamina e zolazepam (ATZ). Os resultados mostraram que a associação ALTH produziu algumas alterações discretas no ECG dos cães avaliados, caracterizadas por modificações qualitativas no segmento ST, na onda T e no ritmo cardíaco, reduzindo significativamente o ITV, com tendência à bradicardia e hipóxia. Já a associação ATZ, além das alterações já citadas, produziu diminuição da duração dos intervalos PR e QT, bem como aumentou a freqüência cardíaca, com tendência à taquicardia e hipóxia.
JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: A parada cardíaca per-operatória é um evento grave, e sua incidência em nosso serviço é de 31:10.000 anestesias. O objetivo deste relato é apresentar um caso de parada cardíaca durante anestesia geral em uma paciente submetida a colecistectomia. RELATO do CASO: Paciente feminina, 16 anos, 62 kg, estado físico ASA I, submetida à colecistectomia por via aberta. Midazolam (15 mg) por via oral foi a medicação pré-anestésica. Foi realizadas indução anestésica com sufentanil (50 µg), propofol (150 mg) e atracúrio (30 mg). A anestesia foi mantida com isoflurano e N2O. Após trinta minutos de cirurgia ocorreu bradicardia sinusal revertida com atropina (0,5 mg). Vinte minutos depois, ocorreu outra bradicardia com bloqueio átrio-ventricular de 3º grau evoluindo rapidamente para parada cardíaca (PCR) em assistolia, apesar da administração de atropina (1 mg). As manobras de reanimação foram iniciadas imediatamente, juntamente com a administração de adrenalina (1 mg), com retorno dos batimentos cardíacos espontâneos após aproximadamente cinco minutos da PCR. A cirurgia foi concluída e a paciente manteve-se estável hemodinami- camente. A paciente foi extubada duas horas após o término da cirurgia apresentando-se sonolenta, não contactante, com bom padrão ventilatório e hemodinâmico. Após doze horas de observação na unidade de terapia intensiva (UTI) a paciente apresentava-se agitada e desconexa. Vinte e quatro horas após a PCR a paciente recebeu alta da UTI consciente, orientada, sem queixas e sem déficit neurológico. Recebeu alta hospitalar no 4º dia do pós-operatório. CONCLUSÕES: Diversos fatores podem contribuir para a ocorrência de disritmias e parada cardíaca no per-operatório, destacando-se a estimulação vagal secundária às manobras cirúrgicas. O diagnóstico precoce e o rápido início das manobras de reanimação são de fundamental importância para a boa evolução neurológica desses pacientes
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Foi descrita a hemi-ovariossalpingohisterectomia em cinco pacas prenhes mantidas em cativeiro no Setor de Animais Silvestres da Faculdade de Ciências Agrárias e Veterinárias (FCAV-UNESP) de Jaboticabal, São Paulo, Brasil, a fim de observar futura prenhez no corno restante. A tranqüilização foi obtida após aplicação de azaperone (4mg/kg) seguida da aplicação de sulfato de atropina (0,06mg/kg) e da associação de cloridrato de quetamina (20mg/kg) e cloridrato de xilazina (1,5mg/kg), ambos na mesma seringa, para indução da anestesia. A anestesia geral foi obtida mediante inalação de halotano por máscara. Por meio de laparotomia mediana, foram retirados o corno uterino prenhe, o ovário e a tuba uterina, todos do mesmo antímero. Antibióticos (30.000UI/kg de três penicilinas e 12,5mg/kg de duas estreptomicinas) e analgésico (0,02mg/kg de buprenorfina) foram aplicados imediatamente após a cirurgia, sendo repetidos após dois dias. Todas as aplicações foram feitas por via intramuscular. Apesar da permanência de apenas um ovário após a cirurgia, nova prenhez ocorreu no corno restante nas cinco fêmeas submetidas à cirurgia, com o nascimento de filhotes (apenas um por parto) após 215, 248, 276, 302 e 310 dias da hemi-ovariossalpingohisterectomia.
In the present study, we investigated the effect of previous injection of either prazosin (alpha 1-adrenergic antagonist) or atropine (muscarinic cholinergic antagonist) into the medial septal area (MSA) on the presser and dipsogenic responses induced by intracerebroventricular (ICV) injection of carbachol (cholinergic agonist) and angiotensin II (ANGII) in rats. The presser and dipsogenic responses to ICV carbachol (7 nmol) were reduced after previous treatment of the MSA with atropine (0.5 to 5 nmol), but not prazosin (20 and 40 nmol). The dipsogenic response to ICV ANGII (25 ng) was reduced after prazosin (40 nmol) into the MSA. The presser response to ICV ANGII was not changed either by previous treatment of the MSA with prazosin or atropine. The present results suggest a dissociation among the pathways subserving the control of dipsogenic and presser responses to central cholinergic or angiotensinergic activation.
