224 resultados para absenteeism


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Window design plays an important role in achieving energy efficient buildings and in providing thermal comfort of building occupants. This paper investigates a newly developed aerogel window and the potential improvement on the comfort factors of an office in relation to daylighting. Improved comfort levels can impact on health and wellbeing of building occupants leading to knock on effects on absenteeism and productivity. A simulation tool was presently created that will easily enable comparison of different façade design and their impact on heat and light transmission and therefore enable optimisation. One of the most important aspects of the present work was comparing the performance of the newly developed aerogel window against the more traditional Argon-filled, coated double-glazing. Whereas the aerogel window provided an extremely low heat-loss index of 0.3 W/m2K, the latter usually offered a centre-glazing U-value of 1.4 W/m2K. On a like-with-like basis the daylight transmission of the aerogel window was significantly lower than double-glazing. However, in view of low thermal loss larger areas of the former can be deployed. This article presents the influence of three key parameters that may lead to an optimum design: daylight, thermal loss and solar gain.


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The impacts of antiretroviral therapy on quality of life, mental health, labor productivity, and economic wellbeing for people living with HIV/AIDS in developing countries are only beginning to be measured. We conducted a systematic literature review to analyze the effect of antiretroviral therapy (ART) on these non-clinical indicators in developing countries and assess the state of research on these topics. Both qualitative and quantitative studies were included, as were peer-reviewed articles, gray literature, and conference abstracts and presentations. Findings are reported from 12 full-length articles, 7 abstracts, and 1 presentation (representing 16 studies). Compared to HIV-positive patients not yet on treatment, patients on ART reported significant improvements in physical, emotional and mental health and daily function. Work performance improved and absenteeism decreased, with the most dramatic changes occurring in the first three months of treatment and then leveling off. Little research has been done on the impact of ART on household wellbeing, with modest changes in child and family wellbeing within households where adults are receiving ART reported so far. Studies from developing countries have not yet assessed non-clinical outcomes of therapy beyond the first year; therefore, longitudinal outcomes are still unknown. As ART roll out extends throughout high HIV prevalence, low-resource countries and is sustained over years and decades, both positive and adverse non-clinical outcomes need to be empirically measured and qualitatively explored in order to support patient adherence and maximize treatment benefits.


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OBJECTIVE: This study examined the impact of smoking, quitting, and time since quit on absences from work. METHODS: Data from the nationally representative Tobacco Use Supplements of the 1992/93, 1995/96, and 1998/99 Current Population Surveys were used. The study included full time workers aged between 18-64 years, yielding a sample size of 383 778 workers. A binary indicator of absence due to sickness in the last week was analysed as a function of smoking status including time since quit for former smokers. Extensive demographic variables were included as controls in all models. RESULTS: In initial comparisons between current and former smokers, smoking increased absences, but quitting did not reduce them. However, when length of time since quit was examined, it was discovered that those who quit within the last year, and especially the last three months, had a much greater probability of absences than did current smokers. As the time since quitting increased, absences returned to a rate somewhere between that of never and current smokers. Interactions between health and smoking status significantly improved the fit of the model. CONCLUSIONS: Smokers who quit reduced their absences over time but increase their absences immediately after quitting. Quitting ill may account for some but not all of this short run impact.


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Study Design. A multi-center assessor-blinded randomized clinical trial was conducted. Objectives. To investigate the relative effectiveness of interferential therapy and manipulative therapy for patients with acute low back pain when used as sole treatments and in combination. Summary of Background Data. Both manipulative therapy and interferential therapy are commonly used treatments for low back pain. Evidence for the effectiveness of manipulative therapy is available only for the short term. There is no evidence for interferential therapy and no study has investigated the effectiveness of interferential therapy combined with manipulative therapy. Methods. Consenting subjects (n=240) were randomly assigned to receive a copy of the Back Book and either manipulative therapy (MT; n=80), interferential therapy (IFT; n=80) or combined manipulative therapy and interferential therapy (CT; n=80). Follow-up outcome questionnaires were posted at discharge, 6 and 12 months. Results. The groups were balanced at baseline for low back pain and demographic characteristics. All interventions were found to significantly reduce functional disability and pain and increase quality of life at discharge and to maintain these improvements at 6 and 12 months. No significant differences were found between groups for reported LBP recurrence, work absenteeism, medication consumption, exercise participation and healthcare use at 12 months. Conclusions. For acute low back pain, interferential therapy whether used in isolation or in combination with manipulative therapy was as effective as manipulative therapy alone (in addition to the Back Book).


