999 resultados para análise de lacunas


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Landscape is dynamic, having complex nature, with tangible and intangible dimensions, presenting a continuous evolution process. The aim of this research were based on the identification and classification of landscapes in units and subunits, from the ownership by individuals; the development of a methodology to assist in the planning and management, conciliating conservation of natural areas with anthropic activities; and, from the information gathered, evaluate the different social groups aiming to design a landscape from the sustainable development perspective; thus better understanding both cultural and forest fragmentation processes, in the city of Ouro Preto, Minas Gerais. The research analyzed the current landscape and its historical evolution, distinguishing between material and immaterial dimensions. Information was raised from field trips, soil types, relief, slope, drainage, conservation units, administrative zoning, urban areas, natural resources, economy, tax raising, transport and building infrastructure, satellite images, types of management applied to the preservation or conservation of forests and fields, and semi-structured interviews with the various actors that modify and transform the territory, thus making a balance between the built landscape and the demands of the society and ecosystems. Results were composed by a map of land use in 2011; a map of landscape units and their subunits, with their appropriate definitions; a map with five levels of activities intensity, with their respective descriptions; and raising barriers to improving the welfare of the actors and the integrity of ecosystems. The number of generated ecosystem services are difficult to measure, but its benefits are useful for everyone. The physical changes are a reflection of the economy, which caused environmental impacts, mainly related to mining activities, tourism, agriculture and conservation of natural areas, all requiring ideally a shared management. In this sense, the landscape needs a management to create sustainable alternatives to anthropic activities. The dynamics of the landscape has been shaped by a slow evolution, set by mining activities due to the high financial revenues, there were areas of revegetation after clearcuts in the past, and now tourism lacks structure. The city has great potential for development projects with payments for environmental services, however, gaps for shared management exists.


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Pós-graduação em Educação Matemática - IGCE


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Pós-graduação em Desenvolvimento Humano e Tecnologias - IBRC


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The intensive development in the urbanization process implied a series of economic, social, and gradually, environmental transformations, essentially, since its intensification, which took place from the Industrial Revolution in Europe and North America. In Latin American countries, including Brazil, there was such acceleration in urban sprawl, only in the middle of the twentieth century, fomented by a peculiar industrialization, coming from the scientific-technical revolution, which occurred in developing countries. In this context, and with a lack of planning and an effective organization, cities of the dependent countries face an inordinate population growth and an unprecedented industrial swelling. Brazil, following this trend, presents several issues regarding the gaps in the provision of necessary infrastructure to meet the most basic needs of its population and the intense activity and anthropogenic effects on the environment. In this sense, environmental problems, related to air and water pollution, degradation and contamination of soil, paving roads, reduction of green areas, urban heat island, among others, reaching ever deeper into the Brazilian urban areas. It is important the analysis in this final project, the weather events related to episodes of strong winds and the events and the impacts to the population of Rio Claro (SP) in the period 2005 to 2010, basing themselves in Geographical Climatology and Urban climate studies. In this scenario, we found the prevalence of occurrences linked to falling trees in the study area, connected, at the same time, to the occurrence and to the absence of episodes of extreme events, with measurements of strong winds, showing a connection between the events and external facts to episodes of winds


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This paper emerged from a reflection on the troubles afflicting and shocked teachers, especially early in his career, among which stands out both in studies and in reports propagated by the teachers themselves: the violence manifested in and out of classrooms. Given this finding and the obvious need for overcoming beyond ephemeral measures, this research outlines two equally important goals: a) incite the discussion of violence at the time of initial teacher training as well as the emergence of new studies concerning this subject in academic research and b) transgress the tradition of research that consists in recommending prescriptions to be applied about how banning school violence, disregarding the peculiarities of each context. These objectives are derived from following question: which strategies are developed in undergraduate courses that aim to preparing of future teachers to deal with the phenomenon of violence in elementary school? Intending to answer this question and, therefore, contemplate the objectives outlined we opted for specialized bibliographic material analysis, systematically selected as the method. As a main result, it was found that the discussion of the theme of school violence in the initial teacher training is something still scarce in practice and incipient in the sphere of research. Therefore, we emphasize the importance of strengthening of this discussion so that when they get into career teaching, future teachers feel adequately subsidized up to face the everyday challenges that may manifest over the profession.


