1000 resultados para abordagem crítica


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Esta dissertação se propõe a cartografar as redes sociotécnicas do design no campo do management nos moldes propostos pela Teoria Ator-Rede e apresentar o processo de translação pelo qual passou o termo ao adentrar no campo. Para tal, levantou e analisou artigos publicados sobre o tema nos principais periódicos da área de organizações e publicações. Estes textos demonstram como, nas últimas décadas, o design tem passado por uma expansão de sentido e aplicação na direção do management (ou do management no sentido do design), através das abordagens denominadas design thinking, design science ou design process. A pesquisa se justifica, uma vez que este assunto está presente nos principais periódicos do management e dos estudos organizacionais, como uma importante ferramenta para solução de problemas que desafiam os sistemas organizacionais, como: a mudança, o empreendedorismo e a inovação (Stephens & Boland, 2014). É importante destacar que o design tem sido cada vez mais considerado uma atividade decisiva na batalha econômica (Callon, 1986), na determinação dos atuais estilos de vida (lifestyle) e na construção de nosso mundo futuro. No campo dos estudos organizacionais, como demonstrou esta pesquisa, o design surge como uma abordagem que supera a dicotomia entre positivismo e a abordagem crítica na teoria organizacional (Jelinek, Romme & Boland, 2008). Por fim, esta dissertação se ateve à cartografia das redes sociotécnicas e à descrição das quatro principais fases do processo de translação do design no campo do management, a saber: (a) problematização, marcada pela publicação de The Sciences of Artificial em 1969 de Herbert A. Simon, no qual, ele argumenta pelo design como uma habilidade básica para todas as especialidades profissionais, incluindo a gestão (Simon, 1996), (b) interessamento, designers defendendo um design de sistemas complexos como as organizações, (c) engajamento, designers e teóricos das organizações juntos pelo design no management como uma alternativa para a superação da dicotomia entre positivismo e os estudos críticos na administração, e, (d) mobilização, na qual os teóricos das organizações partem em defesa do design no management como um forma de dar conta de modelos organizacionais contemporâneos com fronteiras mais permeáveis e em constante reformulação


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The work aims to investigate some of the educational actions developed in the differentiated Tapeba schools (CE), in their pedagogical practices. The reading of these practices as ritual of ethnic cultural resistance is accomplished by the approach of studies of experience and performance in the anthropology, as well as, the analytical perspective suggested by the dramaturgy ideas and social drama. So, taking a critical approach of the school, that conceives it, while time space privileged of possibilities of political social change, this work searches to notice the means of achievement of a differentiated education. I aim at, with that, to observe the ritual moments and performáticos of the pedagogic practices of Tapeba while important political-symbolic expressions of your collective experiences, looking at the process of construction of legitimacy of the school differentiated as scenery of creation of pedagogic rituals of resistance. Then, the Cultural Fair, Tapeba Indian Games, the Walking of Tapeba Indian`s Day and Carnauba Party by one side and the Cultural Classes, by another, promote a re-thinking on the experiences of Tapeba ethnicity, distinguishing also, in this process of identity affirmation, the political pedagogical role fulfilled by land re-taking. Finally, this work makes clear that Tapeba prove to be individuals with rights and at the same time they want to legitimate their differentiated school practices, Tapeba construct the meaning of their social actions in the educative and in other aspects of their communitarian living as well


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This work is an exploratory study based on the principles of qualitative research aiming at the conception of landscape by Geography teachers in the city of Parnamirim (RN), as well as the pedagogical implications originated from such conceptions on the formation of students. In order to start our investigative process, we used, as theoretical and methodological reference, some principles of historical and dialectical materialism by Triviños (2007) and historical cultural approach of education by Freire (1987; 1996) e Vygotsky (1993; 2001; 2007), as well as the meaning of conception by Morin (1996) and Ferreira (2007) and the critical approach of geography by Moraes (2005), Santos (1988; 2004; 2006) and Silva (1989; 2010). Also, we used oral history as a research technique such as Moraes (2004), Bertaux (2010), Ferraroti (2010) and Nóvoa (2010) and semi-structured interviews as data collection tools. Our empirical reference is made of four teachers working in four different public schools in the city mentioned above, providing the needed data to start our research. The objective of such interviews is not the verification of the teachers‟ practice in class or outside them, but it highlights the transitoriness of the evidences mentioned in the research. Thus, we conclude that the conception of landscape mostly accepted by the teachers, once it is a process built along their lives and surrounded by their pedagogical practice, prioritizes the visual and morphological aspects and the sentimental livings related to the conception which is situated in a descriptive level of conception. Effectively, the pedagogical implications of these conceptions at school point to a materialization of geography teaching centered on the non-critical reproduction of school subjects which very little instigate the learners to process, via dialogicity, the re-significations of their essential and multiple attributes despite the several attempts and possibilities of some theoretical and methodological renovations on the application of geographical knowledge about landscape, expressed on the report of the interviewees