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Background: Recently both the UK and US governments have advocated the use of financial incentives to encourage healthier lifestyle choices but evidence for the cost-effectiveness of such interventions is lacking. Our aim was to perform a cost-effectiveness analysis (CEA) of a quasi-experimental trial, exploring the use of financial incentives to increase employee physical activity levels, from a healthcare and employer’s perspective.

Methods: Employees used a ‘loyalty card’ to objectively monitor their physical activity at work over 12 weeks. The Incentive Group (n=199) collected points and received rewards for minutes of physical activity completed. The No Incentive Group (n=207) self-monitored their physical activity only. Quality of life (QOL) and absenteeism were assessed at baseline and 6 months follow-up. QOL scores were also converted into productivity estimates using a validated algorithm. The additional costs of the Incentive Group were divided by the additional quality adjusted life years (QALYs) or productivity gained to calculate incremental cost effectiveness ratios (ICERs). Cost-effectiveness acceptability curves (CEACs) and population expected value of perfect information (EVPI) was used to characterize and value the uncertainty in our estimates.

Results: The Incentive Group performed more physical activity over 12 weeks and by 6 months had achieved greater gains in QOL and productivity, although these mean differences were not statistically significant. The ICERs were £2,900/QALY and £2,700 per percentage increase in overall employee productivity. Whilst the confidence intervals surrounding these ICERs were wide, CEACs showed a high chance of the intervention being cost-effective at low willingness-to-pay (WTP) thresholds.

Conclusions: The Physical Activity Loyalty card (PAL) scheme is potentially cost-effective from both a healthcare and employer’s perspective but further research is warranted to reduce uncertainty in our results. It is based on a sustainable “business model” which should become more cost-effective as it is delivered to more participants and can be adapted to suit other health behaviors and settings. This comes at a time when both UK and US governments are encouraging business involvement in tackling public health challenges.


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Jonathan Swift wrote perceptively about the emerging commercial society
in Britain in the early eighteenth century. His particular focus was on the
financial revolution and its implications for economic and political stability
as well as for shifts of power between the landed and commercial
classes. Following his return to Ireland Swift’s focus shifted to the developmental
problems of his native country. In several pamphlets he advocated
consumption of domestic products, challenged existing political
structures and made trenchant criticisms of absenteeism and other dysfunctional
aspects of the land tenure system. Swift’s politico-economic
concerns are fully reflected in his best known work, Gulliver’s Travels but
his most pointed criticism of the emerging commercial system is contained
in A Modest Proposal. Written in the form of an economic pamphlet, A
Modest Proposal is ostensibly designed to address the problem of poverty
in Ireland. In addition to its implicit criticism of economic policy in Ireland,
the pamphlet challenges the separation of economics and morality as
evidenced in the writings of William Petty and Bernard Mandeville. Swift
parodies Petty’s political arithmetic but it is suggested here that he also
had in his sights the consequentialist reasoning present in the work of
both authors but explicitly so in Mandeville.
Keywords: financial revolution, public debt, paper credit, rationality, political
arithmetic, consequentialism, Petty (William), Mandeville (Bernard)


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Objectives The increasing prevalence of overweight and obesity worldwide continues to compromise population health and creates a wider societal cost in terms of productivity loss and premature mortality. Despite extensive international literature on the cost of overweight and obesity, findings are inconsistent between Europe and the USA, and particularly within Europe. Studies vary on issues of focus, specific costs and methods. This study aims to estimate the healthcare and productivity costs of overweight and obesity for the island of Ireland in 2009, using both top-down and bottom-up approaches.

Methods Costs were estimated across four categories: healthcare utilisation, drug costs, work absenteeism and premature mortality. Healthcare costs were estimated using Population Attributable Fractions (PAFs). PAFs were applied to national cost data for hospital care and drug prescribing. PAFs were also applied to social welfare and national mortality data to estimate productivity costs due to absenteeism and premature mortality.

Results The healthcare costs of overweight and obesity in 2009 were estimated at €437 million for the Republic of Ireland (ROI) and €127.41 million for NI. Productivity loss due to overweight and obesity was up to €865 million for ROI and €362 million for NI. The main drivers of healthcare costs are cardiovascular disease, type II diabetes, colon cancer, stroke and gallbladder disease. In terms of absenteeism, low back pain is the main driver in both jurisdictions, and for productivity loss due to premature mortality the primary driver of cost is coronary heart disease.

Conclusions The costs are substantial, and urgent public health action is required in Ireland to address the problem of increasing prevalence of overweight and obesity, which if left unchecked will lead to unsustainable cost escalation within the health service and unacceptable societal costs.


