96 resultados para anguillid eel


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Foi avaliado o comportamento de 14 porta-enxertos para o limão 'Eureka km 47' [Citrus limon (L.) Burm. f.], clone nucelar, em experimento instalado em 1991, na Fazenda Fittipaldi, Araraquara-SP. Os porta-enxertos foram: tangelos 'Orlando' e 'Seminole' (C. reticulata Blanco x C. paradisi Macfad.), tangerinas 'Cleópatra' (C. reshni hort. ex Tanaka) e 'Sunki' [C. sunki (Hayata) hort. ex Tanaka], limões 'Cravo' (C. limonia Osbeck), 'Rugoso da África' (C. jambhiri Lush.) e 'Volkameriano Catania 2' (C. volkameriana V. Ten. & Pasq.), laranja 'Caipira DAC' [C. sinensis (L.) Osbeck], laranja 'Azeda Doble Cálice' (C. aurantium L.), trifoliatas 'EEL'e 'Kryder 8-5' [Poncirus trifoliata (L.) Raf.], citrange 'Morton' [P. trifoliata (L.) Raf. x C. sinensis (L.) Osbeck], C. karna Raf. e C. pennivesiculata (Lush.) Tanaka. As produções foram avaliadas no período de 1998 a 2002. As maiores produções médias em peso de frutos estiveram relacionadas aos porta-enxertos C. pennivesiculata e tangerina 'Cleópatra' (>220 kg/planta). Entre os porta-enxertos que induziram as mais baixas produções, estão C. karna, os dois tangelos, os dois trifoliatas e a 'Caipira DAC' (<180 kg/planta). As características de qualidade apresentadas pelos frutos e referentes ao ano de 2002 indicaram não haver diferenças expressivas devido à influência dos tratamentos. São também apresentados dados relativos à suscetibilidade das plantas à gomose de Phytophthora, no período estudado.


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Foi monitorado o comportamento de 16 porta-enxertos para o tangor Murcott [Citrus reticulata Blanco x C. sinensis (L.) Osbeck], do clone nucelar J, em experimento instalado em 1990, na Fazenda Raio de Sol, Itirapina-SP. Os porta-enxertos foram: tangelo 'Orlando' (C. reticulata Blanco x C. paradisi Macf.), laranja 'Caipira DAC' [C. sinensis (L.) Osbeck], limão 'Cravo'(C. limonia Osbeck), os trifoliatas 'Kryder 8-5'e 'EEL'[Poncirus trifoliata (L.) Raf.] e as tangerinas 'Cleópatra' (C. reshni hort. ex. Tanaka), 'Sunki' [C. sunki (Hayata) hort. ex. Tanaka], 'Batangas', 'Oneco', 'Swatow', 'Szinkon', 'Satsuma', 'Cravo', 'Dancy', 'Suen Kat' e 'Pook Ling Ming' (C. reticulata Blanco). As produções foram avaliadas de 1996 a 2003 e as maiores médias foram proporcionadas pelas plantas enxertadas nas tangerinas 'Cleópatra', 'Suen Kat', 'Pook Ling Ming' e 'Sunki' (>40 kg planta-1). Dentre os porta-enxetos que induziram as mais baixas produções, estão os dois trifoliatas, a 'Caipira DAC' e a tangerina 'Cravo' (<25 kg planta-1). As características de qualidade apresentadas pelos frutos, referentes aos anos de 1998 e 2002, indicaram não existir diferenças expressivas entre os tratamentos.


