63 resultados para arbitrariness


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Treating patients with combined agents is a growing trend in cancer clinical trials. Evaluating the synergism of multiple drugs is often the primary motivation for such drug-combination studies. Focusing on the drug combination study in the early phase clinical trials, our research is composed of three parts: (1) We conduct a comprehensive comparison of four dose-finding designs in the two-dimensional toxicity probability space and propose using the Bayesian model averaging method to overcome the arbitrariness of the model specification and enhance the robustness of the design; (2) Motivated by a recent drug-combination trial at MD Anderson Cancer Center with a continuous-dose standard of care agent and a discrete-dose investigational agent, we propose a two-stage Bayesian adaptive dose-finding design based on an extended continual reassessment method; (3) By combining phase I and phase II clinical trials, we propose an extension of a single agent dose-finding design. We model the time-to-event toxicity and efficacy to direct dose finding in two-dimensional drug-combination studies. We conduct extensive simulation studies to examine the operating characteristics of the aforementioned designs and demonstrate the designs' good performances in various practical scenarios.^


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Con este trabajo se pretende poner de relieve la conciencia de la marginalidad que experimentan los miembros de una publicación literaria –Tarja– de una provincia alejada como Jujuy. Pero para que la distancia se haga perceptible debe existir un punto cero o “meridiano de Greenwich" desde donde establecer las diferencias. Ese punto es la ciudad portuaria de Buenos Aires. Las observaciones que registra la revista sobre estos tópicos abre asimismo otra variable: la arbitrariedad de la “provincia" y la relevancia histórico-cultural de la pertenencia a una región. En nuestro caso, una región andina transprovincial y supranacional.


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En este trabajo se plantean algunas aproximaciones a la cuestión del uso del lenguaje y sus representaciones dentro del fantasy, profundizando una investigación anterior sobre el tema (Gagliardi, 2011). En la literatura fantástica se le asigna frecuentemente a la palabra un valor mágico y performativo, en especial dentro de los relatos de la denominada "fantasía heroica". Nuestra hipótesis es que existen al menos dos representaciones diferentes sobre el rol de la palabra en estas ficciones: unas que siguen la tradición de Cratilo ("El que conoce los nombres conoce también las cosas") y otra más reciente que se cuestiona la relación unívoca entre palabra y referente, al mismo tiempo que problematiza cuestiones como la identidad. De este modo, la palabra, su valor y posibilidades dentro de las obras literarias que proponemos explorar participa de la construcción del universo ficcional, su cosmovisión y verosímil. La selección de obras literarias para esta presentación tiene como fin mostrar algunos casos representativos que puedan extenderse luego a un corpus más amplio dado que esta comunicación plantea un estado de la cuestión. Tomaremos las novelas Un mago de Terramar (Le Guin); Harry Potter y la piedra filosofal (Rowling); El nombre del viento (Rothfuss) y El dador de recuerdos (Lowry). De todas ellas analizaremos fragmentos en los cuales aparezcan las representaciones sobre el lenguaje y propondremos una clasificación tentativa al respecto


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En este trabajo se plantean algunas aproximaciones a la cuestión del uso del lenguaje y sus representaciones dentro del fantasy, profundizando una investigación anterior sobre el tema (Gagliardi, 2011). En la literatura fantástica se le asigna frecuentemente a la palabra un valor mágico y performativo, en especial dentro de los relatos de la denominada "fantasía heroica". Nuestra hipótesis es que existen al menos dos representaciones diferentes sobre el rol de la palabra en estas ficciones: unas que siguen la tradición de Cratilo ("El que conoce los nombres conoce también las cosas") y otra más reciente que se cuestiona la relación unívoca entre palabra y referente, al mismo tiempo que problematiza cuestiones como la identidad. De este modo, la palabra, su valor y posibilidades dentro de las obras literarias que proponemos explorar participa de la construcción del universo ficcional, su cosmovisión y verosímil. La selección de obras literarias para esta presentación tiene como fin mostrar algunos casos representativos que puedan extenderse luego a un corpus más amplio dado que esta comunicación plantea un estado de la cuestión. Tomaremos las novelas Un mago de Terramar (Le Guin); Harry Potter y la piedra filosofal (Rowling); El nombre del viento (Rothfuss) y El dador de recuerdos (Lowry). De todas ellas analizaremos fragmentos en los cuales aparezcan las representaciones sobre el lenguaje y propondremos una clasificación tentativa al respecto


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En este trabajo se plantean algunas aproximaciones a la cuestión del uso del lenguaje y sus representaciones dentro del fantasy, profundizando una investigación anterior sobre el tema (Gagliardi, 2011). En la literatura fantástica se le asigna frecuentemente a la palabra un valor mágico y performativo, en especial dentro de los relatos de la denominada "fantasía heroica". Nuestra hipótesis es que existen al menos dos representaciones diferentes sobre el rol de la palabra en estas ficciones: unas que siguen la tradición de Cratilo ("El que conoce los nombres conoce también las cosas") y otra más reciente que se cuestiona la relación unívoca entre palabra y referente, al mismo tiempo que problematiza cuestiones como la identidad. De este modo, la palabra, su valor y posibilidades dentro de las obras literarias que proponemos explorar participa de la construcción del universo ficcional, su cosmovisión y verosímil. La selección de obras literarias para esta presentación tiene como fin mostrar algunos casos representativos que puedan extenderse luego a un corpus más amplio dado que esta comunicación plantea un estado de la cuestión. Tomaremos las novelas Un mago de Terramar (Le Guin); Harry Potter y la piedra filosofal (Rowling); El nombre del viento (Rothfuss) y El dador de recuerdos (Lowry). De todas ellas analizaremos fragmentos en los cuales aparezcan las representaciones sobre el lenguaje y propondremos una clasificación tentativa al respecto