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O presente trabalho tem como principal objetivo, estudar a relação entre a presença de vulnerabilidade para a manifestação de sintomatologia psiquiátrica e a sua relação com a capacidade para o trabalho e, como objetivo secundário, estudar o impacto da função cognitiva executiva na capacidade para o trabalho. Os problemas de saúde mental são comuns na população em geral, sendo estimado que uma em cada cinco pessoas pode apresentar sintomatologia de algum distúrbio mental ao longo de um ano. Por seu lado, a doença mental apresenta um impacto bastante significativo ao nível do absentismo laboral, tendo como consequência um custo bastante significativo ao nível do desempenho laboral (produtividade), bem como ao nível da saúde física e mental (Wu, Chi, Chen, Wang & Jin, 2009). O excessivo Stress Ocupacional experienciado pelos trabalhadores tem sido fortemente associado com o aparecimento de doenças e prejuízo da saúde mental interferindo na sua capacidade para o trabalho, produtividade, bem estar e qualidade de vida. A uma amostra de 125 trabalhadores foram aplicadas as escalas WAI (escala de índice de capacidade para o trabalho), BSI (Inventário de sintomas psicopatológicos) e o ESI (Inventário de Externalização versão reduzida) e, numa subamostra de 30 trabalhadores, foram aplicados os testes neuropsicológicos pela seguinte ordem: CAT (Halstead Category Test), WCST (Wisconci Card Sort), e a TH (Tower of Hanoi). Foram confirmadas todas as hipóteses do estudo o que sugere que existe, de facto, uma relação entre a presença de vulnerabilidade para manifestação de sintomatologia psiquiátrica com a capacidade para o trabalho e, também, que as funções executivas manifestam grande impacto na capacidade para o trabalho. Assim, a implementação de um programa de promoção para o trabalho e prevenção de risco nos trabalhadores torna-se crucial para o aumento da produtividade dos trabalhadores e, consequentemente, da própria organização.


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Os incêndios florestais, associados ao abandono do espaço rural, a pequena propriedade florestal e o desinteresse e o absentismo dos proprietários florestais têm sido apontados como fatores que têm afetado a sustentabilidade das florestas em Portugal. Apesar da formulação de políticas e de instrumentos de planeamento e de gestão florestal para lidar com estes constrangimentos, são ainda escassos os progressos para uma Gestão Florestal Sustentável. A nível internacional e europeu, a participação dos agentes já representa um aspeto-chave no processo de definição e de implementação de estratégias que promovam a multifuncionalidade da floresta, mas também se adeqúem às necessidades e aos interesses dos agentes locais. A temática da tese esteve focada nesta discussão, argumentando que existe uma escassa participação dos agentes nos processos de tomada de decisão relativos ao setor florestal. O principal objetivo da investigação foi o desenvolvimento de uma metodologia participativa para a discussão e negociação de estratégias locais para a Gestão Florestal Sustentável, que maximizem o potencial produtivo e o papel sócio-ambiental das florestas, diminuam o risco de incêndio e promovam o crescente interesse e participação dos agentes locais na gestão florestal. A tese está estruturada em três partes. A primeira parte apresenta uma avaliação do sector florestal nacional, com base numa revisão bibliográfica e numa comparação de indicadores, políticas e instrumentos de planeamento e gestão florestal (Capítulo 2) e com base num estudo de perceção social desenvolvido numa área de estudo localizada na região Centro de Portugal. Este estudo analisa as perceções técnicas (decisores políticos e técnicos) e sociais (proprietários florestais e outros membros da comunidade local) sobre as florestas, a gestão florestal e os incêndios florestais (Capítulo 4). As ‘Zonas de Intervenção Florestal’, enquanto ferramenta recente para a cooperação e organização dos proprietários e produtores florestais, foram também analisadas (Capítulo 3). A segunda parte da tese é dedicada à análise de processos de participação pública, com base numa revisão bibliográfica sobre os benefícios, níveis, abordagens e métodos de participação (Capítulo 5) e numa avaliação de processos de participação pública desenvolvidos em Portugal (Capítulo 6). A terceira parte da tese foca-se no desenho e no teste da metodologia participativa proposta no âmbito desta tese (Capítulo 7) e na formulação de algumas orientações para melhoria dos processos participativos na gestão florestal (Capítulo 8). Os resultados confirmaram a centralidade dos incêndios florestais e dos fatores associados ao contexto socioeconómico (e.g. despovoamento e envelhecimento populacional, absentismo, falta de gestão florestal, estrutura fundiária) como os principais problemas que afetam a floresta na região Centro de Portugal. A organização e cooperação dos proprietários florestais emergiu como solução possível para lidar com estas ameaças e promover a multifuncionalidade da floresta, sendo essencial aumentar o conhecimento e a participação dos agentes nas decisões associadas à floresta. É proposta uma ferramenta para esta participação, centrada no contexto local e facilmente utilizável por todos os agentes. A implementação da metodologia participativa revelou o seu potencial no desenvolvimento de uma participação equitativa e inclusiva dos múltiplos agentes.


