350 resultados para aço AISI 304L


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Tesis (Maestría en Ciencias de la Ingeniería Mecánica con Especialidad en Materiales) UANL, 2013.


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Tesis (Doctor en Ingeniería de Materiales) U.A.N.L.


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Tesis (Doctor en Ingeniería de Materiales) UANL, 2013.


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This paper presents a study of AISI 1040 steel corrosion in aqueous electrolyte of acetic acid buffer containing 3.1 and 31 x 10(-3) mol dm(-3) of Na(2)S in both the presence and absence of 3.5 wt.% NaCl. This investigation of steel corrosion was carried out using potential polarization, and open-circuit and in situ optical microscopy. The morphological analysis and classification of types of surface corrosion damage by digital image processing reveals grain boundary corrosion and shows a non-uniform sulfide film growth, which occurs preferentially over pearlitic grains through successive formation and dissolution of the film. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Corrosion is an undesirable process that occurs in metallic materials. Studied was the effect of inhibiting Benzotriazole (BTAH), Benzimidazole (BZM) and Indole in different concentrations-for the stainless steel (SS) AISI 430 in H(2)SO(4) mol The techniques employed this research were: anodic potenciostatic polarisation, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, optical microscopy and scanning electron microscopy The curves of anodic polarisation showed that BTAH, BZM and Indol act as corrosion inhibitors for 430 SS, at concentrations of 1x10(-3) and 5x10(-4) mol L(-1) but do not inhibit corrosion for concentrations equal to or less than 1x10(-4) mol L(-1). The in-crease of the efficiency in relation to the inhibitory substances studied followed this order: Indol


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This work employed a commercial nitrocaburising process to diffuse a coating onto M2 grade high speed tool steel. Properties of the nitrocaburised coating (CN) such as thickness, roughness and hardness were characterised using a variety of techniques including Glow-Discharge Optical Emission Spectrometry (GD-OES) and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). A tribological test has been developed in which two nominally identical crossed cylinders slide over each other under selected test conditions. The test has been employed to investigate the wear performance of both CN coated and uncoated M2 specimens and frictional behaviour of the sliding interface between the tool and a AISI 1019 steel workpiece under unlubricated (dry) and lubricated conditions. Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) was used to monitor the formation of chemical species from the oxidation of lubricant during tribological testing.


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In this paper, the local distribution of austenite grain size (AGS) was experimentally determined by conducting single round-oval and square-diamond pass hot bar rolling experiments of AISI4135 steel. The rolling experiments were carried out using the laboratory mill. The local distribution of AGS was also determined numerically. In order to predict AGS distribution, the AGS evolution model was combined with three dimensional non-isothermal finite element analyses by adopting a modified additivity rule. AGS evolution model was experimentally determined from hot torsion test according to Hodgson's model. The predicted results were in a reasonably good agreement with experimental results.


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In this study, kinetics of the static (SRX) and metadynamic recrystallization (MDRX) of AISI4135 steel was investigated using hot torsion tests. Continuous torsion tests were carried out to determine the critical strain for dynamic recrystallization (DRX). The times for 50% recrystallization of SRX and MDRX were determined, respectively, by means of interrupted torsion tests. Furthermore, austenite grain size (AGS) evolution due to recrystallization (RX) was measured by optical microscopy. With the help of the evolution model established, the AGS for hot bar rolling of AISI4135 steel was predicted numerically. The predicted AGS values were compared with the results using the other model available in the literature and experimental results to verify its validity. Then, numerical predictions depending on various process parameters such as interpass time, temperature, and roll speed were made to investigate the effect of these parameters on AGS distributions for square-diamond pass rolling. Such numerical results were found to be beneficial in understanding the effect of processing conditions on the microstructure evolution better and control the rolling processes more accurately.


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In order to improve the understanding of the dynamic and post-dynamic recrystallization behaviours of AISI 304 austenitic stainless steel, a series of hot torsion test have been performed under a range of deformation conditions. The mechanical and microstructural features of dynamic recrystallization (DRX) were characterized to compare and contrast them with those of the post-dynamic recrystallization. A necklace type of dynamically recrystallized microstructure was observed during hot deformation at 900 °C and at a strain rate of 0.01 s−1. Following deformation, the dependency of time for 50% recrystallization, t50, changed from “strain dependent” to “strain independent” at a transition strain (ε*), which is significantly beyond the peak. This transition strain was clearly linked to the strain for 50% dynamic recrystallization during deformation. The interrelations between the fraction of dynamically recrystallized microstructure, the evolution of post-dynamically recrystallized microstructure and the final grain size have been established. The results also showed an important role of grain growth on softening of deformed austenite.


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This project aimed to model the microstructure evolution during and following hot deformation using a cellular automaton approach. The flow curves, softening kinetics and final microstructures were used as the input data for the post-deformation simulation to elucidate the effect of dynamic recrystallization on the post-deformation softening.


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The aim of this paper was to address the effects of multiple laser shock processing (LSP) impacts with different pulse energy on mechanical properties and wear behaviors of AISI 8620 steel. Wear analyses were conducted by means of calculation of volume loss and scanning electron microscope (SEM) of the wear surface. Surface profiles, roughness and micro-hardness were measured. The micro-structures in the surface layer of the untreated and LSPed samples (treated by multiple LSP impacts) were investigated by using transmission electron microscopy (TEM) observations. Experimental results and analyses indicated that multiple LSP impacts can remarkably improve the wear resistance of AISI 8620 steel, and the wear mechanism of multiple LSP impacts on AISI 8620 steel was also entirely revealed. The wear process of the unpolished sample subjected to multiple LSP impacts can be described as follows: the wear rate was big at the beginning of sliding dry wear, but then decreased after the micro-indention in the sample surface was polished to the disappear. This phenomenon can be attributed to the fact that multiple LSP impacts generate many micro-indents in the sample surface.