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The twentieth century brought a new sensibility characterized by the discredit of cartesian rationality and the weakening of universal truths, related with aesthetic values as order, proportion and harmony. In the middle of the century, theorists such as Theodor Adorno, Rudolf Arnheim and Anton Ehrenzweig warned about the transformation developed by the artistic field. Contemporary aesthetics seemed to have a new goal: to deny the idea of art as an organized, finished and coherent structure. The order had lost its privileged position. Disorder, probability, arbitrariness, accidentality, randomness, chaos, fragmentation, indeterminacy... Gradually new terms were coined by aesthetic criticism to explain what had been happening since the beginning of the century. The first essays on the matter sought to provide new interpretative models based on, among other arguments, the phenomenology of perception, the recent discoveries of quantum mechanics, the deeper layers of the psyche or the information theories. Overall, were worthy attempts to give theoretical content to a situation as obvious as devoid of founding charter. Finally, in 1962, Umberto Eco brought together all this efforts by proposing a single theoretical frame in his book Opera Aperta. According to his point of view, all of the aesthetic production of twentieth century had a characteristic in common: its capacity to express multiplicity. For this reason, he considered that the nature of contemporary art was, above all, ambiguous. The aim of this research is to clarify the consequences of the incorporation of ambiguity in architectural theoretical discourse. We should start making an accurate analysis of this concept. However, this task is quite difficult because ambiguity does not allow itself to be clearly defined. This concept has the disadvantage that its signifier is as imprecise as its signified. In addition, the negative connotations that ambiguity still has outside the aesthetic field, stigmatizes this term and makes its use problematic. Another problem of ambiguity is that the contemporary subject is able to locate it in all situations. This means that in addition to distinguish ambiguity in contemporary productions, so does in works belonging to remote ages and styles. For that reason, it could be said that everything is ambiguous. And that’s correct, because somehow ambiguity is present in any creation of the imperfect human being. However, as Eco, Arnheim and Ehrenzweig pointed out, there are two major differences between current and past contexts. One affects the subject and the other the object. First, it’s the contemporary subject, and no other, who has acquired the ability to value and assimilate ambiguity. Secondly, ambiguity was an unexpected aesthetic result in former periods, while in contemporary object it has been codified and is deliberately present. In any case, as Eco did, we consider appropriate the use of the term ambiguity to refer to the contemporary aesthetic field. Any other term with more specific meaning would only show partial and limited aspects of a situation quite complex and difficult to diagnose. Opposed to what normally might be expected, in this case ambiguity is the term that fits better due to its particular lack of specificity. In fact, this lack of specificity is what allows to assign a dynamic condition to the idea of ambiguity that in other terms would hardly be operative. Thus, instead of trying to define the idea of ambiguity, we will analyze how it has evolved and its consequences in architectural discipline. Instead of trying to define what it is, we will examine what its presence has supposed in each moment. We will deal with ambiguity as a constant presence that has always been latent in architectural production but whose nature has been modified over time. Eco, in the mid-twentieth century, discerned between classical ambiguity and contemporary ambiguity. Currently, half a century later, the challenge is to discern whether the idea of ambiguity has remained unchanged or have suffered a new transformation. What this research will demonstrate is that it’s possible to detect a new transformation that has much to do with the cultural and aesthetic context of last decades: the transition from modernism to postmodernism. This assumption leads us to establish two different levels of contemporary ambiguity: each one related to one these periods. The first level of ambiguity is widely well-known since many years. Its main characteristics are a codified multiplicity, an interpretative freedom and an active subject who gives conclusion to an object that is incomplete or indefinite. This level of ambiguity is related to the idea of indeterminacy, concept successfully introduced into contemporary aesthetic language. The second level of ambiguity has been almost unnoticed for architectural criticism, although it has been identified and studied in other theoretical disciplines. Much of the work of Fredric Jameson and François Lyotard shows reasonable evidences that the aesthetic production of postmodernism has transcended modern ambiguity to reach a new level in which, despite of the existence of multiplicity, the interpretative freedom and the active subject have been questioned, and at last denied. In this period ambiguity seems to have reached a new level in which it’s no longer possible to obtain a conclusive and complete interpretation of the object because it has became an unreadable device. The postmodern production offers a kind of inaccessible multiplicity and its nature is deeply contradictory. This hypothetical transformation of the idea of ambiguity has an outstanding analogy with that shown in the poetic analysis made by William Empson, published in 1936 in his Seven Types of Ambiguity. Empson established different levels of ambiguity and classified them according to their poetic effect. This layout had an ascendant logic towards incoherence. In seventh level, where ambiguity is higher, he located the contradiction between irreconcilable opposites. It could be said that contradiction, once it undermines the coherence of the object, was the better way that contemporary aesthetics found to confirm the Hegelian judgment, according to which art would ultimately reject its capacity to express truth. Much of the transformation of architecture throughout last century is related to the active involvement of ambiguity in its theoretical discourse. In modern architecture ambiguity is present afterwards, in its critical review made by theoreticians like Colin Rowe, Manfredo Tafuri and Bruno Zevi. The publication of several studies about Mannerism in the forties and fifties rescued certain virtues of an historical style that had been undervalued due to its deviation from Renacentist canon. Rowe, Tafuri and Zevi, among others, pointed out the similarities between Mannerism and certain qualities of modern architecture, both devoted to break previous dogmas. The recovery of Mannerism allowed joining ambiguity and modernity for first time in the same sentence. In postmodernism, on the other hand, ambiguity is present ex-professo, developing a prominent role in the theoretical discourse of this period. The distance between its analytical identification and its operational use quickly disappeared because of structuralism, an analytical methodology with the aspiration of becoming a modus operandi. Under its influence, architecture began to be identified and studied as a language. Thus, postmodern theoretical project discerned between the components of architectural language and developed them separately. Consequently, there is not only one, but three projects related to postmodern contradiction: semantic project, syntactic project and pragmatic project. Leading these projects are those prominent architects whose work manifested an especial interest in exploring and developing the potential of the use of contradiction in architecture. Thus, Robert Venturi, Peter Eisenman and Rem Koolhaas were who established the main features through which architecture developed the dialectics of ambiguity, in its last and extreme level, as a theoretical project in each component of architectural language. Robert Venturi developed a new interpretation of architecture based on its semantic component, Peter Eisenman did the same with its syntactic component, and also did Rem Koolhaas with its pragmatic component. With this approach this research aims to establish a new reflection on the architectural transformation from modernity to postmodernity. Also, it can serve to light certain aspects still unaware that have shaped the architectural heritage of past decades, consequence of a fruitful relationship between architecture and ambiguity and its provocative consummation in a contradictio in terminis. Esta investigación centra su atención fundamentalmente sobre las repercusiones de la incorporación de la ambigüedad en forma de contradicción en el discurso arquitectónico postmoderno, a través de cada uno de sus tres proyectos teóricos. Está estructurada, por tanto, en torno a un capítulo principal titulado Dialéctica de la ambigüedad como proyecto teórico postmoderno, que se desglosa en tres, de títulos: Proyecto semántico. Robert Venturi; Proyecto sintáctico. Peter Eisenman; y Proyecto pragmático. Rem Koolhaas. El capítulo central se complementa con otros dos situados al inicio. El primero, titulado Dialéctica de la ambigüedad contemporánea. Una aproximación realiza un análisis cronológico de la evolución que ha experimentado la idea de la ambigüedad en la teoría estética del siglo XX, sin entrar aún en cuestiones arquitectónicas. El segundo, titulado Dialéctica de la ambigüedad como crítica del proyecto moderno se ocupa de examinar la paulatina incorporación de la ambigüedad en la revisión crítica de la modernidad, que sería de vital importancia para posibilitar su posterior introducción operativa en la postmodernidad. Un último capítulo, situado al final del texto, propone una serie de Proyecciones que, a tenor de lo analizado en los capítulos anteriores, tratan de establecer una relectura del contexto arquitectónico actual y su evolución posible, considerando, en todo momento, que la reflexión en torno a la ambigüedad todavía hoy permite vislumbrar nuevos horizontes discursivos. Cada doble página de la Tesis sintetiza la estructura tripartita del capítulo central y, a grandes rasgos, la principal herramienta metodológica utilizada en la investigación. De este modo, la triple vertiente semántica, sintáctica y pragmática con que se ha identificado al proyecto teórico postmoderno se reproduce aquí en una distribución específica de imágenes, notas a pie de página y cuerpo principal del texto. En la columna de la izquierda están colocadas las imágenes que acompañan al texto principal. Su distribución atiende a criterios estéticos y compositivos, cualificando, en la medida de lo posible, su condición semántica. A continuación, a su derecha, están colocadas las notas a pie de página. Su disposición es en columna y cada nota está colocada a la misma altura que su correspondiente llamada en el texto principal. Su distribución reglada, su valor como notación y su posible equiparación con una estructura profunda aluden a su condición sintáctica. Finalmente, el cuerpo principal del texto ocupa por completo la mitad derecha de cada doble página. Concebido como un relato continuo, sin apenas interrupciones, su papel como responsable de satisfacer las demandas discursivas que plantea una investigación doctoral está en correspondencia con su condición pragmática.


