826 resultados para Y-chromosome Diversity
Marcadores genéticos presentes no cromossomo Y, como os microssatélites (Y-STRs) e polimorfismos de único nucleotídeo (Y-SNPs) são utilizados na caracterização de linhagens masculinas, visto que são transmitidos às gerações seguintes sem alterações, a menos que ocorram mutações (Singh et al., 2011; Mitchell & Hammer, 1996; Butler, 2009). Por isso, esses marcadores são amplamente empregados em diversas situações, destacando-se o uso constante dos Y-STRs na genética forense por apresentarem alta capacidade de discriminar linhagens. Recentemente, foram descritos 13 marcadores com taxas de mutação substancialmente superiores àquelas verificadas para loci STR do cromossomo Y, denominados Rapidly Mutating (RM) Y-STRs (Ballantyne et al., 2010; Kayser et al., 2012). Devido às taxas de mutação elevadas, os RM-YSTRs apresentam maior eficiência na discriminação entre indivíduos proximamente relacionados, pertencentes à mesma linhagem patrilínea. O presente trabalho buscou aprofundar o conhecimento acerca das características populacionais e mutacionais dos loci RM-YSTRs em amostra do Rio de Janeiro, contribuindo com estudos desta natureza na população brasileira. Realizou-se a análise de 13 loci do cromossomo Y em 258 indivíduos do sexo masculino, compondo 129 pares de pais e filhos, nascidos no estado do Rio de Janeiro. O DNA das amostras foi extraído, conforme os protocolos vigentes na rotina do LDD-UERJ. As sequências genéticas de interesse foram amplificadas pela técnica de reação em cadeira da polimerase (PCR) através da realização de três PCR multiplex, cujos produtos de amplificação foram separados por eletroforese em sequenciador automático ABI-3500 (Applied Biosystems). Para os pares pai/filho que apresentaram haplótipos mutados, empregou-se a técnica de sequenciamento para confirmação das mutações. Os loci RM-YSTR geraram um poder de discriminação de 1,0 na amostra analisada, o que significa que todos os 129 indivíduos da amostra populacional apresentaram haplótipos diferentes para tais marcadores, com frequências de 0,0077 e diversidade haplotípica igual a 1. Além disso, foram obtidos valores elevados de diversidade gênica para os 13 marcadores. A análise de distância genética e os resultados de AMOVA baseados nos valores de Fst demonstraram que os RM-YSTR não indicam subdivisão populacional e traços ancestrais comuns. Tais valores estão associados às elevadas taxas de mutação encontradas, cuja média foi de 2,11 x 10-2. Foi possível observar que os loci RM-YSTR são muito discriminativos na amostra miscigenada analisada, além de terem maior capacidade de diferenciar indivíduos do que outros conjuntos de marcadores normalmente usados em estudos populacionais e análises forenses. Sendo assim, é possível concluir que os marcadores RM-YSTR são promissores para discriminar indivíduos da mesma linhagem patrilínea, visto que devido às suas elevadas taxas mutacionais e poder de discriminação, são capazes de diferenciar indivíduos de maneira mais eficiente do que os outros conjuntos de STR. Porém, é necessário maior número de estudos para melhor caracterização destes loci em diferentes populações.
Retrotransposons, which used to be considered as “junk DNA”, have begun to reveal their immense value to genome evolution and human biology due to recent studies. They consist of at least ~45% of the human genome and are more or less the same in other mammalian genomes. Retrotransposon elements (REs) are known to affect the human genome through many different mechanisms, such as generating insertion mutations, genomic instability, and alteration in gene expression. Previous studies have suggested several RE subfamilies, such as Alu, L1, SVA and LTR, are currently active in the human genome, and they are an important source of genetic diversity between human and other primates, as well as among humans. Although several groups had used Retrotransposon Insertion Polymorphisms (RIPs) as markers in studying primate evolutionary history, no study specifically focused on identifying Human-Specific Retrotransposon Element (HS-RE) and their roles in human genome evolution. In this study, by computationally comparing the human genome to 4 primate genomes, we identified a total of 18,860 HS-REs, among which are 11,664 Alus, 4,887 L1s, 1,526 SVAs and 783 LTRs (222 full length entries), representing the largest and most comprehensive list of HS-REs generated to date. Together, these HS-REs contributed a total of 14.2Mb sequence increase from the inserted REs and Target Site Duplications (TSDs), 71.6Kb increase from transductions, and 268.2 Kb sequence deletion of from insertion-mediated deletion, leading to a net increase of ~14 Mb sequences to the human genome. Furthermore, we observed for the first time that Y chromosome might be a hot target for new retrotransposon insertions in general and particularly for LTRs. The data also allowed for the first time the survey of frequency of TE insertions inside other TEs in comparison with TE insertion into none-TE regions. In summary, our data suggest that retrotransposon elements have played a significant role in the evolution of Homo sapiens.
