969 resultados para anthropogenic activities


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A água é um bem essencial a todos os seres vivos. Porém, o homem não tem dado o valor e atenção necessários para a preservação dessa riqueza. Por mais que o ser humano não faça a água desaparecer do planeta, ele tem contribuído e muito para o decréscimo de sua qualidade. Dentre as várias atividades antropogênicas, que tem contribuído para a poluição das águas, destaca-se a atividade industrial. A indústria têxtil, por exemplo, libera enormes volumes de dejetos, destacando-se os corantes, além deles prejudicarem a ocorrência de fotossíntese, apresentam elevada toxicidade ao meio marinho. Com isso, este trabalho visa estudar a degradação do corante Alaranjado de Metila via catálise heterogênea. Neste estudo, foram realizadas a preparação e a caracterização de partículas metálicas estabilizadas em sílica, sendo essas partículas com diferentes teores de ferro (50 %wt, 25 %wt e 5 %wt) aderido ao suporte. Após o preparo dos catalisadores realizou-se o estudo de sua eficiência frente a diferentes parâmetros como: quantidade de catalisador, temperatura e pH. Por meio dos testes realizados foi possível observar que a quantidade do catalisador influência a reação de redução do corante Alaranjado de Metila. Porém, quando se atinge o ponto de saturação, mesmo que se adicione mais catalisador não é possível aumentar a degradação. Através da variação da temperatura, observou-se que quanto maior a temperatura maior a degradação do corante. Isso pode ser explicado devido o aumento do número de colisões entre os sítios ativos do catalisador e as moléculas do corante. E por meio da variação de pH, concluiu-se que pHs ácidos permitem que a reação de redução do corante ocorra mais rápido e pHs elevados tornam a reação de degradação do corante mais lenta, porém ainda assim ocorrem de forma satisfatória. O catalisador pôde ser reutilizado por até 3 vezes, sem nenhum tratamento prévio. Os catalisadores a 50 %wt, assim como, a 25 %wt foram capazes de degradar o corante de forma eficiente, porém o catalisador a 5 %wt não se mostrou ser eficaz. Foram realizados testes sob radiação microondas e a reação de redução ocorreu de forma muito eficaz, apresentando 100% de degradação em apenas 2 minutos. Além disso, realizou-se o estudo cinético, onde segundo dados experimentais, as reações foram classificadas como sendo de primeira ordem


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Two major anthropogenic activities that disturb coral reefs are fishing and tourism, even though coral reefs are important for both fishing and tourism. Already more than 60 per cent of all reefs worldwide are endangered. The use of explosives and poison by small-scale fishers, to supply the market for live fish for aquariums and for human consumption, cause irreversible damages to reefs. Similarly, rapid and unmanaged coastal development for marine tourism negatively affects coral reefs in many ways. Though marine parks and marine protected areas are being promoted all over the world, developing countries need assistance in establishing and assessing such reserves and for taking appropriate actions for rehabilitation of reefs. These can be accomplished through partnership projects.


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Durante as últimas décadas, observou-se um aumento da preocupação em relação aos ecossistemas marinhos devido à grande entrada de poluentes, resultando em efeitos deletérios em organismos aquáticos e seres humanos. Dentre as atividades humanas que podem introduzir compostos tóxicos persistentes e bioacumulativos (PBTs Persistent Bioaccumulative Toxicants) no ambiente marinho está o uso de tintas antiincrustrantes, aplicadas nos cascos de navios para evitar que algas, mexilhões e outros organismos se fixem às embarcações. Não raramente, compostos organoestânicos (OTs) como o Tributilestanho (TBT) ou o Trifenilestanho (TPT) constituíam o princípio ativo de tal preparado. Devido à alta toxicidade desses compostos, a IMO (Organização Marítima Internacional) baniu totalmente o uso dos mesmos. Como os OTs são prontamente bioacumulados, elevadas concentrações de estanho total (SnT) vêm sendo encontradas em cetáceos (Mammalia, Cetacea). Os botos-cinza (Sotalia guianensis Van Beneden, 1864) ocupam elevados níveis tróficos e bioacumulam os PBTs aos quais estão expostos. Alguns autores relataram que o estanho hepático em cetáceos se encontra predominantemente na forma orgânica, visto que, na forma inorgânica tal metal é pobremente absorvido pela mucosa gastrintestinal, de forma que as concentrações hepáticas de SnT refletem o input antrópico de OTs. O presente estudo teve como principal objetivo, avaliar a exposição de botos-cinza aos OTs, através determinação das concentrações hepáticas de estanho total (SnT = orgânico + inorgânico), por Espectrometria de Absorção Atômica com Atomização em Forno de Grafite (GFAAS Graphite Furnace Atomic Absorption Spectrometry). Para tal, amostras de botos-cinza de diferentes áreas do litoral brasileiro, compreendendo a Região da Grande Vitória (GV), Baía de Guanabara (BG), Baía de Sepetiba (B.Sep), a Baía de Paranaguá (PR) e a Baía da Babitonga (SC), foram analisadas, visando comparar ambientes distintamente contaminados com OTs. Sendo assim, as concentrações hepáticas de SnT (em ng/g, peso seco) de botos-cinza variaram de <312 (limite de detecção) a 8.250, para a GV (n=22); de <312 a 14.100, para B.Sep (n = 38); <312 a 5.147, para PR (n= 22), bem como de 626 a 24.780 (ng/g, peso seco) para os botos de SC (n=10). As maiores concentrações foram verificadas nos botos da BG (n=11), variando de 1.265 a 24.882 (ng/g, peso seco). As concentrações encontradas na Baía de Guanabara (BG) estão entre as mais elevadas detectadas em cetáceos.


