225 resultados para antenas de microfita
This work holds the purpose of presenting an auxiliary way of bone density measurement through the attenuation of electromagnetic waves. In order to do so, an arrangement of two microstrip antennas with rectangular configuration has been used, operating in a frequency of 2,49 GHz, and fed by a microstrip line on a substrate of fiberglass with permissiveness of 4.4 and height of 0,9 cm. Simulations were done with silica, bone meal, silica and gypsum blocks samples to prove the variation on the attenuation level of different combinations. Because of their good reproduction of the human beings anomaly aspects, samples of bovine bone were used. They were subjected to weighing, measurement and microwave radiation. The samples had their masses altered after mischaracterization and the process was repeated. The obtained data were inserted in a neural network and its training was proceeded with the best results gathered by correct classification on 100% of the samples. It comes to the conclusion that through only one non-ionizing wave in the 2,49 GHz zone it is possible to evaluate the attenuation level in the bone tissue, and that with the appliance of neural network fed with obtained characteristics in the experiment it is possible to classify a sample as having low or high bone density
The great interest observed in wireless communication systems has required the development of new configurations of microstrip antennas, because they are easily built and integrated to other microwave circuit components, which is suitable for the construction and development of planar antenna arrays and microwave integrated circuits. This work presents a new configuration of tapered microstrip antenna, which is obtained by impressing U-slots on the conducting patch combined with a transmission line matching circuit that uses an inset length. It is shown that the use of U-slots in the microstrip antenna conducting patch excites new resonating modes, that gives a multiband characteristic for the slotted microstrip antenna, that is suitable for applications in communication systems that operates several frequencies simultaneously. Up to this date, the works reported in the literature deals with the use of Uslotted microstrip rectangular antennas fed by a coaxial probe. The properties of a linear array of microstrip patch tapered antennas are also investigated. The main parameters of the U slotted tapered microstrip antennas are investigated for different sizes and locations of the slots impressed on the conducting patch. The analysis of the proposed antenna is performed by using the resonant cavity and equivalent transmission line methods, in combination with a parametric study, that is conducted by the use of the Ansoft Designer, a commercial computer aided microwave software well known by its accuracy and efficiency. The mentioned methods are used to evaluate the effect in the antennas parameters, like resonant frequency and return loss, produced by variations of the antenna structural parameters, accomplished separately or simultaneously. An experimental investigation is also developed, that consists of the design, construction and measurement of several U slotted microstrip antenna prototypes. Finally, theoretical and simulated results are presented that are in agreement with the measured ones. These results are related to the resonating modes identification and to the determination of the main characteristics of the investigated antennas, such as resonant frequency, return loss, and radiation pattern
This work presents techniques used to design and manufacture microstrip patch antennas for applications in portable and mobile devices. To do so, are evaluated several factors that can influence the performance of microstrip patch antennas. Miniaturization techniques are studied and employed in order to apply this type of antenna in mobile and / or mobile. The theories of microstrip patch antennas are addressed by analyzing characteristics such as constitution, kinds of patches, substrates, feeding methods, analysis methods, the main advantages and disadvantages and others. Techniques for obtaining broadband microstrip patch antennas were surveyed in literature and exemplified mainly by means of simulations and measurements. For simulations of the antennas was used the commercial software . In addition, antenna miniaturization techniques have been studied as a main concern the fundamental limits of antennas with special attention to electrically small antennas because they are directly linked to the microstrip patch antennas. Five design antennas are proposed to demonstrate the effectiveness of techniques used to obtain the microstrip patch antennas broadband and miniaturized for use in mobile devices and/or portable. For this, the proposed antennas were simulated, built and measured. The antennas are proposed to be used in modern systems of wireless communications such as DTV, GPS, IEEE 802.16, IEEE 802.11, etc. The simulations of the antennas were made in business and computer programs. The measured results were obtained with a parser Vector of networks of the Rhode and Schwarz model ZVB 14
