971 resultados para X-state


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Context. The cosmic time around the z similar to 1 redshift range appears crucial in the cluster and galaxy evolution, since it is probably the epoch of the first mature galaxy clusters. Our knowledge of the properties of the galaxy populations in these clusters is limited because only a handful of z similar to 1 clusters are presently known. Aims. In this framework, we report the discovery of a z similar to 0.87 cluster and study its properties at various wavelengths. Methods. We gathered X-ray and optical data (imaging and spectroscopy), and near and far infrared data (imaging) in order to confirm the cluster nature of our candidate, to determine its dynamical state, and to give insight on its galaxy population evolution. Results. Our candidate structure appears to be a massive z similar to 0.87 dynamically young cluster with an atypically high X-ray temperature as compared to its X-ray luminosity. It exhibits a significant percentage (similar to 90%) of galaxies that are also detected in the 24 mu m band. Conclusions. The cluster RXJ1257.2+4738 appears to be still in the process of collapsing. Its relatively high temperature is probably the consequence of significant energy input into the intracluster medium besides the regular gravitational infall contribution. A significant part of its galaxies are red objects that are probably dusty with on-going star formation.


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The combined effects of concentration and pH on the conformational states of bovine serum albumin (BSA) are investigated by small-angle x-ray scattering. Serum albumins, at physiological conditions, are found at concentrations of similar to 35-45 mg/mL (42 mg/mL in the case of humans). In this work, BSA at three different concentrations (10, 25, and 50 mg/mL) and pH values (2.0-9.0) have been studied. Data were analyzed by means of the Global Fitting procedure, with the protein form factor calculated from human serum albumin (HSA) crystallographic structure and the interference function described, considering repulsive and attractive interaction potentials within a random phase approximation. Small-angle x-ray scattering data show that BSA maintains its native state from pH 4.0 up to 9.0 at all investigated concentrations. A pH-dependence of the absolute net protein charge is shown and the charge number per BSA is quantified to 10(2), 8(l), 13(2), 20(2), and 26(2) for pH values 4.0, 5.4, 7.0, 8.0, and 9.0, respectively. The attractive potential diminishes as BSA concentration increases. The coexistence of monomers and dimers is observed at 50 mg/mL and pH 5.4, near the BSA isoelectric point. Samples at pH 2.0 show a different behavior, because BSA overall shape changes as a function of concentration. At 10 mg/mL, BSA is partially unfolded and a strong repulsive protein-protein interaction occurs due to the high amount of exposed charge. At 25 and 50 mg/mL, BSA undergoes some refolding, which likely results in a molten-globule state. This work concludes by confirming that the protein concentration plays an important role on the pH-unfolded BSA state, due to a delicate compromise between interaction forces and crowding effects.


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We have performed a systematic study of the magnetic properties of a series of ferrimagnetic nanoparticles of Mg(x)Fe(3-x)O(4) (0.8 <= x <= 1.5) prepared by the combustion reaction method. The magnetization data can be well fitted by Bloch's law with T(3/2). Bloch's constant B determined from the fitting procedure was found to increase with Mg content x from similar to 3.09 X 10(-5) K(-3/2) for x = 0.8 to 6.27 X 10(-5) K(-3/2) for x=1.5. The exchange integral J(AB) and the spin-wave stiffness constant D of Mg(x)Fe(3-x)O(4) nanoparticles were also determined as similar to 0.842 and 0.574 meV and 296 and 202 meV angstrom(2) for specimens with x=0.8 and 1.5, respectively. These results are discussed in terms of cation redistribution among A and B sites on these nanostructured spinel ferrites. (C) 2010 American Institute of Physics. [doi: 10.1063/1.3359709]