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A região da Bacia de Campos está exposta a diversas atividades antrópicas, que interferem diretamente no funcionamento do ecossistêmico marinho. O estudo da fauna marinha na costa centro-norte fluminense mostra grande relevância, diversas aves marinhas residem ou passam grande parte de seu período migratório ao longo da Bacia de Campos, entre elas está Sula leucogaster (Boddaert, 1783). Embora essas aves sejam altamente móveis, suas populações apresentam uma estrutura populacional genética robusta. Com o intuito de verificar a estruturação e as relações evolutivas da população de Sula leucogaster na Bacia de Campos foram recolhidas 91 amostras de encalhe e os dados gerados para esta região foram comparados com dados já publicados de outras bacias oceânicas. A partir da região controle do DNA mitocondrial foram gerados 26 haplótipos, todos exclusivos da Bacia de Campos, muitos raros e apenas oito possuíram frequência comum. As análises mostraram que a população da Bacia de Campos é um estoque genético de Sula leucogaster. Tal fato pode ser atribuído ao comportamento filopátrico e ao hábito costeiro dessa espécie que impede o fluxo gênico entre populações. Além disso, a população da Bacia de Campos detém baixa variabilidade genética e possivelmente está sofrendo efeito gargalo ou seleção purificadora, corroborados por valores do teste Fu, o que é comum para espécies que se dividem em subpopulações. Os dados filogenéticos demonstram um contato recente entre as populações da Bacia de Campos e da ilha de Ascensão. As condições oceanográficas também têm influência na estruturação de populações de Sula leucogaster, visto que a ausência de barreiras e a proximidade geográfica poderiam favorecer contato secundário com o Mar do Caribe, fato não evidenciado nas análises. Sendo assim, a divergência de populações nessa espécie e a baixa variabilidade genética são fatores preocupantes para a manutenção da população de atobás marrons em uma área de grande impacto ambiental


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The phytoplankton species composition and abundance in Ogun River, Ogun state, Southwest Nigeria was studied for a period of seven months (December, 2011 - June, 2012), a total of forty-one genera belonging to five taxonomic groups were recorded from Ogun River. The phytoplankton species composition was surpassed by Chrysophyta with 15 species consisting of 36.6% followed by Chlorophyta with 14 consisting of 34.1%. This was followed by Cyanophyta (7 species) consisting of 17.1%, Euglenophyta with 3 species consisting of 7.3% and Pyrrophyta with 2 species consisting 4.92%. Cyanophyta was the highest in abundance consisting of 41% while the lowest in abundance was Pyrrophyta consisting of 1.5%. The low nature of phytoplankton abundance and diversity observed in this study must have been caused by the polluted nature of the water due to the anthropogenic activities carried out around its shores The dominance of Cyanophyta in this river is similar to findings from Lake Victoria, Lake Bishoftu, Lake Chaohu and the temple pond of Thirupour.


