959 resultados para ZEBRAFISH EMBRYOS


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In Drosophila melanogaster, Slit acts as a repulsive cue for the growth cones of the commissural axons which express a receptor for Slit, Roundabout (Robo), thus preventing the commissural axons from crossing the midline multiple times. Experiments using explant culture have shown that vertebrate Slit homologues also act repulsively for growth cone navigation and neural migration, and promote branching and elongation of sensory axons. Here, we demonstrate that overexpression of Slit2 in vivo in transgenic zebrafish embryos severely affected the behavior of the commissural reticulospinal neurons (Mauthner neurons), promoted branching of the peripheral axons of the trigeminal sensory ganglion neurons, and induced defasciculation of the medial longitudinal fascicles. In addition, Slit2 overexpression caused defasciculation and deflection of the central axons of the trigeminal sensory ganglion neurons from the hindbrain entry point. The central projection was restored by either functional repression or mutation of Robo2, supporting its role as a receptor mediating the Slit signaling in vertebrate neurons. Furthermore, we demonstrated that Islet-2, a LIM/homeodomain-type transcription factor, is essential for Slit2 to induce axonal branching of the trigeminal sensory ganglion neurons, suggesting that factors functioning downstream of Islet-2 are essential for mediating the Slit signaling for promotion of axonal branching. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Adenosylhomocysteine hydrolase-like protein 1 (AHCYL1) is a novel intracellular protein with similar to 50% protein identity to adenosyl homocysteine hydrolase (AHCY), an important enzyme for metabolizing S-adenosyl-L-homocysteine, the by-product of S-adenosyl-L-homomethionine-dependent methylation. AHCYL1 binds to the inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor, suggesting that AHCYL1 is involved in intracellular calcium release. We identified two zebrafish AHCYL1 orthologs(zAHCYL1A and -B) by bioinformatics and reverse transcription-PCR. Unlike the ubiquitously present AHCY genes, AHCYL1 genes were only detected in segmented animals, and AHCYL1 proteins were highly conserved among species. Phylogenic analysis suggested that the AHCYL1 gene diverged early from AHCY and evolved independently. Quantitative reverse transcription-PCR showed that zAHCYL1A and -B mRNA expression was regulated differently from the other AHCY-like protein zAHCYL2 and zAHCY during zebrafish embryogenesis. Injection of morpholino antisense oligonucleotides against zAHCYL1A and -B into zebrafish embryos inhibited zAHCYL1A and -B mRNA translation specifically and induced ventralized morphologies. Conversely, human and zebrafish AHCYL1A mRNA injection into zebrafish embryos induced dorsalized morphologies that were similar to those obtained by depleting intracellular calcium with thapsigargin. Human AHCY mRNA injection showed little effect on the embryos. These data suggest that AHCYL1 has a different function from AHCY and plays an important role in embryogenesis by modulating inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor function for the intracellular calcium release.


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Endothelial tip cells guide angiogenic sprouts by exploring the local environment for guidance cues such as vascular endothelial growth factor (VegfA). Here we present Flt1 (Vegf receptor 1) loss- and gain-of-function data in zebrafish showing that Flt1 regulates tip cell formation and arterial branching morphogenesis. Zebrafish embryos expressed soluble Flt1 (sFlt1) and membrane-bound Flt1 (mFlt1). In Tg(flt1(BAC):yfp) × Tg(kdrl:ras-cherry)(s916) embryos, flt1:yfp was expressed in tip, stalk and base cells of segmental artery sprouts and overlapped with kdrl:cherry expression in these domains. flt1 morphants showed increased tip cell numbers, enhanced angiogenic behavior and hyperbranching of segmental artery sprouts. The additional arterial branches developed into functional vessels carrying blood flow. In support of a functional role for the extracellular VEGF-binding domain of Flt1, overexpression of sflt1 or mflt1 rescued aberrant branching in flt1 morphants, and overexpression of sflt1 or mflt1 in controls resulted in short arterial sprouts with reduced numbers of filopodia. flt1 morphants showed reduced expression of Notch receptors and of the Notch downstream target efnb2a, and ectopic expression of flt4 in arteries, consistent with loss of Notch signaling. Conditional overexpression of the notch1a intracellular cleaved domain in flt1 morphants restored segmental artery patterning. The developing nervous system of the trunk contributed to the distribution of Flt1, and the loss of flt1 affected neurons. Thus, Flt1 acts in a Notch-dependent manner as a negative regulator of tip cell differentiation and branching. Flt1 distribution may be fine-tuned, involving interactions with the developing nervous system.


