992 resultados para aboveground biomass


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通过样地调查,对比研究了不同林龄刺槐林地和撂荒地土壤水分年际变化特征及样地生物量特征。结果表明,刺槐林地土壤水分含量及储水量随林龄增长降低,过熟林的剖面含水率接近凋萎湿度;0—140 cm土层生长季土壤水分变异系数遵循过熟林>成熟林>幼龄林>撂荒地的规律,而140—500 cm土层则基本与上述规律相反。成过熟刺槐林下植物群落地上部生物量略高于撂荒地,土壤水分与地上部生物量仅存在微弱的负相关关系。说明刺槐生长虽然消耗了大量土壤储水,但未显著降低林下植物群落的生产力。研究表明,将刺槐作为先锋树种用于黄土高原森林草原区的植被恢复有助于迅速形成植被覆盖,发挥刺槐林的水土保持功能。同时,林下植物群落的健康发育可以保证刺槐衰退后的生态系统持续稳定地发挥其生态功能。


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试验以云雾山优势种本氏针茅(Stipa bungeana)、大针茅(Stipa grandis)与伴生种百里香(Thymus mongolicus)、铁杆蒿(Artemisia sacrorum)、厚穗冰草(Agropyron dasystachys)、二裂萎陵菜(Potentilla bifurca)和阿尔泰狗娃花(Heteropappus altaicus)为研究对象,对每一植物选择典型植株进行标记,重点从植物株高和地上单株生物量两个方面对其生长动态,进行一个生长周期(返青期-枯黄期)的观察测量,结果表明:(1)植物生长在株高和地上单株生物量达到最大值之前,均基本符合Logistic生长模型;(2)在植物整个生长过程中,地上单株生物量月变化与株高存在动态分形关系:lnB=D×lnH+lnC。(3)植物生长除受其生物学特性支配外还受外界环境因子的限制,在干旱半干旱地区,降雨量显得尤为重要,在本次试验中,植物株高增长和地上单株生物量月变化均与降雨量累积存在着极显著的对数相关性:y=a×lnx+b。


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以云雾山封育与未封区为对象,采用样线法进行调查,重点分析二者群落特征和地上生物量的变化,以期为退化草地植被恢复提供依据。结果表明:封育后本氏针茅(Stipa bungeana)群落发生较大变化,物种数显著增加、演替差异明显,由未封区的本氏针茅+大针茅(S. gigantea)群落演替为封育后的大针茅+本氏针茅群落;未封区本氏针茅种群的优势地位明显加强,重要值明显大于封育区;封育与未封区群落的相似性系数为0.419;物种丰富度指数和多样性指数(修正的Simpson指数、Shannon-winner指数、Audair和Groff指数)均表现为封育区>未封区,而均匀度指数则相反;封育区地上生物量明显增加,其中禾本科、蔷薇科和杂类草占总生物量的比例均表现为封育>未封区,而菊科则相反。


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Radiation-use efficiency (RUE, g/MJ) and the harvest index (HI, unitless) are two helpful characteristics in interpreting crop response to environmental and climatic changes. They are also increasingly important for accurate crop yield simulation, but they are affected by various environmental factors. In this study, the RUE and HI of winter wheat and their relationships to canopy spectral reflectance were investigated based on the massive field measurements of five nitrogen (N) treatments. Crop production can be separated into light interception and RUE. The results indicated that during a long period of slow growth from emergence to regreening, the effect of N on crop production mainly showed up in an increased light interception by the canopy. During the period of rapid growth from regreening to maturity, it was present in both light interception and RUE. The temporal variations of RUEAPAR (aboveground biomass produced per unit of photosynthetically active radiation absorbed by the canopy) during the period from regreening to maturity had different patterns corresponding to the N deficiency, N adequacy and N-excess conditions. Moreover, significant relationships were found between the RUEAPAR and the accumulative normalised difference vegetation index (NDVI) in the integrated season (R-2 = 0.68), between the HI and the accumulative NDVI after anthesis (R-2 = 0.89), and between the RUEgrain (ratio of grain yield to the total amount of photosynthetically active radiation absorbed by the canopy) and the accumulative NDVI of the whole season (R-2 = 0.89) and that after anthesis (R-2 = 0.94). It suggested that canopy spectral reflectance has the potential to reveal the spatial information of the RUEAPAR, HI and RUEgrain. It is hoped that this information will be useful in improving the accuracy of crop yield simulation in large areas.