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Investigation on the species composition and abundance of zooplankton in Ogun River, Abeokuta, Ogun state, Southwestern Nigeria was carried out for a period of seven months (December, 2011-June, 2012), Using hand trawling method, 55 µm mesh size plankton net was trawled horizontally ten times to capture zooplankton. The zooplankton samples were put into properly labeled plastic containers and preserved in 4% formalin solution. A total of sixteen genera from five taxonomic groups were recorded from Ogun River. Cladocera predominated both in terms of species composition and abundance. Five species of Cladocera was recorded consisting of 31.25%. Protozoa and Rotifera recorded four species each consisting of 25%. Copepoda recorded two species consisting of 12.5%, and Ostracoda with one species consisting of 6.25%. The low nature of zooplankton abundance and species composition observed in this study must have been caused by the polluted nature of the water due to the anthropogenic activities carried out around its shores The dominance of Cladocera in this river is similar to findings from River Echara and River Imo, Southeastern Nigeria.


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放牧和开垦目前是内蒙古草原最主要的两种人类生产活动,采用静态箱一气象色谱法对这两种土地利用方式下草原主要温室气体(CH4、N20和C02)地-气交换通量进行了原位观测,同时结合草原生态系统碳循环特征对放牧生态系统碳素收支状况进行了初步探讨,首次对开垦前后内蒙古草原CH4吸收和NzO排放的季节、昼夜变化特征进行了分析研究,对不同牧压梯度下内蒙古草原碳的损失进行了估算。主要研究结果包括以下4个方面: 1.内蒙古草甸草原开垦是大气CH4的汇,开垦为农田后,土壤.植物系统吸收大气CH4的能力增强。测定期间,农田与邻近的天然草原CH4平均吸收通量为23.38和24.57 ugCm'2h.1;尽管农业活动改变了草原CH4地.气交换通量,但是通量的量级仍是由当地季节性变化的气候条件决定的,其CH4吸收通量具有强烈的季节变化规律,表现为“春秋季高,夏季低”的特点;耕作使得土壤-植物系统CH4吸收通量的季节变化趋于平缓。 2.内蒙古天然草甸草原是大气N20的源。测定期间的平均排放通量为1.922ugNm'2h.1,通量范围为-0.484~7.425 ugNm.2h.1;天然草原N20排放具有明显的昼夜变化规律和季节变化特征,排放通量出现两个高峰期,整个生长季表现为高(5月中旬)一低(5月下旬至7月中下旬)一高(7月下旬至8月中旬)一低(8月下旬至9月)的趋势;农垦增强了土壤.植物系统排放N2O的能力。观测期间平均排放通量为2.914 ugNm'2h-l,比天然草原高52%,排放通量的季节规律性减弱,整个生长季呈现波动性变化,通量变化与天然草原相比趋于平缓。 3.内蒙古冷蒿小禾草草原与天然草甸草原一样,起着CH4汇、NzO源的功 能。主要温室气体CH4、N2O和C02的地.气交换通量受水热因子控制,与温度之间存在显著相关关系,具有季节变化特征:时间尺度对于讨论不同放牧压力下甲烷通量具有重要意义,不同放牧率处理9年后,土壤吸收甲烷的能力在当地自然气候条件下没有显著变化;放牧对草原N20排放通量影响显著,依次是轻度放牧<围栏封育<中度放牧<重度放牧;放牧增大了C02排放通量,观测期间四种处理间C02通量差异显著,C02排放通量四种处理依次为:围栏封育<轻牧<重牧<中牧。 4.对内蒙古草原放牧条件下碳收支状况的研究表明,冷蒿-小禾草草原受自然条件和人为因素双重作用存在由碳库(积累碳)向碳源(释放碳)转化的可能性。


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Vertical distribution of intertidal molluscs in and around Mumbai had been studied. Each species has an upper and lower limit of distribution along the vertical intertidal gradient and are concentrated at particular levels or zones where they find optimum living conditions. Zonation of the intertidal area with reference to molluscs at rocky shores of TIFR, Bandstand and NCPA has similarities. However, there is no similarity in zonation among rocky, sandy and muddy shores. Rocky intertidal zones are more diverse and dense in terms of molluscs. The mid and lower littoral zones have rich diversity. The upper littoral zone at some sites, especially Girgaon chowpatty is totally devoid of molluscs due to anthropogenic activities. Gafrarium divaricatum, Nerita oryzarum, N. polita and Neritina crepidularia have established themselves in all three marked zones, indicating their power to adjust with the wide fluctuations in surrounding environmental conditions.


