996 resultados para algorithm fusion


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Satellite image classification involves designing and developing efficient image classifiers. With satellite image data and image analysis methods multiplying rapidly, selecting the right mix of data sources and data analysis approaches has become critical to the generation of quality land-use maps. In this study, a new postprocessing information fusion algorithm for the extraction and representation of land-use information based on high-resolution satellite imagery is presented. This approach can produce land-use maps with sharp interregional boundaries and homogeneous regions. The proposed approach is conducted in five steps. First, a GIS layer - ATKIS data - was used to generate two coarse homogeneous regions, i.e. urban and rural areas. Second, a thematic (class) map was generated by use of a hybrid spectral classifier combining Gaussian Maximum Likelihood algorithm (GML) and ISODATA classifier. Third, a probabilistic relaxation algorithm was performed on the thematic map, resulting in a smoothed thematic map. Fourth, edge detection and edge thinning techniques were used to generate a contour map with pixel-width interclass boundaries. Fifth, the contour map was superimposed on the thematic map by use of a region-growing algorithm with the contour map and the smoothed thematic map as two constraints. For the operation of the proposed method, a software package is developed using programming language C. This software package comprises the GML algorithm, a probabilistic relaxation algorithm, TBL edge detector, an edge thresholding algorithm, a fast parallel thinning algorithm, and a region-growing information fusion algorithm. The county of Landau of the State Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany was selected as a test site. The high-resolution IRS-1C imagery was used as the principal input data.


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Introduction: Early warning of future hypoglycemic and hyperglycemic events can improve the safety of type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) patients. The aim of this study is to design and evaluate a hypoglycemia / hyperglycemia early warning system (EWS) for T1DM patients under sensor-augmented pump (SAP) therapy. Methods: The EWS is based on the combination of data-driven online adaptive prediction models and a warning algorithm. Three modeling approaches have been investigated: (i) autoregressive (ARX) models, (ii) auto-regressive with an output correction module (cARX) models, and (iii) recurrent neural network (RNN) models. The warning algorithm performs postprocessing of the models′ outputs and issues alerts if upcoming hypoglycemic/hyperglycemic events are detected. Fusion of the cARX and RNN models, due to their complementary prediction performances, resulted in the hybrid autoregressive with an output correction module/recurrent neural network (cARN)-based EWS. Results: The EWS was evaluated on 23 T1DM patients under SAP therapy. The ARX-based system achieved hypoglycemic (hyperglycemic) event prediction with median values of accuracy of 100.0% (100.0%), detection time of 10.0 (8.0) min, and daily false alarms of 0.7 (0.5). The respective values for the cARX-based system were 100.0% (100.0%), 17.5 (14.8) min, and 1.5 (1.3) and, for the RNN-based system, were 100.0% (92.0%), 8.4 (7.0) min, and 0.1 (0.2). The hybrid cARN-based EWS presented outperforming results with 100.0% (100.0%) prediction accuracy, detection 16.7 (14.7) min in advance, and 0.8 (0.8) daily false alarms. Conclusion: Combined use of cARX and RNN models for the development of an EWS outperformed the single use of each model, achieving accurate and prompt event prediction with few false alarms, thus providing increased safety and comfort.


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Correct predictions of future blood glucose levels in individuals with Type 1 Diabetes (T1D) can be used to provide early warning of upcoming hypo-/hyperglycemic events and thus to improve the patient's safety. To increase prediction accuracy and efficiency, various approaches have been proposed which combine multiple predictors to produce superior results compared to single predictors. Three methods for model fusion are presented and comparatively assessed. Data from 23 T1D subjects under sensor-augmented pump (SAP) therapy were used in two adaptive data-driven models (an autoregressive model with output correction - cARX, and a recurrent neural network - RNN). Data fusion techniques based on i) Dempster-Shafer Evidential Theory (DST), ii) Genetic Algorithms (GA), and iii) Genetic Programming (GP) were used to merge the complimentary performances of the prediction models. The fused output is used in a warning algorithm to issue alarms of upcoming hypo-/hyperglycemic events. The fusion schemes showed improved performance with lower root mean square errors, lower time lags, and higher correlation. In the warning algorithm, median daily false alarms (DFA) of 0.25%, and 100% correct alarms (CA) were obtained for both event types. The detection times (DT) before occurrence of events were 13.0 and 12.1 min respectively for hypo-/hyperglycemic events. Compared to the cARX and RNN models, and a linear fusion of the two, the proposed fusion schemes represents a significant improvement.