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A systematic study of magnetoresistance and dc magnetization was conducted in polycrystalline (Ru(1-x)Ir(x))Sr(2)GdCu(2)O(8) [(Ru,Ir)-1212] compounds, for 0 <= x <= 0.15. We found that a deviation from linearity in the normal-state electrical resistivity (rho) curves for temperatures below the magnetic transition temperature T(M) < 130 K can be properly described by a logarithmic term. The prefactor C(x, H) of this anomalous ln T contribution to rho(T) increases linearly with the Ir concentration, and diminishes rapidly with increasing applied magnetic field up to H approximate to 4 T, merging with the C(0,H) curve at higher magnetic fields. Correlation with magnetic susceptibility measurements supports a scenario of local perturbations in the orientation of Ru moments induced in the neighborhood of the Ir ions, therefore acting as scattering centers. The linear dependence of the prefactor C(x,H=0) and the superconducting transition temperature T(SC) on x points to a common source for the resistivity anomaly and the reduction in T(SC), suggesting that the CuO(2) and RuO(2) layers are not decoupled.


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The local site symmetry of Ce(3+) ions in the diluted magnetic semiconductors Pb(1-x)Ce(x)A (A=S, Se, and Te) has been investigated by electron-paramagnetic resonance (EPR). The experiments were carried out on single crystals with cerium concentration x ranging from 0.001 to 0.035. The isotropic line due to Ce(3+) ions located at the substitutional Pb cation site with octahedral symmetry was observed for all the studied samples. We determined the effective Lande factors to be g=1.333, 1.364, and 1.402 for A=S, Se, and Te, respectively. The small difference with the predicted Lande factor g of 10/7 for the Gamma(7) (J=5/2) ground state was attributed to crystal-field admixture. In addition, EPR lines from Ce(3+) ions located at sites with small distortion from the original octahedral symmetry were also observed. Two distinct sites with axial distortion along the < 001 > crystallographic direction were identified and a third signal in the spectrum was attributed to sites with the cubic symmetry distorted along the < 110 > direction. The distortion at these distinct Ce sites is attributed to Pb lattice vacancies near the cerium ions that compensate for its donor activity.


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The structural, dielectric, and vibrational properties of pure and rare earth (RE)-doped Ba(0.77) Ca(0.23)TiO(3) (BCT23; RE = Nd, Sm, Pr, Yb) ceramics obtained via solid-state reaction were investigated. The pure and RE-doped BCT23 ceramics sintered at 1450 degrees C in air for 4 h showed a dense microstructure in all ceramics. The use of RE ions as dopants introduced lattice-parameter changes that manifested in the reduction of the volume of the unit cell. RE-doped BCT23 samples exhibit a more homogenous microstructure due to the absence of a Ti-rich phase in the grain boundaries as demonstrated by scanning electron microscopy imaging. The incorporation of REs led to perturbations of the local symmetry of TiO(6) octahedra and the creation of a new Raman mode. The results of Raman scattering measurements indicated that the Curie temperature of the ferroelectric phase transition depends on the RE ion and ion content, with the Curie temperature shifting toward lower values as the RE content increases, with the exception of Yb(3+) doping, which did not affect the ferroelectric phase transition temperature. The phase transition behavior is explained using the standard soft mode model. Electronic paramagnetic resonance measurements showed the existence of Ti vacancies in the structure of RE-doped BCT23. Defects are created via charge compensation mechanisms due to the incorporation of elements with a different valence state relative to the ions of the pure BCT23 host. It is concluded that the Ti vacancies are responsible for the activation of the Raman mode at 840 cm(-1), which is in agreement with lattice dynamics calculations. (c) 2011 American Institute of Physics. [doi:10.1063/1.3594710]


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In the title compound, C(11)H(7)NO(4), there is a dihedral angle of 45.80 (7)degrees between the planes of the benzene and maleimide rings. The presence of O-H...O hydrogen bonding and weak C-H...O interactions allows the formation of R (3) 3(19) edge-connected rings parallel to the (010) plane. Structural, spectroscopic and theoretical studies were carried out. Density functional theory (DFT) optimized structures at the B3LYP/6-311 G(d,p) and 6-31++G(d,p) levels are compared with the experimentally determined molecular structure in the solid state. Additional IR and UV theoretical studies allowed the presence of functional groups and the transition bands of the system to be identified.