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Pyatt, B. Amos, D. Grattan, J. Pyatt, A. Terrell-Nield, C. Invertebrates of ancient heavy metal spoil and smelting tip sites in southern Jordan: Thier distribution and use as bioindicators of metalliferous pollution derived from ancient sources. Journal of Arid Environments. 2002. 52 pp 53-62


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Selenium (Se) is a micronutrient necessary for the function of a variety of important enzymes; Se also exhibits a narrow range in concentrations between essentiality and toxicity. Oviparous vertebrates such as birds and fish are especially sensitive to Se toxicity, which causes reproductive impairment and defects in embryo development. Selenium occurs naturally in the Earth's crust, but it can be mobilized by a variety of anthropogenic activities, including agricultural practices, coal burning, and mining.

Mountaintop removal/valley fill (MTR/VF) coal mining is a form of surface mining found throughout central Appalachia in the United States that involves blasting off the tops of mountains to access underlying coal seams. Spoil rock from the mountain is placed into adjacent valleys, forming valley fills, which bury stream headwaters and negatively impact surface water quality. This research focused on the biological impacts of Se leached from MTR/VF coal mining operations located around the Mud River, West Virginia.

In order to assess the status of Se in a lotic (flowing) system such as the Mud River, surface water, insects, and fish samples including creek chub (Semotilus atromaculatus) and green sunfish (Lepomis cyanellus) were collected from a mining impacted site as well as from a reference site not impacted by mining. Analysis of samples from the mined site showed increased conductivity and Se in the surface waters compared to the reference site in addition to increased concentrations of Se in insects and fish. Histological analysis of mined site fish gills showed a lack of normal parasites, suggesting parasite populations may be disrupted due to poor water quality. X-ray absorption near edge spectroscopy techniques were used to determine the speciation of Se in insect and creek chub samples. Insects contained approximately 40-50% inorganic Se (selenate and selenite) and 50-60% organic Se (Se-methionine and Se-cystine) while fish tissues contained lower proportions of inorganic Se than insects, instead having higher proportions of organic Se in the forms of methyl-Se-cysteine, Se-cystine, and Se-methionine.

Otoliths, calcified inner ear structures, were also collected from Mud River creek chubs and green sunfish and analyzed for Se content using laser ablation inductively couple mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS). Significant differences were found between the two species of fish, based on the concentrations of otolith Se. Green sunfish otoliths from all sites contained background or low concentrations of otolith Se (< 1 µg/g) that were not significantly different between mined and unmined sites. In contrast creek chub otoliths from the historically mined site contained much higher (≥ 5 µg/g, up to approximately 68 µg/g) concentrations of Se than for the same species in the unmined site or for the green sunfish. Otolith Se concentrations were related to muscle Se concentrations for creek chubs (R2 = 0.54, p = 0.0002 for the last 20% of the otolith Se versus muscle Se) while no relationship was observed for green sunfish.

Additional experiments using biofilms grown in the Mud River showed increased Se in mined site biofilms compared to the reference site. When we fed fathead minnows (Pimephales promelas) on these biofilms in the laboratory they accumulated higher concentrations of Se in liver and ovary tissues compared to fathead minnows fed on reference site biofilms. No differences in Se accumulation were found in muscle from either treatment group. Biofilms were also centrifuged and separated into filamentous green algae and the remaining diatom fraction. The majority of Se was found in the diatom fraction with only about 1/3rd of total biofilm Se concentration present in the filamentous green algae fraction

Finally, zebrafish (Danio rerio) embryos were exposed to aqueous Se in the form of selenate, selenite, and L-selenomethionine in an attempt to determine if oxidative stress plays a role in selenium embryo toxicity. Selenate and selenite exposure did not induce embryo deformities (lordosis and craniofacial malformation). L-selenomethionine, however, induced significantly higher deformity rates at 100 µg/L compared to controls. Antioxidant rescue of L-selenomethionime induced deformities was attempted in embryos using N-acetylcysteine (NAC). Pretreatment with NAC significantly reduced deformities in the zebrafish embryos secondarily treated with L-selenomethionine, suggesting that oxidative stress may play a role in Se toxicity. Selenite exposure also induced a 6.6-fold increase in glutathione-S-transferase pi class 2 gene expression, which is involved in xenobiotic transformation. No changes in gene expression were observed for selenate or L-selenomethionine-exposed embryos.