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Teacher commitment has been found to be a critical predictor of teachers’ work performance, absenteeism, retention, burnout and turnover, as well as having an important influence on students’ motivation, achievement, attitudes towards learning and being at school (Firestone (1996). Educational Administration Quarterly, 32(2), 209–235; Graham (1996). Journal of Physical Education, Recreation and Dance, 67(1), 45–47; Louis (1998). School Effectiveness and School Improvement, 9(1), 1–27; Tsui & Cheng (1999). Educational Research and Evaluation, 5(3), 249–268). It is also a necessary ingredient to the successful implementation, adaptation or resistance reform agendas. Surprisingly, however, the relationship between teachers’ motivation, efficacy, job satisfaction and commitment, and between commitment and the quality of their work has not been the subject of extensive research. Some literature presents commitment as a feature of being and behaving as a professional (Helsby, Knight, McCulloch, Saunders, & Warburton (1997). A report to participants on the professional cultures of Teachers Research Project, Lancaster University, January). Others suggest that it fluctuates according to personal, institutional and policy contexts (Louis (1998). School Effectiveness and School Improvement, 9(1), 1–27) and identify different dimensions of commitment which interact and fluctuate (Tyree (1996). Journal of Educational Research, 89(5), 295–304). Others claim that teachers’ commitment tends to decrease progressively over the course of the teaching career (Fraser, Draper, & Taylor (1998). Evaluation and Research in Education, 12 (2), 61–71; Huberman (1993). The lives of teachers. London: Cassell). In this research, experienced teachers in England and Australia were interviewed about their understandings of commitment. The data suggest that commitment may be better understood as a nested phenomena at the centre of which is a set of core, relatively permanent values based upon personal beliefs, images of self, role and identity which are subject to challenge by change which is socio-politically constructed.