Le développement sexuel est un processus complexe qui dépend de nombreux gènes, une mutation pouvant entraîner un développement sexuel anormal. Par ailleurs, des anomalies chromosomiques peuvent avoir des répercussions importantes sur la détermination gonadique, surtout lorsqu'il s'agit du chromosome Y puisqu'il porte le gène clé du développement sexuel masculin. Premièrement, nous avons identifié par cytogénétique moléculaire le point de cassure chez 5 patients avec une translocation X;Y et 10 patients avec un chromosome Y isodicentrique. Nous avons ainsi démontré que certaines régions sont plus à risque d'être remaniées, notamment lorsqu'elles contiennent des palindromes ou d'autres séquences répétées. Nous avons également établi une relation entre la distance séparant le centromère et le point de cassure et l'instabilité des chromosomes Y isodicentriques lors des divisions cellulaires. Deuxièmement, nous avons étudié en cytogénétique les gonades de 22 patients avec un chromosome Y normal ou remanié et présentant un développement sexuel anormal. Nous avons mis en évidence la perte du chromosome Y remanié dans une majorité de cellules gonadiques des 10 patients étudiés, expliquant leur phénotype sexuel anormal. Cependant, chez 11 des 12 patients avec un chromosome Y normal, aucun mosaïcisme expliquant clairement leur détermination gonadique anormale n'a été retrouvé. Finalement, nous avons analysé par immunohistochimie les gonades dysgénésiques de 30 patients avec une anomalie du développement sexuel et un chromosome Y normal ou remanié. Nos travaux ont montré la présence de cellules germinales immatures au sein de cordons sexuels primitifs sous forme de tissu gonadique indifférencié dans 15 gonades, dont 9 ont évolué en tumeur gonadique. Dans 13 autres gonades, ces cellules germinales immatures avaient disparues par apoptose. Dans l'ensemble, notre recherche met en évidence la susceptibilité du chromosome Y à subir des remaniements et à être instable lors des divisions cellulaires, et indique que le mosaïcisme peut avoir des répercussions sur la détermination gonadique. Nos travaux montrent également que le tissu gonadique indifférencié peut évoluer vers deux entités, une tumeur gonadique ou une bandelette suite à l'apoptose des cellules germinales, mettant en lumière la nécessité d'analyser le tissu gonadique des patients XY avec dysgénésie gonadique dont les gonades sont laissées en place.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Allele frequency distributions and population data for 12 Y-chromosomal short tandem repeats (STRs) included in the PowerPlex (R) Y Systems (Promega) were obtained for a sample of 200 healthy unrelated males living in S (a) over tildeo Paulo State (Southeast of Brazil). A total of 192 haplotypes were identified, of which 184 were unique and 8 were found in 2 individuals. The average gene diversity of the 12 Y-STR was 0.6746 and the haplotype diversity was 0.9996. Pairwise analysis confirmed that our population is more similar with the Italy, North Portugal and Spain, being more distant of the Japan. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Several types of sex chromosome systems have been recorded among Gymnotiformes, including male and female heterogamety, simple and multiple sex chromosomes, and different mechanisms of origin and evolution. The 1X1X2X2/X1X2Y systems identified in three species of this order are considered homoplasic for the group. In the genus Brachyhypopomus, only B. gauderio presented this type of system. Herein we describe the karyotypes of Brachyhypopomus pinnicaudatus and B. n. sp. FLAV, which have an X1X1X2X2/X1X2Y sex chromosome system that evolved via fusion between an autosome and the Y chromosome. The morphology of the chromosomes and the meiotic pairing suggest that the sex chromosomes of B. gauderio and B. pinnicaudatus have a common origin, whereas in B. n. sp. FLAV the sex chromosome system evolved independently. However, we cannot discard the possibility of common origin followed by distinct processes of differentiation. The identification of two new karyotypes with an X1X1X2X2/X1X2Y sex chromosome system in Gymnotiformes makes it the most common among the karyotyped species of the group. Comparisons of these karyotypes and the evolutionary history of the taxa indicate independent origins for their sex chromosomes systems. The recurrent emergence of the X1X1X2X2/X1X2Y system may represent sex chromosomes turnover events in Gymnotiformes.
