378 resultados para analyyttinen hierarkiaprosessi (AHP)
Among the flow, the flows have the highest destructive potential, may cause disasters with a very high number of victims, as recorded in the events Caraguatatuba (SP) and the Serra das Araras (RJ) in 1967; Valeu do Rio Figueira, in Timbé do Sul (SC) between 1995 and 1996; Vale do Itajaí in Santa Catarina, in 2008, Teresópolis, Petrópolis and Nova Friburgo (RJ), in December 2010 and January 2011. This project aimed to prioritize the main determinants of inducing processes of debris flows by applying the method of decision making AHP (Analytical Hierarch Process). Therefore, the following stages of work were defined: research of the major factors of debris flows, questionnaire design method for application of AHP expert on the subject, analysis of the results obtained from calculating the ratio of consistency and preparation of proposal for hierarchical of conditions for debris flows. From the surveys it was possible to establish a relationship of conditions according to the scale of work, defining three levels: regional (1:250,000 to 1:100,000), Semi-Detail (1:50,000 to 1:25,000) and Detail (1: 10,000 or higher). The factors found were: concentration time, the flood wave, rain, landslide susceptibility (slope), drainage and development in the deposition. The project analyzed the results obtained from the questionnaires, which allowed the ranking of the constraints, contributing to weight constraints in studies of multicriteria mapping of susceptibility to the occurrence of debris flows. The study showed that the most of the analyzed datas were inconsistent because of the different opinion of the judges
Wind power is a type of energy that is still not too explored in Brazil and, because of the lack of experience in projects of this size, there are still some problems during the stages of planning and execution of wind farms projects. One of these problems is related with the parts’ transportation logistics, since these parts are difficult to transport, because of their length, weight or shape. Furthermore, another aggravating factor is the lack of options regarding to the transportation modals that are available to do the route between the manufacture place and the project site. To help in the decision-making process about the ideal transportation configuration, aiming to reduce the dependence of the logistics’ coordinator, it was chosen to use he AHP method to compare some criteria that have influence in the modal’s choice process. The criteria, determined by the members of the company’s logistics’ department, are: transportation costs, transportation time and the risk of causing damages to the cargo. The results shown by this model, using theoretical background, that standardize the processes related to the modal’s choice
La Productividad es la relación integral entre personas, tecnología y dinero con el fin de generar bienes y servicios, que sean beneficiosos para la empresa, trabajadores, clientes y sociedad. El interés se centra en obtener una evaluación ponderada de los valores organizacionales asociados a los factores que afectan a la productividad a través del Proceso de Análisis Jerárquico (AHP). Del proceso de clasificación, ordenación y análisis se agruparon los factores internos que afectan la productividad en tres subsistemas: Cultura, Operaciones y Dirección. Los valores que obtuvieron la mayor preferencia fueron seguridad del trabajador, disciplina, ética y responsabilidad.
This paper develops an integratedapproach, combining quality function deployment (QFD), fuzzy set theory, and analytic hierarchy process (AHP) approach, to evaluate and select the optimal third-party logistics service providers (3PLs). In the approach, multiple evaluating criteria are derived from the requirements of company stakeholders using a series of house of quality (HOQ). The importance of evaluating criteria is prioritized with respect to the degree of achieving the stakeholder requirements using fuzzyAHP. Based on the ranked criteria, alternative 3PLs are evaluated and compared with each other using fuzzyAHP again to make an optimal selection. The effectiveness of proposed approach is demonstrated by applying it to a Hong Kong based enterprise that supplies hard disk components. The proposed integratedapproach outperforms the existing approaches because the outsourcing strategy and 3PLs selection are derived from the corporate/business strategy.
Purpose – This paper aims to develop an integrated analytical approach, combining quality function deployment (QFD) and analytic hierarchy process (AHP) approach, to enhance the effectiveness of sourcing decisions. Design/methodology/approach – In the approach, QFD is used to translate the company stakeholder requirements into multiple evaluating factors for supplier selection, which are used to benchmark the suppliers. AHP is used to determine the importance of evaluating factors and preference of each supplier with respect to each selection criterion. Findings – The effectiveness of the proposed approach is demonstrated by applying it to a UK-based automobile manufacturing company. With QFD, the evaluating factors are related to the strategic intent of the company through the involvement of concerned stakeholders. This ensures successful strategic sourcing. The application of AHP ensures consistent supplier performance measurement using benchmarking approach. Research limitations/implications – The proposed integrated approach can be principally adopted in other decision-making scenarios for effective management of the supply chain. Practical implications – The proposed integrated approach can be used as a group-based decision support system for supplier selection, in which all relevant stakeholders are involved to identify various quantitative and qualitative evaluating criteria, and their importance. Originality/value – Various approaches that can deal with multiple and conflicting criteria have been adopted for the supplier selection. However, they fail to consider the impact of business objectives and the requirements of company stakeholders in the identification of evaluating criteria for strategic supplier selection. The proposed integrated approach outranks the conventional approaches to supplier selection and supplier performance measurement because the sourcing strategy and supplier selection are derived from the corporate/business strategy.