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La tesis se acerca a la cuestión del método en arquitectura focalizando su análisis principalmente en 5 obras concretas del panorama contemporáneo, tratando de desvelar las motivaciones últimas que las constituyen. El objeto y la obra arquitectónica se consideran así los elementos susceptibles de ofrecer el conocimiento material que permite desentrañar el modo y la metodología por el que éstos han sido concebidos. Con esta particular aproximación se desafían los tradicionales estudios que han comprendido al método como una sistemática universal o reglada, ya que en este caso el propósito consiste más bien en esclarecer los fundamentos y principios que subyacen a cada objeto arquitectónico más específico. Este hecho ha llevado al índice de la tesis a ordenarse según una lista de arquitectos y obras que no presentan otra particularidad que la de ser recientes y muy diferentes entre sí. Esta aparente arbitrariedad con la que las obras se eligen cobra sentido a lo largo del propio análisis y recorrido, ya que éste apuesta por recabar el suficiente contenido que diversifique y singularice cada elección, de tal modo que ya en sí, ésta obtenga rango paradigmático. El hecho de que la tesis evite los planteamientos totalitarios no quiere decir que trate de promover el relativismo de las diferentes opciones, dado que más bien pretende analizar hasta el fondo las cuestiones últimas y lo más valioso que cada opción representa. Por su parte, la conclusión de la tesis muestra una complementariedad al carácter específico de los capítulos previos, ya que ésta se atreve a avanzar con cierta voluntad conclusiva hacia la definición de los principios más sustanciales del método en arquitectura hoy. Y precisamente, una de las claves esenciales que ha mostrado la arquitectura del hoy que nos toca vivir consiste en la condición más específica de la obra arquitectónica misma por encima de cualquier connotación genérica o transcendente que ésta pueda sugerir. De tal modo que los arquitectos elegidos, por muy diferentes que aparentan ser, han tomado como punto de partida la condición objetual de la obra más allá de cualquier contenido ideal que a ésta pueda adscribírsele. En todos los casos, si bien de diferente manera, la obra arquitectónica en sí misma se ha constituido en una nueva clave en la que tratan de dirimirse las eternas dialécticas entre el objeto y su significado, entre la estructura conceptual y su connotación simbólica. De este modo, las dialécticas relativas a la unidad de la diversidad, la identidad de la multiplicidad, la síntesis que pretende la integración de lo complejo, o en su caso, la indispensable sostenibilidad de lo inconsistente, se han convertido en la temática principal de este análisis que ha comprendido al método a partir la misma paradoja por la que la arquitectura actual se ve afectada. La misma dialéctica imposible de resolver que ha conducido a la arquitectura más reciente a decantarse a favor de la consustancialidad intrínseca a la misma obra. La tesis por su parte también se ha focalizado en la obra y en el hecho arquitectónico puntual, siguiendo la tendencia de la misma arquitectura que se analizaba. Sin embargo, sus extensos análisis nos han llevado a desentrañar el sentido y la posición estratégica personal que se encuentra más allá de la exacerbación inmanente de la arquitectura de estos últimos años. Es decir, tal y como se ha insistido, el análisis de la obra nos ha llevado, a través de la pregunta por su método, al arquitecto que la ha proyectado. Y así se ha creado este triángulo trinitario, ‘Arquitecto, obra y método’, tratando de preguntarse hasta el final por la singularidad más específica del método de cada arquitecto, en el convencimiento de que método y obra se vinculan precisamente ahí, en las experiencias personales singulares que han posibilitado las mayores creaciones y más sustantivas novedades. ABSTRACT This thesis approaches the question of Method in architecture by focusing its analysis on 5 specific contemporary projects, trying to unveil their underlying constitutive motivations. Thus, architectonical object and work are considered the susceptible elements that provide the material knowledge that unravels the manner and the methodology by which they were conceived. With this particular approach, this thesis challenges other traditional studies, those that regard the Method in architecture as a regulated or universal systematic procedure. On the contrary, the purpose of this thesis is to clarify the foundations and principles that underlie each specific architectonical object. This has led to the ordering of the thesis index according to a list of architects and projects that do not present any other distinctiveness except that they are recent and very different to each other. However, this apparent arbitrariness of the choice of each architect becomes meaningful during its analytical development. This analysis attempts to seek out the content which diversifies each choice enough, and makes it singular enough, so that each selected candidate acquires paradigmatic range by itself. Therefore, the fact that the thesis avoids totalitarian approaches does not lead it to promote the relativism of different choices, but rather the thesis tries to thoroughly analyze the most valuable achievements of each option. Nonetheless, the conclusion of the thesis shows a position that complements the specific character of the previous chapters, since it dares to move forward conclusively towards the definition of the essential principles of the Method in architecture today. Indeed, the thesis shows one of the basic keys of today’s architecture, which is the specific condition of the architectural work itself above any generic or transcendental connotation. Thus, the selected architects, however different they appear to be, take the objectual condition of the work (thingness) as their starting point beyond any ideal content that might be ascribed to their architecture. Although differently, in each case the architectonical work itself has become the new indispensable key to deal with the eternal dialectics between the object and its meaning, between conceptual structure and its symbolic connotation. Thus, the dialectics between unity and diversity, the identity of multiplicity, the synthesis that aims at the integration of complexity, or even, the indispensable consistency of the unavoidable inconsistency, have all become the main themes of this analysis, an analysis that understands the issue of Method from the same paradoxical situation of today’s architecture. This is the same paradox which has led the latest architecture to align itself with the intrinsic consubstantiality of the architectonical work itself. Therefore, the thesis is also focused on the Work, on the specific architectonical fact, following the course of the same architecture that it analyses. However, extensive analyses of the thesis have led us to clarify the sense and personal strategic position that is beyond the immanent exacerbation of architecture in recent years. Therefore, as stressed throughout the text, the analysis, that has explored the Method of architectonical Work, has led us to the architect who conceived it. Thus, this trinitarian triangle, ‘Architect, Work and Method’, has been created, attempting to explore in depth the specific uniqueness of each architect’s method, convinced that Method and Work do actually connect in the singular experiences that have achieved the greatest and most substantial creations.