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Purpose Ophthalmologists are confronted with a set of different image modalities to diagnose eye tumors e.g., fundus photography, CT and MRI. However, these images are often complementary and represent pathologies differently. Some aspects of tumors can only be seen in a particular modality. A fusion of modalities would improve the contextual information for diagnosis. The presented work attempts to register color fundus photography with MRI volumes. This would complement the low resolution 3D information in the MRI with high resolution 2D fundus images. Methods MRI volumes were acquired from 12 infants under the age of 5 with unilateral retinoblastoma. The contrast-enhanced T1-FLAIR sequence was performed with an isotropic resolution of less than 0.5mm. Fundus images were acquired with a RetCam camera. For healthy eyes, two landmarks were used: the optic disk and the fovea. The eyes were detected and extracted from the MRI volume using a 3D adaption of the Fast Radial Symmetry Transform (FRST). The cropped volume was automatically segmented using the Split Bregman algorithm. The optic nerve was enhanced by a Frangi vessel filter. By intersection the nerve with the retina the optic disk was found. The fovea position was estimated by constraining the position with the angle between the optic and the visual axis as well as the distance from the optic disk. The optical axis was detected automatically by fitting a parable on to the lens surface. On the fundus, the optic disk and the fovea were detected by using the method of Budai et al. Finally, the image was projected on to the segmented surface using the lens position as the camera center. In tumor affected eyes, the manually segmented tumors were used instead of the optic disk and macula for the registration. Results In all of the 12 MRI volumes that were tested the 24 eyes were found correctly, including healthy and pathological cases. In healthy eyes the optic nerve head was found in all of the tested eyes with an error of 1.08 +/- 0.37mm. A successful registration can be seen in figure 1. Conclusions The presented method is a step toward automatic fusion of modalities in ophthalmology. The combination enhances the MRI volume with higher resolution from the color fundus on the retina. Tumor treatment planning is improved by avoiding critical structures and disease progression monitoring is made easier.