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Retinoic acid (RA) is thought to signal through retinoic acid receptors (RARs), i.e. RARα, β, and γ to play important roles in embryonic development and tissue regeneration. In this thesis, the zebrafish (Danio rario) was used as a vertebrate model organism to examine the role of RARγ. Treatment of zebrafish embryos with a RARγ specific agonist reduced the axial length of developing embryos, associated with reduced somite number and loss of hoxb13a expression. There were no clear alterations in hoxc11a or myoD expression. Treatment with the RARγ agonist disrupted the formation of anterior structures of the head, the cranial bones and the anterior lateral line ganglia, associated with a loss of sox9 immunopositive cells in the same regions. Pectoral fin outgrowth was blocked by treatment with the RARγ agonist; however, this was not associated with loss of tbx5a immunopositive lateral plate cells and was reversed by wash out of the RARγ agonist or co-treatment with a RARγ antagonist. Regeneration of the transected caudal fin was also blocked by RARγ agonist treatment and restored by agonist washout or antagonist co-treatment; this phenotype was associated with a localised reduction in canonical Wnt signalling. Conversely, elevated canonical Wnt signalling after RARγ treatment was seen in other tissues, including ectopically in the notochord. Furthermore, some phenotypes seen in the RARγ treated embryos were present in mutant zebrafish embryos in which canonical Wnt signalling was constitutively increased. These data suggest that RARγ plays an essential role in maintaining neural crest and mesodermal stem/progenitor cells during normal embryonic development and tissue regeneration when the receptor is in its non-ligated state. In addition, this work has provided evidence that the activation status of RARγ may regulate hoxb13a gene expression and canonical Wnt signalling. Further research is required to confirm such novel regulatory roles.


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Cyanobacteria ("blue-green algae") are known to produce a diverse repertoire of biologically active secondary metabolites. When associated with so-called "harmful algal blooms", particularly in freshwater systems, a number of these metabolites have been associated—as "toxins", or commonly "cyanotoxins"—with human and animal health concerns. In addition to the known water-soluble toxins from these genera (i.e. microcystins, cylindrospermopsin, and saxitoxins), our studies have shown that there are metabolites within the lipophilic extracts of these strains that inhibit vertebrate development in zebrafish embryos. Following these studies, the zebrafish embryo model was implemented in the bioassay-guided purification of four isolates of cyanobacterial harmful algal blooms, namely Aphanizomenon, two isolates of Cylindrospermopsis, and Microcystis, in order to identify and chemically characterize the bioactive lipophilic metabolites in these isolates. ^ We have recently isolated a group of polymethoxy-1-alkenes (PMAs), as potential toxins, based on the bioactivity observed in the zebrafish embryos. Although PMAs have been previously isolated from diverse cyanobacteria, they have not previously been associated with relevant toxicity. These compounds seem to be widespread across the different genera of cyanobacteria, and, according to our studies, suggested to be derived from the polyketide biosynthetic pathway which is a common synthetic route for cyanobacterial and other algal toxins. Thus, it can be argued that these metabolites are perhaps important contributors to the toxicity of cyanobacterial blooms. In addition to the PMAs, a set of bioactive glycosidic carotenoids were also isolated because of their inhibition of zebrafish embryonic development. These pigmented organic molecules are found in many photosynthetic organisms, including cyanobacteria, and they have been largely associated with the prevention of photooxidative damage. This is the first indication of these compounds as toxic metabolites and the hypothesized mode of action is via their biotransformation to retinoids, some of which are known to be teratogenic. Additional fractions within all four isolates have been shown to contain other uncharacterized lipophilic toxic metabolites. This apparent repertoire of lipophilic compounds may contribute to the toxicity of these cyanobacterial harmful algal blooms, which were previously attributed primarily to the presence of the known water-soluble toxins.^


