954 resultados para actin cytoskeleton, p21rho


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Dissertation presented to obtain the Ph.D degree in Developmental Biology


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It has been recently shown that Trypanosoma cruzi trypomastigotes subvert a constitutive membrane repair mechanism to invade HeLa cells. Using a membrane extraction protocol and high-resolution microscopy, the HeLa cytoskeleton and T. cruzi parasites were imaged during the invasion process after 15 min and 45 min. Parasites were initially found under cells and were later observed in the cytoplasm. At later stages, parasite-driven protrusions with parallel filaments were observed, with trypomastigotes at their tips. We conclude that T. cruzi trypomastigotes induce deformations of the cortical actin cytoskeleton shortly after invasion, leading to the formation of pseudopod-like structures.


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The review is focused on developmental aspects of the neuronal cytoskeleton, its molecular composition and the intracellular distribution of its elements. It includes a survey of the molecular properties of several cytoskeletal proteins such as tubulins, microtubule-associated proteins, neurofilament subunits, actins and brain spectrins. Furthermore it is addressed how microtubules, neurofilaments, microfilaments and the spectrin-based membrane cytoskeleton are involved in the generation of the neuronal cytoarchitecture, and how changes in the molecular composition of the cytoskeleton during the differentiation process of a neuron may correlate with cell function.


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* The 'in planta' visualization of F-actin in all cells and in all developmental stages of a plant is a challenging problem. By using the soybean heat inducible Gmhsp17.3B promoter instead of a constitutive promoter, we have been able to label all cells in various developmental stages of the moss Physcomitrella patens, through a precise temperature tuning of the expression of green fluorescent protein (GFP)-talin. * A short moderate heat treatment was sufficient to induce proper labeling of the actin cytoskeleton and to allow the visualization of time-dependent organization of F-actin structures without impairment of cell viability. * In growing moss cells, dense converging arrays of F-actin structures were present at the growing tips of protonema cell, and at the localization of branching. Protonema and leaf cells contained a network of thick actin cables; during de-differentiation of leaf cells into new protonema filaments, the thick bundled actin network disappeared, and a new highly polarized F-actin network formed. * The controlled expression of GFP-talin through an inducible promoter improves significantly the 'in planta' imaging of actin.