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Ecotourism, in face to environmental demands and discussions, has achieved prominence in the tourism market and wide global development, occasioning a concern about the need for a scientific deepening through a critical approach of the dynamics of consumption and conservation that permeate this practice. This study addresses the ecotourism under aegis of consumer society, in which is perceived that it constitutes a contester practice of society in which it is embedded, nevertheless has been subjected to the logic of capital through commodification of nature. In order to comprehend the reality presented, this study had as geographical cutting two Conservation Units of Sustainable Use in Rio Grande do Norte state: the Jenipabu Environmental Protection Area (APAJ) and Ponta do Tubarão State Sustainable Development Reserve (RDSEPT). The research sought to investigate the relationship between conservation and consumption and their influences on ecotourism held in the Conservation Units (UCs) of sustainable use selected for this study. To this aim it was made a critical reflection about the relationship conservation versus consumption constant in the practice of ecotourism in UCs in the context of current society, analyzing the historical process of formation of UCs of sustainable use in RN state under the light of the contradictory pair conservation-consumption, as well as looking to apprehend the perception of ecotourism of the actors involved with this practice. It was adopted a qualitative approach under a critical perspective based on bibliographical and documentary research and realization of semi-structured interviews with three groups of actors, namely managers/technician, community and ectourists involved with ecotourism in the selected UCs. The analysis was made using two basic units of analysis (consumption and maintenance) and twelve categories. For definition of units of analysis and categories were taken as reference the authors Santos (1987; 1988; 1994; 2001; 2006), Guerreiro Ramos (1989) and A. B. Rodrigues (1996; 2003), which perform critical to society of consumption and describe the key characteristics of the technical-scientific-informational predominant means, and Diegues (1998; 2000), A. B. Rodrigues (2001), Pires (2002) and Neiman and Rabinovici (2010), which discusse historic and scientifically about the emphasis on conservation present in origins and discourse of ecotourism, describing also its founding characteristics. The main results show that the marketing use of the prefix eco has acted as a new dress for what in reality is in fact ancient, ie, the conservation is used as a justification for another new type of consumption. The results also show that despite the coexistence of commercial and symbolic intentions in both UCs, one can observe the predominance consumer society characteristics in the process of creation and the production activities of APAJ, while in RDSEPT we note the predominance of the conservationist characteristics proclaimed by ecotourism. It can be inferred therefore that tourism held in the APAJ can not be called ecotourism, while the practice found in RDSEPT show an alignment with the guidelines of ecotourism


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The current debate on rural development focuses on the territorial approach, recognizing the multifunctional character of rural areas. Emphasize the use of endogenous forces, the need of implement policies which valorize local specificities, the participation of social actors in revitalization of rural areas. In this context tourism enters as a means to induce a new dynamic to rural areas, since the activity is regarded as a channel for the upgrading of the natural and cultural resources and the rural way of life. This study focuses on local-based tourism as a promoter of rural development, giving an analysis of the social reality and potential for this tourism in the district of Dondo. In it, is proposed to analyze the potential for development of local-based tourism in the district of Dondo, assessing the extent to which local reality enables the inclusion of the community in the management of local tourism resources. For this, was showed the inclusion of local-based tourism in the current context of rural development, was identified and organized systematically the factors that influence the implementation of local-based tourism in the study area and was verified as far as possible the study area corresponds to the constraints identified, showing how local-based tourism can best been encouraged. Was adopted a qualitative methodological approach to both the procedures and data processing, but also by critical approach, using bibliographical research, semi-structured interviews that fell on the group of public administrators who work in tourism and community leaders. The critical analysis was based on the principles of sustainability o Sachs particular ecological, social, cultural, economic, space, beyond the analysis of political and institutional aspects. The survey results show that the district of Dondo has a potential for implementing a model of tourism development on a local basis, since it is rich in natural and cultural research, benefits from good network accessibility in the context of the market in the region, the population live according to their habits and customs and value their identity. There is also a good cooperation between community members, although not in tourism, a fact which is observed through the lever of community participation in associations, cooperatives, working in areas such as agriculture, fishing, environment, civic education etc. It also has public funding sources to augment or stimulate local investment. Despite obstacles such as inexistence of policies and local plans for tourism development, lack of awareness of tourism, lack of basic infrastructure, as well as equipment and facilities to support tourism, the results shows that these problems can be solved through a public commitment from both government, and community through a joint planning and participation