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We investigated how the high small-scale species richness of an alpine meadow on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, China, is maintained. This area is characterized by strong wind and severe cold during long winters. In winter, most livestock is grazed on dead leaves in small pastures near farmers' residences, whereas in the short summer, livestock is grazed in mountainous areas far from farmers' residences. The number of plant species and the aboveground biomass were surveyed for three adjacent pastures differing in grazing management: a late-winter grazing pasture grazed moderately from 1 February to 30 April, an early-winter grazing pasture grazed lightly from 20 September to late October, and a whole-year grazing pasture grazed intensively throughout the entire year. In each pasture, we harvested the aboveground biomass from 80 or 100 quadrats of 0.01 m(2) along a transect and classified the contents by species. We observed 15.5-19.7 species per 0.01 m(2), which is high richness per 0.01 m(2) on a worldwide scale. The species richness in the two winter grazing pastures was higher than that in the whole-year grazing pasture. The spatial variation in species richness and species composition in the two winter grazing pastures in which species richness was high was greater than that in the whole-year grazing pasture in which species richness was lower. Most of the leaves that are preserved on the winter grazing pastures during summer are blown away by strong winds during winter, and the remaining leaves are completely exhausted in winter by livestock grazing. A pasture with a high richess is accompanied by a high spatial variation in species richness and species composition. There is a high possibility that the characteristic of spatial variation is also caused by traditional grazing practices in this area.


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Two species, Artemisia frigida Willd. (C-3, semishrub, and dominant on overgrazed sites) and Cleistogenes squarrosa (Trin.) Keng (C-4, perennial bunchgrass, and dominant or codominant on moderately grazed sites) were studied to determine the effects of defoliation, nitrogen (N) availability, competition, and their interactions on growth, biomass, and N allocation in a greenhouse experiment. The main treatments were: two nitrogen levels (NO = 0 mg N pot(-1), N1 = 60 mg N pot(-1)), two defoliation intensities (removing 60% of total aboveground biomass and no defoliation), and three competitive replacement series (monocultures of each species and mixtures at 0.5:0.5). Our results were inconsistent with our hypothesis on the adaptive mechanisms of A. frigida regarding the interactive effects of herbivory, N, and competition in determining its dominant position on overgrazed sites. Cleistogenes squarrosa will be replaced by A. frigida on over-grazed sites, although C. squarrosa had higher tolerance to defoliation than did A. frigida. Total biomass and N yield and N-15 recovery of C. squarrosa in mixed culture were consistently lower than in monocultures, whereas those of A. frigida grown in mixtures were consistently higher than in monocultures, suggesting higher competitive ability of A. frigida. Our results suggest that interspecific competitive ability may be of equal or greater importance than herbivory tolerance in determining herbivore-induced species replacement in semi-arid Inner Mongolian steppe. In addition, the dominance of A. frigida on overgrazed sites has been attributed to its ability to shift plant-plant interactions through (lap colonization, root niche differentiation, and higher resistance to water stress.


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During the growing seasons of 2002 and 2003, biomass productivity and diversity were examined along an altitudinal transect on the south-western slope of Beishan Mountain, Maqin County (33 degrees 43'-35 degrees 16'N, 98 degrees 48'-100 degrees 55'E), Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. Six altitudes were selected, between 3840 and 4435 m. Soil organic matter, soil available N and P and environmental factors significantly affected plant-species diversity and productivity of the alpine meadows. Aboveground biomass declined significantly with increasing altitude (P < 0.05) and it was positively and linearly related to late summer soil-surface temperature. Belowground biomass (0 - 10-cm depth) was significantly greater at the lowest and highest altitudes than at intermediate locations, associated with water and nutrient availabilities. At each site, the maximum belowground biomass values occurred at the beginning and the end of the growing seasons (P < 0.05). Soil organic matter content, and available N and P were negatively and closely related to plant diversity (species richness, Shannon-Wiener diversity index, and Pielou evenness index).


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We measured ecosystem CO2 fluxes for an alpine shrubland on the north-eastern Tibetan Plateau, Qinghai, China. The study is to understand (1) the seasonal variation of CO2 flux and (2) how environmental factors affect the seasonality of CO2 exchange in the alpine ecosystem. Daytime ecosystem respiration was extrapolated from the relationship between temperature and nighttime CO2 fluxes under high turbulent conditions.Seasonal patterns of gross ecosystem production, ecosystem respiration and net ecosystem CO2 exchange followed highly the seasonal change of aboveground biomass in the alpine shrubland. The net ecosystem CO2 exchange was mainly controlled by the variation of photosynthetic photon flux density, while the ecosystem respiration was closely correlated to the soil temperature at 5-cm depth. Integrated values of gross ecosystem production, ecosystem respiration and net ecosystem CO2 exchange for the period from November 1, 2002 to October 31 2003 were estimated to be 1418, 1155 and 222 g CO2 m(-2) yr(-1), respectively.