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Functional specialization is tightly linked to the ability of eukaryotic cells to acquire a particular shape. Cell morphogenesis, in turn, relies on the capacity to establish and maintain cell "polarity", which is achieved by orienting the trafficking of signaling molecules and organelles towards specific cellular locations and/or membrane domains. The "oriented" transport is based upon cytoskeletal polymers, microtubules and actin filaments, which serve as tracks for molecular motors. These latter generate motion that is translated either into pulling forces or directed transport. Fission yeast, a rod-like unicellular eukaryote, shapes itself by restricting growth at cell tips through the concerted activity of microtubules and actin cables. Microtubules, which assemble into 2-6 bundles and run parallel to the long axis of the cell, serve to orient growth to the tips. Growth is supported by the actin cytoskeleton, which provides tracks, the cables, for motor-based transport of secretory vesicles. The molecular motors, which bind cargos and deliver them to the tips along cables, are also known as type V myosins (hereafter indicated as myosin V). How the bundles of parallel actin filaments, i.e. the cables, extend from the tips through the cell and whether they serve any other purpose, besides providing tracks, is poorly understood. It is also unclear how the crosstalk between the two cytoskeletal systems is achieved. These are the basic questions I addressed during my PhD. The first part of the thesis work (Chapter two) suggests that the sole function of actin cables in polarized growth is to serve as tracks for motors. The data indicate that cells may have evolved two cytoskeletal systems to provide robustness to the polarization process but in principle a unique cytoskeleton might have been able to direct and support polarized growth. How actin cables are organized within the cell to optimize cargo transport is addressed later on (Chapter three). The major finding, based on the actin cable defect of cells lacking myosin Vs, is that actin filaments self-organize through the activity of the transport motors. In fact, by delivering cargos to cell tips and exerting physical pulling forces on actin filaments, Myosin Vs contribute not only to polarize cargo transport but also actin tracks. Among the cargos transported by Myosin V, which may be relevant to its function in organizing cables, there is likely the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). Actin cables, which run parallel to cortical ER, may serve as tracks for Myosin V. Myosin V-driven displacement, in turn, may account for the dynamic expansion and organization of ER during polarized growth as suggested in Chapter four. The last part of the work (Chapter five) highlights the existence of a crosstalk between actin and microtubules. In absence of myosin V, indeed, microtubules contribute to actin cable organization, likely playing a scaffolding/tethering function. Whether or not the kinesin 1, Klp3, plays any role in such process has to be demonstrated. In conclusion the work proposes a novel role for myosin Vs in actin organization, besides its transport function, and provides molecular tools to further dissect the role of this type of myosin in fission yeast. - La spécialisation fonctionnelle est étroitement connectée à la capacité des cellules eucaryotes d'acquérir une forme particulière. La morphogenèse cellulaire à son tour, est basée sur la capacité d'établir et de maintenir la polarité cellulaire, polarité réalisée en orientant le trafic des molécules signales et des organelles vers des zones cellulaires spécifiques. Ce transport directionnel dépend des polymères du cytosquelette, microtubules et microfilaments, qui servent comme des voies pour les moteurs moléculaires. Ces derniers engendrent du mouvement, traduit soit en force de traction soit en transport directionnel. La levure fissipare, un eucaryote unicellulaire en forme de bâtonnet, acquière sa forme en limitant sa croissance aux extrémités par l'action concertée des microtubules et de l'actine. Les microtubules, qui s'assemblent de façon antiparallèle et parcourent la cellule parallèlement à l'axe longitudinal, servent à orienter la croissance aux extrémités. Cette croissance est permise par le cytosquelette d'actine, fournissant des voies, les câbles, pour le transport actif des vésicules de sécrétion. Les moteurs moléculaires, responsables de ce transport actif sont aussi appelés myosines de type V (par la suite appelés myosines V). La manière dont ces câbles s'étendent depuis l'extrémité jusqu'à l'intérieur de la cellule est peu connue. De plus, on ignore également si ces câbles présentent une fonction autre que le transport. L'interaction entre les deux cytosquelettes est également obscure. Ce sont ces questions de base auxquelles j'ai tenté de répondre lors de ma thèse. La première partie de cette thèse (chapitre II) suggère que les câbles d'actine, pendant la croissance polarisée, fonctionnent uniquement comme des voies pour les moteurs moléculaires. Les données indiqueraient que les cellules ont fait évoluer deux systèmes de cytosquelette pour assurer plus de robustesse au processus de polarisation, bien que, comme nous le verrons, un système unique est suffisant. Au chapitre III, nous verrons comment les câbles d'actine sont organisés à l'intérieur de la cellule afin d'optimiser le transport des cargo. La découverte majeure, réalisée en observant des cellules dont la myosine V fait défaut, est que ces filaments d'actine s'auto organisent grâce au passage des moteurs moléculaires le long de ces voies. En réalité, en délivrant les cargos aux extrémités de la cellule et en exerçant des forces de traction sur les câbles, les myosines V contribuent non seulement à polariser le transport mais également à polariser les voies elles mêmes. Nous verrons également au chapitre IV, que parmi les cargos importants pour l'organisation des câbles, il y aurait le réticulum endoplasmique (RE). En effet, les câbles d'actine, qui s'étalent parallèlement au RE cortical, pourraient servir comme voie pour la myosine V. Cette dernière en retour pourrait être responsable de l'expansion dynamique et de l'organisation du RE pendant la croissance polarisée.


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The exocyst complex is essential for many exocytic events, by tethering vesicles at the plasma membrane for fusion. In fission yeast, polarized exocytosis for growth relies on the combined action of the exocyst at cell poles and myosin-driven transport along actin cables. We report here the identification of fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe Sec3 protein, which we identified through sequence homology of its PH-like domain. Like other exocyst subunits, sec3 is required for secretion and cell division. Cells deleted for sec3 are only conditionally lethal and can proliferate when osmotically stabilized. Sec3 is redundant with Exo70 for viability and for the localization of other exocyst subunits, suggesting these components act as exocyst tethers at the plasma membrane. Consistently, Sec3 localizes to zones of growth independently of other exocyst subunits but depends on PIP(2) and functional Cdc42. FRAP analysis shows that Sec3, like all other exocyst subunits, localizes to cell poles largely independently of the actin cytoskeleton. However, we show that Sec3, Exo70 and Sec5 are transported by the myosin V Myo52 along actin cables. These data suggest that the exocyst holocomplex, including Sec3 and Exo70, is present on exocytic vesicles, which can reach cell poles by either myosin-driven transport or random walk.


