65 resultados para affordance


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In exercising vision we employ strategies to perceive space and to distinguish the objects of attention. Some processes however remain invisible to us; how we process binocular vision; and how we resolve vision in motion. This work images invisible motion perspective. Revelation of invisible mechanisms of vision exposes the haptic qualities of sight and their contribution to proprioception and ʻaffordanceʼ. Figuring the ʻvortex of visionʼ also releases symbolic and metaphoric potentials. This innovative outcome of practical research develops imagery which depicts relative movement in space using the principles of motion perspective (Herschel) and optic flow (J. J. Gibson); the locative awareness of volumes in space through the dimensions of time and space presented in 2D imagery. The mural scale (3.5 metres) work presented in 'Circle', a group show of work around the idea of 'the circle' curated by Melinda Capp is derived from a large production of digital photographs made in the London Underground. In this work, the circle is associated with the orbit of the commuter which bends around the twin poles of home and employment, work and rest, circulating in an ellipse around the Ideal Life. Each traveller's path is a braid woven through gyrations of force and resistance. Optic flow, emulated with the rotating lens, tracing the moving subject, makes this visible.


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Business process designers are increasingly being challenged to develop processes that are not only useful in achieving business objectives but also accepted by the process participants and followed in the work place. Those objectives can only be achieved when both the business and the social/cultural aspects of the specific business environment are taken into account. Humans are not unaided individuals separated from a social group and from supporting artefacts but they are complemented by the environment in which they live in. This paper presents a novel framework for the design of business processes based on the application of activity system, providing a comprehensive framework of humans acting in the world, and the theory of affordances, representing action opportunities offered by the environment. The contribution of this paper is two-fold. First, it provides a theoretical contribution to affordance studies by offering a conceptual model that consolidates new developments in the concept, post Gibson. Second, it introduces a new framework (Activity/Affordance Framework - AAF) to aid the design of business processes. Finally, a case study is used to illustrate the utility of the framework in design practice.


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No mundo, hoje, tudo está em movimento. Pessoas, objetos, valores, informação e imagens circulam cada dia mais intensa e extensamente em um ambiente social fluido, em rede e de riscos. Quando a mobilidade torna-se parte importante da experiência cotidiana e os deslocamentos físicos, geográficos, virtuais ou imaginativos tomam a frente nas relações e alteram radicalmente os modos de vida em todas as esferas - social, cultural, política e econômica -, nesse momento uma cultura da mobilidade se impõe e envolve a todos em novas possibilidades e experiências, assim como, em novos constrangimentos, riscos e discursos que devem ser estudados. O cada dia mais intenso imbricamento entre a cultura da mobilidade e o discurso publicitário constitui a base que sustenta a tese e que delineia as duas premissas fundamentais do estudo: a primeira, de que as coisas do mundo chegam até o sujeito apesar de sua imobilidade, por meio dos objetos, das informações e das imagens que circulam globalmente; e, a segunda premissa, de que a despeito de seu caráter comercial, persuasivo e de vendas, a publicidade também pode ser encarada como um bem cultural que expressa a cultura da qual faz parte. É na articulação destas duas premissas que reside o interesse primordial e o objeto de estudo da pesquisa: ao considerar o fazer publicitário como representação da sociedade, investigar, a partir da perspectiva do Paradigma das Novas Mobilidades, como o movimento é expresso discursivamente na publicidade das marcas globais. A interpretação do discurso publicitário global teve como objetivo validar a hipótese de que há um consumo de (i)mobilidade sendo feito quando o indivíduo sai em busca de objetos que, a partir de sua disponibilidade (ready-to-handness) e potencial de uso em relação ao ambiente (affordance), suportem sua (i)mobilidade cotidiana com certa estabilidade e menor risco. O locus da investigação é o Brasil e o estudo focou sua análise nos 32 anos relativos ao período de 1982 a 2014. Foram selecionados anúncios de marcas veiculados na revista Veja durante o período de três Copas do Mundo FIFA: de 1982, na Espanha; de 1998, na França; e de 2014, no Brasil, que cobrem o período proposto pela pesquisa.