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Este estudo teve como objetivo realizar a avaliação genética da produção de frutos, eficiência produtiva e altura de laranjeiras Valência (Citrus sinensis) enxertadas em seleções e híbridos dos limões Cravo (C. limonia), Volkameriano (C. volkameriana) e Rugoso (C. jambhiri), em área endêmica para morte súbita dos citros (MSC). Foram avaliados 36 genótipos desses porta-enxertos, representados por cinco plantas cada, avaliados em cinco safras, do terceiro ao sétimo ano após o plantio. Sete dos genótipos avaliados apresentaram plantas com sintomas de MSC até o sétimo ano: Rangpur Otaheite orange 12901 (859), Rangpur Red Lime D.33.30 (866), Limão-Cravo EEL (871), Rangpur Borneo red (874), Citrus kokhai (1649), Limão-Rugoso 58329 (1655) e Limão- Cravo x Swingle B (1695). Para os genótipos que não manifestaram sintomas da doença, foram estimados parâmetros genéticos e fenotípicos e realizada a predição de valores genéticos dos indivíduos, visando à seleção e ao melhoramento genético para as características citadas, empregando-se o método REML/BLUP (máxima verossimilhança restrita/melhor predição linear não viciada). A análise de produção de frutos de cinco safras mostrou acurácia seletiva de 84,59%, tornando-se desnecessária a avaliação de maior número de safras. A seleção dos sete melhores genótipos proporcionou ganhos genéticos de 11,5% na produção de frutos, enquanto a do melhor genótipo conferiu ganho genético de 16,3%. As maiores médias genéticas preditas (>70,0 kg.pl-1) para produção de frutos foram obtidas pelos genótipos Limão-Cravo- Ipanema (1522), Santa- Bárbara-Red- Lime (884), Limão- Cravo- Limeira (863), Limão- Cravo- Taquaritinga (869), Limão- Rugoso- do -Cabo (1643), Rangpur- Rose Lime (868) e Limão- Cravo- da- Califórnia (1467). Já a acurácia seletiva da eficiência produtiva, para quatro colheitas, foi 77,4%. Para este caráter, as maiores médias genéticas (>8,0 kg.m-3) foram dos genótipos Rangpur- Lime x Trifoliata 3810 (1648), Rangpur- Lime x Trifoliata 5320 (1644), Limão- Cravo x Citrange- Carrizo (1524), Citrus pennivesiculata (880), Limão- Cravo x Trifoliata- Swingle A (1707), Rangpur- Rose- Lemon 124684 (864), Rangpur- Red -Lime D33.47 (867) e Limão- Cravo -Ipanema (1522). Dentre os 10 melhores genótipos para produção de frutos e para eficiência produtiva, apenas três são coincidentes: Rangpur- Rose -Lime (868), Citrus pennivesiculata (880) e Limão- Cravo-Ipanema (1522).


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The purpose of this research was to evaluate the differences in the colonization and production of structures in the leaves of 'Pêra' sweet orange (Citrus sinensis) clones and related varieties by Guignardia citricarpa. The natural colonization and the production of reproductive structures in the leaves and in vitro of ten 'Pêra' sweet orange was quantified in the following clones: Bianchi, Dibbern C.V., EEL, IAC 2000, Olímpia 15161, Premunizada 1212, Premunizada 1743/82, R. Gullo 1569/244, R. Gullo 1570/246 and Vimusa; and in five related varieties: Redonda C.N, Ovale 968, Ovale San Lio 969, Lamb Summer and Corsa Tardia. The quantification of the colonization density of G. citricarpa in the leaves was obtained through isolation. Incidence and colonization density (cm²) were calculated for each clone. The production of reproductive structures was accomplished through the moistening and drying process of the leaves. The incidence (percentage of affected leaves) and the leaf surface percentage occupied by the reproductive fungus structures were quantified. The in vitro production of reproductive structures was accomplished in water-agar medium. The number of immature and total reproductive fungus structures (cm²), and the percentage of picnidia with liberation of spores were quantified. Significant differences were not observed among clones related to the colonization of the leaves. But there were differences in the induction experiments, i.e., in the leaf surface percentage occupied by the reproductive fungus structures and the in vitro production of reprodutive fungus structures.


