991 resultados para accounting profession


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O'Fallon and Butterfield (2005) in a review of the business ethics literature concluded that "ethical awareness" also called ethical sensitivity has received the least attention of the four steps in Rest's (1986) ethical decision making model. Available measures for ethical sensitivity are limited to specific contexts and suffer from several limitations. I extend the previous literature by creating a new measure for ethical sensitivity (AESS) that encompasses relevant dimensions for the accounting profession and is not specific to a particular setting. I also introduce a new individual differences variable to the accounting ethics literature. Specifically, I investigate the relationship between anti-intellectualism and ethical awareness. My findings support AESS as a measure of ethical sensitivity.


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How is the notion of public interest operationalised in the regulatory practices of the International Public Sector Accounting Standards Board (IPSASB)? A fundamental objective in setting international accounting standards for both the private and public sector is to serve the ‘public interest’. Who or what constitutes ‘public interest’ however remains a highly complex and controversial issue. Private sector financial reporting research posits that users (of financial information) are used as a proxy for the ‘public’ and users are further refined to current and potential investors - a small proportion of the public. The debates surrounding public interest are even more contentious in public sector financial reporting which deals with ‘public’ (tax payers’) money. In our study we use Bourdieu’s notion of semi-homogenous fields to show how autonomous and heteronomous pressures from the epistemic community of the accounting profession and political/government interests compete for the right to define the public interest and determine how (by what accounting solutions) this interest is best served. This is a theoretical study grounded in the analysis of empirical data from interviews with the board members of the IPSASB. The main contribution of the paper is to further our understanding of the perceptions of the main decision makers from the ‘inner regulatory circle’ with regards to the problematic construct of public interest. The main findings suggest a paternal and un-reflexive attitude of the board members leading to the conclusion that the public have no real voice in these matters.


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At a time when there is a growing call for Indigenous Australians to become self-sustainable and self-governing (Smith, 2002, Dodson & Smith, 2003, Martin, 2003) the very small number of Indigenous Australians in the accounting profession raises the question "why so few?" The number of Certified Practicing Accountants and Chartered Accountants of Australia is approximately 150,000 and to date only nine (9) qualified Indigenous Australian accountants have been located, representing 0.006%. This paper analyses the barriers faced by Indigenous Australians within the context of theories of cultral identity and colonisation of Australia. These theories are propounded as a means of exploring why there are so few Indigenous Australians represented in the accounting profession. An overview of colonial rule implemented by the British government from settlement of Australia in 1788, through to modern day Australia will be forwarded in an effort to draw out the implication of colonial rule on the development of Indigenous Australians whilst paying particular attention to the cultural identity of Indigenous Australians and the influence this has had on their career choices.


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This paper aims to provide an insight into the corporate greed and consequent corporate collapses of companies such as HIH, One.Tel and Harris Scarfe in Australia, while concurrently, Enron, WorldCom and other companies were attracting the attention of the accounting profession, the regulators and the general public in the USA. It is argued that the rise in economic rationalism and the related increased materialism of both the public and company directors and managers, fed the corporate excesses that resulted in spectacular corporate collapses, including one of the world’s largest accounting firms. The opportunistic behaviour of directors, and managers and the lack of transparency and integrity in corporations, was compounded by the failure of the corporate watch-dogs, such as auditors and regulators, to protect the public interest. If the history of bad corporate behaviour is not to be repeated, the religion of materialism needs to be recognised and addressed, to ensure any corporate governance reforms proposed for the future will be effective.


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This study aimed to identify and critically analyse the methodologies and accounting treatments adopted in the transfer of assets, liabilities, revenues and expenses resultingfrom municipal boundary changes associated with municipal restructuring (amalgamations) in Victoria during the early 1990s. In involved the collection and use of oral evidence obtained from officers of a sample of entities engaged in the process and focused on identifying and examining the methodologies used by municipalities. It has also been shown that local government is different from the commercial domain and the accounting profession has not adequately addressed some of these differences.


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"Where were the auditors?" Yet again, the independence of the auditor has come under close, critical scrutiny with ongoing collapses of large listed companies, which have global implications for the proper functioning of investment markets. The most recent collapse being that of ENRON in the United States of America, (USA).

"Who are the auditors?" The nexus of auditor independence with corporate governance is examined drawing on Foucault's notion of the relationships between power I knowledge and ethics in the construction of ethical identity. In the face of declining public confidence and demands for more stringent regulation, the tensions between greater self-regulation of auditors by the accounting profession and moves by governments to impose more stringent legislation I regulation, including the creation of public oversight bodies is apparent. This paper presents a comparative analysis of recent developments internationally, with particular reference to South Africa and Australia, intended to more rigorously enforce auditor independence and improve corporate governance. Five key areas identified by various Commissions and regulatory bodies that are regarded as posing significant threats to auditor independence are highlighted. Recommendations for changes to independence requirements in professional codes of ethics and corporate legislation, intended to safeguard auditor independence and to enhance investor protection, are critically examined. It is argued that the "new" independence recommendations while providing more detailed guidance for dealing with the independence threats fail to introduce any new concepts and may be found as ineffective as the plethora of earlier regulations. (This paper represents work in progress, which is intended to spark debate, and accordingly, the authors invite comment from readers to develop further aspects of research into this critical area).


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Earth Sanctuaries Ltd (ESL) intends to offer its entire asset base for sale. ESL's primary objective is to conserve Australia's biodiversity, by breeding and preserving fauna profitably by running sanctuaries, environmental consultancies and related tourist facilities. This "ailing company" is also undergoing a management restructuring and attempting cost reduction. ESL was was one of the first firms to adopt AASB 1037. The implications for the accounting profession are discussed.