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To initially characterize the dynamics and environmental controls of CO2, ecosystem CO2 fluxes were measured for different vegetation zones in a deep-water wetland on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau during the growing season of 2002. Four zones of vegetation along a gradient from shallow to deep water were dominated, respectively by the emergent species Carex allivescens V. Krez., Scirpus distigmaticus L., Hippuris vulgaris L., and the submerged species Potamogeton pectinatus L. Gross primary production (GPP), ecosystem respiration (Re), and net ecosystem production (NEP) were markedly different among the vegetation zones, with lower Re and GPP in deeper water. NEP was highest in the Scirpus-dominated zone with moderate water depth, but lowest in the Potamogeton-zone that occupied approximately 75% of the total wetland area. Diurnal variation in CO2 flux was highly correlated with variation in light intensity and soil temperature. The relationship between CO2 flux and these environmental variables varied among the vegetation zones. Seasonal CO2 fluxes, including GPP, Re, and NEP, were strongly correlated with aboveground biomass, which was in turn determined by water depth. In the early growing season, temperature sensitivity (Q(10)) for Re varied from 6.0 to 8.9 depending on vegetation zone. Q(10) decreased in the late growing season. Estimated NEP for the whole deep-water wetland over the growing season was 24 g C m(-2). Our results suggest that water depth is the major environmental control of seasonal variation in CO2 flux, whereas photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD) controls diurnal dynamics.


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To assess the impact of livestock grazing on the emission of greenhouse gases from grazed wetlands, we examined biomass growth of plants, CO2 and CH4 fluxes under grazing and non-grazing conditions on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau wetland. After the grazing treatment for a period of about 3 months, net ecosystem CO2 uptake and aboveground biomass were significantly smaller, but ecosystem CH4 emissions were remarkably greater, under grazing conditions than under non-grazing conditions. Examination of the gas-transport system showed that the increased CH4 emissions resulted from mainly the increase of conductance in the gas-transport system of the grazed plants. The sum of global warming potential, which was estimated from the measured CO2 and CH4 fluxes, was 5.6- to 11.3-fold higher under grazing conditions than under non-grazing conditions. The results suggest that livestock grazing may increase the global warming potential of the alpine wetlands. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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To clarify the response of soil organic carbon (SOC) content to season-long grazing in the semiarid typical steppes of Inner Mongolia, we examined the aboveground biomass and SOC in both grazing (G-site) and no grazing (NG-site) sites in two typical steppes dominated by Leymus chinensis and Stipa grandis, as well as one seriously degraded L. chinensis grassland dominated by Artemisia frigida. The NG-sites had been fenced for 20 years in L. chinensis and S. grandis grasslands and for 10 years in A. frigida grassland. Above-ground biomass at G-sites was 21-35% of that at NG-sites in L. chinensis and S. grandis grasslands. The SOC, however, showed no significant difference between G-site and NG-site in both grasslands. In the NG-sites, aboveground biomass was significantly lower in A. frigida grassland than in the other two grasslands. The SOC in A. frigida grassland was about 70% of that in L. chinensis grassland. In A. frigida grassland, aboveground biomass in the G-site was 68-82% of that in the NG-site, whereas SOC was significantly lower in the G-site than in the NG-site. Grazing elevated the surface soil pH in L. chinensis and A. frigida communities. A spatial heterogeneity in SOC and pH in the topsoil was not detected the G-site within the minimal sampling distance of 10 m. The results suggested that compensatory growth may account for the relative stability of SOC in G-sites in typical steppes. The SOC was sensitive to heavy grazing and difficult to recover after a significant decline caused by overgrazing in semiarid steppes.