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ABSTRACT The network of actin cytoskeleton is composed of actin filaments (F-actin) that are made by polymerisation of actin monomers and actin binding proteins. It is required for growth and morphogenesis of eukaryotic cells. The labelling of F-actin with constitutively expressed GFP-Talin (Kost et al., 1998) reveals the organisation of cellular actin networks in plants. Due to the lack of information on actin cytoskeleton through gametophytic development of the model moss plant Physcornitrella patens, stable transgenic lines overexpressing GFP-Talin were generated to detect F-actin structures. It is shown that the 35S promoter driven expression is not suitable for F-actin labelling in all cells. When it is replaced by the inducible heat-shock promoter Gmhsp17.3 from soybean, one hour mild heat stress at 37°C followed by recovery at 25°C is enough to induce efficient and transient labelling in all tissues without altering cellular morphology. The optimal observations of F-actin structures at different stages of moss development can be done between 12-18 hours after the induction. By using confocal microscopy, we demonstrate that stellated actin arrays were densely accumulated at the growing tip in regenerating protoplasts, apical protonemal cells and rhizoids and connected with a fine dispersed F-actin mesh. Following three-dimensional growth, the cortical star-like structures are widespread in the meristematic cells of developing bud and young gametophores. On the contrary, undulating networks of actin cables are found at the final stage of cell differentiation. During redifferentiation of mature leaf cells into protonemal filaments the rather stagnant web of actin cables is replaced by diffuse actin meshwork. In eukaryotes, nucleation of the actin monomers prior to their polymerization is driven by the seven-subunit ARP2/3 complex and formins. We cloned the gene encoding the ARP3 subunit of P. patens and generated arp3 mutants of the moss through gene disruption. The knockout of ARP3 affects the elongation of chloronemal cells and blocks further differentiation of caulonemal cells and rhizoids, and the gametophores are slightly stunted compared to wild-type. The arp mutants were created in the heat-shock inducible GFP-Talin strains allowing us to visualise a disorganised actin network and a lack of star-like actin cytoskeleton arrays. We conclude that ARP2/3 dependent nucleation of actin filaments is critical for the growth of filamentous cells, which in turn influences moss colonization. In complementation assays, the overexpression of Physcomitrella and Arab idopsis ARP3 genes in the moss arp3 mutant results in full recovery of wild type phenotype. In contrast the ARP3 subunit of fission yeast is not able to complement the moss arp3 mutant of moss indicating that regulation of the ARP2/3 dependent actin nucleation diverged in different kingdoms. RESUME Le réseau d'actine est composé de filaments de F-actine et d'un ensemble de protéines s'y attachant (Actin binding proteins). Le réseau d'actine est nécessaire à la croissance et à la morphogenèse de toutes les cellules eucaryotes. Chez les plantes, le marquage ainsi que l'étude de l'organisation du réseau d'actine ont été réalisés en utilisant une fusion GFP-Talin (Kost et al., 1998) exprimée sous le control d'un promoteur constitutif. Afin d'étudier les structures F-actine dans les cellules de Physcomitrella Patens et pour combler le manque d'information sur le développement des gamétophores, des lignées transgéniques stables surexprimant GFP-Talin ont été crées. Nous avons démontré que l'utilisation du promoteur 35S est inadéquate pour le marquage complet et homogène des filaments d'actine dans toutes les cellules de P. patens. Par contre, l'utilisation du promoteur inductible Gmhsp17.3 nous a permis de réaliser un marquage transitoire et général dans tous les tissus de la mousse. Une heure de choc thermique à 37°C suivis d'un temps de récupération de 12-18h à 25°C sont les conditions optimales (sans dommages cellulaires) pour l'observation des structures F-actine à différentes étapes de développement de la mousse. En utilisant la microscopie confocale, nous avons observé l'existence de structures F-actine accumulées en forme d'étoiles. Ces structures, qui sont liées au réseau de microfilaments d'actine, ont été observées dans les protoplastes en régénération, les cellules des protonema apicales ainsi que dans les rhizoïdes. En suivant la croissance tridimensionnelle, ces structures en étoiles ont été observées dans les cellules meristématiques des bourgeons et des jeunes gamétophores. Par contre, dans les cellules différentiées ces structures laissent place à des réseaux de câbles épais. Nous avons également remarqué que durant la redifferentiation des cellules foliaires le réseau de câbles de F-actine est remplacé par un réseau de F-actine diffus. Dans les cellules eucaryotes, la nucléation des filaments d'actirie précédant leur polymérisation est contrôlé par sept sous unités du complexe ARP2/3 et par des formines. Nous avons isolé le gène codant pour la sous unité ARP3 de P. patens et nous avons crée des mutants arp3 par intégration ciblée (Knockout). L'élongation des cellules chloronema est clairement affectée dans les mutants arp3. La différentiation des caulonemata et des rhizoïdes est bloquée et les gametophores sont légèrement plus courts comparé au type sauvage. A fin d'étudier l'organisation des filaments d'actines dans les mutants arp3, nous avons aussi réalisé un arp3-knockout dans la lignée Hsp-GFP-Talin. La nouvelle lignée générée nous a permis de visualiser une désorganisation du réseau d'actine et une absence complète de structures de F-actine accumulée en forme d'étoiles. Les résultats obtenus nous amènent à conclure que la nucléation (ARP2/3 dépendante) des filaments d'actine est indispensable à la croissance des cellules filamenteuses. Par conséquent, les filaments d'actine semblent avoir un rôle dans la colonisation des milieux par les mousses. Nous avons également procédé à des essais de complémentation du mutant arp3. La surexpression des gènes ARP3 de Physcomitrella et d'Arabidopsis dans les cellules du mutant arp3 rétabli complètement le phénotype WT. Par contre, le gène ARP3 des levures n'est pas suffisant pour complémenter la même mutation dans les cellules de mousses. Ce résultat démontre que les mécanismes de régulation de la nucléation des filaments d'actine (ARP2/3 dépendante) sont différents entre les différents groupes d'eucaryotes.