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La tesis se acerca a la cuestión del método en arquitectura focalizando su análisis principalmente en 5 obras concretas del panorama contemporáneo, tratando de desvelar las motivaciones últimas que las constituyen. El objeto y la obra arquitectónica se consideran así los elementos susceptibles de ofrecer el conocimiento material que permite desentrañar el modo y la metodología por el que éstos han sido concebidos. Con esta particular aproximación se desafían los tradicionales estudios que han comprendido al método como una sistemática universal o reglada, ya que en este caso el propósito consiste más bien en esclarecer los fundamentos y principios que subyacen a cada objeto arquitectónico más específico. Este hecho ha llevado al índice de la tesis a ordenarse según una lista de arquitectos y obras que no presentan otra particularidad que la de ser recientes y muy diferentes entre sí. Esta aparente arbitrariedad con la que las obras se eligen cobra sentido a lo largo del propio análisis y recorrido, ya que éste apuesta por recabar el suficiente contenido que diversifique y singularice cada elección, de tal modo que ya en sí, ésta obtenga rango paradigmático. El hecho de que la tesis evite los planteamientos totalitarios no quiere decir que trate de promover el relativismo de las diferentes opciones, dado que más bien pretende analizar hasta el fondo las cuestiones últimas y lo más valioso que cada opción representa. Por su parte, la conclusión de la tesis muestra una complementariedad al carácter específico de los capítulos previos, ya que ésta se atreve a avanzar con cierta voluntad conclusiva hacia la definición de los principios más sustanciales del método en arquitectura hoy. Y precisamente, una de las claves esenciales que ha mostrado la arquitectura del hoy que nos toca vivir consiste en la condición más específica de la obra arquitectónica misma por encima de cualquier connotación genérica o transcendente que ésta pueda sugerir. De tal modo que los arquitectos elegidos, por muy diferentes que aparentan ser, han tomado como punto de partida la condición objetual de la obra más allá de cualquier contenido ideal que a ésta pueda adscribírsele. En todos los casos, si bien de diferente manera, la obra arquitectónica en sí misma se ha constituido en una nueva clave en la que tratan de dirimirse las eternas dialécticas entre el objeto y su significado, entre la estructura conceptual y su connotación simbólica. De este modo, las dialécticas relativas a la unidad de la diversidad, la identidad de la multiplicidad, la síntesis que pretende la integración de lo complejo, o en su caso, la indispensable sostenibilidad de lo inconsistente, se han convertido en la temática principal de este análisis que ha comprendido al método a partir la misma paradoja por la que la arquitectura actual se ve afectada. La misma dialéctica imposible de resolver que ha conducido a la arquitectura más reciente a decantarse a favor de la consustancialidad intrínseca a la misma obra. La tesis por su parte también se ha focalizado en la obra y en el hecho arquitectónico puntual, siguiendo la tendencia de la misma arquitectura que se analizaba. Sin embargo, sus extensos análisis nos han llevado a desentrañar el sentido y la posición estratégica personal que se encuentra más allá de la exacerbación inmanente de la arquitectura de estos últimos años. Es decir, tal y como se ha insistido, el análisis de la obra nos ha llevado, a través de la pregunta por su método, al arquitecto que la ha proyectado. Y así se ha creado este triángulo trinitario, ‘Arquitecto, obra y método’, tratando de preguntarse hasta el final por la singularidad más específica del método de cada arquitecto, en el convencimiento de que método y obra se vinculan precisamente ahí, en las experiencias personales singulares que han posibilitado las mayores creaciones y más sustantivas novedades. ABSTRACT This thesis approaches the question of Method in architecture by focusing its analysis on 5 specific contemporary projects, trying to unveil their underlying constitutive motivations. Thus, architectonical object and work are considered the susceptible elements that provide the material knowledge that unravels the manner and the methodology by which they were conceived. With this particular approach, this thesis challenges other traditional studies, those that regard the Method in architecture as a regulated or universal systematic procedure. On the contrary, the purpose of this thesis is to clarify the foundations and principles that underlie each specific architectonical object. This has led to the ordering of the thesis index according to a list of architects and projects that do not present any other distinctiveness except that they are recent and very different to each other. However, this apparent arbitrariness of the choice of each architect becomes meaningful during its analytical development. This analysis attempts to seek out the content which diversifies each choice enough, and makes it singular enough, so that each selected candidate acquires paradigmatic range by itself. Therefore, the fact that the thesis avoids totalitarian approaches does not lead it to promote the relativism of different choices, but rather the thesis tries to thoroughly analyze the most valuable achievements of each option. Nonetheless, the conclusion of the thesis shows a position that complements the specific character of the previous chapters, since it dares to move forward conclusively towards the definition of the essential principles of the Method in architecture today. Indeed, the thesis shows one of the basic keys of today’s architecture, which is the specific condition of the architectural work itself above any generic or transcendental connotation. Thus, the selected architects, however different they appear to be, take the objectual condition of the work (thingness) as their starting point beyond any ideal content that might be ascribed to their architecture. Although differently, in each case the architectonical work itself has become the new indispensable key to deal with the eternal dialectics between the object and its meaning, between conceptual structure and its symbolic connotation. Thus, the dialectics between unity and diversity, the identity of multiplicity, the synthesis that aims at the integration of complexity, or even, the indispensable consistency of the unavoidable inconsistency, have all become the main themes of this analysis, an analysis that understands the issue of Method from the same paradoxical situation of today’s architecture. This is the same paradox which has led the latest architecture to align itself with the intrinsic consubstantiality of the architectonical work itself. Therefore, the thesis is also focused on the Work, on the specific architectonical fact, following the course of the same architecture that it analyses. However, extensive analyses of the thesis have led us to clarify the sense and personal strategic position that is beyond the immanent exacerbation of architecture in recent years. Therefore, as stressed throughout the text, the analysis, that has explored the Method of architectonical Work, has led us to the architect who conceived it. Thus, this trinitarian triangle, ‘Architect, Work and Method’, has been created, attempting to explore in depth the specific uniqueness of each architect’s method, convinced that Method and Work do actually connect in the singular experiences that have achieved the greatest and most substantial creations.