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Resumo Política(s) de saúde no trabalho: um inquérito sociológico às empresas portuguesas A literatura portuguesa sobre políticas, programas e actividades de Segurança, Higiene e Saúde no Trabalho (abreviadamente, SH&ST) é ainda escassa. Com este projecto de investigação pretende-se (i) colmatar essa lacuna, (ii) melhorar o conhecimento dos sistemas de gestão da saúde e segurança no trabalho e (iii) contribuir para a protecção e a promoção da saúde dos trabalhadores. Foi construída uma tipologia com cinco grupos principais de políticas, programas e actividades: A (Higiene & Segurança no Trabalho / Melhoria do ambiente físico de trabalho); B (Avaliação de saúde / Vigilância médica / Prestação de cuidados de saúde); C (Prevenção de comportamentos de risco/ Promoção de estilos de vida saudáveis); D (Intervenções a nível organizacional / Melhoria do ambiente psicossocial de trabalho); E (Actividades e programas sociais e de bem-estar). Havia uma lista de mais de 60 actividades possíveis, correspondendo a um índice de realização de 100%. Foi concebido e desenhado, para ser auto-administrado, um questionário sobre Política de Saúde no Local de Trabalho. Foram efectuados dois mailings, e um follow-up telefónico. O trabalho de campo decorreu entre a primavera de 1997 e o verão de 1998. A amostra (n=259) é considerada representativa das duas mil maiores empresas do país. Uma em cada quatro é uma multinacional. A taxa de sindicalização rondava os 30% da população trabalhadora, mas apenas 16% dos respondentes assinalou a existência de representantes dos trabalhadores eleitos para a SH&ST. A hipótese de investigação principal era a de que as empresas com um sistema integrado de gestão da SH&ST seriam também as empresas com um (i) maior número de políticas, programas e actividades de saúde; (ii) maior índice de saúde; (iii) maior índice de realização; e (iv) maior percentagem dos encargos com a SH&ST no total da massa salarial. As actividades de tipo A e B, tradicionalmente associadas à SH&ST, representavam, só por si, mais de 57% do total. Os resultados, correspondentes às respostas da Secção C do questionário, apontam, para (i) a hipervalorização dos exames de medicina do trabalho; e por outro para (ii) o subaproveitamento de um vasto conjunto de actividades (nomeadamente as de tipo D e E), que são correntemente levadas a cabo pelas empresas e que nunca ou raramente são pensadas em termos de protecção e promoção da saúde dos trabalhadores. As actividades e os programas de tipo C (Prevenção de comportamentos de risco/Promoção de estilos de vida saudáveis), ainda eram as menos frequentes entre nós, a seguir aos Programas sociais e de bem-estar (E). É a existência de sistemas de gestão integrados de SH&ST, e não o tamanho da empresa ou outra característica sociodemográfica ou técnico-organizacional, que permite predizer a frequência de políticas de saúde mais activas e mais inovadores. Os três principais motivos ou razões que levam as empresas portuguesas a investir na protecção e promoção da saúde dos seus trabalhadores eram, por ordem de frequência, (i) o absentismo em geral; (ii) a produtividade, qualidade e/ou competitividade, e (iii) a filosofia de gestão ou cultura organizacional. Quanto aos três principais benefícios que são reportados, surge em primeiro lugar (i) a melhoria da saúde dos trabalhadores, seguida da (ii) melhoria do ambiente do ambiente de trabalho e, por fim, (iii) a melhoria da produtividade, qualidade e/ou competitividade.Quanto aos três principais obstáculos que se põem, em geral, ao desenvolvimento das iniciativas de saúde, eles seriam os seguintes, na percepção dos respondentes: (i) a falta de empenho dos trabalhadores; (ii) a falta de tempo; e (iii) os problemas de articulação/ comunicação a nível interno. Por fim, (i) o empenho das estruturas hierárquicas; (ii) a cultura organizacional propícia; e (iii) o sentido de responsabilidade social surgem, destacadamente, como os três principais factores facilitadores do desenvolvimento da política de saúde no trabalho. Tantos estes factores como os obstáculos são de natureza endógena, susceptíveis portanto de controlo por parte dos gestores. Na sua generalidade, os resultados deste trabalho põem em evidência a fraqueza teóricometodológica de grande parte das iniciativas de saúde, realizadas na década de 1990. Muitas delas seriam medidas avulsas, que se inserem na gestão corrente das nossas empresas, e que dificilmente poderão ser tomadas como expressão de uma política de saúde no local de trabalho, (i) definida e assumida pela gestão de topo, (ii) socialmente concertada, (iii) coerente, (iv) baseada na avaliação de necessidades e expectativas de saúde dos trabalhadores, (v) divulgada, conhecida e partilhada por todos, (vi) contingencial, flexível e integrada, e, por fim, (vii) orientada por custos e resultados. Segundo a Declaração do Luxemburgo (1997), a promoção da saúde engloba o esforço conjunto dos empregadores, dos trabalhadores, do Estado e da sociedade civil para melhorar a segurança, a saúde e o bem-estar no trabalho, objectivo isso que pode ser conseguido através da (i) melhoria da organização e das demais condições de trabalho, da (ii) participação efectiva e concreta dos trabalhadores bem como do seu (iii) desenvolvimento pessoal. Abstract Health at work policies: a sociological inquiry into Portuguese corporations Portuguese literature on workplace health policies, programs and activities is still scarce. With this research project the author intends (i) to improve knowledge on the Occupational Health and Safety (shortly thereafter, OSH) management systems and (ii) contribute to the development of health promotion initiatives at a corporate level. Five categories of workplace health initiatives have been identified: (i) Occupational Hygiene and Safety / Improvement of Physical Working Environment (type A programs); (ii) Health Screening, Medical Surveillance and Other Occupational Health Care Provision (type B programs); (iii) Preventing Risk Behaviours / Promoting Healthy Life Styles (type C programs); (iv) Organisational Change / Improvement of Psycho-Social Working Environment (type D programs); and (v) Industrial and Social Welfare (type E programs). A mail questionnaire was sent to the Chief Executive Officer of the 1500 largest Portuguese companies, operating in the primary and secondary sectors (≥ 100 employees) or tertiary sector (≥ 75 employees). Response rate has reached about 20% (259 respondents, representing about 300 companies). Carried out between Spring 1997 and Summer 1998, the fieldwork has encompassed two direct mailings and one phone follow-up. Sample is considered to be representative of the two thousand largest companies. One in four is a multinational. Union membership rate is about 30%, but only 16% has reported the existence of a workers’ health and safety representative. The most frequent workplace health initiatives were those under the traditional scope of the OSH field (type A and B programs) (57% of total) (e.g., Periodical Medical Examinations; Individual Protective Equipment; Assessment of Working Ability). In SMEs (< 250) it was less likely to find out some time-consuming and expensive activities (e.g., Training on OSH knowledge and skills, Improvement of environmental parameters as ventilation, lighting, heating).There were significant differences in SMEs, when compared with the larger ones (≥ 250) concerning type B programs such as Periodical medical examinations, GP consultation, Nursing care, Other medical and non-medical specialities (e.g., psychiatrist, psychologist, ergonomist, physiotherapist, occupational social worker). With regard to type C programs, there were a greater percentage of programs centred on Substance abuse (tobacco, alcohol, and drug) than on Other health risk behaviours. SMEs representatives reported very few prevention- oriented programs in the field of Drug abuse, Nutrition, Physical activity, Off- job accidents, Blood pressure or Weight control. Frequency of type D programs included Training on Human Resources Management, Training on Organisational Behaviour, Total Quality Management, Job Design/Ergonomics, and Workplace