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Epithelial mesenchymal transition (EMT) and cancer stem cells (CSC) have been associated with resistance to chemotherapy. Eighty percent of ovarian cancer patients initially respond to platinum-based combination therapy but most return with recurrence and ultimate demise. To better understand such chemoresistance we have assessed the potential role of EMT in tumor cells collected from advanced-stage ovarian cancer patients and the ovarian cancer cell line OVCA 433 in response to cisplatin in vitro. We demonstrate that cisplatin-induced transition from epithelial to mesenchymal morphology in residual cancer cells correlated with reduced E-cadherin, and increased N-cadherin and vimentin expression. The mRNA expression of Snail, Slug, Twist, and MMP-2 were significantly enhanced in response to cisplatin and correlated with increased migration. This coincided with increased cell surface expression of CSC-like markers such as CD44, α2 integrin subunit, CD117, CD133, EpCAM, and the expression of stem cell factors Nanog and Oct-4. EMT and CSC-like changes in response to cisplatin correlated with enhanced activation of extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK)1/2. The selective MEK inhibitor U0126 inhibited ERK2 activation and partially suppressed cisplatin-induced EMT and CSC markers. In vivo xenotransplantation of cisplatin-treated OVCA 433 cells in zebrafish embryos demonstrated significantly enhanced migration of cells compared to control untreated cells. U0126 inhibited cisplatin-induced migration of cells in vivo, suggesting that ERK2 signaling is critical to cisplatin-induced EMT and CSC phenotypes, and that targeting ERK2 in the presence of cisplatin may reduce the burden of residual tumor, the ultimate cause of recurrence in ovarian cancer patients.


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In this paper, we integrate two or more compliant mechanisms to get enhanced functionality for manipulating and mechanically characterizing the grasped objects of varied size (cm to sub-mm), stiffness (1e5 to 10 N/m), and materials (cement to biological cells). The concepts of spring-lever (SL) model, stiffness maps, and non-dimensional kinetoelastostatic maps are used to design composite and multi-scale compliant mechanisms. Composite compliant mechanisms comprise two or more different mechanisms within a single elastic continuum while multi-scale ones possess the additional feature of substantial difference in the sizes of the mechanisms that are combined into one. We present three applications: (i) a composite compliant device to measure the failure load of the cement samples; (ii) a composite multi-scale compliant gripper to measure the bulk stiffness of zebrafish embryos; and (iii) a compliant gripper combined with a negative-stiffness element to reduce the overall stiffness. The prototypes of all three devices are made and tested. The cement sample needed a breaking force of 22.5 N; the zebrafish embryo is found to have bulk stiffness of about 10 N/m; and the stiffness of a compliant gripper was reduced by 99.8 % to 0.2 N/m.


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Silver nanoparticles (Ag NPs) are increasingly used in many products and are expected to end up in the aquatic environment. Mussels have been proposed as marine model species to evaluate NP toxicity in vitro. The objective of this work was to assess the mechanisms of toxicity of Ag NPs on mussel hemocytes and gill cells, in comparison to ionic and bulk Ag. Firstly, cytotoxicity of commercial and maltose stabilized Ag NPs was screened in parallel with the ionic and bulk forms at a wide range of concentrations in isolated mussel cells using cell viability assays. Toxicity of maltose alone was also tested. LC50 values were calculated and the most toxic Ag NPs tested were selected for a second step where sublethal concentrations of each Ag form were tested using a wide array of mechanistic tests in both cell types. Maltose-stabilized Ag NPs showed size-dependent cytotoxicity, smaller (20 nm) NPs being more toxic than larger (40 and 100 nm) NPs. Maltose alone provoked minor effects on cell viability. Ionic Ag was the most cytotoxic Ag form tested whereas bulk Ag showed similar cytotoxicity to the commercial Ag NPs. Main mechanisms of action of Ag NPs involved oxidative stress and genotoxicity in the two cell types, activation of lysosomal AcP activity, disruption of actin cytoskeleton and stimulation of phagocytosis in hemocytes and increase of MXR transport activity and inhibition of Na-K-ATPase in gill cells. Similar effects were observed after exposure to ionic and bulk Ag in the two cell types, although generally effects were more marked for the ionic form. In conclusion, results suggest that most observed responses were due at least in part to dissolved Ag.