This work presents a theoretical and numerical analysis of structures using frequency selective surfaces applied on patch antennas. The FDTD method is used to determine the time domain reflected fields. Applications of frequency selective surfaces and patch antennas cover a wide area of telecommunications, especially mobile communications, filters and WB antennas. scattering parameters are obteained from Fourier Transformer of transmited and reflected fields in time domain. The PML are used as absorbing boundary condition, allowing the determination of the fields with a small interference of reflections from discretized limit space. Rectangular patches are considered on dielectric layer and fed by microstrip line. Frequency selective surfaces with periodic and quasi-periodic structures are analyzed on both sides of antenna. A literature review of the use of frequency selective surfaces in patch antennas are also performed. Numerical results are also compared with measured results for return loss of analyzed structures. It is also presented suggestions of continuity to this work
This work presents a theoretical and numerical analysis for the radiation characteristics of rectangular microstrip antenna using metamaterial substrate. The full wave analysis is performed in the Fourier transform domain through the application of the Transverse Transmission Line - TTL method. A study on metamaterial theory was conducted to obtain the constructive parameters, which were characterized through permittivity and permeability tensors to arrive at a set of electromagnetic equations. The general equations for the electromagnetic fields of the antenna are developed using the Transverse Transmission Line - TTL method. Imposing the boundary conditions, the dyadic Green s function components are obtained relating the surface current density components at the plane of the patch to the electric field tangential components. Then, Galerkin s method is used to obtain a system of matrix equations, whose solution gives the antenna resonant frequency. From this modeling, it is possible to obtain numerical results for the resonant frequency and return loss for different configurations and substrates
Nowadays there has been a major breakthrough in the aerospace area, with regard to rocket launches to research, experiments, telemetry system, remote sensing, radar system (tracking and monitoring), satellite communications system and insertion of satellites in orbit. This work aims at the application of a circular cylindrical microstrip antenna, ring type, and other cylindrical rectangular in structure of a rocket or missile to obtain telemetry data, operating in the range of 2 to 4 GHz, in S-band. Throughout this was developed just the theoretical analysis of the Transverse transmission line method which is a method of rigorous analysis in spectral domain, for use in rockets and missiles. This analyzes the spread in the direction "ρ" , transverse to dielectric interfaces "z" and "φ", for cylindrical coordinates, thus taking the general equations of electromagnetic fields in function of e [1]. It is worth mentioning that in order to obtain results, simulations and analysis of the structure under study was used HFSS program (High Frequency Structural Simulator) that uses the finite element method. With the theory developed computational resources were used to obtain the numerical calculations, using Fortran Power Station, Scilab and Wolfram Mathematica ®. The prototype was built using, as a substrate, the ULTRALAM ® 3850, of Rogers Corporation, and an aluminum plate as a cylindrical structure used to support. The agreement between the measured and simulated results validate the established processes. Conclusions and suggestions are presented for continuing this work
Nos últimos anos, com o surgimento de novos serviços e equipamentos para o sistema de comunicação móvel com maiores larguras de banda de operação e ocupando espaços cada vez menores, o desenvolvimento de novas antenas de bandas largas e com dimensões pequenas se tornou um dos principais desafios das pesquisas na área de antenas. Neste trabalho, duas estruturas de antenas de bandas largas e dimensões reduzidas foram analisadas e otimizadas. Na primeira parte, a antena filamentar monopolo dobrado (Wire Built-in Folded Monopole Antenna, W-BFMA) foi investigada e teve sua largura de banda otimizada, conectada a linha de alimentação em diferentes impedâncias. Para modelar a estrutura da antena W-BFMA foi usado o método numérico dos momentos (Method of Moments - MoM), e para sua otimização os métodos: paramétrico, hill climbing e algoritmo genético (AG). Programas computacionais baseados na linguagem Matlab foram desenvolvidos para modelagem, otimização e cálculos das principais curvas características da antena W-BFMA. Na segunda parte, duas diferentes configurações de antenas monopolos planos usando a tecnologia de banda ultra-larga (Ultra- Wideband Antenna, UWB) foram investigadas e otimizadas com a ajuda do programa comercial Computer Simulation Technology (CST) Microwave Studio. Ambas as antenas UWB foram alimentadas por uma linha de microfita (microstrip line) na impedância de 50Ω. A antena UWB que apresentou melhor resultado teve o seu protótipo construído, as principais curvas características, tais como: perda de retorno, ganho, distribuição de corrente e diagrama de radiação foram analisadas. Os resultados simulados foram comparados com resultados obtidos experimentalmente.
Consultoria Legislativa - Área XIV - Comunicação Social, Informática, Telecomunicações, Sistema Postal, Ciência e Tecnologia.
[ES]Hoy en día, los sistemas de comunicación inalámbricos soportan un amplio número de servicios como la voz, datos y vídeos que requieren unas grandes tasas de transmisión. Por ello la mejora de la calidad del enlace que ofrecen los sistemas MIMO es clave. El problema surge al colocar varias antenas en un terminal móvil sin que aparezca un acoplamiento entre las distintas antenas que evite el correcto funcionamiento de estas. En este documento se realizará un estudio de los diferentes métodos de desacoplo entre antenas PIFA (Planar Inverted-F antenna) en un terminal móvil.