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The structure of laser glasses in the system (Y(2)O(3))(0.2){(Al(2)O(3))(x))(B(2)O(3))(0.8-x)} (0.15 <= x <= 0.40) has been investigated by means of (11)B, (27)Al, and (89)Y solid state NMR as well as electron spin echo envelope modulation (ESEEM) of Yb-doped samples. The latter technique has been applied for the first time to an aluminoborate glass system. (11)B magic-angle spinning (MAS)-NMR spectra reveal that, while the majority of the boron atoms are three-coordinated over the entire composition region, the fraction of three-coordinated boron atoms increases significantly with increasing x. Charge balance considerations as well as (11)B NMR lineshape analyses suggest that the dominant borate species are predominantly singly charged metaborate (BO(2/2)O(-)), doubly charged pyroborate (BO(1/2)(O(-))(2)), and (at x = 0.40) triply charged orthoborate groups. As x increases along this series, the average anionic charge per trigonal borate group increases from 1.38 to 2.91. (27)Al MAS-NMR spectra show that the alumina species are present in the coordination states four, five and six, and the fraction of four-coordinated Al increases markedly with increasing x. All of the Al coordination states are in intimate contact with both the three-and the four-coordinate boron species and vice versa, as indicated by (11)B/(27)Al rotational echo double resonance (REDOR) data. These results are consistent with the formation of a homogeneous, non-segregated glass structure. (89)Y solid state NMR spectra show a significant chemical shift trend, reflecting that the second coordination sphere becomes increasingly ""aluminate-like'' with increasing x. This conclusion is supported by electron spin echo envelope modulation (ESEEM) data of Yb-doped glasses, which indicate that both borate and aluminate species participate in the medium range structure of the rare-earth ions, consistent with a random spatial distribution of the glass components.


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Interleukin-22 (IL-22) is a pleiotropic cytokine that is involved in inflammatory responses. Human IL-22 was incubated with its soluble decoy receptor IL-22BP (IL-22 binding protein) and the IL-22 -IL-22BP complex was crystallized in hanging drops using the vapour-diffusion method. Suitable crystals were obtained from polyethylene glycol solutions and diffraction data were collected to 2.75 angstrom resolution. The crystal belonged to the tetragonal space group P41, with unit-cell parameters a = b = 67.9, c = 172.5 angstrom, and contained two IL-22-IL- 22BP complexes per asymmetric unit.


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The valence and core levels of In(2)O(3) and Sn-doped In(2)O(3) have been studied by hard x-ray photoemission spectroscopy (hv = 6000 eV) and by conventional Al K alpha (hv = 1486.6 eV) x-ray photoemission spectroscopy. The experimental spectra are compared with density-functional theory calculations. It is shown that structure deriving from electronic levels with significant In or Sn 5s character is selectively enhanced under 6000 eV excitation. This allows us to infer that conduction band states in Sn-doped samples and states at the bottom of the valence band both contain a pronounced In 5s contribution. The In 3d core line measured at hv = 1486.6 eV for both undoped and Sn-doped In(2)O(3) display an asymmetric lineshape, and may be fitted with two components associated with screened and unscreened final states. The In 3d core line spectra excited at hv = 6000 eV for the Sn-doped samples display pronounced shoulders and demand a fit with two components. The In 3d core line spectrum for the undoped sample can also be fitted with two components, although the relative intensity of the component associated with the screened final state is low, compared to excitation at 1486.6 eV. These results are consistent with a high concentration of carriers confined close to the surface of nominally undoped In(2)O(3). This conclusion is in accord with the fact that a conduction band feature observed for undoped In(2)O(3) in Al K alpha x-ray photoemission is much weaker than expected in hard x-ray photoemission.


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This paper describes a new and simple method to determine the molecular weight of proteins in dilute solution, with an error smaller than similar to 10%, by using the experimental data of a single small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) curve measured on a relative scale. This procedure does not require the measurement of SAXS intensity on an absolute scale and does not involve a comparison with another SAXS curve determined from a known standard protein. The proposed procedure can be applied to monodisperse systems of proteins in dilute solution, either in monomeric or multimeric state, and it has been successfully tested on SAXS data experimentally determined for proteins with known molecular weights. It is shown here that the molecular weights determined by this procedure deviate from the known values by less than 10% in each case and the average error for the test set of 21 proteins was 5.3%. Importantly, this method allows for an unambiguous determination of the multimeric state of proteins with known molecular weights.