The findings in this dissertation contribute to the understanding of how Se bioaccumulates in a lotic system and is transferred through a simulated foodweb in addition to further exploring oxidative stress as a potential mechanism for Se-induced embryo toxicity. Future studies should continue to pursue the role of oxidative stress and other mechanisms in Se toxicity and the biotransformation of Se in aquatic ecosystems.


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During recent decades anthropogenic activities have dramatically impacted the Black Sea ecosystem. High levels of riverine nutrient input during the 1970s and 1980s caused eutrophic conditions including intense algal blooms resulting in hypoxia and the subsequent collapse of benthic habitats on the northwestern shelf. Intense fishing pressure also depleted stocks of many apex predators, contributing to an increase in planktivorous fish that are now the focus of fishing efforts. Additionally, the Black Sea's ecosystem changed even further with the introduction of exotic species. Economic collapse of the surrounding socialist republics in the early 1990s resulted in decreased nutrient loading which has allowed the Black Sea ecosystem to start to recover, but under rapidly changing economic and political conditions, future recovery is uncertain. In this study we use a multidisciplinary approach to integrate information from socio-economic and ecological systems to model the effects of future development scenarios on the marine environment of the northwestern Black Sea shelf. The Driver–Pressure–State-Impact-Response framework was used to construct conceptual models, explicitly mapping impacts of socio-economic Drivers on the marine ecosystem. Bayesian belief networks (BBNs), a stochastic modelling technique, were used to quantify these causal relationships, operationalise models and assess the effects of alternative development paths on the Black Sea ecosystem. BBNs use probabilistic dependencies as a common metric, allowing the integration of quantitative and qualitative information. Under the Baseline Scenario, recovery of the Black Sea appears tenuous as the exploitation of environmental resources (agriculture, fishing and shipping) increases with continued economic development of post-Soviet countries. This results in the loss of wetlands through drainage and reclamation. Water transparency decreases as phytoplankton bloom and this deterioration in water quality leads to the degradation of coastal plant communities (Cystoseira, seagrass) and also Phyllophora habitat on the shelf. Decomposition of benthic plants results in hypoxia killing flora and fauna associated with these habitats. Ecological pressure from these factors along with constant levels of fishing activity results in target stocks remaining depleted. Of the four Alternative Scenarios, two show improvements on the Baseline ecosystem condition, with improved waste water treatment and reduced fishing pressure, while the other two show a worsening, due to increased natural resource exploitation leading to rapid reversal of any recent ecosystem recovery. From this we conclude that variations in economic policy have significant consequences for the health of the Black Sea, and ecosystem recovery is directly linked to social–economic choices.


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Highlights •We exposed meiofauna to 7 different large macrofauna species at high and low densities. •Macrofauna presence altered nematode community structure and reduced their abundance. •Macrofauna species had similar effects by reducing the few dominant nematode species. •Meio–macrofauna resource competition and spatial segregation are the main drivers. •Trawling effects on macrofauna affect nematode communities indirectly. Diverse assemblages of infauna in sediments provide important physical and biogeochemical services, but are under increasing pressure by anthropogenic activities, such as benthic trawling. It is known that trawling disturbance has a substantial effect on the larger benthic fauna, with reductions in density and diversity, and changes in community structure, benthic biomass, production, and bioturbation and biogeochemical processes. Largely unknown, however, are the mechanisms by which the trawling impacts on the large benthic macro- and megafauna may influence the smaller meiofauna. To investigate this, a mesocosm experiment was conducted whereby benthic nematode communities from a non-trawled area were exposed to three different densities (absent, low, normal) of 7 large (> 10 mm) naturally co-occurring, bioturbating species which are potentially vulnerable to trawling disturbance. The results showed that total abundances of nematodes were lower if these large macrofauna species were present, but no clear nematode abundance effects could be assigned to the macrofauna density differences. Nematode community structure changed in response to macrofauna presence and density, mainly as a result of the reduced abundance of a few dominant nematode species. Any detectable effects seemed similar for nearly all macrofauna species treatments, supporting the idea that there may be a general indirect, macrofauna-mediated trawling impact on nematode communities. Explanations for these results may be, firstly, competition for food resources, resulting in spatial segregation of the meio- and macrobenthic components. Secondly, different densities of large macrofauna organisms may affect the nematode community structure through different intensities of bioturbatory disturbance or resource competition. These results suggest that removal or reduced densities of larger macrofauna species as a result of trawling disturbance may lead to increased nematode abundance and hints at the validity of interference competition between large macrofauna organisms and the smaller meiofauna, and the energy equivalence hypothesis, where a trade-off is observed between groups of organisms that are dependent on a common source of energy.