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Educação - FFC


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Esta é uma investigação ligada ao campo da formação continuada de professores, acerca dos sentidos que os professores bacharéis e tecnólogos que atuam na educação superior dão à formação continuada, a partir das ações formativas desenvolvidas na Universidade Federal do Pará UFPa) e no Centro Universitário do Estado do Pará (CESUPA). Os dados empíricos produzidos pela análise documental e a entrevista foram analisados a partir das bibliografias nacional e internacional consultadas, que têm uma abordagem crítica sobre o trabalho docente ao fazer um exame minucioso da profissão professor. O estudo remete à compreensão da vivência dos professores nesta formação em andamento nas duas instituições, dos efeitos que os seus modelos de formação continuada provocam no desenvolvimento pessoal e profissional deles, com destaque para os sentidos e interesses anunciados por tais profissionais. A busca pela aprendizagem dá indícios quando os docentes valorizam o acesso às ações formativas, precisamente os conteúdos que possam sustentar a sua prática pedagógica. Do estudo depreendo que a formação continuada é uma arena heterogênea, pouco unificada e que responde a finalidades diversas. Não podemos lhe atribuir uma idéia salvacionista, em que os professores aprenderão como fazer tudo diferente e correto com a formação, mas sim como uma intervenção de atitude crítica sobre as suas práticas pedagógicas e de (re) construção permanente de uma identidade pessoal e profissional docente, em interação mútua.


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Este trabalho, intitulado “Política de Saúde e a População Carcerária: um estudo no Presídio Estadual Metropolitano I – PEM I – Marituba-Pará”, tem como objetivo maior analisar o processo de assistência à saúde dos presos no Presídio Estadual Metropolitano I (PEM I) de Marituba/PA. Para isso, traçou-se os seguintes objetivos específicos: investigar a situação do sistema carcerário brasileiro diante do quadro de desigualdades sociais e criminalização; identificar de que forma o direito à saúde penitenciária está estruturado no Brasil; e analisar como o direito de assistência à saúde está sendo materializado enquanto direito social no PEM I. Na perspectiva de desvendar o objeto de estudo, a metodologia foi baseada na abordagem crítica, utilizando-se da aplicação de formulários com 02 (dois) internos que passavam por tratamento de saúde no interior do PEM I. Dessa forma, foi possível constatar contradições e limites na assistência à saúde enquanto direito social dos internos do PEM I, refletidos na precarização do direito à saúde no âmbito prisional.


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Pós-graduação em Odontologia Preventiva e Social - FOA


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Pós-graduação em Geografia - IGCE


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Trata-se de uma abordagem crítica bastante atual acerca do papel dos intelectuais, em particular dos sociólogos, em sua ampla possibilidade de inserção na realidade social, recorrendo ao conceito de intelectual orgânico de Gramsci que estabelece o vínculo entre o grupo social e seus intelectuais. A autora se coloca frente ao dilema de seu próprio desejo, incontrolável como ela mesma diz, de antever um futuro pleno de sociólogos críticos e atentos às contradições mais fundamentais da contemporaneidade e o realismo da diversidade que inclui o afastamento da perspectiva da maioria trabalhadora e o conseqüente adesismo de oportunidade aos grupos hegemônicos.


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The authors worked in a 4th grade room of elementary school and usedchildren's drawings in which the students have shown their impressions andunderstandings with sexuality and gender relations. The article reflect about themanifestations of sexuality, behaviors gender and sexual attitudes at the school andrelates to the necessity of sex education in a critical and reflexive approach, which,however, can only happen with the improvement of teacher training in sex education.


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This article presents research that aimed to discuss the theoretical frameworks about civil associativism prescribed by the trainers of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) workers. The requirements for civil associations made by trainers were analyzed based on two data and reference categories, named empirical and analytical. The empirical categories emerged from the data collected by means of interviews with trainers and also examining the documents that guided the course. The analytical categories were constructed from the literature review on the approaches of civil associations, which are: North American Third Sector Approach; Critical Approach to the Third Sector and Social Local Development (DSL in the Portuguese acronym). The study presents indications that could support the development of other research on the topic and, mainly academic knowledge for further development of new training processes for NGO workers.