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Microtubule-associated protein 1B is an essential protein during brain development and neurite outgrowth and was studied by several assays to further characterize actin as a major interacting partner. Tubulin and actin co-immunoprecipitated with MAP1B at similar ratios throughout development. Their identity was identified by mass spectrometry and was confirmed by Western blots. In contrast to previous reports, the MAP1B-actin interaction was not dependent on the MAP1B phosphorylation state, since actin was precipitated from brain tissue throughout development at similar ratios and equal amounts were precipitated before and after dephosphorylation with alkaline phosphatase. MAP1B heavy chain was able to bind actin directly and therefore the N-terminal part of MAP1B heavy chain must also contain an actin-binding site. The binding force of this interaction was measured by atomic force microscopy and values were in the same range as those of MAP1B binding to tubulin or that measured in MAP1B self-aggregation. Aggregation was confirmed by negative staining and electron microscopy. Experiments including COS-7 cells, PC12 cells, cytochalasin D and immunocytochemistry with subsequent confocal laser microscopy, suggested that MAP1B may bind to actin but has no obvious microfilament stabilizing effect. We conclude, that the MAP1B heavy chain has a microtubule-stabilization effect, and contains an actin-binding site that may play a role in the crosslinking of actin and microtubules, a function that may be important in neurite elongation.