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This paper examines the experiences of black Africans in South Africa who became Chartered Accountants in the 1990s. Building on previous work on marginalized groups within the accounting profession, the study relies on interviews with 22 of those who overcame steep educational, economic, racial, cultural, and political obstacles to join a profession that had fewer than 1% black Africans as members. The interviews indicate that those black Africans who did manage to become CAs in the 1990s shared many common characteristics and experiences. They and their families placed a high value on education and made tremendous sacrifices to meet the requirements to earn the CA certification. Many overcame extreme poverty in their childhoods and attended poorly equipped schools. All were exceptionally accomplished academically, most qualifying for scholarships offered only to the very top black African students in the country. Most faced educational disruptions due to boycotts and political protests that shut down schools and many black universities in the years immediately prior to the bringing down of the apartheid regime. All faced racial discrimination in housing and education. Few had ever met a chartered accountant before enrolling in university; many had never heard of the certification until that point. In the 1990s when they entered some of the major firms to meet their training requirements, they were typically not given the same opportunities as their white peers. Now that they have become Chartered Accountants, and the government has changed and instituted affirmative action policies, most find that they are often offered jobs outside of public accounting. Still only composing about one percent of all chartered accountants, in a country that is 75% black African, most believed that the main road towards overcoming this disparity is through radical efforts to equalize educational opportunities in South Africa across racial lines. Most make professional decisions based at least in part on the opportunities a given position offers towards contributing to the black community.


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The accounting profession, like all professions, has a commitment to advance the interests of the general community, as well as those they are contractually bound to serve. Providing services altruistically, at times without compensation, is a salient feature of the public interest ideal. A review of the literature indicates that the profession has abandoned its public interest role so that serving self-interest now appears to have primacy ( Bédard 2001 ; Canning and O'Dwyer 2001 ; Parker 1994 ; Saravanamuthu 2004 ). The aim of this paper is to examine members' interpretation of the public interest ideal and to elicit their perceptions on issues arising from the literature. The results of a survey to members of CPA Australia indicate that members can iterate the formal definition of the public interest, but their application of the public interest in conflict of interest situations is inconsistent with this definition.


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While spatial, historical and cultural variations across different countries have prevented any generalisation to be made of the professionalization process, various analytical themes can be said to have emerged in scholarly inquires relating to the professional organization of accountants. In highlighting these broad themes, this study argues that they have all revolved around one important relationship-that of the state and the accounting profession. The dynamics and the fluid nature of this intriguing relationship is further captured and contrasted in this study through an investigation of an episode of intra-professional conflict during the professionalization experience of the Chinese accountants.


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The study investigated the valuation of businesses valued for property settlements in the Family Court of Australia and related issues. The findings have important implications for the Family Court of Australia, the legal profession and the accounting profession in highlighting deficiencies in valuation practice at various stages of the settlement process.


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This thesis examines the development of the Chinese public accounting profession during the post-Mao era of the 1980s and 1990s. The success of the public accountants in accomplishing professional status within society is found to be closely linked to the ideological influence and the political agenda of the state leaders.


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The accounting history literature expounds the role of imperial connection on the transfer of Western accountancy concepts and practices to developing countries. An emerging theme within this literature is the shift in imperial power from Britain to USA over the last century and the ramifications of this shift on accountancy globally. Using a framework developed by prior research for investigating the transfer of accountancy across countries, this study examines historical developments of accounting practice, education and professional training in Ethiopia (from 1905 to 2011) in the light of the country’s interactions with Britain and the USA. These interactions facilitated Ethiopia’s continued importation of British accountancy practice and professional training contemporaneously with importation of accounting education from the USA. Over the past two decades, Ethiopia has been undertaking accounting reforms as part of economic policy reforms in pursuit of neo-liberal economic ideals. In response to shifting priorities of transnational actors, Ethiopia continued trialling policy initiatives that are yet to yield a stable equilibrium with coherent links of accounting education, practice and professional training.


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The Corporate Law Economic Reform Program (Audit Reform & Corporate Disclosure) Act 2004 (CLERP 9) added substantial new provisions pertaining to auditor independence, and followed in the wake of financial reporting scandals during 2000 to 2003. Many of the regulatory changes were framed in the earlier Ramsay Report, which drew on independence concerns raised in the academic literature. This review paper reviews Australian academic research investigating auditor independence, framed by our conceptual understanding of auditor independence, to assess what we have learned about the impact of CLERP 9 on auditor independence. Our review of Australian auditor independence research published post-CLERP 9 reveals little evidence of the impact of the regulatory changes on auditor behaviour (independence in fact) and perceptions (independence in appearance). We conclude there are substantial needs for further research on the impact of the CLERP 9 amendments on auditor independence and any enduring independence issues. We identify particular areas for future research that may better inform policy development and argue that the prospect of high-quality relevant research will increase if regulatory agencies, the accounting profession and audit practitioners engage more with academics in the research process. We identify several ways in which this might occur.


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This report is on current issue of the shortage of Certified Public Accountants. It discusses the reasons for the shortage, such as the newest 150-hour requirement, as well as the increased need for accountants after Sarbanes-Oxley. Also, It discusses what companies are doing to get more people into the accounting profession and keep the people they have. There is also a Case Study on what Deloitte & Touche is doing to help their firm. This paper develops ideas and possible solutions to help accounting firms deal with and change the current shortage situation they are in.