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This investigation is concerned with the study of effect of Double Austenitization (DA) and Single Austenitization (SA) heat treatment processes on microstructure and mechanical property of AISI D2type cold worked tool steel. To maximize hardness, tool steels are used in a quenched and tempered condition. This involves heating the material to the austenitizing temperature (~850-1100. °C), quenching at an appropriate rate to form martensite, and tempering to reduce the retained austenite content and induce toughness. The merits of DA treatment isto promote dissolution of carbides at the same time proscribe grain coarsening significantly was attempted in D2 tool steel. The study has found that DA treatment has induced high hardness with insignificant growth in grains. The increase in hardness is attributed to increase in carbon content in matrix due to dissolution of carbides; whereas finer grains due to role of inclusions.


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Este trabalho apresenta um estudo de camada “duplex” em aços para trabalho à quente da classe AISI H13, com enfoque em matrizes de injeção de ligas de alumínio, visando otimizar a vida das matrizes atuando tanto sobre os mecanismos de ataque superficial da matriz pelo alumínio como sobre a formação de trincas por fadiga térmica. O tratamento duplex consistiu em nitretação à plasma, com gás contendo 5% de nitrogênio e diferentes parâmetros de tempos e temperaturas, sendo as amostras posteriormente revestidas com nitreto de titânio (TiN) ou nitreto de cromo (CrN). As camadas nitretadas foram avaliadas através de análises metalográficas, perfis de dureza e difração de raios X, buscando caracterizar e qualificar a camada nitretada. Tendo sido observado na difração de raios X a presença de camada de compostos (nitretos de ferro ε e γ’) mesmo com a utilização de gás pobre em nitrogênio, foram também avaliados substratos nitretados sem a remoção mecânica dos nitretos e com um polimento para remoção destes antes da deposição. A rugosidade dos substratos nitretados com e sem a realização do polimento mecânico também foram determinados, buscando relação deste parâmetro com os resultados obtidos. O conjunto camada nitretada e depósitos (TiN ou CrN) com e sem o polimento mecânico após-nitretação foram avaliados em termos de adesão com ensaios de indentação Rockwell C com análise em microscopia eletrônica de varredura (qualitativamente) e com o teste do risco (quantitativamente) avaliando tanto as cargas críticas para a falha do filme como o modo de falha também em microscopia eletrônica de varredura. Além disso, foram realizados testes de fadiga térmica em banho de alumínio para simulação e avaliação do desempenho da camada “duplex” em condições de trabalho, bem como foram testadas duas condições de nitretação com TiN ou CrN em regime industrial. Os resultados mostram ganhos de adesão crescentes com o aumento dos tempos e das temperaturas de nitretação, além de maiores ganhos com a remoção mecânica (polimento) do substrato nitretado antes da deposição dos filmes. O comportamento, frente às condições de trabalho também foi superior para condições de nitretação com maiores tempos e temperaturas, tanto nos ensaios de laboratório com nos testes em regime industrial.


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Filmes de polianilina (PAni) puros não apresentam propriedades mecânicas satisfatórias quando depositados sobre metais e mergulhados em soluções aquosas. Propriedades mecânicas melhoradas podem ser obtidas adicionando um plastificante ao polímero. Neste caso foi utilizado o dodecilfenol (DDPh) e as condições mais adequadas de adição do DDPh a PAni previamente solubilizada em N-metilpirrolidinona (NMP) foram determinadas a partir da avaliação das propriedades dos filmes depositados sobre eletrodos metálicos de aço carbono. As melhores condições foram: adição de 5% de DDPh á PAni seguido de aquecimento sob vácuo a 200o C durante uma hora. A PAni sintetizada quimicamente foi utilizada nas condições dedopada e dopada com 5% de ácido para-toluenosulfônico (TSA). Também foi preparada uma mistura de PAni com poli(orto-metóxianilina) (POMA) em diversas proporções e igualmente dedopadas e dopadas com 5% de TSA. Os filmes obtidos nestas condições foram analisados por técnicas variadas (espectroscopia infravermelho, Raman e de massa), testados por técnicas eletroquímicas (voltametria cíclica e medida do potencial de corrosão ao longo do tempo) e ensaios acelerados de corrosão (névoa salina e câmara úmida) O melhor desempenho como filme protetor contra a corrosão foi apresentado pela PAni plastificada com 5% de DDPh e dopada com 5% de TSA. No ensaio de potencial de corrosão contra o tempo, este filme foi capaz de manter o potencial do sistema PAni-DDPh-TSA / aço carbono durante sete dias num valor positivo. Filmes da mistura PAni-POMA plastificados e dopados com TSA também atuaram conforme um mecanismo do mesmo tipo, porém por um período de tempo inferior, demonstrando a influência da POMA nas propriedades da PAni. Os ensaios acelerados de corrosão mostraram que os filmes de PAni plastificados com 5% de DDPh e dopados com 5% de TSA são muito superiores na proteção contra a corrosão do aço quando comparados ao filme de PAni pura. No ensaio de névoa salina o aço revestido pelo filme de PAni plastificado com 5% de DDPh e dopado com 5% de TSA, não apresentou corrosão por um período de sete dias.