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The global economic structure, with its decentralized production and the consequent increase in freight traffic all over the world, creates considerable problems and challenges for the freight transport sector. This situation has led shipping to become the most suitable and cheapest way to transport goods. Thus, ports are configured as nodes with critical importance in the logistics supply chain as a link between two transport systems, sea and land. Increase in activity at seaports is producing three undesirable effects: increasing road congestion, lack of open space in port installations and a significant environmental impact on seaports. These adverse effects can be mitigated by moving part of the activity inland. Implementation of dry ports is a possible solution and would also provide an opportunity to strengthen intermodal solutions as part of an integrated and more sustainable transport chain, acting as a link between road and railway networks. In this sense, implementation of dry ports allows the separation of the links of the transport chain, thus facilitating the shortest possible routes for the lowest capacity and most polluting means of transport. Thus, the decision of where to locate a dry port demands a thorough analysis of the whole logistics supply chain, with the objective of transferring the largest volume of goods possible from road to more energy efficient means of transport, like rail or short-sea shipping, that are less harmful to the environment. However, the decision of where to locate a dry port must also ensure the sustainability of the site. Thus, the main goal of this article is to research the variables influencing the sustainability of dry port location and how this sustainability can be evaluated. With this objective, in this paper we present a methodology for assessing the sustainability of locations by the use of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) and Bayesian Networks (BNs). MCDA is used as a way to establish a scoring, whilst BNs were chosen to eliminate arbitrariness in setting the weightings using a technique that allows us to prioritize each variable according to the relationships established in the set of variables. In order to determine the relationships between all the variables involved in the decision, giving us the importance of each factor and variable, we built a K2 BN algorithm. To obtain the scores of each variable, we used a complete cartography analysed by ArcGIS. Recognising that setting the most appropriate location to place a dry port is a geographical multidisciplinary problem, with significant economic, social and environmental implications, we consider 41 variables (grouped into 17 factors) which respond to this need. As a case of study, the sustainability of all of the 10 existing dry ports in Spain has been evaluated. In this set of logistics platforms, we found that the most important variables for achieving sustainability are those related to environmental protection, so the sustainability of the locations requires a great respect for the natural environment and the urban environment in which they are framed.