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PreVi011.3 ':i or~ : indicat e('. tk~t ho t~)rE's sed ~-Al B 12 1i~2, ~' a semiconductor. r:Toreove r , the s i mpl.(~ electronic t heory also indi cates that ~ -AIB1 2 should be a semico nductor, since thf're is one nonbonding e 'Le ctrofl per AlB12- uni t. JPor these reasons, we decided to measure t he electrical n ropert i ~ s of ~ -AlB1 2 single crystal s . Singl e crystal s of¥- AIB 12 ab ou t 1 x 1 r1n1 . size were grown from a copper mel t at 12500 C. The melt technique coupled. 1,vi th slow cooling vilas used because of i ts advantages such as : siTYInle set- up of the expe rimon t ; only e ;l.sil y available c hemi cals are required and it i s a c omparatively strair::bt forvvard y,le t hod still yielding crystal s big enouGh for OtU' purpose . Copper rms used as a solvent , i nst8ad of previOl.wly used aluminum , because it allows c.l.'ystal growth at hig he r t emneratures. HovlGver, the cry s tals of ] -AlB12 shm'red very hi gh res i s t ance a t r oom temperature . From our neasureJ'lents we conclude that the r esistivity of j3- Al B12 is, at least, given as ~ = 4. x 107 oblD .em •• Those results are inc ons i s t ent wi 'uh the ones .. reported by IIiss Khin fo r bot- pressed j3-AlB12 g i ven a s = 7600 ohm . em . or I e s s . ' Since tbe hot pressing was done at about 800 - ' 9000C i n ~ rap hi te moul ds 1,7i th 97% AlB12- p oVJder, vie thi nk there is pas s ib i 1 i ty th a.t lower borides or borot] carbide are , being formed, ':.Jhich are k11 own to be good semiconductors . v7e tried to ro-pe r-AlB12 by addi'J,'?: agents s uch as l:Ig , IG.-InO 4. ' HgS04 , KI12PO 4·' etc. to t he melt .. However , all these re age 11 t eel either reduced the yield and size of t lJe crystals or r;ave crystals of high r esis'can ce again. We think tba t molten copper keeps t he i mpurities off . There is also a pos s i bil i ty t hc:!,t these doping agents get oxidi~::;ed at '1 250°C • Hence, we co ~ clud e that J -AIB12 has v~ ry high r es i stance at r oom temperature . This was a l s o C011 - fi rmed by checki ng the siYlgle and. polycrystals of .~-AIB12 from Norton Co., Ontario and Cooper Nletallurgical Association. Boron carbide has been reported to be a semiconductor with ~ - 0.3 to 0.8 ohm . cm. for hotpres sed s araples. Boron carbide b e inq: struct urally related to ¥-AIB12 , we de cided to study the electrical prone rties of it~ Single crystals. These crystals were cut from a Single melt grovvn crystal a t Norton Co., Ontario. The resistivity of th," se crystal s was measured by the Van der Pam-v' s ~ nethod, which \vas very c onvenient fo r our crystal sha-pp.s. Some of the crystals showed resistivity ~ == 0.50 ob,Tn.cr] . i n agreement with the previously reported results . However , a few crystals showed lower resistivity e.g . 0 .13 and 0.20 ohm.cra • • The Hall mobility could .not be measured and th8reiore i s lower than 0 .16 em 2 v - 1 sec -1 • This is in agreement \vith t he re1)orted Hall mobility for pyrolytic boron . _ 2 -1 -1 carbide as 0.13 cm v sec • We also studied the orientation of the boron carbide crystals by the Jjaue-method. The inclination of c-axis with res pect to x-ray be81Il was det ermined . This was found to be 100 t o 20° f or normal resistivity sarnples (0.5 ohm . cm.) and 27 - 30° for t he lower r esistivity samples (0.1 ~5 to 0.20 ohm.cm .). This indica tes the possibility that th.e r es if.1tivity of B13C3 i s orientation dependent.