1. A method for obtaining the end-systolic left ventricular (LV) pressure-diameter and stress-diameter relationships in man was critically analyzed.2. Pressure-diameter and stress-diameter relationships were determined throughout the cardiac cycle by combining standard LV manometry with M-mode echocardiography. Nine adult patients with heart disease and without heart failure were studied during intracardiac catheterization under three different conditions of arterial pressure, i.e., basal (B) condition (mean +/- SD systolic pressure, 102 +/- 10 mmHg) and two stable states of arterial hypertension (H(I), 121 +/- 12 mmHg; H(II), 147 +/- 17 mmHg) induced by venous infusion of phenylephrine after parasympathetic autonomic blockade with 0.04 mg/kg atropine.3. Significant reflex heart rate variation with arterial hypertension was observed (B, 115 +/- 20 bpm; H(I), 103 +/- 14 bpm; H(II), 101 +/- 13 bpm) in spite of the parasympathetic blockade with atropine. The linear end-systolic pressure-diameter and stress-diameter relationships ranged from 53.0 to 160.0 mmHg/cm and from 97.0 to 195.0 g/cm3, respectively.4. The end-systolic LV pressure-diameter and stress-diameter relationship lines presented high and variable slopes. The slopes, which are indicators of myocardial contractility, are susceptible to modifications by small deviations in the measurement of the ventricular diameter or by delay in the pressure curve recording.
Autonomic control of heart rate variability and the central location of vagal preganglionic neurones (VPN) were examined in the rattlesnake ( Crotalus durissus terrificus), in order to determine whether respiratory sinus arrhythmia (RSA) occurred in a similar manner to that described for mammals. Resting ECG signals were recorded in undisturbed snakes using miniature datalogging devices, and the presence of oscillations in heart rate (f(H)) was assessed by power spectral analysis (PSA). This mathematical technique provides a graphical output that enables the estimation of cardiac autonomic control by measuring periodic changes in the heart beat interval. At fH above 19 min(-1) spectra were mainly characterised by low frequency components, reflecting mainly adrenergic tonus on the heart. By contrast, at f(H) below 19 min(-1) spectra typically contained high frequency components, demonstrated to be cholinergic in origin. Snakes with a f(H) > 19 min(-1) may therefore have insufficient cholinergic tonus and/or too high an adrenergic tonus acting upon the heart for respiratory sinus arrhythmia ( RSA) to develop. A parallel study monitored f(Hd) simultaneously with the intraperitoneal pressures associated with lung inflation. Snakes with a fH < 19 min(-1) exhibited a high frequency (HF) peak in the power spectrum, which correlated with ventilation rate (f(V)). Adrenergic blockade by propranolol infusion increased the variability of the ventilation cycle, and the oscillatory component of the f(H) spectrum broadened accordingly. Infusion of atropine to effect cholinergic blockade abolished this HF component, confirming a role for vagal control of the heart in matching f(H) and f(V) in the rattlesnake. A neuroanatomical study of the brainstem revealed two locations for vagal preganglionic neurones (VPN). This is consistent with the suggestion that generation of ventilatory components in the heart rate variability (HRV) signal are dependent on spatially distinct loci for cardiac VPN. Therefore, this study has demonstrated the presence of RSA in the HRV signal and a dual location for VPN in the rattlesnake. We suggest there to be a causal relationship between these two observations.
The digestive gland of Pomacea lineata, a prosobranch gastropod mollusc inhabiting both fresh water and land, does not contain cholinomimetic compounds as do the glands of species of Aplysia, marine opisthobranch gastropods, in which both acetylcholine and urocanylcholine are present. The only pharmacological action detected for the digestive gland of Pomacea was spasmogenic activity of a crude homogenate containing 0.1 g tissue equivalents on the snail's own esophagus bathed in 10 ml of a physiological solution prepared on the basis of the animal's hemolymph composition. The spamodic activity was not blocked by atropine, bromlysergic acid diethylamide or anthazoline.
The effect of carbachol (80 nmol/mul) injection into the amygdaloid nuclear complex (AMG) on sodium appetite and water intake was studied in male Holtzman rats weighing 240-270 g. Twenty-five satiated rats and 38 water-deprived rats were used in the experiment on water intake. In the experiment on sodium intake, 19 rats were injected with atropine + carbachol and 9 rats with hexamethonium + carbachol. After carbachol injection into the AMG, water intake decreased in rats submitted to 30 h of water deprivation (10.28 +/- 1.04 ml/120 min vs 0.69 +/- 0.22 ml/120 min). The decrease in water intake was blocked by prior local injection of a tropine (20 nmol/1 mul)(11.66 +/- 1.46 ml/120 min vs 0.69 +/- 0.22 ml/120 min), but not of hexamethonium (30 nmol/1 mul), into the AMG. In water-deprived animals, carbachol injection into the AMG caused a decrease in sodium chloride intake (6.16 +/- 1.82 ml/h vs 0.88 +/- 0.54 ml/h) which was blocked by previous injection of hexamethonium but not of a tropine. These results suggest that the cholinergic system of the AMG plays a role in the control of water and salt intake.