rehabilitation. In general, implementation of this type of programs (Organisational Change / Improvement of Psychosocial Working Environment) is not largely driven by health considerations. Concerning Industrial and Social Welfare (Type E programs), the larger employers are in a better position than SMEs to offer to their employees a large spectrum of health resources and facilities (e.g., Restaurant, Canteen, Resting room, Transport, Infra-structures for physical activity, Surgery, Complementary social protection, Support to recreational and cultural activities, Magazine or newsletter, Intranet). Other workplace health promotion programs like Training on Stress Management, Employee Assistance Programs, or Self-help groups are uncommon in the Portuguese worksites. The existence of integrated OSH management systems, not the company size, is the main variable explaining the implementation of more active and innovative workplace health policies in Portugal. The three main prompting factors reported by employers for health protection and promotion initiatives are: (i) Employee absenteeism; (ii) Productivity, quality and/or competitiveness; and (iii) Corporate culture/management philosophy. On the other hand, (i) Improved staff’s health, (ii) Improved working environment and (iii) Improved productivity, quality and/or competitiveness were the three main benefits reported by companies’ representatives, as a result of successful implementation of workplace health initiatives. (i) Lack of staff commitment; (ii) Lack of time; and (iii) Problems of co-operation and communication within company or establishment (iii) are perceived to be the main barriers companies must cope with. Asked about the main facilitating factors, these companies have pointed out the following ones: (i) Top management commitment; (ii) Corporate culture; and (iii) Sense of social responsibility. This sociological research report shows the methodological weaknesses of workplace health initiatives, carried out by Portuguese companies during the last ‘90s. In many cases, these programs and actions were not part of a corporate health strategy and policy, (i) based on the assessment of workers’ health needs and expectancies, (ii) advocated by the employer or the chief executive officer, (ii) planned and implemented with the staff consultation and participation or (iv) evaluated according to a cost-benefit analysis. In short, corporate health policy and action were still rather based on more traditional OSH approaches and should be reoriented towards Workplace Health Promotion (WHP) approach. According to the Luxembourg Declaration of Workplace Health Promotion in the European Union (1997), WHP is “a combination of: (i) improving the work organisation and environment; (ii) promoting active participation; (iii) encouraging personal development”.Résumée Politique(s) de santé au travail: une enquête sociologique aux entreprises portugaises Au Portugal on ne sait presque rien des politiques de santé au travail, adoptés par les entreprises. Avec ce projet de recherche, on veut (i) améliorer la connaissance sur les systèmes de gestion de la santé et de la sécurité au travail et, au même temps, (ii) contribuer au développement de la promotion de la santé des travailleurs. Une typologie a été usée pour identifier les politiques, programmes et actions de santé au travail: A. Amélioration des conditions de travail / Sécurité au travail; B. Médecine du travail /Santé au travail; C. Prévention des comportements de risque / Promotion de styles de vie sains; D. Interventions organisationnelles / Amélioration des facteurs psychosociaux au travail; E. Gestion de personnel et bien-être social. Un questionnaire postal a été envoyé au représentant maximum des grandes entreprises portugaises, industrielles (≥ 100 employés) ou des services (≥ 75 employés). Le taux de réponse a été environ 20% (259 répondants, concernant trois centaines d’entreprises et d’établissements). La recherche de champ, conduite du printemps 1997 à l’été 1998, a compris deux enquêtes postales et un follow-up téléphonique. L´échantillon est représentatif de la population des deux miles plus grandes entreprises. Un quart sont des multinationales. Le taux de syndicalisation est d’environ 30%. Toutefois, il y a seulement 16% de lieux de travail avec des représentants du personnel pour la santé et sécurité au travail. Les initiatives de santé au travail les plus communes sont celles concernant le domaine plus traditionnel (types A et B) (57% du total): par exemple, les examens de médecine du travail, l’équipement de protection individuelle, les tests d’aptitude au travail. En ce qui concerne les programmes de type C, les plus fréquents sont le contrôle et la prévention des addictions (tabac, alcool, drogue). Les interventions dans le domaine de du système technique et organisationnelle du travail peuvent comprendre les courses de formation en gestion de ressources humaines ou en psychosociologie des organisations, l’ergonomie, le travail posté ou la gestion de la qualité totale. En général, la protection et la promotion de la santé des travailleurs ne sont pas prises en considération dans l’implémentation des initiatives de type D. Il y a des différences quand on compare les grandes entreprises et les moyennes en matière de politique de gestion du personnel e du bien-être (programmes de type E, y compris l’allocation de ressources humaines ou logistiques comme, par exemple, restaurant, journal d’entreprise, transports, installations et équipements sportifs). D’autres activités de promotion de la santé au travail comme la formation en gestion du stress, les programmes d’ assistance aux employés, ou les groupes de soutien et d’auto-aide sont encore très peu fréquents dans les entreprises portugaises. C’est le système intégré de gestion de la santé et de la sécurité au travail, et non pas la taille de l’entreprise, qui aide à prédire l’existence de politiques actives et innovatrices dans ce domaine. Les trois facteurs principaux qui encouragent les actions de santé (prompting factors, en anglais) sont (i) l’absentéisme (y compris la maladie), (ii) les problèmes liés à la productivité, qualité et/ou la compétitivité, et aussi (iii) la culture de l’entreprise/philosophie de gestion. Du coté des bénéfices, on a obtenu surtout l’amélioration (i) de la santé du personnel, (ii) des conditions de travail, et (iii) de la productivité, qualité et/ou compétitivité.Les facteurs qui facilitent les actions de santé au travail sont (i) l’engagement de la direction, (ii) la culture de l’entreprise, et (iii) le sens de responsabilité sociale. Par contre, les obstacles à surmonter, selon les organisations qui ont répondu au questionnaire, seraient surtout (i) le manque d’engagement des travailleurs et de leur représentants, (ii) le temps insuffisant, et (iii) les problèmes de articulation/communication au niveau interne de l’entreprise/établissement. Ce travail de recherche sociologique montre la faiblesse méthodologique des services et activités de santé et sécurité au travail, mis en place par les entreprises portugaises dans les années de 1990, à la suite des accords de concertation sociale de 1991. Dans beaucoup de cas, (i) ces politiques de santé ne font pas partie encore d’un système intégré de gestion, (ii) il n’a pas d’évaluation des besoins et des expectatives des travailleurs, (iii) c’est très bas ou inexistant le niveau de participation du personnel, (iv) on ne fait pas d’analyse coût-bénéfice. On peut conclure que les politiques de santé au travail sont plus proches de la médecine du travail et de la sécurité au travail que de la promotion de la santé des travailleurs. Selon la Déclaration du Luxembourg sur la Promotion de la Santé au Lieu de Travail dans la Communauté Européenne (1997), celle-ci « comprend toutes les mesures des employeurs, des employés et de la société pour améliorer l'état de santé et le bien être des travailleurs » e « ceci peut être obtenu par la concentration des efforts dans les domaines suivants: (i) amélioration de l'organisation du travail et des conditions de travail ; (ii) promotion d'une participation active des collaborateurs ; (iii) renforcement des compétences personnelles ».