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The purpose of this study was to develop a classifi cation scheme for l ake trophic status based on the relative abundance of l ake sediment diatom trophic indicator species. A total of 600 diatom frustules were counted from the surface sediments of e a ch of 30 lakes selected to repr e seni~ a continuum from u.lt ra-oligotrophic t,o fairly eutrophic but not hype r-' eutrophic conditions. Published autecological information was used to determine the trophic indicator status of each of the s pecies. A quotieht was derived by dividing the s um of all the e utrophic indicator species by the sum of all oligotrophic indicai.-:.or species. Oligo'- mesotrophic. mesotrophic and meso-eutrophic species were added to both the numerator and denomina tor. Five categories of diatom i.nferred trophic status were recognized : ultra-oligotrophic - 0'-0.2:3, oligotrophic::: 0.24-0 . 70, mesotrophic :: 0.'71 -0.99, meso-elxtrophic :: 1. 00-1. '78 and eutrophic:: 1.. 79-2. 43. But only three of these (oligotrophic:: 0-0.69, mesotrophic ::: 0 . 70'-1.69 j and eutrophic:: 1.70-2.50) proved usef ul. The present study of the relationship between diatom inferred trophic status and the literature-derived trophic status of SO lake s (which were purposely chosen to represent a broad spectrum of lakes in Canada) indicated that: 1) Based on diatom species (assemblages ) it is possible to segregate the lakes from which. th",)se diatoms were taken into three basic categories : o ligotrophic, mesotrophic and eutrophic lake types. ~~) It was not possible t,o separate meso-eutrophic and o l igo-mesotrophic lakes f rom mesotrophic l akes as the the degree of overlap betwee n the diat,om species in these lake types was extremely high. 3) Ha d mo r e ul tra-oligotroph,ic lakes been sampled it might have been possible to more a ccurately s eparate them f rom oligotrophic Jakes. 4 ) Had. more humic lakes been sampled in this s tudy I f eel it would have been possible to identify a unique diatom a ssemblage which would h a ve chara cterized t his lake type . Re gression analyses were performed using the aforementioned diatom inferred trophic index as a f unction of 1) log Sec chi transparency (r = - 0.70) 2) total phosphorus (r = 0. 77 ) and 3) chlorophyll-a (r = 0.74). Once e ach of these rel ationships had been established , it was possible to infer paleotrophic (downcore) changes in an oligotrophic lake (Barbara Lake) and in a eutrophic lake (Chemung Lake) . Barbara Llake was dominated by oligotrophic s pecies and remained oligotrophic throughout the 200-·year history r epresented by i t s 32 em long sediment core. Chemung Lake is currently dominated. by eutrophic species but went through a mesotrophic st,age which was associated with a rise in the water level of the lake followi n g dam construction in its watershed in the early 1.900 J ::;. This was followed by its reversion to it,s present day eutrophic stage (dominated by eutrophic species) possibly as a r esult of shallowing process which can be attributed to " silting' up" of the reservoir and the invasion of the l ake by Myriophyllum spjcatum (Eurasian milfoil) i n the 1970's . In addition, nutrient .:r':l.ch run"'offwhich resulted from increased human a.ctivities associated with cottage development along its shores has contribut ed to its eutrophication. There is some evidence that the rat,e o :f its prog ressive eutrophication has declined during the last decade. This was correlated with legislation enacted in the 60's and 70's in Ontario which was aimed at reducing nutrient loading from cottages.


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This thesis applies x-ray diffraction to measure he membrane structure of lipopolysaccharides and to develop a better model of a LPS bacterial melilbrane that can be used for biophysical research on antibiotics that attack cell membranes. \iVe ha'e Inodified the Physics department x-ray machine for use 3.'3 a thin film diffractometer, and have lesigned a new temperature and relative humidity controlled sample cell.\Ve tested the sample eel: by measuring the one-dimensional electron density profiles of bilayers of pope with 0%, 1%, 1G :VcJ, and 100% by weight lipo-polysaccharide from Pse'udo'lTwna aeTuginosa. Background VVe now know that traditional p,ntibiotics ,I,re losing their effectiveness against ever-evolving bacteria. This is because traditional antibiotic: work against specific targets within the bacterial cell, and with genetic mutations over time, themtibiotic no longer works. One possible solution are antimicrobial peptides. These are short proteins that are part of the immune systems of many animals, and some of them attack bacteria directly at the membrane of the cell, causing the bacterium to rupture and die. Since the membranes of most bacteria share common structural features, and these featuret, are unlikely to evolve very much, these peptides should effectively kill many types of bacteria wi Lhout much evolved resistance. But why do these peptides kill bacterial cel: '3 , but not the cells of the host animal? For gramnegative bacteria, the most likely reason is that t Ileir outer membrane is made of lipopolysaccharides (LPS), which is very different from an animal :;ell membrane. Up to now, what we knovv about how these peptides work was likely done with r !10spholipid models of animal cell membranes, and not with the more complex lipopolysa,echaricies, If we want to make better pepticies, ones that we can use to fight all types of infection, we need a more accurate molecular picture of how they \vork. This will hopefully be one step forward to the ( esign of better treatments for bacterial infections.