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Rare species are one of the principal components of the species richness and diversity encountered in Dense Ombrophilous Tropical Forests. This study sought to analyze the rare canopy species within the Atlantic Coastal Forest in Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil. Six different communities were examined: Dense Ombrophilous alluvial Forest; Dense sub-montane Ombrophilous Forest; Dense Montane Ombrophilous in Serra do Mar and Serra da Mantiqueira. In each area the vegetation was sampled within forty 10 x 25 m plots alternately distributed along a linear transect. All trees with DBH (1.3 m above ground level) a parts per thousand yen5 cm were sampled. The canopy was characterized using the allometric relationship between diameter and height, and included all trees with BDH a parts per thousand yen10 cm and height a parts per thousand yen10 m. A total of 64 families, 206 genera, and 542 species were sampled, of which 297 (54.8%) represented rare species (less than one individual per hectare). The percentage of rare species varied from 34 to 50% in each of the different communities sampled. A majority of these rare trees belonged to the Rosidae, and a smaller proportion to the Dilleniidae. It was concluded that there was no apparent pattern to rarity among families, that rarity was probably derived from a number of processes (such as gap formation), and that a great majority of the rare species sampled were consistently rare. This indicates that the restricted geographic distribution and high degree of endemism of many arboreal taxa justifies the conservation of even small fragments of Atlantic Forest.


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The main objective of this study was to examine the relationships among demographic characteristics, depressive symptoms, and cognitive impairment in oldest-old elders from rural areas of the Brazilian State of Rio Grande do Sul. A cross-sectional, descriptive correlational design was used to conduct the study. 137 Brazilian elders age 80 years or over. A target population data form, a county data form, a demographic questionnaire, the Mini-Mental State Examination, and the Depressive Cognition Scale were used to collect the data. A significant difference was found between males and females in regard to cognitive impairment. In addition, educational level and depressive symptoms were correlated with cognitive impairment. Depressive symptoms were a weak but significant predictor of cognitive impairment after controlling for the effect of age, gender, and educational level of the oldest-old elders. The findings need to be interpreted cautiously since the sample scored above the cutoff points for cognitive impairment, and had low scores on depressive symptoms. Despite several limitations, findings from this study can be a foundation for further studies, and well-designed correlational or experimental approaches, are warranted.


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This work considers a semi-implicit system A, that is, a pair (S, y), where S is an explicit system described by a state representation (x)over dot(t) = f(t, x(t), u(t)), where x(t) is an element of R(n) and u(t) is an element of R(m), which is subject to a set of algebraic constraints y(t) = h(t, x(t), u(t)) = 0, where y(t) is an element of R(l). An input candidate is a set of functions v = (v(1),.... v(s)), which may depend on time t, on x, and on u and its derivatives up to a Finite order. The problem of finding a (local) proper state representation (z)over dot = g(t, z, v) with input v for the implicit system Delta is studied in this article. The main result shows necessary and sufficient conditions for the solution of this problem, under mild assumptions on the class of admissible state representations of Delta. These solvability conditions rely on an integrability test that is computed from the explicit system S. The approach of this article is the infinite-dimensional differential geometric setting of Fliess, Levine, Martin, and Rouchon (1999) (`A Lie-Backlund Approach to Equivalence and Flatness of Nonlinear Systems`, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 44(5), (922-937)).


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The aim of this paper is to present an economical design of an X chart for a short-run production. The process mean starts equal to mu(0) (in-control, State I) and in a random time it shifts to mu(1) > mu(0) (out-of-control, State II). The monitoring procedure consists of inspecting a single item at every m produced ones. If the measurement of the quality characteristic does not meet the control limits, the process is stopped, adjusted, and additional (r - 1) items are inspected retrospectively. The probabilistic model was developed considering only shifts in the process mean. A direct search technique is applied to find the optimum parameters which minimizes the expected cost function. Numerical examples illustrate the proposed procedure. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.