Third-party logistics service providers (3PLs) play a vital role in contemporary supply chain management. Evaluation and selection of the right 3PLs depends on a wide range of quantitative and qualitative criteria rather than cost-based factors. Although various multi-criteria decision making approaches have been proposed, they have not considered the impact of business objectives and requirements of company stakeholders on the evaluating criteria. To enable the "voice" of company stakeholders is considered, this paper develops an integrated approach for selecting 3PL strategically. In the approach, multiple evaluating criteria are derived from the requirements of company stakeholders using a series of house of quality (HOQ). The importance of evaluating criteria is prioritized with respect to the degree of achieving the stakeholder requirements using analytic hierarchy process (AHP). Based on the ranked criteria, alternative 3PLs are evaluated and compared with each other using AHP again to make an optimal selection.
Purpose – The purpose of this research is to develop a holistic approach to maximize the customer service level while minimizing the logistics cost by using an integrated multiple criteria decision making (MCDM) method for the contemporary transshipment problem. Unlike the prevalent optimization techniques, this paper proposes an integrated approach which considers both quantitative and qualitative factors in order to maximize the benefits of service deliverers and customers under uncertain environments. Design/methodology/approach – This paper proposes a fuzzy-based integer linear programming model, based on the existing literature and validated with an example case. The model integrates the developed fuzzy modification of the analytic hierarchy process (FAHP), and solves the multi-criteria transshipment problem. Findings – This paper provides several novel insights about how to transform a company from a cost-based model to a service-dominated model by using an integrated MCDM method. It suggests that the contemporary customer-driven supply chain remains and increases its competitiveness from two aspects: optimizing the cost and providing the best service simultaneously. Research limitations/implications – This research used one illustrative industry case to exemplify the developed method. Considering the generalization of the research findings and the complexity of the transshipment service network, more cases across multiple industries are necessary to further enhance the validity of the research output. Practical implications – The paper includes implications for the evaluation and selection of transshipment service suppliers, the construction of optimal transshipment network as well as managing the network. Originality/value – The major advantages of this generic approach are that both quantitative and qualitative factors under fuzzy environment are considered simultaneously and also the viewpoints of service deliverers and customers are focused. Therefore, it is believed that it is useful and applicable for the transshipment service network design.
The enormous potential of cloud computing for improved and cost-effective service has generated unprecedented interest in its adoption. However, a potential cloud user faces numerous risks regarding service requirements, cost implications of failure and uncertainty about cloud providers' ability to meet service level agreements. These risks hinder the adoption of cloud. We extend the work on goal-oriented requirements engineering (GORE) and obstacles for informing the adoption process. We argue that obstacles prioritisation and their resolution is core to mitigating risks in the adoption process. We propose a novel systematic method for prioritising obstacles and their resolution tactics using Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). We provide an example to demonstrate the applicability and effectiveness of the approach. To assess the AHP choice of the resolution tactics we support the method by stability and sensitivity analysis. Copyright 2014 ACM.
The Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) is one of the most popular methods used in Multi-Attribute Decision Making. It provides with ratio-scale measurements of the prioirities of elements on the various leveles of a hierarchy. These priorities are obtained through the pairwise comparisons of elements on one level with reference to each element on the immediate higher level. The Eigenvector Method (EM) and some distance minimizing methods such as the Least Squares Method (LSM), Logarithmic Least Squares Method (LLSM), Weighted Least Squares Method (WLSM) and Chi Squares Method (X2M) are of the tools for computing the priorities of the alternatives. This paper studies a method for generating all the solutions of the LSM problems for 3 × 3 matrices. We observe non-uniqueness and rank reversals by presenting numerical results.
The Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) is one of the most popular methods used in Multi-Attribute Decision Making. The Eigenvector Method (EM) and some distance minimizing methods such as the Least Squares Method (LSM) are of the possible tools for computing the priorities of the alternatives. A method for generating all the solutions of the LSM problem for 3 × 3 and 4 × 4 matrices is discussed in the paper. Our algorithms are based on the theory of resultants.
Costs related to inventory are usually a significant amount of the company’s total assets. Despite this, companies in general don’t pay a lot of interest in it, even if the benefits from effective inventory are obvious when it comes to less tied up capital, increased customer satisfaction and better working environment. Permobil AB, Timrå is in an intense period when it comes to revenue and growth. The production unit is aiming for an increased output of 30 % in the next two years. To make this possible the company has to improve their way to distribute and handle material,The purpose of the study is to provide useful information and concrete proposals for action, so that the company can build a strategy for an effective and sustainable solution when it comes to inventory management. Alternative methods for making forecasts are suggested, in order to reach a more nuanced perception of different articles, and how they should be managed. Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) was used in order to give specially selected persons the chance to decide criteria for how the article should be valued. The criteria they agreed about were annual volume value, lead time, frequency rate and purchase price. The other method that was proposed was a two-dimensional model where annual volume value and frequency was the criteria that specified in which class an article should be placed. Both methods resulted in significant changes in comparison to the current solution. For the spare part inventory different forecast methods were tested and compared with the current solution. It turned out that the current forecast method performed worse than both moving average and exponential smoothing with trend. The small sample of ten random articles is not big enough to reject the current solution, but still the result is a reason enough, for the company to control the quality of the forecasts.
This paper proposes the joint use of the AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process) and the ICB (IPMA Competence Baseline), as a tool for the decision-making process of selecting the most suitable managers for projects. A hierarchical structure, comprising the IPMA’s ICB 3.0 contextual, behavioural and technical competence elements, is constructed for the selection of project managers. It also describes the AHP implementation, illustrating the whole process with an example using all the 46 ICB competence elements as model criteria. This tool can be of high interest to decision-makers because it allows comparing the candidates for managing a project using a systematic and rigorous process with a rich set of proven criteria.
La gestión de proveedores es un elemento vital en la administración moderna de las organizaciones, sobre todo si se considera que a partir de la calidad de las entradas se puede garantizar la calidad de las salidas. Es por ello que se hace necesario que los gerentes encargados del aprovisionamiento tengan herramientas que les permitan tomar decisiones ágilmente, y en la medida de lo posible, que sean objetivas y fáciles de usar. Como respuesta a esta necesidad, se plantea en este artículo un modelo diseñado para administrar la gestión de proveedores en una organización de tipo comercial y de servicios. Dicho modelo está sustentado en el proceso de análisis jerárquico difuso (AHP fuzzy), el cual ha demostrado ser muy efectivo en los procesos de toma de decisiones multicriterios. El modelo, además, se enmarca en los requisitos establecidos por las normas ISO 9000 y el ciclo de mejoramiento PHVA, lo cual lo hace compatible con las organizaciones que se encuentren certificadas o en proceso de certificación.
El AHP, correspondiente a la sigla en inglés de Analytic Hierarchy Process que en español sería Proceso de Jerarquía Analítica, fue diseñado en 1980 por el matemático norteamericano Thomas Saaty, profesor de la Universidad Pittsburg. La toma de decisiones implica adoptar prioridades; el AHP, en términos generales es un soporte valioso para los tomadores de decisiones, dado que mediante este método se obtienen las jerarquías o prioridades ponderadas, tanto de cada participante involucrado como de todo el grupo de trabajo para quienes es de interés el problema de estudio.
This work shows the application of the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) in the full cost accounting (FCA) within the integrated resource planning (IRP) process. For this purpose, a pioneer case was developed and different energy solutions of supply and demand for a metropolitan airport (Congonhas) were considered [Moreira, E.M., 2005. Modelamento energetico para o desenvolvimento limpo de aeroporto metropolitano baseado na filosofia do PIR-O caso da metropole de Sao Paulo. Dissertacao de mestrado, GEPEA/USP]. These solutions were compared and analyzed utilizing the software solution ""Decision Lens"" that implements the AHP. The final part of this work has a classification of resources that can be considered to be the initial target as energy resources, thus facilitating the restraints of the IRP of the airport and setting parameters aiming at sustainable development. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.