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S’expliquen les característiques i s’assenyalen les avantatges del nou model de pràctiques en empreses i institucions vàlid per a tots els estudis de l’EPS: les estades en l’entorn laboral (EEL) i es fa un balanç dels últims tres cursos


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Documento en formato papel y en formato electrónico (PDF). Este documento es el material número 50 de la colección Palma, ciudad educativa


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Justificar mediante análisis factorial utilizando el método científico en el mundo de la educación; exigir el método experimental y la investigación en este campo e investigar implica por lo general la estadística o la matemática. Intentar que el trabajo sea un ejemplo de cómo elevadas teorías matemáticas pueden explicar la comprensión de algunos problemas. Se divide en diez temas que hacen referencia a la psicomotricidad y al método de análisis factorial. En el primer capítulo se explica de forma introductoria la elección del tema elegido y las características fundamentales de su trabajo. El capítulo segundo contempla las nociones elementales de la psicomotricidad, las generalidades, como funciona el cuerpo, el movimiento, la expresión y la experiencia corporal. Atendiendo a las fundamentos biológicos del movimiento y las partes que lo integran, el equilibrio, y las diferentes vías que trasmiten las señales motoras. El capítulo tercero hace referencia al análisis factorial en si mismo, las técnicas estadísticas, orígenes y contenidos de aplicación junto con las técnicas de análisis. En el capítulo cuarto se presenta la importancia del estudio de la psicomotricidad, e introducción al trabajo presentado. El capítulo quinto muestra la descripción propia de la investigación, siguiendo tres pasos fundamentales: el planteamiento, la explicación precisa de su alcance y objetivos de la investigación. La elaboración de pruebas y recogida de datos y por último el procesamiento de los mismos y estudio de las conclusiones. En el capítulo sexto se hace una revisión de los trabajos anteriores, los trabajos más relevantes en el campo de la clasificación del dominio psicomotor. El capítulo séptimo clasifica cuáles son los principales objetivos en la investigación y alcance de la misma. En el capítulo octavo se describe el procedimiento, la muestra y los test o mediciones empleados siguiendo las principales fases del método del análisis factorial, la preparación, factorización e identidad de los factores. Siempre bajo los conceptos de fiabilidad y validez, en el capítulo noveno se exponen los resultados clasificados en tablas principales. Eel capítulo décimo justifica los datos obtenidos comentando los resultados en la matriz factorial rotada siguiendo cada uno de los factores. 1) A la vista de la dificultad que presentaba la clasificación de las diversas habilidades generales incluidas en el campo de la psicomotricidad, se planteó la posibilidad de permitir que los resultados de una aplicación del análisis factorial al dominio sugiriera las pautas para una taxonomía científicamente concebida 2) El primero de los factores queda explicado por cinco variables, y parece hacer referencia a una coordinación general somatomotriz que incluiría tanto la coordinación de los movimientos finos como la coordinación de movimientos más amplios y generales 3) El segundo de los factores queda explicado por tres variables, su importancia es menos clara que la del primer factor pero posiblemente englobe una disposición muscular hacia el ejercicio 4) El tercer factor posee únicamente una carga factorial que sobrepase el nivel de significación adoptado 5) El cuarto factor está definido principalmente por dos variables 6) El quinto factor igual que el tercero, queda explicado por una sola variable. Es difícil aventurar así una hipótesis de interpretación 7) El resto de variables, aunque sin cargas superiores a sesenta, con sus cagas factoriales más o menos elevadas, ayudan a interpretar estos cinco factores en las direcciones indicadas.


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Carbon and nitrogen stable isotope ratios were measured in 157 fish bone collagen samples from 15 different archaeological sites in Belgium which ranged in ages from the 3rd to the 18th c. AD. Due to diagenetic contamination of the burial environment, only 63 specimens produced results with suitable C:N ratios (2.9–3.6). The selected bones encompass a wide spectrum of freshwater, brackish, and marine taxa (N = 18), and this is reflected in the δ13C results (−28.2‰ to −12.9%). The freshwater fish have δ13C values that range from −28.2‰ to −20.2‰, while the marine fish cluster between −15.4‰ and −13.0‰. Eel, a catadromous species (mostly living in freshwater but migrating into the sea to spawn), plots between −24.1‰ and −17.7‰, and the anadromous fish (living in marine environments but migrating into freshwater to spawn) show a mix of freshwater and marine isotopic signatures. The δ15N results also have a large range (7.2‰ to 16.7‰) indicating that these fish were feeding at many different trophic levels in these diverse aquatic environments. The aim of this research is the isotopic characterization of archaeological fish species (ecology, trophic level, migration patterns) and to determine intra-species variation within and between fish populations differing in time and location. Due to the previous lack of archaeological fish isotope data from Northern Europe and Belgium in particular, these results serve as an important ecological backdrop for the future isotopic reconstruction of the diet of human populations dating from the historical period (1st and 2nd millennium AD), where there is zooarchaeological and historical evidence for an increased consumption of marine fish.