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Cell morphogenesis depends on polarized exocytosis. One widely held model posits that long-range transport and exocyst-dependent tethering of exocytic vesicles at the plasma membrane sequentially drive this process. Here, we describe that disruption of either actin-based long-range transport and microtubules or the exocyst did not abolish polarized growth in rod-shaped fission yeast cells. However, disruption of both actin cables and exocyst led to isotropic growth. Exocytic vesicles localized to cell tips in single mutants but were dispersed in double mutants. In contrast, a marker for active Cdc42, a major polarity landmark, localized to discreet cortical sites even in double mutants. Localization and photobleaching studies show that the exocyst subunits Sec6 and Sec8 localize to cell tips largely independently of the actin cytoskeleton, but in a cdc42 and phospholipid phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate (PIP₂)-dependent manner. Thus in fission yeast long-range cytoskeletal transport and PIP₂-dependent exocyst represent parallel morphogenetic modules downstream of Cdc42, raising the possibility of similar mechanisms in other cell types.


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The organization, assembly and remodeling of the actin cytoskeleton provide force and tracks for a variety of (endo)membrane-associated events such as membrane trafficking. This review illustrates in different cellular models how actin and many of its numerous binding and regulatory proteins (actin and co-workers) participate in the structural organization of the Golgi apparatus and in traf- ficking-associated processes such as sorting, biogenesis and motion of Golgi-derived transport carriers.


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C-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) is traditionally recognized as a crucial factor in stress response and inducer of apoptosis upon various stimulations. Three isoforms build the JNK subfamily of MAPK; generally expressed JNK1 and JNK2 and brain specific JNK3. Degenerative potency placed JNK in the spotlight as potential pharmacological option for intervention. Unfortunately, adverse effects of potential drugs and observation that expression of only JNK2 and JNK3 are induced upon stress, restrained initial enthusiasm. Notably, JNK1 demonstrated atypical high constitutive activity in neurons that is not responsive to cellular stresses and indicated existence of physiological activity. This thesis aimed at revealing the physiological functions of JNK1 in actin homeostasis through novel effector MARCKS-Like 1 (MARCKSL1) protein, neuronal trafficking mediated by major kinesin-1 motor protein and microtubule (MT) dynamics via STMN2/SCG10. The screen for novel physiological JNK substrates revealed specific phosphorylation of C-terminal end of MARCKSL1 at S120, T148 and T183 both ex vivo and in vitro. By utilizing site-specific mutagenesis, various actin dynamics and migrations assays we were able to demonstrate that JNK1 phosphorylation specifically facilitates F-actin bundling and thus filament stabilisation. Consecutively, this molecular mechanism was proved to enhance formation of filopodia; cell surface projections that allow cell sensing surrounding environment and migrate efficiently. Our results visualize JNK dependent and MARCKSL1 executed induction of filopodia in neurons and fibroblast indicating general mechanism. Subsequently, inactivation of JNK action on MARCKSL1 shifts cellular actin machinery into lamellipodial dynamic arrangement. Tuning of actin cytoskeleton inevitably melds with cell migration. We observed that both active JNK and JNK pseudo-phosphorylated form of MARCKSL1 reduce actin turnover in intact cells leading to overall diminished cell motility. We demonstrate that tumour transformed cells from breast, prostate, lung and muscle-derived cancers upregulate MARCKSL1. We showed on the example of prostate cancer PC-3 cell line that JNK phosphorylation negatively controls MARCKSL1 ability to induce migration, which precedes cancer cell metastasis. The second round of identification of JNK physiological substrates resulted in detection of predominant motor protein kinesin-1 (Kif5). Mass spectrometry detailed analysis showed evident endogenous phosphorylation of kinesin-1 on S176 within motor domain that interacts with MT. In vitro phosphorylation of bacterially expressed kinesin heavy chain by JNK isoforms displayed higher specificity of JNK1 when compared to JNK3. Since, JNK1 is constitutively active in neurons it signified physiological aspect of kinesin-1 regulation. Subsequent biochemical examination revealed that kinesin-1, when not phosphorylated on JNK site, exhibits much higher affinity toward MTs. Expression of the JNK non-phosphorable kinesin-1 mutant in intact cells as well as in vitro single molecule imaging using total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy indicated that the mutant loses normal speed and is not able to move processively into proper cellular compartments. We identify novel kinesin-1 cargo protein STMN2/SCG10, which along with known kinesin-1 cargo BDNF is showing impaired trafficking when JNK activity is inhibited. Our data postulates that constitutive JNK activity in neurons is crucial for unperturbed physiologically relevant transport of kinesin-1 dependant cargo. Additionally, my work helps to validate another novel physiological JNK1 effector STMN2/SCG10 as determinant of axodendritic neurites dynamics in the developing brain through regulation of MT turnover. We show successively that this increased MT dynamics is crucial during developmental radial migration when brain layering occurs. Successively, we are able to show that introduction of JNK phosphorylation mimicking STMN2/SCG10 S62/73D mutant rescues completely JNK1 genetic deletion migration phenotype. We prove that STMN2/SCG10 is predominant JNK effector responsible for MT depolymerising activity and neurite length during brain development. Summarizing, this work describes identification of three novel JNK substrates MARCKSL1, kinesin-1 and STMN2/SCG10 and investigation of their roles in cytoskeleton dynamics and cargo transport. This data is of high importance to understand physiological meaning of JNK activity, which might have an adverse effect during pharmaceutical intervention aiming at blocking pathological JNK action.