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Los sensores inerciales (acelerómetros y giróscopos) se han ido introduciendo poco a poco en dispositivos que usamos en nuestra vida diaria gracias a su minituarización. Hoy en día todos los smartphones contienen como mínimo un acelerómetro y un magnetómetro, siendo complementados en losmás modernos por giróscopos y barómetros. Esto, unido a la proliferación de los smartphones ha hecho viable el diseño de sistemas basados en las medidas de sensores que el usuario lleva colocados en alguna parte del cuerpo (que en un futuro estarán contenidos en tejidos inteligentes) o los integrados en su móvil. El papel de estos sensores se ha convertido en fundamental para el desarrollo de aplicaciones contextuales y de inteligencia ambiental. Algunos ejemplos son el control de los ejercicios de rehabilitación o la oferta de información referente al sitio turístico que se está visitando. El trabajo de esta tesis contribuye a explorar las posibilidades que ofrecen los sensores inerciales para el apoyo a la detección de actividad y la mejora de la precisión de servicios de localización para peatones. En lo referente al reconocimiento de la actividad que desarrolla un usuario, se ha explorado el uso de los sensores integrados en los dispositivos móviles de última generación (luz y proximidad, acelerómetro, giróscopo y magnetómetro). Las actividades objetivo son conocidas como ‘atómicas’ (andar a distintas velocidades, estar de pie, correr, estar sentado), esto es, actividades que constituyen unidades de actividades más complejas como pueden ser lavar los platos o ir al trabajo. De este modo, se usan algoritmos de clasificación sencillos que puedan ser integrados en un móvil como el Naïve Bayes, Tablas y Árboles de Decisión. Además, se pretende igualmente detectar la posición en la que el usuario lleva el móvil, no sólo con el objetivo de utilizar esa información para elegir un clasificador entrenado sólo con datos recogidos en la posición correspondiente (estrategia que mejora los resultados de estimación de la actividad), sino también para la generación de un evento que puede producir la ejecución de una acción. Finalmente, el trabajo incluye un análisis de las prestaciones de la clasificación variando el tipo de parámetros y el número de sensores usados y teniendo en cuenta no sólo la precisión de la clasificación sino también la carga computacional. Por otra parte, se ha propuesto un algoritmo basado en la cuenta de pasos utilizando informaiii ción proveniente de un acelerómetro colocado en el pie del usuario. El objetivo final es detectar la actividad que el usuario está haciendo junto con la estimación aproximada de la distancia recorrida. El algoritmo de cuenta pasos se basa en la detección de máximos y mínimos usando ventanas temporales y umbrales sin requerir información específica del usuario. El ámbito de seguimiento de peatones en interiores es interesante por la falta de un estándar de localización en este tipo de entornos. Se ha diseñado un filtro extendido de Kalman centralizado y ligeramente acoplado para fusionar la información medida por un acelerómetro colocado en el pie del usuario con medidas de posición. Se han aplicado también diferentes técnicas de corrección de errores como las de velocidad cero que se basan en la detección de los instantes en los que el pie está apoyado en el suelo. Los resultados han sido obtenidos en entornos interiores usando las posiciones estimadas por un sistema de triangulación basado en la medida de la potencia recibida (RSS) y GPS en exteriores. Finalmente, se han implementado algunas aplicaciones que prueban la utilidad del trabajo desarrollado. En primer lugar se ha considerado una aplicación de monitorización de actividad que proporciona al usuario información sobre el nivel de actividad que realiza durante un período de tiempo. El objetivo final es favorecer el cambio de comportamientos sedentarios, consiguiendo hábitos saludables. Se han desarrollado dos versiones de esta aplicación. En el primer caso se ha integrado el algoritmo de cuenta pasos en una plataforma OSGi móvil adquiriendo los datos de un acelerómetro Bluetooth colocado en el pie. En el segundo caso se ha creado la misma aplicación utilizando las implementaciones de los clasificadores en un dispositivo Android. Por otro lado, se ha planteado el diseño de una aplicación para la creación automática de un diario de viaje a partir de la detección de eventos importantes. Esta aplicación toma como entrada la información procedente de la estimación de actividad y de localización además de información almacenada en bases de datos abiertas (fotos, información sobre sitios) e información sobre sensores reales y virtuales (agenda, cámara, etc.) del móvil. Abstract Inertial sensors (accelerometers and gyroscopes) have been gradually embedded in the devices that people use in their daily lives thanks to their miniaturization. Nowadays all smartphones have at least one embedded magnetometer and accelerometer, containing the most upto- date ones gyroscopes and barometers. This issue, together with the fact that the penetration of smartphones is growing steadily, has made possible the design of systems that rely on the information gathered by wearable sensors (in the future contained in smart textiles) or inertial sensors embedded in a smartphone. The role of these sensors has become key to the development of context-aware and ambient intelligent applications. Some examples are the performance of rehabilitation exercises, the provision of information related to the place that the user is visiting or the interaction with objects by gesture recognition. The work of this thesis contributes to explore to which extent this kind of sensors can be useful to support activity recognition and pedestrian tracking, which have been proven to be essential for these applications. Regarding the recognition of the activity that a user performs, the use of sensors embedded in a smartphone (proximity and light sensors, gyroscopes, magnetometers and accelerometers) has been explored. The activities that are detected belong to the group of the ones known as ‘atomic’ activities (e.g. walking at different paces, running, standing), that is, activities or movements that are part of more complex activities such as doing the dishes or commuting. Simple, wellknown classifiers that can run embedded in a smartphone have been tested, such as Naïve Bayes, Decision Tables and Trees. In addition to this, another aim is to estimate the on-body position in which the user is carrying the mobile phone. The objective is not only to choose a classifier that has been trained with the corresponding data in order to enhance the classification but also to start actions. Finally, the performance of the different classifiers is analysed, taking into consideration different features and number of sensors. The computational and memory load of the classifiers is also measured. On the other hand, an algorithm based on step counting has been proposed. The acceleration information is provided by an accelerometer placed on the foot. The aim is to detect the activity that the user is performing together with the estimation of the distance covered. The step counting strategy is based on detecting minima and its corresponding maxima. Although the counting strategy is not innovative (it includes time windows and amplitude thresholds to prevent under or overestimation) no user-specific information is required. The field of pedestrian tracking is crucial due to the lack of a localization standard for this kind of environments. A loosely-coupled centralized Extended Kalman Filter has been proposed to perform the fusion of inertial and position measurements. Zero velocity updates have been applied whenever the foot is detected to be placed on the ground. The results have been obtained in indoor environments using a triangulation algorithm based on RSS measurements and GPS outdoors. Finally, some applications have been designed to test the usefulness of the work. The first one is called the ‘Activity Monitor’ whose aim is to prevent sedentary behaviours and to modify habits to achieve desired objectives of activity level. Two different versions of the application have been implemented. The first one uses the activity estimation based on the step counting algorithm, which has been integrated in an OSGi mobile framework acquiring the data from a Bluetooth accelerometer placed on the foot of the individual. The second one uses activity classifiers embedded in an Android smartphone. On the other hand, the design of a ‘Travel Logbook’ has been planned. The input of this application is the information provided by the activity and localization modules, external databases (e.g. pictures, points of interest, weather) and mobile embedded and virtual sensors (agenda, camera, etc.). The aim is to detect important events in the journey and gather the information necessary to store it as a journal page.