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La estructura económica mundial, con centros de producción y consumo descentralizados y el consiguiente aumento en el tráfico de mercancías en todo el mundo, crea considerables problemas y desafíos para el sector del transporte de mercancías. Esta situación ha llevado al transporte marítimo a convertirse en el modo más económico y más adecuado para el transporte de mercancías a nivel global. De este modo, los puertos marítimos se configuran como nodos de importancia capital en la cadena de suministro al servir como enlace entre dos sistemas de transporte, el marítimo y el terrestre. El aumento de la actividad en los puertos marítimos produce tres efectos indeseables: el aumento de la congestión vial, la falta de espacio abierto en las instalaciones portuarias y un impacto ambiental significativo en los puertos marítimos. Los puertos secos nacen para favorecer la utilización de cada modo de transporte en los segmentos en que resultan más competitivos y para mitigar estos problemas moviendo parte de la actividad en el interior. Además, gracias a la implantación de puertos secos es posible discretizar cada uno de los eslabones de la cadena de transporte, permitiendo que los modos más contaminantes y con menor capacidad de transporte tengan itinerarios lo más cortos posible, o bien, sean utilizados únicamente para el transporte de mercancías de alto valor añadido. Así, los puertos secos se presentan como una oportunidad para fortalecer las soluciones intermodales como parte de una cadena integrada de transporte sostenible, potenciando el transporte de mercancías por ferrocarril. Sin embargo, su potencial no es aprovechado al no existir una metodología de planificación de la ubicación de uso sencillo y resultados claros para la toma de decisiones a partir de los criterios ingenieriles definidos por los técnicos. La decisión de dónde ubicar un puerto seco exige un análisis exhaustivo de toda la cadena logística, con el objetivo de transferir el mayor volumen de tráfico posible a los modos más eficientes desde el punto de vista energético, que son menos perjudiciales para el medio ambiente. Sin embargo, esta decisión también debe garantizar la sostenibilidad de la propia localización. Esta Tesis Doctoral, pretende sentar las bases teóricas para el desarrollo de una herramienta de Herramienta de Ayuda a la Toma de Decisiones que permita establecer la localización más adecuada para la construcción de puertos secos. Este primer paso es el desarrollo de una metodología de evaluación de la sostenibilidad y la calidad de las localizaciones de los puertos secos actuales mediante el uso de las siguientes técnicas: Metodología DELPHI, Redes Bayesianas, Análisis Multicriterio y Sistemas de Información Geográfica. Reconociendo que la determinación de la ubicación más adecuada para situar diversos tipos de instalaciones es un importante problema geográfico, con significativas repercusiones medioambientales, sociales, económicos, locacionales y de accesibilidad territorial, se considera un conjunto de 40 variables (agrupadas en 17 factores y estos, a su vez, en 4 criterios) que permiten evaluar la sostenibilidad de las localizaciones. El Análisis Multicriterio se utiliza como forma de establecer una puntuación a través de un algoritmo de scoring. Este algoritmo se alimenta a través de: 1) unas calificaciones para cada variable extraídas de información geográfica analizada con ArcGIS (Criteria Assessment Score); 2) los pesos de los factores obtenidos a través de un cuestionario DELPHI, una técnica caracterizada por su capacidad para alcanzar consensos en un grupo de expertos de muy diferentes especialidades: logística, sostenibilidad, impacto ambiental, planificación de transportes y geografía; y 3) los pesos de las variables, para lo que se emplean las Redes Bayesianas lo que supone una importante aportación metodológica al tratarse de una novedosa aplicación de esta técnica. Los pesos se obtienen aprovechando la capacidad de clasificación de las Redes Bayesianas, en concreto de una red diseñada con un algoritmo de tipo greedy denominado K2 que permite priorizar cada variable en función de las relaciones que se establecen en el conjunto de variables. La principal ventaja del empleo de esta técnica es la reducción de la arbitrariedad en la fijación de los pesos de la cual suelen adolecer las técnicas de Análisis Multicriterio. Como caso de estudio, se evalúa la sostenibilidad de los 10 puertos secos existentes en España. Los resultados del cuestionario DELPHI revelan una mayor importancia a la hora de buscar la localización de un Puerto Seco en los aspectos tenidos en cuenta en las teorías clásicas de localización industrial, principalmente económicos y de accesibilidad. Sin embargo, no deben perderse de vista el resto de factores, cuestión que se pone de manifiesto a través del cuestionario, dado que ninguno de los factores tiene un peso tan pequeño como para ser despreciado. Por el contrario, los resultados de la aplicación de Redes Bayesianas, muestran una mayor importancia de las variables medioambientales, por lo que la sostenibilidad de las localizaciones exige un gran respeto por el medio natural y el medio urbano en que se encuadra. Por último, la aplicación práctica refleja que la localización de los puertos secos existentes en España en la actualidad presenta una calidad modesta, que parece responder más a decisiones políticas que a criterios técnicos. Por ello, deben emprenderse políticas encaminadas a generar un modelo logístico colaborativo-competitivo en el que se evalúen los diferentes factores tenidos en cuenta en esta investigación. The global economic structure, with its decentralized production and the consequent increase in freight traffic all over the world, creates considerable problems and challenges for the freight transport sector. This situation has led shipping to become the most suitable and cheapest way to transport goods. Thus, ports are configured as nodes with critical importance in the logistics supply chain as a link between two transport systems, sea and land. Increase in activity at seaports is producing three undesirable effects: increasing road congestion, lack of open space in port installations and a significant environmental impact on seaports. These adverse effects can be mitigated by moving part of the activity inland. Implementation of dry ports is a possible solution and would also provide an opportunity to strengthen intermodal solutions as part of an integrated and more sustainable transport chain, acting as a link between road and railway networks. In this sense, implementation of dry ports allows the separation of the links of the transport chain, thus facilitating the shortest possible routes for the lowest capacity and most polluting means of transport. Thus, the decision of where to locate a dry port demands a thorough analysis of the whole logistics supply chain, with the objective of transferring the largest volume of goods possible from road to more energy efficient means of transport, like rail or short-sea shipping, that are less harmful to the environment. However, the decision of where to locate a dry port must also ensure the sustainability of the site. Thus, the main goal of this dissertation is to research the variables influencing the sustainability of dry port location and how this sustainability can be evaluated. With this objective, in this research we present a methodology for assessing the sustainability of locations by the use of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) and Bayesian Networks (BNs). MCDA is used as a way to establish a scoring, whilst BNs were chosen to eliminate arbitrariness in setting the weightings using a technique that allows us to prioritize each variable according to the relationships established in the set of variables. In order to determine the relationships between all the variables involved in the decision, giving us the importance of each factor and variable, we built a K2 BN algorithm. To obtain the scores of each variable, we used a complete cartography analysed by ArcGIS. Recognising that setting the most appropriate location to place a dry port is a geographical multidisciplinary problem, with significant economic, social and environmental implications, we consider 41 variables (grouped into 17 factors) which respond to this need. As a case of study, the sustainability of all of the 10 existing dry ports in Spain has been evaluated. In this set of logistics platforms, we found that the most important variables for achieving sustainability are those related to environmental protection, so the sustainability of the locations requires a great respect for the natural environment and the urban environment in which they are framed.