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The host cell cytoskeleton plays a key role in the life cycle of viral pathogens whose propagation depends on mandatory intracellular steps. Accordingly, also the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) has evolved strategies to exploit and modulate in particular the actin cytoskeleton for its purposes. This review will recapitulate recent findings on how HIV-1 hijacks the cytoskeleton to facilitate entry into, transport within and egress from host cells as well as to commandeer communication of infected with uninfected bystander cells.


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In chick embryo fibroblasts, the mRNA for extracellular matrix protein tenascin-C is induced 2-fold by cyclic strain (10%, 0.3 Hz, 6 h). This response is attenuated by inhibiting Rho-dependent kinase (ROCK). The RhoA/ROCK signaling pathway is primarily involved in actin dynamics. Here, we demonstrate its crucial importance in regulating tenascin-C expression. Cyclic strain stimulated RhoA activation and induced fibroblast contraction. Chemical activators of RhoA synergistically enhanced the effects of cyclic strain on cell contractility. Interestingly, tenascin-C mRNA levels perfectly matched the extent of RhoA/ROCK-mediated actin contraction. First, RhoA activation by thrombin, lysophosphatidic acid, or colchicine induced tenascin-C mRNA to a similar extent as strain. Second, RhoA activating drugs in combination with cyclic strain caused a super-induction (4- to 5-fold) of tenascin-C mRNA, which was again suppressed by ROCK inhibition. Third, disruption of the actin cytoskeleton with latrunculin A abolished induction of tenascin-C mRNA by chemical RhoA activators in combination with cyclic strain. Lastly, we found that myosin II activity is required for tenascin-C induction by cyclic strain. We conclude that RhoA/ROCK-controlled actin contractility has a mechanosensory function in fibroblasts that correlates directly with tenascin-C gene expression. Previous RhoA/ROCK activation, either by chemical or mechanical signals, might render fibroblasts more sensitive to external tensile stress, e.g., during wound healing.


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Type III protein secretion has been shown recently to be important in the virulence of the fish pathogen Aeromonas salmonicida. The ADP-ribosylating toxin Aeromonas exoenzyme T (AexT) is one effector protein targeted for secretion via this system. In this study, we identified muscular and nonmuscular actin as substrates of the ADP-ribosylating activity of AexT. Furthermore, we show that AexT also functions as a GTPase-activating protein (GAP), displaying GAP activity against monomeric GTPases of the Rho family, specifically Rho, Rac, and Cdc42. Transfection of fish cells with wild type AexT resulted in depolymerization of the actin cytoskeleton and cell rounding. Point mutations within either the GAP or the ADP-ribosylating active sites of AexT (Arg-143 as well as Glu-398 and Glu-401, respectively) abolished enzymatic activity, yet did not prevent actin filament depolymerization. However, inactivation of the two catalytic sites simultaneously did. These results suggest that both the GAP and ADP-ribosylating domains of AexT contribute to its biological activity. This is the first bacterial virulence factor to be described that has a specific actin ADP-ribosylation activity and GAP activity toward Rho, Rac, and Cdc42, both enzymatic activities contributing to actin filament depolymerization.