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ABSTRACT: Oceanographic fronts are physical interfaces between water masses that differ in properties such as temperature, salinity, turbidity and chl a enrichment. Bio-physical coupling along fronts can lead to the development of pelagic biodiversity hotspots. A diverse range of marine vertebrates have been shown to associate with fronts, using them as foraging and migration habitats. Elucidation of the ecological significance of fronts generates a better understanding of marine ecosystem functioning, conferring opportunities to improve management of anthropogenic activities in the oceans. This study presents novel insight into the oceanographic drivers of habitat use in a population of marine turtles characterised by an oceanic-neritic foraging dichotomy. Using satellite tracking data from adult female loggerhead turtles nesting at Cape Verde (n = 12), we test the hypothesis that oceanic-foraging loggerheads associate with mesocale (10s – to 100s of km) thermal fronts. We use high-resolution (1 km) composite front mapping to characterise frontal activity in the Canary Current Large Marine Ecosystem (LME) over 2 temporal scales: (1) seasonal front frequency and (2) 7-day front metrics. Our use-availability analysis indicates that oceanic loggerheads show a preference for the highly productive upwelling region between Cape Verde and mainland Africa, an area of intense frontal activity. Within the upwelling region, turtles appear to forage epipelagically around mesoscale thermal fronts, exploiting profitable foraging opportunities resulting from physical aggregation of prey.


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ABSTRACT: Oceanographic fronts are physical interfaces between water masses that differ in properties such as temperature, salinity, turbidity and chl a enrichment. Bio-physical coupling along fronts can lead to the development of pelagic biodiversity hotspots. A diverse range of marine vertebrates have been shown to associate with fronts, using them as foraging and migration habitats. Elucidation of the ecological significance of fronts generates a better understanding of marine ecosystem functioning, conferring opportunities to improve management of anthropogenic activities in the oceans. This study presents novel insight into the oceanographic drivers of habitat use in a population of marine turtles characterised by an oceanic-neritic foraging dichotomy. Using satellite tracking data from adult female loggerhead turtles nesting at Cape Verde (n = 12), we test the hypothesis that oceanic-foraging loggerheads associate with mesocale (10s – to 100s of km) thermal fronts. We use high-resolution (1 km) composite front mapping to characterise frontal activity in the Canary Current Large Marine Ecosystem (LME) over 2 temporal scales: (1) seasonal front frequency and (2) 7-day front metrics. Our use-availability analysis indicates that oceanic loggerheads show a preference for the highly productive upwelling region between Cape Verde and mainland Africa, an area of intense frontal activity. Within the upwelling region, turtles appear to forage epipelagically around mesoscale thermal fronts, exploiting profitable foraging opportunities resulting from physical aggregation of prey.


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Since the early part of the 20th Century the impact of a range of anthropogenic activities in our coastal seas has steadily increased. The effect of such activities is a major cause for concern but in the benthic environment few studies exist that date back more than a few decades. Hence understanding long term changes is a challenge. Within this study we utilized a historic benthic dataset and resurveyed an area west of Eddystone reef in the English Channel previously investigated 112 years ago. The aim of the present work was to describe the current benthic community structure and investigate potential differences between 1895 and 2007. For each of the four major phyla investigated (Polychaeta, Crustacea, Mollusca and Echinodermata), multivariate community analysis showed significant differences between the historic and contemporary surveys. Echinoderm diversity showed a clear reduction between 1895 and 2007. The sea urchins Echinus esculentus, Spatangus purpureus, and Psammechinus miliaris and large star-fish Marthasterias glacialis showed reductions in abundance, in some cases being entirely absent from the survey area in 2007. Polychaetes showed a shift from tubiculous species to small errant and predatory species such as Glycera, Nephtys, and Lumbrineris spp. Within the group Mollusca large species such as Pecten maximus and Laevicardium crassum decreased in abundance while small species increased. Crustaceans in 1895 were dominated by crab species which were present in similar abundances in 2007, but, the order Amphipoda appeared to show a significant increase. While some of the differences observed could stem from differences in methodologies between the surveys, in particular increases of small cryptic species, the loss of large conspicuous species was judged to be genuine. The study area is an important beam trawling and scallop dredging ground; the differences observed are concomitant with changes generally associated with disturbance from demersal fishing activities such as these.