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La presente tesis doctoral se enmarca dentro del concepto de la sistematización del conocimiento en arquitectura, más concretamente en el campo de las construcciones arquitectónicas y la toma de decisiones en la fase de proyecto de envolventes arquitectónicas multicapa. Por tanto, el objetivo principal es el establecimiento de las bases para una toma de decisiones informadas durante el proyecto de una envolvente multicapa con el fin de colaborar en su optimización. Del mismo modo que la historia de la arquitectura está relacionada con la historia de la innovación en construcción, la construcción está sujeta a cambios como respuesta a los fracasos anteriores. En base a esto, se identifica la toma de decisiones en la fase de proyecto como el estadio inicial para establecer un punto estratégico de reflexión y de control sobre los procesos constructivos. La presente investigación, conceptualmente, define los parámetros intervinientes en el proyecto de envolventes arquitectónicas multicapa a partir de una clasificación y sistematización de todos los componentes (elementos, unidades y sistemas constructivos) utilizados en las fachadas multicapa. Dicha sistematización se materializa en una hoja matriz de datos en la que, dentro de una organización a modo de árbol, se puede acceder a la consulta de cada componente y de su caracterización. Dicha matriz permite la incorporación futura de cualquier componente o sistema nuevo que aparezca en el mercado, relacionándolo con aquellos con los que comparta ubicación, tipo de material, etc. Con base en esa matriz de datos, se diseña la sistematización de la toma de decisiones en la fase de proyecto de una envolvente arquitectónica, en concreto, en el caso de una fachada. Operativamente, el resultado se presenta como una herramienta que permite al arquitecto o proyectista reflexionar y seleccionar el sistema constructivo más adecuado, al enfrentarse con las distintas decisiones o elecciones posibles. La herramienta se basa en las elecciones iniciales tomadas por el proyectista y se estructura, a continuación y sucesivamente, en distintas aproximaciones, criterios, subcriterios y posibilidades que responden a los distintos avances en la definición del sistema constructivo. Se proponen una serie de fichas operativas de comprobación que informan sobre el estadio de decisión y de definición de proyecto alcanzados en cada caso. Asimismo, el sistema permite la conexión con otros sistemas de revisión de proyectos para fomentar la reflexión sobre la normalización de los riesgos asociados tanto al proprio sistema como a su proceso constructivo y comportamiento futuros. La herramienta proporciona un sistema de ayuda para ser utilizado en el proceso de toma de decisiones en la fase de diseño de una fachada multicapa, minimizando la arbitrariedad y ofreciendo una cualificación previa a la cuantificación que supondrá la elaboración del detalle constructivo y de su medición en las sucesivas fases del proyecto. Al mismo tiempo, la sistematización de dicha toma de decisiones en la fase del proyecto puede constituirse como un sistema de comprobación en las diferentes fases del proceso de decisión proyectual y de definición de la envolvente de un edificio. ABSTRACT The central issue of this doctoral Thesis is founded on the framework of the concept of the systematization of knowledge in architecture, in particular, in respect of the field of building construction and the decision making in the design stage of multilayer building envelope projects. Therefore, the main objective is to establish the bases for knowledgeable decision making during a multilayer building envelope design process, in order to collaborate with its optimization. Just as the history of architecture is connected to the history of innovation in construction, construction itself is subject to changes as a response to previous failures. On this basis, the decisions made during the project design phase are identified as the initial state to establish an strategic point for reflection and control, referred to the constructive processes. Conceptually, this research defines the parameters involving the multilayer building envelope projects, on the basis of a classification and systematization for all the components (elements, constructive units and constructive systems) used in multilayer façades. The mentioned systematization is materialized into a data matrix sheet in which, following a tree‐like organization, the access to every single component and its characterization is possible. The above data matrix allows the future inclusion of any new component or system that may appear in the construction market. That new component or system can be put into a relationship with another, which it shares location, type of material,… with. Based on the data matrix, the systematization of the decision making process for a building envelope design stage is designed, more particularly in the case of a façade. Putting this into practice, it is represented as a tool which allows the architect or the designer, to reflect and to select the appropriate building system when facing the different elections or the different options. The tool is based on the initial elections taken by the designer. Then and successively, it is shaped on the form of different operative steps, criteria, sub‐criteria and possibilities which respond to a different progress in the definition of the building construction system. In order to inform about the stage of the decision and the definition reached by the project in every particular case, a range of operative sheets are proposed. Additionally, the system allows the connection with other reviewing methods for building projects. The aim of this last possibility is to encourage the reflection on standardization of the associated risks to the building system itself and its future performance. The tool provides a helping system to be used during the decision making process for a multilayer façade design. It minimizes the arbitrariness and offers a qualification previous to the quantification that will be done with the development of the construction details and their bill of quantities, that in subsequent project stages will be executed. At the same time, the systematization of the mentioned decision making during the design phase, can be found as a checking system in the different stages of the decision making design process and in the different stages of the building envelope definition.