The interaction between disciplines in the study of human population history is of primary importance, profiting from the biological and cultural characteristics of humankind. In fact, data from genetics, linguistics, archaeology and cultural anthropology can be combined to allow for a broader research perspective. This multidisciplinary approach is here applied to the study of the prehistory of sub-Saharan African populations: in this continent, where Homo sapiens originally started his evolution and diversification, the understanding of the patterns of human variation has a crucial relevance. For this dissertation, molecular data is interpreted and complemented with a major contribution from linguistics: linguistic data are compared to the genetic data and the research questions are contextualized within a linguistic perspective. In the four articles proposed, we analyze Y chromosome SNPs and STRs profiles and full mtDNA genomes on a representative number of samples to investigate key questions of African human variability. Some of these questions address i) the amount of genetic variation on a continental scale and the effects of the widespread migration of Bantu speakers, ii) the extent of ancient population structure, which has been lost in present day populations, iii) the colonization of the southern edge of the continent together with the degree of population contact/replacement, and iv) the prehistory of the diverse Khoisan ethnolinguistic groups, who were traditionally understudied despite representing one of the most ancient divergences of modern human phylogeny. Our results uncover a deep level of genetic structure within the continent and a multilayered pattern of contact between populations. These case studies represent a valuable contribution to the debate on our prehistory and open up further research threads.
To date, investigations of genetic diversity and the origins of domestication in sheep have utilised autosomal microsatellites and variation in the mitochondrial genome. We present the first analysis of both domestic and wild sheep using genetic markers residing on the ovine Y chromosome. Analysis of a single nucleotide polymorphism (oY1) in the SRY promoter region revealed that allele A-oY1 was present in all wild bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis), two subspecies of thinhorn sheep (Ovis dalli), European Mouflon (Ovis musimon) and the Barbary (Ammontragis lervia). A-oY1 also had the highest frequency (71.4%) within 458 domestic sheep drawn from 65 breeds sampled from Africa, Asia, Australia, the Caribbean, Europe, the Middle East and Central Asia. Sequence analysis of a second locus, microsatellite SRYM18, revealed a compound repeat array displaying fixed differences, which identified bighorn and thinhorn sheep as distinct from the European Mouflon and domestic animals. Combined genotypic data identified 11 male-specific haplotypes that represented at least two separate lineages. Investigation of the geographical distribution of each haplotype revealed that one (H6) was both very common and widespread in the global sample of domestic breeds. The remaining haplotypes each displayed more restricted and informative distributions. For example, H5 was likely founded following the domestication of European breeds and was used to trace the recent transportation of animals to both the Caribbean and Australia. A high rate of Y chromosomal dispersal appears to have taken place during the development of domestic sheep as only 12.9% of the total observed variation was partitioned between major geographical regions.
The evolutionary function of X chromosome inactivation is thought to be dosage compensation. However, there is, at present, little evidence to suggest that most X chromosome-linked genes require such compensation. Another view--that X chromosome inactivation may be related to sex determination--is examined here. Consider a hypothetical DNA sequence regulating a major structural gene concerned with the determination of maleness. If this regulatory sequence occurs in both X and Y chromosomes and if its copy number in the Y chromosome is significantly greater than in the X chromosome, then the male-determining properties of the Y chromosome could be attributed to this higher copy number. On the other hand, if the Y chromosome has the same copy number of this sequence as the X chromosome, it is difficult to see how determination of two sexes would occur under such circumstances because XX and XY genomes would then be indistinguishable in this regard. Such a situation seems to occur in the human species with respect to the banded krait minor satellite, a repetitious DNA sequence associated with sex determination. This apparent difficulty may be resolved if X chromosome inactivation renders regulatory as well as structural genes nonfunctional and thereby brings about a significant reduction in the effective copy number of X chromosome-linked DNA sequences concerned with sex determination. It is suggested that X chromosome inactivation brings about, in this manner, a critical inequality between XX and XY embryos and that sex determination in humans is a consequence of this inequality. An analogous situation appears to exist in certain insects in which inactivation of a haploid set of chromosomes (and presumably, therefore, a 50% reduction in the effective copy number of most genes) is associated with maleness. If this line of reasoning is correct, it would suggest that sex determination may be the primary function of X chromosome inactivation.
Background The Pacific Oceania region was one of the last regions of the world to be settled via human migration. Here we outline a settlement of this region that has given rise to a uniquely admixed population. The current Norfolk Island population has arisen from a small number of founders with mixed Caucasian and Polynesian ancestry, descendants of a famous historical event. The ‘Mutiny on the Bounty’ has been told in history books, songs and the big screen, but recently this story can be portrayed through comprehensive molecular genetics. Written history details betrayal and murder leading to the founding of Pitcairn Island by European mutineers and the Polynesian women who left Tahiti with them. Investigation of detailed genealogical records supports historical accounts. Findings Using genetics, we show distinct maternal Polynesian mitochondrial lineages in the present day population, as well as a European centric Y-chromosome phylogeny. These results comprehensively characterise the unique gender-biased admixture of this genetic isolate and further support the historical records relating to Norfolk Island. Conclusions Our results significantly refine previous population genetic studies investigating Polynesian versus Caucasian diversity in the Norfolk Island population and add information that is beneficial to future disease and gene mapping studies.