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Chen LM, Zhao J, Musa-Aziz R, Pelletier MF, Drummond IA, Boron WF. Cloning and characterization of a zebrafish homologue of human AQP1: a bifunctional water and gas channel. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol 299: R1163-R1174, 2010. First published August 25, 2010; doi:10.1152/ajpregu.00319.2010.-The mammalian aquaporins AQP1, AQP4, and AQP5 have been shown to function not only as water channels but also as gas channels. Zebrafish have two genes encoding an AQP1 homologue, aqp1a and aqp1b. In the present study, we cloned the cDNA that encodes the zebrafish protein Aqp1a from the 72-h postfertilization (hpf) embryo of Danio rerio, as well as from the swim bladder of the adult. The deduced amino-acid sequence of aqp1a consists of 260 amino acids and is 59% identical to human AQP1. By analyzing the genomic DNA sequence, we identified four exons in the aqp1a gene. By in situ hybridization, aqp1a is expressed transiently in the developing vasculature and in erythrocytes from 16 to 48 h of development. Later, at 72 hpf, aqp1a is expressed in dermal ionocytes and in the swim bladder. Western blot analysis of adult tissues reveals that Aqp1a is most highly expressed in the eye and swim bladder. Xenopus oocytes expressing aqp1a have a channel-dependent (*) osmotic water permeability (P(f)*) that is indistinguishable from that of human AQP1. On the basis of the magnitude of the transient change in surface pH (Delta pHS) that were recorded as the oocytes were exposed to either CO(2) or NH(3), we conclude that zebrafish Aqp1a is permeable to both CO(2) and NH(3). The ratio (Delta pHS*)CO2/P(f)* is about half that of human AQP1, and the ratio (Delta pHS*)NH3/P(f)* is about one-quarter that of human AQP1. Thus, compared with human AQP1, zebrafish Aqp1a has about twice the selectivity for CO(2) over NH(3).


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It seeks to find an alternative to the current tantalum electrolytic capacitors in the market due to its high cost. Niobium is a potential substitute, since both belong to the same group of the periodic table and because of this have many similar physical and chemical properties. Niobium has several technologically important applications, and Brazil has the largest reserves, around 96%. There are including niobium in reserves of tantalite and columbite in Rio Grande do Norte. These electrolytic capacitors have high capacitance specifies, ie they can store high energy in small volumes compared to other types of capacitors. This is the main attraction of this type of capacitor because is growing demand in the production of capacitors with capacitance specifies increasingly high, this because of the miniaturization of various devices such as GPS devices, televisions, computers, phones and many others. The production route of the capacitor was made by powder metallurgy. The initial niobium powder supplied by EEL-USP was first characterized by XRD, SEM, XRF and laser particle size, to then be sieved into three particle size, 200, 400 e 635mesh. The powders were then compacted and sintered at 1350, 1450 and 1550°C using two sintering time 30 and 60min. Sintering is one of the most important parts of the process as it affects properties as porosity and surface cleaning of the samples, which greatly affected the quality of the capacitor. The sintered samples then underwent a process of anodic oxidation, which created a thin film of niobium pentóxido over the whole porous surface of the sample, this film is the dielectric capacitor. The oxidation process variables influence the performance of the film and therefore the capacitor. The samples were characterized by electrical measurements of capacitance, loss factor, ESR, relative density, porosity and surface area. After the characterizations was made an annealing in air ate 260ºC for 60min. After this treatment were made again the electrical measurements. The particle size of powders and sintering affected the porosity and in turn the specific area of the samples. The larger de area of the capacitor, greater is the capacitance. The powder showed the highest capacitance was with the smallest particle size. Higher temperatures and times of sintering caused samples with smaller surface area, but on the other hand the cleaning surface impurities was higher for this cases. So a balance must be made between the gain that is achieved with the cleaning of impurities and the loss with the decreased in specific area. The best results were obtained for the temperature of 1450ºC/60min. The influence of annealing on the loss factor and ESR did not follow a well-defined pattern, because their values increased in some cases and decreased in others. The most interesting results due to heat treatment were with respect to capacitance, which showed an increase for all samples after treatment