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A novel algorithm based on bimatrix game theory has been developed to improve the accuracy and reliability of a speaker diarization system. This algorithm fuses the output data of two open-source speaker diarization programs, LIUM and SHoUT, taking advantage of the best properties of each one. The performance of this new system has been tested by means of audio streams from several movies. From preliminary results on fragments of five movies, improvements of 63% in false alarms and missed speech mistakes have been achieved with respect to LIUM and SHoUT systems working alone. Moreover, we also improve in a 20% the number of recognized speakers, getting close to the real number of speakers in the audio stream


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The aim of this work is to provide the necessary methods to register and fuse the endo-epicardial signal intensity (SI) maps extracted from contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (ceMRI) with X-ray coronary ngiograms using an intrinsic registrationbased algorithm to help pre-planning and guidance of catheterization procedures. Fusion of angiograms with SI maps was treated as a 2D-3D pose estimation, where each image point is projected to a Plücker line, and the screw representation for rigid motions is minimized using a gradient descent method. The resultant transformation is applied to the SI map that is then projected and fused on each angiogram. The proposed method was tested in clinical datasets from 6 patients with prior myocardial infarction. The registration procedure is optionally combined with an iterative closest point algorithm (ICP) that aligns the ventricular contours segmented from two ventriculograms.


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In this study, a methodology based in a dynamical framework is proposed to incorporate additional sources of information to normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) time series of agricultural observations for a phenological state estimation application. The proposed implementation is based on the particle filter (PF) scheme that is able to integrate multiple sources of data. Moreover, the dynamics-led design is able to conduct real-time (online) estimations, i.e., without requiring to wait until the end of the campaign. The evaluation of the algorithm is performed by estimating the phenological states over a set of rice fields in Seville (SW, Spain). A Landsat-5/7 NDVI series of images is complemented with two distinct sources of information: SAR images from the TerraSAR-X satellite and air temperature information from a ground-based station. An improvement in the overall estimation accuracy is obtained, especially when the time series of NDVI data is incomplete. Evaluations on the sensitivity to different development intervals and on the mitigation of discontinuities of the time series are also addressed in this work, demonstrating the benefits of this data fusion approach based on the dynamic systems.