Over the years, a wide range of methods to verify identity have been developed. Molecular markers have been used for identification since the 1920s, commencing with blood types and culminating with the advent of DNA techniques in the 1980s. Identification is required by authorities in many occasions, e.g. in disputed paternity cases, identification of deceased, or crime investigation. To clarify maternal and paternal lineages, uniparental DNA markers in mtDNA and Y-chromosome can be utilized. These markers have several advantages: male specific Y-chromosome can be used to identify a male from a mixture of male and female cells, e.g. in rape cases. MtDNA is durable and has a high copy number, allowing analyses even from old or degraded samples. However, both markers are lineage-specific, not individualizing, and susceptible to genetic drift. Prior to the application of any DNA marker in forensic casework, it is of utmost importance to investigate its qualities and peculiarities in the target population. Earlier studies on the Finnish population have shown reduced variation in the Y-chromosome, but in mtDNA results have been ambiguous. The obtained results confirmed the low diversity in Y-chromosome in Finland. Detailed population analysis revealed large regional differences, and extremely reduced diversity especially in East Finland. Analysis of the qualities affecting Y-chromosomal short tandem repeat (Y-STR) variation and mutation frequencies, and search of new polymorphic markers resulted a set of Y-STRs with especially high diversity in Finland. Contrary to Y-chromosome, neither reduced diversity nor regional differences were found in mtDNA within Finland. In fact, mtDNA diversity was found similar to other European populations. The revealed peculiarities in the uniparental markers are a legacy of the Finnish population history. The obtained results challenge the traditional explanation which emphasizes relatively recent founder effects creating the observed east-west patterns. Uniparentally inherited markers, both mtDNA and Y-chromosome, are applicable for identification purposes in Finland. By adjusting the analysed Y marker set to meet the characteristics of Finnish population, Y-chromosomal diversity increases and the regional differentiation decreases, resulting increase in discrimination power and thus usefulness of Y-chromosomal analysis in forensic casework.
9 p.
As porções uniparentais do genoma humano, representadas pelo cromossomo Y e pelo DNA mitocondrial (DNAmt), contêm informação genética relacionada às heranças patrilinear e matrilinear, respectivamente. Além da aplicabilidade em genética médica e forense, o DNAmt tem sido utilizado como um importante marcador molecular em estudos sobre evolução para traçar inferências filogenéticas e filogeográficas sobre as populações humanas. A análise de linhagens de DNAmt presentes em diferentes populações mundiais levou à identificação de haplogrupos reunindo diversos haplótipos específicos dos grandes grupos étnicos: africanos, europeus, asiáticos e nativos americanos. A população brasileira é conhecida como uma das mais heterogêneas do mundo, resultado do processo de colonização do país, abrangendo mais de cinco séculos de miscigenação entre povos de diferentes continentes. Este trabalho teve como objetivo estimar a partir da análise do DNA mitocondrial as proporções ancestrais africanas, européias e ameríndias na população do Rio de Janeiro. Para isso foram sequencidas as regiões hipervariáveis HVI e HVII do DNAmt de 109 indivíduos não relacionados geneticamente residentes no Rio de Janeiro. Os haplogrupos foram classificados de acordo com o conjunto de polimorfismos dos haplótipos individuais. Programas estatísticas foram utilizados para a determinação de parâmetros de diversidade genética e comparações populacionais. A diversidade haplotípica foi estimada em 0,9988. Nossos resultados demonstraram na população do Rio de Janeiro percentuais de cerca de 60%, 25% e 15% de ancestralidades maternas africana, ameríndia e européia, respectivamente. Através da análise de distâncias genéticas, evidenciou-se que a população do Rio de Janeiro está mais próxima das populações brasilerias dos estados de São Paulo e Alagoas. Como descrito nos registros históricos, algumas regiões do país tiveram processos de colonização muito específicos que se refletem nas proporções ancestrais maternas e paternas observadas. Em relação ao DNAmt, não se verificou diferença genética significativa entre as populações do Rio de Janeiro e a de Angola, uma população africana. Os resultados obtidos estão em estreita concordância com os registros históricos e outros estudos genéticos acerca da formação da população brasileira