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Gene duplication is thought to provide raw material for functional divergence and innovation. Fish-specific dmrt2b has been identified as a duplicated gene of the dmrt2a/terra in fish genomes, but its function has remained unclear. Here we reveal that Dmrt2b knockdown zebrafish embryos display a downward tail curvature and have U-shaped somites. Then, we demonstrate that Dmrt2b contributes to a divergent function in somitogenesis through Hedgehog pathway, because Dmrt2b knockdown reduces target gene expression of Hedgehog signaling, and also impairs slow muscle development and neural tube patterning through Hedgehog signaling. Moreover, the Dmrt2b morphants display defects in heart and visceral organ asymmetry, and, some lateral-plate mesoderm (LPM) markers expressed in left side are randomized. Together, these data indicate that fish-specific duplicated dmrt2b contributes to a divergent function in somitogenesis through Hedgehog pathway and maintains the common function for left-right asymmetry establishment.


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Some members of hairy/Enhancer-of-split-related gene (HES) family have important effects on axial mesoderm segmentation and the establishment and maintenance of the somite fringe. In fishes. the her6 gene, a member of the HES family, is the homologue Of heS1 in mammals and chicken. In this study, the her6 gene and its full-length cDNA from the common carp (Cyprinus carpio) were isolated and characterized. The genomic sequence of common carp her6 is approximately 1.7 kb. with four exons and three introns, and the full-length cDNA of 1314 bp encodes a Putative polypeptide of 271 amino acids. To analyse the promoter sequence of common carp her6. sequences of various lengths upstream from the transcription initiation site of her6 were fused to enhanced green fluorescent. protein gene (eGFP) and introduced into zebrafish embryos by microinjection to generate transgenic embryos. Our results show that the upstream sequence of 500 bp can direct highly efficient and tissue-specific expression of eGFP in zebrafish embryos. whereas a fragment of 200 bp containing the TATA box and a partial suppressor of hairless paired site sequence (SPS) is not sufficient to drive eGFP expression in zebrafish embryos.


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Insulin-like growth factor-binding protein (IGFBP)-3 is the major insulin-like growth factor (IGF) carrier protein in the bloodstream. IGFBP-3 prolongs the half-life of circulating IGFs and prevents their potential hypo-glycemic effect. IGFBP-3 is also expressed in many peripheral tissues in fetal and adult stages. In vitro, IGFBP-3 can inhibit or potentiate IGF actions and even possesses IGF-independent activities, suggesting that local IGFBP-3 may also have paracrine/autocrine function(s). The in vivo function of IGFBP-3, however, is unclear. In this study, we elucidate the developmental role of IGFBP-3 using the zebrafish model. IGFBP-3 mRNA expression is first detected in the migrating cranial neural crest cells and subsequently in pharyngeal arches in zebrafish embryos. IGFBP-3 mRNA is also persistently expressed in the developing inner ears. To determine the role of IGFBP-3 in these tissues, we ablated the IGFBP-3 gene product using morpholino-modified antisense oligonucleotides (MOs). The IGFBP-3 knocked down embryos had delayed pharyngeal skeleton morphogenesis and greatly reduced pharyngeal cartilage differentiation. Knockdown of IGFBP-3 also significantly decreased inner ear size and disrupted hair cell differentiation and semicircular canal formation. Furthermore, reintroduction of a MO-resistant form of IGFBP-3 "rescued" the MO-induced defects. These findings suggest that IGFBP-3 plays an important role in regulating pharyngeal cartilage and inner car development and growth in zebrafish.