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The association of Virtual Reality (VR) to clinical practice has become common in the recent years, showing to be an additional tool on health care, especially for elderly. Its use has been related to higher therapeutic adhesion levels and well being sensation. Such emotional based aspects are often observed by subjective tools of relative validity. This study analyzed the immediate effects of varied VR contexts balance training over emotional behavior, which was observed under peaks of maximum expression of EEG waves. Methodology: 40 individuals, divided in two groups, both gender, 20 young and 20 elderly, were submitted to a 60 minutes intervention, including balance training under VR. The first 25 minutes referred to initial evaluation, general orientation and cognitive assessment by the use of Mini Mental. The next ten minutes were designated to the avatar creation and tutorial video presentation. Through the following 20 minutes, the individuals from both groups were exposed to the exact same sequence of games under virtual contexts, while submitted to electroencephalography by Emotiv EPOC® focusing Adhesion, Frustration and Meditation states. The virtual interface was provided by the Nintendo® game, Wii Fit Plus, with the scenarios Balance Bubble (1), Penguin (2), Soccer (3), Tight Rope (4) and Table Tilt (5). Finally, a questionnaire of personal impressions was applied on the 5 minutes left. Results: data collected showed 64,7% of individuals from both groups presented higher concentration of adhesion peaks on Balance Bubble game. Both groups also presented similar behavior regarding meditation state, with marks close to 40%, each, on the same game, Table Tilt. There was divergence related to the frustration state, being the maximum concentration for the young group on the Soccer game (29,3%), whilst the elderly group referred highest marks to Tight Rope game (35,2%). Conclusion: Findings suggest virtual contexts can be favorable to adhesion and meditation emotional patterns induction, regardless age and for both sexes, whilst frustration seems to be more related to cognitive motor affordance, likely to be influenced by age. This information is relevant and contributes to the orientation for the best choice of games applied in clinical practice, as for other studies regarding this topic


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This article uses an anchor metaphor to explain the dynamic interplay between the human body's active uses of nonrigid tools to mediate information about its adjacent environment to enhance postural control. The author used an anchor system (ropes attached to varying weights resting on the floor) to test blindfolded adults who performed a restricted-balance task (30 s one-foot standing). Participants were tested while holding the anchors under a variety of weight conditions (125 g, 250 g, 500 g, and I kg) and again during a baseline condition (no anchors). When compared with the baseline condition, there was a significant reduction in the amount of body sway across the anchor conditions. The author found that mechanical support provided by the anchor system was secondary to its haptic exploratory function and that an individual can use the anchoring strategy with a dual purpose: for resting and for reorientation after intrinsic disruptions.


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Pós-graduação em Filosofia - FFC


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Desenvolvimento Humano e Tecnologias - IBRC


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Pós-graduação em Filosofia - FFC


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Are wild bearded capuchin monkeys selective about where they place nuts on anvils, specifically the anvil pits, during nut cracking? In the present study, we examined (1) whether capuchins` preferences for particular pits are influenced by the effectiveness of the pit in cracking the nut and/or by the stability of the nut during striking, (2) how capuchins detect the affordances of novel pits and (3) the influence of social context on their selections. Anvil pits varied in horizontal dimension (small, medium and large) in experiment 1 and in depth (shallow, medium and deep) in experiment 2. In both experiments, three different pits were simultaneously presented, each on one anvil. We coded the capuchins` actions with the nut in each pit, and recorded the outcome of each strike. In both experiments, capuchins preferred the most effective pit, but not the most stabilizing pit, based on the number of first strikes, total strikes and nuts cracked. Their choice also reflected where the preceding individual had last struck. The capuchins explored the pits indirectly, placing nuts in them and striking nuts with a stone. The preference for pits was weaker than the preference for nuts and stones shown previously with the same monkeys. Our findings suggest that detecting affordances of pits through indirect action is less precise than through direct action, and that social context may also influence selection. We show that field experiments can demonstrate embodied cognition in species-typical activities in natural environments. (C) 2010 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This thesis investigated affordances and verbal language to demonstrate the flexibility of embodied simulation processes. Starting from the assumption that both object/action understanding and language comprehension are tied to the context in which they take place, six studies clarified the factors that modulate simulation. The studies in chapter 4 and 5 investigated affordance activation in complex scenes, revealing the strong influence of the visual context, which included either objects and actions, on compatibility effects. The study in chapter 6 compared the simulation triggered by visual objects and objects names, showing differences depending on the kind of materials processed. The study in chapter 7 tested the predictions of the WAT theory, confirming that the different contexts in which words are acquired lead to the difference typically observed in the literature between concrete and abstract words. The study in chapter 8 on the grounding of abstract concepts tested the mapping of temporal contents on the spatial frame of reference of the mental timeline, showing that metaphoric congruency effects are not automatic, but flexibly mediated by the context determined by the goals of different tasks. The study in chapter 9 investigated the role of iconicity in verbal language, showing sound-to-shape correspondences when every-day object figures, result that validated the reality of sound-symbolism in ecological contexts. On the whole, this evidence favors embodied views of cognition, and supports the hypothesis of a high flexibility of simulation processes. The reported conceptual effects confirm that the context plays a crucial role in affordances emergence, metaphoric mappings activation and language grounding. In conclusion, this thesis highlights that in an embodied perspective cognition is necessarily situated and anchored to a specific context, as it is sustained by the existence of a specific body immersed in a specific environment.


