1000 resultados para XA.39s(Illinois)
The I-74 Iowa-Illinois Corridor Study has been progressing since the last newsletter and the Public Information Meetings in July of 2002, and the Advisory Committee has been involved in every step. Our goal has been and continues to be ensuring that community priorities and goals are reflected in the I-74 project, and that local concerns are considered.
The I-74 Iowa-Illinois Corridor Study has been progressing since the last newsletter and the Public Information Meetings in July of 2002, and the Advisory Committee has been involved in every step. Our goal has been and continues to be ensuring that community priorities and goals are reflected in the I-74 project, and that local concerns are considered.
The I-74 Iowa-Illinois Corridor Study has been progressing since the last newsletter and the Public Information Meetings in July of 2002, and the Advisory Committee has been involved in every step. Our goal has been and continues to be ensuring that community priorities and goals are reflected in the I-74 project, and that local concerns are considered.
The I-74 Iowa-Illinois Corridor Study has been progressing since the last newsletter and the Public Information Meetings in July of 2002, and the Advisory Committee has been involved in every step. Our goal has been and continues to be ensuring that community priorities and goals are reflected in the I-74 project, and that local concerns are considered.
The I-74 Iowa-Illinois Corridor Study has been progressing since the last newsletter and the Public Information Meetings in July of 2002, and the Advisory Committee has been involved in every step. Our goal has been and continues to be ensuring that community priorities and goals are reflected in the I-74 project, and that local concerns are considered.
The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and the Iowa and Illinois Departments of Transportation (Iowa DOT and IDOT) have identified the Selected Alternative for improving Interstate 74 (I-74) from its southern terminus at Avenue of the Cities (23rd Avenue) in Moline, Illinois to its northern terminus one mile north of the I-74 interchange with 53rd Street in Davenport, Iowa. The Selected Alternative identified and discussed in this Record of Decision is the preferred alternative identified in the Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS). The purpose of the proposed improvements is to improve capacity, travel reliability, and safety along I-74 between its termini, and provide consistency with local land use planning goals. The need for the proposed improvements to the I-74 corridor is based on a combination of factors related to providing better transportation service and sustaining economic development.
Background: The coagulation factor thrombin mediates ischemic neuronal deathand, at a low concentration, induces tolerance to ischemia.We investigated its modeof activation in ischemic neural tissue using an in vitro approach to distinguish therole of circulating coagulation factors from endogenous cerebral mechanisms. Wealso studied the signalling pathway downstream of thrombin in ischemia and afterthrombin preconditioning.Methods: Rat organotypic hippocampal slice cultures to 30 minute oxygen (5%)and glucose (1 mmol/L) deprivation (OGD).Results: Selective factor Xa (FXa) inhibition by fondaparinux during and afterOGD significantly reduced neuronal death in the CA1 after 48 hours. Thrombinactivity was increased in the medium 24 hours after OGD and this increasewas prevented by fondaparinux suggesting that FXa catalyzes the conversion ofprothrombin to thrombin in neural tissue after ischemia in vitro. Treatment withSCH79797, a selective antagonist of the thrombin receptor protease activatedreceptor-1 (PAR-1), significantly decreased neuronal cell death indicating thatthrombin signals ischemic damage via PAR-1. The JNK pathway plays an importantrole in cerebral ischemia and we observed activation of the JNK substrate,c-Jun in our model. Both the FXa inhibitor, fondaparinux and the PAR-1 antagonistSCH79797, decreased the level of phospho-c-Jun Ser73. After thrombin preconditioningc-Jun was activated by phosphorylation in the nuclei of neurons of the CA1.Treatment with a synthetic thrombin receptor agonist resulted in the same c-Junactivation profile and protection against subsequent OGD indicating that thrombinalso signals via PAR-1 and c-Jun in cell protection.Conclusion: These results indicate that FXa activates thrombin in cerebral ischemia,leading via PAR-1 to the activation of the JNK pathway resulting in neuronal death.Thrombin induced tolerance also involves PAR-1 and JNK, revealing commonfeatures in cell death and survival signalling.
The Rock Island Centennial Bridge spanning the Mississippi River between Rock Island, Illinois and Davenport, Iowa was opened to traffic on July 12, 1940. It is a thoroughly modern, four-lane highway bridge, adequate in every respect for present day high speed passenger and transport traffic. The structure is ideally situated to provide rapid transit between the business districts of Rock Island and Davenport and serves not only the local or shuttle traffic in the Tri-City Area, but also heavy through motor travel on U.S. Highways 67 and 150. The Centennial Bridge is notable in several respects. The main spans are box girder rib tied arches, a type rather unusual in America and permitting simplicity in design with pleasing appearance. The Centennial Bridge is the only bridge across the Mississippi providing for four lanes of traffic with separation of traffic in each direction. It is a toll bridge operating alongside a free bridge and has the lowest rates of toll of any toll bridge on the Mississippi River. It was financed entirely by the City of Rock Island with no obligation on the taxpayers; there was no federal or state participation in the financing. But perhaps the most outstanding feature of the new bridge is its great need. A few remarks on the communities served by the new structure, the services rendered, and some statistics on cross-river traffic in the Tri-City Area will emphasize the reasons for constructing the Centennial Bridge.
The 1935 Iowa-Illinois Memorial Bridge is being documented at this time to fulfill the requirements of the Memorandum of Agreement regarding the removal of the Iowa-Illinois Memorial Bridge and the Iowana Farms Milk Company Building for the proposed improvements to Interstate 7 4 in Bettendorf, Iowa, and Moline, Illinois.1 The 1959 twin suspension bridge will be removed as well, but it was determined to be ineligible for the National Register of Historic Places. Discussion of the history of the 1959 twin span is included, however, in the current report as part of the overall history of the Iowa-Illinois Memorial Bridge. Fieldwork for the documentation occurred in November 2009 and October 2010 (Fig. 1). Limitations on photography included limited shoreline access on the Illinois side, making good views of the bridge from the south somewhat challenging. Also, photographs on the bridge deck were not possible because of interstate traffic and prohibitions on pedestrian traffic. Within the last few years, online primary sources have proliferated, along with historical materials regarding the Iowa-Illinois Memorial Bridge. Sources available online for this report included numerous historical photographs, as well as historical Davenport, Iowa, and U.S. newspapers that document the bridge planning and construction. Additional primary source material was found at the University of Iowa Libraries, the State Historical Society of Iowa in Iowa City, the Bettendorf Public Library, the Richardson-Sloane Special Collections Center at the Davenport Public Library, and the Iowa State University Special Collections in Ames.
Cabinet card photographic portrait of Colum C. Chapman in his National Guard uniform, Chicago, Illinois, ca. 1890.
Studio portrait of Frank M. Chapman, Jr. son of Frank M. and Wilhelmina Chapman, Chicago, Illinois, ca. 1891.
Studio portrait of Frank C. Chapman, Chicago, Illinois, ca. 1890.
Label on card stock for "Clarke & Chapman, Packers and Jobbers of Green Apples, Macomb, Illinois, 1870-1878"