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Food habits and morpho-histology of the digestive tract of marbled swamp eel, Synbranchus marmoratus (Block, 1917) were investigated. The fish samples were captured during August, 2007 to July, 2008 in the Marechal Dutra reservoir, Acari, Rio Grande do Norte. The rain fall data was obtained from EMPARN. The fish captured, were measured, weighed, dissected, eviscerated and individual stomach weights were registered. The stomach contents analyses were carried out based on volumetric method, points, frequency of occurrence and applying the Index of Relative Importance. The degrees of repletion of the stomachs were determined besides the Index of Repletion relating to feeding activity variations and frequency of ingestion during the rainy and dry seasons. The rainfall varied from 0 mm a 335 mm with a mean value of 71.62 mm. Highest rainfall of 335.5 mm was registered in March, 2008 and August to December was the dry period. During the dry period the study species presented high degrees of repletion of the stomachs, with a peak value in the month of September (mean = 4.54; ± SD = 0.56). The minimum mean value of = 3.99 ± SD = 0.25 was registered in the month of May during the rainy period. The stomach contents of S. marmoratus registered show that this fish prefers animals, 78.22% of crustaceans 2.85% of mollusks, 3.25% of fish, 1.4% of insects and 13.5% of semi-digested organic matter, thus characterizing the study species as a carnivore with a preference for crustaceans. The morpho-histological aspects of the digestive tract of S. marmoratus indicate that the mouth is terminal adapted to open widely, thin lips with taste buds, small villiform teeth forming a single series on maxillas, four pairs of branchial arches with short and widely spaced branchial rays. The oesophagus is short and cylindrical with a small diameter. The oesophagus wall is thick with mucas surface and internal parallel folds. The stomach is retilinical in form, presenting cardiac, caecal and pyloric portions. The caecal portion is long and is intermediary in position between the cardiac and pyloric portions. The cardiac portion of the stomach is short and cylindrical formed of simple epithelial cylindrical mucus cells. The caecal portion is long with narrow walls, a big cavity and smaller folds which give rise to gastric glands. The phyloric portion has no glands and primary or secondary mucas folds. The morphohistological aspects of the digestive tract of S. marmoratus indicate its adaptation to a carnivorous feeding habit


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Reproductive strategy of the hermaphrodite fish the marbled swamp eel, Synbranchus marmoratus (Bloch, 1795) (Osteichthyes: Synbranchidae) was investigated in the Marechal Dutra reservoir, Acari, Rio Grande do Norte, using fish samples captured monthly during the period of July 2010 to July 2011. The limnological parameters and rainfall were verified. The captured fish specimens were numbered, weighed, measured, dissected and their gonads and liver were removed, weighed and identified as to sex and developmental stages of gonads. The length-weight relationship was determined for grouped sex. The size of first gonadal maturation, gonadosomatic index (GSI), condition factor (K) and hepatosomatic index (HSI) were calculated. The development stages of the gonads were investigated using macroscopic and histological techniques, besides the fecundity and reproductive period. The macroscopic characteristics and the histological development of gonads confirmed the four different sexual types in the sampled population: primary males, females, intersex and secondary males. The secondary males were bigger and heavier than all the other types. This species showed a negative allometric growth with a higher increase in length than weight. The size at which 50% of the females began the process of gonadal maturation was 43.5 cm of total length, and for secondary males it was 58.5 cm. Condition factor showed two peaks in February and in April 2011. IGS indicated a reproductive period from July to September 2010 and was negatively correlated with the condition factor and rainfall. IGS showed a negative correlation when compared with the condition factor and the rainy season. HSI was highest in February ad lowest in December. The reproductive period of this species occurs between the end of the rainy season and the beginning of the dry season. S. marmoratus presents a seasonal reproductive strategy which optimizes its reproductive success under the semiarid climatic conditions