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The importance of the inclusion of digital technology in the classroom has already been pointed out by numerous authors in the educational field and some of them herald that it is through this inclusion that we can achieve transformations in school settings. Based on this assumption, this paper aims to present a distance learning course offered to in service and preservice teachers, focused on the use of technology in foreign language classroom primarily focusing on the role of teacher educators in mediating discussions. For this we sought theoretical support in studies which deal with distance courses (KENSKI, 2008), about virtual environments (ARAÚJO and MARQUESI, 2008), online discussion forums and investigation community and teaching presence (GARRISON, ANDERSON and ARCHER, 2000). Based on the previous theories presented, teacher educator’s messages were analyzed during a distance course offered to teachers in continuing and initial training, identifying marks of teaching presence and pointing to appropriate mediations and/or possible gaps. The results indicate that the teacher must be even more aware of the types of feedback that are provided and of the teaching presence mentioned by Garrison and colleagues (2000, 2001).


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This research leads to a meta-analysis of scientific production in energy efficiency in industrial sectors, recorded in ten (10) leading journals in Administration and Engineering Production in Brazil, between 2001 and 2011. To this end, this scholarship was examined based on the following parameters: a) the total contribution and journal articles, b) methods used in studies, and c) the theoretical gaps to exploit. The diagnosis is that one infers: academic work in energy efficiency industries accounted for only twenty-nine (29) published articles, and only eight (8) have energy efficiency as a central theme of the work. Although the results still showed a rising trend in the number of publications since the last five (5) years analyzed showed 65.5% of all published files relating to energy efficiency. It contributes, therefore, the systematization of the academic production in the area of energy efficiency and business subsidies are provided for this field of research in Brazil.


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A presente pesquisa se baseia na teoria crítica da branquidade, especificamente no que concerne aos elementos mais evidenciados da formação da identidade Branca, para realizar uma análise, por amostra, da tendência das demandas judiciais e julgamentos jurisprudenciais acerca da conduta de discriminação racial, prevista na legislação brasileira. Tendo em vista que as decisões dos tribunais a respeito desse tema se mostram bastantes controversas, os elementos da branquidade são trazidos a esse trabalho com a finalidade de contribuir com a tarefa dos operadores do direito de realizar a interpretação sobre dúvidas, dubiedades, lacunas e questionamentos sobre a eficácia da implementação da norma em reduzir as manifestações do racismo.


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O objetivo deste trabalho é analisar o impacto dos Sistemas de Gestão Integrados (SGI) no desempenho organizacional sob a óptica do Triple Bottom Line (TBL), verificando se esta implementação auxilia a empresa a se tornar mais sustentável. A abordagem multi-método utilizada está dividida em três partes. A primeira compreende uma revisão sistemática da literatura, tendo como base a abordagem bibliométrica. A base de dados escolhida para a seleção dos artigos que compõem a amostra foi a ISI Web of Knowledge (Web of Science). As análises conduzidas sugerem lacunas na literatura a serem pesquisadas de modo a relacionar a integração dos sistemas de gestão como meio para as organizações tornarem-se mais sustentáveis, auxiliando assim na elaboração de um modelo teórico e das hipóteses de pesquisa. Os resultados parciais obtidos ressaltam a lacuna na literatura de estudos nessa área, principalmente que contemplem a dimensão social do Triple Bottom Line. Lacunas na literatura foram identificadas também no que se refere à análise do impacto da adoção dessas abordagens normativas no desempenho organizacional. A segunda etapa da metodologia é composta por estudos de casos múltiplos em empresas de diferentes setores e que tenham implantado sistemas de gestão de maneira integrada. Os resultados obtidos mostram que a certificação auxilia no desenvolvimento de ações sustentáveis, resultando em impactos econômicos, ambientais e sociais positivos. Nesta etapa, testou-se o modelo e as hipóteses levantadas na abordagem bibliométrica. A terceira etapa da metodologia é composta por análises estatísticas de dados secundários extraídos da revista Exame ?Maiores e Melhores\'. Os dados do ano de 2014 das empresas foram tratados por meio do software MINITAB 17 ®. Por meio do teste de mediana de mood, as amostras foram testadas e apresentaram diferenças estatisticamente significativas para o desempenho das empresas em diferentes setores. De maneira geral, as empresas com SGI apresentam melhor desempenho econômico do que as demais. Com a mesma base de dados, utilizando o modelo de equações estruturais e o software Smart PLS 2.0, criou-se um diagrama de caminhos analisando os constructos (SGI) com variáveis de desempenho (Endividamento, Lucratividade, Patrimônio, Crescimento e Retorno). O modelo de equações estruturais testado apresentou força para a relação entre SGI com Endividamento, Lucratividade, Patrimônio e Crescimento. As diferentes metodologias apresentadas contribuíram para responder a hipótese e afirmar com base na amostra deste trabalho que o SGI leva as empresas a terem melhor desempenho econômico, ambiental e social (baseado no TBL).