[ES]Este trabajo de fin de grado trata sobre el diseño de un array de antenas en tecnología microstrip para ser utilizado en la banda de 5 GHz del estándar de tecnologías inalámbricas IEEE 802.11a. Se buscará aplicar la teoría de arrays para conseguir la mayor ganancia posible, pero al mismo tiempo tratando de obtener un gran ancho de banda para que la antena sea óptima dentro de la mayor parte posible de la banda especificada. El proyecto partirá de un único parche microstrip para posteriormente ir evolucionando el diseño hasta llegar a un array de 2x2 elementos. Al primer diseño se le irán añadiendo progresivamente todos los componentes necesarios (red de adaptación, desfasadores, mayor número de parches, etc.) para poder ir estudiando las simulaciones a la vez que el diseño progresa. Todos los diseños se realizarán con el software ADS (Advanced Design System) de la compañía Agilent Technologies. Finalmente se fabricará el array diseñado y se medirá para contrastarlo con las simulaciones.
[ES]El objetivo final del trabajo fin de grado, que se expone en este documento, trata sobre el diseño de un array de antena de microstrip, con la intención de que se utilice para aplicaciones de comunicación entre vehículos que trabajen en la banda de los 5 GHz, bajo el estándar ITS-G5/IEEE 802.11p, además de su fabricación y medición posterior para poder compararlos con las simulaciones. Se buscará que la ganancia de la antena sea la máxima posible pero tratando de conseguir a su vez el mayor ancho de banda dentro del rango de frecuencias requerido. Para el diseño se partirá de un único parche y se le irán añadiendo los demás componentes progresivamente (reflectores, desfasadores, mayor número de parches, transformadores λ/4, etc.) y se irán estudiando sus simulaciones. Todas estas simulaciones se realizarán con el programa HFSS.
Os sistemas de rádio comunicação com múltiplas antenas transmissoras (Tx) e receptoras (Rx), também conhecidos como sistemas MIMO (Multiple Input-Multiple Output), são um dos mais importantes avanços nos sistemas de telecomunicações. Estes sistemas tiram vantagem do uso de várias antenas transmissoras e várias antenas receptoras para explorar as propriedades espaciais do canal rádio. O crescimento dramático da capacidade dos canais que os sistemas MIMO vêm acrescentar, faz com que esta tecnologia seja promissora para os futuros serviços de Internet Wireless. Estes sistemas MIMO utilizam diversidade espacial, ou seja, tiram partido da natureza aleatória da propagação das ondas através do multipercurso e na qual réplicas de um sinal são combinadas no receptor com o intuito de se obter maior fiabilidade na detecção desse sinal. Assim sendo, um canal MIMO é o meio por onde se propaga a informação transmitida por este conjunto de antenas. O conceito inerente aos sistemas MIMO passa por combinar os sinais emitidos e recebidos de modo que seja possível melhorar a performance do sistema. Esta melhoria de desempenho irá reflectir-se na maximização dos ritmos de transmissão associados e na melhoria da qualidade de serviço oferecida ao cliente final. Esta tecnologia tem sido aprofundada com o objectivo de se resolver o problema de estrangulamento da capacidade de tráfego nas futuras redes de telecomunicações sem fios. Isto é extremamente importante em sistemas onde a capacidade é bastante limitada devido às características do ambiente de propagação. Existe portanto, um grande interesse em comparar o comportamento, características, vantagens e desvantagens dos vários tipos de sistemas existentes (SISO - Single Input - Single Output, SIMO - Single Input - Multiple Output, MISO - Multiple Input - Single Output, MIMO - Multiple Input - Multiple Output). Torna-se então necessário o estudo dos sistemas de antenas Multiple Input - Multiple Output (MIMO) e as suas vantagens/desvantagens na transmissão de informação relativamente aos sistemas Single Input - Single Output (SISO). Este estudo vem comprovar que a tecnologia MIMO é uma evolução natural para as tecnologias sem fios, visto que existe uma crescente demanda de serviços multimédia e um esforço constante para se aumentar as taxas de transmissão nas redes sem fios. Os sistemas MIMO vêm também dar um enorme contributo à investigação nesta área das telecomunicações.
Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Electrónica e Telecomunicações
This paper provides a review of antennas applied for indoor positioning or localization systems. The desired requirements of those antennas when integrated in anchor nodes (reference nodes) are discussed, according to different localization techniques and their performance. The described antennas will be subdivided into the following sections according to the nature of measurements: received signal strength (RSS), time of flight (ToF), and direction of arrival (DoA). This paper intends to provide a useful guide for antenna designers who are interested in developing suitable antennas for indoor localization systems.
Tesis (Maestro en Ciencias de la Ingeniería con Especialidad en Telecomunicaciones) - Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León, 2002