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An approach and strategy for automatic detection of buildings from aerial images using combined image analysis and interpretation techniques is described in this paper. It is undertaken in several steps. A dense DSM is obtained by stereo image matching and then the results of multi-band classification, the DSM, and Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) are used to reveal preliminary building interest areas. From these areas, a shape modeling algorithm has been used to precisely delineate their boundaries. The Dempster-Shafer data fusion technique is then applied to detect buildings from the combination of three data sources by a statistically-based classification. A number of test areas, which include buildings of different sizes, shape, and roof color have been investigated. The tests are encouraging and demonstrate that all processes in this system are important for effective building detection.


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We present a probabilistic, online, depth map fusion framework, whose generative model for the sensor measurement process accurately incorporates both long-range visibility constraints and a spatially varying, probabilistic outlier model. In addition, we propose an inference algorithm that updates the state variables of this model in linear time each frame. Our detailed evaluation compares our approach against several others, demonstrating and explaining the improvements that this model offers, as well as highlighting a problem with all current methods: systemic bias. © 2012 Springer-Verlag.


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Au cours des dernières décennies, l’effort sur les applications de capteurs infrarouges a largement progressé dans le monde. Mais, une certaine difficulté demeure, en ce qui concerne le fait que les objets ne sont pas assez clairs ou ne peuvent pas toujours être distingués facilement dans l’image obtenue pour la scène observée. L’amélioration de l’image infrarouge a joué un rôle important dans le développement de technologies de la vision infrarouge de l’ordinateur, le traitement de l’image et les essais non destructifs, etc. Cette thèse traite de la question des techniques d’amélioration de l’image infrarouge en deux aspects, y compris le traitement d’une seule image infrarouge dans le domaine hybride espacefréquence, et la fusion d’images infrarouges et visibles employant la technique du nonsubsampled Contourlet transformer (NSCT). La fusion d’images peut être considérée comme étant la poursuite de l’exploration du modèle d’amélioration de l’image unique infrarouge, alors qu’il combine les images infrarouges et visibles en une seule image pour représenter et améliorer toutes les informations utiles et les caractéristiques des images sources, car une seule image ne pouvait contenir tous les renseignements pertinents ou disponibles en raison de restrictions découlant de tout capteur unique de l’imagerie. Nous examinons et faisons une enquête concernant le développement de techniques d’amélioration d’images infrarouges, et ensuite nous nous consacrons à l’amélioration de l’image unique infrarouge, et nous proposons un schéma d’amélioration de domaine hybride avec une méthode d’évaluation floue de seuil amélioré, qui permet d’obtenir une qualité d’image supérieure et améliore la perception visuelle humaine. Les techniques de fusion d’images infrarouges et visibles sont établies à l’aide de la mise en oeuvre d’une mise en registre précise des images sources acquises par différents capteurs. L’algorithme SURF-RANSAC est appliqué pour la mise en registre tout au long des travaux de recherche, ce qui conduit à des images mises en registre de façon très précise et des bénéfices accrus pour le traitement de fusion. Pour les questions de fusion d’images infrarouges et visibles, une série d’approches avancées et efficaces sont proposés. Une méthode standard de fusion à base de NSCT multi-canal est présente comme référence pour les approches de fusion proposées suivantes. Une approche conjointe de fusion, impliquant l’Adaptive-Gaussian NSCT et la transformée en ondelettes (Wavelet Transform, WT) est propose, ce qui conduit à des résultats de fusion qui sont meilleurs que ceux obtenus avec les méthodes non-adaptatives générales. Une approche de fusion basée sur le NSCT employant la détection comprime (CS, compressed sensing) et de la variation totale (TV) à des coefficients d’échantillons clairsemés et effectuant la reconstruction de coefficients fusionnés de façon précise est proposée, qui obtient de bien meilleurs résultats de fusion par le biais d’une pré-amélioration de l’image infrarouge et en diminuant les informations redondantes des coefficients de fusion. Une procédure de fusion basée sur le NSCT utilisant une technique de détection rapide de rétrécissement itératif comprimé (fast iterative-shrinking compressed sensing, FISCS) est proposée pour compresser les coefficients décomposés et reconstruire les coefficients fusionnés dans le processus de fusion, qui conduit à de meilleurs résultats plus rapidement et d’une manière efficace.