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The aims of the dissertation are to find the right description of the structure of perceptual experience and to explore the ways in which the structure of the body might serve to explain it. In the first two parts, I articulate and defend the claim that perceptual experience seems direct and the claim that its objects seem real. I defend these claims as integral parts of a coherent metaphysically neutral conception of perceptual experience. Sense-datum theorists, certain influential perceptual psychologists, and early modern philosophers (most notably Berkeley) all disputed the claim that perceptual experience seems direct. In Part I, I argue that the grounds on which they did so were poor. The aim is then, in Part II, to give a proper appreciation of the distinctive intentionality of perceptual experience whilst remaining metaphysically neutral. I do so by drawing on the early work of Edmund Husserl, providing a characterisation of the perceptual experience of objects as real, qua mind-independent particulars. In Part III, I explore two possible explanations of the structure characterising the intentionality of perceptual experience, both of which accord a distinctive explanatory role to the body. On one account, perceptual experience is structured by an implicit pre-reflective consciousness of oneself as a body engaged in perceptual activity. An alternative account makes no appeal to the metaphysically laden concept of a bodily self. It seeks to explain the structure of perceptual experience by appeal to anticipation of the structural constraints of the body. I develop this alternative by highlighting the conceptual and empirical basis for the idea that a first-order structural affordance relation holds between a bodily agent and certain properties of its body. I then close with a discussion of the shared background assumptions that ought to inform disputes over whether the body itself (in addition to its representation) ought to serve as an explanans in such an account.


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Grazie alla crescente evoluzione tecnologica è oggi possibile, tramite Head Mounted Display (HMD), vivere una realtà virtuale ricca nei dettagli, interattiva ed immersiva. L’avanzamento in questo settore ha infatti portato a una vera e propria rivoluzione, aprendo la possibilità di utilizzare questa tecnologia in molteplici ambiti. L’ostacolo riscontrato è che a un progresso di tale entità non si associa un adeguato aggiornamento e perfezionamento riguardo alle metodologie di interazione con oggetti 3D, dell’utilizzo di interfacce grafiche e del generale design ambientale. La diretta conseguenza di questo mancato aggiornamento è quella di indebolire o addirittura annullare l’effetto presenza dell'HMD, requisito indispensabile che consente all’utente di immergersi sensorialmente nel contesto simulato. L’obiettivo di questo studio consiste nel comprendere cosa è necessario tenere in considerazione e quali regole vanno cambiate per poter mantenere un'alta sensazione di presenza per l'utente all’interno di una realtà virtuale. A questo scopo è stato creato un ambiente virtuale 3D in grado di supportare l'utilizzo di un HMD, l'Oculus Rift, e di diversi dispositivi di input in grado di consentire controllo tramite movimenti naturali, il Razer Hydra ed il Leap Motion, in modo da poter effettuare un'analisi diretta sul livello del fattore presenza percepito nell'effettuare diverse interazioni con l'ambiente virtuale e le interfacce grafiche attraverso questi dispositivi. Questa analisi ha portato all'individuazione di molteplici aspetti in queste tipologie di interazioni e di design di intrefacce utente che, pur essendo di uso comune negli ambienti 3D contemporanei, se vissuti in un contesto di realtà virtuale non risultano più funzionali e indeboliscono il senso di presenza percepito dall'utente. Per ognuno di questi aspetti è stata proposta ed implementata una soluzione alternativa (basata su concetti teorici quali Natural Mapping, Diegesis, Affordance, Flow) in grado di risultare funzionale anche in un contesto di realtà virtuale e di garantire una forte sensazione di presenza all'utente. Il risultato finale di questo studio sono quindi nuovi metodi di design di ambienti virtuali per realtà aumentata. Questi metodi hanno permesso la creazione di un ambiente virtuale 3D pensato per essere vissuto tramite HMD dove l'utente è in grado di utilizzare movimenti naturali per interagire con oggetti 3D ed operare interfacce grafiche.


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Esta ponencia analiza la usabilidad, mutación y dominio de una interfaz multimedia determinada con un enfoque tecnológico sociocultural, económico y productivo; partiendo de la utilización, masificación, mercantilización y difusión de contenidos electrónicos que culminan en procesos de domesticación de los mismos para su posterior remediación. La construcción de lenguajes en tanto actividades concretas dentro de interfases de uso común, están presentes en el marco de practicas culturales que sectores de la población mantienen al seno de sus vidas cotidianas. Así, el usuario apropia, consume y reinterpreta lenguajes impuestos mediante la creación de otros nuevos, que destaquen/condicionen la utilización de dispositivos e interfases dadas. Reflexionando entonces, sobre el affordance entre el usuario y la máquina en tanto intercambio comunicativo; esta ponencia toma como ejemplo el registro 'amateur' de la gira Lights In The Sky de la agrupación Nine Inch Nails en 2007 entendiendo que, a partir de la estandarización de formatos de transmisión de datos, particularmente de tecnologías aplicadas a la difusión e intercambio de contenidos musicales, nos ubicamos al frente de un nuevo punto de partida, condicionado y potenciado por un ciclo de experiencias y desarrollo lingüístico que ha corrido de la mano del ciclo tecnológico de la ultima década