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Dissertação apresentada à Associação de Politécnicos do Norte para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Gestão das Organizações, Ramo de Gestão de Empresas Orientação: Prof. Doutor Jorge Ferreira Dias de Figueiredo Co-Orientação: Mestre Luís Francisco de Oliveira Marques Metello


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Introduction: bronchial asthma is a chronic disease that affects a high percentage of adolescents, with a significant restriction of daily activities, and is a cause of school absenteeism. The relationships between adolescents and asthma disease in school were assessed, with a view to improving knowledge about the asthmatic adolescent. Methods: a survey was conducted in the Lisbon metropolitan area, covering urban (Lisbon) and rural (Lourinh˜a ) zones and including 1879 students and 81 teachers from the 7th to 9th high school years. The study groups were asthmatic students, their peers, and teachers. A self-administered questionnaire was applied to collect information. The results were compared with a reference group of 91 asthmatic students attending our Department of Immunoallergy-Hospital Dona Estefânia. Cotinine urinary measurements were made in a sample of asthmatics and a control group. Results: the prevalence of current asthma among students was 10%. Estimates of asthma annual burden among 7th to 9th year students from Lisbon and Lourinh˜a high schools included 4,307 days missed from school, 4,148 medical consultations and a minimum of 351 hospital emergency care and 80 hospital admissions. Exposure to passive smoking was not significantly different between asthmatic students and theirs peers. Cotinine urinary measurements did not discriminate between exposed and non-exposed individuals. Cigarette smoking was almost as common among adolescent asthmatics (5.4%) as it was in non-asthmatic subjects (6.7%). However, 55% of asthmatics mentioned active and passive smoking as an asthma exacerbating factor. Asthmatic students, theirs peers and teachers showed a deficient knowledge about asthma (mean group scores: 17.6; 14.2 and 17.7 of a possible 30), particularly in the areas related to asthma recognition and its management. Asthmatics attending our Allergy Department had the highest scores. All groups showed tolerance in the sense of a positive and understanding attitude toward a person with asthma. However, traditional beliefs about asthma disease (dependence, inferiority...) were confirmed. A positive correlation between knowledge levels and tolerance attitudes was found. Conclusion: in view of the dimension of the asthma problem in adolescence and its social and economic impact, it is justifiable to assess the need for the implementation of asthma education programs in schools in order to improve asthma management by the adolescents and their schools.