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As ideias políticas e filosóficas que influenciaram a criação da regra da legalidade penal e do princípio da ofensividade têm origem no Iluminismo. Principalmente durante a Idade Média e o Antigo Regime, confundia-se crime com pecado e as pessoas podiam ser punidas por mero capricho do soberano, sem que existisse lei. As arbitrariedades eram gritantes. A finalidade de ambas as teorias surgidas no período da Ilustração, portanto ao pregarem que era necessária a existência de lei prévia para que alguém fosse punido (regra da legalidade) e que o crime pressupunha uma lesão a direito ou bem jurídico de terceiro (princípio da ofensividade) , era a mesma: limitar o poder punitivo. No entanto, a regra da legalidade penal foi muito mais absorvida pelo discurso dogmático-jurídico do que o princípio da ofensividade, sendo oportuno, pois, analisar as razões pelas quais isso ocorreu. Algumas delas serão analisadas neste estudo como, por exemplo, a ausência de previsão explícita desse princípio nas Constituições, a suposta incompatibilidade desse princípio com a separação de poderes e com a própria regra da legalidade penal e a insegurança jurídica que a aplicação de princípios poderia gerar. Além disso, há um fator político de destaque: a consolidação da burguesia exigia a imposição de limites formais ao poder estatal, mas não limites materiais. Outro fator importante foi o advento do positivismo criminológico, no final do século XIX, que, ao confundir crime com doença, retornou ao paradigma do direito penal do autor que havia vigorado na Idade Média. Finalmente, para demonstrar o que impediu a consolidação do princípio da ofensividade especificamente no Brasil, será analisada a influência da doutrina europeia na dogmática nacional.


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Most critical analyses assess citizenship-deprivation policies against international human rights and domestic rule of law standards, such as prevention of statelessness, non-arbitrariness with regard to justifications and judicial remedies, or non-discrimination between different categories of citizens. This report considers instead from a political theory perspective how deprivation policies reflect specific conceptions of political community. We distinguish four normative conceptions of the grounds of membership in a political community that apply to decisions on acquisition and loss of citizenship status: i) a ‘State discretion’ view, according to which governments should be as free as possible in pursuing State interests when determining citizenship status; ii) an ‘individual choice’ view, according to which individuals should be as free as possible in choosing their citizenship status; iii) an ‘ascriptive community’ view, according to which both State and individual choices should be minimised through automatic determination of membership based on objective criteria such as the circumstances of birth; and iv) a ‘genuine link’ view, according to which the ties of individuals to particular States determine their claims to inclusion and against deprivation while providing at the same time objections against including individuals without genuine links. We argue that most citizenship laws combine these four normative views in different ways, but that from a democratic perspective the ‘genuine link’ view is normatively preferable to the others. The report subsequently examines five general grounds for citizenship withdrawal – threats to public security, non-compliance with citizenship duties, flawed acquisition, derivative loss and loss of genuine links – and considers how the four normative views apply to withdrawal provision motivated by these concerns. The final section of the report examines whether EU citizenship provides additional reasons for protection against Member States’ powers of citizenship deprivation. We suggest that, in addition to fundamental rights protection through EU law and protection of free movement rights, three further arguments could be invoked: toleration of dual citizenship in a political union, prevention of unequal conditions for loss among EU citizens, and the salience of genuine links to the EU itself rather than merely to one of its Member States.


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In ordinary computer programs, the relationship between data in a machine and the concepts it represents is defined arbitrarily by the programmer. It is argued here that the Strong AI hypothesis suggests that no such arbitrariness is possible in the relationship between brain states and mental experiences, and that this may place surprising limitations on the possible variety of mental experiences. Possible psychology experiments are sketched which aim to falsify the Strong AI hypothesis by indicating that these limits can be exceeded. It is concluded that although such experiments might be valuable, they are unlikely to succeed in this aim.


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Our work aims at investigating the notion of relation in Ferdinand de Saussure’s linguistic reflections. As we observe his theoretical production, we see this notion was amply worked in the elaboration of other concepts of his, for example, language, signe, value, arbitrariness, among others. However, beyond the capacity of the notion of relation to produce other concepts, the way it was conceived and the theoretical space it was placed allowed Saussure to break through the essentially historical-comparative studies of the epoch, what made a new way of thinking language to have its starting point. Taking it into account, firstly, by reading the work of Herman Paul, the one who represents the neogrammarians in our text, we examine in which way Saussure is distant from his contemporary linguistics when he distinguishes the linguistic relations and give them a new status in his investigation. Secondly, we study how the notion of relation has it own place in Saussure’s theoretical process of thinking the fundamentals which later would be considered the milestone for Modern Linguistics. For that, we analyse one of his manuscripts, Notes pour un livre sur la linguistique générale, and the Course in General Linguistics. The first is composed by sketches which would become a book, as Saussure promised in a letter to Meillet; and the latter contains the principals for the science of Linguistics. So we aim at researching how the notion of relation is treated in this corpus in order to see the way it is conceived both in the particular production of a manuscript written by Saussure itself and the book which was published and considered the turning point for Linguistics.