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We measured methane (CH4) emissions in the Luanhaizi wetland, a typical alpine wetland on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, China, during the plant growth season (early July to mid-September) in 2002. Our aim was to quantify the spatial and temporal variation of CH4 flux and to elucidate key factors in this variation. Static chamber measurements of CH4 flux were made in four vegetation zones along a gradient of water depth. There were three emergent-plant zones (Hippuris-dominated; Scirpus-dominated; and Carex-dominated) and one submerged-plant zone (Potamogeton-dominated). The smallest CH4 flux (seasonal mean = 33.1 mg CH4 m(-2) d(-1)) was, observed in the Potamogeton-dominated zone, which occupied about 74% of the total area of the wetland. The greatest CH4 flux (seasonal mean = 214 mg CH4 m(-2) d(-1)) was observed in the Hippuris-dominated zone, in the second-deepest water area. CH4 flux from three zones (excluding the Carex-dominated zone) showed a marked diurnal change and decreased dramatically under dark conditions. Light intensity had a major influence on the temporal variation in CH4 flux, at least in three of the zones. Methane fluxes from all zones increased during the growing season with increasing aboveground biomass. CH4 flux from the Scirpus-dominated zone was significantly lower than in the other emergent-plant zones despite the large biomass, because the root and rhizome intake ports for CH4 transport in the dominant species were distributed in shallower and more oxidative soil than occupied in the other zones. Spatial and temporal variation in CH4 flux from the alpine wetland was determined by the vegetation zone. Among the dominant species in each zone, there were variations in the density and biomass of shoots, gas-transport system, and root-rhizome architecture. The CH4 flux from a typical alpine wetland on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau was as high as those of other boreal and alpine wetlands. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Relationship between biology and environment is always the theme of ecology. Transect is becoming one of the important methods in studies on relationship between global change and terrestrial ecosystems, especially for analysis of its driving factors. Inner Mongolia Grassland is the most important in China Grassland Transect brought forward by Yu GR. In this study, changes in grassland community biomass along gradients of weather conditions in Inner Mongolia was researched by the method of transect. Methods of regression about biomass were also compared. The transect was set from Eerguna county to Alashan county (38° 07' 35" ~50° 12' 20" N, 101° 55' 25" -120° 20' 46" E) in Inner Mongolia, China. The sample sites were mainly chosen along the gradient of grassland type, meadow steppe-* typical steppe-*desert steppe-*steppification desert-^desert. The study was carried out when grassland community biomass got the peak in August or September, 2003 and 2004. And data of 49 sample sites was gotten, which included biomass, mean annual temperature, annual precipitation, accumulated temperature above zero, annual hours of sunshine and other statistical and descriptive data. The aboveground biomass was harvested, and the belowground biomass was obtained by coring (30 cm deep). Then all the biomass samples were dried within (80 + 5) °C in oven and weighted. The conclusion is as follows: 1) From the northeast to the southwest in Inner Mongolia, along the gradient of grassland type, meadow steppe-*typical steppe-*desert steppe-*steppification desert-* desert, the cover degree of vegetation community reduces. 2) By unitary regression analysis, biomass is negatively correlated with mean annual temperature, s^CTC accumulated temperature, ^10°C accumulated temperature and annual hours of sunshine, among which mean annual temperature is crucial, and positively with mean annual precipitation and mean annual relative humidity, and the correlation coefficient between biomass and mean annual relative humidity is higher. Altitude doesn't act on it evidently. Result of multiple regression analysis indicates that as the primary restrictive factor, precipitation affects biomass through complicated way on large scale, and its impaction is certainly important. Along the gradient of grassland type, total biomass reduces. The proportion of aboveground biomass to total biomass reduces and then increases after desert steppe. The trend of below ground biomass's proportion to total biomass is adverse to that of aboveground biomass. 3) Precipitation is not always the only driving factor along the transect for below-/aboveground biomass ratio of different vegetation type composed by different species, and distribution of temperature and precipitation is more important, which is much different among climatic regions, so that the trend of below-/aboveground biomass ratio along the grassland transect may change much through the circumscription of semiarid region and arid region. 4) Among reproductive allocation of aboveground biomass, only the proportion of stem in total biomass notably correlates to the given parameters. Stem/leaf biomass ratio decreases when longitude and latitude increase, caloric variables decrease, and variables about water increase from desert to meadow steppe. The change trends are good modeled by logarithm or binomial equations. 5) 0'-10 cm belowground biomass highly correlates to environmental parameters, whose proportion to total biomass changes most distinctly and increases along the gradient from the west to the east. The deeper belowground biomass responses to the environmental change on the adverse trend but not so sensitively as the surface layer. Because the change value of 0~10 cm belowground biomass is always more than that of below 10 cm along the gradient, the deference between them is balanced by aboveground biomass's change by the resource allocation equilibrium hypothesis.