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RESUMO - Hoje, facilmente se poderá constatar que as doenças orais possuem uma expressiva influência perante a saúde geral, não apenas pela presença da condição por si só, mas também a nível pessoal, social e económico. O seu reflexo traduz-se em parte, no absentismo escolar e laboral, diminuição considerável de produtividade e eficiência, falta de atenção e objetividade. Pelo que é então considerado, um grave problema de saúde pública, afetando de forma mais expressiva, grupos socioeconomicamente desfavorecidos. O acompanhamento e análise do desenvolvimento de iniciativas internacionais, no que ao seguimento das recomendações da Organização Mundial de Saúde diz respeito, poderá ser um ótimo beneficio e impulso para a identificação e aplicação de novos planos de ação. O presente projeto, pretendeu contribuir para a identificação de duas propostas de intervenção em saúde oral ajustadas ao alcance das recomendações da OMS que simultaneamente possam sejam proveitosas para a resolução dos problemas de saúde oral nacionais. Foi realizado um estudo observacional, descritivo e retrospetivo onde foram recolhidos dados acerca de 8 Sistemas de Saúde Oral europeus, previamente selecionados segundo critérios específicos, e iniciativas de saúde oral por eles desenvolvidas. Por fim, foram eleitas duas iniciativas de interesse, possíveis de aplicação futura. Os resultados do estudo apontam para a existência de diferentes iniciativas, enquadradas com as recomendações da OMS. De entre as mesmas, destaca-se uma implementada em 2009, na Suécia, que estando essencialmente assente num acessível subsidio anual fixo pago por cada indivíduo adulto, procura fundamentalmente preservar os esforços de prevenção aplicados nas últimas décadas.


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RESUMO - A morbilidade associada às lesões músculoesqueléticas ligadas ao trabalho (LMELT) origina uma elevada perda de produtividade (absentismo e presentismo) em organizações de saúde, o que induz um substantivo impacto (custo) económico. Nesse contexto, os profissionais de saúde, como grupo vulnerável à ocorrência de LMELT, nomeadamente aqueles que mobilizam os doentes diariamente, apresentam elevadas taxas de acidentes de trabalho com absentismo. Considerando a importância do capital humano em saúde e tendo em conta o contexto actual de contenção da despesa no sector da saúde português, o despiste de situações de perda de produtividade e seu impacto económico em instituições de saúde, assume um papel fundamental na gestão dessas organizações. O presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar o impacto (custo) das LMELT por acidente de trabalho em enfermeiros e assistentes operacionais do CMRA durante o período de 2009 a 2013. Partindo da identificação dos acidentes de trabalho (AT) ocorridos nestes grupos profissionais entre 2009 e 2013, da lesão musculoesquelética resultante e do absentismo registado os participantes no estudo responderam aos itens da escala WQL-8 e SPS-6, para se determinar também os níveis de presentismo. Este estudo adotou a metodologia do capital humano para estimar os custos indiretos ou perda de produtividade das LMELT. Constatou-se que são as transferências a maior causa das LMELT, com uma sintomatologia mais prevalente na região lombar. Existe perda de produtividade nesta instituição entre 2009 e 2013 com um custo total estimado em 222.015,98€, absentismo e presentismo, sendo a Distração Evitada a dimensão que apresenta maiores valores.