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N-Acetylchitooligosaccharide (N-acetyl-COs) was prepared by N-acetylation of chitooligosaccharide (COs). In vitro study using human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs) revealed that both N-acetyl-COs and COs inhibited the proliferation of HUVECs by inducing apoptosis. Treatment of HUVECs by N-acetyl-COs resulted in a significant reduction of density of the migration cells and repressed tubulogenesis process. The antiangiogenic effects of the oligosaccharides were further evaluated using in vivo zebrafish angiogenesis model, and the results showed that both oligosaccharides inhibited the growth of subintestinal vessels (SIV) of zebrafish embryos in a dose-dependent manner, as observed by endogenous alkaline phosphatase (EAP) staining assay. In contrast, no cytotoxicity was found when treating the NIH3T3 and several other cancer cells with the oligosaccharides. Our results also confirmed the antiangiogenic activity of N-acetyl-COs was significantly stronger than the parent oligosaccharide, COs. (c) 2007 Published by Elsevier Inc.


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Myogenin is a bHLH transcription factor of the MyoD family. It plays a crucial role in myoblast differentiation and maturation. We report here the isolation of flounder myogenin gene and the characterization of its expression patterns. Sequence analysis indicated that flounder myogenin shared a similar structure and the conserved bHLH domain with other vertebrate myogenin genes. Flounder myogenin gene contains 3 exons and 2 introns. Sequence alignment and phylogenetic showed that flounder myogenin was more homologous with halibut (Hippoglossus hippoglossus) myogenin and striped bass (Morone saxatilis) myogenin. Whole-mount embryo in situ hybridization revealed that flounder myogenin was first detected in the medial region of somites that give rise to slow muscles, and expanded later to the lateral region of the somite that become fast muscles. The levels of myogenin transcripts dropped significantly in matured somites at the trunk region. Its expression could only be detected in the caudal somites, which was consistent with the timing of somite maturation. Transient expression analysis showed that the 546 bp flounder myogenin promoter was sufficient to direct muscle-specific GFP expression in zebrafish embryos. (c) 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Using guanidine-HCl extraction, acetone precipitation, ultra-filtration and chromatography, a novel polypeptide with potent anti-angiogenic activity was purified from cartilage of the shark, Prionace glauca. N-terminal amino acid sequence analysis and SDS-PAGE revealed that the substance is a novel polypeptide with MW 15500 (PG155). The anti-angiogenic effects of PG155 were evaluated using zebrafish embryos model in vivo. Treatment of the embryos with 20 mu g/ml PG155 resulted in a significant reduction in the growth of subintestinal vessels (SIVs). A higher dose resulted in almost complete inhibition of SIV growth, as observed by endogenous alkaline phosphatase (EAP) staining assay. An in vitro transwell experiment revealed that the polypeptide inhibited vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) induced migration and tubulogenesis of human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs). Exposure of HUVECs in 20 mu g/ml PG155 significantly decreased the density of migrated cells. Almost complete inhibition of cell migration was found when HUVECs were treated with 40-80 mu g/ml PG155. PG155 (20 mu g/ml) markedly inhibited the tube formation of HUVECs and a dose-dependent effect was also found when treatment of HUVECs with PG155 at the concentration from 20 to 160 mu g/ml.


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Myf-5, a member of the myogenic regulatory factors (MRF), has been shown to be expressed in muscle precursors in early stage zebrafish embryos. The MRFs, including MyoD, Myf-5, Myogenin and MR-F4, belong to the basic Helix-Loop-Helix transcription factors that contain a conserved basic Helix-Loop-Helix (bHLH) domain. To better understand the role of Myf-5 in the development of fish muscles, we have isolated the Myf-5 genomic sequence and cDNA from Flounder (Paralichthys olivaceus), and analyzed its structures and patterns of expression. Promoter analysis identified several putative transcription factor binding sites such as an E-box, NF-Y sites that might confer muscle-specific expression. Myf-5 transcripts were first detected in the paraxial mesoderm that gives rise to slow muscles. During somitogenesis, Myf-5 expression was found in developing somites. Myf-5 expression decreased gradually in somites in the anterior region, but remained strong in the newly formed somites. In the hatching stage, the expression was also detected in other muscle cells such as head muscle and fin muscle. In the growing fish, RT-PCR results showed that Myf-5 was expressed in the skeletal muscle and intestine. (c) 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.